HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-10-22, Page 3T114 FARM.. Song -Seeds. er 0, 0. AAa1.^assa. Gather la the coeds of so0g, Poet while the year is mellow, And -the Maida of God Ile yellow In the eunehlne broad and strong. Gather in the goodly grain To the storehouse of the brain, Fill the 'heart's deep meaty With rich increase, royally ; Brim theirllberal epaoea o'er With the aeaaon'e choicest store Let the tresauredaden plains Echo with the reaper's strains, Fill the pleasant harvest ways With the aiekle's fiery blare; Get thes G t pearl ae d ofthe dew Where 'en nightly laid anew. Wia the pliant grace tkat plays in the flag -leaves of the maize;; Oateh the syllables, that para Whieporing twist the .rens and grave; In the garden watch an hour For the soul of shrub and flower. Aek the West Wield, coercing fleet, For the charm of muelo Tweet; Near the plaintive notes that Taft Through each dying interval. Glean while genial tight is here. Winter cometh on apace, When there's' need of singing cheer Wiater'astorm and gloom to chem. Spirits blithe shall with thee go Where the richest herreett grow. Picl inge- EARLY FATTENING OF Pres.—It ie time to begin fattening pigs, Cold weather will Poen entre, when a large proportion of the food will leo used a in meIntafnin file ens Oriel heat. A pound of tat ay be made now, at ba he octet of that which, may be made later.od many pigs that have been neg- lected' until too lata, will Dost all they are worth for their feeding, and might better be Wrecked on the head at once, and the food kat to better uaea, Every farmer should new that the first tat pigs that are sold are always the meat profitable, OAR STICKS.--Ootabor,November, Decant- lies=scut stick., rotain their toughness and elaitloity longer than those out at any other time of the year. Thera should be a number secured every year such as will be useful for binding poles, plow -beams, wagou- tougnos, and similar things, Don't cut a an- gle sapling that ought to stand to make a tree. Leave the bark on, and ley the choke up to oeaoou. White 'alta, grown an up- land hill -aides, if you nae spare them, con• eldering that they will be worth a great deal fifty years bens., are the sticks to cut. Warm Feetoes ex Er rrun.: The white deckle which coeur in butter when it is taken from the churn, disapeter if properly work- ed. The butter should be removed from the churn, sitar washing in the granular form. It ahould be salted before workiiog. with much more salt than Is desirable to have re- tainedki i slightly. butter, working it n ,Lha t in r B n oll t in the bow Brine will form, end o eel 1. Turn the butter over in the brine, and divide it a few time with the ladle. After three to six hours, work the butter to a uniform conelatency, but no more, riming with a Iit. tie cold water. The epeeist wilt have disap- peered. Sire Been nom Saint's i, Aa the weather grows colder, shelter for sheep and 1 theyounganimals, a and er cella llas Is' very ineemema y. It is eqally eceaeary in the warmer southern climate, as in thenorth,. because it it not the actual, but the relative gold which hurts. A reduction of tempera- ture from fifty to thirty degrees, is not so injurious as that from eighty to fifty degrees when storms prevail, bcoauee the eufi"ering is greater. The heavy rains, too, which pre - rail in the ,ibuth, load down the sheep with a heavy wki�ec$ht of water,. under which those kk�� with thio flees, are sometimes unable to d with few board rise. A rad, overheard, a w e all around the upper part, leaving all aides open near the bottom, ie convenient, and easily made. Carex of STRONG BoTTER,—There are eeveral; reaoons for butter becoming strong, Among Velem are : using pads and pans that are not thoroughly cleansed from stale milk ; setting the mine in damp, badly ventilated cellars or mllk-houses ; keeping the milk too long, until it gets very sour ; churning too slowly, or in an unclose churn ; not tak- ing all the butter -milk out of the butter ; keaping the butter 10 a warm, badly -aired or mouldy place ; these all cause the batter to become strong, which is the effect of de. compositioh in it. The food or water of the cow, will also cause this trouble. LICE -DESTROYING NEST Etat.—An ex- change describe# nest eggs, made by filling blown egg -shells with piaater of Pirie, to which a few drops of carbolic sold is added. It is thus accomplished: by making a large hole in one end of an egg, and a pin-hole in the other, the oontente may be blown out. Planter of Paris, which maybe bought at the druggist's, or of the dealer in mason' and painter's supplies, when wet with water to the consistency of thick cream, will soon set ae hard as atone. The mixture with water is made, the carbolic acid stirred in, and the shell is filled. It makes a perfect nest egg; and the warmth of the hen gradually eva- porates the carbolic acid. This is said to be euro death to the lice ; at least, it prevents nests becoming such a harbor for them as they usually are. , WHY MILS ON.TIIE ItIGHT SIDE OF THE COW to --It is a mete matter of custom. The right hand is usually strongest, and ought to be next to those teats which are hardest to drain, or which have'the moot milk, in order that all may be finished about the same time. It ie a clear waste of, time to finish with the one set of teats, before the others are half milk milked out.- Still, while moat, gentle cows will allow themselves to be milked from: either aide, many will not, and it is most convenient to milk all the cows in one stable on the same bide, because the cow ,quickly learns to' put herself in a. convenie t position, and because several milkers h be at work' at once, and would interferwith one another, should they go to either side of the cow indiscriminately. As usual, the right gide is right. CORN AND Con MEAL.—An Ontario far- mer Bays : " My neighbors, men of experi- ence in stock raising ,claim it is not disir- able to grind corn and oob together ; please inform me whether it is or not ?" Your neighbors are right, and we are glad to know of anybody's neighbera,who are at the same time practical, old-fashioned far - mere, who do not ciing to the absurd peso-. in heir. cattle eat cob -meal tics of reeking t , which is little, if any better than so much sawdust. In foot, they would digest a por- tion of the sawdust were it tolerably fine It is like making a fire of water -soaked, "Josey wood, whioh in burning consumes all its own heat in evaporating its own water. So if cattle had nothing but corn oohs to eat, they would starve . to death. It costa more vitality to digest them, than they con- tribute in the from of nntrinient. They are actually eo much worse than nothing as food for stook. .s111. --ss'.. Only two children have been born in the White House since it was built, Baseball is older than we thought, as a squint at historyp hat made apparent. The Emperor Dominitian occupied his leisure in catching fliers. Morbid News' - Making.. - journalists, literary men, those who i1iake It their occupation to write Oe prepare mat- ter for the newspapers, are, as a ohms, atick- lere for respectability, and if one's claim in that behalf be casually impugned hie indig- nation is aroused and he declares himself " insulted," Yet who that reads several newspapers does not know the want of com- mon decency exhibited in some of them, Sensation appiyera to be the controlling mo- tive in the maannaaggement of certain daiiioek ; and it is reflected by the large, flaring head - linea that meet theeye at the . top of every colm en ; it glows in the startling titles that impreae the reader that he le about to be in- formed of sommucething h out of the ,or- dinary ; and it is salient to the phraaee, the treatment of the subject, fn every ilea and word. In some of these a straining for humor it the prominent characteristic, and the editor- ial and reportorial wit is exerted to convert everything into fun, If there be a phase of the irote.qne however small, in offence against social order, it is seized and magni- fied until it becomes the thief element of the nmpublished, Item Ahideona crime, even urderle treated with facetious garulity. In certain denies the cardinal " virtue" he completeness of detail, especially ae regards the vice' that abound in eoclety. `" Get everything" is the mandate issued by the chief teeth reportorial staff—and the read - ere of such papere are " feasted" with long agreed' of diluted fact and high-oolered fire tioe auoenis events in rivetel aud public life. Floating bits of pcdal, family dif• ferencee, ohurchtroublea, theatrical disputes, the divorce court', furnish the stook that falle whole pages with disgusting narrative, There is much rivalry shown in fullness of detail regarding events that embody horror. A suicide, a murder, a riot, an epidemic le blazoned in great capitals, and extra edition.' are published to food the publio eppetite'for such morbid stuff, An Eagli.h visitor thus nates hie impressions of the literature most prominent in our news silicatet " Take up a New York morning paper and you will. find the platform uttorannoeof your chief atateemen diemfaoed in a few word., while its lording pages wil be cover- ed with headings such as "She Shoots Her - 8014' 6 Attacked by a Negro in Her Home,' ` The Child Polygamist,' ' Minn Jona. Elopes,' `She Left 11im Forever,' He Lov- ed .liar too "lT ell,' ---and ao en, ad :tat ea n. In London thie kind of newspaper work is entrusted to The .l'ap'se ROWS and Town Talk, and other such papere which reepect- able citizens would never admit into their home and no respectable hotel would leave on its tables." Meanwhile the public appetite far thie atuif'has been 'stimulated and cultivated by the newspapers, and ite mephitic corruption loss been sown is the blood of the excitable masses, to bring forth in time harvests of vice, crime, diem*, and death. 1't1hy can not something be done to purify the press and make it the teacher of truth, duty, manliness, honor, and purity? Why will not our reapectablo brother' and sisters who write for the culuaani of this or that newspaper aim to treat facts as facto, suppress the mnnecossary and improper, leave punishment forxoa .d n t w of legal euoritiee, turn a deaf ear he t thto the eo uniel-monger, au I let private strobe re- Ina`n private prop rty Y Phillip Brooks said In Beaton not long ago: "If we could awe@p intemperance cut of the country we could wipe out almost all the poverty in the land." He might have added : " Gentlemen of the press, if you would frown upon every oor- rupting influence that now finds easy access through yourpena to the page' ofyour naw'- papers andperiodicals, you would wield such power in the land over the minions of impurity and wrong that intemperance, like other forma of vioe, would be rapidly dim- iniehed,"—PArenological Journal, Newspapers in Schools, A writer in the Current, after deploring the lamentable ignorance of public affairs and transpiring events displayed by the average scholar of the schools of the coun- try, thus argues for the introduction of news- papers into the public schools :—"Remove the old-fashioned reading -books from the schools, and replace them with the better newepapere of the country. Of course, this is not meant to apply to the primary read- ing-books—the primer, first and second read- ers. Because the ohlld,until it has advanced beyond these branches, has not attained that degree of intelligence which would enable it to grasp the meaning or retain in its mem- ory the facts contained in a newspaper ar- ticle, But thie objection does not a apply to the child who leas reached the age of twelve or fourteen years. At that age the average American youth is fally capable of understanding and remembering what he reads. It may be objected that the aver- age newspaper" contains a good -deal of ea called news that would be injurious, rather than beneficial, to the youthful reader; and that the style of language used by many newspaper writers is not of a sufficiently classic oharaoter to be utilized for the culti- vation of the youthful mind. To the first of these objections it may be answered that, while it is tree that much that would be at least worthless in the education of youth ie published in all newspapers, yet the judg • went and discretion of the intelligent teach- er may be safely relied upon to select only that for perusal which will be both belie - Mal and instructive. As to the second ob- jection, it may be said that while itholdegood in many—alas 1 far too many—oases, yet there are plenty of newspapers fn the coun- try thatoan be relied upon as not only hon- est exponents of current events and public. opinion thereon, but also equally as fair re- preaentativee of the purity of the English language as are the school readers. Of bourse, in- the selection of 'newspapers for schools the judgment and intelligence of the school boards and teachers must be trusted, not only to make the discriminations al- ready cited, but also to use due ooneideration in choosing between the partisan and the non-partisan press.. A good deal of thought and some little investigation of this subject have convinced nee that the adoption of some such policy as is here suggested would be a long stride toward perfection of what fa al- ready the best and .greatest and grandest educational ayetem in the world." "Personal --Dear Ned, come back ; all is forgiven. Pa kicked the wrong man, and didn't know it was you, Come immediatly. -May," A process hart been devised by a Russian inventor of so impregnating wood with a certain chemical that matches made from it can be used several times over. "A new policeman on the beat," remarks an esteemed contemporary. Well, that's too' bad, The old policeman' was on the beat, too, Times don't seem` to improve any. Customer (entering unexpectedly) —"So, sir,: I've caught you putting water in the milk." Milkman--"Yes—er—no—that 1F, sir, I'm only washing it. You don't s' ore I'm going to serve my customers with dirty milky do you ?" STRANGE BUT TRUE. In France, as well as in Italy, Mary is frequently added to a clatinotively mascu- line name as a remembrance of the Virgin. Thus Hugo was Victor Marie, and the late Pope was Giovanni Maria, The term "Niki) at" was invented by Tutgllened in'1862, and was used to desk - nate .a set of freethinkers and students who destroyed no life but thoae of many thou- sands of frogs, experimental phyaiology and medicine being their favorite study, The revolutionary movement to which the name of " Nihilism'" was afterwards applied in 1871-72, and for five or six years was quite a ifi ro y g pec a p pa an lit movement, assnmpani- ed b no sot of violence. In the camp of a New York regiment was a pet crow belonging to Henry Duval, This orow had but one leg. It was fed in the preseuce of other crows, that looked with wonder at its fearlessness, They evidently supposed bis„ foes of a leg accounted for the care he received, for one day, when it was whistled'for to come to its dinner, a crow stepped from% crowd of visiting Brows, hop- ped leg o Iine 1 g to the soldier, oto heartily, and hopped twenty feet away. Then it let dowa its other leg, which had, been hidden under its wing, and flew away. Young women in white, with pages in green at their heels, made the eye of the Austrian Emperor twinkle as the pro -evasion at Pilton filed pest loin the other day. But Pition 1' celebrated for its breweries ; con- sequently the bar of Gambrinue weal the chief attraction of the cavalcade. The Beer Kiwg, a giant, when opposite the Emperor emptied an enormous 471 to his health with a mighty "Hook 1" in which thous- ande joined. Cask* innumerable, largo and small came next, with coopers at work on the carts, The gardenera, surrounded with paha trees and flower*, rolled pant, with the goddess Fiore, attended by children, A. newly married couple, with hundreds elf the peasantry wearing their national (Keto nee, and 230 minora from the mince of the neigh- borhood closed the praceselon. The famous village of totem poles at Wrangel, ,Alaska, !lea along the beach, he mountain, rising high in the rear, with snow on their tops, About a dozen white people live there. There are about 20 houses or tints. Tho designs of the totem poles are different. On the top of one perched n rave en—they are all of wood, and sometimes the tree or log from which they are nude ie hal- lowed out in the back, another tope off with A flab or a b' . r, and humour and gravity are comically intermingled. One of the simpl- eat, and yet moot lntereating poles, has a bear on the top lookiegdown with a grin, as much es to say, "idere I rm, high and dry. and well out of your way." Tracks of the bear are cut In the upright pole --a foot and a hall thick on three aides' of it, the toe. all pointing up. An Indian grave, built of loge laid up " oorn•oob house" fashion, is surmounted by a life-size wooden figure that closely resembles an elleg ator, although et is a mystery where these Indians got the idea of an alligator. On a farm at Pottstown, Pa , rabbits gir- dled a total young apple trees name yearn ego, In two easel of choice fruit the own - or undertook to save the trews, The young ehoote which usually spring up from below' tie "girdle " were allowed to grow long enough to reach the sound bark above the "girdle," and then inverted under the bark, after the manner of inoculating trees, and securely tied. They grew and nourished the main stem of the tree above, and .now, after some years, the trees rent entirely up- on their inserted supports and are as vigor- ous as any to the orchard. One of these trees has five of theses " legs," which have now by growth been almost consolidated. The other tree bas aeven, all entirely dis- tinot as yet, but growing closer. The old atom below the insertion Is dead and decay- ed in the one tree and in the other It ie en- tirely gone, and they look as if standing up- on atools. The Yacht Livadia. The Czar Alexander II,'s famous yacht, the Livadia, turned up long ago as a coal hulk in the harbor of Sebastopol, This is an ignominious ending for a craft which was expected to revolutionize marine archi- tecture and which was certainly one of the moat georgaue vessels ever built. No such vessel had been since Noah navigated the eastern waters; her hall was bidden in a projecting basement whieh supported a row of piUare ; she had four tiers of decks paved with black, white and red marble ; there was a magnificent marble fountain; the baths were hewn from white marble blocks; rows of electric lights illuminated the sal - clone and avenue -like corridors, and the many sets of appartmente were finished in rare woods and atones, furnished with the most costly trappings and ornamented with Oriental splendor. Althonghethat Livadia was more like a fairy palace than a modern yacht, and it is not strange that the impres- sion went abroad that one purpose of her creation was to dazzle the Asiatic mind and increase the awe and mystery with which it regarded the Czar. Bat the Livadia was not a safe Bailor,and she was practically dis- carded as worthless. 7-.�s�►•i "The Proper Study of Mankind is Man, says the iilufttioaa Pope, If he had iuolud- ed woman in the list, he would have been nearer the truth, lend to poetical Dr, R. V. Pierce has made them both a life study, espeolaily Roman, and the peculiar derange - meats' to n hick her delicate syeten le liable. Many women in the laud who are acquainted with Dr. Pierce only through his "Favorite Prescription," bless him with all theirheartr for he has brought them the panacea for all. those chronic) ailments peculiar to their 'etc; suck aa leucorrbcea, prolapses and other dis- placements, ulceration, "internal fever," bloating, tendency to internal canner, and other ailments, Price reduced to one dol- lar, By druggists: Five minion pounds of dynamite are used annually for blasting purposes in the terri- tory west of the Missouri river, Red-haired girl's can now rejoice with exp. seeding great jay, for strawberry -blondes aro infashion. Iin xm tr, Corea Decree will give Positive and Instant le1iof to those suffering from om Colds, Hammerless, Sere Throat, etc., and are invaluable to orators and vocalist,. For sale by draggseta and confectioners. R. T WATSON, Manufacturers, Taranto. Large flat buttons are the style for street jackets, Newmarkets, and long slaters. £100,000,000 ix THE BRITISH COURT or ' Cela.tcr:xr 1-- 11, !ergo part al tb veld; u is 'sa b g cion *tot 1 a g he people f America, Goy d' Co,,,41, S uthan'pton Buildings, Holborn, Eng., have duet published a LIST OF the helve to this enormous wealth. Reader, send a, dollar and thby will forward yon tide valuable Lr. c ; and if yon find by it that you are entitled tel any money or property, claim, your own, Cox & CO. will show you the way,. We are to have another velvet and velve teen season. Prevention Better Than. Cure. Many of the diaeasea so prevalent in these days are caused by using soap containing impure and iufeotione matter. Avoid all rink by using Perivecarox Laundry Seep, which IS absolutely pare, Ask your grocer for PzarEcrrox. Manufantnred only by the Toronto Soap Co. A "duck of a girl" map be very clearly watched, er ten to one ebe'll go off and marry some quack, a, P. 2511. Blowing Vp Hell Gate has been a laborious and costly work, bat the end justifies the effort. Obstructioni in any important channel means- disaster. Obstructions in the organs of the human body bring inevitable disease. They must be cleared away, or physical wreck will follow. Keep the liver fn order, and the pure blood courses through the body, con- veyinghealth, strength and life ; let • it be- come disordered and the channels, are clog- ged with impurities, which remelt in disease and death. No other medicine equals Dr, Pierce's " Golden Medical Discovery " for acting nponthe liver and purifying theblood. The increasing masoulinity of English girls is a topic for many • London essayists. In dress, talk and manners it is the fashion) with daughters of wealth and refinement to be as much like their brothers as deoorum will allow. The bone of Pizarro lie in the Lima Ca- thedral, a building that was finished in 1540 and aoet nine millions. We guarantee the speedy, 'painless and permanent cure without knife, caustic or salve, of the largest pile tumors. Pamphlet and references Bent for two letter stamps. World'e Dispensary Medical Aasooiation, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. "The canny Soot" ought to go into the fruit -canning buianeea. Jackets are in great favor, and are of a number of varied shapes and atylea. It is the testimony of all men who have tried it that "Myrtle Navy" tobacco has the most delicious flavor of any tobacco in the market, and that it leaves none of the unpleasant effects in the mouth which most tobaccos do. The reason for this is the high and pure quality of the leaf, which is the finest known in Virginia, and the absence ofall deleterious matter in the manufacture. HUMS FOR crony GREAT.--susamAa.--JoIJ 3.1 ALIT. Guelph ASH YOUR OR00F•R IMPERIAL FRENCH SHOE mamma �URE REED 4 05WU1 a sot ale; two co+ri, twtw• r drawl Roo, Yearling midheifers > pedigree to il 0 eBas , Trefiwr r It le conceded by all that the Daxa-rio_ / \,Bralssat Cot roe Kingston, Is deaereed•/i1t iT the meet popular liminess training ecbool in Canada.AL FR R8A Aoil B a FARR ell L. Thorne.caeca b utiles Baal of the city' of St. Tho'Fo particulars address J. J. LEWIS, New Sarum, Oo �ny ILI. SOME 2iESP=SIRE SALESMAN ( (or lady) who coastdere himself worth 610u amo to toW. K,w uMSN Brantford. nthr w) iIa a afford. MI ACIit:NF 1.Y FOR SALE—EXCISES A110 tyL Boilers, Saw and Shingle Mills, Vetting Fac- tory Outfits, Stove and Heating Machines, water wheels, Chapping Mille, etc, Send for descriptive catalogue, and Mention what you want (Mention Oslo paper) H. W 11-TRIE, Brantford, Ont. OEdrs AGAINST ALL PREJUDICE A wllliatpa' Eye Water bee proved tteelt a manes br all who h se uredo . wording to direction' if their a,eswere curable. as •lI Imo by the uac�aretgnod °C1'3111111* It cued me, 8.yeare blipd, caonifat failed 0artit hs10u ed me, occollet would no,. try ma pAp�lexander Wand; a rears blind, (lase, Amlott; 1 i eeroIElie tt 'Ask Dufour Seen blind to and nWbol e -Ly man Sona It Oo„ 181811. E ani St. M:ntrea3, FOR PLEASANT SEWING --USE ONLY,... Clapperton's Spool Cotton 1 Warranted FULL Length, and to run smooth on at ening maohlae. See that Onar?saToN'a bane icor e Ubel. arra 80.. e. all DryGoode Dealers. RL,V REEDIED DISFECTANT SACHETS, placed in Drawers, Trunks, wardrobes, bey drive away and deetroy]feths and otherineeete, imparting carriedorworn upon and ioath the person theume y are by their powerful concentrated disinfectant proper. ties, a perfect means of protection against Intention of disease, giving off at the Baine time a moat delight. fur odor; made entirely of satin in assorted colo very pretty, unique, and neat. Every one should have them. Pries IOo, each—three for 26o. Thyme.. Cresol Soap, the great English disinfectant toilet soap, awarded the gold medal, London, Eng., 1884, Large cakes, price 15o , or 35o. per box of 8 cakes, sent postage paid to any address upon receipt of price Address. avxo•CRseor, COnnL\T, 759 Craig St., lion - treat Circulars and descriptions of our English Thy- mo•Creeol preparations mailed free on eppllostlon. Agents wanted. Wnte for terms. Allan Line loyal Mail Steamships Salthieduring winter 'from Portland every Thanes and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool and la ramose from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, villas at Los donderry to land mails and passengers for So Irani an Ireland. Also from Baltimore, via Halifax and 8c). John' N.F., to Liverpool fortulghtly daring summer months The steamers of the Glasgow liner Nail daring *labs to'andirom Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadel phis ; and during summer between Glaaeow and Mont treat weekly; Glasgow and Baton, weakly; and Mug*and Philadelphia, fortnightly.' For freight, passage, or other fnforniatioe apply to A. Schumacher ee Co., Baltimore; 8 Cunard & Oo. Halifax • Shea & Co., St. John's N. F; Wm. Thomson & Co., St. John, N. B. Allan & Co., Ohioago; Love & Alden, Naw York ; H. Bonnier, Toronto -Allan. Rae h Oil Quebec; wm, Brookle, Philadelpphia; H. A Allan, .Portland. Boston. Montreal. BUY THE IMPROVED OONBOY ,anlage Tops AS THEY ARE THE MOST STYLISH, CONVENIENT, AND MOST DURABLE TOP IN THE MARKET There are over Twenty Thousand of these Tops now in use, and are giving better satisfaction ti than any other. The manufacturer of these Celebrated Carriage Tops, owns more patents for im- provements, and makes a greater variety than any other firm in Canada or the United States.' THEY ARE FOR SALE BY ALL THE LEADING CARRIAGE ' BI7ILDERS AT PRICES THAT CANNOT BE SURPASSED BY ANY THAT IN ANY WAY APPROACH THEM IN QUALITY. FACTORY & SALEROOM, 407 to 413 King St. West, P' zWN'TO. wATER $?4R AITEItI B •oo rer Oaf BOEING Q has no aa�os;•, 7Q WELL f?R N rose per hour, bawd or 6oree•priree ooarblaed aad reek 40114 maehlre • arced aW nes; tyrlser and diplomas. send for catalogue. 40 SAIRY STUMM, iiAMU4ON CANADA JANjS PARE & SON; Pork Packers, Toronto. G L, 0. Bacon Rolled Spice Bunn 0. 0, Biose, IV Sea llama, Sugar Oared Faso, Dried Beef. B ask Bacon, Smoked Tongues, Mess Por Plakl. ed Tongues, Cheese, Family or Navy Pork Lard: fa Tuba and Bails. The Beet Brands of Raagi rine osier Bali be Ski y ' ; 1021,, Z LaJ tutt 4:4 13— Le .. C SS r 134 70 lb Improved.Dolomaeo Tae Xs I efeaNll Washes ** iniad woaaen :er lrzls s Wd wl bleeat .aof,a wash* as wYtb _rare kl eo cashew dap rate pate; t. trlsl andtearitory gives Ladke peaks K cletinSe,. eallocsand scary l►dy will bap atte�aoom ryh le, or no salt. Ansa; F;RMMA Oq aatani*eia.4 e.etnr.a.7e Janie Stmt. TO&OriT0.4 snada OTICF. Adapted twB aslsreWork. . No willAastraes to Minn tress. Easy eo matt teaat. Workbag quailtise guarantee& Hisser re. fended it not ea sithotory attar a fair trial, Prroe., tin without collar. and Writhe. Taal' r Numerous Consumers;1 DEwE-- < Q1.ito+li,t'EG & WAR OP1'r, f?a account of the totem crop at lase being 1* poor. we did ant buy maoh, aad sal.oted only the best of it, as we always wish to keep our T. "& Myrtle" brand pp to the standard; and therefore there may ha a Boracite of "T. & B.. Myrtle" Plug for asbort gees, It wee is the caw there will be a full supply OA the market by the end of October. The tobacco wo ars now about to zaiaufacbore is the fipost we base ever had, and we know it will please cur numerous ogpsar iers.. Youn retpeetiully, CEO. E. TUCKETT & SON. CUT TRIS OUT l The New Vo•Overatiye Sewillg ladilile ,..,,. TER— BEST ER—BBST IN THB MA;;RKBT. ` ombi kltacic sed Cetirt '11=1► iT411]• l win lZllltlilt3'iqiit! >9oales, l!<'urnrerar• 1 dlsatilr 8uld lAalvy isr Seale*, Seale* for piens! TANDARD SOA E Latest Improved Attachments ler Uwe price �o similar niachine !8fi Our price only 125 each. Radom bods* 8804 m damp for our glwoe took Ir� and 'ample g of enteesewing. gaannks for aures scarp sad seat o Aar tats wart 0c) a miehlos will do well b writs The 00 -Operative Sewing Ldiuiic Co. 22 JAMES ST, SOUTH. H8MILTON L'. Housekeepers, Consult Your Best Interests By purchasing a wale, and In buying out be sae* to get the beet. Our scale* are fully warranted 3c) t are particular. All floes Ratiye,ad.l'Pareiesstse anMill Trucks . ,Alarm Money Drawers. For sale by the Hardware Trade geuoraly. 13. instated Cita/ngue and Price LeAt forwarded upon sppUcatton, GURNEY & WARE HAMILTON. Wt netraaa--Montreal and Wlanipeg°, UEEN CITY OIL WORKS AGIIN VICTORIOIS « HIGHEST ' HONORS AND GOLD MEDAL FOB F � senses tl 11 At Toronto, Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used On all the Machinery during the Exhibition. It has been awarded SIX GOLD MEDALS during the last three years. or See that you get PEERLESS. It is only niade by SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. $10 Reward for the Conviction Of Dealers who Sell in - i cow. S feria' 011 af' neir esti M8' 'ltfacsture fpr !ILARDINE 31iA16arn Oxxm s PLO rev. Eureka, Cylinder, Bolt ++For sale b ail leatiin dealers, 1 McColl Eros. & Ca. Cutting & Wool Oils I y g Toronto, MERiDEN BRITANNIA COMPANY. FINEST Electro Plate CAUTION Goode stamped Mad. den Silver Plate 0o.,. are not our make. It yonwant reliable goods Insist on getting thorn made by the MERIDEN BRITAN NTA 00., HAMILTON. ONT. ExamineThefr Superior Merit!' NEW:HARRIS HOT TAR FURNACES 0 0 0 The Most Effective, Clean, Durable and Economical Heaters in the Market for warming and" ventilating Churches, Schools, Public Buildings, stores and Private Residences. Simple ire construction and easily managed, capable of giving more heat with less consumption of fuel than any other beating apparatus. its' Absolutely Gas Tight.' Et Seven elzee are made and can be set either l Brink or Portable Form. Correapondeaoe solicited. For Catalogues and further information addrear, THE E.& C. GURNEY 1 C (LIMITED.) MELAIONICIXIMICIMIC