HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-02-13, Page 8NATz- TAU
I�eIld►. lIoi a trtatt. ra: "rbtz true grid- 'this 111i1k ,tucl beat, 1l11 one minutet(t' i .
the sifted dry ingredients. Add melted
at a White kitchen .table, flanked. Yi.Y
n, deep:44)1)yd,, pito:hi...v. tilled with rich,. .C.INGE1.03)11;7A1) WAFFLES ,
lOr a perfect griddlecake meal, sotue,1 eup boiling water, . 1 :; clip nail-
eitrus fruit, spiced sausages ana coffeel asses,. 1,-3 cup sugar, 1 egg, slight-,
are the only other fpods. needed apart 1 .. ly beaten. 1 cup ,,tiour. 1 i tsp. salt.
roro, th., griddli.• cake „ingredients. 1 t tsp. soda.., .1.. tsp. baking poWder,
There 'he sits, and its the lace-t•dged 1 tsp. ginger, -1i?, tsp. (4,innatuou, i .
_pancakes or pat tented waffles are tsp. cliivi•s.' . , * „
baked and come' off t he iron, he"' eats Place shorten ink; in a mixing bowl
lais fill. That is a profile of,. the true and pour boiling N\ a ter 01 er' it. Add
and ardent griddlecake fan. molasses, sugar and egg. t4,tir ill t10111',
Barring the privilege I told you of, sifted with salt, soda, baking- powder
let us hope the electric waffle iron is and ,pice. Cook mixture 111 hot waffle
set upon the di
_tang -room table.: Be- iron:. Syr\ e wit h rup iir With COI -
cause "hot off the griddle- is t he best tage cheese. Makes three or four.
WAI'FLES one eta) buttermilk. 1, cue sneet
Two cops sifted ratio tlour; 2 milk. 1 egg. NVi'il 1 1,p.
fat. 2 thsps. cornmeal. 2 cup!: Woo..
Nlix ingredients in order given. Bak,.
in t•luctrie waffle 'iron or sizzling hot
eggs separated 1-1. tsp. salt, 3 tsps.
baking powder,' 1 1 cups milk. I1
tbsps, melted shortening-.
:Using elevtric mixer. beat whole eggs
one minute' using high speed. Add greased 1.,,:rithlle pan. -1\ hen hubbies
•S1'1'10 With s„-tusag-es -or with fruit fon,
dessert. Mtikes ten t
)114. 1111(1 :f-11111 1. clips Prepared pan -
Business and Piofessional
p to $3,000
A NEW Dominion Government Act provides that war vewans,
*- -reside t Canad 'and'entitled to War Service Grants, may
borrow up to $3,000, on long terms, at reasonable interest rates,
for business and professional purposes, as follows:
The Purchase of a business or of an inte'rest in a business.
No -extra 'charge for the use
of our Funeral Home, TofOn-
to Street
Ref rigeration
Manning Refrigeration
Call tor Free rstimate
Activitiesbf rural boys' and girls' clubs in -Canada, inwhichthere are eaxly,
40,000 members, include a wide variety of practical projects in livestock field
Crops, horticujture and home economics. Competition, marked by good
sportsmanship; is an important 'part of theslub program. Local, district and
provincial competitions culminate in the annual program Of national -project
contests, and educational, features, sponsored by the"'Canadian Cotmcil .•
BoyS' and Girls' Club Work. Forty-two teams, of two members each, parti-
ci ated in tho national-elub.eventior.194_6, held in conjunction with the Royal
inter Eair24,--,The pietaxoWsve Miss lines Berg, Millicent, Alta., observing a —
The purchase or reiair of instruments, tools, machinery
or other equipment to be used in a profession, trade or
The totstruction, repair or. alteration of a building used
or to 4., used in carrying on a,profession, tra,de or business.," •
This Bank is authorized to make these Veterans' Loans, and our
Managers.. will .be glad to givc Ifelpful advice arKI assistance to
all entitled to such loans.
. Veterans may freely consult our Managers — many of them
veterans themselves — as to, how they can conveniently borrow
for business apd professional ptirposei:
(formerly, Cunningham SerPryde)
Box 150, or phone 41.1,
' Guaranteed workoaanship at
prices that •will please you.
'tall at our office: or drop us a
line to Box 161, .Goderieh. 'We
will be pleased to eall and help
choose a suitable memorial for
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Skin Affeotionk Often
tause, For Unhappiness
Are you ashamed of your. appearance because
of a iikin rash, boils, pkraples or. other. skin affections /
- Too few pebple realize that these affections may
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To get relief from skin troubles, boils and .
pimples, try Burdock Blood Bitters: This .vegetable compound acts on
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4 B.B.B. has brought relief to thousands.of other Canadians suffering -
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For II prompt' sind efficient way to obtain
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$ I N ET
aisolief is a White Powder to 1;e Used 'as a Sault
at the seat at the trouble and. you win
feel tbe. benefit in a very few !oblate&
It its also reemarineaded for Simms trouble.
tar Ushi prodoet root the aearelay at one
et the mire laisititteets sit the erratoto, it
is *memory to restrict the statist to same
cake flour, 1-1,•2 to 2 thsps. grated , 'TOWNSHIP- COUNCIL •
orange rind, ,few gratings nutmeg,
To liflocoko flow, add orttuge .rind.1 Tile. Colborne Council (=veiled for ,
milk ,or water.
nutmeg and sifgar. Add - liquid,: stir , the second meeting ,of the year on
until batter is smooth. Turn int" 1 Tuesday, FehruarY 4th, in the Town -
'Pitcher. Fry tts directed for' i
)alicaeks*! shin Hall. ...k11 members present.
Makes eight. .
-1. Use a scatot measnrement- of saii-TN‘.tu • an advance -of $900 on. the ',Township.
1 30 • insurance for Township Hall, Mrs'.
flour for thin hatter mixtures.. ! levy, for 1947, to meet expenditures tor Treleaven, secretarr,'4; A. R. Scott,
°. Use Sglt-free; fat t -v grease griddles: February. From Mr. W. A. Beecroft, secretary -treasurer • Goderich High
and waffle irons since stilt causes, Chairman of the Huron county„Ttiber- School District Board, $900; J. F. Wilt
mixtures to stick to metal. Melt tat t culosis 2.kssociation, thanking the Colin- son, 5 cords wood -for ToWnship Hall,
and- gffini iVir a g'illivirmiromir'f.ron4; or foK it-, zibutteqr-to—tbr—ebrIsimas -54-44-. Towil '0-.
the top to use. Pork' fat is bettet , seal fund;.•from Leroy G. Brown, secre- '
.. $10; Wm. Westlake.,balance of salary
-The Council adjouroed to meet
March 4th at 2 p.m.
• * thou butter as the latter burns easily. hary Huron- County -Crop Improvement
:3:- When electric awaffle iron ' is Pre, i ASSOCiati.911, re weed -eradication; from
Heat griddle pan until 'it is hot Init! ,;,, appropriation bylaw covering, road
never; smoking bofore pouring in the i expenditures in 1947, ,
4:Pour batter' from a pitcher about 1/3, spoke for a short time on the bylaw
cup at a time. Do not spread batter., Oassed by the County Council with
Allow about 10 to I?. minutes on each regard to the cutting - down - of. trees.
side. to bro.wo—when „bubbles begin! Ile asked for co-operation' in the con -
to form in, pancukes, it is tinu• to i servation of trees. .
turn and .when steam . stops eoming. Mr. jackson, selling agent for. snow-
- forth from sidi_•• of. wqtTle iron it is i fence; wlls preSent. He stated that the
time to lift out,. - ' ; order given him hist falt-by the,CounCil
5. Stack, pancakes land. waffles on. end I for 2,000 feet of snowfence could be
'to prevent soggineSs. Serve on hot 1
. filled shortly. Council agreed to .have
The • Clerk was instructed_ to notify
.,Clerk Miller that the Council
6. Spread .soft butter (neither ,hot nor ;
maple syrup. , ' _. ' ' i requests . that all the propert3 in the
. . • ' Township of Colborne taken over by
. TILE QUESTION IrtOX. ' • I the Cl,otinty .for reforestation be placed
Mr. C. J. aSks: Ilow dp you prevent on the 'equalized assessment over the
gravy from becoming greasy..? — ' 1 whole County. '
' Answer: Let ' the. -juice in "Ihs....,pan I Moved by James Horton, seconded
stand 'fi-it 3 or A Miifliteg after You re-; by Harold Montgomery, that the Reeve.
move- the' meat, Then skim off the top' and Howard Squires 'be a committee
greAseA and save ftirr- halting. *Brown! to -purchase a piano for the. Township
and• quickly stir in the meat juice.; Moved by Ross Fisher and second
Add hot water or potato 'Water to thin! by James Horton, that the- Clerk notify
to deSired consistency. '; I County Treasurer Erskine about seme
Mrs. B. IL .ssys: 'What makes fried 'lots taken over- by the Township- from
liver very hardd? • Mr, C. McDonald. • Carried. , , ..
. Answer: Liver should be'wiped with , Moved by James Horton, -seconded
11 dry cloth --never stiak .or wash, it. 1 by Ross Fisher. that tbe.road vouchers
Pork, liver maY be scalded. Saute" and other accounts be • ordered paid:
quickly in hot fat ; browning both sides,,t,
then Cover tightly And cook 5 minutes 1 .
on electily element turned low: •This4
'method ;prt•Yents liver from! becoming:
Mrs. M. R. says: 'that . since, the sup- M: Rawlinacin tAmited regularly make
"-77.1:1)1Y•Of stareh-i* 'very -limited . it should . up anti4i3i.WHousehold Furniture. Con-
i tltr us -ed -sparingly. '‘• lien ma mg ' 7sojacinatriWasgotirmitoba, aa,..and,f,iv, 7.
1 egg; and to make sweet Sauce, use • freight rates - • ' &mobile' 'ed 1885.
part chopped fruit or graham cracker 610 lianas. Se, Toronto. ' liingadale 8121
Anne Allan invites .you to write' 'to'
in your 'Suggestions; on homemaking
problems and watch this column for
The February illeetipg of the W.:11.S.
of Victoria street United cfnirch was . .
held at the home of ;Sirs. H. Sanderson.
witla, an attendance of twenty. It was
decided to hold the meetings on the
first nimbly of each month, instead
of the 'first Monday. A membership
committee consisting of Mrs. II.
Phillips, Mrs. Walter and Mrs. .fohn
Craddock was appointed. The ne/it 1.
meeting is to be under the direction of
the Victoria Helpers' class.
Mrg. Geo. Baechler read a letter from
the Missionary Monthly- written by
:MSS Sybil Courtice of Japan, asking
for prayer and help in her work. Tills
' atrgillary has chosen Miss Courtice as
. its special missionary to be remem-
bered iti prayer. Mrs. H. Phillips led
in prayer. 4"
Reports were given by several of the
secretaries. Mrs. II. Sanderaon. gave
an interesting account of the watt
of the) missionaries In India, -as told
in the study hoOk "India at the Thres-
hold," in the chapter "The Man witb
Ilia Wooden plow and 'Ilis Church."
It SVriS stated that trot' two-thirds a
the people 'of India are engaged in
The, hoetesees for the afternoon were
Mrs. C. sanderson, Mrs. T. Talk and
Miss 'Minnie Tabb.
DO. THIS! To relieve discOmforts.
one of the beat things you Call do
is put a good spoonful of home -
tested Vida; Vapoltub in a bowl
of Ixdling water.
Then feel Welcome relief coMe
as you breathe in the steaming
medicated vapors that penetrate
to the eoltheongested upper
breathing prontgee: see how this
Soothes irritation quiets cough.
Mg, and helps pl'ear the, head—
bringing grand tomfort.
i'OR AMID IOW. tub throat,
&est and back 'with VapoRub tit
for hourg-A waysatenee-to piing
authorities at Ottawa against careless- •••••••imosolubr"'-""...•••••71•2*----
ness hi handling certain insecticides.1
It is declared that •sOme of these sub: -
'vapors for Jong periods. .The „doctors ,
and health spetialists also advise pro--;
tection -of the eyes When using sprays..
They should not be spread around near..
open'rfires,...either. Since some of them -
are -mixed 'with inflammable solvents.
C ItEaStgi 110
ghttnissat Soothes, cointorts arid quickly ash!.
graiDonlit .PIP1t neloteL: ituQua
today tot D. D. D. PINDsmurn
Your car-3iwill be -ready.
.on time AS PROMISED
WHEN WE TELL YOU that your car will be, ready .at a
certain time — you can count on it.
tefore we do any job, we will also give you an estimate
of what it will -cost.
We use special' equipment, - factory -engineered and
inspected parts, and highly trained mechanics to save your
time and money.
We are here to serve you. Any time you are not pleased --
we are not satisfied.