HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-02-13, Page 74
'The twn.+:gee of rhea I atic pains are quickly
iievcd by the We of Para,ciol. One tablet, a
ipeel ata. two hots periods, atopy the panic, •
coutmudd 'tare &tela to eyliove. cameo of pain.
,,arado deee not 'leappo':1:t.
Handbag size,
12 tablets, 35ets
° Ifconay size4
60 tablets, $1.00..
Chase's'. Oaradol
ihmeek Chapter
Reviews Year's Work
Forty-sixth" Anniversary to Be
Celebrated at Next
The annual meeting of Ahiueek
Chapter, , .®,D.E., was held, in Mac-
Kay Hall on Monday, February 10th,
with an attendance _of thirty-three.
The regent, •Mrs, C. Staniforth, pre-
sided. Reports' Li. 1946 reflected a
successful year, thanks to the co-oper-
ation of the members.
Mrs. W. P. Gallow kindly offered her
home for the next meeting; the forty-
sixth birthday of the Chaptrei.., This
WM take the fo1•ui of all j afternoon
tea after a short business meeting.
•' The ' secretary, Mrs, C. Webb, and
treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Coates, presented
comprehensive and gratifying reports
for the previous year: annual reports
veers given• by Mrs. Wilmot, education-
al secretary, Mrs. II. ('. Dunlop, post-'
war ser\�ice, Mrs, W. G. MacEwan,
service personnel and hospitality,Miss
Campbell., .correspondence secretary,
Miss A. (_;leaver, child and family w, '-
fare, Mrs. T. G. Glazier, "Echoes"
secretary, Mrs, G. Emerson, telephone,
Mrs. Erskie, 'Empire study Mrs. Ed:
I3aecliler, flower fund, 1!Xrs. Walkom,
lnelnbertlhip, Mrs. Lemaire, war service
convener, 'and Mrs. Dodd, press secre-
Empire study was taken up at nine
meetings throughout the' year. The
entertaining of overseas brides in
November was- niucll e ajoyed by the
Chapter and the guests Ind tended 'to
promote Empire friendship.
Some of the general expenditures for -
the year were: Lucy Morrison Bursary,
; Christmas box for adopted school,
$21.90 ;Music Festival scholarship, $25;
local .schools, including fonr subscripa
tions to the National Geographic Maga-
zine, three books, I.O.D.E, calendars,
:$35.80; wreath for the cenotaph, $11;
tuberculosis fund, $50; Teen -Age Club,
:tit'); cod liver olio for ,rhildren; $12,50;
baskets of fruit to vetterans, 0.; Empire
work in •Indict, $5; 1o(!1(1 hospital •gifts,
.$ 31 ; Salvation A-i'wy and Roane
l"rolit appe:il, 0_5; Canadian Cancer
Society, $25; endowment fund,• .'15.
Under the post-war relief fund, the
(1),j('(•tlre of ;;1500 ,for the second war
memorial frond w%: reached 11ed ;1d the
following donations Thoth,: .National;
' I
Don't Gamble With
1". Your Good Realth_
--- elleadeeheallt-h, js a; . riceless ass tR
a that should
,��rj C1
�. be
to .�
`� , r•�la�• i1'e�lt'#tt, '�n.Ch l.oa..�„
net o.-Tb"e'"-regran-70'1 _ ,
' .
l�f vo
u aro ro'
111•x1 -
. ed'�"by restless • nigh -is, i iritzl.-
biiity, or nervousness, try Milburn 's Health and
Nerve fills.
Manufactured under , the supervision of experienced chemists is aid
pharmacists they contain only tltc>'purrst of ingredients- For more than
:�(► years Milbu•rn's health and Nerve pills have been used by thousands
as a tonic for lrav'•d nor%,'y 1.r ruts do‘'. -n condition. • Thev ..
Shit phhg ftnn(l, $10; Belittle .and Vurop-
velerel ,Via P0110.4 reiP,Pf t 2` ; GCA
ntacn'r� , amenithni, $2U; Afghan, $2iLf ;
per,spnal c"oMforteba i, ,,$74M5.
trite balance •f>zou the poet -Vier ae-
count Wap AU and frol4l_ tlae general
amount ,$f157.59. ..
Mrs. G,, t m o,a,. cronv ester•'. of the
nominations cote elttee,, presented the
following slate of officers for the year
1947: Regent, le ria, O. i taniforth; vice-
regents, lours. W. E. Walken', Mrs. J.
Leinaire ; secretary, Mrs • H. R. Hall;
treasurer, Mrs, .A. W. Coates ; corres-
ponding secretary, Miss M. Campbell ;
"Eclioes" secretary, Mrs. T. G. Glazier ;
educational secretary, ^r rs. 13. Wilmot ;
Mee. W. (:pultlt;uxat;
child and welfare, Miss A. Cleaver;
ervicpersonnel Service pets asci 'and distinguished
visitors, Mrs. W. G. MacEwan ; post-
war service, Mrs. E. J. Prldllam flower
fund, Mrs. E. Baechler; Empire $turfy
Mrs. Erskine and Mrs. Redditt; tele-
phone, Mrs. 0. Emerson ; membership,
Mrs. W. 1'. Walkom ; press ''secretary,
Mrs. el. M. Dodd.; endowment, Mrs.
A. gale ; councillors, Mrs. C. K.
Saunders, Mrs. F."•Brophey, Mrs. N.
MacKay, Mrs. A. L. Cole, Mrs. O.
Mrs. J. W. Coates, Mrs. 13, Wilmot
and T1s: I+;: 3'. Pridhaih were appointed
to presentthebudget for 1947 at the
March meeting.
Mrs. L. L. "Skuce was agminated• as
councillor of the National Chapter and.
Mrs. D. D. Mooney of the Provincial
Mrs. J. •Lemaire and Mrs. G: Emer-
son were chosen to represent the senior
and junior recreational activities for
the community.' „
f Intended for last week)
SIIEI'PARI)T()N, Feb. 1.—\Irs. ,Gil-
ln0mr- is visiting with her Sister, Mrs.
Baird, of [lrucefieid. -
Miss Betty Mugford and Iiarold .1
Mugford, of London, spent the wet i-
end with their parents,' Mr_ and .Airs.
,1. Mugford.
\Ire and II•s, Allan Schram enter-
tained a nnillher of friends at a social
('\(lling rec•t fitly. Progressive euchre
1\01, played. 1[igb- scorers <i -ere Mrs:,
Bob Bogie and, Harold Johnston,: low
scorers, (Ij's. \I(•N(( and Tany Vroo-
n(:1n. Aftt'r\yards a dainty lunch was
se l• 141 And' music was enjoyed• for an
ho11r _
IIi s l;gather 'Thomp„sat1 of I made
''petit ,t IIt W eek-'en(1' at_ _tire tit] 4. o
r # r •
. a .1rr11rE�tii -P61$1 PT ss=i:a n11.1.t.. lit
I Kitchener with \frs, AVM. Foster and
, '
i Mrs.. Agnes Foster visited for 0—few
l•dltys in Goderich- with her (laugh ter,
! Mrs. N. Anderson,
' • Britain wants_more Canadian hell eggshi the fall and winter months and
is prepared to pay prices that will ..assure .a profatablereturn to producers.
Buying chicks in February and March means birds that will be Iaying well in,
the early fall. Current contracts with Britain assure a market for millions of
dozens of Canadian eggs. The best way to get the most profit from this market
is to buy early chicks. When the chicks are delivered don't overcrowd them
in the brooder.
Things A round - Home
•lly A.%V.i3.
The milk truck 111011. 111e* imailmall, earliest bac•1lelors-Iulllillnclaiale t'
d leas
11id -th(a baker all have my sympathy tires, to meet with- a view to niakin
t11eso day, of'sii vc aiul !(e 1(11(1 britt I (.1111!(1'1. \vi(gs to olid), anti have the
1 1111n tel nlacilinery oiled o it wot►ld
IIo\v they 111:(na;;o eery ;;:1,r s e,Isl11 anti satisfactorily work for ul(ler
u1J cumpreheusiull vv lou t+ho;a go su forlorn svyatns and t•es )ectablc
I 1 .
short, frail. tad - hln; women who.'" 1 A ori s SMQ1E IN aso
ta1Wcak iivo lQmg:uaget�- =-w .t ddeairablo Si): male' fon! fires ire' roue to lugs:-
Q'ouvoixati ):i 1, helpa)aatoq; Some t'• `
fermi lave aiid' Nowa cr veil for it, leaner ,that Sal''' 13 zrler(:i' Iiiiy /*inl�
se lte Cotlld glee only slid frleng6, .i1 c ati<bb stem titch &nal e: �acc�letistit?r�d De
)singled with ee'teeu ; aemtc hid t'or- :made ra, crime. 4.➢R all f'(ar'o)s pt Rear*
tuner, and othc lead l olden pr'oNpcets. 1csne - ..tiat of tobaC' (' $ ins w
Ile• was os'erwhelamteed i-.. ildere(l i most ,lca� 1, m sal.\ T (e. are1'e. 1°1'6 tlt�t'
.lit labt he 1o►F�t."&ais temper. iia got 1i�t ao t e leu' .(roi' 13>`at; , °
up end staxnlle(1 01), all tbese'ietters and ,
photoi:,rapbr grad, said, ,' 1 oil aalnti ,q tt.r'eel�r ,a'' dity paCr, o ' without t
rlt3ne of thelll: ' U'� went. out Intla t4), aa,t'treas maknttag Piro in soma hove! a
.the cafe. ><e met there 4 finale &'richer illa3 coaatiiient, a' Alta neaudy ever' i'saw
Who asked why be was looleing so glum. I li(nlnewe dts tbta n tl< aclaa,f h jua mill tirey�
-You should- be !mown to us`Yzz the � igy- i
est of. mortals."' He told his story to slroosible.
A law forbidding fmoking� in bed itis
more easily: pat~.secd, than e17i'ort(��d: ittl;
c i.
� ire c
n c, however, "enables hotel
managements to put up els 11 that warn
their guests it is, against ,the law 10
smoke in bed and that emphasize ttl�,e
peril of :sl;ell smoking' in a building in
which a large" number of pet'sone sleep.
Thus a formal ban on smoking in bed
tends to be a deterrent although it is
likely to fall far short of the desired
result. o •
In ;in�.ianapglis:: a new city ordinance
forbids smoking in hotel beds. A local
plan ignored the 'ban and dropped A
lighted cog r-ette-on ii sebed while• leej
pireaCied guilty
but refuse: Take • a box of chocolates
on Sunday':
m 44nednScourt
J1iaGnd. costs. Ile J
from me to her and give them to her
personally.' ° Look her over." will pay the hotel ,$4,5 for the dtestrue.
Ile did. He made Mid to- make a tion of the mattress, so his quiet q►�nn-
propl►sal*end won. da•
y `smoke will cost him upwards of
Ins friend. Ile laughed lag and ]odd,
(lid this friend. Then he said, "My
f i r.
i 6.Ild, do you really want t�n'can,arr'y?
At this he lost hie templet- again.
He came bade " with the reply, 'You
are completely idiotic. Do, you think
I would have s,pen4t three days reading
love letters from woolen I've never seen
if ' 1 didn't?"
"Listen to ane," said Id'. friend. "I
have a cousin in Geneva. She h; Swiss,
belonging to a family of greatest re-,
speer-�•-a spinster.. Morals without re-
proach! Of suitable age ; a nurse to.
i1I1 't invalid who recently died. 'Well
educated; not ugly !' Ask" lwt' `.. she can
Now to my bachelor friend who $70.
septir:s just as much in earnest to have The public generally respects • the''
somebody to preside over the breakfast liberty of' the individual. "But it had
table each morning, and help him to to take account of these whose reckless
raise the stand,lr(1 of interest in the conduct jeopardizes the lives, of hund4
homes of this conlIltjllilty, I wish I had reds of their fellows. --Toronto Star.
a prospective cousin to send, n lovely
bouquet of flowers to by•his trembling
and tvi:hful hand.
Importance of good lighting for close
- work is stressed by • the specialists, who
FRANCIS` ELATCHFORD ---- (`►� <'ta� e that"care of the ryes. is one of the"
I orae health needs of our generation.
DIES, AGED NINETY-FOUR `With reading, \vriting, draughetin "and
Iother modern techniques, : Che eyes are..
1 Front Exeter Tint es- A(Iyucllte, Feb. . f;1 +tinnier severe strain. 'j'hose' who suffer
R Francis I31atc11ford, whose memory' oyeit brief and t1I>Parently' looser. eye
carried. hint back tel the pl()Ile(�r �lzlvs + at'flii lieu, ttre urgf'd tel consult their
in Huron, rasso ` ! fauiily doctors about such ailments.
I d a y aly a t hose ho111( \What. i buthel •ing the e3tes ma b
far tial plow through so touch. 'And There is too ti for some sensible e
I n in .Exeter on 'Sunday at the ripe• old j readily remedied,. Int- serious trouble
how cheerful they keep: It is no easy` Matchmaking on 11i part of tactful age of ninety-four years. Ili. 1111(1 Ingo(! can result if these earl • \v• r` i
work 1 metol the aetu:d physical labor" men 1111(1 wumou for these more elderly ill only about LWu \i`eeks. Burn ih 1 seg-Ie(ated._ a nllsgs are
that is. elicits, • 1 hate w111bed. 191 Ilion and (1 'Ii ll who would \entttre thte Pelt -Thorough district - - his= = I r
Italca s--
twilk t-r•11ek dlitt'r-auit,g-t-ilu.1.e l;l.�,-n, Mtn marriage and make a blessing of brought him to I'shortie township when ] '
mill; cans on his fairly lri; l truck it: -or 11(.lpiug the eligible widow or Hire(' \y,ek• old. T1te 101.1;; -tri) 'Nvee1 •
Duet• le. and I tt-e dildo (•ens•. (It, not ' 'no , w illin�-'lt:irl:i is willln' ,__surf made in :I lumber wagon, II1- ea. il•
resl)ott(1"-•-givirlt; themselves a lift and of 1,:1rc•hiIa,1• c,r wiclx)we,r to i 1r - e (v t heR:youril
�. � sll.t c1- ll�;lnc. 1.11('.1 t l(,T! \\:c�.. .Il'12'('ll 111 .(tie thirty -it- I - :
IC's -firing, its lie ' 1 1 1 �• _ a •'does'.. : —' � ':i7f
...._ t p)1 ,a. lots ita.1'l.uf.1 ' ii�7i't,ro 1EifiNl-i1if�:e.;- i-r1El t�rrii�c=lln�vs dale •,�:c , _ . � , ., _: � ... - u.._ ,> . __ _.. ,••.
rt ., x_. ,_.,,_._..._, >_:. _ _, h,lko _ branlam l��-•-l�rlr�ItE�#;�i"rr-M•f�r•;rr�rt _
4' i1.et1. 1 t .S\..1 - _t _,:..
dl �rx a �, .,,.
�a � t11t adll t122l1 .tlf tf). 1)( j.�.at')
i ._..4,4v1.,,->
,.� (14 il(al(6. n t
'�a.a ..� .. _ a t�1 ,
. •''ISI+• \\ o
t E11Ii,.
t't)- 1 '1 r
, t <tl , l„r1 r 1 n(rh tet-- --- ltrrfi,rc
p 1.,4,"_. �.: _.�`i3��t+ lilf0 )a2I ride 4.s 1 :_ .: p Y ,,,,,_.....„..-......47,_:,-
_ 1(�l ,r1 c dill i frit t1 1 ; u i li t I itl 1 a _ i . . -
... _ ( f:1 , 1, csk .-.--< . 1.....1-.•••.h
- _ ..":..._ _ ..�..__._..__..,.,_ ._-._-... i.K. ��.KI% t�".1.116.,. � n ,�. �... _ __ �e..I.a.�fffe,
�x 1., �i�� it ,1:��21'��°k...p;v .: _.:., ,• ,....�atused'. y Iazy-kt(3ney:��"`:
'hazardous rile Se tv 17111 y, ciao s. i t i1,:; nt\ rv- 1 Of. the (Ii 11 t( Ii Iii i t lolls i11 liens:ill ""a�tt(bn. WFiell1 dna; s
U '� . a j l h( \v:1, for �c�•a rs : y get out of order excess
(liteh t\tlic•l1 t•1ii\ (sA ,a1 • un, eonces�iuu sats hi> t\ ifs..:tail also, the day lhoy . ,nlierirlten(111 1 of tilt M.011odlst Sun- . Acids and poisons remain t' the'system.The,) ,
side got- two or Ilii ', c:ai:.. -and vile were sledded: It was :1 romance' that (fay seltool. `•11e w;ts the „West one i -' backache, headache, eulsaafic lit +this•
t r t turbed rest or that `tired out' feelingana •
truck, which skidded pilau it. A hall began and \\;t, l'ollSn1i5o1atecl the seine bet• of the Hertsall lodge of ('ddfellows•;i
knocked .at our door one' clad: night day. a marriage of wave: Beitee, pure ; hi 1ti!►tt he sold his bla(•kslni 'r soon follow. To help ]seeyour kidneys
tilt, 11., bit. 1 .p yS
turf :asked that,he (tight phonee and tell i1`iol: -iiri"l.t}c..l,ttt most happy. lie had Ins 'raid muv ed to a tut in }it 1 --both , working Properly—use ilpdcis Kidney Pills.
is-etupluyer how he it.ul :,I:idth'd into 'wen it, the French navy :nods was re- •retirill to Exefer in the spring f Tune -tested, popular, safe, iron-habitfortta-
pI mt„ of in Demand Dodd's I'didne ]'ills its iia l
Ire ditcll•uu the sidero:lrl,••suttfh-of us liriug :,t tie..-at,"e Of forty -tithe. yc't' 1!►1.-i. lits. Blatcht"urd. whose tuaidon, g' y 9 ebue
ud wanted, the t\•rocker sent out ; and tt:1 strong and active. 11, looked a:ittte wa1:11 .(1 't Buchanan, pre box with the red' band Sold evernvhere. 13,c't
iulultaistudy he phoned Itt, telep1:114 • about, pulled all the strings he could, dye -eased bout ill 19:31_ Snrririur are;
; stimulate the nerve cells, hell) to impr(t •e clic' b1,-.1 content, inerc'1 o the 1 - Get your supply of counter check h
appetite aud.thus help to promote pc;.,•e1(,j sheep. Alilbur:l'sHealth and . I hooks- ..nd restaurant pads at The
Nerve Pi;'.A.are sold tit :,ll•rjrii r',:,'t•,,, ,-. - - S-1•gnarl-Star. Printed -'to •quit you r- ,t
,i sotlally, -
The 'P. Milburn Co.. l.00itt't, 'Priv-onto. Ont
( Ifliee huts he 11.1(1 clipped (1 off a pule , and bit,111,1„ed to Iinc1 :t, cousin of pot- three• daughters and three sons, .\1$r• , l'''''''''' ='""" `•'--""- ''-`��'�'
:1"(1(1 1lt11 l(��tst (fit i'letthont at a meal ltnport:tnie \\'hr) noe'it'1(1 frtr lni \\'nl. II. \\'„o( o'
c... _ ... ,._,..—.....,� _ . -... . 1( ., _ _,:. r , Vit' 11 : : I t•,.
nearby f,lrruhouse oat (�t ..cuunlrts5Tit1I .nil; liti'r\ ii-lt-'”-��'itTi" tht' .4ltiistc21-of 3"-itilfihte'i`':°° (f"-)'I(s7l7ii";`�Nri"§"'""' "-"K'I°
it is hit) -(1 to say o•ilat •the. good farm °('„Irlitics, t\1(„• ul'fero(1 11111 tilt.. usL-.ul'_.Vaal( __.;ttl:,l ' •11'
—�: .. , ; _�. .. _.___:- -- - .._..� ,._ _ _�_. _. ___ ::. nil_ .II�.1. ca t,, ..cr.f �.ac L�:_.�;1:a--
la.t •, . ..- , . , ....-�k. _. - Tom'
t 0t---thnr- )11.e.t* I1Jd.-- a\.,:)y11;eu rhe_:-'7?1c1Jits -1r �.l. :IT -We
_. .
Vit_-...47-:711colotf�•.I Pen • I�orr-1'fiF1,I.tlii. :,n(i • TI"(,�, "'ere
found her communication with the out 'I4.ltere vvis one condition for taking the,_; 11(,mte. tlmc son, George. was drowned-
side severed. for she dearly.luxes to, bust •he wit, to ;;i, 1 ,ut 11 ric:(1 Ulan :1t 1eelerieh in 111141 ,while_ on -a S.S
i(ltd t:(l (' 111.
............_-=-tttwc _t11d hrho'tt(( 'It"�1'i,�ins nut�tou ulltch lath- \\':lh hil11. 'Phis iuil 'ti[i�iilt�"fro;idi-'I':i�'11-`•1�-(-illy I;ti•:r, \ii.�.�
to sty`tltat,ol•oryhuti\' pliulles lt.or, :tad' l,ln�se(i 1111(1 !gist :5 ti,m-tt.- .I[e told the Mtry- Brown, :tnrl one 1)roth,ot•. L)r,
she phone, e\c'r•ybndy, " she is a 31t-tii-4tor:: ••1 do not kni`(tt• •1111• woman,,hp'njamin' 11la.tc;hfurd, of Salem.
popular lady. ' 1 ' I'11, not. a lady'; num. IIow Can you Oregon.. also s11rt-iv-t': - The ftllit�r:i1 Was
The curs ltav-e bora acting stupidly 'expect. Inc' to 1i11d .11 wife"' " -. 14(.1(1 \V'ednesda,y aftern(,r,tt from the
.t-iles,( t-e-r•,t- cold-litu111t11l.;:t - For two -Nothing --more Simple,, said tier 11 (` 1)1/Hwy flitter:ti It((1iii�. 'conducted
days•itt succession nl�' own ear refused Minister: Null an ad. in ,the paper.- by "ter'. A..13. Irwin, with interment•
to go. Various lrieks were used to 1 t thought it over "and went to lite. in the Exeter cemetery
break down. the stupidity ,,f the -balk:• - pa p`er office in Paris and inserted the
vehicle, but -,it vvas• 110t until it 'was Ad. IIe had .1:372. replies. TI'ie famous
tiratgged out of ting °g-Xrage by 0 truck Iiritislt hnncclor judge who retired'
:and pushed up the .road that its ignition recently front the bctic•I1because of aux.
tired sufficiently to ensure its going', said ten.. years, ago to the. Kress, -No-
on ,its 001) pOWcr. ' • , ; body trfnts to (uti•ry ate ' a1111 Poi
--- 11t;i proposals of tnarri:tge-front ivotneni
Talking ai rttt rheerfnlness aurid def -1 ranging; front twenty -twit to sixt}-live-
ticulties, ['hav'e been shamed in my own, :Ill of will( h he politl'lt declined. I'er-
disgractful discomposure by the afore-; haps tine name governor was more at_ .
tnentiotltad• drivers. The bal:el• is the! !mirth"' than that. of judge,. Visions
happiest 1111111 1)11 the road, in this! of Bench examination, :1n(1 ;;rite sur -
township, I really believe. Jack, they 'til1111 c', :1nd 1,uttitll; uu 1ho ],lack c::p
I)utcllntan, 11125 a happy word for eve2•y- i to. In i,unmee. 'st„lltenre. would (leter
1)0(13'. Iifs face says,.. •'10 of good; some with heightened imagination;
IT TAKES many months, and many
people, to "get" a Canadian breakfast. Your
coffee may be brought from•kSouth--America, your
tea from the Far East. Your table linen may have
come from Ireland, your cutlery and china from
'England, your oranges _and _ grapefruit from _
the United Statesandfrom the British
West Indies.
.4uy from people of ]many races --and sell to them—all. over
the;world. Indeed, -a third of every Canadian's earnings comes from selling
to people in other countries.
In'. this trading we do not always sell WI she people from whom we
buy. That is why' we have to find customers.
To assist. in finding. both buyers and sellers, Canadian batiks ii,aintain
branches or correspondents all over the world.- They gather valuable
information about people and markets abroad. They place this at the dis-
posal of Canadian merchants, manufacturers and 'marketing agencies,
introduce them to likely customers, and handle the "paper work" involved
in transferring goods and money. -
This Adv'erti,semenf is Sponsored by Your Bank
cheer.' The young truck (]river who - 'i'he _t•el,iios for the 1" roneh goyernr;r
takes the milk - in many 00115 In the! vv -ere 111 0Valauelte. Iio thought he
city dairy Is always ready with a Jokemight got t few rt -1(1141:, but he had to
and,like't- to hear one. The man who] hire a (•:11). to take his letters home.
pulled my car -Out of the garage- —does! Such a crowd of - women willing to
1110'ever• getItiitd'---I have Yet 10 See{`h:1l•e his s(,lltllde--]t 1\':ts 1:1 ger111;:
it, and I see, hint very often. , , llyl They rang -ed from seventeen to seventy.
observation leads ale to think, lit- is Maidens of irreproachable :ancestry 011d
ptarticuliirly happy this week. There! highest culture: Iltttlta-t'I•ie(1 ladies who
lire valentine - counters which attract � had made little siif1s and now desired!
hint just now, ands some gird is likely: to ''go rei,t(il:tr:" widows \x -hose bus
to get 'a pretty sample one of these! hands had died ',in hot -rowing circum_
days from hint. What 1a lot the mail, stances; blonde and dark, tall and
1111111 has ' to put up with: Drifts at 1 •
mail -boxes which are annoying. Un-!
plotV'ed roads where something better;
could, have been arranged, People dis-
gruntled over letters 'lend parcels thiat
have not' been delivered rightly, arid 1 •
others who complain that he doesn't ;
get to their • mail box 00 time. , Tet •
11-0 t-11 R MINTYci.`Xi(jfi(I luurh Iit r "` ,
for everybody :. sand doesn't look .cross,'
1.1 -lave an article, 0..clotting oitt of
a �ina'gayine I take. which I must read
over again; it is- titled, "The ;11:1r111in1
1'ncht'erftaluess of Christians."
A p(„er was put to me by a resident
iiachelor in -oar township who has a!
Very good farm, a barn full of crea-'
tures that are .doing well; and •'mak-1
ing money or grewitlg into it. Ile has
a home Where no feminine, band gives!
tate refinement and orderliness he likes, j
\\'e were talking of homes and parents,
and what we owed to them. Ile told ,
me, of Itis dear... o1(1 mother who Ii1•ed'
to a good old gage how he nursed her
and c•are(1 for her in the last years'
when there was no other hand to tend
and help. I ('oliuueri(Iecl Ilial for. doing';
'Stich a disk, so nobly and so well, until
the day •uf hers-passllig. Then 'after
r1 ;pans(' I said, "And tvho is .going- to
care for you when veil get old and
sick? ' f- -see -nobody°- frrontirl. -1'fi1 part-
nes, no •rlifldrdn, nr) ser, -sults to do,
what you did for your !anther."
.';7here you ,have me, M te Be: he said,
,"I shpnld get a woman and get mar-
ried. Where would I start !" That
'MIK the poser. flo}v should I have .
tlilswered bait? \\'t' have honeymoon
hotels•rtnd all provision male for young'
p(llple'\yho enter the marriage r'elat'ion-
ship. Why can't we have some insti-
tution. 60111(' sort or ova ring 11o11ae, for
'Neu worry, . about e:ger »resent
or future, security`s -
Phone Carlow 1 7.06 or write
Monarch' Life—Assurance- r"et>,rt_
sentative, Rite 4, loderieij.
• 36tf
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