HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-02-06, Page 6tClia
enjoyed, oy. Snell then tool;
e,bartge of tlw lueeting and eonducted
devotional VNereises. Reports of the
_...: „ • various' departmente of the eimgrega-
4.11,TZ1141tN, Feb.iii::7.17.1-,.• Glen Vatter- ogered itziyer. The heralds responded tom were read and diseTised, ,and au
4on,„ who stwnt the pzist ON. Pa011th8 in ----Ilir• Fred 'rod 011 CilriSthth Stewardwere. finally adopted, on -motion of
Mi'z''. WM. Craig .011 India and Mr. Amos Andrew, .seconded by Mr.,
„Western Canada, returned to his home i shill-
- ' Mrs. Woads on Is'nfl)vnuim- Tile 'tolgc. lienry.Leishmate •The Missionary and
11 111 the third chapter of the 'IstudY maintenance- fund, 111 11 reaching.
-IVIri, Elwin .N.Itinro of iiiiraogeville Nciole •
•,, • 1' • book 1111Intihi VI 11, given by 3IiSS Bliaa A4510, showed • a slight deerease trout
a recent visitor with hi inotitel, t. If.
, \hitch. Mrs. 11. 3. Snell g;IA e the last y‘1,11'. ‘hit'll wa,5 more ilium Made -
Munro, aunt Mrs. Munro. 111) by au Itterease in the W. M.S. givings
arie:.r -lunitrews has returned ' t'"ilig• Dr3''''r•
. - , 111),c:int 'ilf 'Whim AVirliglitit„—A former told by the Mission Band, Niliell
40111e from Goderieh 111)1 ti %vhere ,
, OW
nderwentau operIrt,,,locili of this district.. in the persop doubled its giving,. over pievus
-io4. 11
ii, ation. , -
"-‘`' of loho Wr -ha ris 'eti •ive•i • id iri • iension' fund contriltutkons amounted
. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred' Nesbitt quietly , ' - „ 0, •, I' '' - " 3 „, t-- 1
torta 'itostotiil, oonaloo, 0.irly :quality to ;‘,•43-1.. 110. fvflii11111111* 10 be
celebrated their tWenty-fourih weddint,r, -
e•eonii.4. in Lr' seleray-nrs1 3i.M. ile• r:vs,,ql :.o0s0011 :Is nossible. ...kitogkher
• ,Ituniversary on, Febrnary 3rd..
11:1,1 bet's( in poor hea14:11 for several the church it ti hail a: sticcessful lin-
Mr. McIntosh, student of Westin -1i ' year. A 114. (1 member for the
UniversitY, Tannion, ilt•Cupied the o
_fflopi„ ,1110111 1.s. 'Mr, Wright was a ita,tive tkx ,,A„Aai.
4• C
' ‘,0.1,1.1,. loor sonic ears he and' Mis. session, to replace Mr. Wm. Straughan
111 Knox PrLtsbyterian church last Sun- •
wrigho, lit 4)t1 on the. 'farm in East It lit.! is irow a member -of Nortb. street
. \\ -1 w .1110,11 -q.t., W oVV lied b‘ (77i-11.-:c.r,i-clefT'I'illikl. church, Goderich, Wip. be chosen
day. - i ,
Miss Susie RI -air is under the doctor s , " , • , , .,,,- • ,
, Later tney olio eo vo ,ne Lama on the 1.) the congregation- 'Shoitly. Mr.
c;tre at preSent. '' . . .v.
There ,was no „4,41001 ih t he A ullit rh 1 :11.11 el 1111-e,;S11.11 Of ilullett IloW 01)11ell'. George :Milian was re-elected to the
Public School on Wednesdayowintoby WOO- W"gner-
Two ears ago they t session, to retire in 1955. ' Mr. Harry
Vae stormy weather. , g ' :-
, retired' to Seaforth. lie is su,rvived ', Sturdy and Mr. Nelson Patterson were
w„xit.s. • of by his wife. the. former 1,:unnii Thiel; re-elected to the board of stewards, to
W.1111.& Meeting.—The
Knox United church mein the
of Clinton; one brother, FoSter Wright, , retire in 1930. • Miss, Elma Mutely,
sehool-room on. Tuesday. The presi-
of the Vith concession, Hallett ; two whose work was splendid in the capa
,,•,..is_ter..., Ay;.:. wzitions anMp
d rs. Rasen. city of church treasurer, Was re-elected.
', : .- W, :- n '
both of Ilullett. The funeral WaS held'' The Chtireli , seererary, lirs.---:Alliert
of the deVotional period and offered
from., the G. A.,. Whitney inner:11 elia pet, Ctoupbell, and missionary treasurer,
prayer. The corresponding secretary
f:Seaforth, on Tilesdty. the service being Mr -knitia' • Andrew, Wert re-elected
. read -several "thank you letters. Ar -
conducted by Rel,•• II. 'V. W(U-kinan. The following ushers 7 were: re-ap-
rangements were made. for 'the World
nterment took place In Ballts mile: pointed: Messrs. IL Sturdy, W. Wash -
Day of Prayer, to be observed in the 1 . ..• iugton, K. Arthur, S. Ball -and R. ,D.
. United church on February 21st. Mii•
ss; erY•
Elma Mutch took e areeor e p United Church Annual Meeting.— Munro. Mrs. Harry Yungblut and R.
1 The annual congregational meeting of D. Munro, were re-appoiated auditor
sponsively and Mrs. James Roberton s.
gram. The Scripture Was _read re -1 Auburn United church was held in the It was ,decided that a memorial plaque
basetnent of .the church on Wednesday, be placed in the 'church for the boys
1....." January 29th,- and was_ well attended. who served in the second,„ World War.
X pot -luck dinner was served at 1 This matter .was left in the hands of
o'clock, after which a social time was the session, with Rev. Mr. Snell as
chairman. -A. meniorial service consist-.
ing 'of_ a, hynao Scripture reading and
prayer was conducted forthe.members
who passed on in 194(1. These we,re
Mr. Andrew Sheppard, Mrs. Moore, Mrs.
.. Win: Plunkett, Mr. -Wm. Thompson and
tioncir Discoverer of Marquis Wheat( t.
No extra. charge for the use
of our Funeral Home, Toron-
- tO Street -
.Prompt Ambu1atet
- .Service
Phone 335 Res. 355 or 7
Manning Refrigeration
call iw. -Frei Estimate
(LEffi,1?;...L -PHOlsiE2540
The' bust shown in thia photograph of the late Sr ChtFled Saunders,
Dominion Cerealist from 1903 to 1922 was recently Unveiled in:the William
Saunders Building, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. The late Sir
Charles was the son of Dr. Witham Saunders, first Director of the Dominion
Experimental Farms., Moot of the Work that resulted in the discoverof the
world famous Marquis wheat was done at the Experimental Farm' at Ottawa.
The unveiling was performed by Dr. L. H. Newman (left), present Dominion
Cerealist; who succeeded Sir Charles Saunders to the position. Those shown
in this photograph besides Dr. Newman are Lionel Fosbery, who made. the
but, and„ Dr. E. 8. Archibald, present Director, Dominion Experimental
Council met in llohnesville 011 Febrn-
Mrs. Archie Robinson. Mr. R. D.
lluitro moved 11 vote of appreciation (try 3rd. Correspondence; Planning
for Rev. taint Mrs. Snell Vit. their ser- and developing conference .on January
vices and their Christian example:The 29 being over. no action was taken.
. . c
1110ti011 1V11 St.eon(1ed by Alr..Geo. Bean (,)ntarie Asson o
ciatiof Rural Alunii-
and heartily endorsed' by- all 'plysent. Palities on lebitum 4, and 25 • ita
and Ailed. Affairs; re assess- the y•still 1104(1 11111(1 they would -con-
Mr. ,Snell thanked the congregation for
tribute. Auburn had done Ibis and'
their kindness and (.6-operhtion; The ing.' etc., read and filed.
meeting* closed With Ille :Ur. it Brown, districl represent- now- 101(1 I 1.all's cemetery, a credit to
; ative, was present to diseuss the warble the community. Department ofh
eampitign. CeunciLdecided to earry tional Defence inquired about the as- -
ilit-Z-the-- leizt• -,0f0he---s-atrfr terms and sessmen-r- onthoit ritle - range _
. I price year; —Reeve -Girm_ was poderich"; the Clerk was instructed
.w.)40 -tot di4gtrytiVo'ffititiftl-tift5P1A-VV.
.Toni Todd- are in Toronto thist
:meeting -
ing at Toronto on February 7.
Salvation Army.. asked a grant
to aid theno; Council donated -315. Mr.
E. A. Westlake, .secretary -treasurer of
Ilityiield cemetery, asked Council for
a grant.' Council were of the opinion
that the Baytield cemetery committee
should organNe and contact friends
of those burled there to -contribute to
a fund for care in perpetuity; then if
-Guarao ee wor p a
prices that. will pleaSe you.
Call at our office:" or drop us a
line to Box 161, Goderich. We
will be pleased to call and help
choose a suitable memorial -far _
your fabillif--:
St. Andrew's St.
T: PRIME & 'Q'.
(formerly, Cunnieg'ham &-PiYde)
Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth
Write Box .150, or rhoite 41J,
and we than be .pleased t�
-al the -Centennial of his birth, tele-
phOne people everywhere remember with
pride his vision andliis service t� mankind.
His tradition of public service continues
to guide the telephone indust7.
The Bell Hemeotend, Brantford, Out., rhino
the idea of the telephone woo conceived,
n41 o
..,........ .4.___ —
t_o_reprg= 3 ,,, „.. ._ :2-....—,,,,,,,,Arau, -- -..--7-• -----, .- ,--, „,1_,,,,,,,,,
,cLarty Auburn aslredand laasse -__--
- ...,
the--e(poperalion;,:of---Gotin'oll4O.helP TO 11-1.0,r_ ""X.t4o-iiii14-,,pai, ' 'ilik•ik' Acliesone,'„We : .1_)?,Mt---•e.x.pect.,-the children_ to- grow-•upZ-. -' - - '
of •tlw -Ontario A.berdeen Angus As 1 oftk,,,,,,, wag. completed 1111(1 . the meet- to carry out his duties of enforcing of house, $o ; R. G. thiliiilisoil, leg s di- to 1ike,4teit1t11egl24.i1g-Tiiilk—ir"Xfirrroffet------
s0c1111o11. M -r. T. G. Todd will also I big- adjourned an address Ivits read the County bylaw to prohibit the cut- ing births, marriages and deaths. $6; them tea or coffee in their tender years.
attend the meeting of,„the Dominion, by Town of Goderich, our share of Division This warning is issued bY a national
:Ur. „Andrew ,G1I 1111 1 :Ind as a token ting of small trees.
.Association, (ft :Which he is Past presi- i of appreehition of the untiring efforts Bylaw No. 4, to adopt the 1946 as. Court 'costs, $16; Salvation Army, liealtli !authority, who reminds liarellt0 '
dent. They Were , accompanied by i of Rev. and Mrs. M. 1.:. Newton .11i . «1 1111 fin, 1947, Was' read,aird passed, grant, $15; Municipal World, supplies, that. habits formed in 'childhood will
MessrGeorKennedy and Frank e
netjoi 1 I in._ NW1011 WilS' 11111(14 the reeipient of it' T'he. .,kd ssess or will sennotices of as, 310; A. R. Scott, advance to Gilderich almost certainly be lasting.
s. ge
1 eliest of silverware. a 1( 14) cooker- sessment from the. 1946rolLto rate- high school diStriet. $400.; R. J. Lovell 1
lon'gregational4pasers_and then „a court of revision Co., books', $15.52; Siiperintendent, pay- IN SI'MMER TOO
nd a ,s1111,1 ,of money Unfortunately,
meeting of the. 1.nited 'elltlreli WaS „lield owing to. illness,- MrS. -1.sTewton 'wits un- wIll be held oil. Monday, April 7, at 10 roll 1o. 2, •31,795.85: ^ To driKker,--AlOWTY.- fit w•inter; 'says a - • -.
Council adjourned to meet 011 Mon- wise- contemporary, -is hetter than to -
day, .larch 3, at 1.30 pan. ' hTeirnetslr jivo•eunrnatih. at vvii`3,-.—:-,'.t. Thomas'
R. G. TITOMPSON. Clerk, ... .
Anywhexe., .
By virtue Of our
connection's with
other funeral direc-
tors in the great
cities and the sniallest
to'wns of'. this
country, it is possible
for us to take com-
plete eharge of ar-
rangements at a
distance, and, be-
cause of our efficiency
a n d unarstanding,
to save you money
by so doing.
with Rev. M. G. Newton preshlihg.! able to ba- present. At lhe conclusion a.m.
Reports pres'ented :Mowed S:itisfactory n. 'Pleasant 01191 hour was enjoyed Bylaw No. 5. to provide for expehdi-,
progressin every depprtment of the and 'Tool was ;.:,,,,krved the ladies. titre on roads during 1947, was read
work. •The report' of • t he W.M.S.: •
showed +14 the allocation had been
teritl treasitrer. _Mrs. to-rne
gave an encouraging report of the Wo-
men',s AssOciation, .whi-(th, was organ- i
17.0(1:last May. - The Sunday_ school re-
port :showed a balance of • 312.60 and
of the. missionary and niainten-
alive treasurer that 3180 had .been for-
warded to headquarters. -.Rev,- M. G.
Newtoir-reported a resident memlu.r-
ship of 94 lind the names, of. fifteen
non-rn- esidents othe roll. The report
of the treasurer showed all obligations •
met' and a balanee• 'of $490.95 in the
treasury. It was agreed tO pay .one -
,i third • of -the allocation for the special
1 pension eil;Inpaign- fund, which exttibds
-over three years. After the election of
• ••- •
M S.
. •
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title ItC4use ooe te3513001g131
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TOt • . . WA/
fresh, bubbly, boiling water .
ileen stir ...lot to btew fot five
taoates . . . tbes; stir agabt lust
before serilog.
• For IhnistancrY '• • •
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with hog. bristles. When war rendered
these unobtainable, chemistry: came
to the rescue with nylon liviptka which t
quickly proved their ability to out- al
perfoniz and ortt•tvear ling bristles. 8'
Nylon bristles aro 090 9/the prodoeta
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