The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-02-06, Page 1ONE-11UNI)ItlilD1.1I Y ;AId•
North St. United in
Thriving Conditi�n
sports forPat Year Show
Gratifying •Advance in
All Directions
'i?o�vrl Clerk Blake has. received a
• letter from coward .1). Vogt, 2214
Iroquois avenue, Flint 4,r iichigan, ask-
ing if any information is available re-
garding his great-grandfather, John
r Yrn. .The letter reads:
u have a records o
early settlers at Goderieli as 'far back
My Joh
T orbirrn came to Goderich from Roth-
sey on Clyde about 1855 andis urge
here. His family Is now a deadan
-tis part of -Mich an haa_anan�r of
descendants. Some ofus woulde
to come t erethis sum er to
over the home of this Common
ancestor.” '
Mr.. Blake would be gladto receive
any ini'ormation regarding is ear
settler, -
John Thorpe Beads
Trade Board for '4
Speakers at,, Annual Meeting
Speak •on Health and
Water Service
The annual congregational meeting An enthusiastic and well -attended
of North street United church was I'h Would you t ny, d f annual meeting of the Goclerich hoard
°held un NMlnesday evening, Jan,Bary of Trade,. held at the Bedford Hotel
29t1, and a fine representation , of. the as. 1850?. great-grandfather, on Monday night, elected Juhn Thorpe
membership was present to hear the
excellent reports that cam from all h b d as its president for 1947. • Leo `�'Valzak
organizations, Substantial ineraised t 1 i y ]1 d and M. J. Ainslie Were elected vice,
mese reported over the amounts raised r ig his -presidents, _while, N. VL Miller _ ryas.
last year„ and all organizations op- l
lik re-elected secretory, The treastlrrer
geared to be in a thriving .condition, b look will be appointed by the executive.
.all Contributing to a high mark in Directors sleeted were: D. J. Allan,
the 'history of the congregation. One t W. J. Baker, G. L. Ellis, H. D. HO -
'.1.16w organization, the Young Adult strop,. K. Iopkinson, G. L. Parsons,
, group, was reported as filling a very d' this ly Stair Prevett, Geo. Schaefer, .'J. A.
important need in the, life of the Sully, jr., and B. Tennant.
church. Past President R. 11I. Menzies was
The minister, Rev. R. H. Turnbull, E in the chair. Secretary Norman Miller
opened the meeting with a brief de-, ,Y read a letter from J. C. Peters, secret.
votional service and then called for tary of a steering committee in con -
the election of . a chairman 'for the nection with the establishment of a
meeting. Mr. A: R. Scott was elected Recreation. 'Association or Counnunlay
to the chair and Mr. Frank Hibbert Council in Goderich, asking the hoard
was made secretary, of Trade to send.�two representatives to
mr. Turnbull. as Chairman of the ar meeting to be held at the Town hall
,' session gave the statistical report of on .leebrttar 20. This was left to the
the edngregation for the •year and incoming executive to deal with.
smite briefly of the gratifying condition m Treasurer W. A. Hay reported re -
of the church financially and of the 1' d ceipts for the year of $2,14'2.98 'and
healthy situation in the spiritual aspect expo ditures of $1,697.3'2, leaving' a
of the church's life, The total member- i g A hfield d balance of $445.66. This, together with
:hip for 1946 was 587, with 63 non- a previous balance,. gives a total balance
resident Members, which is.t consider- h ' of $1,614.24. Members totalling ,S26
able increase over last year.. Seventy- p y contributed the sum of $1,471..
,eight new members were received Our- In the absence -of Geo. Schaefer, who
ing the year. The total membership at b 1 e e _.recently underwene a minor operation,
the time of the meeting was 600, with
Several hundred citizens thronged
the Brophey funeral home on Friday
afternoon for the double funeral service
for Mrs. Allan Grant and her four-
year-old on, Larry, both fatally: in-
juredthe level-crbssingaccident
near Kincardine 'the previous Tuesday
Scores• of citizens from s an
adjoiningtownships travelled aver
snow-bloeked roads to show their sym-
y m-
ath for the bereaved • husband and
Parents. Representative citizens .of
Goderich inlarge numbers also were.
• The service was conduceby • .
Richard Stewart, ofKnox .res y i n
church, assisted by Rev. W. O. Rhoad,
of Ashfield Presbyterian chinch. Floral
e( h ..-cis e1.s
irr '1 � ,
i i 4�e�s
7Lt�1� ♦wF
Gordon Henderson reported that the
387 fam=ilies, lA mowing picture pro- t d ` R.ev Retail Merchants' Association took in
jector was presented during the year ' P b ter a a tota'of $192.50 and had expenditures
by the Evening Auxiliary and the of p192.16, to leave a balance of 34
_ . Younga.Adult Group, and this, Mr. Fl l cents., \1i. Menzies expressed appreci-
.- _ ort„; :4�.
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't3�3 ri .
1 0 � i1 M.. a Association n � .,;'fit
• r e 1>et � � oh .
r £" "`i` eves as L Ere . ° S .
ai•�pa � o_� -�lre'r we e 1'e� .dry 'ill: �s s � . � �� � , ... _,..p_.
future life_ of the church, - _ -were borne from the house. -The, pall- neeflo'n iv-ithi--the=ree ept1on--ef ihted'
Mr_ .1-I. S. Turner, church treasurer, bearers for Mrs. Grant were Carl States tourists off the boats 'last
reported a total of .$6,850 •raised in Pollock, Bene Chisholm. Prank Mc summer.
, the local fund, ,with a fine balance of Lennart, Benson Courtice, - Murray Two addresses were made at the
11,1761. Contributions to the mission-
ary and makitenanee fund amounted
to ,$1,936, an increase of more than
1;100 over last year. Figures for the -
pension fund were $978. -
Mer'nor'ial Chimes rund
The "chimes fund" was reported at
- $575. . By action ,of - the_ meeting this
' is to be known as the Memorial Chillies
Fund in mernory of those young mere
who gave their lives in the service
R-_ of their country in the two world wars.
Mr. E. J. P -r rclharrr-- w_as-. ma dn,,.clxaitmi •.n..
and Mr. H. -SeeTurner treasurer of .this.
fund. 'The object is the purchase of
a set of-ehimes for the organ.
The women's • organrzaiions .of the
chtirch repented a very active
year, -the
�(rhtrrs ssN�nI 4t4On Lid--SsSad
$1,570, the Woman's Missionary, cie'ty $460, the EveningeAuxiliary •$997.
The Sunday School superintendent,
Mr. II. S. Tnrner, reported. a good year
for the 'school, giving evidence that it
is ip a growing and healthy condition.
f The sum of $430 was raised,ewith $1,00
raised for missions.
•Mr. W. Bern, treaserer of the decor-
atingsfued, reported. having received
-$2,404. Great eredit goes to Mr. F.
Noble and his committee for the -fine
way they supervised the work of re-
decorating the . auditorium of the
Other organteations that- reported
were the central floWer fund, the Mis-
sion Band, the Baby Band, •the choir,
the benevolent fund, the session fund.
As the result of a special -"MIRA
without nomination 0. Payne and F:
Hibbert were elected as new members
of the sessiOn, and John Thorpe,
Zinn and J. Kinkead were elected to
the board of 'Stewards. ,
A vote of appreciation for their. ser -
ekes ' to the ettni-ch during the past
year was extended to the minister and.
his wife, Mrs. M. Hetherington,• organ-
ist, Mr. Wm. Andrew, church officer,
and the leaders oT the organizationS.
The meeting was concluded with the
singing of .the Doxology and the benes
diction pronounced- by the mipister.
After the business meeting the ladies
of the Woman's Association served
sthroughout Canada as .a. crack revolver
Shot, Frank Sturdy, '52, died suddehlY
.. here today, reselt of a heart attackS
Mr. Sturdy was ja member of tile eat -
star teath for Canada, the only Ontario
man selected, insieloaember. On Friday
he placed fourth in the Dominion...22
sporting rifle contest.. He was the
only Ontario contestant to receive tOp
boners. Born ets Auburn, he came .fo
Winghaen hiel927, where he since con-
ducted a billiard parlor besieess. Mr.
SturdY was recently elected. Hydea
. commiseioner and had served -on the
TOWn -Cem,141 for twn years. He was
' a veteran of World War I, and 'served
Seith the 101st Huron Regiment. Dine
' ing,(WOrld War II he was insp.ector at
the small arms •plant, Long Branch.
' ri, was a member of the Masonic
, order. Wingham branch_ -of the Can-
a. adian Legion, and was an Anglican.
1 -' Seryieingeheisides.. his wife, the former
Elsie Finch, are a son,-Wrilitilit;-62
Brantford, and a daughter, Helen, at
twine. s
The late Frank Sturdy was a eousin
of the Sitfirdy .. fanilly of Goderich.
Some of the relatives here intended to
be present at the funeral, but were
prevented by the stormy weather. '
A farewell in the form of a bowling
wee given. by tbe etaff of the local Bell
Telephone office. - Lunch Wee served at
the Are and Miss M. McKinnon pre-
sented Mr. Hodge witli a leather toilet
Goderieh Boy Scouts held a 'toboggan
party at the bluffs near the Maitland
Gould and Roy MacKay: of -Ashfield.
Those- for Larry were Patrick Chis-
holm, Allan (rant, Ronald Sproul, and
\'illiarn-Farrish. The 'interment wits
in Maitland cemetery.
Johnston Funeral at Hplyrood
• The funeral of W James Johnston
meeting; one by Dr. Norman C. Jackson
and the other. ley Keith Hopkinson.
Dr. Jackson on "Public health"
Speaking 'on the subject '"Public
I'Ieiilth," Dr. Jackson made a brief
review of advances made in this field..
in recent years. Referring to the `'ex-
who spoke . on "Public Services at
the annual meeting of .hoard of Trade.
At the same meeting Dr. N. C. Jackson,
spoke on "Public Health." -
At - the annual`' meeting of the CCom-
nuinity Nursing Registry, held at the
Town Hall on Friday night, 'officers
were chosen as follows: President, Miss
A. •Clea\er (temporitry) ; vice-
presidents, Mrs. M. Henry,ssaIrs. M. -Mc-
Kay ; secretary, Mrs, P. " McArthur;
treasurer, Mrs. O. Maskell ; registrar;
Mrs. O. Webb. The board of directors
is'- as follows .,, Kinkead,. hospital;
r t� teiive , '"I3 ac7c►i� f3Y di
'r.t�pieseri�a`tr�.e � , , _.
hospital superintendent; .firs. G. G.-
MacEwan, ou-teide-graatutte; Miss" G.
Mason, private duty representative.
The various activities of the organ-
ization during the past 'yea'✓ were re-
perted, showing much accomplished,
The regular monthly meeting of St.
George's Church Women's Guild was
R.R. 1, •Holyrood, the third victim of cellent" work- done by, Dr. W. ,'. Gal-heltt on Tuesday,• February tlh, the.
the accident; was held one Saturday Io'cv as Medical" Officer of Health, Dr. president, Mrs. lti..B: - M. Tichborne,
afternoon, ,with a service ednducted by Jackson said, "Dr. GaIlow fitfs been presiding- Mrs...t,'..• Staniforfh' had
Rev. Chas. MacDonald at the home of responsible for - the lowerieg of the charge of the devotional period. Sev-
thse_ young man's parents, Mr.and °Mrs.. infectious disease rate in Goderieh." eral letters of appreciation were read
Jahn eStene W IC gpMe ie tsers• ..,: orrl lnir g« w F v-- :=, i e art-�... stn the. ecr etslf �" dQn l ctt�it fi .
• ,"Goderich not,perfeet:bs. Any, means,. was made te the Mina . Calling for more eigicrfire inspection annnal high tea. clanvassers are to
ment was in _Greenhill cemetery.
BOARD OF GODERICH . in Goderieh, Dr.. Jackson wondered if have their lists in Tuesdas aftethoon.
_ TOWNSHIP SCHOOLAREA. Central School Was a epfe as it might At the .teinelusi.on of the meeting re -
it wassonde also felt Jhat- some halls Stanifort . . rs. . em. qui ,
.' The Board of Trustees of the Goae- in Goderich were not as safe . in this Mary Menary, hostessee . for the day.
rich Township School Area met the respect es they might be: _
•eyening' of Tuesday.' January 98th, at Stressing- the need for a DION '
filtratimeplant in Goderich, the speaker; son elaboed the present system had
sent. Mr, Clayton Laithwaite was aP— . ! beens "badlY overloaded for • fifteen
All communicatiOns, accounts and- re- years." The waiehad stopped improve -
ports received eince the last meeting' Ments bein,g made, he explained, "Be -
were considered: . cause we are at the end of the power.
. 'The board decided not to install line in Goderich the, incoming voltage
' ate times. is down from 35. to 38 per
radios in the , schools at the present
The next meeting will la, held 7in .- tion had been approved, but materials
No. 10 school on the evening' of Thure- for the conetreiction of . the same are
. day. February 271.11. Any persons wish- - not yet available, he said, Lines are
ing to attend these meetings is welcome
to do so. being built throtighont . Goderich and
-.:- , • . .. • they will be ready by abent the time
the increased power collies to Goderich.
Saddle Club Plans
' In concluding; Mr. Hopkinson, ob-
served, "All public Services should be
-July • 1st Rodeo bunt to give adequate public service at
the time • triey are built, but they
should be beilt to take care of the needs
• At a meeting of the Goderich Saddlet • of the future also."
Club on Wednesday of this week pre -i Deriegihe.question period Dr. Jack-
liminary arrangemente were made for I son ‘;‘'inidered if "the intestinal 'flu so
the annual video, which wille be held. prevalent -in Gederich is not due to the
on July lst. ' There will be afternoon drinkieg water.7 ' -,-
and -evening performances, with an Retiring President Menzles expressed
entire change of program, and it 'was thanks , for the co-operation of offieers
decided.. to enkage an ep-to,date cowboy _ of the Beard during the past year,
troup as h feature -along with the k ' • - especially the services of Secretary
local horses. • ' . stated that every tithe an east wind. N. Ir. Miller and Treasurer W. A. Hay.
Junior members of the - club ere blew the town water. leek on an ob- Mr. Menzies.saw a grand opportenity
shortly to have Smart - uniforms pur- Jeetionable -flavor.% for the Board of Trade to render real
-chased with club money.for the junior
boys and girls.
President E..'Little was in the chair
at yesterday's irfeeting and there was
.good attendanCe considering the
T.he next regular meeting of the club
will be- on February 28th. A special
drive is on for new 'members and
everyone.interested will be welcome, as
the club is ,trYing to make its annual
rodeo the outstanding event of the
In his report of the rfirst year'e oper-
ation of the emplOyee-inanagernent com-
mittee at the Dominion Read Machin-
ery Company, the retiring chairman,
Mr. W. E. Dockstader, sthted that 115
proposals had been discussed by the
committee in a spirit ef comPlete Dr. Jackson said, "I don't think we eet of Mr., Justite Sillily dismissing tliel
hnrmony and co-operation a true reading on our milk supply. aetion of 'Norman MacDonald artd his
These included, twoe outstanding
baseball and hockey teams, a series of
leetnraftelal machine elleP-Plactiee and
also on blueprint reading, a eanteen,
a staff fund .and a "Sunshine" eom-
The purpose of this committee, which
Was organized a year ago, is to pro-
vide a foruin so that employees and
management may discuss, anti solve,
theiftnntratl problems.
Mr. Dockstader is sueceeded this
year by Mr. rr. T. Barker ets elmirman.
Other members of the conimittee are
Ing and Marshal J. A. Sully. All are
enthifslastie about another yens, of
Profitable' and happy activities.
Resideut manager for .Imperial e Oil
Ltd., elected president of the Goderich
Board of Trade for 1947. •
Suggesting a more rigid food in-
spection, he stated, "I wonder if the•
service 'to Goderich and asked -that
the memhers strive to that -end._
meat supply, in ' Goderich shouldn't he mayor se, D. Mooney praised the
government-inspeeted?"' He added that woek of the Board of Trade during the
.a ,more thorough InspectiOn of restauie pftt 'year and especially the work of
ants might be made. .. . :Sir. Menzies. . ,
Stating he had encountered a lot of The new president, Mr. Thorpe, ex -
trench mouth in Goderich recently, Dr. pressed his thanks fotr being, elected
edackson wondered if better rineing of president and expressed hope, _that , the
• glaisses in public eating places would Board 'of Trade wolild go on To--fiew
help to eliminate this trouble. successes. . .
3 Pointing out that the report on A vote of ,thanks was paesed for the
-GOderich's water always comes back. work done by Mr. Menzies es_ president
sfrom Toronto as "excellent" and' With 111 1040.
no baeteria, Dr. Jackson elated, That. .
is after the test supply of water has.
been twenty-four hours ons BS way e .
Stoat King Rides
in L Town. and District
Snowdrifts Eio Roads ` while
Arotio Find Adds
to Discomfo.t
King Winter reigned supreme this
week as he turned on his most blustery
'storm of the year. Gaining momentum
late Tuesday, the storm was at its
height on Wednesday and teased away
on Thursday. .
As a result no buses arrived at or
left Goderlch"' on either Wednesday or
Thursday. Trains into Goderich ran
from half an hour to an hour late on
Wedmesday and Thursday.
Thursday, morning saw worried -look-
ing groups: of travellers sitting around
local hotels looking at road maps and
trying to figure out ways of continu-
ing on their way. Some were held up
here from'Tuesday and were unable
to get away ,this morning. A couple of
travellers left their cars here and took
the early train this morning to Toronto,
intending to return for their cars later.
A few left by car• this afternoon in the
hope of getting by. A number of care
.came through today from Kitchener
and London.
Practically all rural roads were im-
passable on Wednesday. The rural
mail carriers set out on. their routes
and got varying distances, but all had
to return. unable to complete their
routes. The sehuol bus service also
was disorganized.
In Goderich some 'people who norm-
ally eat at home stayed clown town
for the day and ate at restaurants.
(Garages Imported numerous calls be-
cause of frozen batteries or cars stuck
in drifts. The garbage and ash -collect-
ing department made only a part col-
lection on Wednesday, owing to the
'�=The. qa c "iii t-01 pert t,"c,Y..t ii1s-
k: its 4- above Tern. on 'i'iWsclafliii �
5 on Wednesday. - A cuttinl,, wind made
lT Today theCather
,TUUL u IMS" Q 11Lr •
The +commnittee which is accepting
contribution* lir the Canadian t(►
China' Fund tate that the i.•esponre
has been satis aetory. The drive is
being supportd by the ` vari()us
churches, whefe donations are being -
4irectec� to the banks. There. had been 1i. n' address, excellent maitre a I
a good response in the various in- a large eongregatiou at the evening
sereice of Victoria street United eliu fit
were features of the inauguration of
Health. Week in . Ggderrie t on Sunday..
Hon. Russell T, Kelley, of Hami fen,
Health i%iiiister at
Victoria Sty +r,
% . E e11 i ` Kelley Stat'.
• Eight Points for
Good Health
dustries, and the men in chatrge in
these -plants hope to complete the
canvass shortly.
The. Red Cross Association in Gode
rich has made a grant of 2Qt) to the Minister of Health dor the Province fit
fund, - and - other organizations will. Ontario, was the guest spealci', and
consider the appeal' at their next me r- -his address"Iarg•ely` 'centred on the pre
tag. r. J. ..MacDougall, manager of the
Auburn, branch of the ,FI3anii of Com-
merce, received an anonymous don-
ation of $1t.0 to this fund in the form
of ten ten -dollar bills. The committee
appreciates this kind contribution and
thanks the donor.
Many individual contributors have
remembered to forward' their donation.
The committee urges others to call, at
the bank or 'leave their contribution
with the chairman, R. G. Sanderson, or
the secretary, IIrs. Audrey Akeeoyd.
People who have read, the' story of the
dreaded effects of kala-azar,"black
fever," rife among Chinese children,
know of the urgency of this appeal.
for funds.
The first meeting of the local Board"
of health for 1947 was held at the
-cautions to be taken to prevent anneal,
- Rev. L. H. Turner, pastor -,a -the
:church; welcomed Hon. 14: . Kelley, aJS
the members of the Town Council; the
Board of Governors of Alexaxrdra Rees
pital, the \'omen's Hospital Auxiliary,
and 'the Graduate Nurses' Association„
who occupied .the front pews in She
church. Members. of Union char
Goderich township, withdrew their
afternoon service in order to be present.
Describing Mr. Kelley as "a Sunday
school teacher, a Minister of the Crow:
and a disciple of the Cross," Mr. Turner
said' that - his consent,' to - speak here
had required Mr. 'Kelley's leaving -Haw
ilton-after 4 o'clock, as he wits- teacher
of a boys'., Bible class there. He left.'
„Hamilton at 4.30 and arrived in Godes'
rich about 7.15 to keep his engagement,.
The music under the direction of
Miss' Mary Joyce t traclian consisted. .
of a well -rendered anthem, "Let Mount °
Zion Rejoice," by the choir; un fnstnca- .
mental quartette, "Largo," played by
Mrs. George Curren at the organ,- Misz
Town Hall on Monday evening. Those. Strachat°at the piano, and Mrs. Mabet
present were Mayor Mooney; R. e.' Gray and miss Evelyn Breckow, violin -
Hays', .Armstrong,Dr•. W. F.. iats, and a solo, "The Holy City, sung
Hays, K.C., Fred
Gallow, M.0.H., . and Miss Cleaver, beautifully- by- Dan Walter, guest solo
.publi:e health nurse. W.. J. Baker, 'ist. -
oin:te to the eard, as out Pareltts torn. in Huron
also -appointed - Beard, ,,.
' ofpt<nv-n . _, :x: Asscr-tang � hitt: iie".i tia. 1. a ••4nett.fc•gs
. x itn-t nc -
ori• i _�
) _.. w_tt
sti s
7 -- ._• ..
- .. __ .. rn- afor h
-was bora ..;� t 1�
Ir�t--m her e ,
for` fire Year. ____ _ ,. Another it seem Colder. er. oc ay w Dr-. ,allow reported• on the plans father. in .. ingham; and himself.-'n►n.
is moderating. for the improvement and ektension nearby; Teeswater, 'bion. Russell -T.
Goderich Florida please of the town's water service and also Kelley expressed his pleasure in com-
note : Snow - shorelling is one of_ the stn immunization work and the physical ing to the county, Health,• he said, in
great outdoor sports in Huron county examination at tete Collegiate Institute. one of the most important subjects to
these.; days: Ile reported a few eases of chickenpox be dealt with. Speaking 6f tile short-
find mumps -in town. age of hospital facilities and nurses in
Miss Cleaver presented a report .of !Ontario, he said there wee a shortage
her work as public health nurse. during of 4,000 beds in general hospitals,.3,�
.� .., i,..n.,;,.,1� fr,,. nh,•nnin patients and
The public school Bp:ird. he,ki the.
regular meeting on- Triesday
chairman J. "1-te-Alilne presiding.
Principal j..S'nider of Victoria
91.34 per tem:, in January.
. Principal H. M. .Shackletep, Central
School. repopted 218 cei the' roll: an
average attendance of 261.24, :or 93.86
what With the ritt4ndance.
Trustees J.,. H. Lauder and Harold
Bettger were appointed to the steering
committee of the local Recreation Coun-
A letter was 4ceived front the secre-
tary of the Federation of 'Women
out to all public. school boards. ht
which it W:IS suggested that a miniindin
salary of $1500 be given to all women
NS:letters With an :mined increase of
$100 to a maximum of $2,100 in six
years. The letter was filed.
TheeItonrd decided to instruct K.
Sinelair, London architeet, to prepare
the, Jinaf plane for the additien end
Prom Florida temperattwes in -the
f•,;(1. s to Ontario'e near -zero was the
chilling experience of a quartette of
Goderith residents, 'Air. tied Mre. M.
Mills', on their return on Monday from
P five weeks' visit to the Senny South.
Keenly as they feel the cold here,
however, they are warmly enthusiastic
about their trip,. which they enjoyed
• It was decided to hold the regular I:2,900 -in nerses..-.
meetings of the Board on the first 1 "We• know that no matter what we
, Monday of eta, month, at 7 p.m, . do this shortage camiot be overcOme
After soine discats,slon a. motion was i in five years." Q . \
ilatises rt -r- wit leh animate -are 'el -might- ' time When . there- was -et greater- need-- --
I, ered for use in the town. . . i for Christian men autl women to give
• It was- reported that a mess survey 1 leadership ; and a better job ea,a,..lbe
of all residents would be-helti ie. Wide- ! done if they are bealthy. He asked,'
i rich under the direetitin of the Ontario ''Why is it in a country where,we bave ..
I hong April 2o to Nray 1. !so much illness?"
Reports frem the rrovincial Depart- ! . The speaker disrussed eight. poinp:
1 in his "Keep well" Policy:`• rOlet, pets-
! ment of Health on, milk' and cream
I eAmples and town water from Goderich ture„ rest after -meals, medial advice,
, were presented.. i care of.the -teeth, and the eyes; •wear -
The Goderich Fimit Market has coin -
modern eold storage locker for •fruits
and vegetables. efhe rear of the store
is -helps- remodelled to -provide more
Flu. three happiest days in a wee
!mates life, he said, are the _day, she
beco Ines engaged to be married, the
day she is married, end the day her
lira child arrives.
Childrenes "Diet -Important .
All °through life, .heestressed, mothers
ana fathers shonld pay attention to •
. boys and girls to look peeple right in
,e.,:.:entiatio good health: especially after
,l) eye. Rest after meals was an
. Bandmaster J. E. Huckins announces. a visit to a doctor for a cheek -up
that hy early oilmen* Giiderich's Blue - regularly. e .
Wa tee Band ' evill. appear in fine new "Eyes atee nitioned—tae) to -a life -
councils and .boards to see
for them. The. uniform will. constst of • adv4iing
, a maroon , tunie with gold braid- nee i that' preper lighting facilities are" 111,
white belt ; Maroon cap With gold brim :! settled in. public and other beildiage.
grey trousere with maroon stripe at I "Learn. to wear a-- :smile; - look en •
- ' the bright side. Start .the day With e
time " ate speaker pointed opt after
C • .1 1 1 • 7.-iti,veir.l't PraYer for guidance; study the
Something entirely 'new, so far as any
This flashy outfit is n4t. al:1,, hNe
r`smiles" in the newspapers; keep eon-
. avoid fault-finding in the family. Lela
the appearance of two dripn-majorettes
immensely. ,
frienda to all. but especially kinfe .
• They spent most of their time in as a part of the band.' Their uniform j be
i to those within Our homes," was the
Florida at St. Petersburg and Anoint. will lee maroon jacket. light, grey skirt,
blue eape lined with gold, maroon cap advice regarding his seventh point
They had the pleasure of meeting see-- .
with gold plume. white gitmitlets and i "The greateet earthly -power is publie
eral othefeGoderich people in the South
igh white boote. The gips who havei opinion, aria, it muk be built nil 0113
and_ .had enjoyable outings with' Mr: 4
JaMes Donaldson and Mr. and Mrs. been chosen to wear these uniforms , what ig he'St for all." At- one title
D. M. Johnston and family. On tla young people went to a party a .8
, are Miss Olive Da vioand Miss Marie i
return trip they were iiteWashingtotr, Tnlbot. . . t -
!o'clockereturning at 11 or 12,e new they •
. go out at 10 o'clock and. come in est
visited the White rinse. and sew other When the Bine -Weter boys (And t d
plates of nOte along, the way.
Aecording to one member of
party at lease -the next time they "go
south" they will 'make 'the trip a fewe
weeks later in the year. so that on their I
return they Will'not -have to .eneounter
the eigors of midwinter.
girls) - rippear in • their ilea' outfit
Colonel Bogey on I'arade will be lel
Temperatures ef the past week in
tet • their best for their employers undee
The world is crying ()et. for leader
, big week a year n go, as officially re -
to Toronto: During that time the
bacteria- in the- water hasn't'a name
to survive with fhe einonnt of ehlorine
that is in it." He suggested that a.te'st
Appeal Entered Against Judgment x. Sin x. M in.
these conditions, the speaker .elaimed.
ship. The church needs Toung mew
I and would Ilke to see them' taking
leadership. The speaker deplored the
absence of men at church •seuvrees as
cone pa red wit 11 I be at tendance
Tluirs„ Jen. 30 ....42 18 38 ee "Be lifters for God's Kingdom kcal
Dismissing MacDonald Damage Action. .sere, eseee 31 3(1 ..e0 ee the better world for Which- eur, fittest
of water made directly after it was Sen., Fele 2 a5 21 t 31 16
taken from the town taps wourd Allow r Arreppeal has been entered by Frank
different. result. SiMilarlY With milk.' Dopnelly, egainst the, judgment
We •WOnhl get a truer 'pietme is the .son Chester againet the Town of •Gode-
test were made immediately after -the rich .and the. Goderich Pnblic Utilities
milk wee taken direetly eff the delivery Commission. The plaintiffs sought
wagone2 (indulges -at the trial. last November of
..'"Oloderieh..has ontgrown the water MacDonald 'on July 5th, 1945, when he
system v.ehieh it now has in use," de- came in contaet. with hydro wires op -
clonal 'Keith Hopkinson, epeaking on • posite his home ,on Warren street.
"Public' Services." - Justice Smily pointed out in his judg-
As a met/liter 'of the Public ment that the, boy suffered severe burns
Commission, •Mr. Hopkinson said plans to both hands, find estimated reason -
'were .,in the Making. for a revamping of ; able amount of general damages in ease
"the water sYstem. Three things, hel of the plaintiffs' SneeeSS at $3.500. and
Said, were necessary": 1. Increasing the specific damages of $810 incurred by
up.the-hill capacity of the water sup- the boy's father..
ply. 2. A•new modern filtering system. Grimnds ',set forth for the, appeal
3. A larger standpipe for lnrger were: The .etudgment 'refteangainst the
volume of water. Plans for these im-1 evidence and weight! of evidenee; the
ferovements had been under eonsider-! trial jndge erred in finding that the
ation for the, past two veers and it' defendants did not know -and could
- - ---- ' was likely kome notion would be Miceli not be expected to know that children,
iN,PURED-. WHILE SKATING by alymt the beginning of 1948, he said1.1 and in particular a ehild Of four years
While skating with a girl Companion When the wind blew in a certain" and eight months, would climb high
„at 'the rink on Monday night, Miss direction the water was, "rather quesq,enough in. the tree in qnestion to come
Helen Wilson,suffered painfnl injuries tionable" Mr. Ilopkinson snid. Nei, in eonteet with the condnetor or power
to her bead When *she fell and struck elarthg there wail -a differenee• of about' wires, or the guywiref that there was
ber head on theire. She Wats removed oeventy-five feet between the lake and: no evidence to suggest that a child of
• Golf nub on Wednesday nighv of last to the hospitel, Where it _was at first the town level. the speaker Raid it this' age, or of sueli an age as not
, week. About thirty- fi VP were present. thought she had suffered a frit:steep of •eoet ne lot .of money to "pump agninee to appreeiate the dang r of torteliing
'' After the 'outing refreshments, ‘Ore the skull. Her eonditffin has•since im- a head like that." , I electric wires, wonlet- le 'eXpeeted to
sere(' til MacKay Hall. , ' proved but is still serious. • Referring to plectrieity, Mr. Main- elimb or be able td elif b high enough
to' touch these power wires; else
finding that the 'wires referred to -in
cop st ruction a nd ma in tk ti nee 'con-
formed. to a good standard : that the
tree could not .1)0 . readily climbed by
a small child so as to cothe in contact
with the wires, and that there was
no easy aceess to the power wires; also,
hi finding that the infant plaintiff- in
climbing the -tree was essisted by, his
companions and Hint it eoeld not be
reasonably foreseen that children climb -
10 in such tree would assist one an -
The learned jndge 'also° erred, it is
claimed in the appeal, in not. finding'
that the wires referred to were not
properly maintained and -. that the
had entirely disappeared from the
wires carrying electrle current and .the
wire had not been "renewed or repineed;
in not finding thqt. the tree with the
through its branches constituted a
hazard to ehildren playbig in the tree
and thiS WIN known of mow be reason-
ably expeeted to he known by the
defendants; and In not finding that n
Young °limb the scaid tree
and reeeive- 1011110e from the wires
passing through sneh tree, and that
suelliu was known or should have been
known to the defendants. or either of
seeing men gave their nit", the speaker
lion. ,Mr. Kelleyemet the members a -
• formally at the public health centre itri
the Town, Hall, aftO'r- the service, whees
,ft'aptain and Mrs. John \Tickers wish
to announce the engagemenf of Meer
daughter, Voris Elaine. to Robert
Entine danghter,of- Mr. David -
Stoddart and the late Mrs. Stoddart. of
Goderieh, to William Sullivan. son of
the late Mr. anti Mrs. S. MeAstocker
-Collingwood; the marringe to take
place, quietly • in February.
A number of Goderich men planned
to attend a meeting of the Stratford
KinsmeP Club the latter part Of last
week to distils's. the formation of" n
elnb of the same order in Goderiele
but owing to weenier eondRions they
did not make the trip. They, intend to
be present at the next meeting of the
St re t ford el nb.
In the list of paid members of the
Goderielt Mord of Trade. 4946,‘ in last
week's Signal.Star. the in'itroe, of O.
Peagan appeA,red when it should, have
nurse. served tee, and a" pleasant Mast
Waq splint over the tett cups irs Stat.
company of the distinguished grAct-
Figures hnve come to hand represent-
ing- the eontribntions of the sit-eounties
in this distriet in the Christmas eal.
drive for the Anti -tuberculosis Nssoell,-
Huron 9,083
Ken t 4,894
Tha Huron has cmitributed twenty-
eight per eent. of the total for the'
siv enmities Is a tribute to the p4lie.,
spirit and generosity of the peoVle
this eounty. It might further be noted
that Huron is 'the only One of _t_bo
counties that has not a eity
borders. ,
Mores for. Hie various, eontres.
ITuron county will be available' lam