HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-10-15, Page 7INSURANOE. The annual public meetixtg of ante Exeter "Granton. branch bible Society, will be held in the main street Methodist Church, oat Tueaday evening neat, Oat. 20th 7.30, p. m, Addres- ses will be delivered by Revs, Messrs Fieteh- er. (Thames Bond;) Robinson, Martin and tiers in tills part Of the octant Exete t'o i Dickson,, o r, C7ilgo t n its aid of at Granton on the 6th friar:, PA1i7,of T. madam England. establiehea 1847. Society's funds, All come, he Ilae1 come frons 1lyda Par Assets over, ^y5,000,000; claims and bonuses Itis probably not known that ehtldreu not • . pafd, oxer e$l0,o00.oeo. vaccinated arelawfully prohibited from at: Yi91t tO hie daughter.. 1411*• .. tending public 604001a, How Malty would sailed from Hull. England. RNEST ELLIOT, AGENT FOR a THE WESTERN ASSURANCE COM. PANY, ofToronto also for thePHfCNIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPARY,otLondon, England, the ROYAL CANADIAN. of iXontreai, and the BRITISH EMPIRE LIFE ASSURANCE COM - ANOTHER OLD SETTLER iSOHE.---Mr,. cieo:ge Yarklns, one of the oldest set ry, died tins week. Goods will be plaoed on tbe lllth6r table in job Iota. Call and see them. .a. krinta thetas lot of 'elveteeus very cheap. Bib - 'i bans, 3 o nr choiceof the lot fox only 5o per Parkins yard, The cane commences this morning. iu easy, Exeter. Oct. 15. 3. W. 13aon>rnrczc. Wanted- A servant girl to do ltgbt house work. Apply to birs Broderick, London, or at Broderick's store, Exeter, this week, Exeter, lint October. A big sale this week at the Bankrupt stole titers be left in our school if this law were 1836 And soon after ues carried oat At thit1 , s time, when ala11 -pax London (1837,) Ile moved t • ,.eft � k* • is raging so fiorceiy au so many parts of Gee Park, where he had lived eve ` Tr his ehildreu saes&natad, 48years. In that length .tlawsrns. ••-Iz) Ha;, on the 8th, rust., the wire nada, it is the dual of eyery parent to have 1SAAC CARLTNG'S sTQRz Ea�eter, Ontario. of time Ea41r,-"In Aaehvroad, n fe 144 1414 tiro GROCERIES DRY-GOODS r of henry Kraft, of a son, TEUI SDAY,OCTO,SER 15th, 1885 At the tuatigetren of the Quuutou Bros., ;dr. Parkins eaw great changes take of Richard 1I'aweins. of a sou. 41', J I3issett and Geo, iosper were tried place in London and the vicinity-- the 'relive life of the old settlers of . -- r... before Da -rid Kirk, J. P., of iioodham, to i#Al '("'' efo fl • ate serti4n saiE recover damages fu aheo kill' lei dto' #' FOUR Cr rTS per line for each subsequent in leave been done by (l0 a owned;byrteem.e At half a century* ag7, with their etInge Ensuea� SeLer, s, --4t ties re,pkdrue* ut the ger this column *barged fe notices api�ear zip the conclusion of he evideuce,ythe nuagis- ceaubee, ox carts, log houses,. sey'tlMS S 1 ipli i iaa�lzh the R. t*i las eon. Stephen, 311'>asc a ere. on the I' _ . -._ trete dismissed the case, allowing eacsa to and ref. )ia bookie,. 411dts ed intra 0L13 t , y Pay their own costs, The doge sworn to 1 g g . �Fm, i i?}ref, rf 1 sburi;e, tea alias Alanic, )z • BOOTSAND SHOES _A D - LOCAL APPENINGS hays worried. alto sheep did not altogether' preeent advanced civilization. Hyde • daughter of J1r. Samuel as ttl is, of St.- , C, • , 7rri'ap0114 i6'rGi'i Luo description OI 4eIedelete],t* f Paris ••""" •^ " "'"". ash "•,'-`}•N' `"" "•,0 Owe" : 4/l a .f.e • .�, ..�-.J< yea, a�..,i..,i ante' dotes G roads approaehing were the old mord- ItARsrx-Prt;t:xsa. -Int Exeter, on the lith Without exception, tbe beet and cheapest' eapest ►» aro Deceased leaven a famil inst., at tate residence of the bride's father, tires in Boots and Shoes are leave as yet seen, y y by Rey. Tl , S. 1 �s ad . Ir. 1 io3. Dame, ern now be hart at O. Eaeett's, Children's eleven children to Oiouril 1118 foes of . l,n t '\l �1 Perkins. i i'tg}a'e • of. to , i" 'i • ' "� rte .,. 3,3.:.d,. C;,rr.' ..t .. F..p re:�e Wagerers, Bicycles of all We do nut holuoureelves re,ponsi"le for opiu- i - ++e+ w of '11r, Che' Perkins, of Exeter. QM U N !.ATI 0 S Q MNQ f[MI. :tillttflle. Beets ; else hheellessthis treading. heelless of every description , F sizes, Felt boots and Metes. Hand -made inns expriesedi b-enrr.'S1,e11lents under Ceneteetly on baud, Call and ase them. Ratter one .Epge taken in exchange for Ge00 raids. C'.EAcaarr- --- Juin Penner, aged ..J years. , ren 4s Tomes Sir. W. A. Beatty will (D. V,) A ` The Salvation Army. .reach in Bethany methodist church ' PJhree. In P.lanst sol, eel the 7th inst.,' OOP preach g i 7 ea 10 c. t` To the Editor of the Exeter Times. next Suptlr;y tuatara}; null iu Elig1- and. to Jaye. i `t ' ltllf� Latest Styles. Families i 1 Y� Tp:and i!'ro in London, - 4 rc a Ac 'ono the v c T- p , 'p , surround, Sea, Th c ua tt 1 ii Sal ate n, Ville iu alto evening. The aster, Bey. . R.vree--hrtereareTewiuelii . State a neva,1 t e I a e and Tires is the title of a leeturo Cabo deliver '1 „ em in h . (:atberiares in camin S el • D' traps, will be absent preaching " United ata Sr-puler earl Mat. , iu rho dineerestrcet Methotthat Church next V A T t O entail l 1 a `r,f ! _ • thew Batts. formed def Newton Stefvstt, 111 country can rely 011 Good Value for thei one y. eveuiur;, October l0tlt, by ;t1r,, pox sienna the eet1, re f 0kieet to cell at, et'rtnene tri th 11101'04W lie anis- Tyruild Ca., Irtiland, etas 57 years aril; , S t'I ,' under rho aus ices of rho + teutiou to the Wrens f t a Army byre. For; winery fund, on the \Veettill stet ill n►outlts, f ' •,5 delivered * ! dr John It P r 1 clirnui4. B' an overs. ltt, Mr. Gatle Deeeaeedis tonna t,, anally in 5t. Marys AA.l IClc r na tl at your homes, 112 the Fit if uv.'r a s lir now the S. 4, has bad unite tut- (i men 41►rhstta3h Tchuperat)ce L Haan of $t of as a lecturer by the leading papers both 1 with mF Every nth has ananes� air para e, �... - desired. inauy' xuiniatera who heard She lecture say lionise have been frightened) by t]lat drum T. , silver rolld'otion taken. JULo'fail to euebraeete T. George will pre anli there in the ? property of Isabella Doge and J. 4ewper, the opportuuity of bearing tlnie lecture next bars'" been narrl3v;'"c s Ber�ttdill uto�dtlay ' evening earl afternoon and bake .rte lot i"r, con. 8, trahorne. Sale at sue o eurea, S kuday evening. MERCHANDISE els and Groceries are wart- nted of the Best Adan= t tea swat eat Exeter, Turing that tirue, al* QUI - this tease. Mr. Clarke ie very highly spxlketi t int 1 ed their a ° was planned by the late (inane a1 :; Act Diana hard. tat dinars beating flee haunting and a otetrict nleetuhg to liroeelh ciltseeln -' SALE Hk fllSTl P, in Canada and all.: United States and very west dee;cordant sound, v<•Itielt, in thetr Pu. dry eeeniona Ott that Coutrlilia circuit tLuse 1 it tri highly interesting. There will be asw ahoy call Ringing, erseaberleas the Rama date. The Rev. Thoniaa. Tneiespax, Orr. 22. 18W:4 -Farm, ilLoek, the when seine terrible or fatal acceleet oeenrs own appointment on the Etimville 3 Henry Drown. aucticuccr. people 001700, $ot1,, n ' at night, The Rev. Farm Stock, implements, lie a result, the le will irate up to the emote, Ocr. 23. -Farm rerevettee, fact that the methods of worship adopted by tel , • l r d o., the property of Jno Ifodgeue, lot G, Joseph 1 the Arany are an unmitigated auisauce. Dar- !' Rd'1.5 leer (n. S .) ped*she i at iioU cuu. 12, McGillivray. No reserve. Sete from �tl a old cautery. days several clear Immo ing these dark nights, R4eu people are eriv.1 and Suu•i114le. A.rrangerepta are at Qua o'clock. II. Eilber, auctioneer. Duringnt p ing on the streets, there is a great deal of k being perfected far the preaching of r Yawner, per. 20, 18e5. --Ferre Stock, the been killed at the lake. poeitivodanger, But ate Army app tot soriltons. in the interest* of the super- i property of Wnt. Cook. let 13, lioutb-etet A very' heavy trade le being doneiq apples baro hu) rcy)idet for an}body's rights or gni- aunaitttici miuiaiere' fetid, ou the N tfoundarv, Lsboriao. No roger♦e, t3ate at here dile acasen there being 'morel bnvetsr vilegea but their own tea in St Catharines E t d f one a'etook Henry fit, astattonQer a r. cheerio of adverUaemeut• place (Exeter amongst moan.) moat aenRible . will be enured and the °caroler) avail :h. - . . 1 .'- t Theo who ata 1ht2uRe'•c1saufh1Q and those tate. defied lam and public aatety, so tit" 11E1, 10 eiretne oat the 2 n 0 Aext who are not. kindUy look *t itautou flier', are inehn9.i to ignore tt0tli n every other month, 'Pitres eminent ltreaah til sterner, Qite lo.arty l Stock as r male articles, the property Of Thoa, ltt*rly, lo t4 Trial Respectfully Solicited. '"s STORE The usual monthly change of pun}'its by eo le have ranee to the eone1 aiou that the { $con 11 Either, as Sat q at cue o c nc , people 1' 1 be cue of atluouai interest Henry Either, auctioneer. the *WO, Methodist tntntitere ie. Walt tool, antras of the .tory are not really neeeasear]r Sara nu Ar, Q4 r. 24,1835,••-Fa►rm Stock sad tree Sunday morning last, ,� in the worship of the Creator. To a great S. S. NO, Ultbarrio, t int leweuts, the properly of jmaa Ih Meson. Eserything in Dress and 4I*utle 5faktate. , man) pervious of keen perception those say; P P y P ; tt d b. 'alias Uartio of It*ntou BMA. tiiUWng Fittin c cue ♦ Wee *nd perlornlauaea aro Absolutely bore-. i The+ contingent t Serail collection will he tali- 1 morality tiara hosttly gtaloty wa think it to Farquhar, hilar hie rented 11 hennas and lot part lot 6. sin. U. itepiton. Sane at one Eying- For the Rata of bout public feeling.1 lair. David Brown, formerly ajf .i O'clock sharp. No reserve. Henry Ellber, l , ar h *ucta(,nt ir• n up in the efain-street Methodist church high time for the Army to d1esiut from their hetaugiug t2 '1(r Thoth tecteektin THEIR/AT. O,.rn. next fiaUbatll P f ti at oa � B ono Enured to Tlnert, is scnzcFly a house in rout the .xe• acttten hu tins luatti+r. The gotxl acs:?tu- 0 1is ee r, c o 'Warne, lot 13, cern. 5. Stepiieu. Sale at street . .... ear, or for the public to take some ' ' ' , WANTED la, 1i38S,-Tarin Sanck 1 rpt ht �rthe son and Irapleurente the property Of John ter. Title apelike well and is proof th*t our l lieha,l (if any) is certainly not cowutensur- his new homy led. Tbureday. 1 o'clo:k sharp. fiat population is inertaeing. ate with the risk to batt ;aernlr of alto cltil-1 A. night school hse been oonunenc. eer, No reserve. r Young Madden, who was sent to Carlori1h dren nand public wady, We hope the Army , od in this motion and will be carried ,, tom" Partite getting their sale bulli printed t to stand trial for purgeery, as released, he will have seuso enough to stop tate parade, at , r at this ollicc, will get a rasa notice Weiler TI�t �Z 1 O 1 judge finding no bill against him least en the future no through the itI'itller, I, nc first 6 Ilea opened out in ua inn• Finbar s t r ri , Cr a .a Sad u red &Cos Old Stand 1 to the above. On Wednesday of brat seek Mr. A. Q. li r. Yours, tea., meetiug was held Monday eveniug, , Complete stock of Groceries. Whams to snaouuea to the mribatiiiants of Exeter and vietnity, that he has opened out a 6001 gad Shoe Zip in the Voruer Store North of S*mwell & lhekard'r, where he is prepared to make bier *hipped from Lacon station a oar load A, Serrttaan, when a large number of the young kleesar.r, Itotnaa Aftrta.-One of the 16 lbs. Sugar; $1 Tea, 25, 50 all kends o, ordered work. ,- and 75 cts--Go(3(1 Quality Fisher, of b k t hatter for the eastern near e ' folks were present, and all displayed moat complete roller mils in the Province iB The annual bat of apples front lJr, (leo.' 'urinate' Coa1vanntit1nu„ constantly ate w running and s i the Moat esti' ishcr, es to hand for whish we return him oanpiderable eatbualsem over the new Mr. hfartiti 13, A. of Leborne, .las been t to sea We ave ` y nicely 1 t f {Repairing promptly attended to. Dna Sra.-I notioe4 in your last teem) a attendance nu he futu h it andbe oonviuced. 20 tons of good. Mid d y aitrUrte� Bask a at a salve engaged e f 060 a of the Watford schools y dl' h a t 1 ti A f f at a !alar of 1E30D a ear. vera wino and practical Ragf(astion, with ro- little donbl but that we anneal aceom•- y yCorn and Goru Chi on Inaid. deo of November as thaukagiveng d*r- It Stephen and t auorne meeting in annul Gen- the busy time again commences. Ttivi>r fi t,adltlrrAns. , giving r er' facttote (friatiug dna) to order *au short our thank!. To the Editor of the Times. arrangement. We expect a large notice. The roller flour takes th lead. Tr• Boots G Slices all Styles) &�, Lew Prices, Sewed work a speciality. rasa on an a ow guess• few cars o z It hie Lean decided to sat apart filo 7th femme to the advisability of the farmers of pliah a groat amount of work before P e R`+ A r. {{ R FORKS, SCYTHES, BINDING GL09ES•1_ateManager G Eacrett'Qi7)tot and Shoe GEO. IANSON, (Cheap.) Trine 011 600 per Gal. 1 Establishme as a Young thea Beet �fac of importance to themselves. Now I eau y g I%ISti9ALt.-��'anted at ails Howell fat- t COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER., F. Subscribe for the name from now naafi conceive of nutttin that would be of ascii gentlo>uen, of this section, was re: Meal .nulla, fifty thousand hushes of good May 14th 84• January ass ria. Brim full f localg falls on Saturda ` tial place for the purpose of discussing topics y Ooe evening laBl week ever week. Just 20 conte in Advance. news beno5t to the farmingc.�mmutnity, as month- burning home from a threshing, he sound Oets for Milling purpo.es. The nigh•' �' A reduction of 2& Per Cent. en Yep , gag g was pelted with rocks but,(mina to eat rico will be a g Tweeds, and Beady-niadee. A good Snit a M. A, Q. Dobler has diapered of hie store- ly or u*rterly mectiu to exnLan a ]dads p , or oats. paid. Oat•moal gxohau ed A.LL-WOOL SERGE for $7,50. Statin a and Overeoets Cheep. NI TEB TA/Lon house in Exeter to Mr. Jas, Swenerton, and and devise schemes for the promotion of the .,_ _ was unable a_ a -a t g ■ 1 I to farming interest Doctors teachers and the u lir uainea . The Salvationists went to Luean on Mon• and maufaoturera have their oonventiona, Whether the person had any mie- (Corrected at5u`clookp,m. Wadnoeday. the Lowest Notch• ebu� deviating his attention era carve y nut for certain Who threw them. Our Dress Goods are marked down to the butter L ! profoaalonal mon, of alp classes, nlechaniaaMARKET REPORTS. day evening to attend a jubilee or Boum de• and the farmer, who should mein; as much oblevous intentions we Cannot eay. NALL 171121AT l COTTON -20 YARDS POE ONE DOLLAR. monetration. They took the drums and Slag benefit through them as any one oleo, should Be that as it may, the preen who ''ynite\Vhee 1 ... ,,, ,,, 0 91 to 0 8S Th Gl o si elan with diem, 'meths= too. ere arecertainly rauges, iced ho 085] Last Sunday sons another very warm day but at they partake of the secret order var- was guilty of the misconduct well re- Whlto Wheat 2iOW .. 085 to 085 1 Alamo aud Lot to sell or rent. net of Associations, a great manyaro stereo quire to be careful In the future. We nod WhoatNew c ss to 0 as for this semen of the year, and. many took Y 8 � itnrx p P would like t c wuuAr advantage of rho lino weather to RiRtt the , Vito (new) ••• ••• o ai to o 89 *amatory. u i Th be is aarley ,,. ,,. ••• ••• 0 48 to 0 67 Pi lir east earned oats ,•. ••• a 25 10 0 27 As usual, Messrs. P' k d t2 Sp i oil a groat many prizes for fowl at the Kirk - ton show, last weok, having to compote with other well known poultry breeders. Reed the fist of prize winners at the Blau - shard Agricultural Society's fall show, held t Kirkton on Thursday and Friday last. It (et is reliable. Beantiful dress goods opened this week at Renton Bros'. Call and see. Better veltm than we have yet been able to lay befere yon. Bought late in the season and very low. Our customers get the benefit of it. . Ponx1 -IR the Exeter fair grounds a quantity of money. The owner can have the same byproving ownership and paying 1 to Frank for this advertisement. Apply Ruse, Exeter. Have you sink headache, a foul tongne, or are you Bilious 7 11 so get well by us- ing Dr. Carson's Bitters. The boarding and eating house in the west end of Swenerton's new block at the market, conducted by Mr. John Hayes, is now in fall operation, and the farmers seem. to appreciate the enterprise. It is convenient. Everything first class. The pastor of the Main -street Methodist Church will this (Thursday) evening oom- nence a series of short lectures on the par- • - ries. He will take for tc-night the parable 31, 'he sower. Much information may be `aft ired by attending these lectures, ,tins ring the past two weeks we have added 'Du, ' many subscribers to our large list. 'a g'foat .tieman subsoribed for three copies to Ohs get ne year to friends in the old coun- bet o. Everybody should take it ; only 20 •countiy. • now until January lat. 'cents Team Sire are now about at an end, ane The tell y be a few neighbors whp won't other for a while, because they speak to each 'n prizes for their exhibits, all did not obtat n forget all about it and be but they will coo, 'as friendly 'es eve., ' f different lfanguages con - The alphabets Io. ember of lettere :-Eng- lain the foie:Ming ne ' Dollen 20 ; Spanish, ish, 26 ; French, 2e cafe, 27; Russian, 41; '27 ; Germans ": 824 Hebrew, etc., 22 ; 'Lath)., -2£; 'Greek, ; Sanorit, 52 ; chi. t al&' 28 ; Persian, 32 to such but to open conventions, I resume, o know,for certain who non would object. ese meetings need not bo of a monotonous character, nor par- . take too much of the routine, but should be made as practical as possible, Specialists in the various branches of husbandry eould be procured to doliyorlectures on various topics such as fruit culture, caro of stock, drainage, &o„ taking up nearly everything of interest to the agriculturist. in these meetings also, members should be selected from timo to time, to introduce subjects for general dis- cussion at future meetings. These meetings might also partake of a legislative obarater, o discuss the merits or demerits of present egielative note, and suggest improvements nd amendments for the future cousider- tion of the powers that be. It is to be hoped some live farmers will take a hold of this thing, call a meeting at Exeter, which is the most central place, and organize a good institution, and let it be known that the bone and sinew of the land nave vim and snap enough left to dimwit matters pertain- ing to an occupation the noblest, healthiest and the best. Moro anon. Yours Truly, CLODHOPPER. Uaborne, 0M. 8th. '85. nese 214. a young son of Mr- James Sweet, of this pt ureide the vel beach -nuts in a bash ins o. ,itch he was - lige, the limb el the tree upon T ,gid to fall a Mantling gave way, allowing the a tuftsin• distance of thirty feet, but he only' 9d a few cul The officers of the Exeter Diyiaiou, Sons et Temperance, for the._Present quarter, whose names we pALlislied last' week, 'were duly installed on Monday eveningDelast by Chas. h Bo,O Petr bdYC, x Worthy n W Y d Snell, Grand Snell, who was re-elected,toho position of L. G. W. P. for the next year.is 're Mica Martin, formerly of Guelph, Z to make upin first-class style, dresses, pared t platers, /.. ps' eke skirts, a , r bisques, :polonaise, ski , ] of oWle do paletots, &o. Her thorough knowledge sinosa , past experience, &o., is suffi- cient 0 bu P t '1 ` fao t ion w entire s at18 � hat. 410 n guarantee e of gthe with or her be ensured those who lav patronage. Rantan Bros'. dreas and mans making department. J On Saturday laat,. while • ,e was gather bruises. To the Editer of the Times. tarn, -Since in the last week's Thies you very thoughtfully let drop a pearl of thought with reference to the farmers of Stephen and Usborne meeting for the discussion of vari- ous topics, I think it would be ungrateful of your readers not to keep the ball a rolling, especially in such a laudable course as you have suggested- I don't mean to say that my brother farmers and 1 aro behind the times at all, but I do believe we miss many a golden opportunity for improvement that might be turned to good account, had we a little more of that quality called sociality. We are living in a fast age, and a great many of our cloth roface to give the old wheel of "because it was act in our fathers' time it is so now" an extra turn or two ahead, iu order to even catch a hold of the coat tails of the more advanced progress of pablio opinion. If farming is to keep pace with the times, the best methods and newest improyements must be introduced, and there is no better method of accomplishing that end occurs to my mind than meetings of the kind youhave very properly suggested. It is not as it used to be, when all that was required was to scatter the seed and a crop was assured, Nature, to a certain extent, has become ex- hausted, and artificial means must be resort- ed to to supply the drain, and the old system of wearing father's shoes, good as is may •have been in their time, will not produce the reenired results now-a•day. I heartily en - &Tee the idea'''. of Farmers' Unions; and would gladly hail au organization of tree a lasting kind as an omen of great and g ood , themselves, only to farmers, but •to the whole community. Were such a union start- ed, say in Exeter, I feel confident the exam- ple would soon be imitatedother In they mnnioi- palities, until it would attain throughout the whole province, and probably the whole d o - m3pion.What say you brother fazmers, Let t e hear from you, are you with us ? Le t y , anyhow. Yours fraternally, A Femme Stephen. Oot,12, '85. !i©lnsaalI. POLITICAL MEETING.-• On Thurs- day evening halt Sir Richard. Cart- wright paid us a visit, and gave an address in Hodgin's Hall. About 75 people were present, mostly elderly men, with dome from entaide the rid- ing and a fair sprinkling of Tories. There was not the slightest enthusi- asm, and the address was common- place aid rather disappointing. The o venal indiotmenis concerning the Franchise Bill, the C. P. R., the Pub- lic debt, French domination, and general corruption, were brought against the Government. but with little force or earnestness. lair Rich- ard thinks Riet should be hung, but thought Sir John Macdonald was more criminal than Biel, and should have a worse fate. After closing the epeeoh a non-resident young dieoiple of Blackstone, from Exeter, who oar- rioa r large quantity of Gritism and egotism, got on the platform and moved a bunoome resolution, which was carried. That done, some lumi- nary got up in the hall and moved a vote of thanks to "Peter', Cartwright, without a preface of either Honorable, Sir, or even Mr., evidently thinking that inetead of the teathetic Sir Rich- ard, he had been listening to the fam- ous early Methodist orator. A vole of thanks having been tendered to " Peter." Cartwright, the meeting adjourned, without even a chews for Her Majesty. The attendenoe, between 3,000 and 4,000 people on Thursday last, insur- ed the success of the Parkhill fair, held yearly in that plane. The day was alightly 000l, and the heavy rain the previous evening made the roads very heavy. The exhibit of horses was'fine, and was' admired by' a11. The show room was beautifully got well a s the - as Thepaintings, U p ladies' fancy work, were much admir- ed. II •..• �.. Rid yourself of that vile Cattarh, Guar- antoed Curs. Dr. Carson's Catarrh Care $l.o0 , If our Dru SH I t hart not got it send 01.00 to Dr. G. A. Carson Medical Co., To- ronto, who will send a bottle express paid. Send for pamphlet. Clover See Timothy Peas ••- Corn 000 to 825 ,.. 1 25 to 200 053to050 _. 058 to 000 Eggs otetoc15 State* tIlto012 Flourperbbl... ... ... ,.. 5 00 to 6 S5 Potatoos,per bag ••• -•• 0 97 to 0 45 Apples,perbag .........0 40 to 0 50 DriedApplespr b 0 04 to 0 00 t}eoee per lb. ... .„ 0 05 to 0 06 Turkey per lb .» 0 O8 to 006 Ducks per pr .. 050 to 060 Chickens per pr . ... ... 0 25 to 0 35 Hoga,dressedper100 5 50 to 6 75 Beef ... 5 00 to 6 00 • 500to600 • 0 00'to7 00 • 050 to 57 050to070 • 01?to018 - BOO to 8 00 50to075 Hidesroudrehg,ssed ..... .., " • •, Shoepakins,oaob .. per Wo Calfekins b ... Wool re Eayperton Onionsoerbush ... ... ... Wood per cord ,., •, 2 50 to 2 75 HENSALL MARKETS Fall Wheat porbh ... ,,, $ 0 80 to 0 80 8orfng 0 80 to 0 80 Barley (bright) ... ,., 0 50 to 0 60 Barley (feeding) ... White Oats, ... Black Oats ... Apples per bbl. ,,, otatoes per bh .., 045 to 046 0 28 to 0 30 0 3I to 0193 100 to 100 025 to 052 ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6f percent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.B. DICKSON, Barrister. Exeter, HORSE' S FOR SALE 1 Brood mare (supposed to be with foal to Imported Herm) lFour-year-eldMare,1 Year- o1d Mare Colt, Two Sucking Colts. All will be sold cheap. For further particulars, apply to AMOSDOUPE 14th Con:, Usborne, Kirkton P. 0. STRAYED FROM LOT 6, S. E. BOUNDARY, TOWNSHIP OE USB ORNE Six Spring Calves (three of them steers and three of them heiters,) One of the calves is nearly white, two grey, and three red and white. Last heard of in the neighborhood of Farquhar. Any person giving any information that will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. Taos. Trams, Kiakton P, 0. SUMMONED To Appear before the Bari E. 11. FISH, Whore the man who came at the cryof •`next" received a Shave and a Hair -out which could not possibly have been surpassed by any barber, NEAR THE POST OFFICE. NOT'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Court will be held, pursuant to the Statue in that babelt y 'b His Honor the Judge or the County Court of the County of Huron, at DRE W'S HALL, EXETEit, on TUESDAY, the THIRD day of NOVEMBER, 1885, at eleven o'clock in the,Iorenoon, to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' last of the Muni- cipality persons • for 1885. o having t of EX etas p business at the Court are hereby required to attend at the said time and place. M. EIACRETT, Clerk of the said Muhicipality Dated at Exeter, this 14th day of Oot.,1885. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. 0. BUY ONLY THE BEST. Laurance's Co1obrate peetacles The Lougee of these Spectacles, being scion - Gamily ground from Pure Pebble, are without exception, the beat adapted to preserve perfect vision and rosters the sight when damaged by old age and other causes. They have the rec- commendation of the most eminent members of the medicalprotesaion in England as well as in Canada. and a large number of our most Prominent citizens, READ THE FOLLOWING : Chief Justice Macdonald, N, S„ writes : They give the highest satisfaction. Senator Archibald writes : I have experienc- ed great satisfaction from their use. Chief Jnstioo Sir Wm. Young writes: They give a clearer and purer light ander gas [than any I have previously obtained here or else- where Jahn F. Wood, At: D., writes :For ens e or comfort they excel any I have ever used. J. Mackenzie, F R 0 5, Kingston, writes Carefully constructed, good defining power an glasses in each frame of focal equal Ian A C Blair, E eq-, Premior, N. B., writea : Of the comfort and assistance experienced. I.t. Gov. Eaviland, P.D. I., writes: I never experienced say strain on my eyes after[ using them. Rev. Father Bolduo, Quebec, writes : That he finds them superior to any previously used. Peter Lynch, Esq.,Q.C.;Halifax,writes: Using one pair of Laurance's Spectacles for 13 years with great satisfaction and benefit to my eyes. De Cure De Quebec, writes He is more than. satisfied with the selection made, M. Ft Walsh,Eaq., Seo. Minister of the In- terior, writes : The glasses suit admirably and give every satisfaction. Dean of Ontario writes : Of the great comfort and relief Sound in wearing his spectacles. Lt. Gov. Sir/P. McDougall, K. C. M. lir', writes: He is greatly pleased with the selection made. Dr. Phelan, Kingston, writes : They supply to those with eyery derangement of the vision a long felt want. SOLE AGENCY': Dom Laborat'ry EXETER. jW. BROWNING, O\ B� ►,,J Vr 1 � ., PROPRIETOR. 1M. MF, WU. LYRE is prepiired .o do CUSTOM TAILORING At Kirkton. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS Heade in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction guaranteed in -every respect. CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. Ladies jackets a Specialty Give him a trial and be convinced that will give satiafaetion. WILLIAM LYNE. FREEMAN'S WORM P©WDE,RS. Aro pleasant to take. Contain own Purgative. Is a safe, sure, and eife tuiii • , dyer of worms in Children or A'dalti Health is 11/eatth ! DR, E. O. WEBT'S Naavu AND B*u t TREAT - mous., a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Diz- ziness, Convulsions Fits, Nervoue Neuralgia, Headache, NervouOProstration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Men- tal Depression, Softening of the Brain, result- ing in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature 01d Age, Barrenie es, Loss of Power in either sex,Involuntary rais- es caused b over-exer- tion er- xer- and S v e es > y p e brain,self-abuse or over -indulgence, tion of thb Ono box will cue recent eases. Each bxcon- tains one month's 'treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars ; sent bymail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six. boxes to cure any case, With each arder re- ceived us for six, boxes accompanied with live oilers we will send thepurchaser our writtenuarant0e to refund the mune if the gY. trAatnent does not effect aenre: Ottarantees issued only by JOHN C. WEST &• CO., Sole Proprietors, 81 & 83 King St. East, Toronto, Ont.