The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-12-12, Page 3• Barrister Fitc. Hamilton Street, Goderieh Piton° 90. W. CECIL ATTRIDGE. SERVICE For Small. Businesses, Stores, Etc. Bookkeeping Systems Installed. -'• Books Balanced Monthly " Financial Statements . Wage Summaries Businesif and Personal Income Talc Bettina . ALBERT SHORE , Office:Corner North St. and Scivare ,Phone 975. .Residence Phone 444. McKILLOP TIJ.AL FIRE IN- - SURANcE CO.,—Farm and iso- lated town property insured. Officers — President, Frank 111c-° 4- Gregor, Clinton, No.• 5; -Kice-President, Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm, No. 1; Manager and Secretary -Treasurer; M. Direetors---Frank McGregor, Clinton; Chris. Leonbardt, Bornholm; Alex. Trewartha, Clinton ,• Alex. Blyth; Hugh. Alexander, Walton; J. R. Finlay' McKercher,• Dublizi, No. 1; J. F. ,Prueter. Brodhanen. Policy -holders cazi make all Pay- ments and get their cards! receipted at . the Royal. Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, or J. H. Reid's General Store, Bayfield. - MEDICAL - NOSE, THROAT • Late House Surgeon New 'York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, assist- ant at MoOrefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square , Throat Hospital, London,• England. -- EYES TESTED, GLASSES . , SUPPLIED • 53 Waterloo Street' S., Strattosd. Telephone 267. Next visit Bedford Hotel, Goderich, °Wednesday, January 22, 1947, at'.2 p.m. till 4.30 iina. , CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST - Goderich, Phone 341 OFFICE HOURS . Mineral fume baths by ' appointMent Act for the Province of Ontario. A. L. COLE Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. Eyes Examined, GlasseS Fitted I P. J. RYAN Real Estate and Insurance Office and Residenee: 11 Trafalga,r Street Phone .663 FOR SALE—Houses of all kinds, .choice building lots, business pro- perty and several good farms. DUE DATES , OF • RATION, COUPONS 1 oupons now valid are sugar -pre- serves SI. to S36, Glitter B29 to /334 and meat 20100 to M03. All spgar couipons in book 5, all evaPoiated milk beaver coupons, butter ,B29 to 133,4 and meat MO9 to M03 expire December 31, QUESTIONS AND IltNSWERS bought a piece of rolled smoked ham weighing WO pounds and one ounce. I was charged $1.82. Would that be above the Ceiling price? fi smoked ham" is too gen- eral a term for us to quote you the, 'correct ceiling., Howetter, $1.82 seems very high. WoUld you please let us ,have the naniji el' the dealer and we Q.—I read in „the paper that the next Ritter coupon becomes good on Decem- ber 12 and no more until plytistmas. How can Nve have enOugh buttes for the holiday season if this is corkeet? A.—The' next butter coupon 1335:be- comes valid on December 19 and not on December 12. This means you will have some Witter .for Christmas. In- cidentally, 1336 becomes good on De- cember 26. • 9.—Is there a ceilin,g price on malted Bus Schedure now ta° effect Leaves Goderich daily ineluding Sunday 7.45 am.; 12.25 p.m.; 4.15 p.m. Arrives Goderich daily Leaves Sundays and holidays The 8.00 p.m. bus goes di.ect to London only. Connections . at Clinton. 'for London. Detroit, Wingham, Walkerton. Pert Elgin and Owen Sound. . Connections at Stratford for Woodstock - Kitchener, Guelph,"..,Hamilton and Toronto. Connections at Mitchell for Listowel and London. ,For information.. phone,British- - change phone 691 or 717. * INSURANCE WIND- CAR, FIRE --Preferred rateS for ACCIDENT & SICKNESS Phone 82-13 Dungannon - preferred risks. DONALD B. BLUE EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Licensed foe Counties of Burod . and Bruce RIPLEY, PHONE 49 For information apply to J. N. Kernighan, Division Court Clerk. Goderich, Ont. EDWARD W. ET.T.TOTT IACENSED AUCTIONEER CorreSpondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling. Phone 20'3, Clinton. s Charge. moderate aria satis&c- No Isis HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUTtONEER HURON AND PERTH For information, etc.. write R.R. Seaforth; or Roue (col- lect) Seaforth, or 867, Goderich. For courtesyw 'experience an successful salts" call Licensed Auctioneer Sales conducted anywhere. Charges reasOnable " Telephone Charges- Paid Phone Goderich .626M 43-6yr sionememmt immommoimmor THE 'CAPITAL THEATRE PHONE 47 Now—George Formby, in "I Didn't Do It." , MON. TUES. and WED. ' John Hothali, Nancy• Guild, Lloyd Nolan arid Richard Conte iyiAh Lou., Nova and AlvgO, ,t,13\ east, ,pr . en ng ,sp‘ e - "SOMEWHERE • IN TtlE NIGHT" • T1111TR. FRI. and SAT. WALT DISNEY'S Superb fantasy of 'mimic and color returns in triumplhatit revival with a ftill and complete program of entertaining short sub-, "PINOCCIIIO" Coming—Dorothy McGuire, in "Claudia and David." Matinees Wed., Sit. and Holidays a 2.30 p.m. HURON COUNTr$ FOREMOST WEEKLY A (HELM LETTLR WM GODERICH TO ILiVE COMMUNITY NIANITOBA Renewing his' sutssnription to The Signal -Star, Mr. F. Boyd; Xingu, Maxi:, writes, turner Jute of Deceuiber vo,uld cull an Indian summer day. ot any great amount of suow in this Section, of Manitoba., and by the temper- ature lit the present -time it is going' disaPpear fast. We had quite a lot of cold winter weather in the months of October And .November, with con- siderable snovv. .rhe Prairie Proirinces have garner6d in another harVest of Plenty, for which we he.ve every season to be thankful to our Lord the giver. 'Just to think of Ca,nada with more than four hundred million bushels of wheat, beides• all 'other ,course grains. The starving people of those, wartorn countries need- all the surplus grain that can be spared. "We are anio.,"blessed .here,,on the Prairies with plenty of fru4, from both East and Weste and we want for nothing. We can truly say that this Dominion is a land ,flo,wing with milli and honey. "Compliments of the Christmas sea- son to the entire 'staff." milli drinks serVed at refreshment A.—Yes. Ceiling prices fOr malted milk drinks. containing not less than ten fluid ounceg is 15 cents without ice cream, and 20 cents with ice cream. Weekly.. Recently two of them moved out without giving me notice. Is this legal? A.--U„nder the Wartime Prices arid -Trade Beard regulations th.o landlord may give the boarder notice- under the Provincial laW; that is, it boar -ding by the. week, the one week's notice; by the month, one month's .notice. . The tenant is bound • in his notice by the Provincial law whiell area before rent cOntrol.. You should 'see your .lawyer if your boarders dre leav- ing without giving you proper notice or payhtent.of board aocennt. .Q. -To settle „„an_argumenti yen' please"teil the'if there is any -regulation of 'the , Woartinke Prices and Trade Board .which prevents hoarding? 4. --Yes. The regulation reads="no Person shall acquire any goods beyond qttired fbr. the use or consumption of himself and ,his household or beyond stick amount, if any, as the Board may BUTTER COUPONS, Hbusewives, concerned because Of printed report that no butter coupons; until the day after Christneas,-lrave re- ceived heartening news from the War- time 'Prices and; Trade. Board. One and bne on. December 26. Nol butti..r coupqn becomes :valid December S TREE DEC ER 23rd Progress Indicated in Plans for North„Harbor Road—Gra t of $500 to Board of Tra,de—P. IL Commission S'ayo No Materials Avail. able at Present,for Proposed Extension of Water Service. :What 'looks in the project fez. a -iota' fo the north side of the harbor has at last been made, At the, meeting of the Town Council en Friday night last a fetter was read from A. A. Anderson, London, _district engineer for the Federal De- partment of Public Works, stating that he had recommended to the bepart- ment at Ottawa a lease to ,the Town of a 7% -acre tract between the river hreakwater and the north pier, n divisional engineer of tile 0.N. Rail- ways, was to the effect that the rail- way company had- advised Mr. Ander- son that "under existing conditions' it would be necessary for the roadway to be constructed along, the south side of the breakwater rather than the north This is ‘the nearest the Town . has yet got to" securing aoy co-operation be granted permission to install an from the C.N.R. or the Government in the plan for the much -talked -of road. Council adopted a ,recomMendation of the special' Committee that a Christ- mas party for the children be held on Monday afternoon, December 23rd, and that three 'trees in Court House Park be decorated in holiday style. 4, grant of $500 to the "Board of Trade was authorized. like important progress inents for "properly heating all' of the ()muse be completed early in - the new ye4r. Additional Land for Court House Site Town Solicitor Dancey submitted a draft petition to be presented to the Provincial Government asking for the passing of an act validating the con- veyance to the County of additional land in Court House Park for the erection of a new court house. He said the costs in connection with securing this enactment would be about 1500 and he suggested that the County Council be consulted. The finance committee recommended that the cheque for $100 from Mrs. Lillian Brenner. to cover a transient trader's license be returned to he; and the usual business- tax collected; that a grant of $500 be made to the Gode- The public works conlmittee recom- mended that the Bell Telephone Co outdoor telephov booth at the corner of Colberne street_ and the Square, providing approval is obtained from the Bank of COmmerce; 'that Fred' Sea- brook be offered 1(10 feet frontage on Britannia road, commencing at the sonthi,vesterly'yorner of the Kensing- ton. Furniture lot, for $200. \ The special ,eonimittee reconimended ChangeS Suggested, for the Rink ' - citizens from the list already submitted, Harry Babb, lessee' of the skating 14 him to' act. on... --,a- band committee: rink kir the coming season, was pre- .together with the_ chairnaan of the and alterations at the building for a M. Ford'be appointed as the Town's sent with -a list of suggested repairs special; cenamittee of the..Cenneil; that greater convenleaceand for safety and sepresentallyn• Oil the board- of trustees sanitary purposes. __:.-1.1e.....said - polie of the.-G-Oderlehs high school district ; supervision should be given for the that'a notice be inserted in The Signal - hours to be devoted to chilgren's free Stdr with regard to iemoval of. snoW skating, as with th.e hundreds Of child- from sidewalks on the- Square ; that, ren that would inyade the rink ' at three trees' In_ court-Ilouse-Park. 'be decorated, and that _the usual Christ- mas party for the children be held on .Monday, December 23rd, at v3.30 p.m. - The cemetery. and 13`arks cotnmittee reconirdended. Oat • the' Lions, Chili be ,allowed to 'flood a portion of Court -Ile had, been, it,sked, by _the coun{d4.40. _.411.e.a.-witt-4,--light and harbor' coin bring in a list' of .things he thought mittee-reemuniended that the enquiry should- be done at the rink. , from ,an Owen Sound man. for .tuanu- Mr. Babb. said 'if the C.ouneil did faeturing space.be filed; that the frame not wish to sPentrthe money:he would these hours scentMwould-ho.pecessarr.' -ete.ittiteion said if the Council carried but all, Mr. Babb's suggestions it would mean an expenditure of more -than the rental received" by the Town. Deputy' Reeve MacEwau said Mr. Babb was .rnerely making' suggestions go ahead as had- been done in years. .Coun. Taylor Said there had- been Complain ts • -last. year With .-Tespeei to season 'ticketsr.-- Mr. Babb gave Some Particulars as to what. he ,intended tO . Mayor Mooney, suggested that as a new rink was being talkett of it would pas charge this year. building at the beach previously used as an ic h the building to.'be removed. The Cohrt •of Revision recommended that the • .1946 assessment roll as amended be adopted-, andlJhat. the 1947 taxes be levied', 'thereon. ...(The .only ...ehange 'in the roll was with regard. to the building of the Kuntz Realty.Co. of. Windsor op Maitland road.' The build - not be advisable to spend a great deal ing is being deniblished and the asses:4- _Council decided to have an inspection The chairman of' the public works of the. rink by the members before de-:, committee was ethpowered to 'make tiding Nvliat-was to be thine in the way arranf;ements for snowplowing. ' ' . All the members were present at the Coun. Brereton said he was to ga meeting except Reeve Turner, who was into Westminster jiespital again and reported. to be 41 at. his- home at might not'be present at the next meet- StCr7lhitiferio. f Pollee Ross reporred on 'express his appreciation of the patience ing and he took the oppertunity to iioundoutto toy sorrow that continuous dosing with ordinary sugar- coated pills, laxatives lizera, which gave me temporary relief, did my stomach more Urn] TABLETS. I bought them on the 15 -day money -back plin. Now I recommend tliem to my best friends." • Pluirmacists end many usAra praise teirUNDIuktiirrABIZTS for stonfach troubles *sand UT MIMI acid. You, too, can try there he Ilan IFiabett risking one.penny. ease la ler FREE Details end Wad Ozed Campbell's Drug Store, Goderich . Armstrong OPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST "See Armstrong and,See Better" At LucknoW 'first Friday of each month. J. CRAIGIE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE PHONE 24 GODERICH qatlattgS 4ArgeSt Fire ,Nus. Co. erear intes On 'Car and Wind Insurance. Among the lowest in !Canada. of loads of e0a1 as fellows: Scale Weight 5820 lb. 5830 lb Edward Coal 'Cp.' 2310 lb. 2306lb. Saults ,Coal Co. 2130m. ;1100 lb. Seabrook Coal Co. 1910 lb. 1900 lb. Jerry Coal Co. Dean Coal Co. 'Fire Report. for, 1946 J. E. Mutch, secretary Of the tire .brigade; reported for 1940: 55 callS,1 of which 16 were for fires, 13 for. meet- ings, three for prajtices and____23_for tires was estimated at $6,100,- the greatest anionnt• being $5,000 for the Applications for petinission to 'erect sig'n8 were received from the Jack and. Jill shop and the Publie Utilities Com- mission and Were referred to the public works committee. - aPpeal in behalf of the anti-tnber- culesis caMpaign was sent to. the .tin- ance cominittee, with a proviso that not more- than $250 be voted to the fund. The Bell Telephone Co. asked for the passing of a bylaw •permitting the 'erection of five poles on Maple street._ .Referred•tO public works committee. •• Materials, Not Available, Says PX.C. The Public UtilitieS - Commission wrote with regard to• the request for an .extehsion of water service in the southeast seCtioh of the Own.: t'We wish to advise that at the pre- sent time the material is not aVit-ilable- for, this woilt. We might mention that ,the only pipe we have been able to secure has been 'for the Wartime ficiuses. . Our engineer has had his „re - Port , on terworks problems under Way for some time, hut .has had to) -delay 1.1ending same be"eause he is un- ' able to - secure. definite information at the pi'esent time," . The request of the Canadian Feder- ation of Mayors and Municipalities' for the yearly membership fee of $25 wits referred to the tinanee cozirnittee.' who ,wanfs to" manufacture' flax- larvesting machines .was referred to the industrial committee., AsseSsor Sturdy. was authorize'd to attend, a meeting of assessing officers to beheld at:Guelph on7.December 12th. The' annual warning by the ("an- adthn Underwriters' Association of the need of special eare of firefighting equipment at the opening of the winter SPaSoll was sent on to the fire coin.. The. resignation of Guy Emerson froth the Beard of Health, after three eVived 1111a left for the consideration of- the 1947 Council. Tho minim' appeal for a grant to the Hospital for Sick Children, -Tor- onto, „wfm sent to the finanee committee. An offer from Frank lielesie a foot frontage for lofs on • Brittinii.ja road and ;Vfaitland street was referre to the industrial eethmittee. A communicatinn !trona the lessees Of the Park House asked that grratige- .1 Geo. G. MacEwan Fire, Accident and Motor Car Insurance OFFICE—MASONIC TEMPLE WBST STREET PHONE 230 GODERICH and forbearance extended. to him (Dir.; members and the Town officials. Ile had perhaps, lieen a bit too efithu„;:ia•stic in some of his auggestkons, but tW intentions always Were W be of Seale use tO tr,be corporation,- not for MU - happy and prosperous New Xear, , . - Tine Mayor expressed appreciation'of Coun. Brereton's remarks and said he hoped his stay in '-thb*hosPital, would BylaWs Nos. ,31 and 32 were passed, No. 31 was for the sale to Frank Don, nelly el' part of lot• 940 on Vietoria street for a cons,ideration of $00. No. 32 was for the Purehase for the ToWn's cemetery perpetuity fund of Dominion of Canada bonds to the amount of $3,500. Totalitarianism steps in when mere and, more people take less and lea responsibility for their country. WATER HOIMAGN.gzEiouse ,been hauling water for,iorty bead ot. -cattle fOr several weeliSt 'arid lin 114e "Gorrie-.Wroxeter district ;water is teing, drawn from streams a in110 .away. One' farmer' in the Winglatam district told The Signal -Star. tha.,,t .10) never /mew the swamps and wel,IS` so dry,. "It is the worst situation we have had in years," he gcarl.' Water SlIatage. is experieneed• WO, in Colborne' township, Here as else- whqre in the county the droUght eal4e4i. by weeks of dry weather and •littlo snow is 'being felt. • mckozmagictotigwmtocctetwoctevecomogvitottromitavgtogVit Christmas Music! 70R, THE GIFT THAT KiEPS bN GIVING Santa s'. Is Coming ,To Town N, , ..'L Perry, Como Perry Como , Perry Como Frank Sinatra and Dinah Shore er. Wonderland White Christmas FPI CHILDREN'S SETS Pee Wee The Piccolo. . Little Black Sambo and The Twins. 0, NUTCRACKER SUITE. GRAND CANYON SUITE. V For You, For Me, For Ever More ' Larry ,green 4 The' Things, We Did -Last Summer... . .. ... Vaughn Monroe HARRY JAMES ALBUM TOMMY DORSEY ALBUM '--- GODERICH:HOME ..* APPLIANCE §HOP ' R. PC CORNISH Phone 141 "Fest Street fia • 'FULL Tor Vol alsta too! All through the holiday season ° telephone operators will be on duty and all Long Distapce lines in service to handle the thousands of extra calls we know will be made. Most of these calls 'will be completed promptly. Occasionally, however, there will he some delays.. • If your Christmas call is one a. those which cannot be put through immediately, you May be mire we'll de' everything possible to keep deldys to a minimum. THE BELL TELMIONE COMPANY OF CANADA