The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-12-12, Page 2PAO THE GODERICH SIGNAIAT NRL13, 1%.---DZE'. 1,1 NILE MeNee ot Delmore visited wath a d Mrs. Graha Mace on'AtMdaY• Mrs. Car en Brindley returned homa grom the Godericli hospital mot we0z, but has nat been as well as her repPY friend_s would wish. The Nile ec400i is busy praetiSing for the Christmas concert, which be held Monday night, December Miss porothyMcCabe and lkirS,r. Westlake of Saitgord attende4 the Ie ifujUe in Toronto last week. , beam Club Of11eer8.-40be Sun- beam Club held its annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Grahani cNee, with teumembers and eight ehildi'en pre:. Obtritli tglitti.. tar unoN COUNTvs vonzmosT Tmacr,„1,- . Published by iigia-al.-Star: Vatted tatiteeKtoMr4 Ratea---0a ads, and Great 11,ritain. $2.00 a. year; 'to UEgted, I . • t . States, $2.50. . . - ates on reqiiest. Authorized as seconti-class mail, Post OfiRce Denartment; ,Ottawa,.. Teleplpo 6 71 , — Member of Canadian Weeyly Newpapers °Association — Sworn Circulation Over 2,000 ; • W. II, RpruERTSoN . GEO. L. ELLIt; DECEMBE— 12th, WO esiveettairAg TillYRSDAY. LITOAIAL NOTES Is the Niagara ,power .giant getting tired of carrying such a. bey load? Languid '-Lailacelot says he is quite in favor of the cocktail lounge- - especially the lounge. La Guardia says food should not be used as a .weapon. Just what we think .wh,en we see ,a good' custard .Pie thrown at a svieen *actor. The Statford Sage, looking over the Colborne eiectiou resurui, remarked: "Well, it looks as if every part of the • fewnship. likes its own man best." It, is argued that the cocktail .bars only for the duration of the wat, but Mr., King evidently has persuaded him to continue in office ' for° a longer Period. Lie is -the' Govertunent's main pillar in the Province of Quebec. Mr, Abbott ha$ demonstrated 'outstanding ability in various capacities and in the Finanee portfolio Will have charge of one of the most important Govern- ment departments. If he stays in politics he will go far. Carol, Service by •'School Children Large .kkidtpliee hriXfluz Okra. Rears Songs, vi 0 7stmaa Deligtgvny Sung Knox Preabyterian eluirch ivas filled even to the galleries by an appreciative audience on •Vriday night, when the pupils of Central awl. Victoria Schools presented, a -Christmas carol . service of outstanding merit, prepared by the acconaplishedinstructor a anu§ic, Mrs. J. G. AleD,ougall, with:the aesitstance of the teachers .eon, the. stairs -4' Of both schools, Boys " and girI8 were in the choir, and, with the brilliantly' decorated Christmas trees formed a pretty back- ground for the service. There were between live and six hundred children seated in the centre pews, and no greater compliment &Mid be paid those who participated in the service than the reverent silence pervading tile large auditorium as the ebeautifid carols were reverently, or joyously:sung by the children. ' Steturday last was a day of note. Priecipal. M. j.' Snider of Victoria It was the anniversary of pearl School introduced the program, which Harbor, and it was the day ou which began with au organ prelude by Mrs: Murray Hetherington. Ali grades and John L. Lewis called off the coal the audience Yoined 'in the, singiug of strike. On December 7th, .1941, Japan "0 Little Towu of Bethlehem," and trisismiimiageopgrisaxatragafgrawir cent To president Ws. O. Rae, was aargo Q file election Ot Ofileers fOr the Coaling year. They aro as foll- lowal President, Mrs. Or. MeNee; vice- IrDzesitlea, Mrs. W. t utledge; seezetarY, Mrs. W. Caldwell; aSsistant SeeretarY, Mrs.t. W. Nivius; treasurer, Mrs. R. ,Godfrey ; amuse ent committee, Mrs. Alvin Kerr .(convener), ,Mrs, Glad's Rivett, . Mrs. E. Cnibert, Mrs. 0. 'Sproule; pianist,, M. H. Stothers; buying comMittee, Mrs; O. McNee (con- vener), Mrs. E. Brindley, Lifm.U. Sproule; wortc committee, ,Mrs, It. Me - Nee, Mrs. 0. Bere; hostesses com- Inittee, Mrs. A. Mrs. R. Girvin, Mrs- T. Pickson. During the Ikeda% $10 was donated to the cancer fund; $1.0 ,the T.B. X-ray clinic; $3.0 to the Salvation Army. The next quilting 11.111111.11111111.1111r. FREE' NIMAL SERVICE OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD • CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Effieicintly Removed • Sinnaly Phone Collect • 9100.6 Clinton 21 Ingersoll 215 Strafford WE. DO THE RESTI foolishly. tackled a job she""could not "The -First Noel," led, by Mrs. Mc- Dougall, and iD. "Silent Night," cone finish, and on December 7th, 1946, Mr. dueted by Miss L. Hume with Mrs. Mt: - Lewis admitted that he wee net big Dougall at the piano.' . eepugh to thwart •• the will of the • Under the direction of Miss E. Me- ' ' ' e "0 c in • will tend to the reductien of drinking. People of the United States. No matter Donal , gtaiiI u • The theory seems to be that the pro - Rival David's City 1 what may be said as to the justice One of the lovelA." st nuMbeth on the program was .the singingeof wee be- ribboned girls and slickly -combed boys .the r Len; who sang_ charm- hire,- actions,. "A—Nt- Manger," under the guidance. of Miss •Mildred Anderson. e 'it was all so dainty. ,and,, sweet,. ttetk. were ac- Yith Mre, L. Thornelee as leader, the choral reading of the second chapter of St. Luke was beautifully done by Jane Graham, •Diane „Elliott, Sheila "Gallow., Jean Rutherford, Jim Pickering and Richard Madge., This was followed by, the 'prayeiehYnin, "Jesus, Tender Shepherd, Hear Me," ,sung .by grades . HI to V, with; Miss McDonald leading and Miss Yemen at the-`: piano.' After prayer by Marilyn Turner, "Stars All .Dotted over the Sky" was sung by four young, voceliste, trained for Professional.life, who have Mary Lou MathiesOn, Barbara Ann prietors • are spending thousands, of dollarin ':.retining" ihetr premises so 'OAT * 4, * Fire which swept a hospital at Peterborough, with damage of $1,500; to.k.waz-tallse4,11- -;•4e,'Agirr,„,4"64-4.gsre-' greler4;t14--Iti;NiTerlo4vork- ttgate-;-=ThIs' ette butt. The. holocaust at, Atlanta, is power that cannot safely be left in Ga., which cost 120 lives, is attributed the hands of any Man. The claims of to a careless cigarette smoker. But the miners, must be presented in (*a vvill these things make any careless Manner,that recognizes the sovereignty stnoker—any lese careless? • of the people. • Otherwise it 'is civil -4, of the eltams of the coal miners for better conditions of living, no dem- of its elected Government in a matter that involves itsvery existence. Lewis Orders the .miners to stop Work; he * * • war. • Canada has a good reputation in the matter of international ,co-oper- atione Mr. La Guardia, head of UNRRA (United Nations, Relief and 'Rehabilitation Administration), plead- ing for the continuance of an inter- national relief •organization, deciired.: "I would be willing to. designate Canada a committee of one to draw up a plan and I vvould take it 'sight un - Seen:" - ,UNRRA..is being -dissolved and food relientOtijy is hereafter to .be a matter for each individual country. There have been many references in the press and elsewhere to the number of Canadians,' many of them 1 -JUS AT, E pi,5113Pi itb, 194 WE PAY HIGITEST mARKtir -PRICIE$ FOR FIGGP ANP POULTRY r 0, • To receive top grades may we spggest titikt yoiiiDrilagin your Eg FRESH AND FREE PROM STAIN, IDE PRODUCE • 15ext Ryan's Feed lVfill Your Satisfaction is Our Success ,is to be held at the home of Mrs. 0. the afternoon. A da).nty lunch was Bere, the second Wednesday in janu- 'served by the hostesses,, go. GrahaM ary, One quilt was completed during MeNee and Mrs, R. Podfrey. - ‘ liundowlt,Feeling Is Often Caused By Nervous 'f,ronble • quickly followed by lose of appetite, irritability and a tired, run-down condition . restless nights. Improper rest, night after night, is'-' Strained, tenee nerves are often the.cause a eeaiiieM For disorders such as these, Milburn's Health and Nerve Pills are' highly beneficial and, once tried, e their medicinal value soon becomes appeeent by the improved general. . condition of the health. ,.. . .. „ . The. iron and other ingredients they contain. help to improve the , blood centent, stimulate the nerve cells, and the appetite'aid digestion, thud helping to promote peaceful sleep. They have helped thousands of ethers: They should do the same for you: Blilburn's Health and Nerve Pills are sold 10 drug counters everywheee. Price .50c a box. . *The T. Milburn Oo., Limited, Toronto, Ont- left ,this country'to live in the United McVittie, Helen Willis and FranCes. t. States. It is unfortunate that Caneda Brereon. Eleanor Driver played -Shubert's cannot keep her own sons at home, but -Cradle _Song" as a violin selection thereis nothing unusual about the with. tine execution, accompanied at migration. Just • as the. large cities the plane by her sister Cora. Mr. Wm.W' ickett director of praise draw from the- smaller conainunities in Knox ehurch, played organ selec-.• and from the rural districts, so a ' tions while the , offering was being larger countrydraws from a 'smaller takeneby senior boys of Central Selma • .- The proceeds will be given to aid the Jri _ - * * * , neieh or. s ay -Central and Victoria Home and School It is announced that the Ontario probably. alweys will he • so. The Clubs' ."Sti'Ve the .Childreel'unde" ' Government plans 'to build at the. head. trend is not all the one way; while ' • "All Through the Night" with -of the Lakes ae, Governmeet admin- pane have gone from Canada to the descent, vondUcted by Mrs. McDougall, iStrative building, a junior university, States, in reeent years there has been was sung by grade VII, and. Brahms' •• Christmas -Carol by grades VI and a large 'mental hospitale ' and other a considerable -migration from the LOH, led .by 'elias Phyllis Middleton. . goeertheent ' buildings, making the States. to 'Canada, though the balance I Both', were beautifully rendered, and in Port William -Port Arthur cities a sort is largely' against this Country. Just l the letter the bey, soloists -were! of second Proyincial capital. The Idea as Scotland sends ereiung people to Sopranos—Jim McArthur, David Bull, • Donald Bert McAdam, Roneld John - els, of course, to stave eft the demand make their way in England and in all ston, George Melburn; altos, Malcolm -of .the people of Northwest Ontario for parts' of the world, so young Canadian' Campbell, Jack Allen, . Billy Chase, a Province of their oivn. How long ' maybe Nana holding important places I Lionel Arbour, Ian McFarlane:' theywill be satisfied with a capital secondary to Toronto is. for the future to decide. . • * * As predicted in this column some weeks ago, the Ontario Government • not only in the United States but in ."There's a Song in the Air„ and • - "Good King Wenceslas” rang out sweet many other countries. It is something and .elear as sung by grades. V to VII, in which home folks may take pride Gary- Staniforth Is "The King" and that their sons and daughters are Jack Allen as..!`The Page" taking the so highly regarded abroad that in many solo parts in the latter in pleasiug voice. cases they are given positions of 4i, Principal 14. M. Shackleton of Cen: has refned•to grant to the five large sponsibility and take a. prominent p rt tral SChool thanked all who partici- cities the,right to vote on the question, ,in the life of the land of, the41° adoption. -bated in the concert; the audience for of the- introduction -of cocktail bars. On the other hand, there is something to be said for the young man or woman who refuses_ ,to be attracted 40 the green pastures over the way .but de- cides that his talents will be exereised The ..Toronto City Council was •pre- paring to have a vote taken along with the municipal elections, but Premier Drew countered with the announce- ment that the new law would coine _ into effect on New tear's'Day. * The temperance people protest wbar the high-handed action on the part of the Government; but it isn.t the temperance people 1 whom the Government is listening. its generous patronage and, on behalf of Mrs. McDougall, ab the teachers for their splendid co-operation. The service, was concleded With "The First Noel," with descant.' The church was filled with the melody of the age-old carol as the audience in his own, his native,land. joined grades V to VIII in the singing. • * • A member of the Socialist Govern- ment of Saskatchewafl. urges voters in municipal elections in that Provined to elect councils friendly to the C.C.F. Government. As reported, this Min- ister said, '."Your Provincial. Govern- ment will endeavor to work with. any council you elect, Mit human nature being what- it is it is .doubtful if the interest of any municipality is ad- vanced by having as its governing bedy. a group of men antagonistic to the forward-looking , policies of the pro- vincial -.Government." It has often been said that Socialist Governments cannot tolerate any opposition to:their plans, and 4t looks as jf this is proving true in Saskatehevvan. Friends in this district of Hon. J. II. Sturdy—for he ,,is the Minister who made the statement quoted—' -will be sorry to see that he :has taken this questionnble attitude, , * * • Announcement is madelfrom Ottawa of a shuffling . of Government port- foUos involving three of the most ` Prominent members of • the 'Cabinet. Mr. St Lattrentewho has been Mikister of justice as well as Minister of Ex- ternal Affairs, will give his full, time fo the.lattet pdst, and Mr. Ilsley leaves • the Department' of Finance, to take the Justice portfolio'. Mr. Abbott Sweep& MF, lisle 9, Mit ister f Pinane ane Afor the lea54 retnals t t ihe fe)oe.", art went. There may b Considerable significance in these Changes.. >Ir. • Insley did great work in the 1,3,nanee nepartiii6tit and for SOIA10 tline waS looked upon as Mr. King's most likely Ey Successor as Prime ster,, 'but he ri tired lhitnself votion. to the dpties of his office in 1 wartime and is said not to be anxious to remain in° political life. Mr. _ nnderstandiog that be would 'remain tavvrj:/2 ANIOUNCING-- The Opening of the • ON THE SQUARE NEXT TO FASHION SHOPPE SPECIALIZING IN WAX WREATHS AND SPRAYS ALSO FERNS, CUT FLOWERS, CORSAGES and POTTED PLANTS A .cri*al power shortage now exists in Southern cintario. Savings in the f blectricity will be needed on the part .of all citizens in order to avdi "seliotts difficulties during the present winter period,' and Hydro is asktt11 consumers to conserve electricity wherever possible in order to relieve this ,situation. THE DAILY PERIOD DURING .WHICH SAVINGS SHOULD' BE EFFECTED IS BETWEEN 8 AcItt \AND 8' P.M., AND CONDITIONS ARE PARTICULARLY ACUTE BETWEEN 4 P.M. AND s 7 P.M. Fatories and indubtry are asked to -switch from day to night opera- tior, in whole or in part, Wherever possible, and also to effect-4ll, power savings practic4i1e: Street lighting should be reduced to the lowest VS ash Florist • ,litninate the, -use of electricity for signs, billboards and store window9 .froni 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. • 0., Eliminate all Christmas decoratiVe lighting, until Saturday, December 21st, and again after January lst. • Turn off lights when not required. ...Use the minimum number of lights in the living -room, consistent with good vision Do, not use electric air heaters and grates. • Use electrically heated water sparingly and check leaking yt, Water taps., - ° e • Ce=i1;:=1,11ReleV1-21,11,1=03D-eliMaz SerekVaelS:e3=1, Fit trr F° PORTABLE ELECTAIC PHONCIGRAPHS *RADIOS OR BANG CIF • TURN• TABIZS AUTOMATIC \IT iiZO$\\ ' INST TOY INSTRUMENTS .• Do not use range elements on "high" When a lower heat will serve,• and turn off all elements .as soon as possible. _ • Cook oven meals as often as possible and avoid the unnecessary use of surkee elemerkts. • Tuna the radiO on only for program, desired; if not listening, turn it off. • Operate electric toasters and other small appliances only as ne9sled.. The electric power shortage is a general condition,folkowing six years of war and arising from the fat that it was impossible ,7to proceed with the development of sufficient new power 'sites during' the war because of the requirements fOr •war production. $inee the war, the critical shortage of men and materials has seriously delayed the development °of .,new Sources of power. The Commission has been reducing' loads. Within it; direct' .control, wherever possible. These reductions. are not enough, and it is now necessary t a peal for issistance on the part of all consumers, Children's and Christmas Itteordq Cliristanas Songs and Albums • • Laurent, entered tbe Cabinet on ate • / 1., • ' Ai THE NYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION Of ONTARIO