HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-12-12, Page 1r OP' 7,4aiwwwwwwwwitlywallnyWarl". NINETY-NIN'Tri 'Board of ,Trade fias Repot of' Finances Reception 'Boat Visitors - Discussed arid Solution SuggeOted. An enthusiastic meeting of the Gode-. rich Board of Trade was held at the Town Hall on Monday night. President R. M. Menzies, who Presided, gave a report on tee recent meeting of the Canadian Chamber" Of Commerce in • Toronto, to which he was Q. delegate. W. & Bay, treasurer, reVerted that 125 Members'had paid fees amounting to 4$971 as conapared with. $956 lest Year. Expenditures were: General, publicity, .$121; advertising, $651; information booth, $144; Steno- grapher, $27; bice supplies, $15----1;ota1, 111 t $1,119. Individual Membership fees ranged from $50 to $2. Balance from the ,previous year brought forward, $1,360. George Schaefer, °Chairmbut of the retail merchants' committee, reported that it is proposed to have. a retail merchants' banquet, with /41k. Haskell, president of -the Toronto Better Busi- ness Bureau, as the guest .speaker. It- is he -Pe& the passenger steamers "South Americtut" and "North Am- erican" will make. Goderich a. regular port of call. ,Reception to Visitor's by Boat A complaint was expressed during ° the meeting that there was not stif- fliitent--Wfaaitit lain- evident -in -.reception to the' passengers of these 7775,1xtata..,*htla. the*_were-lasoUght ii tw in 'pi:US-and 11'4 -al -at M.e arranged In privately -owned cars.. , While agreeing that the perSonal touch girduld nut hr.--tichaefer pointed • out that there are-- twelve .young men in the taxi business trying to make' a living. Alrhad contribnted to the reception fund, as well as the merchants. Many letters of appreci- ation, he said, had been received from the visitors and the fact that the owners of the bOats were consideeing, Goderich at a regular port of call was an indication of .appreciation of the • hospitality extended. As -a- solution,eit witS•suggesteth.that. - etaxisebring the epassengera-to. -thenetne- fertnation booth up town and from there they could be taken on tripe. in private cars. This was generally ap- proved by the meeting. S. H. Prevett, thairmetia of publicity, reported that% London ferm had offered to print 2,500 copies of en illustrated sixteen-pege booklet for $1,100, ad- vertising every phase of the to-wn's Mr, Menzies knneunced that e the lown of Goderich had given a dome - Aeon of $500; and it was finally de- - eided to leave with the committee the .decision as tO theprinting of this booklet. * Leo Walzak, head of the get-out-the- v.ote committee, gave a brief report. One handicap in getting out 'a large vote, he said, was the return by acclam- ation of the •MaYor, the Reeve and the Deputy Reeve, "which took the spice • out of the election." •e• ' New Catmeillor Makes His Bow At this point, Mr: Menzies congratu- lated Mr. Clayton Edward on his elec- tion, at the head of the poll, to the :Town Council. Mr. Edward, called to 'the platform, modestly expressed his thanks, and hoped he Would deserve - the confidence placed in him. eMr. Menzies told the meeting that Gordon Cockshutt, preeident of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, ..ivas establishing a committee In whiCh he • „ asked co-operation, to be known as the "National Affairs tioniiiiittee," to can - „skier national problems. It would he don -political in character, and would be established to create an interest by business men in.•problems which definitele' affect them. It was decided to publish the names of members and their contributions in The Signal -Star. The president was authorized' to name a nominatingecommittee to bring fi a slate of officers at.the Annual meet- • ing in February. . GODEItIOH IVIEROHANTS To, OLOSE,9 P.M, SA.TURDA.YS GOderieli merchants, in an ad- yerbsenient elsevvnere in this issue, announce their store hours for -the Christmas teeason. They will be open next 'Wednesday after- noon, December end on Monday and Tuesday eveningsDecember 23 and 24. They will be clod on BoxingDay, December 26. Inaugurating a new Saturday night .closing hour, the merchants announce that, commencing Janu- ary 4, they will close at 9 pan. GOLDEN WEDDING OF MR. AND IVIRS. GEO. SYMONDS • in eveleof inuch interest was quiet- ly celebrated on Monday, December 9, when Ur. and Ans. George Symonds, •Saltford, obs,erved their fiftieth wed- ding anniversary. The bride and groom of fifty years were _honored with a Wedding dinner served; on a table prettily decorated in a gold and white color scheme,. with .gold 'mums, tall tapers .and miniature bride and groom centering the table. Mr. and Mrs. Symonds were "at home"., to their immediate fanaily and friends in the afternoon and evening. .The. -many beatitiful floral tributes, messages and good wishes received showed the esteem in which the ceuple are held. Guests were present and Windsor°, as well immediate district, for able occasion. Edward. Heads the Poo in Goderich E. Elliott Another -Nevi Man on the Copnoil-4.' E. Iittolcins - • Returns to the Board There will be twoenew faces at the Town Council next, year, not including that of John E. Hucklus, wloio goes back after a year's absence from the board. The new men are Clayton Edward wed Earl Elliott. Mr. Edward headed the poll, with Mr. Elliott second and Mr. Hackies third. CouncillOrs Taylor, Kaitting and Moody are returned far another year., The 1947 Comicil Will therefore be as follows; Mayor -P. P. -M.00ney. Reeve -Geo; G. MaeEwan. Deputy Reeve-eGeo. Mathiesoa. Councilloes- t. Edward, E. Elliott, J. -D. ,Huckins, A. Kaieting, There Taylor and Jos. Moody. 0 AUBURN, D'ec. 11. --Mr(. Fred Ross attended the flitieral of leer brother-ine law, Alex. Ross, at Lacknoes on Friday. Mr. Donald Campbell, vele° Was eail- ing ,the past eumeaer, hee ' returned home. His -boat is in tioderieh harbor. Alr: Wre. Mellwain quietly celebrated .bis eighty-second birthday on Thurs- day. Ilie sister, Mrs. John McPhee, spent the day With him. Mr. and Mrs. WM. Hart of Toronto visited Mia. Fred Rose le.sit .weele. . The La -die' Aid of •Knox Presby- terian church 4ePonsored a bazaar and homemade baking, sale last Saturday. Mrs. W. T. ROO*, Mrs. W. Good and Mrs. Herb Govier were IA charge of the bazaar, while Mrs. Edgar Law- son, Mrs. Fred Ross and Miss Viola Leatherland looked after thebake sale. Over $56 Was realized. Mr. Chas. Scott is attending a bee- keepers' convention in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dodd. entertaineel the postoffice staff at a fowl dinner last Friday night. Thoee present were Postmaster and lyl.rs. Rolliason, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Govier, Mr. and. Mrs. Chas. Scott and Mr, and Mrs. Itobt. Turner.e Knox United phurele, wp1 hold ti. White Gift service on Sunday, Decem- Hudson, and the Saracen are en route 1 er 15th, at 11 am. The Sunday school,' and will bring the number of the hildren will -take inart in the service winter fleet to sixteen. ' d R II J Snell will give tlae The' Imperoyal is .in today ' with a SNYDER WINS BY CLOSE • VOTE IN COLBOR,NE In Colborne township E. Stanley Snyder, after four years as councillor, captured the reeVeship, defeating the present Reeve, Alex. Watsen, with the narrow margin, of eight votes.., Coun- cillors Squires, Fisher and Horton are returned and -the fourth • counailiernia as from the. grade am hiSfirst appeal to the electors. Harold 'Montgomery, who made the from Detroit this maniere_ The coatest for the reeveship was • a spirited one and the result was in. from the last poll AWARDS FOR inVSIC* STUDENTS ----Orriklovemher -29th-- the -Perth -county branch Of the ,Oritario Registered :Altaic thI4Db1 piano reeitai by their students, grades I to IV inclusive, at Stratferd.• lug the program, honor certificates were -presented- to the pupils who ob- tained the highest Marks in these grades in the 1946 examinations. , Two of the four, awards were won by Godes rich music students, in the June ex- aminations. Jane Gefrham, student of Mrs. J. G4 McDougall, obtained the highest standing for grade II. Cora Driver, student of Mrs. E. II. Jessop, tied, with a Stratford pupil for the grade III honor, and was presented with her certificate after playing a -number atalhe- recital- • _ BOWLINGLEAGUIE • The Goderieh Industrial Bowling League gat away to a fine start Mon- day night, with ten teams .and,, fifty-five good men seeing action. The Drituco Burners were the only team to make a clean sweep, taking three games and seven points from the Goderich Salt No. 2 team. dopbt until re urns were in. 2, The new. Cuannii will be : Reeve E. S. Anyder, Councillors SqPireST-Fisliere REEVE GINN RE.ELECTED IN GODERICH TOWNSHIP Goderich township had its dist muni. cipts1 poll in seven years, and the contest just 'concluded was ,conducted with en- thusiasm, but with friendly feeling all 'round. Reeve Gina comes back again, • with a margin of 79 votes over James R. Stirling. There are two new men on the Council, W.• R. Lobb and Bert Harris. • The 1947 Council will be e Reeve Geo. C. Ginn„ Councillors Gordon Orr, W. R. Lai* Beetellareis andelleebert,Smith. - On the,eventag of elee•tion day the • Winter Fleet to NuniVer udeen e Two More Vessels • Arriviiad to ' Join ThOSO Already Netta''IrTargengathering-inethe. lieiline-Sz. ville school-houseto hear, the retuina, were givenley •Mrs. Tabb, Mrs. A ester-. Clerk R..G: Thompson i'presided. Three, felt, Mrs., Glen Raithby, Mrs. Lou of the ' candidates • for councillor ran Irwin and•_Misa - Hazel Dodd... Mrs. almost iieck and neck, . Harris polling Vesterfelt and Miss Mae Itepout cop- had spent all his lifein this district. 'A number from here • en tended the 318 votes, Smith -317 and Rathwell 315. The • Reeve and Couneillore-elect all ten:lilted a duet. Tbe Christmas mss - I • , He was of a .quiet and gentle edeepos4-..f uneenel-,ot-a....111,6\14....trIond...aud.ernela- made abeief addresses expressipg,,ap-tion, a good neighbor and a• friend Of tive, the late•John'Scrimgeour of Gode- age wes given by Rev: C. C. Anderson. i predation of the Confidence shown in Anderson. A hot pot- I all:- He' was, unmarried and livnd - on -Hell. His former wife was Miss Sarah The meeting was dismissed withprayer in Harbor DUNCANNQN IeUNGANNON, Dec. 11. -- Mr. and Mrs. Time. lAckson, 2nd conceeteiant West WaWanoeli, accoinataaled hy.' their inothete 'Mr. os., Dic,keon, sr., inafle a• trip recently to London, where they visited Mr. ande Mrs. John Gajevveki and • Mr. and Mrs. LlarveY Bryante Goderieh will have a winter' fleet of- Plateauing on to Thamesford tq visit sixteen freighters. Fourteen are al- , Rev, E. C. Taylor and Mrs. Taylor. ready in , the harbor, with two mere Mrs. Dickeon, sr., will spend the winter coming. • with her daughter, Mrs. TapVpr. We The: Vandoc arrived en Thursday last- are glad t� know she is W better with a cargo of wheat for the Purity .. health lately. .. Flour mill and took up her place bee • . Little Nome Pen:tient', elder daugh- sidethe Windoc and Slantadoe, else holding cargoes for the mill. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred pentlaud, On Saturday the Pam Schneider, an spending her • first year at Dungannon 'American' boat, brought a cargo Of School in grade 1, was pleasaatly sur - 221,000 - bus. barley to the Goderich prised to lalOw that she had wen a. elevator and after discharging kik& Prize fer corpred crayonart. Her on a cargo of "special bin” barley at teacher, Mrs. Rogers, informed the the elevator for delivery tit Buffalo, class of a contest sponsored by the clearing on Sunday for that- port... Borden alilk Co., and Norma recently • Other athealefor the elevator were: received" a letter of congratulation Monday - Sullivan Brqthers, 333,000 from the Company on her success_hi bus. oats; Starhuck, 92,000 bus. barley winning the ii•rst prize, a lovely niug and miaed grain; Tuesday-Bricoldoc, Nvith a picture of "Elsie the Cow." 245,000 hue, wheat. These three ships, Mr. and 4Irs; Allan Peptiand and as well as the Vendor, are remaining son Barrie, of North Bay, made a here for the ,Winter. .. The A. A. trip to these parts last week -end, 'visit- ing his ' relatives ., in the Dungannon district and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. T......ermstkong, Goderich. .Allan has .. . returned-teeNorth• Bay, but. will again address. A basket -evill be at the 1 cargo of gasoline for theelauperiaaaati fie here at the-Chinatnitia- enaslint• entrance to the church to receive gifts 1 depote-One . more- cargo is expected -Master Delmer" Maize, ten -year-old anyone may wish to bring. before the close; of thg season, son of M. Bert Maize, is ill in Gode- - Born. - At Alexandra Hospital, Fire said to have started from - an. rich hospital, having been takep there Goderich, on Sunday, December feth, to overheated stove broke out in the galley one day, last week: Ile is reported Mr. and.- Mrs. Albert . •GeVier, • a of the Fort Willdoc early this morn- to he doing Well. • daughter. . . • • ing, but was extinguished by the ships ' . - -The "flu" epidemic in this distriet - 'Wins- -Se•Yorarallin-a-At - the Univers- crew.- e_ *it!. PoITEitT:;,.LTAAMbl-140-s#W-TrOton four scholarships --:of $25,eeach were ----=ASHFIELD given to outstanding students of. the course. Miss Jean Houston, daughter of Mr. and • Mrs. John Houston, re- ASITFIELD, Dec. 11. -Mrs. Ralph ceiVed a scholarship -for alleratends-gen't Cowles and children, Of London, spent a few days at the elithne of Mr. aud eral proficiency. Miss Houston is president Of the Summer W.U.k. and Airs. D. A. MacDonald. secretary of the Summer She Mr: and Mrs. Kenneth Matheson, Mr. Is now in her second year at •University George Blue and Miss Marjarie, of Detroit,. visited with Ashfield friends. College. Baptist Ladies' Aide -The Baptist Dave MacNenzie is spendijag a few Ladies'' Aid held their Christmas meet- days , tonclon. . ing at the licime of MrseWilfred \Tester - felt, with the. president„Mrs. 0. A. Howson. in hare. Several Christmas carols were sung, with duet parts -takeer-eter Mrs:- C. A....oWsGn- anclea.lrea, nley. n s t on,'-nrte Wen Haggitt- and "'Aire. Thos: 1116NalL' -r-Iteading GeorgeeMacGregor is sporting a new Chevrolet car. • 'Miss Bernice Make, B.A., of Lam - Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bogie of Lambeth beth, eperit a few days last week with visited with Mrs: Neil MacDonald. • her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Blake, --T1w-Late Alex. -Ross.-There died in- 'Wei-1mb= hosteetale-on-December 4th, AleX. Ross, afterTr 1Yrgeringailfrress of some years. - He wa§. born near Lochalsh, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross, early pioneers, and among them the parsonage, where Revs W. J. Rogerseaufferedeennattee'lle14 ,w.as tillable to condect. the Sunday services. Mrs. Roger -Se -attar being in- disposed with a "flu" condition all last *week, was able to restinie teaching duties in the -Dungannon junior room on Monday morning. ' • . Dungannon United church Wonien's Association 'conducted a sale and .bazattr on Saturday afternoon in the Sueniay school rooms, and realized abut $50 from the sale of articles and afternoon -tea.. • Power Situation Is Serious EveribOdy ',Treed to Rearitt Use of .1teetrio4ty to. Espentials and' a t tended -the funeral, Apr aunt, the lateaMese-Roy Maizee und that of hff"- gren dm other,. the - late -1.1es.. Wm. Blake. .Their deaths, both by accident, brought heartfelt sympathy to the relatives and friends. • At ,the meeting of the •Pnioltie.,. Utilities COMitiiSsiOn Qn TtleSday evepina a letter was read from tile Ontario Hydro -Electric Power Commission dwelling upon •the serious sitteation resulting from the i4 power shortage in Southern On- tario and urging that everything possible be done to relieve the situation. On the second page of this ssue of 'rife Signal -Star will be found a message from the 11.E.P.C. ad- vising how -consumers may help In conServing power. On top of the general sittlation in SOnthern .Ontario is the fact that for some time -the Goderich -Hydro system has been overloaded. Plans have been in progress for . the. building of a sub -station t4 overcome the particular difficulty in this town,' but until this sub- station can be put hi operation eonsunaers in Goderich should exer- ' else the greatest care in the use of power. 'Lighting should be m• stricted, to, essential use; and elec- tric appliance's sliOuld be–Operated only as absolutely necessary. MUSIC.A.L PROGRAM ), AT ST. PETER'S 'SCHOOL --'tiffeffe'Peteetaa w a s tligretWie gedetishfluletitertainment on Satur- day afernoon, when the elementary and junior pupil's of Sister Majella, of St.. Joseph's Convent, presented a recitaa of vocal . and instrumental mnale of pleasing variety. • The little. ones of the elementary class were listened' to with pleasure by the audience of friends and rela- tives. Many of them had eeceived only - eight. lessons, and they, were warmly 'commended by their instructress. The junior pupils, too, excelled. They executed alifticult piano selections with an - enviable ea'se, and the vocal- ists' also- were' warmly applauded. , The recital was paeseda4by two 1 Presentations, • Oraniabelatalt..., of the Ahmeek Chapter, -Figales.Ee-- Mrs._ B. 'Wilmot, educational • secretary, pre-,- , sented prize to Mary Baker for ob- taining the highest marks in English. literature in St. Peter's School at the ' high school entrance examinations last June. Miss Ann Wurtele. educational secretary ef Maple Leaf Chapter, La I) E: presented a ifirize for. 'the .best ' the old . homestead which hass recently Wiggins, of Dungannon. .' The funeral Ross Sparks of the Drimco Champs them. was the leading individual player with Mr. Stirling thanked the e•oters for luck limch was served.. • been sold to'Mr. Albert Campbell. He service took pleee on Friday after- .. a 785 triple, helped by a 331 single. their support, which he considered gpod' of St. Mark's Anglican church held Ladies' Gtiiid.-The Ladies' Guild is survived' by • 'One sister, Mrs. Jes. wee' at pie.: Brophey funeral home, essaY on. Pets- -to Bedard, . Othen top single scores were rolled by in e'iew of the fact, that he had •not - . - - - . . MaeNain. 'The fUnertil service took' Goderich. and was condilicied Rev. seleieions were Waved by the follow - In the elementary .claSs. piano solo their aDeeeniber meeting e lfl place a t the home of Mrs. Rod. -Ross, Richa rd Stewart. . The remains , Vere An • I pulerElizabeth La: ". der,, Bettger of. Here°, with 278; A. solidited any, . H. _ n . Taylor Of Legion with 259.; M. Briscoe D. A. btirling, w Qa o p a on Friday evening.) t Reeration Ground for Dungannon;; - of Ryan' Block -Busters with 254; tend expressed the opinion that the Iniilding The president Mrs Alfred Nesbit, pre- I cemetery on FridaY. , ,Vrce-President Bob Venus with 240. Of a new county • court house at the sided. T e cr pture, the ,t -tap. er hS'i14 t et. A few weeks, ago a .oroun of .Duni!an_ Elliott, Elaitre, liawkins, Gary Steal- - • . — forth. D0001.41•Overholt. Isabel Tigert, LEAGUE STANDING • of St. John, was read by .Mrs. Thos. i •ci • Foresters' II 11 and the interment was in Locheesh leisl to rest -in -Duegamion cemetery. . Janet Bowler, Helen Pridhem, Marilyn Mr.. Cheeter McGrattan of Aylmer spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McGrattan, Essex street. present time would be a crime- w en Haggitt. Preyer was offered by Mrs. materials were in such short. supply. Thos. Johnston. -The treasurer re - Farmers could not get even nails to do ported a substantial balance on hand. An invitationfrom the Presbyterian Team • Points Drimco Burners Purity No. 1 Herco Drimeo Champs Drimco. Sweepers' Imperittl 011 • h GodericSalt Block No. 1 Legion Ryan Block -Busters Goderich Salt Block NO. 2 .7 5 necessary repair work and housing 5' materials ,were not available. Sunday' school to attend a combined will ("fury' Chfietmas greetings from sociation wes formed. it e purpose tal t hristmas ( n er a .. Godera. t 10€1( banes. Joan Allaire sang 'prettily "Mother 5 Alfred Warner, although not elected, , . .- t t inment on Monday ' • .1 ' .• . 2 . ' sponsor both winter and stinnuer recre-j (e • 'Mine " which Sister Majella tap- • 5 said thong,ht he was thebest Plee.sed 2 of all the candidates,' He bed decided 2 only 'at the last to allow his •name to . non sitizens met in the Parish Hall IN. NEXT WEEK'S. ISSUE( z Nen •ned„r(1, Tigert:: vocal solos, TMAS GREETINGS 0 ..consider" the need of some sort of irg;inilation to .sponsor', recreation for , i Helen Pridleine Elaine Hawkins; ill ages iti this commtwity. Before i v()etil.- duets. Gary Staldifortb and Neil Bedard; piano. duet. Rose Marie and - he 'meeting was over an Atbletic As -1 .eenee Chisbolne - a Next Week's issue of The Signal -Star t 2 2 0 ,CARTER SCHOLARSHIPS Word hes been received by Principal .A.. Scott. of Goderich Collegiate afternoon, December • 23rde was ac- A nennbee of . 'merchants. regretted .ation for oal and young,. Aim ex(''utive ' neuneed wee dedieated • to all th!e, cepted. The following etficers were that in last•year s pre -Christmas iseue ', was tt ppoin ted and anyone who is ,i,,(0 hcrs. • ' . . . elected for the ensuing year : TIonor- they were not ineluded aumngst these interested ei nee "doe ie 0 member i The junior-• program was intro - messages of greeting. , • ' a Ih' 'As'ci111lim• One "f 1 he, 0,rst d net, d bv a quartette, -Stars AEI i Because of them number of calls to problem; that faced the be made, it is quite Possible inadvert- i'Avas the need fur a piece cif ground on i • A's()e"ltunA ' atoned over the Sky." sung by Barbara ; knit McVittie, Mare Lou Mathieson, ently to steerlook some -who would wish , which some pf 'these recreational ac- Helen Willis and. Frances Brereton, to be includeele, _For thia reason,' it is i tivities could be carried on. The exa aceomptrnied be Sister Majelia. requested 010 merchants not called volitive loeked at severel ,pots in the Pieno solos were 'given by Edna , the Council should build one es soon, , i on organiSta, Mrs. G: Taylor, -Mas• 1 on 'phone The Sig -oar -Star. 'and wc,.! village and at last made nrrangemeuts ChishOlm, Frances Brereton. Mary- Lon , go on the ballot and .be thanked all ary• presidents, Mrs. H. J. L. Hende - who voted for him and all Who did not. son, Mrs. Gordon Taylor: .president; Ex -Reeve •Haacke also. •expressed. Op- A. Nesbit; vice-president, Mrs. A. ,position to the.building a a new courtjr.s. It irkeonnell ; secretary. Miss Laura house at the present tine. The towna Phillips ;• treasurer, Mrs. Thos. Hag - ship needed a ball and • he thought gitt• program convener; Mrs. Render, Institute. that the Carter seholarshipslas materials were aealla e. for Huron county have been awarded Rev. C. Tavener and ex -Reeve N. W. as follows: 1st, Margaret J. Tamblyn,1Trewartha also spoke briefly. Clinton-, value- $1.00,; 2nd, Beryl Sander- son, Goderich, value $60; third, Stuart McBride, Clinton, value $40: Beryl is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sanderson, St. David's street. • NO WONDER.HE SMII4ED Mr. Frank Elliott was a happy man; on Tuesday: His 'grandson, 'Mr. Earl i Elliqtt, had been, elected to the Town Council with a splendid vote and he had lust received a remembrance fromt, Dr. W. Martin' of Hornepayne, Ont., formerly of Goderich, in the form -Of a fine pair of deerskin moccasins .beautf- I fully ornamented with beadwork. Dr. Martin is now physicien for In- ternational Nickel Co. at •Harnepayne.1 MONDAY'S VOTING IN DETAIL STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Reeve -Roy • Ratz. Deputy Reeve -Arthur J. Apey. Councillors -Willis Gill, Henry C. Beaver, James IL Dalton. VILLAGE OF HENSALL. Councillors elected are It. H. Mid- dleten, 0.' Twitchell, W. McT. Brown, W. G. Parke, TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH Reeve J, D. Beecroft, re-elected with, vote of 309 to 214 for Norman Mc- Dowell. •School trustees .elected: Mason Rob- inson, A. Nethery,eleavvrence Taylor. TOWN OF WINGHAM Mayor-Durican Rennedy. Reevn-alurray Johnston. Public ' Utilities Cenunissioner - 'Frank Sturdy.1 • .VILLAGE OF BLYTH CoUncillors elected in Blyth: J. B. Watson, 257; Geo. Radford, 233; TIi VOTE FOR COUNCILLORS IN GODERICH Stuart Robinson, 211; Geo. McNeil, 207. TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Councillors elected Ira Beipson; 354 ; W. R. Jewitt, 336-, W. J. Dale, 297; Leslie Jteid, 285. COUNTY COUNCILLORS Poll No. 1 " 2 3 4 5 6 .7 8 9 ' Clayton Edward 51' 81 88 24 ,62 36 104 31 97 Earl Elliott._ _ 46 73 84 , 10 49 41 108 31 77 J. E. Huckins 34 74 81, 51 51 86 71 23 53 A. T. Knitting " 29 61 .61 24 41 23 65 17 43 Thos. Taylor 33 58 53 24 41 21 67 -24 42 Jos. Aloofly 27 50 50 20 ,36 25. 56 '15 44 A-. L. Brereton 22 36 39 12 15 14 43' 4 39 J. Pitblado , 15 32 32 7 19 '7 24 9 16 • Jos. Allaire 15 .27 30 16 20 12 18 15 21 Jes.' Barrie . 12' 23 27 35 10 12' 32 • 12 14' First six elected. '. . , . • TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE , -. Benmiller. Saltford Carlow Leeburn , FOR REEVE No. 1 2 3 4 Total fn. Stanley Snyder 1 130 44 ' 84 19 - 283 ., 4%t Watson 35 * 56 97 87.- 275 8 10 11 12 Total 87 60 62-783 • 78 33 47-683 '56- 48 61-669, 54 46 52s-516 56 36 . 59--514. 45 38 39--451 32 27 37-320 25: 17 '40-243 .21- 23 15-233 13 13 , Majority for Snyder FOR COUNCILLORS 4ao ward Squires ' 'Miss risher ° Harold Montgomery., , reS Horton arry McCreath, Tirst four elected. .1 TOWNSHIP OF GODERICHE FOR'REEVE . No. 1 '• 2- 3 4 , 5 6 Total ' Geo. C. Ginn D ; 939 ' 68 48 31 77 38----355 .1: It. Stirling 36 36 93 36 „ 51 24-276 e--- 86 117 119 .50 89 38 63 67 59 75 150 124 4,56 ' 100 89 1 82-350 50 -354 38 - 310 S79 - 288 ' . 21 - 280 • „ •Majority fer Ginn ,\\'' OR\ c1041,14CILLORS \ \, ...... 655 71 80 ,1 t 61 09 42 57- 97 G, Irp ....... \ VV. t; LO -\bb ert Harris Robert Smith , Ben Rathwell A. Warner First four elected. 51 52 49 41 53 73 25 28 50 .TO t\L 2 50 33 88 '40 90 39--364 30 47 39-318 37 • 06 32-317 50 61 •, 37-315 23 31 13-170 • , ,ELECTED FOR 1947 Ashfield-CeciI. Johnston. ColbOrne---*E. Startley Snyder. Goderich Township-Gpose. G Stepleen-eelteeve Roy Ratz, Reeve A. J. Amy.' - Hullett-John W. Armstrong. West Wawanosh-eBrown Smy East Witwienosh-J. Beecr Morris -Cecil wheeler. Grey -Reeve Alex. Alexander, Reeve Stanley Meehan. TurnberryeaWalter H. Woods. Howick-Reeve John Winter, Reeve E. Ferrish. Gederieh •Town-lteeve • G. G. Mac - Ewan, *Deputy Reeve Geo. Mathie- '' son. . Whigham-*Murray Johnston. Blyth -t'. Balaton. Brussels -R. II. Cousins. * • Hensall-*A: W. Kerslake.' .* New members. Deputy til. oft. Deputy Deputy \tdOL. ile#0 , 'V‘klistS Clark re 'erts,' ,collections fbr the Upper Canada Bible Ficiciety of $59,' which is an increaase of $9 over laet year's cellectitms. Leelmrn contributed approximately $8, Nile .$27 and Smith's .Hill $24. Miss Clark wishes to thank all who helped with the canvass. • \ ° Kirkconnell. After the meeting a core- 'shall be only too P1PV.Sed to attend to purchase property between the 1.Sureico go rage and the property oeened \(,,,..,.,..afathieson - Barbara Ann 'McVittie, Ba x ter, Christine Schutz: gregational social evening was enjoyed to .their ..weesage. and refreshmen'ts were served. •• , fowan:-Nevins.-A eiretty Wedding took place at the United chureh:Blythe at 2 o'clock on Saturday, December 71he when Violet Mey Nevins; daughter of alr.. and Mrs. Chas. Nevins( Ani3urn; was wilted in marriage to,. William Cowan, youngest son. of Mr. and Mrs. George Cowan of Blyth., Rev. Arthur Sinclair of Blyth performed the cere- mony and Miss_ Harris- tiresided at' the organ. •The bride was ebecemieglY gowned in a frock of whiteawool with white accessories, -with a corsage of bronze roses. She wore the groom's gift, aegold leicket. Mrs. George Cowan of ' alokstown, 'sister -en -law of the groom. was Matron of hboor, gowned In a light Otte crepe .dress With pink headdress and corsage •of roses. Mr. George -Cowan; jr.. was his ,brotherts best man. After the ceremony ft wed- ding dinner wife served at the home of the bride:. The bride's mother received the , guests assisted by the groom's mother. Later Mr._ and Mrs. Cowan left on a wedding trip, the bride wear- ing •a green -coat with 'brown acces- sories, :On their returb they will re- side in Blyth. Women's Institute. - Mrs:- Albert Campbell presided far the Christmas meeting 'of the Womeo's Institute, held in the, Foresters' Hall .on Tuesday. Several Chrisimas carols were sung - with, Mrs. R. J. Phillips n presiding at the piano. The ercbestra, Mrs. Jas. Craig, Mrs. S. •MeClinchey,' Mrs. W. T. Robison and Mrs. W. J. Craig, favored with sevetal, seleetions. Mrs. Kenneth Campbell gave an extremely Interesting talk on her experiences. She displayed articleS' made •be the Australians and snapshots of places. She was •born in Sydney„ Australia., She-- was married. last Novemberand came to Canada in July. Rev: koht. Maceonnell gave the Christmas mess- age. Mrs. Edgar 'Lawson tendered words of apprklation to the two , speakers which Were seconded by Mrs. Jas. Woods and endorsed by all pre- sent. The roll 'call was responded .to with an exchange of Christthas gifts. A dainty hinch was served by Mrs. tAlgar Lawson,- Mrs: Geo. Bean, Mfrs. Bert ,Ctaig,n 'Mrs. rodn Bean 'and Mrs. Olivet Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Walfei Kingswell, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Kingswell and .4•Mr9 !and Mrs. Ralph, Xingswell were in Brantford on Saturday attending the funeral of Mr. Geo. 1L Ilngswe11, brqther of Mr. -Walter Kingswell. :OBITUARY , DOUGLAS LORNE ALLISON . 1 Mr. and Mrs. 'Joseph Allison, Britan- ' nia road, mourn te. passing ef their ' four -months -old 'vs -c i. Douglas Lorne, ! which occurred oli Thursday night at their home. Besides his parents, there suivive nine brothers and sisters; Ruth, , Joanne, Marilyn (Judy, Joey, Charles, LindaeBlanche, Berbera end BeVerley also a half-brotlmer, Thommmas I'•• 11 ' • I second mete on the F. V. Massey. The j private funeral servike on Saturday ! afternoon, was. conducted by Rev. L. H. Turner, eof Victoria street United 1 church. - Interment took place- In Maitland cemetery. • ity 131:Tlity. Brom. property:' ern -re' y Try; {Lees eleere ton. -eitary- chaeed" frane alee.,-LorpeealcKenale,-.be-- ehurch. Once a go in it is 'to serve the Lon Matesote. Marilyn Butler; piano _ Frances BreretOn. longed at one time . to 'the melhadisTt duet by,' lyrbara Apn ,McVittie and prdilic. The ground has been cleared A pretty comanding number was the and levelled.eat cousiderable eXpendi- action broom f.iong brightly performed tun.. The club set the ballrolling by Joan ,ellaireAgnes Chieholm, by donating the balance of their funm ds sall Jeffrey, Juanita Webb and . • j • anet Bowler. After the singing of the National Anthem, the pupils Were given a special tree t. ehetild be noted that the Association PINE AtTD SUSPENSION or . ie . t.t'r s -1115• tine nffide 0. thmatron end were 'fol- lowed by the Ba•dminton Club. A can VaS!,: W115 made Of the community and has'been qpite successful. However, it hae ,aarted right at the bottom. end if it is to carry out its program of. an LICENSE IN ACCIDENT., CASE open-air skating rink, •plaYground for • efa ft ba din int on court and HMV a tellrliti the children in the summer, all open - At Ste) tord on Mondy John XL, . . . . .e Johnston, J141. I, Goderieh, pleaded (O111t it NA ill equitthe Conu tined HUTCHINSON-MILLER ergiport of the community. It is also An interesting and pretty wedding the intention to beautify the grounds. - . , . • Any took' plaoe at the parsonage of North •planting treesand flowers street' United ehurch' at 3 d'clock on Friday afternoon, when Marjorie Eliz- abeth.. eldest daughter of Mrs. Miller and the late George Miller, wee mar - friend of Dungannon w he is intereeted in Ode project and wimid like to ex- press this, interest in 0 tangible form is reminded that the SVer*Ptary-tren- r -. ried to Alfred•Charles Hutchinso son, n Cecil' lifeof the Aesociatioe is Mr of Mr, and Mrs.'Charlee Ilinchinenti, of 13i'11`v. Iningannen. - Wainwright, Alberta, Rev. R. Turn- ''W.M.S. Meeting. - The Dungannon 1)1111 offidating, The bride was lovely lSn ocieM ty ted church Womens issimm ry goWned in gold wool jersey with et on Mondayafternoon. Mrs. • a corsage of tea roses and black times- :40On 1Tier sister, Miss Verna Miller, was bridesmaid, in , pastel green wool crepe, with .corsage of pink carnations and ' broWn accessories. Mr, Frank Young, of Goderich. was groomsmen. At the reception held at the home of • the bride's mother. alrs.°Miller received her guest § wen ring a blue -flowered silk jersey- with eorsage of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson' after a short trip will reside In Goderieb nutil the spring, when they will take up residence in Paradise \Talley, Alberta. The bride Is the -popular secretary 'at Alexandra Hospital. Showers of gifts were given in, her honor by the nurs- ing stiff at fhe nurse's' reeidenee, and by the kitchen staff at the' hospital. Mrs. W. Ft. IL Price.. her emit, also held a shower for her, in whieh the neighbors, were the guests. :PORMIETH ANNIVER4RY M. and' Mrs. .FS. Ilendereon, wIi� *spend their time between Datroit and their summer home in Goderich, cele- hrateti their fortieth wedding annivers- ary on December ritil at their Detroit home, 4456 Maplewood ave.' Goderieh frieMs wish them many more happy tinnieerearies. Melvin °Reed presided and aliened the meeting -with 'eilene prayer ip Memory Of a life inerieber, 'Mrs. Wm. Blake, whit had much interest 111nt 11151(9119 'McConnell took charge of the worship eervice, which Wae a Christmas cendlelight sern vice oe give in the Missionary' Monthly magazine. India was 'represented by Mrs. •Sis J. IO•teo. Mrs. Otto Popp, Mrs. Arthur Molt and Mrs. McWhinney, asTrayers Smd rea-dingte Were given. Canada wag represented by Mrs.. M. Shackle- ton, Mrs. Ryen, Mrs. Fowler and, Mrs. MeCennell, with an appropriate service. ,The treasurer's financial report Showed success for the year. 'Airs. Elliott pre- sided for the election Of officers and ale? officers of 1946 .weree ehOsen. again for 1947.. 'Mrs. Reed resumed the ('hair the meeting was elosed with the Mizpah benediction. eourorTtit '4'onnty aSurek°' Harve was admitted to Alexandra Hospital on Friday. Quite ill at the time; he iS still in a erItien1 eondition. Sheriff. Nelson Hill is reported fa be mating some progress toward reeovery. trent the illnees Which has kept him in The hospital for many weeks. guilty before Judge HDi udge •arold , . Lang n County 'Jtidge's Criminal Court of ieoving the even° of eue aecident that eecurred bn :lime '16th onthe high- way near Shakespeare, resulting in the death of Veen Capling, eighteens year-old 3-outh of South Easthope township. Frank. Donnelle, K.C., defence coun- sel, pointed hut to the Court , that Johnston had made compensation to the parents pf the Capling„youth as far as -ould he done. A fine of $150 and one day's court ceete was empesed,, together with can cellation Of lohnston's driving license for six months: HOLMESVILLE CHEESE VACIORY UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP The Carnetion -Company Limited has purchased the .Holmesville cheese And butter fu -tory, -effective DeCember 1, 1946. Former. employees of the plant will lie retained, but a permanent field man will be added to the staff in the 'person of E. D. Wolfe. An announce-' meie.nitby the new preDrietors appearre ih an ,advertisement elsewhe111issthhi THE WEATHER' Temperatures of the past week in (1`;nogdeimi,celeii,cw4i th ,ytehaorse aofgo,, the;)r ,, 0\refsepiaoraudy- a )recorde.d, Were, aeifollaWs : ifite 61° 't1 \I' \ "\ .!Malx0.414Min..0•10.4145ilt: Thurs.. Dec. 5 35 43 . Fri., Dec. 0 40 34 39 27 Sat., Dee. 7 :t4 41 Sun., Dee. 8 50‘' 50 47 00 Mon., 1Yee, 9 6 43 4,41 Tues., Dee..10 52 40 20' ' `Wed., Dee. 11 43 33 20 ,115 '