HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-10-15, Page 4THE, EXETER TIMES.
Is published every Thursday morning, at .We
Maiti•street.nearly opposite Fttton'e.Jewelery
Store, Exeter, Ont., by;obit White R !tion, Pro-
B,AT$e 4r ADYAATrIrnG;:
First insertion, per line 10 cents.
Each subsequeetinsertion. per line 3oente,
To insure insertion. advertisements should
be sent in not later than Wednesday morning,
of the hargeat and best equipped, in the County
of uzcn.rorupb attention: All work entru$
ted, to ue will receive
our p
t authorities to Bury out the just sen.
venae of one who has been the means
of trawling ee muoh bloodshed, some.
of his victims being our friends and
Decisions Regarding Nees*
!papers. It
!dray person who taloa a pa erreaularlyfrom
the set -office, whether directed in his name or
another's. or whether he has subscribed or not
25 rp�nib2c for payment.
2 If aperson orders his paper discontinued
he must pay all atreara or the publisher may
Continue to send it until the paymentt is made,
stud then collect the whole amount, whether!
the paper to taken from the office or not.
S In suits for subscriptions. the suit maybe
'instituted in the place where the paper is pub.
ushcd, although the subscriber may reside
hundreds of mines away.
4 The eonrts have decided that refusing to
tato newspapers or peaiodicesa from the post
oeico,orremoving and leaving thein, uncalled
for is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. it
The Fall is the Tinge to Sow Tree
To Editor of the Exeter Tines.
Sra,WiIl you allow me to ohll
the attention of ouch. of your readers
as desire to beautify their farms by
plautations of forest trees to the Not
that the felt is the tune to sow them,
and that nor,, this having been a
good seed year, they can gather seed
in the woods in large quantities. TIe
following trees ripen the seed in Octo–
ber, when they may be gathered and
prepared for sowing :--hard maple,
ash,–leaved maple—or, as it is now
calla. d, Mcwtobe maple, sycamore,
mountain ash, English and native
ashes, basswood, buektborne, Hew–
thorn, locust, oak, hioktr!ry, walnut,
butternut, beeola, chestnut, pine and
other evergreens.
All thee. may ire maid to have their
seen nuts ripe for collecting any time
Pe I xeffer Ines. now. It would be better, however,
to wait till after the first frost, and
then select some sunny (ley, dry and
THUI:ISDA),-, OCTOBER, lab, 1885 warns, beioa more comfortable far the
work end likely to get the greeds dry
end clean. The instate and stela is
well as all triode of nuts when gatb�
erad, should be stored in a cool, dry
place till the tiwe for sowing. seeds
Wing a pulpy never ng will require
bruieing with a hoe or rnaaerating
through the hands, the pulpy matter
then warhed off and the seeds par -
dried. Mixing with sand will
facilitate the towing process. Efforts
should be mads to sow everythiug in
11 a
the tree lino in the fall, that beaux
nature"e time. For the seed beds
select soil as light as possible. It can.
hardly be too gaudy. We ehould IOW
in drills the satue as fur root grope,
Dotter the Beed truce the depth of it--
solf and tread it firmly down ; after
this is done the drills ebauld be cov–
ered with a good mulching of manure,
loaves or straw. .in the spring, if
*nought too bulky, some of this could
be raked off.
Next spring, from a small bed thus
treated, you will obtain thousands of
young plants of any variety you. have
!own, and these transplanted out the
next season, will. soon be fin! young',
trate, far better rooted, and there–
fore more likely to itve when finally.
planted out, than forest seedlings.
Yours, &o,,
Toronto. Oot„ 1885.
The Imperial Privy ^ounail is like.
ly to be very busy for some blue with
Caasadian appeals, eotne of diem tat.
volving, grate constitutional quota.
tions. Several of the most die
anguished members of the Canadian
bar left for England last week, to
argue these osiers pro and con. In the
cue of the Federal and Provinciat
Governrnente againet the Exchange
Barak, in, wbiah $880,000 ie Involved,
Mr. D. McMaster, Q, c., M. P., will
represent the Exchange Bank ; Hon.
Mr. Church, Q. C., the Provincial
Government. and, associated with G.
W, Bnrbridge, Q. C., Deputy -Mini,.
for of Jnetioe, the Federal Govorii-
snou t.
Another important ease which will
come up for argument and decision ie
the liquor license question --s final
decision as to wbether the right to.
issue lioenaes for the Bale of liquor's
Whereat in the Federal or in the
Provincial Government. The deoi-
eion of thin important' question will
alas indirectly decide the oonatitution.
ality of the Canada Temparance or
Scott Aot. The cote will be argued
by high etandang members of the
Canadian bar, associated with promi-
nent members of the Landon bar,
The Biel appeal case will also be
argued. The question to be decided
is --was the court which tried the
rebel leader competent to do so. With
the exception of the Riel case, it is
not expected that immediate decisions
will be given ; she great iutportance.
of the questions involved iegniring
long and earnest couaiderstion. The
counsel for Riel have asked the Privy
Council to adjourn the hearing of the
appeal from the aentenae of death
passed upon their client until Fitz–
patrick, prisoner's Canadian counsel,
arrives in London. If the request ie
granted (which is most likely) Roel
will be farther restated to enable the
Privy Council to sift the whole evi-
denoe in the ease.
IT is rumored that Sir John Mao-
donald will leave for England on one
of the Cunard steamers for the bene.
fit of his health.
Tam latest improvement in heavy
artillery is a gun that will throw• a
shell weighing a ton fifteen miles. It
is English.
WEDNESDAY last WWI 5 sorrowful
anniversary for Chicago. Fourteen
years ago, in the evening, Mrs. 0'
Leary's cow kinked over the lamp
that burned the city.
Ox Monday last, 121b October, the
last spike was driven in the Canadian.
Pacific Railway. This event signal-
ized the connection of the Atlantic
and Pacific ends of the railway, and
consequently the practical comple-
tion of a Canadian all -rail route across
the continent from Halifax to Van-
couver. No such wore was ever un-
dertaken by four millions of peopl',
andlwould not yet have beep done only
for Sir John Macdonald. Its col:n.
pletion is the most remarkable thing
that has yet been done in railway
building, even in this era of railroad
The efforts of the Opposition press
to arouse the feelings of the Orange-
men against the Government on ao•
countof the respte of Riel, have fait
ed. At one of the largest meetings
of Crangemen ever held in Kingston
a resolutiin was unanimously paseed
"that the Orange body deeply laments
the sat•ctional feeling got up in this
country, especially in the eastern t
province, respecting the notorious f
rebel Riel, now under .seutence of
death. .We do not object to the re-
spite dived to enable his couneolto
obtain a full and fair heating in the
bigheet tribunals of the country, but
we do objtat to any intetference by
any patty 'Kt 11 ti by their actions are fi
making it difficult for the constitute,! b
Stephen Caunci.
Oouaoil mel Oct, 5, 1885 ; *11
members present, Minutes of last
meeting were signed.
Moved by .E. Eilber, seconded by
D. French, that reeve and treasurer
sign debentures for 8. S. No. 11.
Moved by H. Either, seconded by
D. French, that the reeve and 1'.
Coughlin see Mr. Holt at ante and
insist upon his completing his M. C.
D., otherwise the job will be sub•let'
and Mr. Holt be held for the damages.
Moved by D. French, seconded by
0. Eilber, that the clerk answer W.
B. Stanley's letter of August 19,
stating that the letter was ordered to
be fyled.
Resolved, that the council adjourn
after signing the following orders, to
first Monday in November: C. Beaver,
$18; Dr. Naismith, $10; S. Redden,
$10; W. Chambers, $7.50; relief, $10;
C. Stody, $5; W. Thompson, $3; W.
Anderson, $10; W. Killgallen, $8.50;
A. McCormick, $2; P. Sullivan, $4;
E. Tory, $2; J. Walker, $2; G.
Towle, $10; G. Lewis, $3.12; A.
Maisaac, $41.75; J. Finkburtt, 50o.,
F. T'ribner, $2; sundries, N. B., $10.
A. sanitary meeting was convened
after council meetiug, all member'
present. The object of the meeting
was to discuss the advisability of en–
couraging vaccination in btepbeu. It
was agreed that the board furnish the
vaccine matter to the M. Kr. The
board are desirous that all who have
not hitherto been vaccinated will avail
themselves of the present facilities of
doing so.
-. *,-
Btddulph Council,
The Council met pursuant to ad•
journment at the temperance hall,
Granton, the reeve and all the mem-
ber.*of the council present. Minutes
of last meeting was read and signed
by she reeve :—
Moved by Wm. Hooper, seconded
by C. C. Hodgins, that the reeve sign
an order for the sum of $56.20, being
the posts in arbitration in Biddulpb,
vs. Stephen, and that the clerk bill
Stephen with one half said caste, as
as per award; moved by Ww. Hodg-
ins, seconded by P. J. Dewitt, that
the reeve. be hereby instructed to
have the weigh scales Mint is now
planed opposite Mr. John Mnrray's
property, on main street, village of
Granton, removedat. once. And t0
ske what means he deems expedient
or that purpose. --Carried.
Orde a were drawn on the treasurer
for the sum of $214.80; moved by
C. C. Hodgins, seconded by P. J.
Dewin,.that the time for perforn,ieg
statute labour in road div. No, 6,
Dons. 2 and 8, be extended until the
rat day of November next; " moved
y C. C. Hodgins, seconded b W
Hodgists, that a special meeting of
this council be held al the court
room on the first Monday iu Novena•
bar next, at 2 o'clook p. m., for the
purpose of passing a bylaw, to widen
that portion of centre aide road ad-
joining main street, in the village of
Granton, and that the clerk give the
neoeesery uotioe, Curried.
Resolved that this council do now
eljourn, to meet again, on the first
Monday in November next, at the
court roost. Clandaboye, .at the hour
of 10, a, m,
11. Honoaxs, Clerk.
Eeep your Stomach clean, your Rowels
C Tuts OUT and return to us with
too or 130 stamps. anct you'll gat by
return xnafl a Oolden Dox et Gooch
that will bring you in morn money
than anything else in America..
Your fortune if you start quick.
Yarmouth. N. 0 .
To CanadianMvert stirs.
we wtu 3insert n, one rot .A,dverttsement,
ono Mont41:43S daitiee 1 Tri -Weekly and d8
Weexiles anter LooAr Lis', of Cauadi-
s for;7Q. To those w' o want their
isuig to pay- we oar} offer no better me-
chum, Copyot Ltitaent :fres om Oppltoation,
, ,
Q. •Q
10 Spruce St., New York.
regular, and you will have little to tear from
any contagious disease, Dr. Carson's Bitters
will do it. Yourdruggist sella it. 150 cents,
Three cases for violation of the
Scott A.ot were tried at Blyth ono
day last week. Two against Rose of
Londesboro, were dieanissed; one
against Bairns of Walton remised in
a oonviotion, from !which appeal is
Blauskard Council.
The regular Meeting of the council.
was held on Monday, the 5th inat.,
all the members present. Minutes of
pravioue meeting were road and con.
armed ;—
Mr. Maloney, applied to the oouneit
y for assietauos to tile s drain wbioh be
had dug along the Bak eotu., also for
putting in * culvert. Moved by lifr.
Graham, monad by Mr. Lawton, that
be receive the euro of $13.50. Oar•
ldr. Walter Graham, reported that
A bridge near his place on the bound-
ary of Btanshard and Dawuie, reguir•
edits be raised, as the water ran
down the road and over it, it being
lower than the road. He WAS in -
elevated to raiee it, for the suet of
$17.50, provided the Downie council
give the some.
By-law, No, 128 to levy and col-
lard certain notes on the esseeeed
property of the township was road,
passed and signed.
The following orders were leaned by
the reeve ; W. Wiseman, $12.80
gravel; C. Skinn, $82, grading and
ditobing; Jas. Pickard, 52, damag
T. Murray, $5, rep.. bridge an 41
COIL; Reith Lee, 524, graveling; W.
Gowaue,$6,30, gravel; T, Tbompeon,
55.46, damage and tile; T. Elliott,
$54, Covering bridge and grading;
F. MoK.itb, $10, culvert; P. Maloney,
$18, tile and culvert; W. Bennett,
$1.89, gravel; J. Moore, $12, ditch;
T. McCullough, $5, ditching; It.
Nortbgraves, $70.20, graveling; Robt.
Mair, $4.25, grading; W. Carmichsel,
$8.40, gravel and roe. bridge; Wm.
Hamilicn, $15, rep. bridge; Robt.
Richie, $7; Mrs. Foster, $4; Geo.
Wilkinson, $3, charities.
The Counoll then adjourned, to
meet on the first Monday in Novem-
ber, at 10, a. tn.
8, 0ranxE, Clerk.
Scott's Emulsion of Pure.
Cod Liver 011, with Sypophosphitt,
For Pulmonary Troubles.
T. J. Mama,. hi. D. Anderson, S. C.,
says c "I consider Scott's 1 mulsion one of
the best preparations in the market for Pul-
monary Troubles, 1 have used it in my
practice since 1876, and am well satisfies
with it."
Liniment ioc Ude £macula
lteme!ea allPusiglltlyEianolles,Cinrea Lame -
Mee tie Cattle, Spinal Moa n¢itie, Found-
er, Week Limbs, .Sprung Kneen, SW -
in, Ringbone, Quitter, Windgalls.
No stable should be without it. Railroad,.
Iilrig and 0xpressOorapaoles OH use Wee'
Llnliuoat,aud in the groat racing stables of
Rttlremit and Lorillard it has eopteted wend*
dere. One trial will cenvince.
Write DR. GILE8, !volt 34119, N.Y. P. O., who
wRh without chance, give advleo au all disease'
Haid NMP *Attie management of cattle. Sold by
alltiru ateteat 50c. and $1,00 bottle and in
carts at 6240,in which there is great saving.
pa liniment to white wrappers is for faintly
use, that le yellow for cattle.
l'&ea by all the leading horsemen au Jerome
Par',,, Fleetwood, Deitch. Sat eepabeed Day and
Bull's Beed. Nevar di onu,aro Tonic. Al-
terative and Diuretic, Destroy Worm" aura
Indieeetdon. Colic, Bats. Dore Throat. Catarrh,
Founder. Pink -eye and 2iheuutatiaua. The
dose is small and the power is great. The
li'owdere ora Guaranteed and raremaers
Fatting to Obtain * Cure,hroncar rtefksuded.
Sold by all druggists at Wets. per bo,x.
0. LUTZ, Agent. EXETER, ONT.
W. Clark, of Woodstock, champion
bicycle rider of Canada, on Saturd
rode a mile in 2.58 8-5, lowering th
beet previous record. He goes t
The Mott Dolitthttol
1Aslsoa!teRrzees, Low Laos..
Soon Tripe par Wok. Matson
dad beta Week cry Dstwssn
Witte for cur
"Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated.
Contains ?ail. Particulars. *stied Pts.
Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. ea.
'C. D. WHITCOM5, dart. PA.., AST.,
In Minnesota, North Dakota. Mon-
tano, Idaho, Washington and Oregon,
From Lake Superior to Paget Sound.
Jt! rices ranpinn chlefy trent E2 to to per acre,
ay en ti to 10 years ttnte. This is the Best Country
6 for securing Good Homes now open for settlement,
-- — 320 acres of Government
Chicago on the 16th.
Mr. Simmons, father o- Ben. Sim-
mons, was in London last week, at-
tending to circulating a petition for Qt
commutation of his son's eeatence,
He secured the signatures of many
leading citizens to the document.
A case of bigamy bas been agita-
ting the residents of Winghaw recent-
ly. The name of the gay deceiver is
David nutmegs, and hie second wile
is a widow named Mrs. Moir, to whom
he was married last winter. He de–
serted his first wife in Addington
County, and left Wingbam soddenly
since the facts became known.
The annual show of the Stanley
Branch Agricultural Sbciety Wad
held in Brucefield, Oct. 91h. It was
a great success, a largo, number of
people taking advantage of the beau–
tiful weather which the'directore were
fortunate enough in securing. The
display of articles in the inside de–
partment was good and exceeded that
of former years.- There was a large
number of excellent horses exhibited,
but not so many cattle as usual.
Some time since Messrs. James
Wright & Co. and other business men
of the oitl, forwarded to the Grand
Trunk officials a petition asking that
the train service on the 'London,
Huron & Bruce be augumeuted and
rendered'more oOuveuient for access
o London. A reply has been receiv-
ed from Assistant Manager Wain•
wrlght premising that the request
will'be .granted in a way which ha
believes will prove satisfactory to the
merchants of the city. --London Free
,Is ie Suggested. in the Goderici pa•
era that a suitable public monument
be arooted to the memory of the late
Samuel Platt, whose untiring energy
and perseverance first developed the
salt interest of Huron County.
Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cure
will giveimmediate relief f Price 10c., 30c, Address
and *1. Sold by J, W. Browning.
Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve 1'$E CiJLVERWELL MEDICAL COMPANY,
Group, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis,
Sold by J. W. Browning. 41 ANN Sr.,1:hW YORK
Boz 450
�C 's Land Free under the Homestead
andTimber Culture Laws. NOTE
10.818.433' Acres OR MORE TURN
RIALF of all the. Public Lands disposed of in 1SKr
were in the Northern Pacific countr . Books and
Haps sent FREE describing the Northern
Pacific Coaotry,tl1e Railroad Iands for 0aie and
theFREEGovernment Lands. Addre .,CHAS. B.
LA'r1BOBN. Land Com'r. N. 1'.11.11., St. haul. Minn,
;,i.MA:NI-H. 000.1
How Lost, 'ow Restosed
We have recently uublished et now edition
SAY on the radical a. d perm:040nt erre (tvith-
out medieine)of 4orvouc I7obi1it tolrnd
physical capacity impediments to Aran iege,
eto.,resuitingtram e'e"s es.
Price, ihsealed envelope ,ouly 6 cents,ortwo
uostaae stamps.
The aelebratedeauthorei'this admirable es-
sayelearlyy demonstrates, from thirty years'
successful practice . that alaro-ing consequen-
cesmaybe radically cured without the dang-
erous use of internal medicines or the use of
the knife; Point opt a mono of cure at once
simple certain Lind efectunl, by means of
whiehevery sufferer, no matter what his con-
ditionmay be,may cure hirnaelf cheaply, pri
vatelvnnd radically.
lecture should be in the hands of ev-
ery youth and every loan in the land.
To -day we show a big lot o
New Laoe Curtains (opened thi
week,) Rich Designs and beauti
= ul goods, well worthy your at
fention. t n Also Curtain Nets, Cres;
tonnes, Cretonne "fringes, Com
fortables, White Quilts, Towels,
Tablings, and a host of other
goods you may need these house -
°leaning times just in and a lot o>l
,ilr,o# . Special mention we make of our
Soliels,� �����r� � &c.
Remember our Dressmaker
Cuts All of these Free of charge
(When bought frons. us,) Gives you a perfect flit and City
Style, Don't forget to call at
# ,te$ zwario 1T EROS.
.For any of the above goods, or for
'5$^----UXI UW1 - `$8
TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, 29th 8c 30th
Hats and Bonnets
Plumes, Feathers, Aigrettes,
Birds, Orneioaents, Soc.
Plushes, Velvets and a variety of Trimmings in all colors.
MISS Doherty, who for the pant throe scalene has successfully conducted this branch.
again resumes, and will be more than delighted to have every lady in the village and.
Surroundings give her a call.
It°- "Grand General Opening" same days; Everything complete. Ef erybody come,
Machine Oils,Rock Bottom Prices
American Water White and Canadian refined Oils
away down.
Main Street, Exeter. \
Keeps Watches That Are Watches
And are warranted correct for Time, Tide, of Railroad
Train, and to please the most fastidious.
Than is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable
for Romans, Friends and Countrymen, Lovers, Brides,
Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely 'Wives, Children, Hus
bands, Etc., Etc.'
SPECTACLES. --Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft easyy
and pleasant to the eye, and suitable for youth or age.
• Give him a call. No tronble to show Goods.
Watches and Clocks Repaired and Brought to