HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-10-15, Page 11
DICKSON, Barrister, Soil.
1 a citor of Supreme Court, Notary Public
COnveyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to
Otliee in r auson's Block, Exeter,
-1\11. Alt FADDI N,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
OfileePam'rell'B Bloek (Hall's old office.)
Has opened dental rooms over
O'NEIL S BANE, where he will be
prepared to extract teeth without
skill. Coldin. All $11 utg$ a seaiperformed with
J a. m: to J p m,. CxAnnns L'1onL•t3ATE, TEnxs
Extracts Teeth without pain,
by giving, Vitalized lir, or by
using the New Local Auieatbs-
tic on the gums; makes Gold
Filings and all other dental
'sorb thebest possible. Rooms
Upstairs in SAbtw£Lz.'d 11Loea, last side of
Maui -Street. 'Exeter, Out.
GU'.t7, M. D.,
10Rrosidence Exeter•
11SITl Trinity Gallego. aiernber of
Collects physiciansaud all meent Out., 4111-
c e, E i rittnA.
1 ► thuCouutyof Radon. lance, opposite
lSr.I.'larlind's store.Exeter
W. BROWNING 111.. D., M. C
s r.S,Or adnateVictoria-Univers vtF,OMen
audlroaideuce,l)ea. 'Pio aIa'inorater v. Erioter.
lt. J. A. ROLLINS, M. Q. !'. S'
O. Oluco, dale St.Rxeter.Ont.liFeelden
eahoueerecantly occnpied by P. McIhailtps,
E, Sq.
ENNEt' T & TE '141 NT, Veteri.
nary Burgeons, Graduates of the Ontario
Veterinary y, College. Torou-
to,hare op
forth" trey
from a die
attended W-
u be
trued au otllce
tussah o t all
Animals, on
Exeter. Calls
tauce prazur't'y
Horses Cattie,fic
Mil- Y EMBER, Licensed Ago-
g.tiinneer for Gay, Stephen, and ateAilli-
ratoen l Alen -At 'ost conductedlrritton Outs
TORN GILL, Auctioneer for the
to- r Tbwnshiva of Stephen, Hay and i'sborne
and the Village of Exeter. All galea pronnytlp
attended, and satUfactian guaranteed. Bain
arranged at this orrice.
crochet worh, Ml's. Oona; Hand -stir
Ing, Ada Oreightoo Berlin wail
work, Ma Creighton f Cbild,9 darned
net dreee, Ada Creighton; TARO
drape Ada Creighton ; Snaoizing osp,.
D. ; Wor6ed clot o Ada
CreightoDawsonn; Shaw ogee,
mage Fret wank, C. W Copeland ;
Table Sear! embroidered on saber,
¥re. Fred. taodbolt.
Reoonimeedation was given Near$.
VOL. VIII,, NO. 8. EXETER, ONTARIO, `' IITRSD XZQR?,iT114 x, OOT'R 15, 1885. aaxx ril<> .c soz Redmond Bros. for 'righty :&niched
lPublishersandPropzfetorp paintiugon doorf3,
%I -UST' "L" i-1•"'^r'T -i-*`► Roger; ':'sir twa.year.a1d steers; Geo. mem Shier; Six parenlpe, lieubeu Honeze.- -Jos, Weetoott, Exeter ;
V Slack, i.at and 2nd ; Pair yearling Switzer, Patrick O'Brien. D. Caithcarl,St. Marys; Wm. Sherrill,.
Petty's*teen, Geo, Steck John,Fallarton.
y s Choice Rains, Breakfast Bacon and Lard, (Lha ked Rezlewaod ; Ft0.4r.-..-Northern Spy appleP, V. D.
Wheat Val sow or heifer, Will. Pridham, W. Switzer; Tatman w , CA TiUiu R FranciR, Fnllartou •,
heat and Rolled Oats,Grano-es and Lemons 8 tz , n S eats, I'railo.lt W, Sbiiliuglat)v, Fulla>rton ; D. X7[0-
:a , ktodger ; Fat ox or steer, Geo. Slack. Kikby; 13awerirl, ,filo, llazlewood; li heron, Gros' lz7yy,
x ` ' G. A - T--TYN T N' Sxee>r,--Leioeatar,--Iialrs;two;seare i snow sppioe, Amos Doupe; Rhodes , 3sE EltP3a0.,:t7a.ct:t--u, Air. Waodle
$ island Greening, Adam Shier• I ing',
FAtiSON'S 3BLQCl Gaedwiu; "earlip ram, Lonie Gaol- of Tompkins, \iWm. I-Ianeoo; Alexau• ; P'atla'reonCTaborue.a . and over,'iYmSewers, LouasThe oats TI:.)thy's H..t C FoOJ, Only IOe, per it,,, or 9S per o:rt, win, Thos. Currency,` Rain lamb, L- der, Heur l witzer; ':rwent ounce 1 HalmiLtou, Oban ea Di k„
Goodwin, Thee. Curreltey; Pair breed- , Pippin., Wm. Ilazlewood; Twenty
oosoo,tou, Wm. Taylor, Cflarlear Diok.
-- - int;. as's'es, having raised Jambe in '$5
EDUCATIONAL. E: CI' l:itllrG 1l P ' l Q *Fair
i(ua4et, Ed. ZIoEay; Ribaton Basset, eAFavx. ANI+ x ,
p Wm. S uaere, Thos. Currelley, Fair Wm. Beavers; $piksgnborge, Jno. ul a Ufa (rarruaisa. D: W.
D wag
, Eirkton • R. H. Pours
abeading owes, Wm, Somers > rule . Hazlewood; bellow JaWiower, Renbelr
!Ej T Raadwin; Phis' erre'.ewba, Trim. Soni.- Switzer- Sweet Paiir apes, )Olen. G- and Jooethau Shier, iltoodhaw,y
011S114ESS JULLL1{,1E DAVIS,a ere, os, Carrells The prise money will be palet art
Th y'• St- John; Pomnie Graeae, Joe. COpa- the Agrionitural hall, irktnrl, on
LNcoa-.BCTrox alts 1 p r Cozawor..n.---Ilam twoyearaold and land; Collection of applee, F. D.
WQODSTOOK 0QItLEE0S, Butcher & General Deal ,lCZ ,ever-, Wile. Spence, Mex. Kirk; Ram , Switzer, W. IL Marehail; Crab apples.
WOODSTOCK, ONT, larub. Win. Spence, Alex. Kirk ; )'ear ! Wm. Paisey, Rohl. Drupe; Open air
lies been thoroughly rt%trgble owes, berme raised lambs in 1085, grape'. Robt. Robinson, Alma
IPA. and planed is the )hands o; a, inset able
beenstag of Teachers tlsimil r two who have / All*x, Birk. \ ill. E ga>aae; lair sheer- Donne; Mute, Jonathan sir- ll
been l'rTeaebLr of similar and successful n , , Sh , Fa
institutions). Course moat anarougis and l..v 1 u A 1 ► ^' lily ewes, Wm. B alba, .let and 2nd; b' Rom, t of"kielay, who tinea y t+
tumefieul. reeaveryreolorate. Cuatouxaxse;uPPlied T[ FSAs1Y$, TI I1F• I'Air ewe litmbe 1 z " l?Qare .Ileo. COpelalid, kra*af!!N Arld c• nailed east Ql Vera, Iliad a life yoa
For full information address- , Alex, Kirk, Wm. son; Winter ears, Jonathan Shier, mare badly cut op by becoming e
N, wor,v%1709 N,13., bg,,pancipal, YS AND SATURDAYS at their residertee. SePee. p
Alen. Kirk,.
ii'oodstocirCalleW► i A fdouxsfowxa. --Qne-yeitr.od rats, tingled in .a wire folios).
I),ttax I lioncle>r,-•-1'iag )!'utter 6Q
Geo, Benne g l7fr+ra e; e4s'+-,►...
PROPERTY LIoI CHIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. y, $all) Jnariz, f es, Rent• lbs, Hila L3. Jia es', Atirts K, p 'rCtil Ali,
-- -ley; I'ulr ,owe , llavi(ig raised )strias •Fire lbs table 't,t tier_ Adams A»?pe,
VAR Id FOR SALE) IN S'l'k'I'HlntN.WA-VC-1110e , in 1885, H. A. Switzer; Pali shear- Min S. Roger '1'wnlo lbs. dairy needs 5 r. S. Woods has puroaaved a
I.atoe,iu nth C.Pt,aesiiou. 100 oros, Itog ewers, IL A. Switzer, let and 2d; cheese, Wm. Stacey, very due kith,
FarParticlaraal,i it to Pair ewe iambs, Georg) Bentley. 11llst,ltlr.)l fer(tr's.-Maple fdntrar, glias The braes baud serenaded solus of
ti. v. F.I,I.1QT, t?G1e; Oa .ye ,luta Oxt:ortnrAaw:rs.-•- ; lir. (ronrley, Mise E. I?cope; Home- our citizens on Friday addniz g,
tialicitor, Esater, Clock: Rata two years old and aver, Barak
made bread, I1irs, St, John, ATt►zy Sonne of ogrr loaAl sparks Ara atA
Ota Feb.. 1fJR _ Don pe; UAe•yea►r•old ram, ld, A S itx> Switzer, Ito yards horse -made ,shirt Lake Smith %hie week door ehooting.
er, Richd, Delbridge; RAM lamb, H. log, Aun Sample. 1st and 2nd; Ptlir Me/ere. Eilber, (aridley and Grant
Tito undersigned will offer for sale or to A. Switzer, Samuel Donne ; Pair ' Blankets, ail -wool, Ann Sample, Alex. were out eboatimg partridge and
rent byPut)lio Auction,ou thedthot October , IC,shearling awes, Santee! Doupe A Pa'iir Eirk;. Pair Union blankets, Aun brought borne some very fine oriat,
ab o'clock p. ;g.. t o:.N and 4, L . R. F.., .,, ,,,/
i+tephecl near Grand Rend, s'3 sere, L. laud • awe Jambes), A, A. Switzer, 8*muel envie. IreR ie Jamieson; tlnit Cue The report file ehootio a1 1 expel.
also 9Oist *owe au0 heifers', d wares 4 and a H s COm leted iiia etuek of " p
mess olci, l horses A and. s years old, warranted
P Diners.
pe. adieu Tweed, Whip, Iavna Ist and. Stld; lent.
round. Tlaeaartdstiltbe sok) aalime eta per til T QR 13171,. Pair ewes, ))sling molt
P'irre lbs. bonny', in Baotitgns, &iso.
cent if required. l 0 lambir in l r'a
JU11N BRITS. Proprietor. ' , Iaouis tiroodwiti, Wro.Bentley,1st and god; Jr~r strained
Wakes' •O• For the Fall Tie. Spense ; Pilir ahewiling ewes, Wm. ,honey, Alex Kirk; Canned peaches,,
---4N era, ISINI s or -
Saturday. Slat Mat,
bait's' suit.
320 Boxes for Sa],e2 ; Everybody inritett to go In and inspect his Sapeneoe, 8(tmuel Doupe;. Psir ewe A, Creighton; Canned pears, Mrs. tat.
I4 SO['TUERNMA:\'ITOBA..<•Tfie chsrilen stock whether you purchase or not. ( b a iamnol 11Qgpe, r lel. irk ; ,yplln, J, )tier; Canned 111p1ri#r, '> ag•
or our Great North-west.";, rat sheep, W. amine Wm. Kirk, ids Jamieson, Ala Creir hton; Canusd
seem eau arse -erten 23,Towusnip s. nano X14[ ENSE DARGALNS FOR CASH Homs,--- Large Breed,-- Breeding Cherries, Adam Shier, Ada CreiRhlou;
U,oomprl In 02Oaarot,inimediatelyatielnlutr
e e teteste,ami on `.Ohne sato or the arae ttoba In (rola & Strvor 1Vatoiies,l sow, having waived pigs in 1886, Win. Canned gaoaoberries, Samuel I3anpa,
goliat(ue for right of way through this half JC'ta O(iV ale, e Q\YDIe)C;'a a 1 C Kirk, Robt. Minton; Boar pig under Ada Creighton; Banned strawberries,
Natio n,,a* tease <losirous of securing a really sane yesr. Rich). Mutton,. 1st and 2nd;
nail• tee od n ova re taan exceptionally
c tion llyc ;oral A large variety to choose from. sold go'tronble Saw Under One year, Robert Mutton,
gl school. to allow yon our stook,
tat esti god..
ALL ARE WELCOME. L Scans Besiso.--Aged Boar, W. IL
churn hel. &a•, would do well to appiv without
doles. Tltlepertact, being a )'stout Decal from
the frown, and without encumbrance,
Owner 3Utahell Out.
1-l1. tate fertile Huron tkExit Loan A• Say- MTwo-atory Brick Dwelling iloute, situated
ingsSoeiety. Low rates ofintcreai. Apply to on Hill•street-directlyeast of the Proabyteri-
Jelin Speakman ant;ttutoh,F.xater; together with throe•guat-
p toren! an acre of land. Good triune stable and
driving house; splendid orchani of aholoe
young trait bearing trees; good veil and el. -
tern; suitable fora gentleman's residence.
Will be sold cheap on terms to oat urohasor,
poraent.aoa dints totem.. Private
'Ennals. ,' Arplyyto
Auguetl5,'85 Sotialtor, Exeter ,
J. UseN
*bemoan," Hibbert :tutus ' Fir; insnr.
ancsCompany. itolldence-3rd Con„ tiaboroa
Orders bvmailto Exeter P. 0., promptly at-
apnea IN i"ANans'a BLOCK.
Alec) agent for the London Mutual Ifaurauoo
Company of Canada,3Iercantile Insurance Co
-Capital 0+500,000.00 Heed office Waterloo;
Ont. Glasgow & London insurance Coy -Cap-
ital 82,500.000 ; Bead Office, Montreal ; Stand-
ard Lila Insurance Co., Head Office, London,
England ; Guarantee a Accident Co, head
Office, Toronto.
Steed opposite Jas. Picksrd's, Main- Marshall; Breeding sow, having rate-
tract, Exeter. ed pigs in 1885, Geo. Bentley, Aim
Kirk; Boar Pig under one year, Biot,.
Dolbridge, Win. Pritlhaw; Sow under
one year; Wm. Marshall, 1st end 2,1.
Flawere-Plymonth )looks, Piokard.
d; Spicer, Geo. Bentley; Dark Brah-
mns,.Pickard & Spicer 1st and 2nd. ;
Light' Brahmae, Plainer!! & Spicer ;
Blank Spanish fowls, Geo. Bentley,
Piokard & Spicer ; Dorking*, P;okerd
& Spicer, eat and 2nd •,Loghoroo,
Geo. Bentley, Pickard & Spicer ;
Game fowls, Wm. Roger, F. D.
Switzer; Polande, Pickard & Spitler,
Goo.. Bentley ; Barnyard fowls, F.
D. Switzer. int and 2n1; Houdans,'
Geo. Bentley; Turkeys-, Wm. Stacey,
Geo. Bentley; Common geese, R.
Shier, W. J. Roy; Common ducks,
J. Brooks, D. Fotberingham.
IMPLRMENTS,-Covered carriage, W.
Mayes, B. J. Rnadhouae; Double open
buggy, Wra. Mayes; Single cpen
buggy. Wm. Moyes, Bailey & Ander-
son ; Pair iron harrows, Jas. Marsh-
all, Jno, Cahendar ; Seed drill, R.
Shier; Fanning mill, A. MoMurohie
& Oo.; Turnip need drill, Jno- Mar-
shall; Straw cutter, A Mulheron. &
Co.; Sett horse oboes, Jae, Marshall,.
Robert Robinson; Wheelbarrow, Geo.
Roadhouse; Sett Whiffietrees and
neckyoke, John Callender; Armstrong
Eclipse Jump seat carriage, Wm.
GRAIN. -While fall wheat, Wm -
Hanson, Adam. Doupe; Red fall wheat,
W. H. Marshall ; John Gonrley ;:
Spring wheal Thos. Thompson, Jno.
Gourley ; Six rowed barley, Wm.
Hazlewood, Jno, Hazlewood ; Large
oats, Amos Doupe, Robert Doupe ;
Common white oats, Robt Mutton,
Robt. Doupe; Commou blank oats, F.
D. Switzer, Samuel Doupe; Small
peas, Robt. Mutton, Rohl. Doupe ;
large peas, F. D. Switzer, Jonathan
Shier; Flax seed, Wm. Hazlewood ;
Sample flax :in straw, Wm. Hazle-
wood, John Copeland; Timothy seed,
Adam Shier, Samuel Shier ; Field
beans, F. D. Switzer, Thos. Hyde ;
Garden beano, F. 111'. Switzer, 1st and
2nd; Indian corn,. Francis Kirkby,
Wm. Hazlewood.
Beauty of Hebron, D. Dawson, A. 1
Doupe; Bushel White Elephant,Jno.
Copeland; Bushel Rose potatoes D.
Dawson, D. Brethour; Bushel Bur-
bank Seedling, Jno. Scott, Amos.
Doupe; Colleotion, three of each kind,
Wm. Spence; Six Swedieb turnips,
F. D. Switzer, Thos. Otago; Six field
carrots, Wm. Rodger, Jas. Balkwill;
Six garden carrots, Jno. McCurdy,.
Geo. Vickers; Six red Mango' wurtzel,
Jas. Belkwiil, Louis Kirk; Six yellow
Wm. Hazlewood; Six onions, Jas.
Balkwill, D: Dawson; Six Blood beets,
Wm. Stacey, Reuben Switzer; Three
heads cabbage, Amos Doupe, Robt
Robinson; Six tomatoes, Wm. Stacey,
Wm. Kirk; Three heads cauliflower,
Patrick O'Brien; Three heads celery,
Wm. Paisey, Patrick O'Brien; Round
citron. Wm. Staoey, Thos. Lane;
Long citron, Wm. Hazlewood, B. J.
calf of 1885, John Hpzlewood, Wm. Roadhouse; Pumpkin D. Brethour,
Tho Mans Show.
The :tunnel fall fair of the Blau-
shard Agricultural Society was )lea
at the village of; I4irkton on Thursday
or rented. Possession given 1st November, and FriaaP last, The weather was
For further partianiars, a tply to }ins, and attendance large. The
RIGBA tII r t1IExeteshow on the whole, wan Ahead of any
15, `85.-1m, Exeter P. Q,
(former year, which ehowa that the
roofety is lnareaalnit in popularity.
The proceeds on day of fair amonuted
to $250. Owing" to our columna be-
ing crowded with other inlereeting
matter, we aro unable to give as full
a description of the various exhibit.,
eto., as we would desire. The follow-
ing are the names of the successful
fCOAGULINF.-Cement for Brok-
e...) on Articles. Sold everywhere.
Solo Makers. --NAY BIROS.. Stockport
SEED, Aniseed., S(moga, Squill Tolo, coo
tivith Chlovedvno.
KAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent
exuoetoraut for Coughs and Ceida.
t AY'S ;COMPOUND, for Coughs
Holesxs.--Heavy Draught.- Span
horses in harness, S. Nethercott ;
Brood mare, having foaled in 1885,
and Colds, is equally servicable: for Geo. Spearin, Wm. Hannon, James
tlorseaandCattle. Rundle; Two-year old filly or gelding,
KAY'S TIC PILLS a specific in Jae. Abode - One -year-old, John
Neuralgia Face-aeho &c. Hazlewood, P. O'Brien; Foal of 1885,
Established in 1803.
This comr.anv has been over Eighteen
year,: in successful operation in Western On-
tario,andoontinues to insure againetloas or
damage by Fire ,Buildinge,Merenandrse,Man-
utaatories,and all other descriptions oflinaur-
able property. Intending insurers have the
option of insuring on the Premium Note or
Dash System.
During the past ten years tbis Company
has issued 57,006 Policies. covering property
to the amount of 390,872,038; and paid inloss-
es alone$709,752,00
Assets, 8170,100.00, consisting of Cash
nclank, Government Deposit, and the unass-
eased Premium Notes onhandandinforce. J,
W WAT.ENM D. Preside:a. 0. M. TAston,
Secretary. J.B. Huanns,Inepector. CHAS:
SNELL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity.
ktcr1nia Intorcolanialllailway
The Direct orate from the West for all
points in NeVeBrunswiek, Nova Scotia, •
Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton
and Newfoundland.
All tho popular sea bathing. fishing and
pleasure resorts of Canada are along this line
Pullman cars leaving Montreal 01 Mon-
day, Wednesday, and Friday run through to
Halifax. and on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur-
day to St. John, N.B., without change:
Close connections made at Pointe Levis with
the Grand Trunk Railway and the Richelieu
and Ontario Navigation Company's Steamers
from Montreal, and at Levis with the North
Shore /railway:
Elegant first-class Pullman, Buffet and
Smoking Cars on all through trains.
First-class Refreshment Rooms at conveni-
ent distances.
will find it adyantageoue to use this route as
it is the quickest in point of time, and the rates
are as low as by any other.
Through freight is forwarded by fast special
trains and experienee has proved the Inter.
colonial route to be the quickest for European
freight to and from all points in Canada and
the Western States,
Tickets may be obtained and ales informa-
tion'about the route and about freight and
passenger rates from
Western Freight &Passenger Agent
93 Rosain House Block, York St., Toronto.
Chief Superintendent.
Railway 0f0ce, Moncton, N. B:,May14,'85.1y;
„ Lov:LTI !, Rundle.
GENERAL PURPOSE. -Span of horses
in harnes, James's Saol:nay, Adam
SAY ALL TRELADIES WHO SEE C• Doupe; Brood mare having raised
foal in 1885, Wm. ,Amos, S. Brook,
Wm. Hanson; Two-year-old filly or
gelding, Robb. Colgan, Wm. Somers,
Fergus Harrah ; One -year-old Dolt,
Jos. Peart, F. D. Switzer, Jas. Sbip--
ley ; Foal of 1885, Geo. Kent, Jas.
Shipley, Rohl. Mutton.
AGRICULTURAL. -Span horses, Wm.
Cornish, F. D. Switzer; Brood mare,
raised foal, Samuel Doupe, George
Kent, Wm. Hanson; Two-year-old
gelding or fitly, Wm. Cornish, Thos.
Thompson, Geo. Spearin ; One-year.
old filly or gelding, Jas. Rundle, Jas.
llaokney ; Foal of 1885. Samuel
Doupe, Geo. Kent, Jno. Robiuson.
ROADSTERS. - Brood mare, John
McCurdy; Two-year-old colt, 1!t,
Shier, Robert Birch ; One -year-old
colt, Wm. Haynes, J. Nelson; Foal,
Jno. McCurdy, 0. H. Sprague.
CARRIAGE. --Span horses. John
Hawkshaw, Thos. Bissett, sr., Lson•
and Hunter; Horse in Buggy, Thos.
Bissett, jr., Geo. Slack, Wm. Amos;
Saddle horse, Wm. Pridham. H. Tib -
bits; Brood mare, Geo. Spearin, C.
Grafton; Foal, Chas. Grafton, Geo.
Spearin; Yearling, Jas. Mills; Two-
year-old, Andrew Isaacs, Wm. Wad-
SPECIAL.-- )'Douglas" foal, John
Robinson, Wm. Doupe.
CATTLE,- Thoroughbred Durham.
-Miloh oow, John Hooper, W. H.
Gill; Two-year-oldheifer, Leonard
Runlet, John Hooper ; Yearling heif-
er, W. H. Gill, Bull calf of 1885, W.
H. Gill, John Allison ; Heifer calf,
W. G. Gill, Wm. Pridham.
GRADE CATTLE. -))Zilch 00w, R. D.
Roy, Jno. Hooper, 2nd and 3rd; Two-
year-old heifer, Wm. Pridham, Sam'l
Doupe ; Yearling heifer, Wm. Hazle-
wood, Geo. Gill ; Heifer calf of 1885,
Wm. Pridham, John Hooper; Steer
Lao. J". DE H.RINO'S
Without a doubt they aro the most becoming
styles ever introduced: Ladies, for something
in very fine style, such as the Langtry and
Parisian Bangs, Saratoga Waves, Switches,
Puffs, Curls, or Wigs, call on Ike. J. Dearing, at
Where he will supply all your wants in the
Hair Line,
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye -stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
the Central Drug Store Exeter
Ada Creighton. Samuel I)o'upe; Cau.•
RodXi emus).
Steen:(1.--Tbe baying of Ji my
Carriok'n stag -bound and the report
of little Joe's Bitot gun, may now be
oontinnaualy beard in the Hay
Noah Armstrong, bas ranted a
200 acre farm near Einoardine and.
ned to+pberrrae. Ade Creighton. S, cath) move thither shortly. Noah will
Shier; Canned tomatoes, Wm. Kirk,
S. Shier; Jelly Simnel Doupe, Pal -
rick, O'Brien„ Pencil drawing. Win.
Staaay;. Portrait, Wm. Slam; Double
Nett carriage herons, Jacob Taylor;
Mottle tett carriage harness, Jacob
T'ayibr; Sewing' machine, George
Spearin, Geo. Vickers; Horse shoes
James Morahan, Robt. Robinson.
Lxnrse' Wotx.--Pair woolen sooks,
home spun, J'no, Hszlewood, J. Cope-
land,. Wm. Pitisey; Pair woolen stook.
Inge, home spun, lira. St. John,.
Mary Switzer, 3rd; Pair woolen mitts,
home apnn, Lino. Callender; Thos.
Hyde, alias Hyde; Pair fauoy mitts,
Maggie Jamieson, A. Colquohouo,
Wm+, Stem; Specimen braiding, Ada
Creighton, 'Sirs. Conn, Francis Kirk-
by; Gentle shirt, hand -made hiss R.
Doupe, D. Dawson, Mise Hyde; Gent's
shirt, maobine-roads, P. O'Brien, W.
Sark, Miss K. Doupe; Crotchet work,
Thos. Hyde, Maggie Jamieson, Min
Hyd+;. Embroidery on muslin, Ada
Creighton; Embroidery on worsted,
Ada Creighton; Patchwork quilt,
Mies Hyde Ann Sample, Maggie
Jamieson;, Coverlet, home-made, K. exercise, and, feeling good, he began
running and jumping, to the surprise
of the owners. In the evening he
was taken to the stable, and died
be mused; uo man in the township
has a more melodious laugh than the
same Noah; his laugh is music in it-
Blfi TIIRMIUntG,-Messrs. Swener-
ton, Livingstone c7'< Green threshed
for Mr. Cooper Forest, of the, Parr
Line, or 7$h son. of Ray township,
with their new separator, 1,060 bush-
els of oats in the short time of three
hours and forty minutes. The feed,
ing was done by Wilson Swenerton
and Robert Livingstone and the en-
gine wee driveu by Jas. Green. We
have heard cf some big threshing,
but we want to know who can beat
Ibis, Let"us hear from yon.
HnAvrLoss.-On Wednesday even.
ing of last weak, Messrs. Brooks fla
Colquhoun, of this place, lost another
of their imported 'nations, "Come
mender." In the afternoon the ani-
mal was put lists the yard to tate
Roy, Thcs. Lena, Ada Creighton;
Child's dress, machine -made, C. W.
Copeland,. list and 2nd; Ornamental
needle work, Ann Sample, let and 1 about 8 o'clock. le is supposed, he,
213dy Alex. Kirk; Fancy knitting, Mies had ruptured himself internally.
Hyde, Thos. Hyde, Ann Sample; The loss is heavy se the animal wee.,
mat,. Wm. Birk, J, Shier, Mary valved ai $3,50!- This makes the.
Switzer;: Home-made carpel, Mary third horse these gentlemen have.
Switzer, Mies S. Roger, Miss K lost within a few years.
"Doupe; Knit quilt, Maggie Jamieson,
'Ann Sample, Maggie Jamieson; Crys-- Centralia,.
;tai painting, Mrs. Conn, M, Switzer,
2nd and 3rd; Farmer's wreath, Alex.
Kirk; Collection paper flowers, Miss
Gowan, Samuel Shier, Samuel Doupe;:
Shell frame, Mary Switzer, let. and
2nd; Lane wore, Ada Creighton, let,
2nd and 3rd; Feather flowers, D.
Brethour; Bar home-made soap, X.
Shier, Ada Creighton, Ann Sample;
Hair wreath, Mrs. St. John; Berlin
wool work for Framing, Mrs. SI. John,
Wm. rainy, Miss Hyde; Embroidery
in ootion, Maggie Jamieson, lat and
2nd, Ada Creighton, 3rd; Pair slip-
pers, in worsted, Ada Creighton, Mrs.
St. John, Mrs. Fred. Godbolt;: Sofa
cushion, Mrs Fred. Godbolt, Miss
Gowan, Mrs. St: John; Tidy in cot-
ton, Maggie Jamieson, Robt. Doupe,
Mary Switzer; Tidy in wool; Ada
Creighton. Geo. Vickers, Ada Creigh-
ton; Hat, Canadian straw, D. Brett'.
our, Wm. Kirk, Francis Kirkby; Tuft-
ed counterpane, Mary Switzer; 0i1
chrome, Miss K. Doupe.
FLOWERS. -Collection house plants,
John McCurdy, Robt. Robinson.
Roots and Grain. -Field beans, F.
D. Switzer; Garden beans, Reuben
Switzer; Mammoth squash, William
Kirk; Red cabbage, Wm. Palley. e
Fruit and Manufactures. -- Orab
apples, Ada Creighton Maple auger,
Mies R; Gourley; Organ, Geo. Vick -
Implements. --Double Phaeton, W.
Moyes; Grain grinder, A. Mulheron
& Co.
Ladies' Work. -Woolen soaks, M.
Jamieson; Lace, Mrs. Coni\; Colored
Walter Hill, has bought the Spring
Creek farm from. R. Hicks, for the
sum of $6,500. Walter, like his neare
est neighbors on- either hand, is also
Will. Callender,, he of "Hellehajah
Band" fame, has rented Harry Es.
sery's farm, and. will' begin operation
al onoe.
Hundreds of' tons of hemlooks bark
are being shipped from this elation
every year by- our enterprising. towns-
man, 3. Parsons. It is astonishing
how fast our forests of hamltlak are
disappearing. The pine "hae gone,"
and now the hemlook "mast go."
In a very few years, indeed, building
and fenne material most come. from
distant parts.
A young lady compositor who
usually resides in Clinton made appli-
cation for a "sit" to the editor of the
Lucan Enterprise. Her offer was ac-
cepted and she was telegraphed to
some at once. Upon her arrival at
the offiee ye editor was, to say the
least, quite astonished to find that his
new hand was one of the handsomest
young ladies he had seen for a long
time. With profuse apologies the
editor had to explain that he was
under the impresaiou that his to be
employe was another "feller," and
explain that the party he wanted
would be required to work at the
press eto, as well as the . case. He
must have been married or he never
would have allowed the fair applinant
and excellent compositor to leave.