HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-10-31, Page 4_ PAGE VU•ii, Sch001 Sports in 4-autams,r-up, 6471041- D-afittrElitv-, . 10o;$.eo. Sowerby.. " ' ..? . .. l':l. ; Tedely tir,..43g, S.S.; L. u; e , titumnplow4iiw aMONG t'&) Llirt5 .wero' Rtuntungr bigh., jualap-----,' Senior • boyo, e..neli T.. ownsinp dt,ided a,- ftd-wwb: -. . . ... . . . ,,lii.,,, 1.111sen, Bruce Iltoltnes, LllotA Sower- ,; . Sialitor- Lorraine IlIteli.s, S.S. '4, and. by,:, II:get-mediate 191,b, Jiltunie. Riehl, J L.abt..1 Grant, tied; runners-up, Jian Alt Itditit 0 Wit:son, Blzner S.ovverby- iour. SoeUces Talze Part in , , Fuller. S.S. U. ..,utitil Sthili Grigg. &N.- 1. Junior boys„Liek litittd.;Arttobj Lath, . THU GODERIC -*TAR Hold. Dc,2,,y at' Union . B.Jhool ... ... 1%.,",,,„_ up, mthir,..,1 mcDougail, S.S. 2; ,-Isalat.1 ti rant Flak% Joan Grigr ' Shirley Grant, S...n; 1. and Barbara ) intermediate girls, Helen. Hutchins and , J anfor.--,Noella Nlildred McDougall, td, ...Durham Mc- ' •., . • The Ctpderich. township sehools held Melionald, S.S; 4;. tied I % S.S. 0; runners,up. Elaine 1)onald, Ruth Glazier. .aunior giris,j Me- a .SUCees$fril inter- school field meet last ;;:.`It'uviscir, s.r4. i; vera, Johnston., Elaine NleAllister, Noella litiwerby and . ThurSday'afternoon on the grounds of •lielen Lionel% tied, Vera Johnston. .,, li.O. • No. 6 tUnionl.. Favorable ''' ;" lack ilieks and Noella Sowerby have • „Pole vuulting--Senior boys, Doug. Weather, line SPortsmanship and _keenly • jauttor chaulphinship 'far tn-a7R-teht;nittany-Futter, -Itur Wits-Oft.":-Ilitok- outeged events featiareal the dt**Pr. fil',e- milrtlic ,Linunie Mehl, ' Mered.ith. folloWing sehools, with their teachers, ..,_ 1 sitecessic.i. yea,rs. ' . mesiiate boys, - Record of Winners - Wilson and Alan Grigg. tied. JuniOr , participtited: S.S. 1, Mists Geraldine Results in the various events were: boys. Arnold.Laithwatte, Teddy Grigg) Ks. 3, -.-Miss phynis Gm, ; t.r.1.8:4 miss Running.' broad junip---Senior boys, .Teddie Mehl, MeEwen ; ,S.S. 2, Mr. Chester-MeNalt; . . Races Jean Mitehell. S.S. 9, Mr. ,Edgar. with- Don Sowerby, Ray Fuller, John Fat- , • drew 1.ecause of sickness. The satool. miter, Intermediate boys. Meredith . Boys 5 and under -Douglas Noranau,.1 ikon. Jimmie Riehl. Alan Grigg- Edward Laithwaite. hoards' showed their interest by donat- NV - - ' JOnior boys, Jack Ineks,,Teddy Grigg. Boys s and under -Arnold Laith- ing $2 for each championship, Arnold Laithwaite. Senior girls, Lor- waite, Teddy .kiri,,g Jack Norman - raine Woks. Jean Fuller. Isabel Grant ; Boys 10 awl under -,----Jack Ilicks, 1 and Joan Grigg, tied.. intermediate' Alan Grig- Billie Wilson. , ..,.. . .ts, girls.. Shirley, Grant. Helen Hutchins, ; Boys 1'4 and uuder,--Jack Hicks, 4_ _ - .. . ' - Riehl. S.S. 6: ' runners-up, Meredith ve,,,„,,,,, „ j,,,h„siml. Elit toe Mildred Metiougall.. Junior girls, ; juunue Mehl, Doug. Riehl and Mer- i McAllister, i edith Wilson, tied. • - Intermediate-. -.Helen Hutchins° S.S. 3; ' waite, Ti•dx13- Grigg. Senior Girit„, • • - •••• e•• Ray. Fuller, S.S. was declared senior boy champion. Runners-up. were -4n Wilson, SS. 1.; Don Sowerby, S.S. tufermediate bay champion, Jimmie Wilson. S.S. 6; Alan Grigg. $IS. 1. Nt)efih Sowerby. It3oys 14 and under -john Falconer, Juniorboy ellampion, Jack Hicks, S.S. standing, broad jump -Senior boys, -Ray Fuller, KeuntAtit Oke. . - Ray Fuller. Kenneth Oke, Don ; Boys 16 aud under -Doti Sowerby, _Sowerhy. Intermediate boys. Meredith Kenneth Oke, John; Falconer. 1 ,T un tor . hoys.. Jack Hicks, nli.nold Laith- Joyce McAllister, Mary- Ii4chins: - , Waite. Teddy Grigg. Senior girls. Lor- , 'Girls', S and under-Noella Sowerby, raine Hicks. ;Joan Grigg. Jean Fuller., Ila Grigg, Vera Johnston. - ....on, . inni t. k . . an r gg. Girls 5 and under -Mabel Hardy, Intermediate girls, Mildred McDougall, , . Girls 10 and under -----Shirley Grant, Noreen Fuller. Helen Hutchins. junior ; Elaine McAllister, Barbara McDonald. girls, Noella Sowerby, Elaine Mil- , 'Girls 12 and under -Joan Grigg. , lister. Joyce Johnstim. 7 Lorraine_ Hicks, 'Lola Jervis.- ' • Hop. ).:teo and jump -Senior -boys.' Girls 14 and undlo:-Joan Grigg, Doug. Rio111. .1 im W' 115)11. John Fal- J tine Sowerby, Jean Fuller: - 1 ;-onet. Intermediate boys. Jimmie Girls 111 and under -June Sowerby, I itiehl. Elmer Sowerhy„ Alan Grigg.. Joan Grigg,. Isabel Grant., Refrigeration SALES SERVI10E ALL MAKES Commercial -Domestic Manning 'Refrigeration SePvioe - Cal for Free Estimate - 50 ELWIN .1,VE. PHONE 1098 36tf ‘11111110., • "NVil Ri.h1 NI (1 1 junior boys. Jack,,Hicks,;Billie Wils)n, I Relay Rapes . • T -.1.)‘d Fuller. Senior girls. Isabel Stick relay -Senior. 1st No. 1; ;2m1 I tlrant. June Sowerhy. Lorraine nicks.. No.' 2: 3.rd No. 6. Intermediate, 1st Intermediate girls. Barbara McDonald.; No. :;: 2nd No, 6; 3rd No. 1. Junior, Helen Hutehins. Jean ProuSe. Junior 1st Ni. 2: 2nd No. 1; 3rd No. 6. Sack relay -Senior. 1st No. 1; 2nd No. 2: 3r1 ;No. 3. • Intermediate, lst : 2nd 'No. n 31'd No. 3. Junior, It No. 3 2nd. No. 1: .3rd N4). 6.. Ball and plate relay-,Senror, 1st No. 1: 2m1 No. 6: 3rd No. 3. Intermediate, lst No. 2: 2nd No. 1: 3rd . Junior. 1s4 No. 3; 2nd No. 6; ard No. 1? Relay teams: - *Senior--S.S. 1. Ada CrIeli, Isabel , Grant. Isabolle Feagan, Joan. Grigg. • 2. Lois ;Ginn. Bria:e Ken- neth ;Oke. Lorraine Hicks...a S.S. 0, - FARE AND ONE-QUARTER FOR. THE ROUND TRIP -v - -GO: Any time from 12:00 noon Friday, Nov. 8th, until 2:00 p.m. Monday, Nov. 11th, RETURN: Leave destination up to 12:00 'girl. night, Tuesday Nov. 121h, 1946. Full information from any 'agent. t.TOI; Interinediate-S.S. 1. David - Webster., Th Meone.r. - • ' Shirley Grant, Teddy Grigg. Alan Grigg S.S. Franeis Prouse, Jean Prouse, Mildred McDougall, Jack S.S. '3, Gloria Palmer, Lola. ;Jervis, Helen Hutehitts. Doris Hutchins, 8.s. 0. Barbara McDonald, Jim Riehl, Noreen Fuller. Meredith 'Wilson', • .Tunior-S.S. 1, Vera Johnston, Arn- ohi Laithwaite, Campbell Grant, Teddy S.S. 2,' -Jack Hicks, Francis Prouse, Eva Prouse. 'Holmes. S.S., 3, Jack Norman. Kerine,th Potter. Grigg. Helen Patter, S.S. 6, Elaine McAllister, Teddie Riehl, Noella Sowerhy. Billie Wilson. The champion runner for. 1 races ; was Joan Grigg, S.S. 1. '-11 OWNED AND OPERATED tiY n.. 07.0, ATLANTIC &PACIFIC AUST. 'SULTANA RAISINS ORANGES FLORIDA NEW CROP GRAPEFAUIT FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS 96's PEARS OREGON BOSC, - EXCELLENT•XATING 'CALIFORNIA EMPEROR GRAPE'S B.C. MciNIQS.H..,,, EXTRA FANCY APPLES 10 for 2 lbs. • - lb. 5 for LETTUCE CALIFORNIA ICEt3ERG 2 fw. N�.1 CELER,Y STALKS PascalN8O. White BRUS#ELS SPROUTS FIN'eos.111 Green TURNIP W.ASKED and WAXED 0 No. 1 ONIONS YELLOW COOKING No. 1 . 10 -Ib. Bag 39 t QUAKER Extra Large No. 1 CAI1ROTS wN.ATED... P.E.I. No. 1 POTATOES * 10 lbs. 250 2 lbs. 150 4 'b e . 1.00 OATS - CLARK'S !ROSH STEW ft- 13LCIIATEIR PAS= Largo Pkg. 15 -or. Tin Tints in GREEN PEAS NEW PACK STANDARD , ,WAX BEANS • NEW PACK -; CHOICE GOLDEN ANN PAGE MILK BREAD TOMATO JUICE N E WF ANCY - TOMATO SOUP4 CLARK:8 BABY FOODS ° A%:;r1(1)(7;ED CASHMERE TISSUE * FLOUR R"AL 2 20-oz. 1914 Tins 150 - Tin Ito 3. Rolls 270 7-1b. AvgA 24-1b. HOUSEHOLD wag giOr Bag /07' MOTOR 'OIL APENN - 123 -oz. coo 2,500 Milo Ou'arantoc; Tin . uo LANCIA. NOODUS . L.rgo 0,0 . „ 12 -oz. Pkg. WI' PIC & SPAN NO O wRiTt04.SINING - Pkg. 224 G 4 , ;1;;7111 ; ' ' , that stand for Quality Westinghouse' Appliances Easy Washers Hoover Vacuum Cleaners Iron Fireman Stokers anfl Oil Burners R.C.1, Victor Radios Ond Records .:Columbia Records Gilson Products -Champion Grain Grinders Valu -Vaults Fireproor§afes to keep valu- ables in your home. Electric Janitors installed on your present furnace. Cut. your, coal bill by at least a third. .7;.•_;; ELECTRIC If it 's "Flectrical-rIf it's • Availabie-We have it. Phone 141 West St. HURON W.M.S. EXECUTIyE • 1METS AT CLINTON „The executive of Huron Presbyterial ckf the Preshyt'erian.- Church in Canada' met 'in the . Presbyterian ehurch, Clinton. on Mondaf October 28th, with Members present from Blyth, Clinton, Exeter, Goderic,h, Hensall and Seaforth. , i, -03.14114-31eCULLOUDIX A. qulot weddiacg tool; place at Holy Trinity church rectory, Bayaeld, on Saturday, October V. when !Rev.' EL C. Holmes united, in marriage Bata Liam - bah, ebiet3t daughter of Mrtl. MPCul- lough and the late Ben McCullough, anaL Richard Harry: only son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Oates. all of Gode- rieh township. The bride was becom- ingly gowned in a street -length dress (1 I. powder blue wool. She wore a shOulder-length yeil of powder,. blue and carried tt bouquet of Sitver'Sheen 'mums. Tier only ornament was a String-iinearg-Thie-giff'brihicgiiiii: She was attended by Miss Mabel Oakes, sistera)f Hit.groom. dressed in a street - length dress of dove rose ',sheer.. She wore a mittching shoulder -length veil and earried a bouquet of October Rose 'MUMS. Howard McCullough, brother of he bride, was best man. After the ceremony, a wedding dinner was served at the home of tlie bride's molher to the immediate fa 1n_: ille.s. Later the, young 'couple left by train _for a wedding trip to .repndon, Toronto and other points. Foetrayel- ling, the bride donned .a dress of old rose wool, black coat, black velvet hat and matching accessories. They will reside' on the groom's: farm in Goderich township. . HENDERSON-EEDY The home of Mr. and Mrs. Heber J. L. Eedy, Dungannon, was .the scene of a pretty autuilm wedding on 'Wed- nesday! October 30th, at high noon, when their only dpughter, -Lucille sophia, became the bride of Ralph Snyder Ilenderson,7-son of Mrs. Rebecca Henderson of Goderich and the late TO r, 1.91.0 - . - y Ha. Tior Airlervnu _ Oicerating . - County of Huron Flying Club * PILOT INST ••UCTION *. PASSENGER FLIGHTS 4; CHARTER SERVICE_ . PIPER CUR SALES AND S.E.',VICE A Competent Stall of Licensed Flying Instruetors and Engineers. • Write for Illustrated Literature SKY HARBOUR AIRPORT itox,309_ PHONE 1180 - -60DERICH 44x - - PERSONAL MENTION Wed • #0110111.111,111.1,4111,81.11111111141100 nesday of last week Mr. and Mrs."3...H. Morris, of Flap), ;'---- , in. attendance,,at the semi-annual meet- , at Ingersoll on Mr, Ernest Kueeshaw, of Goderich, ' ,,, • 1 ..• • on Hantilton street, Gode- , I hos of the Huron Diocesan W.A.. Albert 'W. Gillespie, who has been David G.- Henderson. , Rev, W. "J: N.D., has been visiting relatives' in 1 ' d ••-• . It,ogers performed tliecere_many ,llgalt I" • working in a tish and chip bushmss in fish and eh rysa nthemums. The •bride, given in ; Hospital, London. ' westruthster, miii: Toronto. has opened Ins own. ..__. ,. ................._ ............_____ a. background of fern and bronze i tau. --Ls---i-k noWn--working -at marriage by her father, entered The 1 'rieh. 14e ' se-iyed overseaS Wiffi. the t. otp.„ „ins tai ss_ Wagner Bridal ,Chorus from "Loheu- Mrs. Albert :MacDonald, South street. guest of , Elgin Regiment... Recent visitors with .Mr. and Mrs. living -room to the strltins of the IN.Y., spent a few days the iNfrs. Lottie McCallum, of Buffalo, ; grin" played by Mr. William. Wickett Mrs. Gerald -Clautman has returned; John Treble. Picton street. were Rey. or Goderich. .Her long gown was of to her home at Oakland, Calif„ after , and Mrs. NV, J. Patton, ,of Seaforth, white embroidered sheer fashioned 'a month's visit with her parengs, Mr. Olr. and Mrs. Will Clayton and sou, of with fitted }iodic..., boutrant skirt and Putnam. and Jim, Adams, of London; long tapering sleeves. Her fingertip i also Mr. and Mrs. W. Treble and fain - veil was caught in, a_. coronet of white rosebuds and she cat:Red a cascade bouquet of Starlito roses. Miss Ferne ; Niekel of Toronto. cousin of the bride, Was her only attendant. wearing a. powder blue mesh• crepe g.9,wn over ta !Teta with Ina tehing headdress and carrYing a colonial banquet of Tans- i-. 4Afarr,-poseS,,,,M1%;,Orard-e,WietlY,44.)Totherf-;,--, -0t.the,o4ride;-4Mas -groothstrarif.,.i, Ilitring9 - the slgning of the *i•egister Mr. Dan.' ' Walter of • Goderiek, .sang "Because." .After The ceremony,. the bride's mother received. Wearing a blah erepe , gown with insets of cerise and-hlue. Her corsage, was ,of red --Briareliffe roses, ,ASsiSting her, was the groom's mother., attired hi aqua blue crepe with a.orsage of. pink Briareliffe roses. I After the reception, held at the home of the bride's parents, the happy eouple , left on -a motor trip. the'bride donning -0 two-pieee ensemble of cerise ve_ivet and White wool with. matching bat, fur coat.and'allig•ator aecessories and wear- ing a corsage • of white roses.' . . ., , Prior to her.. -marriage the bqfle- 'eleet wasthe .recipient of many loVely gifts at a shower iirlfer honor at...the home of Mrs. Alvin Sperwood of Dun- gannon. ' 7 1 and Mrs. D. Malwain. nesslay. ,. ther's wedding at Dungannon on Wed- . . ily, of Carlow. - who -hadn't an atom of fear. Ile ington, D.C., is spending this week, at There ,,,.,,,,,, "mut t'ellow named Weir • niss Dorothy Henderson, of Wash- - - . . 17 her home'here and attended. her bro- E. W. Carrie and .1Irs. Stnniforth were (Almost any .last line,will do here!) TO touch a live wire- . - indulged an desire Mrs. Farr, Mrs. E. .11'. '''Brawn, Mrs. Aimmenuk • „ Memionmen NEW AIR CONNECTIONS BENEFIT WIDE AREA The meeting,,opened with a devotion- In' line with. his policy to uravIde «intinnons improv.ement -of the -air al period conducted by the president, :1-1511 ,prvice. Hon. Ernest Bertrand, Mrs. W. J. Thoinpson of Seaforth, 1'ostm4ter-General, announces the in- MrA. W. A. Wright of Seafarth, and augura Hon on October 28th of a sPechil K. McLean; of Exeter. Spveral I train to plane connection via a new nj.atteri of business were discussed and motor Vehicle service between Molten it was decided .that the annual. bust- station. and :Walton "airport. This ser- 1 nyssaneeting should be hela in Clinton. vice will gain up to a full day in de - on Tuesday. JanuaryglIlth. livery to Western Canaan and one -half - The president gave a line summary 'day to Ataritithe cities for air • .mail of the October meeting of the Ontario from several Western Ontario centres. Provincial Society ,which was held, re-• The `izilin will be effected by the trans - (platy, in Toronto, and told of the fe'r of air mails from the Goderich-. important changes that are to be -wade. Stratford -Toronto train at Mallon sta- Instead of one large Provincial society, tion to the motor vehicle service direct the. meMbetiship will be divided into to Matron airport. four Synods, each group to have i,ts - Among the pOintt: to•benefit dirOctly 11W11 president and officers.. It -was felt will be Goderfeh, Tavistock, Stratford, that this wauld create a deeper interest Kitchener, Waterloo, Georgetown, Galt, in the work. as More women. would Brampton. (1 and the area north- , hi,- able to attend when the various west of Guelph'. " annual meetings would be closer' to As an example, air mail posted in !he Pt•esbyterials. , time to connect with the mail .train Huron Presbyterial will be one of r leaving Goderich at 2:35 p.m., and ar- the nine in the, Synod of Hamilton ri'iri at Malton station at 7.29 p.m. aml London, and there was It sug- will receive Arst morning deliver:s7 the, gestion that the first meeting might following. day , in* Chicago. Ottawa, be 1101d in 'Stratford. A meeting of Montreal. Moncton, Halifak, North Bay the key w.innen will be held in London and Winnipeg; morning business de - 00 December 7th to prepare a slate livery in ,Regina, full afternoon de - of °flit -erg. ;mil to make all the neees- livery at Sydney, N.S., Lethbridge and satiny arrangements for the first meet- Calgary and Aownttiwn business de - lug. Each Presbyterial Was _asked to ;livery in -The afternoon at Edmonton, send four nominations,. and Mrs. K. Vancouver and 'Victoria. . ; McLean :will represent Huron at Pits Similarly air 'mail posted in Victoria meeting. .ynd VaneouVer in early- morning, Ed - 11 'wns announeed ihat the plan to Inoaton in the forenoon, in Calgary. raise $30,000 for the W.M.S.. 11(0(0 Regina, Saskatoon and Moose Jaw in thanksgiving ftind had been agrand the early Afternoon, and in Winnipeg in sneceSs. and $36.054 had been con- the evening. Should Conneet with the tributed for this purpose. ' train leaving Mall -on statiOn at 8.13 IT was also announced thatowillg a.m. the following day for delivery in ineregsed expenses the subseription the above area, of Western ontario fir rate to "Glad Tidings" had been' in- the forenoon ann d :afternoo, a gain creased. to 50e per year. , of almost taw day. The report of the, 11teral-11re, seere tary, Mrs. G. Bisset of Goderich.‘ showed -that' ten e:trtons of good books and magazines for tnen had been sent to Frontier College. and members are ' asked „to save children's hooks in good voridition, for shispment later on.' • Mrs. Thonurvm stated that there .wns fl 1101P Of sadnoss at 'the closing meeting of the Board, with the' thought that this was the last Hine they would all meet together, lm't there 111S0 a, feeling of hope that. the new plan would (Tea te greater enthusiasm. and bring more women it ttli* work of the W.M.S. Mrs. ThomPson expressed her ap- . preeiation of the' support given to her during her term of face' °and stated that she ‘vished to resign at the end _of the yenr: members'were asked to keep this in mind, and assist, the nominating voinmittee in this mntter, and the meeting' rinsed, with prnyer by, the presiOnt., , IF , Ton 'Worry about your present, or future seetirity, Phone Caulow 1706 or vrite B. R. ROBINSON Monarch Chre Assurance rem., sentative, RJR. 4, Goderieh. Ammiimmominimmimum. • edaimosha6tf „ Special' Offer. fit VENETIAN BLINDS at 10% -Saving!, Buy direct-froxn-factory at money saving prices during our Special Introductory Offer for a limited time only. e Mile W ith Flexalum Aluminum slats, ALVENCO Venetian Min& are strserior beeause-,, Slats Guaranteed not to warp Baked Enamel Finish. Warranted not to crack or chip. Easy to clean. Best Materials. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Send list of MM.:4 or write for samples and prices. ' Fast de- livery. • Allen Venetian Red C Oa Queen St. b. TOUONTO emiwasipsammilio" ' • . • ra - NEW FUR COATS ARE NOW .WAH,ABLE , . ; PLACE YOUR ORDER NOV. .AND 0;E SAFE 1-0111 MAIN REASONS WHY m'wtt: -vrwm Graf Furriers handle all the iate,t; styie,.., and * Compare oar j:rive_s• anti note the dirt'. 1011,00. , We deal With the largest.and ordesi firms': - (,)ver forty .-ears of depeOithie service. ,Phone 38, Goderich, for more inforination ' A SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES REMEMARANCE DAY PARE AND ONE-QUARTER FOR THE ROUND TRIP 60: Any time from 12:60 noon Friday, Nov. ath, until 2:00 p.m. Monday; Nov. 11th. RETURN: Leave destination up to 12:00 mid- night, Tuesday Nov. 12th, 1946. Full information from any agent. "W -HERE EVERYBODY SHOPS' - ;1•'* Si *;-`42.*/,• ' ppies • FOR CHRISTMAS Place your order for bushel lots of SnowsQ or Macintosh Apples at the 'right prices with , , Gedo.rich Fruit ,Market, .IYAN LOUZON PHONE 470 GODERICJ „mmmoiwmiismimasuriaiaiumazaumllEIE21N11Eukm_,i7umimtIIIDIIRCEIIaIIIIIIIb. , • e ci 9