HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-10-31, Page 3"HURON COUNTY'S F01?ElifOST ivzglair KINETY-DIINTH YEAR: NO. 44 1 Business Directory UMW - J. K. HUNTER Barrister, Etc. Royal anit Bldg. milton Street, Goderich Phone 968. • ` CHARTERED ACW\OUNTANTS MONTEITH and, BilONTEITH, Chartered Accountants 51 Albert. Street, Stratford Toronto Office: 802 Bay Street W. CECIL ATTRIDGE. WIARTERED ACCOUNTANT Telephone: Office 18, Residenee 343. Goderich. ACCOUNTING AND spoRKEEPING ACCOUNTING & BOOKKEEPING SERVICE For Small Businesses, Stores, Etc. Bookkeeping Systems Installed. Books Balanced Monthly Financial Statements Wage Summaries usiness and Personal Income Tax Returns . ALBERT SHORE Office :Corner North St. and Square Phone 975. Residefe Phone 444. INSURANCE t0 kET )tOTOEUBP 0 2°11: Coupons now valid are sugar -pre - Serves 51 to 832, butter RI.8 to 1121 and IVA. to 1130 and meat Q1 to Q4 and M51 to M57. Butter coupons 1118 to 1121 and,. 1126 to 1128 eired meat 91 to Q4 and M51 to M55 expire October 31. , QUESTIONS ,AND ANSWERS understand there`is a set date when use cars become a year older and their ceiling prices decrease. Will you please tell me when it is? A.—Qn October lst .all used ears automatically become one year older as far as ceiling prices •are concerned. McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE JN- SURACE and isp- tett-..tiiin'—_,ANittlOsured..-,-,,,---- ifilfcti'Prestdent,--Franic•- Gregor, ,Clinton, No. 5; ,Vice -'resident, Leonhardt, Bornholm, No. 1; Manager and Secretary -Treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—Frank McGregor,, Clinton; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; -Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; George .Leitch, Clinton; E. I. Trewartha, Clinton"; Alex. McEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton-; J. L. Malone, Seaforth. Agents --John E. Pepper, Brucefield, ' No. 1,; George A. Watt, Blyth, No. I; R. Finlay McKercher, Dublin,_ No. I; 4. F. Prueter. Brodhagen. Policy -holders can make all pay- ments and get, their 'cards receipted, at the Royal Bank, Clinton; calvin Cutt's Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, or J. H. Reid's General Store, Bayfield. MEDICAL 1111111M111•11111 DR. F. J. R. FORSTER, EYE,AAR, NOSE, THROAT • Late .House Surgeon NOV York Ophthalmic and Anral Hospital, assist ant at Moorefield Eye libspital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, England. • EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Teleppone 267. Next visit Bedford Hotel, Goderich, Wednesday, November 27, at 2pen. tUl 4.30 p.m. 4444.44.4414444444 Q.—Is there a ceiling price on pump- kins and squash? A.—No. Q.—I amliving in a house on a farm. My landlord whd lives the city, has sold the farm and has given me one mouth's notice to vacate. Is this legal? A.—Yes. Farm property does not come under the rental regulations, pen: vided the teeant obtains his income from the operation of the farm. Q.-1 have an extra allowance of evaieorated milk and have some WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS Bus Scheduke now In effect , Leaves Goderich daily itieluding Sunday, 7.45 a.m.; 12.25 p.m.; 4.15 'pm. Arrives Goderich daily 11.50 a.m.; 3,45 p.m.; 9.20 pin. Leaves Sundays and holidays 8.00. p.m. and 9.30 p.m. - pre,2400 p.na4 huscgoe.s.41Lect 10' LOndOn CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS • THERAPIST " Goderich, Phone 841 OFFICE HOURS Men. &-Thurs.--,9 to 11.30 a.m. 2 to 5 p.m. (only)" & Fri. -9 to 11.30 a.m. ' ,s 2 to 5 p.m. Mid 7 to 8 p.m. ' Wed. & &tee:0 to 1-1.30 a.m. (only) Mineral fume baths- by appointment only. A. N. ATKINSON • 51 South St. Registered under Drugless Practitioners Act for the .Province of Ontario.. A. L. COLE -1 Optqmetrist--Optician Eyes Examhled, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. Connections at , Clinton for Loudon,- rietroit, Wingham, Walkerton, Port Elgin and Owen Sound. Connections at Stratford for Woodstock ,Kitchener, Guelph, Hamilton an Toronto. Connections at Mitchell for Listowni and London. For information phone British Ex- change phone 691 or 717. VIIIIIIIIM111.10011111MM P. J. RYAN Real Estate and Insurance Office and" Residence: 11 Trafalgar Street Vhone 663 FOR SALE2—Hou'Res of all kinds, choice building lots, business pro- pertY and *several good farms. ,„ ° ONTARI THURSDAT, OCTOBER 31st, 1946 Panic Buying' t f Salt Tribute- Paid to . ACTIVITIES OF, 140.1tT ST. UNITED 0 -UM dL Biought On by Strike • . the Men_- Who Served The October meeting of the sWomen's .Assoeiation :of North sereet United ire „re .4e.,..Wurtele Condemns piories Impressive Memorial aeryiee at . church was held in the. ehurch parlor Knox Churoh. on Sunday agni yi. g T m on 'Friday afternoon, with the presi- ' Morning' dent, Mrs. Mooney, presiding. The, SILortage treasurer's report ehowed that a sub - The erid of the strike at the ealt .With impressive reverence tne con- stantiai suin was realized from. the plant ,at Windeor, Out., finds the Gode- gregation of Knox Presbyterian church dinners served. in the church hall to 'on Sunday morning paid tribute to -those attending the • eeeent plowing reeh.,*.elt cenepeeny .40401 with orders their beloved dead who. gave their match. Mrs. Mooney thanked all who for salt at least three-montlas ahead., had assiseed' so ably at these dinners All during' the • strike at, Windsor, Lives in, the last war and also honored and also eonnplintented the groups for which commenced June 27th and ended 134 melt and.' 'women from' the cen- keeping the kitchen in, order, especially about the middle of thie month, gregation who delisted for service in group 3 for the. line appearance of -the the Gederich: Salt Coinpany was that conilict. . room eince the dinners. It links re- flooded witen orders for salt from, A beautiful basket of white . chey- -quested thae. the Evening Auxiliary' all pares of Galitida which it could not santheinuras decorated tine sanctuary, take charge of the cleaning after. the begin to iill. Even. before the strike bazaar. at Windsor, the Goderich plant was placed' be the Bisset family in memory of William Malantis Bisset, son of Mr. Mrs. Scott read the correspondence, werking to capacity, as it was during and Mrs. William Bisset, and William' which consisted of four letters 'acle- the strike and since the strike flashed. But it has been. unable to fill the ab - Walter Clements, husband of Mrs. Jean uOveledging flowers received: Mrs, normae.,. demand created through the Walter Clements. Mooithead read, the' names ,Of those as-. The neusic consisted of the hymns,"0 sisting on the varioue. tables at the strike at Windsor, which resulted in reduetion of the amount of salt pro - God, Our Help in Ages Past," "Soldiers bazaar to be ,,held in November, the dueed in Canada by more thaii 500 tons of Christ 'Arise," and "Neaeer, M—Y c(mveners of which are: Tea corn - God, to Thee ;" an anthera, "Souls mittee, Mrs. R. Jolanston and Mrs. Per day. . The salt strike at Windsor resulted of the Righteous," by the choir, and a Stonehouse; .home baking, Mrs. Moor - in the greatest "panic buying" Of salt solo, "There Is No Death," by Ralph head; children's wear, Mrs. J. M. in the history- of Canada. Whole Henderson. Graham; aprons, Mrs. Hodge and Mrs. cities' in Canada at times found their In the .course of his sermon, -Rev. Moody; fancy work and miscellaneous, merchants' shelves completely empty Richard Stewart paid a glowing tribute Mrs. H. Barker; marking, Mrs. Hodge; The of salt and the search for it rivalled to the memory of those who had sitcril- publicity, Miss M. M. Campbell. that of the search for nylons. need their lives, and to the men andL( ' ristums decoration booth was re - R. K. Wurtele, Manager of the Gude- women who had enlisted for e.ervice. ported taken over by the youeg rich Salt Companye lays the blame He nrentioned the fact that the con- People's Union.' The ladies Of the con-;. le send in 'for the "eanic buying" of salt to the gregation had suffered one civilian gregation are requested casualty, in the death - of the church donetions to the various booths. stories of e nationally -known daily officer, the late Fred G. Weir, and Mrs. Harry Barker took charge of "The thous -Mess pub°11- 1cleet;'sielf":1arge Canadian daily news - intimated that cognizance would be the devotional part of the programeand paper was .111rge1y, responsible for the, called on Mrs. Scott to read the Scrip - panic buying of salt and for elle -un- ture and Mrs. E. Westbrook to lead in neceeeary hardshep such 'panic buying prayer. Mrs, Turnbull gave a- humor - coupons on a card to obtain it. I have created on, the Canadian public," he been told these Sempons expire at the ous .reading entitled "I'm Tired .'df etated, pointing. out that suet stories Grandma," The meeting., Closed wifh end of October. Does that mean m onV eerved to make a temporary eshort- - .4 hleinen and the Mizpah benediction. - coupons will no longer be valid? ee4e.seWhieeeeeeter(eneenbeesedeeeg.theaver,1--,—, seff -ses - esseeeeeseeee... _ „eye_ eesegeeeStelefeegrellselegeenstierAsnw.,.4. grOels., 'entiponsegoode for- thte•purchaseent .4eute, A1,1-'H'73'_.,YUltr AO. • was sere that in many homes today ter, meat Or sugar become' ineand on BRINGS- RESULTS ww, an amount of salt bought in October 31t, those ,issued for .evapor- buving" that could not be used eted milk will not expire until the end • Mel. Culbert, proprietorofCerry's hp for soine months. Be added that Bakery, Ooderich, - has expressed his before it could be used it might be use pleasure in results obtained from con- sistent advertising in The Signal -Star. He said. that his experience at the bakery . has shown' that his Weekly advertisement is -read by many 'people. Recently ..he advertised for two c.one secutiNee weeks -malt barrels for cider. Arense.lcs-eilt of this advertisement, he stated, he sold completely his stock of fifty bereels. • _ 11111111111 CAPITAL THEATRE PITTE Now—Dana Andrews and Richard Conte, in "A Walk in the Sun." Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday— GEORGE BRENT, VERA ZORINA and LUCILLE BALL • In one of the year' fi beet written stories: a ehronicle of unrequitted • love and a belated realitetion. "LOVER COME BACK" Basil Rathbone, Nigel -Bruce and Marjorie Riorden Presenting the latestmy6steryeadventure of Sherlbck 'Holmes and Doetor 'Watson "Pursuit to Algiers" , .Thuraday,'Friday and Saturday— DOROTHY MeGI'IRE, 'GUY 'MADISON and BILL WILLIAMS RoMaitee in the hest tradition :- in' the 1111eli of youth and with 'UN unwithered. ' "TILL THE .END OF TIME" Itayrorth, as "GILDA." Matinees Wed., at. aml Holidays at 2.30 p.m. of the year. Q.—Why are sugarless canned peaches rationed? - . A.--yeaches canned without sugar are for diabetics and ,,,sire rationed because they have been-itt short supply.. If they were notrationed those re- quiring them- in their diet would have difficulty in obtaining supplies, F. T. Armstrong OPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST Square — Cliderich "See Armstrong and. See Bettor " At Lucknow first Friday of • each month. .11. W. CRAIGIE INSURANCE and REAL: ESTATE PHONE 24 GODERICH Wawanesa 'Mutual Fire Insu- rance Co. 50 years in business, 'Canada's largest Fire Ins. Co. , Get, our rates on,(Jarand Wind —Insurance. - Among the. lowest in Canada GORDON JEWELL. R.R. 6 Goderich Phone Carlow 21-r-4. 4111111111.111.11.1111.11111111.1111111111.1.11111111 44..444•444TT , taken of this at a future date: Mr.. Weir lost his _life When the SS. Ath- exile was torpedoed whee he and -Mr?. Weir were . returning .from a visit to . Scotland.. , , mey..be that some think the world , may . hp delivered from enaos by , strategy. The -reason conferences fail," Mr..Stewart deelared, in part, "is they ignore the nature of the universe.. Rarely do they seek 'Divine aid, nor is it ever mentioned at peace conferences,' Our deliverauce and salvation. lie • in other directions, : One way 18 to re- , store ' truth to our thinking, for history reveals that truth survives every exigency of time. It triffinphs in the name of human freedoie. Yictois did not just happen.- It .was decreed by Almighty God' because ii our dente).- cratie life there is an inherent eteknhws , ledgment of Iiim, . . ' "These men died for the deli;eratic Wily of life; began with courage, grap- pled with death on the ocean, inet. oonflia al the lalue heal euse sufferedebe foeh6les and exposed themselves to every dagger. ' The Saviors of Peace - "They' were the saviors of the peace; the silent symbols ,of tenth and love. They gave themselves to the perform= mice of duty in the fultilmetteed their Souls' deep cry, andthey will ever live in the hearts. of a grateful people. May ,tia-eir memory keep _ells faithful and penitentl", - , , A beautifully engraved honor roll 'containing the names of the 134 men apd women of the congregation who enlisted for se'rvice was' presented by Wilfred, Greenwood,. navy veteran Of .'World War II, to the moderator, Rev. Richard Stewart, -who accepted it as "a sacred trust," dedicated it. end - placed it on the wall to ,the left of the pulpit. On the right ,is hung the long •honor roll containing . the reline§ of those who served in the first Great War. - "e A bronze memorial tablet on which are inscribed the ,names of nine young servicemen • who made the . supreine sacrifice was presented by Lieelf; Ken- neth Hunter. The unveiling ceremony was performed brNursing Sister Ida White. after which it was reverently dedicated by Roe- Richard Stewart. eLast Post" was sounded from the vestibnle by. Robert Henry, . followed by "Reveille," anse d the rvice was .ebncluded - with. the National -Anthem , and tee benedictien. • • Mereenial Tablet . The names on- tlu, "In Memoriam" tablet are; N'illiam .eleelantis Bisset, Eric Butters, William Luther elements, Harold Crawford Deer, George Victor Mott, j AMPS Alexander , Gra haul, 101)ert. John eleMehen, Richard Verdun Weston, Richard Kenneth Young. -, A similny tablet .to -the memory. of _ Iliose who died in World War I is' laced on the same wail. ' — HYDRO POWER LOADS , li.ydro power loads. for July, ns re- poeted in Hydro NeWs for October, were as follows, the figures in brackets indienting the number of domestic con- sumers in each menieipality ; Blyth, 179 (184) Brussels, 243 (25(1) ;.:( '1 in- ' ton, 892- (503) ; Deshwood, 149 (102) : Eeeter., 1,024 (544) ; Goderich, 2,155- (1.3t1 ) ; Hensall, 254 (210) ; Senferth, I• 2354 (524) : Zirriele 182 (149) ; Luck- . . .110W. 555 (287) ; Wiegham, 1.200 (5001., "rnele Mose." gold 0 MO 11 olle day to meted negfe, who wae etways cheer, NI in .spite of- 1s troubles, "how do yen mailolge..1(1 leivp so cheerful_ and Serene?" . - "Well, I'll tell you, boss," replied the , old man, "I'Ke Sus' 'learned to eo-oper: ate Veld de inevitable." • Geo. G. MacEwan Fire, Accident and Motor 'Car Insurance OFFICE—MASONIC TEMPLE WEST STREET PHONE 230 , GO ICH less, or next thing to it. because 'of the'fact -that if salt is not used within a reasonable tithe from date of pur- chase it has a tendency to harden and dry out. He deplored such newspaper storeee as mentioned above which create unnecessary hardship on the Canadian public. It was stated that duringthestrike ' householders even purehased. blocks of salt used to feed cattle and scraped off salt to use- on the table. eThis sait. is elmostthe seine as- table salt, but , it is highly colepreseed. Bakers; -who; ordinarily bought large amounts . of salt at one time, were obliged toebuy ael •14 IL'S FISH an TASTY 'HEALTHFUL - • ECONON01,144. Now Open on, Hamilton St., oppo- site McGee's Service Station Frying I-fours—U.30 am. to 2 p.m. 4.30 p.m. to 11, pan. TABLE AND CARRY OUTSERVICE —We Fry Halibut— 44 esommainimirommemionlionomm, „ - few two -pound cartons at a tine' e. Even crude rock salt was imported from United States and bakers clushed this and used it. Statistics shoev that the average yearly consumption per capita Is fort - five pounds pounds of salt. This figure in - eludes salt that Is contained in all purchased foods., sucb as smoked hams, etc. The average consumption of salt per person per year in the kiteleen and dining -room is seven pounds. Pa's Got s'Em On The reason -you see fewer'Rcarecrowe in theefieldis these days is because Pa's wearing the _scarecrow's clothes.— Windsor Star. BOWLER & HARRISON HOME BUILDERS and CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Asphalt Tile - Floors, Clipboards, etc., --PHDN 52 Write P, -0; -Boy -50,„, , = IliMIWOMINIMIONNIMIN16110.0.61111.1=1•11.61.11111 NEW AND REBUILT M 0 T OK S Automotive Supplies,, Motors PH'BRADLEY & SON GODERICH 247 or 668 WE SPECIAL -fit IN PARTS HARD TO GET • ...r111.1.11111101.0111111111111.1.111161111111 Put new life ibto your chesterfield wi-th it re -upholstering job. This is :frequently more satisfactory than a complete new -one.' Phone riVW and A,v6 will mill 'and •give yon an estimate, No 'obligatipn: DICK THE UP1101,STERER 33-36 Filsinger s Jewelry and Gifts Hand -cut Belgiuin Norfolk Crystal , GOBLETS, SHERBETS, PLATES, Etc. - Hand -forged Aluminum Gifts --.Not Taxable Trays, Silent Butlers, Bowls, etc. USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN AND ALSO HAVE GIFT Py(11I-AS*ES WRAPPED: FREE ° OF 'CHARGE. PROMPT -ANI) GUARANTEED,, REPAiRS • "There's a word going the rounds in Canadian tea Circles today.. Perhaps yoleve heard it. It's brisk . . o. the word experts use to describe the flavour of Lipton's Tea". There's new and finer -tea pleasure ..'. new and cleper tea enjoyment-. . . waiting for. you in your first cup of Lipton's Tea 'the tea with that brisk flavoitr, never dull, always fresh, lively and full- bodied. Change to brisk - tasting Lipton's Tea today. 1,1 ^ • 41 ' ,INSURE • IN SURE INSURANCE. . - CONFEDERATION LIFE - , WIND- CAR, FIRE—I'referred rates for preferred risks. ACCIDENT & -SICKNESS a . COnsult , - • • . JOHN PARRISH ' Phone 82-13 Dungannon ' DONALD B. BLUE . •EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER, . ' Licensed for Counties of Huron and.,,Bruce ' RIPLEY, plIONE 49 For information apply to J. N. liernighan, Division -Court Clerk. Goderich, Out. — . , - EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER -Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be toade for Sales Date by calling Phone 203, Clinton. Charge emoderate and satisfa,c- tion Guaranteed. . 19tf - . ,.. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER ^ HURON AND PERTH For Information, etc.. write R.R. 4, Seaforth; or phone (col- lect) Seaforth,-or 867, Goderich. . , s For courtesy, experience and ' successful 'sales call MATT. GAYNOR, Godericlo Licensed Auctioneer Sales concluded anywhere. ' Charges reasonable ' Telephone Charge.s Paid Phone Goderich 626M 43-6x 11111111111 CAPITAL THEATRE PITTE Now—Dana Andrews and Richard Conte, in "A Walk in the Sun." Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday— GEORGE BRENT, VERA ZORINA and LUCILLE BALL • In one of the year' fi beet written stories: a ehronicle of unrequitted • love and a belated realitetion. "LOVER COME BACK" Basil Rathbone, Nigel -Bruce and Marjorie Riorden Presenting the latestmy6steryeadventure of Sherlbck 'Holmes and Doetor 'Watson "Pursuit to Algiers" , .Thuraday,'Friday and Saturday— DOROTHY MeGI'IRE, 'GUY 'MADISON and BILL WILLIAMS RoMaitee in the hest tradition :- in' the 1111eli of youth and with 'UN unwithered. ' "TILL THE .END OF TIME" Itayrorth, as "GILDA." Matinees Wed., at. aml Holidays at 2.30 p.m. of the year. Q.—Why are sugarless canned peaches rationed? - . A.--yeaches canned without sugar are for diabetics and ,,,sire rationed because they have been-itt short supply.. If they were notrationed those re- quiring them- in their diet would have difficulty in obtaining supplies, F. T. Armstrong OPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST Square — Cliderich "See Armstrong and. See Bettor " At Lucknow first Friday of • each month. .11. W. CRAIGIE INSURANCE and REAL: ESTATE PHONE 24 GODERICH Wawanesa 'Mutual Fire Insu- rance Co. 50 years in business, 'Canada's largest Fire Ins. Co. , Get, our rates on,(Jarand Wind —Insurance. - Among the. lowest in Canada GORDON JEWELL. R.R. 6 Goderich Phone Carlow 21-r-4. 4111111111.111.11.1111.11111111.1111111111.1.11111111 44..444•444TT , taken of this at a future date: Mr.. Weir lost his _life When the SS. Ath- exile was torpedoed whee he and -Mr?. Weir were . returning .from a visit to . Scotland.. , , mey..be that some think the world , may . hp delivered from enaos by , strategy. The -reason conferences fail," Mr..Stewart deelared, in part, "is they ignore the nature of the universe.. Rarely do they seek 'Divine aid, nor is it ever mentioned at peace conferences,' Our deliverauce and salvation. lie • in other directions, : One way 18 to re- , store ' truth to our thinking, for history reveals that truth survives every exigency of time. It triffinphs in the name of human freedoie. Yictois did not just happen.- It .was decreed by Almighty God' because ii our dente).- cratie life there is an inherent eteknhws , ledgment of Iiim, . . ' "These men died for the deli;eratic Wily of life; began with courage, grap- pled with death on the ocean, inet. oonflia al the lalue heal euse sufferedebe foeh6les and exposed themselves to every dagger. ' The Saviors of Peace - "They' were the saviors of the peace; the silent symbols ,of tenth and love. They gave themselves to the perform= mice of duty in the fultilmetteed their Souls' deep cry, andthey will ever live in the hearts. of a grateful people. May ,tia-eir memory keep _ells faithful and penitentl", - , , A beautifully engraved honor roll 'containing the names of the 134 men apd women of the congregation who enlisted for se'rvice was' presented by Wilfred, Greenwood,. navy veteran Of .'World War II, to the moderator, Rev. Richard Stewart, -who accepted it as "a sacred trust," dedicated it. end - placed it on the wall to ,the left of the pulpit. On the right ,is hung the long •honor roll containing . the reline§ of those who served in the first Great War. - "e A bronze memorial tablet on which are inscribed the ,names of nine young servicemen • who made the . supreine sacrifice was presented by Lieelf; Ken- neth Hunter. The unveiling ceremony was performed brNursing Sister Ida White. after which it was reverently dedicated by Roe- Richard Stewart. eLast Post" was sounded from the vestibnle by. Robert Henry, . followed by "Reveille," anse d the rvice was .ebncluded - with. the National -Anthem , and tee benedictien. • • Mereenial Tablet . The names on- tlu, "In Memoriam" tablet are; N'illiam .eleelantis Bisset, Eric Butters, William Luther elements, Harold Crawford Deer, George Victor Mott, j AMPS Alexander , Gra haul, 101)ert. John eleMehen, Richard Verdun Weston, Richard Kenneth Young. -, A similny tablet .to -the memory. of _ Iliose who died in World War I is' laced on the same wail. ' — HYDRO POWER LOADS , li.ydro power loads. for July, ns re- poeted in Hydro NeWs for October, were as follows, the figures in brackets indienting the number of domestic con- sumers in each menieipality ; Blyth, 179 (184) Brussels, 243 (25(1) ;.:( '1 in- ' ton, 892- (503) ; Deshwood, 149 (102) : Eeeter., 1,024 (544) ; Goderich, 2,155- (1.3t1 ) ; Hensall, 254 (210) ; Senferth, I• 2354 (524) : Zirriele 182 (149) ; Luck- . . .110W. 555 (287) ; Wiegham, 1.200 (5001., "rnele Mose." gold 0 MO 11 olle day to meted negfe, who wae etways cheer, NI in .spite of- 1s troubles, "how do yen mailolge..1(1 leivp so cheerful_ and Serene?" . - "Well, I'll tell you, boss," replied the , old man, "I'Ke Sus' 'learned to eo-oper: ate Veld de inevitable." • Geo. G. MacEwan Fire, Accident and Motor 'Car Insurance OFFICE—MASONIC TEMPLE WEST STREET PHONE 230 , GO ICH less, or next thing to it. because 'of the'fact -that if salt is not used within a reasonable tithe from date of pur- chase it has a tendency to harden and dry out. He deplored such newspaper storeee as mentioned above which create unnecessary hardship on the Canadian public. It was stated that duringthestrike ' householders even purehased. blocks of salt used to feed cattle and scraped off salt to use- on the table. eThis sait. is elmostthe seine as- table salt, but , it is highly colepreseed. Bakers; -who; ordinarily bought large amounts . of salt at one time, were obliged toebuy ael •14 IL'S FISH an TASTY 'HEALTHFUL - • ECONON01,144. Now Open on, Hamilton St., oppo- site McGee's Service Station Frying I-fours—U.30 am. to 2 p.m. 4.30 p.m. to 11, pan. TABLE AND CARRY OUTSERVICE —We Fry Halibut— 44 esommainimirommemionlionomm, „ - few two -pound cartons at a tine' e. Even crude rock salt was imported from United States and bakers clushed this and used it. Statistics shoev that the average yearly consumption per capita Is fort - five pounds pounds of salt. This figure in - eludes salt that Is contained in all purchased foods., sucb as smoked hams, etc. The average consumption of salt per person per year in the kiteleen and dining -room is seven pounds. Pa's Got s'Em On The reason -you see fewer'Rcarecrowe in theefieldis these days is because Pa's wearing the _scarecrow's clothes.— Windsor Star. BOWLER & HARRISON HOME BUILDERS and CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Asphalt Tile - Floors, Clipboards, etc., --PHDN 52 Write P, -0; -Boy -50,„, , = IliMIWOMINIMIONNIMIN16110.0.61111.1=1•11.61.11111 NEW AND REBUILT M 0 T OK S Automotive Supplies,, Motors PH'BRADLEY & SON GODERICH 247 or 668 WE SPECIAL -fit IN PARTS HARD TO GET • ...r111.1.11111101.0111111111111.1.111161111111 Put new life ibto your chesterfield wi-th it re -upholstering job. This is :frequently more satisfactory than a complete new -one.' Phone riVW and A,v6 will mill 'and •give yon an estimate, No 'obligatipn: DICK THE UP1101,STERER 33-36 Filsinger s Jewelry and Gifts Hand -cut Belgiuin Norfolk Crystal , GOBLETS, SHERBETS, PLATES, Etc. - Hand -forged Aluminum Gifts --.Not Taxable Trays, Silent Butlers, Bowls, etc. USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN AND ALSO HAVE GIFT Py(11I-AS*ES WRAPPED: FREE ° OF 'CHARGE. PROMPT -ANI) GUARANTEED,, REPAiRS • "There's a word going the rounds in Canadian tea Circles today.. Perhaps yoleve heard it. It's brisk . . o. the word experts use to describe the flavour of Lipton's Tea". There's new and finer -tea pleasure ..'. new and cleper tea enjoyment-. . . waiting for. you in your first cup of Lipton's Tea 'the tea with that brisk flavoitr, never dull, always fresh, lively and full- bodied. Change to brisk - tasting Lipton's Tea today. 1,1 ^ • 41 '