The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-10-31, Page 2THE GOD ICH $IGNAL,STAR llltf fflSDet 0.04:01 ER C .:Itp 15414 (6oZteriril inattar HURON N C'OUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEIa,L ) ubiislaetl by Sial -Soar, Limited filabit 40.4)ua Ratea-Canada and Great ll ritain, $2.00 to year ; to States, $2:59. EiVertie.It,g Rates out reclud t. A.uthorized as second-clas' "mtail, Post 0 e Debarteht, Ottawa. Telephone 71 - Member of Canadian Weekly N'ewlrapers Asstwlatiol3 Swornk Circulation Over 2,6110 W. H. ROBERTSON . GEO. L. I:I.fl.1S THURSDAY, oCT(.Oi•1Ck;; 31st, 1946 United ELECTORAL AL CH4NGg$ COMING? Ottawa despatC les indicate 'that at- tention is be r1 $given�to the redistribu- tion of seats iadaieh its to lie effected before the next general elect/am. On- tario will have one more seat than in -the present House, but urban centres )Have increased ao, greatly in population, at the expense of the rural districts that there will undoubtedly pe sdme ,decrease in rural representation. low this will affect Huron retort to this demand is that. the t'nited States should itself allow free eutry of dews before, it gives advice to Great Britain. The ritish Govern- ment has tough° problems on its hands iu • • Palestine, ,Egypt and India and understands the icircunistauces in each case much better than any outsiders do. it is probably doing the best that eau be done in view of its responsibil- ities and the conflict of views auiung the people most cancerued, and out- side advice is, embarrassing if it is nut positively- seen. ositively seen. As far fluty as twenty years ago f r PHIL OSII:ER OF LAZY MEADOWS it was proposed .at (Ottawa that North Huron and South Huruu, each with its representative, should be united in nue riding. . The population of the county,. "however, was greater than the average fur one rural riding, and it was de- cided to enlarge the area Of North Huron and add a' portion of Perth county fo what remained of the old riding of South Huron. It would not be shrprisiug if the proposal of twenty • years ago were revived and the entire county united in one riding, or a still • - larger piece of some ueighboring county may be taken in to retain thetwo seats. The loss in rural representation iS well Hlustrateci in the edge of Huron,' which up to thirty years ago had three w tt 13/1 H(u-ry .1. Boult THE SI. N Dcl►I: SNOOZE Tolerance Iaeyt3. Sheep: - Southdtowna, Shrop' tihl)~'es, $ulfol , Dert:et Ramuli, OnSord Downs stud Ji leestcr hieeds. Hogs: ' 'Alward. _ Nerli and Ta worths, • e drays ago we watched a master go hand-in-hand with tolerance. Per- Another ii plant' of animals, tutxclg t- _ irag to the curious, was called Nutria. nntabliaa body - .art �a, , rich 0drseises had malty r and litsati an over- frt�itcake. As the ladle of the mf�,iul y.uuth, at11+I the lud would �ouner tae 7;4;1 site editivai of the lnat�Psrat. �`lie,�r are machine churned the aromatic mass ,nut of his juna by that urm titan ph ,a a 6 ieW )Dint Ct.Do , we s , . i . fur -bearing 1l tNn re halter preparing a vagaries in our batch 9f potential hips Jimmy has viewpoint alas ibiaus and are vegeta.ria.ns. They of fruits and spices, the baker deftly the ear. are rcilsed l taec ,ssf>tlly in Chile, and, sifted moderate showers of dour iaito1 Many irritations spsiut;afruan diii(r- have Been successfully reared in Huron the "mixture from time to of, We.; ences of !pinion, • We are inclined to county for the past seven years. do°erlooL. the fad,, that we: a are all in- Fittiii, to th. Enron County ex - asked why the dour elnot be dividuuls, that our characteristics dif- hibltbon Evans a to alque display of relies dumped- iia all at once and were ><n- , for. and we make little allowance for of the pioneer days. After seeing the focused that judicious adding, modes- One oddities a a h ,and Will dgi in d dd' that ,how in of cad modern aaaaclaiuery and household ap- pliances purti'ons, ensured an even texture hide in ourselves. The late in the other 'hangars it wan • "I a • 'r met a anon throughout the tinislaed cake. Rogers remarked, nd tr c something of. a revelation to �vieW, the This is riot'a recipe eoluinin, but the I didn't like. 'Course, there was some crude or to tas today they seem clrthe master baker's "procedure could be I liked better'u others." The old cow- devices used fifty to one hundred or ie adapted to our job of living.. The aver- boy philosopher was renowned for his more "ye<3R0 aha, het whetla we ain- age ' human life is titled with many grand fund of tolerance. Try changing vision the ingenuity of these sturdy varied ingredients that require liberal places with the other fellow, sit where sioneers we Are forced to the sturdy - sprinklings of the tlour of tolerance to he sits; you will likelyviewpoihndt. sums justi- Isiuli that without the inventive genius them and support them. Without E tieation for his nof yester-years the anodem labor -Wing tolerance. an earthwhiiea; existence Gossip too, - 1 a Frankenstein among equipment of today would not exist. would become an uninspired mixture of -social cancers, could.e effectively ,min- This wordeepicture of the Huron unappreciated' ingredients avid; in- hazed by applications of tolerance, A County agricultural display would be versely, too much tolerance could un- careless misstep .on the part of a fellow- iueoinllete if we' did not say something balance the mixture. PropeXrly applied, man can be enlarged to a major scandal of the the conditions under which the ex- ' tolepance will contribute much to the by the rolling -stone progress . of in- hibwas created. The products making of happiness. We all recall ! tolerant criticism. for this show were gathered from the instances when slight irritations have , Life was 'not. designed to aecom- for th and breadth of the ° cotlliity- beeu nourished into worries by iutoler, t iuodate hatreds and dislikes ; the span sues. ' . is not great enough. The true destiny Perhaps Jimmy Junior has wandered' of a human life is the spreading of from the path of circumspection- and love, peace, freedom and' goodwill, ended in a jam of. some kind. All too ! whereby we humanize and -develop our one of the largest in the Province. It was created at a time when farmers could scarce spore 'the time. Yet, in the gathering, preparing, transporting and building and arranging the dis- • quickly- parental wrath flares. great birthright souls. There is little enough plays, an immense amount of time gobs of caustic condemnation are-ap- time to reach that destiny in a single and work must have been consumed. plied, and the rebellion is on. No lifetime : surely we are, wise, if we 1 he reason was simply for the honor ddubt discipline is needed, but it should f avoid such impediments a.s intolerance. and• credit of Huron County, because The nap on Suuday afternoon has - • not one prize of even five cents was bei•uliie au institution on !lust farms. - awarded. No' single farmer gained' As It buy •1 was never in favor of it. vOutstanding The' time occupied by napping by the tluron County Exhibit an Plowing Match older folks was mostly :i dead r as • Feature of the Bid: fur a5 1 was cuuceriied. Later on, � . however, when 1'was approaching Luau- • hood, the afternoon nap period on Sun- day was in reality a blessing. 1 could One of the most attractive features i the Huron County Crop improvement then indulge in a smoke behind the of the international Plowing Match•at Associatiuu. baro without any fear of father's Sud- port Albert was the Huron County I Intriguing the minds. of those mech- deuly appearing on the scene. I 1 anacally-minded people was a „large A person 'can do without - en sleep I exhibit, and /while it bas already been display of labor -saving -implements and th fternoou in the week . mentioned in these columns -we believe devices made .and used by Huron )u ere s som - �- .g t -� � by the .Huron Federation of A�ricul- bath that demands special. efforts: - in the- following o descrilzton of - the' tore• exhibit frons The Ledger. farm weekly Anus p . un any other a_, g 1 , county furthers. This was sponsored t t th etlun about the Sab ' i n tI Star readers will be interested' Maybe it's because you eat too much at ' • members in -the Federal House. - dinnertime. • 'tQ --Another electoral change is -.said to I 'remember as a serail boy visiting published at .London•: be under consideration at Ottawa,- tees ttawa; this' with my parents at the • hdtine of my ' HURON COUNTY EXHIBITS STEAL i .,eleua ands C: •uc e Imo« a rd R- e, e rleasseteee to the iii itis ' Qt.. froku ciitiich on u`�t5nrirly mor. Another display that did much to exemplify the diversity' of the products of Huron county - agriculture was that ItiT)ER�i',TIO �E I'LOV� of the Canadian Canners Ltd.,ar- _ Y .ra n "b• i .s • Easter , . l,ai.n t. The r3 t74Ld u >g_tR Whilerthe plowing contests `w were' the was s wide and 'excited the admiration primary . object, and undoubtedly held of the many thousands of spectators the spotlight, at the Iuternetioual who passed through the building. With three or four parties now -con nig, t►ecaune m £ii`t se dd-ays t aIsere eeei. testifig almost every seat, it has become a hired man working at home. `There exceptional for any candidate to obtain were no children at the house, but f this I alway • liked to go be spate u is always interesting a majority of votes.. The successful cause the house was full of, weird and Plowing Match in Port Al cert last g dis Play of bees and candidates in the three recent by- wonderful knickknacks that Aunt Week, from a strictly. "show" stand -,bee products by the Huron beekeepers elections, Pontiac, 'Parkdale and Port- Helena had- picked up. Those slides point the large hangar full -of Huron attracted much attention. The other displays in the cattle -age lx 'Prairie, -were all clefted with a with the stereopticon or whatever you County agricultural exhibits was the p called it were worth the trip ' diem-: standout. -This reporter has attended group • included Shorthorns, Holsteins, minority of -the votes cast. It is pro- elves many f111! fairs and has -seen less im- Guernseys. Aberdeen -Angus and Jer- • posed to introduce the transferable After dinner, 141icn cttusisted of pressive varied displays. For quality vote sys xem, in which each voter w ill roast, chicken and fried pork tender- and variety the show, was outstanding • indicate on his ballot the order of his lulu and more food than a threshing and certainly created a fine impressio Ed. my of Duron ��i#�rlcultt re iii the minds o preferences in casegang there are more' father wentsi>ut on the front veranda the spectators. I could eat,UncleStomach Sufferers thin . two candidates. to that and let.,the meal digest. runt - Among the exhibits was a displa• As an illustration, suppose there are Helena and uiother undertook to do of Huron county apples by the-l-Iuron four candidates. One voter may !lark the t+ishes and catchup on the,loeall County Fruit Growers' Association gossip. They- xt. hanged tidlriits of .1'hi displ;ty fi ced the entrance. to th his ballot thus : news a'boat close and casual acdiilaint- hangar and caused many, "Ok's" and 1)'o nut let stomach trouble interfere ,with the joy of living. .I)r.'McLeod's Stomachic will do for you what it has 1 e for many .others. Happy • Saskatchewan user writes: I - "Send' -1ne six bottles of Stomachic. i 3' / bottles left"' after I had' a couple c f ,ottley f I I -felt well abo It • a year ago, so lent t them to a neighbor, who also. has le Y sto')mach -trouble,• and new he wants! me to :Rend for six for him. 1 must -say that I base been -to many places 1 in the United States end Saskatchewan. • where 1- have tried -many things, and.' that this 'is the. only medicine that has • ewer helped me. I suffered -fol' ,six', ' months avith gnawing hunger pains, gas and bloating alld terrible night in- • digestic>.. Then .I took Stfniaachic from January ilittil September and haven't ! been bothered since." - d 1 Steonaehic is useful in. clearing' up i :111 forms of indigestion such as sour •-rtottlaeh, g;is, bloating, heartburn, etc., e and ,is especially helpful where there is. a _ pain below the breast -bone after meals' and night indigestion. . Sold by CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE f.ODERICH, ONT. Brown 4 suites .like two traders hi a 'market "Ah's" by the' sheer beauty and per Jones 1 • platy. ferti,on ,of the- frnit: Another displa Smith 3 1 explored the ttiy:teries the that exerted' unstinted aadmiratioll o Young -'I>. ; oarlor end watched for ages at the! spectators was 'one comprising almos If • 10,000 votes are cast and Jones antics of the two goldfish in ;i howl in every ,product Of field and garden h is No. 1 on 5:001 ballots, he is eIectedl the •diniuig-room. Then I went tett to �- honor' or credit. It was one of the finest examples of unselfish co-oper- ative effort- this' reporter has' ever witnessed. pa,•- . Pat Wins Three tramps had boiled a chicken gild were arguing how to divide it. One suggested they Should toss a coin. "Head," called. Sam. "Tail," called Tom. "I'll take what's left," said Pat. I he veranda to listen to the ,,sten. without any further count, became he has a cle.tr majority. But the vote may to (,stunting first . preferences Their . talk was concerned \with ,the wea thea •Itld crops, and 11 cow thiat rite 'or the other would 1!e selling s(Juff. 11v mother's and .hunt Heltnas conver-' only) : . Brown 1.000 Jones 4,000 Smith 1,500' • Young -:3.500' satiun- didn't interest the any more than diel that of the men. 1 walked snit around the barn sur a while and 1 Heel over to the little pond, where I tootle - boats out of shingles, and got ' 111 v feet wet. - 10,000 The secend "preferences ' 1)11 ; Brown's i and Sr111th's ballots 412.500 in all).may be found to be divided thus: Jones -700 young «,i.800 - Young would thus have 5,300 votes (3,500 --- 1 est° )' and Jones would have 4,700 ( 1,0)10 -l- 700?, and 'Voting would - be elected. This method would prevent the election ef a -candidate who was not the real choice 'of the -voters but who under the present system might win through a splitting of the vote among three or More candidates. Completely satisfied that I had welt everything around the place worth see- insg. I calve back 'to the house. Uncle I:,l. was' deziug 011 an old couch ip the fulck woodshed. my father was asleep in the llaminoc•k on she back veranda ' ;111(1 toy mother was gracefully reposing en- 1lie share heti in the frost betiroolii• dewil-l;l irs. At1ltt Helena was sleeping on 1lre• sofa in the luing-room. I made Up my mind before that hour was tip never to indulge in the pastime of Sunday afternoon naps when :I .grew .-up; but 0 Ulan changes, I'ui going to I ha\`e a few winks sleep this very after- ; noon. - STJGGESdION FOR THE USE . OF PORT ALBERT AIRFIELD The transferable vote system is.. 1isedl . in some parts of Western Canada and The Kincardine News is of opinion :: :::i PIPE TOBACCO- • A Mother's Favourite- ,: For Coughs. And Colds For nearly 50 years Dr. Wood's Norway Pine j Syrup has teen. a favourite remedy for coughs and •do1de, _ Mothers everywhere know that - children like g pleasant taste -and will take it without fuss or in other countries, and we have never that the Port Albert airfield, with Its heard of'it being discarded anywhere buildings, would be an ideal` site for;., district activities. It says: it -'visas .tried. The. only objection to,. " Silrlie there were who predicted the the system is that, in case home of the attempt of Huron , county plowmen candidates has a clear majority on the and their associates to hold. the ante�•- first count, it takes some time to add national match at Port. Albert would prove a costly failure, • Fortunaktely the, second preferences. It is wortbthey were in error and the match while to wait a few hours, however. to turned out to be equal to those pre - make certain that the min elected '11'61181Y held, while exhibitors con - ha, amajority of the votes: • tended that nowhere outside the larger cities .cotald accommodatian for a site as good he procured: "This should suggest the, possibility of using Port Albert airfield for future ev=ents.. Here is a site, easily ac•eess- ihle by paved road, lying in i1 choice location, serving Perth, Huron, Bruce e 5 5 7 -- - - . -. and Grey eounties: it -could not be With these aouth winds blowing, the replaced at a cost of hundreds of thnns- • boys ought. to be organizing for an -ands of dollars. '.. other baseball season. " ll'Ise trend, • we are told, is to de- 'centrali'ze. Events previously held in a * large cities will be transferred to Isth r . Uncle Sam's dollar is now worth locationg as sites._ are available. That only (19 emits in purchasing . power. Port Albert offers a solution to this And only a few months" ago we were problem. has been proved by the plow- fug match. paying $1.10 for it. , `Now, Before War Assets ('orpor-. '5 O * . ation begins its policy- of liquidation Scientists are working to produce of 1>llildings and other facilities, is the 'tinie for the four counties totake do egg with a. shell, so tough that it.l united action 'and procure the ally field will bounce. - Not for us, thank you; and some of the buildings to he used we don't . want our• egg to come hard as a eentre for future large Scale • boiled.• I hctivitiea." _se__e. 1. * a ADDING TO EXPENSE According to a Toronto, engraver, (Moose Jaw Tirnes TU:rald) the "ear may be more 'useful than the This idea of turning things over to eye i'h detecting those counterfeit $�v the 6 011 rnment to do is :adding to the g L taxatid>rl-"Itbout wl'iieh the satiide r)ublic bills, and tie reeommends running a is r'nnstantly complaining. 1':lUwr suspected bill Layer` the' lobe of, the ear. thoughtless or ignoraxtt• then pphlic 111)- hfoney talks, as we a(i know. and the pears to fail 'to understand that it'tis counterfeit bill would naturally spea'k!'merely'adding to the already heavy burden which' the pnhlie trust carry on •Its it falaett0 voice. . . , ' . ' itu bath. (ioverllmenta"hnve no wottrce >a en ! of ltllni'3i1w'it'h which to innke e:c:pencli- Pre.ctldlent Truman asks Great Ilritain tures except that' which they take from ., to, modify 'its .pol1ey with rec'ardl fob the people in the form of t1tWe5l .,11110 l eenee feel, . and it is 'only a portionPalestinequir'emov'e. that restiletiotl9M ()p the dollart��liir�ll is takcu itv:ay that upon Jewish iininl ration. Th6 Obviona is returned. , ,t ,, Np i �^ ri l,� • t P l'I1 ,I�p 11l! EDITORIAL NOTES There is still time to buy a Canhda- savi'ngy • bond. thea. It , embodies medicinal properties of the pine and phoerry barks skilfully combined with other cold -combating ingredients. Dir. Woo4ts Norway Pine Syrup is quiek-acting and effective. It helps to loosen p. II ,/ and mucus, soothe irritated membranes, clear the air passu and "•„plate the bronchial organs. - - (let Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup at • your favourite drug' store ioobsy. ` Firsts Bac a bottle, or the 1!t'ge family size, 60c: The T, Milburn Co., rdmtted, Toronto, Ont. • R� -id's Upholstery Having your furniture re -upholstered by us, is worthwhile, .dependable workmanship plus the better coverings. years of satisfaction •in GoderichY Ber ot -1O'Year . Phone20206JJ � U Mothproofing - The Square $m#dR.kf Gbes FROM SNIFFLY, STUFFY DISTRESS OF Acute Catarthi Instantly relief from catarrhal misery starts to conte when you put a few drops of VicksVa•tro-nol in each nose, tril.Va-tro-sol is so effective... results are so good ...because it (I) reduces swollen membranes, (2) soothes irriia tation, (3) helpslrat' away congestion ... and thus hakes breathing easier. Many catarrh sufferers say it's the best relief they've found. You, too, will like the way it works! Try itI dull kw dr° Werk fast rigor wltere treubt°oa' ICKS VATRO-OL .says' For 'good • results ga' ._ bakers a lw&ys in- gredients. the - best inm gredients. That's .why PastryFlour Kt is so popular. AN OMISSION The suppers served in North street United church hall during the inter- national Plowing Match' were pro- vided by the Women's Association auk. the Evening Auxiliary, and not by the' former only as reported last week. "If you're - the lady who lifted mother's farce," said the small boy at the beauty parlor, "you'd better conte around and lift father's. He's just got, your hill." G WEST Vi. ituw"In on ,.intJtu.. •cegusarly . make up and ship Household Furniture. Con- solidated Pool (:are to Manitoba, Saekatch-, ewan. Alberta British Columbia and to California. W'rite..� ire or hone for ed used freight rates b10 Yonge SL., 1 oronto. isinasdate 5125 (808151, TACKING, .,HIPP►NG aad STORAGE How to Borrow ,fit • HOUSEHOLD FINANCE G tt't- Chhnse a.monlhlY P saY1>arrrtl P[aa. Get 1paymts $251 84.39 50p;,,, 8.78 1 l0 -. 17.55 $9,17 $7.46 150 26.33 13.75 11.24 200 1 35.11 18.31 14,99 300 ' 52.66 27.50 22.48 817.47 500 , 87.75 45.84 57.47 26.12 700. 122.87 6,.18 52.4(1 40.77 534.95 1000. 175.53 91.68 74.94 •58.25 49,.92 'Select the amo•Int you ,need, payment plan you prefer. Visit our ofiiceorarrane your .loan _hy phone. No endorsers or bankable security needed. Your, money can be ready the same Say you apply. HOUSEHOLD riNANCE. RACKED BY 68 YEARS CF EXPERIENCE 2nd Floor, Royal Bank Building 29 Downie Si., corner of Albert ' Phone 255 STRATFORD, ONT. 8. J. Colby Manager Loans made to residents of nearby town 12 151 paymts paymts 20 paymts n THEY LAST LONGER w :.(.COST THE ,SAME, >. BUY THEM AT YOUR HYDRO FILE 141.`461 fe5iop at the sign ofTthe big B -A 604 • 1. CRANKCASE - Drain, flush and refill crankcase with correct winter grade of B -A Peerless . Motor Oil. "It's Alloyed" to give complete protection under' ' extreme winter. driving conditions. , CR 2. CHASSIS -Lubricate the chassis with B -A. quality lubricants, using the .B-A- Chek Chart which as- sures the right lubricant in the fight phtce, ac - '`,cording to car manufac- turers' specifications. 3. TRANSMISSION - Drain, flush and refill with B -A. Winter Transmission Oil -assuring quick get -away in sub -zero temperatures. 4. DIFFERENTIAL.- Drain, flush and refill"with -A Hypoid Gear or Trans- mission' lubricant accord - mg to car manufacturers' recommendations --giving complete winter protec- tion to these vital parts. 5. FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS =Remove front wheels, carefully wash bearings and repack with B -A Wheel Bearing Grease. 6. I.6OSE CONNECTIONS - Check radiator and heater hose and tighten all con- nections to ensure there are no leaks. 7. RADIATOR Drain, clean and reverse -flush the radiator to remove dirt, and scale and Assure` eflic"ient operation of cool- ing system. Refill for the required protection with B -A 'Frost Cop or B -A 'Nevrfrez. - 8. BATTERY - Check vole. age and hydrometer readings. and recharge itE, necessary. Clean and ap- ply grease on terminals to prevent corrosion and check battery connections for Wear. 9. SPARK PLUGS -Remove, clean and, regap spark plugs for greater economyc and better engine per- formance. • . This winter it is rtl fro necesecry than ever for you to take olctrti care of your Car against the rigorous demands of cold weather driving. Marty war -weary cars have been kept operating because of the careful soreidng and top quality B -A products obtainable at your noighbourhood B -A dealer. He knows that B -A ' winiei zed protection, plus 5-A top-quality gasolene!, mot©r oils and, greases, will give you an extra margin of winter,;dtiving comfort and protection. It pays tb winterize your ear at the Sign of the Big a -A. , 65-A