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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-10-24, Page 9
. A sufficietrt •commentary ou human nature is that a mob never rushes rnadly across town to: do a needed kindness. 1 KIINTGSBRIDG E KatiGSBRIT.�GI ®t. `22: — Miss Stella Dean and. Mr, Gerald Dalton 4004 left .today by motor for Montreal oir- - week's visit. Mrs. Victor Martin and son John, of Hamilton, have returned home after a week's visit with Mr. and :sirs. A. 1lttrtin. -Rev. Major Dalton of Windsor wds here for the funeral of Miss Rose O'Reilly, which took place here on Mon- day last.. Miss Patricia Reynolds of Hamilton KING KOOK SAYS— In these days of rationing —sugar, butter and other ingredients cannot be wasted, When baking use — King Pastry Flour . and be 'sure of the best • RED JOINTS AND �'�'USCird T� Rub Minard's generouslyinto th.m, and get the blessed relef that this great rubbing liniment has been br _ ing to people for over 60 years. For a1.. sprains, twists, aches and soreness of muscle or j oints; for colds and orcin y sore throat; for dandruff and skin disorders, Minard's is exoellent. 6 Get a bottle today. 124R THE GODE• MICI visiting at Ray raltoz'a the lust' 14 a re aye pleased to 'epoi t that Mrs. John 9:ieyer is imatpJrovimg after a dad fall front thp stairs a• short time ago. A.t the retaucSt of Bev. 'Bi tither >IDon- nelltan, k'.A'., the big hell iti Ot. grosetpti't3 church tower will r ";(. g tho Amgeino• morning, noota add evealia"ag trots now on. - We suers • all saddened last Sunday when we heard of. the death o$ RcV. J. JX.. lduigiey, who. died' iia Sarnia hos- pital. Ile suffered a stroke about four months ago and i,-radutally .failed to- the end. MS funeral *as held on Monday at St. Peter's Cathedral and luteiament was, ilk W. 'Peter's eter's cemetery, Loudon. The Welfare Club are having a bee this, week to beautify the cI urch .grounds. Here's a Geed Suggestion.-�W ith the International Plowing Match 'over, it will be tong remembered as.a great success. With- all the :rodern farm machinery and household appliances exhibited the fanner and his wife should have more leisure hours. The -rand was very dry and -har for pl©w- ing, but ,there was 'good .ompetition and. all had a keen interest 'i:it thi work done. 11 is rumored that, the airport buildings and land aye_ to be sold. Would it not be a good idea' for the County to purchase thein for the pur-' pose of holding an annual exhibition Let us hope that Huron county. will be the site Of a "World's Fair." • Death of Mrs. S. Martin.—Tile death of NIrs. lite;)hen Martin, which . oc- curred on October 12th in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, cause as a shock to this community. '(Though Mrs. Martin had been in pour health for some time, she always was about doing her. daily duties. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, Stephen 11,artiin, two sous, IUaize and Bert, and two daughters., Mrs. \\'1n. Launuu and Mrs. Mike Law; also a brother, Patrick. Hogan, of Han- over, and a sister. Hannah, of Gode- rich. She was in her seventy-third year. The funeral was held on Tues- day morning, October 15, with. requiem mate. Rev. Father Donnellan offici- ated, ttrl'd Rev. Father Ford of London and Rev. Father Fallon of Goderieh were in the sanctuary. • The pall -- bearers were Louis Hogan, Ambrose Hogan, Frank Hogan, Mike Martin, Fred Harmon and Terenee Htissey. We offer our sympathy to the sor- rOw ing relatives. ... 1.t..uuiy _be,.:t•l at.:t:he...raetL is. not alw.ayy, to the swift -nor, _ ..rte_ . ,.¢ ..o _ P �.buttle 't siii,ng-1blit --(Mit is the. wiry to bet 1)unioli -Runyan. Skin Affections Offen Cause For Unhappiness •�' Are you ashamed. • of your appearance because of a skin rash, boils, pimples or other skin affections/- Too ffections1•Too few people realize that these -affections may be easily remedied. Impurities. irr the blood may_ .often be the cause for ugly skin affections. " To get relief % from skin troubles, boils and r'."pimples, try Burdock Blood Bitters. This vegetable, compound acts on the bowels, kidneys, liver "and' stomach. It --helps to eliminate wastes from the system. The result'may be' a smoother, clearer skin. • - ., ` B.B.B. has brought relief to thousands of other Canadians suffering -.tram skin affections. It should do the same for you. Ask for it -at Any drug counter. Specify Burdoek Blood Bitters. Price $1.00 a bottle. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, ,Ont. „ rwio.-.., .awsa111.1•4 ci ®- 1--3 4..- 30 J w 0.-2 0 �... 0 4• -- cc - bg. 132 ••-•� 128 124 I20 • •-•� 116 •••-� 112 --;.108w • • -+ 104 Z too, g2 J i88L, X84® ' 80 1t1 7dy 0 '. .... i 613 • stLOWATT VI .Nb. 0' � Cast -of -living dela_ir from Dominion 13t,reau of Statistics. Electricity costs ,are average for Hydro in Ontario. 0' Prices•! Have they got you worried? Well, here is one price to feel "good about. You can buy more Hydro energy for one cent today than at any Hale in history! Compared with the dips and pegks of general living costs, the cost of 'Hydro service to Ontario consumers has come down .constantly since 1914 ... even dropping during war years. Today, one cent buys about twice as much as in 1923... almost five times as much as in 1914. Think of the work that one `cent's worth of electricity can do today, in an arfera9e Ontario home. It will give electric refrigeration for 24 hours, .. cook a full meal for two people on an electric, range .. . operate a washing machine for two hours, an electric ironer for"half an hour, a hand, iron for an hour... light a 100 -watt Tamp for 10 hours, or run an average radio all day. Pew people in the world have electricity available to them at such low cost as provails•in Ontario and as a result, electricity'is extensively used. Present demands tax•supply facilities to capacity since Hydro construction and expansion were restricted by wartime necessity. Present shortage of materials and equipmeilf makes it impossible to rapidly carry out expansion already planned. Until these conditions are relieved, use this economical sprvunl wisely. • TAR 4044 rhe It y(e1a da 't 144911140 us" nestlesoess riot team liyouridilials ale eat aeith ` hang lie cle*nt the blood ofand excess acids—lour rest is l enu11 too. Then is the ars* to use. .L is Kidney Pallas. DedirsheitiOurkidseYaget rid of trot Po*** and act help miter* them to normal acttwt. Sas bow Enoch better you rest it night—bow vouch brighter you teal n the morning. get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills today. 145 • 4lanie 13. Scott, wife of Dr. 1!`, IL of "a hospital in eyery eoraatluunity." Kir4hy of lielgravei died in hospital at London on October 11th, in her seventy-sixth year. Seafortli's municipal assessor reports !bucksaw . Srudergts °' .to Visit ¶`oronte • Plans are being made by i'rineiial tl?is yettrr Hoag- f,,the Luchno\esttn�l to .• to aIopulution oY 1DS,anhave lidle and upper ECh)(io taken, iarcrease of 11i from last year. 'I'%e ken, to Toronto to visit the Provincial- increase valuation of the town has in- 1Muselirra soli this Parliament Ruildiltn s. creased $28,Uti8 to 1,3UI,'I(p%i• . The outing, which .will reduire about' I Fire caused extensive damage to a seven ears, is planned fos' .'�overatber ear owned by D. 4.. Kay; Clinton, dth. early Sunday morning. The . lire Dale--.i1<k'Clu>te 4)n Saturday, October- 12th, at the brigade ' • cabled to extinguish the r blaze. A short circuit was supposed hhome of Mr, and Mrs. Robert 1e("ltare. ,- been. the cause. 11eKillop township, their ' youngest to have been. Sheldon Bricker, lfordz4•i4.tt, bus 69.1d in Catherine Ruth, was united; his real business anis his residence to its marriage to Elgin lirGhivaY(I IDatu, +'lt. Lt. Josses \lorries, �vlru is still only son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore with the It,C.A.P. at 'Toronto but ex - Patton officiated.- p . pecks his dl'scharge in rt few mouths. fid. Mrs. George I3era sire sister of the bride, Was brides- BAYFIJLD .HAYFIELD, (act, 22. ---Guests at the g Dale Huliett iownip Reti W J Albion Hotel lot week. and over the week -end Were: Mr." and -Mrs. R. A. Davies, Toronto; 31r. and Mrs. Gordon. Elderedge, E. Lansing, Mich:; ,,Dr. E. C`. Cooper, I!', Q. Stanley, A. P. Pilides, J. M. ('oola'r, 1? 'G. Gould, Frank Messinger, D. J. Lynch,' floss' Iiryue and Harry Dresser, all, of De- troit. - Mr, Karl Wilken, who spent the past live months in the village, left ou Wednesday for Windsor, where he will spell(1 the winter months. -Mrs. li'red Weston and two children are spending this week in Loudon. Mr, and Mrs. •Lt'ltoy Path and soil Ronald moved to Kitchener ou Mort - day. and will spend the winter there. \1r. J. Corrie, Mr. and Mrs. James Currie _dud son, of Stratford, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. May- nard Currie. Mr. Lloyd \Westlake of the Provincial Police, Toronto, spent the week -end with his pareiits, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Westlake. - :Mr. Martis) Ormond, recently of -tire 17.5, ('oast Guard„ is a guest at the (Albion Hotel with his parents, 31r,yttard Mrs, H. H. Ormond.• • PORTER'S HILL POB,TER'S HILL, Oct. '22•—The an- niversary services of Grace Church were favored with excellent weather, The speaker of the morning, Rev. A. W. •fit i'tliner;'of _.1gmonti�s-i.ile dell d'sed a. �fllerrrl"ad;��eriri-o�. tw�li:i��, joyed. In the evening Rev. C; Taveuer of Ilolmesville was the speaker, Rev. P. ,G. Stotesbury assihlimg. hots 4,r - vices were fairly well attended. The , choir deserves 51)eciLtl-nlelltiun for their contribution in sung. The church looked luvely with fall• blossoms and leaves of rnany�colurs. , The morning offeril)g amounted to over $1:10% Mr, Stoles - bury thanked the neighboring churches for the interest shown by ;t fait' repre- sentation from each. Next Sumday, t)etober 27, the service ;it (,1=;,(•c church wi11 go 1)11(r 40 the'afteruuum--preach- ing service at 2.:10, Sunday school at 1.:,0 o'clock. rt Possession will be effective next spring• ` Edgar Bernard Boyle, nuti•ve of• St. Augustine, died at (deer Alexandra Sanntori uur,,London, on Thursday last, at the age -of fifty-eight sears. Ile had been "u resident of, London for fifty years. Mrs. Peter I)oirhr(`r•t, sr., of Ila t,4 towrlshil) near Zurich, died suddenly 1)11 Tuesday evening of last- week. She , had been, its the orchard -1,ic king up apples- and. was found= :lyiii); t;niton scions ,on the ground. • having been seized with ;t heart attack. Slit- was in her seventy-seventh Year. Iler hus- band predeceased,,her assts site is sur- vived by six sons Atnd 'foist• daughters. Wants Hospital '� for Lucknow • The i,u(•know :Sentinel proposes t'hi% establishing of a• small hospital. of twelve- to twenty -bed capacity, in that town. It quotes the recent remarks of Dr. R. H• Taylor, M.P.P•, in' favor lt 1t"! w.^s...r411ININ...u1. holt' »11111111 mild. and I:be gra wan tbl ukl W L.N cousin, V uceut Yunlits of tiedirl l.• Mui 'arta 5:c aatBg of 'ti(iderrttit plated tlae Tri Sal Ch9r1-zs tit ( SA-ligduringUs* > l 71ii l ani' lbe register. The 90unor cobble will rc ids of ho gt'oo i far* in .lf'ullett, 'alioGrand i3kM United dal veil, itiiii' . lino ,5eePe irf the, wedding oaf Gladys Marine, eldest daughter of Mr. awl Mrs, Georgy. Wa1j er, to Tratold Nathan, youngest son Of Iu'.and Mrs. Robert Peek, Yaipg e , Rtv. ' W',. ?� . Cietwe<' o'leiated. • Tho Couple Wil re- • side to the brialegroones fa i'M war Varna. . ; )l;zU trdd-e—JIohuStou , - On Saturday, October 12tli. ,at th.Q •. home of Mr. and Mrs. .M:lfred- jo$ant to; ; Parr line, Stanley township, thetP 01114*, daughter, lleien° Agnes, was united 'la Marriage to William George $tarmlgo, Younger son of Mr; and :Mrs. V. X. -Burdge, Iirucefleld. The ceremony watt performed by Rev. Reba Hera of Varna united 1 urch.: The young couple will reside on 'the bridegroom's farm south of Irucefield. a To .Help Us Our assistants doh't work fon us. --- they work with u°s. They share our ideals and ouf ambitions; they are- as eager. as we* are to make sure that every service* • we render. is in keep- ing with the finest Brophev traditions. • ORDER OF THE 'GOLDEN RULE BROPHEY $77L/W?aLS)ka FLOYD M. LODGE , DIRECTOR - 13 MONTREAL. ST. PHONE 120 MISSING . . . Bottles, jars, all sorts of 'glass containers ark' MISS' ! The u'ilrehotrse shelf, the wholesaler's storeroom, your -retailer's shop . . they're all feeling the bottle shortage. The shelves that used to be pa( ked ivith full bottles, jars and containers are .riow empty—very eniptv'. Yoitr rnanufacturer.and dealer are 'depending on you to return thew empty bottle's so that he can refill them` again. Yon depend on •him' to deliver• the goods P%ou •need. Doesn't it seem r►'(i.,onrthle for you to help each other:. out? Remember, no bottle in,'ain,s no rr/ill. • l'leese gather up and return to the ,dealer .4 LL "•c►tir empty snit:ac's toc.a<y. l'),,, TNI) 'STRY (ONTARIO) M_`e"^'.n'1,i-.u`o3'G=G i"='+..t:a•e�Cc;>tw=,'seYcL+':X:... 0 ,i • • . 0 i WUT A BOTTLE SfOFITA&J11 Canadian glass factories nt►rrnally pr(t. dice ;x-11LI.,I();1ti4f-bottlr?tiet' rv'month. The vital ingredient in bottle making is soda assn. The only big Ca•uadian soda' ash factory (. as strike -bound 'for months. Storks of soda ash have been used up .. bottle factories a► • closed down .. . bottles are not bring made today. Beverage bottlers and all producers of 'bottled liquids must have your bottles bark to keep go- ing. Bottling plants will close .down too _e...d if your ehrpties care • nott returned. • 0 ' � o 0000000000000000o"o0000000•000OOood