HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-10-24, Page 711. • 0,* • • r t, McManus Dairy QU1L.11.11E MILE CRCAM ICE MICA* Phone sq Cor. Stanley & KIngston Stt 4‘. ast St. Bakery, I. 'RENON HIGH QUALITY BUNS—BREAD—PASTRY Phone 134viit East St, Huron. Body & Fender Shop H. C. McrHEE L. D. WATSON 84 East St. Phone 206W Reg. Bell JEWEL' ER "Gifts That Last" BULOVA WATCHES Good Service du Repairs Phone 123 East St. 7.7 SPEUAL••••• Brand new Ford 1946 Motors now in stock. Drive in with your car and purr out with a new one. IF 11? IS FORD PARTS WE IIA.„VjtallifEM- Bradley & Son 247 Hamilton St. 1 Goderich French Dry Cleaners CALL 122 FOR PICK-UP AD DELIVERY . • _ C. R. LOWERY WEST STREET 0.4 • ., A FALLACY • .. '''•t Vegreville Observer) The theory .stems to • be that: the world owes everybody a living. The theory is obviously false. The world - may owe Peciple a chance to utake a living, but that is all. Of eourse, there are many (ex(luding children) who are incapacitated for work; due to illness, 'old age or- some thef valid pi cause: and such people are !Operly en- titled to generous consider: tion. Rut -all nhle,hortted-,peopItF:st untrt-irm1r after themselves instead of .relying on the state to keep them going. ‘A very stiff application of • the old-time . -adage: "Root, bog, or: die,"‘Might prove more valuable these days •thtua the social seditrity dope with which the people are being lulledinto a false sense of ease and comfort—at sotnebody else's - expense. MOVING WEST- - M. Rawlinson• Limited' regularly' make up and ship Household Furniture. Cob- solidated Pool Cars to Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan. Alberta, British Columbia and to California. Write. wire or phone for reduced freight rates Established 1885 610 -Yonge St., ioronto. Kingsdale 6126 MOCI1116, PACKING, altilPP611C jiid MAIM • Canadian. Tire Corp °ratio!, ASSOCIATE STORE L. 0. WHETSTONE, Prop. TIRES and BATTERIES Hamilton. St, Phone 69W • Venus Restaurant NOME MADE CANDY as supplies available PHIONE“'1.70 This is statioh-E-A-T Guenther Traisport EARL R. 'GUENTHER, Prop.. pay Service to anti from Toto--Hamilten—Lonilon and intermediate points Victoria St. --,•.--44.-PtiOne 050 These Firms, will Serve you well * These Firms will Save you Itioney The business firms listed in this directorY represent live and up.to-date concern0 that invite you patrona:. The serviee they have to offer is of the best and dealing with theth not only gives satiafaction but assists in helping them serve this' community better. They ask you to tri them when 'you have ,eeds to be satisfied. • Yon ca,,, save money by doing your buying h Goderich. • These Stores Are At %Jr Service E. Breckenridge HARDWARE PLUMBING & HEATING TRICYCLES AND DOLL • PRAMS Phone •135 Hamilton St. . JEWELRY AND GLUTS WATCHES—DIA./It ONDS GVANANTEED REPAIRS .1 Phone 130 The Square Breeding Corn Hybrids - Here is shown single -cross corn hybrids in a greenhouse aethS Division of ' Forage Plants, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa.. These will. be crossed to produce double-crosi hybrids and the seed obtained will be used for field tests tadetermine yield and, other factors. A year's work is saved by making , tits cross in the greenhouse-. -- - Rural Sale of Cariada Savings - - Bonds Shows Steady Pace OTTA).VA. ()Ct. 21. ----Reports • from -the rural areas of. all provinces during the first week's. sale of Canada savings bonds, were uniformly good, head- quarters officials said today. While specific totals of sales in farm dis- triets had not beett made available, managers of bank branches located in such localities and representatives ofinvestment houses predicted very healthy, final figures, basing their opin- ioli on ,what they' hall Observed during JOHNS - MANSVILLE ASBESTONOS BRAKE LINING Automotive Supplies, Motors 1:41.17°: 658 BRADLEY &I SON GODERICH WE SPECIALIZE IN PARTS HARD- TO GET ik • crEsintaimen, • HIGHEST PRICES FOR EGGS AND POULTRY Having taken over the -'g Grading Station, formerly con- ducted by Ryan'syroduce at corner o Hamilton and New- gate Streets, we solicit your eggs and poultry and assure you, of HIGHEST Market Prices. LAKESIDE PRODUCE - WM. MoLEAM, Proprieter • Phone 854W Goderich ,34,x .4 44 Goderich Fruit Market • FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETA6LES IN SEASON Scientific Equipment— Friendly Service Phone 470 East ,St. IVAN LOUZON G. Plante IMPERIAL SERVICE STATION, PACKARD MOTOR SALES -ATLAS TIRES Phone 513 r Myron O'Reilly PAPERING & DECORATING PAPER SUPPLIED. RAGLAN ST.. Phone 585W Blue Water Body & Fender Shop Phone,'107 Bridge. GODERICH, H „ Mr. 1 )aviZ1 Todd hits' raurned from a week's visit with AIr and Neely Todd. Stratford. and Mr. turd Mrs. D. J. McItilosil, 444. Catimrim-s. Anniversary Serviees.—A profusion of beautiful autumn flowers effectielyrranged by, Mrs..Gordon, gave an at- tractive setting- for the successfid niversary services held in the United ehurch--on Sunday. Rev. Harold Snell of Auburn was the' guest speaker and he delighted his large .congreg-ations, in the morning choosing as his sub **Tht Spirit of Thankfulness.” and in the evening the text "How Shall this man save us?" Special music at the !molting service .iircludedn an 'anthem. -Praise the Lord," by the choir and duet, -Love Divine," by Mr. and )Irs. a.:sisred by Rev. -"G. Newton' 011(1 by, II:•;tint(1,lis“; N."..t1,1111,17:1,1:; a ng 1 )011 Spirit. I,CM1 Ali`..' \Vint M1s.„1 Smirew Gaunt taking the solo _part. Mr. Lane sang a solo, -One Sweetly Solemn Thought." and a outirlette. composed of Mrs. George ;-"outt"rt. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice 11 10 Mr; W. ler. Song "Tho' You r Sins Re as 5c11rle1." The special offering amounted 14 over $225. - - • Mrs.• Jones: - consulted the (loct4r about her husband'S .falking in his Sleep.. The doctor .Anictf "Don't (vorry.: can give him something Stop that:: "oh, no doctor," Mrs. Jones oh- m'tecl. "what • I want is something 1 lo funke hint, talk distinctly." rio Wet -k. The steady Pace; with no .sign of 'any let-up. was cortsidered'a pleasing side of rural sales. An• outstanding feature of sales in farm Areas in Eastern. and Western Cana da • was 11,10 unexpectedlk • large number of cash purchases. , However, it is believed here thitt larger numbers of farmers will be buying 011 the time payment basis, in greater numbers to- wards the end of the sales period. 1.1.ere and there signs are -evident that • farmers 1111(.0 been finding it just a little difficult to readjust themselves to the Canada savings , bond -sales methods. In these spots they have been looking roe th&. old Victory loan salesmen and have even written in to Ottawa asking that a similar salesman be appointed in their respective dis- ty lets. Such requests have been answered by pointing out to -the -writers that the expense of organizing -0 big Sales force similar to Vietory loans, and of training such a forctil for the new procedure, was ont of proportion to the propose of the new offering. It' was explained that the Canada savings bond Wit.; deAigned solely as a facility for investmefit of personal savings for those Who wishedit, and not as a prim- ary 1110111114 -of meetilikMiverntitent fin- ancial requirements; • • .3 ST. "HELENS 14 44. STAIELENS. Oct. 21.—Visitors with - Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rive and Mr. G. A. Webb included" Mrs. Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Lance Grain of Wingham and Air. and Fru! wis Grain of Pilot Mound, Man, Mrs. Fraiwis Grain was formerly Miss Lizzie Welk a resident of this community ' Mrs: Stuart Vollyer, Teddy and Thommy have taken up residence in the (1111111110 apartments, Lucknow., Quite a lumber of 10(1105 the annual setional mee.ting of the ti be hold at Whitechurch on Tuesday. • Mr. 'Wilson Womb; of Guelph was a. week -end visitor' here. He , was ac- eolupanied_by. his.. mother. Woods, who had gpent the week in Guelph." Messrs. Will Rutherford and Ronald Merrostie 'Vele• week -end N.Iszitot's with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rutherford at PePtilo ' and Stanaird S9uga . PIANOS *RADIOS liEFRIGRATORS 16LECTRIO APPLIANCES, VOWS 'and WADES' ELECT WV iiii0NOOMPIIS V"14,Nljt TURNWAHUS ' Wes -St (3(1.:ERKii Refordit *ad Allinum Phone 114 Saltford, General Store THOS. MORRIS, Prop. Buying more, we buil for less— Selling more, we 'sell for less. ' Open Evenings Phone 696 Saltford B R. Munday SOUND AND SERVICE CERTIFIED RADIQ .„ TECHNICIAN 7 Widder St. Goderich Phone 598 Vrank McArthur ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR . BEACH RANGES, ' •. RANGETTES, HOT PLATES . 48 Britannia Road AIIIKA11111•10111111MEMINIII!.., . . . Huron Engineering & Research Co. Flaghmeeriottg $4mauufacturera, Broth St. Phone 51. Jackson, 4 Son MEN'S .AND BOYS' -WEAR. BOOTS—SHOES-'-RUBBERS Phone 412 South Side Square Gentlem.,n's reobilla or of recrea- tion and health. BOWLING good wdy to spend your even- ing or leisure hObr i ' pleasant, congenial-- 1urroundings. - ROYAL BOWLING ° ALLEYS WEST ST. GODERICH- . .11111111MMOSIO• ••CREWE • church was held on Sunday, (,tuber meeting 04 United church' on 1.10•:\vE. (lot. 2 Ivan Itivt.t, who is sailing-, spent a few days at his holm- itild attended the' plUwing match at 1'or1..1.1bert. i•etttraed to Kingstifik on- Salurday to rejoin •his Liott 1, The s\ 111(111 1i 41 thhs community is extiuidea .\I 1. and .Nirs. '1', Al. L)urniu in lie cle(l.111---6f Alr. 1)urnin's brother. alai Mrs. Stuart Nash and. Mr. CroZier of 1..011(1011 Spent 1 rew day:, NVitil Mr. and Mr. Clifford Crozier. Friends Wjlo visited-.Mran . d Mr,.. S. kilpatrick during tile. ;veek. were. .Mr. and. „NI itgene IlatisToi. of Tawas, Mich, *$a•tti Kilf)atrk an,t.11Aug-11-• ter, •Mrs. Spark., of 11 Paso, I llinois; iss K 111411 'ik. 1 Lfickftow lilt IL (;". I zle -el, of \Valton: :Hid Ili'-. Jerry C..iirstot)of near 1,11c11- 110kc. 1111 All'. 1 la son and cli.ildren,iit Dungannon. Mr. and ,Mrs:' Allan Corbett had friends during the plowing match the persons (if Air. Idorwin II(}wse, ; rand Valley, .\1i George _Hays, of Arthur,. and Mr.. =Gillespie, of Born. To Mr. and Benson sliacklcriot: in .klexandra 4 ndii,-li 1 ‘.-zattird:ty,' 1y(..to)ter ,Ci,11141.111111an tios. .14,1111 AVati Ilamiltott is sPending1 turtnight with frietrds in the localit.y. The ittiniversitrf of l'rewv 1 nit -v(1 20, with Rev. R. G. I1itzlewoo0 of War-. Wednesday., ton delivering two 1151)1 ring messages Special 11111510 in the morning was con- tributed by Mr. ltoy :„Ruth-dge and in the evening by :qrs. 1 Ite1.". 4 ' HOger.S. 11) 1111 W 110 11011)0(1 make these services the splendid sttccess they were we. say -it very hearty --thank you." A carload, of ladies Irmo_ this,,viciu-, yW 111 attend the^W.I,S. Presbyterial Rastas Jackson, a thoroughly mar- ried darkey. W S Arne. day *approached, by a life insurance agent. "Better let me write you a. polity, Rastus," . suggested the agent. "No, salt," decia red 111(5 1115. emphatically, :'Ah ain't any too safe at 110111111S Is:" immimpippir: • 'FRE' ANIMAL SVICE OLD DISA LEP, 011,' DEAD - CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently RernOved %moll, Phone Collect 910r16 Clinton Stratford WE DO THE REST! 1. * According,to Webster, this five -dollar word means clear-sighted — of acute mental vision ordiscernment...'Fbich pretty well describes " the "eight out of ten" who plan to invest In -Canada Savings Bonds. IN RECENT A VERTISEMENTS' we !mite been' suggesting that the way to save ' money is.to have -a -plan and stick toit. ow comes this Dominion Govern- ment savings plan, readY-madd for your aeeds. Jr enables you to add to your present holdings of Victory Bonds 'by the sane tried-and-true ethod you used ,rt 77wewomosion during the war; paying for your purchase in cash, if you like; but better still by convenient instalments, as you earn. You found out for yourself, with every' Victory Bond you bought, that this is 'a savings system that works ... convincing , proof that you can "Save some for yourself." Awnowswin!linselik,, imply call at your Royal Bank branch, sign an application for one or more bonds, to be paid for by convenient in.- stalments spread over year if you wis 'Keep up the war -time saving habit. I vest in Canada Savings Bods.' .1474r4=4"=`4 • 1026.011, CANADA SAVINGS BONDS 46. Are as good as cash—backed Ely!he Government of Canada • Cern be bought for cash, or by instal- ments out of income, at any branch • of this . • Can be bought by satary.deductions . at your place of employment.. • Can be sold at. any ;bartered bank any time, for what you paid for ,;em, plus earned interest. • Are available in for- denominations $50, 3100, 8500 and 51,060. • Are registered—each bond you buy ..is registered in your name at Ottawa. 4°8 OUT OF 10 WILL BUY AGAIN', THE 'ROYAL !SANK OF CANADA 4) ° GODERICII BRANCH - W. G. DULMA0E, Manapor 1 0 '; 4, 341 4, 1,4 .4` I,: ,{' ; „ - 40