HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-10-24, Page 5T RSIDAY, ocropun 2ft1 1U4 POIer ALBERT POWIO ALBERT, Oct. 22.---31r. anal Dirs. Harold Stewart and daUghter Dianne, of" London, vielted laat week at the home of M. John McKenzie and attended the plowing match. Mr. a.nd Mr. or4tOi ocklield and daughter Patsy, ii).f /Detre% visited last week with Mr. and MM. Roy Petrie. Mrs. Percy Da,hleaer of itchener and Miss Ma.atorie McKenzie a Hamil- ton spent last. week With their mother, - Jas. McKenzie. Visitors 'last week with kr. and MrS. Bert Crawford were i r. and Mrs: Ed. Buie of Stlyner and Mr. and Atm. Marshall Palmer of Elravale. . After several Sunday S without ser- vice , in the United church- dUring- the past. five weeks, whieb, the qnireli bas been redecorated, serVieeS will be re - Burned oh Sundaynet at 3 pan., with ONE NAME TO REMEMBER,- , For edict of otornaelt alts- • • treats burning. gnawing atondich pains indigestion , heart, burn. or other syrriptents of hyperacidity. Viinuicr's Tablets Marc thart.100 lion Pfundeets Tablets told in 10 years by. tending pharrnle` iata FOR STOMACH DISTRESS DU F TO iHYPERACIDITY n TRIAL $150 'coma it St., Sili - SIZE ,PFUNDER S TABLETS Campbell's Drug °Store, Goderich the pastor, OV. W. -J. angora, in charge, Quieter TitueS 9n 01°,1040 Water Ititigirriraye-Those living in the vicinity of the airport are eeeing quieter daya • again this vveet as traffic b back to normal. At tieo last week it iirde impossible to turn out gatevvayeeto the highway, as ears were travelling bumper to bumper. efore the plow- ing match it was a comanon sight tb see from ten to twenty tractors travelling along the road together. DONNYBROOK DONNY ROOK, Oct. 22. ---Thanks- giving Week -end visiters included: Mr. and Dirs. W. L. Craig ef London with his brother Arnold and Mrs. Craig; Mr. Warren Bamford a Preston with his parents, Ur. and Alm Thos. Bam- ford; Mis Virginia. Claananey of' Wind- sor with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney; Mr. G. IL Jefferson of Clinton at the Jefferson horae; Miss Lucy Thompson of Belmont, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thompson of Wingham, Miss Anne Chimney_ a _yougham JIL School and Miss Irene Robinson of London at their homes here. This vielnity was well ;represented at Port Albert each day of the Inter- national Plovying Match. • Mr. and Mrs. CarinimPratt and Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Pratt of Brownsville :were recent visitors with Mr.' and Mrs. J. C. Robinson and other friends. • For smartly printed letterheads; bill- heads and envelopes, see The Goderich Signal -Star. We handle every printing TIM001-WRICII $IGNAL-STAR DOINGS OF DUNGANNON DUNGANNON, Oct. 23 -Mr.. Ellen Shaekleten bad as gneste last week her son, W. E. Shackleton. a Pleasant Bridge,. Mic ,; Mrs. Sarah Net, tog Grose Point, Mich., and Mr. and DIM Herbert Tliiompsen, wtnghavai. Mrs:W.16y ,Tyndelll a Regina visited beg Oster -in -lap, :Mrs. W. A.. Culbert, last week. Mr. Percy liorne has purchased ,a 100 -acre pasture farm with about thirty-tiwagies a second' growth bush from M. John MeWhinney on the 2nd'coneessien of Aahtield, Mr. and 'Mrs. ussell eed and Mr. and Mr. Wilbur Brown on Monday evening attended, the Reed-I..eggatt wed- ding at' Wingham.- The 'ceremony took place in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church and the guests were served dinner at the Brunswick otel, Wing - ham. Mrs. Kenneth Hodges arriv,ed home from Goderieh Hospitat last week with bee _little. infant -son- -Roriald--Clair. Both are doing fine. Visitors with . Mr. and Mrs. Tho. Dickson last week were Mr.; and Mrs"! John GajewAla, of Loudon, Mr. Murray Dyer of Guelph, and Allan and Harold Dickson, of Woodstock. . Mr. Ross Eedy has'"purchased the farui ofulAir. Wm, Reed on the 4th con- . cession Of Aslitield, which was bought from Mrs. Jos. 'Killough this fall. Mr. RusSell Bailey, son Tom and daughter Margaret; (-if Oak Lake, Man., tre visiting Mr. Rich. Finnigan, Mrs. need.. Lee us quote" on your require- Honor Moss and other relatives A highlight of their visit WilS attewling the plowing mateh. Mr.. Gordon Pill- nigan. son of Mr. Richard Finnigan, haul been in the West' this fall and re, tin•ned home with them. Mt•s. Gordon Smith, Gth eoncession of West Wawanosh, is in Wingham hos- pital having treatment for golf -re, and on Thursday of this week is to be taken to Victoria Hospital; London, for special 'examination. A. new drug to eure goitre may be tried, to Avoid an operation, and, if so. she will return home to give a trial. Miss Doris Smith. nurse, of London, her sister: - in -law. is in attendanee with her at rife hospital. Mr. Frank Stevens, neted pianist, 'and'etednreie Tikeifee,' r coralng ments today. $100.00 in Cash WeeklY I.D.A.s MIDliET QUIZ Last week's winner is Robt. John Clegg, 276 Don!inion Ave., Midland, Ontario Full details on eiitry form obtainable at Stores 8 out of 10 vvill buy again. VITAMIN •NEEDS • -VITADIET CAPSULES WAMPOLE'S Cod Liver Extraet• $1.00 VITAMINS PLUS •$1.75, $3.25 SCOTT'S EMULSION • 59e, 98e KEPLER Malt and Cod Liver Oil 75e, $1.25 OVALTINE Food Drink 58e, 98e I.D.A. COD LIVER OIL Capsules 100's, reg. 98e 79e IIYAPER, I.D.A. Iron Si Vitaniiii-B Complex Tonie 60 caps. $1.15: 240 caps. $3.45 $1,15, $2.70 I.D.A. SPECIALS Ointments, •Carbolic, Zine. Reg. 25e 19e • Boraeie oz. reg. 15e...1 le Cream Tartar, 2 oz. reg. 20e.. I 6e Hydrogen Peroxide, 4 ' Reg. 15c Cold Cream, 1 lb. reg. 69e. ..57e • REVLON'S - ULTRA VIOLET • Newest make-up Color mated iii years! Match Box Set contains Lipstick and Nail Enamel $1.00 Nail Enamel 50e Lipstick 65e, 85e Face Powder -65e i ' COLD NEEDS BUCRIIA'S MIXTURE .1-0e, -75e IDAPHEDRIN Nose Drops PERTUSSIN Cough Remedy 59e, 99e MENTHOLATUM. . 29e, 55e GROVE'S Cold Tablets • 24e, ' -Ile CHERRY -Cough SyruP, LIDA. Brand I - 25e , , SMITH 'BROS. Cough DropS• 10e ' VICK'S. Vapopib or %'a-Tro-Nol each 43e: the two for 85e - 50e CAMPBELL'S. Phone 90 Gaderich Nimaimmimaimimmamommimpr 01 O• EnRir (Stieee,ssor to Chas. '0. Lee Estate) Coal Hardware We now have the following for inimediate delivery- "POOAHONTAS 'ALBERTA BRIQUnTTES HAVIPO. OOKE . STOKER COAL LONt STAR STEAM COAL We will be pleased. to help you with your heating problett •• and supply your requirements. AT THE HARBOUR, • PHONE 22 •DifirgailifOli'"fiftit'w..'eek 'aii1 Oiji*• day, night -"will favorm,rith- a piano' recital in the • T:pited church. Mr. Ellis StiitherS and sister, Miss Jean Stothers. Toronto, were, recent visitors ifli Mr. Thos. Stothers. and Were accompanied by Miss COIL Buist, of Toronto. reqiuptial Shower. Eedy, bride-to-be of this month, was pleasantly surprised by being- tendered' a miscellaneous kitchen shower at, the lnime of Mrs. Alvin Sh?rwood on Mon. - day evening. with about thirty-five friends invited. .A chair'in the living - room, prettily decorated in a eolOr •seheme of Pink and white, was reL served for Lucille. The hostess went over to LuellIe'splace in neighbor .gni•Se to •brinrg her over to show her some- thing at her home., . Liwi11 came dressed informally. as she had planned to 'pend the evening quietly at home. She was therefore greafly surp.rised j when esibered into the Sherwood,„,home; to find a large party gathered in „her I hen% • As Mrs. Allan Reed at the: piano played "Here COEOPS the Bride" little 'Linda Blake. three-year-old I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blake, entered the room riding a decorated ; tricycle with.'its parcel -carrier loaded with ustefin and pretty- articles far the j kitchen. Surprised and verY much I _pleased, Lucille opened the gifts andj thanked 'each one ,indi:Vidually for her land tlioughts. Delicions refreshments were enjoyed; with a lovely. ''shower cake" baked by the brother of. 7the bride-to-be, Air. Irvine Eedy .and decorated with ,"Congrattilations.,, Reed -Leggatt. - Lela -Maignerite, Leggett. only &righter of Mr. and Mrs. J. AV. Leggatt, Wingham, became the ' bride of William Selby Reed, son of Mrs. Reed and the late .Tacob Reed, Dungannon, 111 a lovely setting of pink , -and White chrysanthemums, ferns, candelabra and white tapers, at St. Andrew's Presbyterian. chureh. Wing - ham, Oil Monday evening, Oetober 21st.* II. V. Pym was 'organist and, Miss lila Craig, of Goderieh, was solo- I ist. Given in. marriagt'liy"her father, • the bride miTi. white net over satin xvith lace bodice. Her ftill-fength svas caught to a caplet of white erehids. She wore a double strand of pearls, gift of the groem, and carried . - a eaecadie of red roses and bouvardia. Mrs. J. 0. Leggatt, \Ningbo , mat- ron a honor, and Mise Jean Petrie, Clinton, ad junior bridleaattitol, wore Ohnilar gowns paietel pink and pautel blue fa:conne crepe with atching head- dress** and veil. They carried colonial boueluets ill -blending tones. J. G. Leg- gatt, brother of the bride, was 'best Man and ushers .veue Wilbur Brown, Dungannon, and Mowbray, Lucknovv. " After a reception at the Drunewich Rotel, the couple left on a trip to New York and the Eastern' States. For going .avvay the bride, wore a raspberry' eult with black aceeseories. winter White top coat and a corsage of white roses. They will live in Wingham Oh their return. ' W CASE yl;ti are pianting .cial0 AUBURN • AUBURN., Oct. 22. -Mr. and Mrs. W. IT. Sheppard of Blenheim visited -with -friends here -last day. Mr. Sheppard was.a former m ager of. the. Bank of Commerce here. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell 'spent the week -end With friends in Kitchener. I Mr. Leonard Yringblut of Windsor! was a. Visite' atthe week-Ond with Mrs. G. F. Yungblut tod Arthur Yung- • Thercr's no IIPtter soil Whieh to `80Nif you acme,. th.4n the rich, productive land that Canada. -The entire wealt1,?. arid resources of your conntry stand?' a(i security.' for your investment when you buy Canada' Savings'Bonds, 7,74 faighilir recommend . CANADA SAVINGS BONDS • and offer °air facilities fer their purahase, Tek.pholto or tc!cgrapi; celect-WAverloy 36011 1 DOMLINION SECURITIES CORPORATION LIPUTED ESTAEILliafED 1991 •- • TORONTO MO TRCAL W1NN,IPEG VANCOUVER NEW YORK LONOON. ENG 15 King Street West, Tor,onto '---111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ilill111111111111i11111111111113111Nilliiiiiliiiiiiiillililiiii1111111111111111111111111111tril Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mogridge are aliZ. • Visiting • . • ND and Mrs (Ion 1. • Tl aughtet• Mfrs Elmer d M • Fisher. . , an I. 1 . . , ,,, .. n (3 lo11111- _ , son, "Brainpton. ' . ' ' 1 II Mrs, has. Thompson has_ .returned The annivt:rsary services on Sunda3i to Valicouver,_ B.C., after attendin g were l•ir ?eh, tt d-qi b the tUnerel Of Iler mother, Mrs. Mary and evening. Rev. tip). Wylie, a I Moore. former pastor, conducted both services. . t• Rev, -Robt. McCOnnt-:11 has retnrned The Church was decorated with a home after two ‘'Vreks'..holidays at pleasing profusion of ttutudin flowers. Galt. Kitchener and other points. .Iliss Vivian Straughan presided at the .. . , tire 'her brother, George Rye, her bro- serice consisted of a solo by Mr. isitors with Mrs. Alfred Asquith piano. Speeial 11,111.Sie at the :morning national Plowing Match and report it to be a wonderful success. The splendid. exhibits, the demonstrations, and the conteste in plowing kept hue crowds inferested. during the whole four days of the match. Several in the neighborhood opened their homes to visitors from a distance, supplying (hem with bed and breakfast NILE Douglas Fulcher of Brantford, brother • ther-in-law. Mr. %Tames Watson also .• .•• her nephew and niece. Mr. and Mrs. ot Mrs. (Rev.) Crouhlehn, and at the Simon Parker, all of.Pickford, Mich. evening service the congregation was Anniversary services %vitt be held favored with a selection by a quartette .Knox Presbyterian church on siia: from Auburn and an anthenj by the day, October 27th. at 11 a.m. arid 7.30 el.B:rir' ' Rev. G. Jergenson of Bluevale -"r• G. Grigg and family, will be the. guest Speaker. There will of Clinton, visited on Sunday with Mr. be speeial music at both setvices. The and Mrs. IL Good. unvelling.of the honor roll. With "Last Mr. and Mrs. R. Hill and family, of Mitchell, spent Sunday with Mr: and Post" and "Reveille," will be at the,. Mrs. Xiiustoue. _ . - Rey, p and;Mrs...„Criinbictim -glIfiStS;',1*."-ThiWifeek-end 3,i.rs Cron- hielm's mother and brother froth Brantford. Mjss Mtrriel. Vansickle -of Brataford spent the week -end with Rev. U. and Mrs. Cronhielm. • morning service. Mr. .Jos. S. Hick.ey.,..and is having an aireflori sale on Tuesday, 'October 29th. ASIIFIE1.11 '1 The -Late- Mrs. Chester O'Reilly. - The sudden- .pas:ting of ..Mrs.42.144,Nstei•'. on September 251.1. at ,Pro- vidence Hospital, Detroit, was a shock to her family and many friends, She ! was seized with a stroke two days j previous -and though it was hoped she I would rally another seizure' terminated iri death. Elizabeth Griffin wag born ili Ashtield, third daughter of the late 'John J. Griffin and Sarah Dalton, Mr, Griffin "for many yetirs. being one of the, 'mist Nyidely known agents for threshing ,machineS in Western On- • tario. In 1919 she married Chester and for some time they farmed ' on the Blue IV'itter Highway andiater resided in, Goderich. Eighteen years ago they ntoved to Detroit. Hers was a life well lived, full of kindly deeds and helpfulness. She .found time to take part in all church and social work and, her hospitality Was unbounded. She is survived by her sorrowing hus-.. band. one son,: Maurice, and •two da ughters, Mary Eleanor - /Ind Betty:: alst.r.by --a brother, MaturiGrillin, of Akron. Ohio. and a sister, Mrs. Thos. Molynea ux of Dublin. A dearly be- loved -sister, Mrs. Tim, Griffin (Jennie), predeceased her. three years :Igo and 0 4'14 1ler„10,e, some yea rs ago. Requiem high Mass was sung by Rev: Father Nocy of St. Loo's Catholic (-1111 reit, 1 rol t, where a la rge . number .of friends asSembled.- Alany Spirituai testimonials were tendered, also floral tributes. interment took place in Ijoly Sepulchre cemetery.' Some of those At- tending: front' a distance were Miss's. Bridget Dalton, .an'atint, from Chicago;. Mr. nd Mrs.. .1fiturice. Griffin, front Akron, oltiq; Mr. and•Mrs, MOlynenux: Mr. and Mrs. Etne; .Dublin; Miss O'Reilly, Chicago; Stanley O'Reilly; from TorontO, and many from Ashtield end Goderich.. • Death of Miss Rose O'Reilly. ----After -1(mg and trying illneSs the death occui•red in.. a Loedon hospital. on October 1 of Rose O'Reilly in 'her ,seventy-seventh year. M is O'Reilly , suffered it fall about ten days ago In I which her hip was broken. . She was , ene of nine children born to -the late a.nri -Mrs. M el O'Reilly, early 1 pioneers on the 91-11 -concession of Ash'.! field. The family' were noted for their desire for edneatien and ihnsic, and; 'three older sisters. Agnes, Mar3• and ,3,1icy, laugh 1 school in different sec- tion s. Th('y afterwards entered • the convent as Sr. ,11bin, Sr. (lenient and • Sr, Winfred. Rose' tittenth.d Goderieh t'ollegiate Institute and on securing a cert Hien Iv taught school lee thirty yea rs, al Ca rl like, M s. -ivy. Riversda le and Timmins. She gave direction to many who cherish her memory. As a teacher her life was greatly en- hanced HY a gentle humble disposition and Chr,istinn faith and •charaeter. '. • L. MURRAY ,Painter and Decorator ..t INTERIOR • MODERN STUCCO WORK Free estimates- V( 11. Give 118 11 ( all to,daye , - Phone 1182 . Goderich 40-3 armumaker. $he is survived by one sister„ .141110, of, London, atul a brother. Rev. l'ather John o'Reilly, ttelience, SOnth IF YOU ARE A MALE, 'MARRIED, AND BETWEEN THE AGES OF 25 and 40 years WANTING TO GET INTO BUSINBSS FOR YOURSELF; HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! An Outstanding CANADIAN FINANCIAL • 'iNSTITUTION requires a representative in this area. If you are 'a WORKER, and are interested write. to-- I W. E. Hamilton 69 Maodonhell Street GUELPH, ONTARIO , 41-3 1 )11 hot ‘vito reven ti) celebre tell his .1,10)11(4; as tw)'nt)-the en 45 priest 111 1•0s11.. Ili. was 1111:11)10 11.1 1e' pre- sent at ,the funeral. The funeral was held 1r4,111 King:Abridge 11,e. (.1111101.0n Monday. when Rev: Father M. .T. Dalton sang requiem II11I. (44(1 old neighbors :111(1 friends-gath)'red to sh OW 111011' Thp body 14a8 consigntql to ITSE in St. Joseph's ee,metery„ The tai11bea4'4F- were John- Dalton, Thos. -Garvey, Duncan' Maelno re, Maurice. Bowler, .14ihn T. Lannon and Aiurdoel MacLeod. Alitoug those from a dis-; tanee present were Mr. and Mrs. Prank I O'Reilly. Detroit; Mrs. Pat. -O'Reilly . -and Leonard.- remit! ; Miss Niargaret Desmond, Mr. Thiek and Dennts Des- mond, Greenock ; Mrs. Fred Murphy and Miss Desmond, Windsor: Nirr• and Mrs. Arthur O'Connor,- 'Whitby. and J111.41 London. • BENMILLER 11EN.MTLLER • OM-. 22. - Mr, and Mrs. Medd of Goderh•h and and Mrs. 100,0414 Fen gai n of 110111)084 1110 ' Ilsited on Srufday with Mr. and Mrs. (101). Feagan and family. .• Many listened with interest to: Rev. Cronhiehn over CKNX. on Tuesday: TAYLOR'S CORNER . TAYLOR'S CORNER,' Oct. 23. --Mr. and Mrs. Hefty II:oh-nes and Alis Perkins, of Grirrie, and Mr. and Mrs: Lloyd Nichols, of •Ilderton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hollites •on Tuesday And. Wednesday of last week While attending -the plowing match. Anniversary services were held .in Grace Charch, r's Hill, on Sunday last, A number fr orner attended. • The regular service Was hrld in Zioneburch at the u;T;ual.time, 3; o'clock in the afternoon.. 1 Wonderful Sueeess.°--A- grea t- ma ni .from ,this district visited the Inter - NILE, Oct. 22. -Mr. Harry Girvin is back from the West. thews, who went West with still at Calgary but is .going on Gordon Mat- itunlay, but the following Sunday will - Missionary Sunday in the Sunday school. British Columbia to work at wood- cutting. - Several around ,here took in men for their lied and .breakfast during the plowing match and were well pleased with the men Viiho Were sent by the billeting committee. • Anniversary services will be held in Nile united church --next Sunday, Octobr:r 27th, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. L. 11 Turner of Goderich will be the speaker af both services. Special music will be rendered by the ehoir. There will be no Sunday school next him; is be to lommemaa....eaeammemaar. MARY STREET GREENHOUSE JOS. MK AND SON Daffodil and Tulip Bulbs FOR SALE. DIRECT FROM HOLLAND. atf Don't Gamble With' Your Good Health Good health is a priceless asset that should , alwaY's he protected: For good health, once lost, May never be regained. ' If you are troubled by resPess nights, irrita- .1!ility, or nervousness, try 'Milburn's Health and Nei-ve Ping. • Manufactured under the supervision of experienced chemists' and pharmacists', they crontain only the purest of ingredients. For more -than -5-tt.years .Milburn's,Realth and Nerve Pills have been used by thousands ,;(8 A toni, for frayed nerves. or a general run-down condition. They • sti'midate the nerve cells, help to improve the blood content, increase the it ppetite.and thuS help to promote peace'ful sleep. Milburn's Health and •.. Nerve 'Pills are sold at sal drug counters Price 50e a box. The T. .Milburn Co, Lfinitect, Toronto, Ctnt. New: Sales For, One Whole Years On All Diamond Ring Purchases Fine Diamonds • LUE 'BIRD • ORANGE BLOSSOM FORGET-ME-NOT Priced from $25.00 to • $500.00 411.71ffVfl • t• Watches 1 Mrs, Melvin Jewell was able, to leave tlle bespitel on Smulay and is ,spend -1 Ing a .few days at the home of her , GRUEN BULOVA . ROLEX LONGINE , ELGIN LORIE _PIERCE Priced from $14.75 to $150.00 Buy ,17 our Christmas ,Gifts NOW On Our Lay Away Plan PHONE 130 JEWELRY go GIFTS • GOPERICII 44