HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-10-17, Page 2A TWO THE OO1MIUGH' IGNAL-STAR �3c,.,ru� Published by Signal -Star, Limited ft ub eritp tori Rates—Canada and ` Great rittaiaa, $2.410 a States, P.M Utve ing Rntea on request, utlnorieed as sad -cls es rsepartminent, Ottawa. Telephone 71 year; 1 to United EMU., -Pott Of nee 4• TElURS8)A1 OCTOBBEE 17th, 1946 VrinTORIATewhich. they [lain wifi be pleasing to 1 the particular coustttueney which they If the world spells a bit sweeter are addressing. today, it may be because eleven arch - l.. PUL ®SI�fEi ` F LAZY MEADOWS be merely tools another route to reach the same place. It is to be hoped that By Harry J. Batik while the world lasts no such ruthless, hen have left it far some other place. LL' ,,Though Goering cheats she 'gallows,wa, cruel gang as the -monster's who died - satat Nurnberg yesterday will ever again -; pItear on this earth.04 •e went. to the clients ..the other a . day., It's a strange Chin;;,,, but a young fellow came along a month ago or so �` ° ° and asked if he -could post some bills • Those who bought ponds during war- on 'the old -shack over un toy grass time need no reminder of -the hbeuetits farin ou the licit sideroad. •read but You see of the habit of saving—and tete plea uiy property faces ori tithe sidetors u) to the eleuressiou. Personalty Ey 1Idwgrd Sans' In every man's birthright rests a I We do not mean to imply that a natural opportunity word fascinating! winning personality must he all' btat'r y than any hobby he could[ ever desire; and honey. Placidity does not indicate the development of his own personality. good personality, nor does eXcessive All of us are born with the ingredients for this endeavor, but-naost of ul over- look the possibilities, being content`to coast along and blame our dim spots on heredity or `(rule other circumstance. It is not denied that heredity will have some. effect upon personality, as also will environment, but we are provided with an efficient control over both these tpnuperament, but a nice balance of the two is essential. The remaining eke sentials might be embodied in one word: sincerity., This quality in a w man, or a woman; -glows in the eyes and gentlesthe •eouu'tenanee, .but it must be a thoroughgoing sincerity; 'in thought as well as in- speech and deeds,. Trustworthiness is perhaps a better circumstances in the manner in w1Aith word, for we all lean toward someone we apply our self -responses to the who is trustworthy. Confidence in moods that evolve our characters. a one's own -sincerity is a powerful factor In the development of personality a in the banishment of an infertority • good starting point is the careful recog- complex. nitiou of our own limitations. 'We The -eminent educator Charles W. —Sliriutd consider -ourselves we- would- Eliot sketches the value of personality consider a site' of land; study i,ts pox- in the following paragraph: "Everyone sibilities and then proceed to attain now believes that there is in a man an thele. -Very often the desire to over- atdntatirig, . ' ruling. characteristic eume a defect may turn that limitation esseuce, or spirit, which. is' himself. into an lo asset. Deustheues is a This -spirit, dull or bright, petty% or classic illustration. Desiring to •,be- grand, pure or foul, looks out of the come an orator and faced with a speech eyes.. sounds in the voice, and appears impediment, he went to the seashore, in the ntaxiners of each individual. It i i placed pebbles in his mo ithb and de- is what we call Personality." sure of receiving 'the interest cheques. I couldn't see that there was any veloped his vocal poweri; ,by ,declaimiug So if You believe 3•our personality le f G veratmeut bonds in off my uuse simply it they put above the 'roar of the breakers. In- in need of an overlintil, begin by recog giving with. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beg. Sturdy. The service at Zion 'United church on Sunday was cancelled owing to the anniversary services at Uold2es- vine. Quite a number from Zion at- tended the two splendid services at Iltilmesv1lit': The Ladies' Aid Society of icon church held iregular monthly meet- ing at • the home of Mrs. +�! oward Sturdy. Plans were made for the an- nual.bazaar, to be held early in Novem- ber. The 'December meeting will be at the home of ears. (Rev.i C, Tavener. We extend congratulations to t,; iss Maxine Oke, who won the intermediate eliampioltship at the (.1.0.1. field day held recently. , The new issue u o s affords opportunity of continuing the, up a hill saylug that -such ;cud such stead of bemoaning his "luck" he nixing your liihitations, develop your a circus was !selling to tort u. It tNus studied his obstacle and set out to whip drifts and your sense of trustworthi- habit. There is not now the saute'. quite 0 simple thing to say that the it ness, and above all eliminatte,tuty tend- ur enuY of lending, looney to the Gov- barn was all theirs. As a matter of Perhaps the most common blught in ency to alibi. Remember Shakespeare s- g. Net :.but the investuteltt i• a good fact, the tvira:tck or vara, as you alight our personalities is our ability to luake lid\ ieNµ`�"1'he fault lie, not in our stars ernm one and the security is the best iu..say, would he protected by the paper :!:cuss;. A college professor, with hut restin ourselves." of the clretls posters. years of academie experience. said he i;he world. lie- was elu•ite a nice young t'ell0t,. was not sure whether the degree B.A. -A .l LOi1��, CORNER tr ° 8 When they got thtuli;h putting tip stood for Bei...helot• of $rts or Builder It is to be hoped that (,„„,,r -body the circus bills ,he cane. back aced ; of :\libis, Luek takes more blame than ' within :i hundred miles of fort Albert [bunked me aud trended sue as sheaf of it deserves for most of our shortcom- TAYLOR'S CORNER, Oct. 17. --Mrs. s' a su is spending at ticl.ets. IIs must hate been. careless, ; int;s. 1u doubt Luck is a' very 'real Ilrutt' Holmes of 'Toronto has been who can I(us_lbly d s because 'there seemed to be enough, factor in many of our experiences. but visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth least one - -day; at the lutertttitiunal' for our family as well a•'*'the most of j someone has said than there is nothingtheme's. Plutvin Match this week: �� visa .the people ou our concession. To be !ewer on earth than the uiilucky people The Misses Gertrude` and Ileleu to this ;;rent iltstittftioi1 is eductive I)eirNttty honest' with you, it gave met who remain good• pe-isonalitle, Alibis Bond ,were home from I.ond0n for the'. in a big ay, broadening end t Iter- 'ort of ;fit kick to say to someiiudy• l and excuses serve best as absentees 'holiday week -end. • a I 'Like to go to the circus. Okay? in a really Pleasing personality. Miss Maxine Sturdy - spent Thanks- teinitig—a revelation to those who had Fine! then, here's a couple of tickets s klfam/1ton, and Mr. Charles l cQrllilln4, of 'landeboyo, with Mr. WM. and Miss Beatrice Me uillin, i Miss Joyce New- ton, of 'Wheatley, with Rev. M. G. and Mrs. Newton. Anniversary services will be held in the United church on Sunday, with ser- vices at 11 a.m. and 7.6(D pan. Bev. 1]$aratdi Snell of Auburn will be the guest speaker. Special music will be provided by the choir, with Mr. Everett Lane as guest . soloist at elle evening service. ST. HELENS ST. HELENS; Oct. 16. --Visitors in the community for the holiday week:- end eek:, end included Mr. and Mrs: Mel. Brown, of Waterloo, with Mr. and Mrs. rt. Woods Mr. and :Mfrs. Neely, Todd and David, of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd; Miss Norma Weather - head, of Alton, aud' Miss Grace Weatherhead, di ' llolyrood, with Mr.. arta Mrs. L. U. Weathencead ; Mr. Stuart Collyer, of Tecumseh, 'with Mrs. f*ollyer ; My. G. S. McIntyre, of Meu- ford, with Mrs. McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Robert McQuillin and • George, of never bbefore attended it. Those who for. the big circus in town." 1 guess human- nature is the saute Spend Ole whole four days at the no matter. I 1 where you Igo. •,'mate..—which is really much more - We went to the circus. It was -cer- than a plowing competition -es -are hard- ,, tainly a wonderful 'experience.. When lglr-eke•-isxklute.sc F QK ;oot•a0.1 i ie V• g1 i`a i kick itof vutciilrlt)iYgaa is •you -di out-ofanythtng else. 'On the ° f The farmers' stitike in Alberta has other hand, there's un • -=atmosphere collapsed, and the striking farmers ' creaat;ell by the appearance of the pediee may feel thaep'they tave not gained with tetthebow,theiru uuathctsentsand tLthe big much feom their etiort. In fact, they of ns seek lint dogs frying to give probably could, figure up. considerable ? yea thrill. That doesn't say any - losses from the waste of undelivered, thing about- the sound of those fellows products. That is the way of strikes;', trying to get you to go into a tent where there ire dancing girls, snake they entail all-around losses and stir iwadies. games of thence and. the beet up ill -feeling that :it takes aelong time collection of oddities in the world. - to allay. 'However, the Alberta strike • Like most country folks, - I Made-up serve. as notice to all concerned', 111:v, mind not. to get ,taken in h,• any may of the circus sharpers. I. did prett . that if there is to- be any striking the well, as t matter of fact. I resisted • farmers are going to claim their share, the temptation to prove what a sacker of 'it. that fellow was with the three shells ,; ° ' and the ilea. I was gilite' certain 1 • could `shoe .my eagle, eye and pet a .Sci . St. 'Louis wine the . baseball 1 ring over all the fancy t 'ings displayed chalupion hip, 'against all the 1)redl('- iii -one' tent, but I. resist. I'm telling tions . of the dopesters. Boston had1 you nobody .,could possibly put any - such ati easy time in .the Amera fila •thing over on me. 'e went into the big tent and every - League series that the experts rated thio„; was going fine. I ryas taking them unbeatable by the Cardine.ls,,who partietiItr delight'out of Patricia Anu had a hard time ;listing Brooklyn in and then it happened. • The fellow in the National League contest. Perhaps' the ring was cracking his whip and the tigers and lions were jumping it wars the. struggle that St. Loltis had ; around doing exactly what he wanted to put up to get into the world series I then[ to do. ' e4 • that gave them the mastery over the - A fellow came up and dangled a piece -.team that had had a comparatively of cloth and cheap fur or the end of a stick. He dangled it in front of soft thing throughout the season. Any-11'aitrieia Ann and asked. "You want one way.•they wen, and the,dopesters were i of these.- don't you, dearie? It's - a .I wonderful monkey." wrong again. r I • I paid two dollars' for it - A pr'ontinent• t'.S. • abilitary mart argues in favor of an international! , force et? •keep peace throughout thel world. Tile suggestion sounds well, 1 but some questions arise. Who is to cont rol the international force? If it were allowed to make its own decisions. { �' would not the world soon find itself I You can get quick relieffrom painful distress With under military rule? If decisions for a few drops of the international force- are to he madej Vicks-Va-tro-nol. VICES by sortie bodyrepresentingall the nit I -t: works-right...—e— 011 where misery. is. tions. will there be any greater de-, Tortured By INUS PAIN gree of unity. than is yet •to be seeiaittraamtamottrimarata at i'nited Nati ins conferences? And if the members of the.eontrolling body can not agree, what will the intez-- national army dol m * * Hacluilten .seems. to have ninre than its die. share (rf sensational killings. '174.1 Reach the . ,sordict story that has been unfolded in plait city within the past Wieek one would have to go to the- wickedest cities ac•r()ss the border. It is to be noted that prorhineltt in the relu,rts 'of the murder trial that. have been given se much spike in elle daily papers are sev('ral foreign names. •• and also in the repert8 - of 111e re(•ent steel strike .in 1Ialaiilten were , ninny incur names.` It may b(' a difficult • thing to carry wit a paliee of sele(•t110 imtni;ration that would - keep such' people (alit of thin country, liut some 'I' ;(effort should he 1111)14' to stl'rain off' the scum of Europe before hitting 11(1 tux(' stream of 1111i11igra nee (;lied ('ale ethers stack should 11ot he ')bIltalnin- ' a ted by tlit'•n(lmissinn of g; 11witei's and trouble -maker e. For common ordinary sore . throat B oN 5 1 h .D Make's Fee , a 1N�1"tiYFS�Q .„... ChaseEs uc eta r � 'The Vitamin Bi Tonic Extensively used for headache, loso of sleep, nervous indigestion, irritability, anaemia, chronic fatigue, and exhaustion of the nervous system. 60-cts.__ Economy .0174, $1.Q Chase s Nerve rFood Cannibal King: "What we got for lunch today?" "he f : "Two old maids." Cannibal King: "Ugh, leftovers again." Q rton +:7 , Refrigeration SALES SE1rVICE ALL MAKES Conitcmerclial--Domestic Manning Refrigeration Service . - Can for, lilies Iastimate 50 MAINA'VE. PHONE 109 i Fool Stuffed and Upset u Alter Enjoying a Meal? If you suffer from dyspepsia, our ur stomach, biliousness, headaches, minor. liver or Jddney coin- plaints—use Burdock Blood Bitters. • This is a, popular preparation that will help tone rix up the stomach,, kidney and liver, aid digestion and bringquick relief from Indigestion and constipation. a e, e$'ective and dependable, B.B.B.., contains no harmful ingredi• elate nor habit•fo drugs. quicklyB.B.B. aids digestion, YQu'll be agrees. `'ly surprised how tassimiltitioi}, eliination, and how much. better you feel. r it b name --Burdock 'Mood Bitters—on sale at drug counters .. �.sk �0 y ©very shire, Prise $1.00 a bottle. The T. Milburn4Oo., Limited, Toronto. Ont. -,-- •-- i i I I SII . � �� � I� � �. . I I I 1111 i t I I I i I I I I. , If l i I I _. :� I 1�iaa i Illlii�i� I � � � � I � ,14i1,�„Iliil�,l IINIhi�llll►I If I . X141IIIIil1.�1111 II:11, 4a,�1 _2 _� � E 11 I IIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIiII1�IL.I,IIII�►�I� Il�il ..l � i -�, 111111111111111Iillillllllllll11111111111111111110111111111111111111111NII�III (IIIIiIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111Nlllllfllli}IliIIJIII11111 i 0 Independence begins with a state .of mired Of all the people who seek to be independent, only the man who firmly makes up his mind to do something —and does it—ever actually achieves independence+ A very good something you can do is to put yowy .,savings into Canada Savings Bonds. We highly recommend, CANADA SAVINGS BO11DS and-offersotr Sacilitiesfoietheir eeneeleasees - -: , Telephone or telegraph us collect—WAverley 3681 111111111111111111111 bO2UNiON ScurnTIf's .CORPOIMICON LIMITED ESTABLISHED 1901 TORONTO MONTREAL. WINNIPEG VANCOUVER NEW YORK LONDON. ENG. tfi King Street West, Toronto 111111111111111111111$11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIlll IIII11IUIIM 111111011 II • ,h Two ititeresting by-eieeth Its for the Federal house are ft) take plaee next week. in the Parkda1e• Division;' of Tor- onto.alnil Piirtage In Prairie. :1'Tttiitohs. • Parkdale was represented by a Con-- servntit"e and the Manitoba riding by Qt Liberal before the vacancies oeeur- red. The C.(%.Te'. is marking -ai .strong -hill for both skits and hopes with a win in . Toronto to wipe out the ,.reproach that it is merely •a 'Western �<xi•�c:�''T`it� ��itTrgei}'1r:'it.�•�.e.`�tan�l•_n �et��Tt � the seat they had and 01st) to regain the Manitoba [seat :6000 hell, by .their , former lcadekr, Mr. Meighen. • Tile` Lib- eti'ela aril fighting to hold their •slender majority in the Ottawa tion +e They are fioiitewliat Sat t&it t -they have" }:Itfl'�oroonent,t n rita�, Put newlife into your chesterfield with a re -upholstering jou) This is freque f-ly _ , Ore zati lfact4I'V than a complete new one. • 'Phone 67W and we will call , and give you all estimate. ,'o obligation.1 IKE IIPHLSTE1. I a dinndv w 1;;v 'lleb, , a, arecord' tvifile . tlltt i y `! It +, E..''43;:afol .en '' gal °.; policies\ 4' Ever since October 1 5th there's been a steady.str'eam of folks flock= ing to buy Canada Savings Bonds. Already thousands of Canadians F1iive become happy owners of these new bonds. Hurry!—don't delay another day—get your name in for your bonds now. Put all your present and future savings into Canada Savings Bonds—up to the $2000 'limit, of course. If you should need the money you can casli Canada Savings Bonds at full face value, with interest, at any time at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. But please remember this point. These are "Serve Yourse1t” Bonds. This. time there arc fewer. salesmen. Tiley will not be able to call on everyone. So it's up to you to take advantage of this fine investment opportunity—without delay. a You can buy them at any hank; authorized investment dealer; -stock broker; trust or loan company—for'cash'or by the I+Ronthly Savings Plan. Where your employer offers a'Payroll Savings -Plan you can, buy Canada Savings Bonds by tegula:r deductions from yotar pay. . 8tf 1 will buy ' sine.. ®. Can Ky" dci _Sath19mends ills 11 1'II 111 �`a1111�1a1,'. 't 1'4 . tl`�l