HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-10-17, Page 1NINETY-NINTH
.0 .
Viscount Alexander, powor
n, -
• Gemeral,V" its the Mat* PLOWING MATCH NOTES
on •,,,sd.ay
, _ ji The Blue Water Highway, north of
i.................... w,
When the curtain % rung down on
Goderich never before saw such,a pro -
the International „,enetoree moving eeSsion or -cars as it did on ,Wednesday
. 0
Match at Port Albert on. Friday there of this week. During the latter part
will go down on the books, two all- of Wednesday morning, A string of
time records in the annalS- of this cars, alinost, bnuiper to bumper,
agricultural instittnion. . . "
stretched for a distance of about seven
First, the attendance on Wednesday,
GODRICII, ONTARIO, TRU SDAY, 0011013ER, 17th 1946
Lions Observe Their
- 25th Anniversary
International President pierce
Chief Speaker at
Lions roared on Alonday night Itt ob.
servadace of the Goderich club's twepty-
fifth anniversary and in honor of Lions
International President Clifford D.
Pierce,' of Memphis, Tenn., who Was
present for the occasion.
• The Goderich- Lions Club, was organ -
Official .opening day, of nearly 80,000 utiles along the highway --and travelled ized in September, 1922, . and Novem-
marks the largest one -day attendance along at a rate slower than, that a ber- 24,. 1922, was' ,the. (11 1(1 night.
at 'this watch in its histuryT Second, a. funeral. There was a "similar pro- The tirst officers were it. C. Llays,
the display of farm.machinery•was the Cession for several 'hours in the late president ;-.Thos. II,Mitchell, secretary,
• afternoon as visitors to - the, match and A. J. :MacKay, 'treasurer. Mr.
largest and best ever 0:hown.
were leaving -for home. It was estilik- 'Mitchell and Mr. 'MacKay are since
First day ,. of the match on Tuesday
ated that, there wer(cmore num 15,000 deceased.
.saw an attendance of about 20,000.
cars on the grounds on Wednesday. . . :The interyening years since -the club
The second day, Wednesday, recorded
started on its career have been:filled
an attendance -of about 80,000, wbile on
A surprise was the fact that all the with useful effort for the benefit of the
the third day, Thursday, some 35,000
Places in Goderich and district listed community and in aid„ of Worthy oh -
'are ,in attendahce„. giving, a three-day
for billeting were not crowded. Ap- jects in -other spheres, and the mom_ steal -tier F. V. Massey, well known at
attendance tigure. of approximately
parently'inest of the people who came ' Liership has gradually 'increased to its Goderich harbor, has beenpurchased
135,000 people—the largest gathering by the Mohawk NavigatiOn Co. Ltd.,
to tis.it came for the (lay only and
at any .one spot in Huron county in of AlOntreal, which now operates the,
motored back home at night..
its *entire. history. There are good
• boat. ' Capt.' J. B. Feote waS the
prospects that a. new 'record will be - -
t for total . four:day attendance in Restaurants in Goderich were how-
_t'artily, a Goderich old boy.' is the three yettrsrago, a son ot Mrs. Hutchins , problem
Previous owneT, ' Capt.._ Frank Mc- Was born in West Wawitnosh thirty- i his addis'esi,..aitntik(11;"-11.1 1)ildsel.i',;g(3'irootuus'i.syt:ecbi-uat1
dated with patrons. Latrge (•rowds were
.eie,s.ts. ot. the country as a
the. history of these plowing matches.
Governor,General Turns a Furrow to be seen standing outside most of skipper of the Massey,. which hkings and ilay la-te Harry, Hut(..hins. He I. viNti.intilhee
'Inlet ['to.' taft'dards Of living for
ViSeotuat Alexander -of -TunK-Gover- them during meal -times waiting to get . .inany grain cargoes to Goderich .,:a.c.li • .Ni,Vii.)1.ikt.1.1dii(tiisizat.t. tgeiirriyagemm
. (,-_.1A:t1i)raolutitco.i.t,t.iteed7;..i, only
One sectieif ,or the country ctilitait
inside, where the tables were already Season, 1. • ... • • -,—...
nor -General of Canada, officially opened . survived by his intltiter. ti‘e sisters, Mrs. I be maintained, •I have never. ceased t(
Jammed to .capacity. •
Cephas Young, Colborne tewliship; I uphold the strike as labor's last and
the plowing match Wednesday ,after- . - 0 .. - . ,..,. .
110011 ill a brief address. •
r.fhe Goderich office of the -Bell Tele-
I,ARGELY ATTENDED Mrs. Ernest Armstrong, Toronto; .Nliss ! i c
y important
(41.e., weapon in winning justice. but
Arriving at Goderich about IA 11 hour ---- ;----.w ntle of LaW i ' 1 1 '' '
Phone C'onipany has been' al busy place :. .. Dora Hutchins, Toronto; .1Irs. Richard._ ti
, tint obedience to it"liu•n
after scheduled. tithe, His Excellency
(luring the plowing match. There have The business places ‘vere (tiosed dur-
. .,, .
Cousins and Mrs. Joseph Moult, Gude- • •
ut- every phase of life if dem ' - • • • •
s necessary , in
P101( to Port Albert ,after•ii brief
been three times the, normal number rich, turd two brothers, Charles II ''
it Is to survive tuid not be sub -
trip about Goderich. At Port Albert
he was greeted by Gordon AleGavin, of 104 distanee telephone (aids. Tiw ing the hour of_ the funeral service for chins, Holmesville, and George, Gode- !knov.v • ' ' (icia13-" 1"
' ,tittited by anarchy or something- even
mot•tt distant call•was to far -away Chile 1-'ratik II -Wood, which was lield'at the ',rich.
president of -the Ontario Plowmen's . The funeral - \\As held front .the 1 1(•ss 1111alatable."
Association; Ilugh Ha chairman of in South America. - Several calls haN•e fluidly •resithiii(00, .Soutle"street, on ,Fri -
Cranston funeral home on rfuesdaY 1labor leaders Of Goderitii, sav
,,,,_,,,,....,.....„,,, ,,,..,,_„,„.. ,i„,,,,,,,,,,,,,, •R„E.. come in froin- England for petwle at the day. afternoon. There was. _a large
Shaddlek- -Of -"littron Cdiinty;--"iiiid"-r."'El` --".- ' •'- . .--1,--, - '-' 1-h - •,"•• ••0•111--.--#,* kkuont4ictiv,,of...e.krif,i,t416,4-144-,,ofv•ulerat,ber,st ,,,,14,tWal,-4.11,..t.t.c....s:-.Y. - P9.441,-.-(*40C.,.t.471,.t.he-.10_Callifile.-iiliServed..this
eV. j. -A: -Peltick&ie"-tit-fh'e;' wiltiffizifieity16, 'and flies' i.,pr'ei..--sf1
.wv,.._ • .,(y....,t7Fx•...(4-4•,•••...„ , W.sv•:,k,,,,,,, !!..,..!t•;,'''.''''',---1",------. ,rk044 tt.,,abort,,,,111 44011- "ill` ' ' 'e.:-.'",,,altra, V -
11.1W1 lOngAlistance call has been to ' of the Masonie. lodges. A, profusion .".".'". . (Unlit ence
Cardiff,. M.P. for North Huron. , costal Church. A solo. was sting by 1 that the citizens -of -Goderich )rill agree
Toronto. On TuesdityWednesday.and of Herta tributes tilled the' room in
. - Ilis,-Excelleney showed much -inter-
Thursdity•Ilie number of telephone calls vvitiCh the (•asket rested:among them
est in the plowing 'mach td after hiS
each ditY-hits beesn around 0,500.. Ex, .being tho4 from Mochir Temple; Lon -
official duties spent seine time going
pecting snch a rush, the lydl Tele- don :. Studebaker Corporation ; Mait- 1
about the grounds talking with com-
phone Company was, prepared for . it. it.t.tith Lodge, No: .33, A. .1-'. & "AIM I
., ,
petitorS •and• looking over things in
Five new operittors were lfrotight in • Goderich LaWn PoWling Club, 'Traders' ,
general. Amongst those to wimm he
from Exeter, St. Thcanas, 0101160e, .. . Finance, ..Londob ; employees - of iro- I
hatted ' was fifteen-year-cdth Arthur
Clinton tun' Senforth..tO, • bolster the _ quois llotel,_ Elora ; ,Goderiell Hunt i
Milton -.or SetifOrth. After -his ghat
local staff of nine operators and to give '. • -..r".- R. C. HAYS- ' • - .Club; Goderich Trotting and Pacin,,'
. . a battery ;cif fourteen operators to President of,:Goilerieh Lions Club, 1922 .Assoefation.
'Ills. Excellencv asked Arthur, "Miald ••
if I have .it° go -at it?" The aovernor-
handle the- flood of 101(1(114 01) cabls. - ..
, ., Rev. Richard Stewart, of Knox Pres -1
General then proceeded to turn, a for -
At. the .s.tirport. eight telephone booths present figitre ..of '. about eighty. The nytt,i.i.oii chi,„,(,11,. colidilek,d 1 1,1, sem.4,e, ,
row, to the surprisy and delight of the are installed and there are live private officers for 1940-47 Are: president, Jklck I
and the:Masonic burial rites were per -1
.erowd. . . wires in addition. The' telephone girls I C°8 -es;
t first vice-president, Gm Ei i
- ---. - l'.erz-. ferined by Pttst Master Hob' (1 Bisset ,
He- svas also introduced to William
will ltrettthe a sigh of relief when the .s(-11";
") •„second vice-pre•sident, 'Bert. Sand -I
, . , of .MoitlandLatdge. .
A. Johnston, aged 111111 1\ of A41-
plowiter match is over, for they have erson ; third vim -president, _Harold . Th, pallbearers were waiter iiidge, 1,
field, a . Veteran plavman at the match.
had ari%(.x(entioriallv. bust week of it: Bettger : (((41 (1 Richard Staples; .II.- ('. Dunlop, II. T. Edwards. Neil
M r. Johnston also went' up fox . h,is . .',.'`,..,...1,,,,„:. -.- • . ` - "-- ..•
..- treasurer, Ceeii •Attridg-e: diics seere- R. macka . / .A1 lit (1(41 ,
,v: .1. . J._ . its le, and liyuco
firsrphine ride to. make his entjre clay'S' .
0roce '
.ry stores- and 1114 11 markets '• - • ' •
tam- Cl•tvton Edward;*1,ion tamers, - - • .-
• 1 ennant. Int(,rment was • in Alititland
program it memorable one. - •••• . in GOderich were kept on the (‘'o thiS !Lloyd IN hetstone and Mott, Ainslie. cemetery. ,
the stubble plowin-g classes. One of . •• - ... . . , • .
many visiting friends here during; the ' - ' • ' • ' . sell. H. .x.‘ orsell, C. NI, it 11 H. Pen- -
, Tennant 1t 1(11 reside, in 11 hi , A triictor was driven into the barn in
• Willi. ii of ''s; • 0"it-i l'alls - In a very. few minutes the large barn
W) The influx of so many people, i
- 'directors, -Stitp. Prevett, Ed. J(ssop, I .,.„Ic • • , . I. s 1 ock tun' ai , ..,..,10„, ., . .._ ,,,,,, • • -
Li • tiower-bearers, were ( . J. AN or-
-There were more than 200 .entries in -iI . - . '
'Was eilvt•lo ied in tlitfueS - • ,
tlit•se wit's the lone .I"nited States coin- I D•tve All•iii FIArrv WAt,son • inunediate ,.., • , . • I ittal a dangrter, \&n 11 A bl•other. . . I - . . ,
• ,
an effort t s•tv •• .4., (
0 ._, (.. .,(iii(iif the thresh-
petitor: Graeme SteWkirt, of Plainfield, ..Goderich homes: Meant :the need of
plowing 'match and ma•ny billeted ilk past president. Bruce .lennant. ,•
• The -anniversary banquet Was he"' ' George Westlake. . Keith • (.7ult, Jos.
, . 1011 11 _K. P(nnington. Harry 1)0(1(1,1
HIS daughter Dorothy also• lo:it her , • •.
ing (Aftlit.. The tractor was hitched to
Illinois. Ile finish-eil - se-Yenth in- the -•A considerably inereased supply of (al Monday night at the lit,trt Albert Alurphy, Melvin Cranston. II. Watsoti, , life in the accident. '
t n equipment and just as: men were
open• tracthr class for three 'or more
gro(•eries tint] meats. • I i .
preparing -to haul the thresher out of
airport. , with an attendance of about w. F.. wilikoni. Iv. Gardner. /./.. ". A deuble funeral fol. Mr. Drennan .
furrows. 950, including LiOns from other clubs - k'ord, W. Ross and W. Newcombe. " ' and his chiughter wits he tl
1_ at Luck nu w,
the building the tractor- sttilled. It
: At NorthIstreet United church, where land visiting guests. After .11 turkey ..
kniong A hose - from ..o'ut oil - town at-, on. Wednesday tifternuon, the service
' Local Conlpetitors '
un TueSday—"local countios day"t--
nieitls" are being- served to.^visitors• tol dinner a singsong was lyd by Harold tending the funeral wert. It. II. Reid, i
till` cream of the crop of .plownien from
the ploWing -match. the crowd was so rPyin ef Wit-101am. With Jack McKib-. past potentate ,of Mocha Lodge. Mrs.
Enron,. Perth and Bruce counties. went tat rge (0) Wednegday • night . that it Was .1
I bon, also of Wingliani. at the piano. Reid anal Miss \1 110 Reid.' ef Wood- .
- lilt° competitions with plowing ccmdi- necessary to turn many away for lack "God Savt. the King" wits follewed by. „stock : Mrs. George Hewitt. Mr. -1'11(11k
flews excellent and. Old Sol brilliantly of accommodation. More than fifty the national anthem of the 'United I lewit I, o`f imaidon ; AIrS. '',ktalerson, '
sniffing. down- his approval on the wenien were engaged in preparing and State,. Entertainero 'Willi Il 11 f
-.---e --e-- "- London: Mr. -John Philmore, Aylmer'.
whole affair. More than WO plowmen serving the meals. s, London and his assistant gtt\ e vocal i
John and Murray Wood. Si. Thomas;
from these three counties took part. ' • and insti•uniental numbers. -• .
. Mr. and- Mrs./11'red Kannapin and sen
Alex. Kerr. of Seafokth, a, veteran_ or coh,t,dertible .iilteres,t Was Shown in Lion j. W. Coates, president of the vit.tor, Kitchener: sq(111...1,(1r. F. IL
ariont live years' overseas service, took the* wood•sirw.ing contest sponsored •lc,vb Goderich club, was in the chair, with •-Nichols „hi' Mrs. Nichols, Beiii,,,ilie.
first prize in the class for veterans of the .National EmPlo.yinent Office of the
"the 1939-45. war. It was predicted be-• D'outinion I kipartinent of Leber.
fore the niatell -that :1.1ex., who, in-
•Aniong.st • .those' who " Competed' Wege
Chlentally. loOk ,first price in a similar W. W. Jacobs and Ilerthan, Stalkey.
competition in the Huron Coanty match 'both. of Stratford, who cut through a
on iii it 'Sewerliy_ farm last October, two -foot luirdWood log in two minutes
would Make a good showing: • anti eight seconds. Frew the number
Fdur-year-old Rcinald Feagan„ son of contestants it was evident that there
of Mr. and Mrs. Keith ., Feagan, of are available in this part of Ontario
Auburn, the youngest- plow'rnan to com- some excellent nien for Work in NOrth-
,,.pete, took part 111 1110 stubble plowing ern.. (l.ntario Where__ _h_elp._ is. hkgently
for tracters for Contestants, under --needed in_ the bush at- timber -cutting.
st.v.enteen years of ag0. Fr(ql. II(irn and .Alagnus- Hubert, of
An If.C.A.F. ;veteran from Exeter, 'Stratforcl, went through a 17 -inch --log
Larry Snider, flevir fo the match in his in 34 'seconds. .
own plane, then • took over the .'wheel '
0 •
of a :tractor to enter the veterans' '
' Congratulations to Ed. Timbers, of
tractor plowing -class.• 'Milliken, for winning ' the Magkey-
"A chip off. the' old block," eleven- Harris challenge_ trophy for best
^-`year-old joint 1;;i 4121. sOn•of 'Gordon, plowed lands in stubble classes _Z tractor
•McGavin of Walton, president of the or horse).
Ontario 1,:lownien's AsSociation, won
honors in the 12 -inch furrow tractor
class in stubble plowing. Present to
watch him . was Iris father, 0,'ho has
won Many prizes in the past twenty
years, and his grandfather, eighty-one-
year-old John McCravin, both of *.hom
coached the boy for several 'weeks
preceding the match. . 1
, Grain eargOes arriVing for the 40de-
rich Elevator' Co.- this week were the
Algorail, on Saturday, with 2-12,000
bus. wheat, barley and °oats, and the
Quedoe, on Monday, with 145,800 bus.
The F. V. Massey and Brieoldoc are
expected tombrrow, with the Superior
also on the way.
The tanker ,Acadialite was in on
Saturday with gas for the linPerial
Oil depot.
Perch have been running well _this'
week and anglers have made good
catches. They have been here from
many outside points, as far as Detroit.
on Saturday afternoon Ted Turner,
son of Customs Officer Turner, landed
the biggest fish caught at the harbor
this season. It was a five -pound pike
and was taken off the south pier.
Announcement Is made that the
Four Killed in
Week -end Collision Forest J. MellpialY, Weal union Of-
• '
licial, announces that the -Regionat
Labor 113oard 'has handed down de
on -
near Eitehener—O erelisis granting wage increasea to the,
Way to Goderich
opating engineers and members of
Federal Labor Board Uulon. No, 23736
employed by the Goderich Elevator &
The,lives of four people who form- Transit Co. The _ authorized increases
,erly lived in or near Goderich were are 5 eents per hour to operathy,
blotted out in an occident early Satur- sengineers and membera Of Union lsk.o.
43736, 10 cents' per thousand bushels
day evening at the Centreville, radial to grain trimmers and 5 cents perhour
railway crossing- near Kitchener. to watchmen, The increases are retro -
George Drennan and his daughter !active to May 12, 1946.
Dorothy, , • IJ:)roohtnher,llsultefTorontoehtinandallhotturtl , William Straughan. Steve Helesic
j and Forest J, MeHardy, delegates front
2.30 .p.m., planning to spend the week- Goderich to the receot Trades and
.companied by, Mayor I), D. NLooney
with ,
end th relatives here. At Centre- Leber Congress conventibn at
ville a Grand River radial train sor, report tliat it ,was the most Wind -
due_ Secretary Charles " Sannders a the
, .
crashed into their car, instantly killing cessfui convention ever held by the Llospital Board, Treasurer IL D. Hel-
three- of the occupants. Bari Hutchins congress. Over 580 delegates were
died r inafttheer Kaditmehiettuneuree.hospiptaolnheeidalfs-an-
present froui all ever Canada andethe
Idelegates report that they were amazed
tlgetd to
Johnuelit uttheheineas, rd roiuvte roof f the
ee way
tailansacted in the interest of organized
the amount ef business that was
of the fast-moving radial but did not Canadian workers.
quite sn&eed. The sedan was carried Highlights of the convention were the
S titally in- I Minister of Labor, and Hun. C. D.
150joyhaurdi addresses of Hon. Llamp,hrey .i).litchell,
jured in Saturday night's accident,ilhave. mr, mitch,da in tlie eptirse a
Radial Crashes Car at Crossing
Hon. LT. Kelley
in 'Town Today
ister of Health Pay. Visit
of Inspection to AleN4Thira,
"A loi,ely hospital 'and in a lovely
location," vvas the comment ,of on.
Ritrell T. Kelley, Provincial baster
of Health, after a visit to Alexandra
IloSpital, Gedericb, on Thursday after-
Mr. Kelley made a brief toar of in-
spection of the hospital and,' ivas•
strop and Superintendent Mikis W. M.
Dickson. Chairman G. L. Parson.s and
Vice-president It. C. Hays were out-of-
town at the time of the surprise visitt„,
of the Minister of Health.- - _
Mr. Kelley expressed his appreci-
ation of a suggestion of Mr. Saunders.
The latter pointed out that the sug-
gestion arose at a recent- meeting of
the Hospital. Board: It . was to the
effect that there be appointed a
travelling supervising trainer of nurses
who would have Kincardine, tioderich,
..*eafort.h. wad Clinton hospitals, as
ports- of call. She would stay at each
hospital about a week at a time and
during this time `wuuld impart in-
structions to nurses in training at
these hospitals. It was pointed out
that to have such a trainer for one
hospital alone' was beyond the ,tia-
uncial -ability • of any nue of these
small hospitals.
Greatly interested in promaing the
training of nurses at smaller _hospitals
stated he would give 'the- SUggeStitill
consideratiOn. He else stated
Airs. Carson Hoy. The paLlbearers ,that the
were -Danlet Mehl, Reg Bell, Charles'-' e'vnlent, between .employer.'t and om- ,
.. ,,, e;IN'eerhoY ped to Send out a. ipiestionnaire
harmOny- and co4)peration
:•iliortly to every hospital in the Pro -
Wilson, JOhn West, Cztrson .11oy -i'Ind ployee in .thi.:• town is a Valuable vince asking how •inany mirses were
William Hoy. - Internient was -in , precedent.. ' 1
being trained there at the present time
Maitland cemetery. , i ' .•
Earl Ilutehins, in -Other of ,1)11.'"• wha 'FIRE DESTROYS BARN ON kind what their peak -nuuther . of
trainees had been.
sided in Toronto,. wlwre he
losto his life in the same accident; -re- ,
wits ih„ , .7' PAANAN TEBBUTIVZ FARM ..
, 6f fooiwotr they are proUu
If our farmers prod'-uce'..th(7'inagiu.
1°thuellyt .
driver of a transport truck for the , have 0 right to have hospital accent -
post ten years. He is survived by. his _ . The ham on the farm Of l'itrinan
Tebbutt, of the Maitland coneession, modatiou within easy acceSs of them,"
wife and two children. 1111(11(1 (01(11 4
;yderioi township, :wilt: completely de-' said Mr. -Kelly-, who advocates building
place in St. John's cemetery,
'stroyed. b3., fire on Thursdny evettin,„, tip, the smaller hOspitAis throughout
(Toronto), on Wednesday. '''' ontario yather thtin centraliZin-g in the
11.1 (11(1 in attempting to save some of ,
GeOrge Drennan, sixty-eight, another
w„t the t hreshing eqiiipment ' Irvin 4 4,4 - •
w ( 10 cl- The tire broke out about 5 p.m. .., i i ,
Teb_ 61 rger- centres. .
farm, • '
victim of the fatal accidelit, lived
butt, brother of the owner of the During iris tour of the hospital Mr.
of his life in Ashfield township- and '-
are , was painfully burned. Kelley paused a. While to chat with
int terly in Toronte. Surviving P.S..Inspector J. 1-1, .Kinkead of (lode -
four sons, Frank, of Owen Sound;
while thiTshing was in progress -and ---‘-‘0". "'a° Ls a patient in the hospital,
Jame.,s, of Kingston; Elwin. of
having undergone an operation on Wed-
Huron comity, stubble, 'horses,, boys
under 17—Norman Pocock, Wingimm;
John' Clark, Goderich.
Sod, horses, boys under 20—Arthur
Bell, (lbderich; Lorne Ritchie, Luck-,
50d, horses, open—James B. Hogg,
Seaforth; Elmer Dennis, Walton; Wil-
, !red., MeQuald, St. Colnmban; Robert
Alt w, Clifford ; Harold Ititchie, Luck -
Sod, horses, open, to "old timers,"
(35 years of age and over—David Boyd,
Walton David Johnston, Goderieh.
• Stubble ,
• Stubble, • tractors -12 inch, furrow,
open ,tP4LoP1,..04,.r, 14011n.McGavI21i,
Walton : Ken 'Rogerson, !. "Seaforth ;
Arthur Bolton, Dnblin ; Billy Robert-
son, Goderich; Arnold Alton, Lucknow;
Eric 'Turnbull, Dashwood; -Donald,
Wafnio.. Bayfiekl; Donald McDonald,
BrusSets; and Verne Pekin,
Sod,„ tilt -Hill's, 12 inch furrow, open
to boys under 20—Harry Montgomery,
Goderich; Donald Jeffery, EXeter; Ken
MeDonald, •Iirtissels; Eldon. Datars,
Sod, tractors, 10 inch furrow, open
—George Robertson, Godarich; Ciordon
Ranson, Londemboro; 'Ma WliUts
Wingham Gerald Dustow, Pert Al-
.ber•t Ivan Stewom
rt, Turan • W. j
ternaing, Walton ; Frank VVildfong,
Exeter; Elmer Passmore, Exeter...;'
George, •Ititchle,, Ilrussels;, Allan
ker, Paiikhill.
. Gang Plowit "
Sod. traelors, three or four furrow
plows ---William Rogerson, Seaforth;
Arnold WI th well, Clinton; 'Harold
Pryee, Seaforth.; Glen Huther, Brus-
sels; Cameron McGregor, Parkhill;
'Earl Shapton,'.. Exeter; William
Thames, Walton; Ralph Foster. Gode-
-rich ; Howard Datars, Dashwood-; Jack
McKtving,, Blyth.
Sod, trliCtors,• oPen, to veterans only
---,Alex. Kerr, Seilforth; 4.(ibert McAl-
lister, Auburn; William Contts, Wal-
ton; Larry Snider, •txeter. '
Horses, jointer plows, open—Gra 1(1
Ahrens, Elmwood; Alfred Brunton,
Tara ; B. Fenton, Dubbinton ;°Dbuglas
Simpson, Teeswater; Jack McKague,
Teeswa ter. -
'Sod, boys under.go-Piltrick Jacklin,
Stubble, boys under 17 --* Norman
Sclinurr, 'Walkerton; DOnald "Dona*
son, Teeswater.
Veterans, jointer plows, sod --Hugh
Simpson, TeeSwater; Herb -Schnurr,
'Walkerton. ' •
TwO Furrow _
Tractors, sod, two ftirrow — T. I'.
O'Malley, Teeswater;. Robert phappen,
PorE1g4;....41titaald_._Lamo1it, Eden
GroVe ; Graham -Holm, Elmwood; Gor-
don let niayson, Lucknow ; George
• Ahrens, Elmwood.
Sod, three furrow open—Ken Mc -
Tone, Teeswater."
Jtinior boys, tWo' or three 'furrow -----
George Pennington, Teeswater; Bert
Majway, Eden Grove; Jack Grant,
Paisley Melvin Waechter, Mildmay:
• Perth County, horses, jointer plow,
sod, -- Elmer . Armstrong, St,
Paul's.; Austin Nairn, Munro; W. C.
Hodge,Selenee Hill; Ross *Parrott,
Boys, under 20—Fran-IA Ballantyne,
McPhail, tic1ence4111). • —
Veterans — Norman Dow, -A', fifth ;
Eldon Allen, Cromarty. .
Tractors, 'sod,. boys under 18—Ross
Armstrong, St. Marys. .
Open—Keinieth Brown, Monkton;-W.
Hill, Mitchell; William Mitchell,
Listowel; Walter MeKenzie, Mitchell• .
Essia special -r -Kenneth BroWil. Monk -
President .(ioderieh Lions ('lub, 1946-7
International President Clifford I).
'Pierce on his right. Lion 4).. D.
MOoney, Mayr of- doderich, welcom'ed
•the visitors in the, name of the Town,
and •ft. C. Hays, K.C., introduced the
chief guest of the evening, Internation-
al President Pierce, mentioning thin
the•latter had just returned from at-
tendance at the Peace Conference It BUS LINE PURCHASED
Paris., LONDON.Oct.. • 10.7 -Purchase
International President's Address ! Western' Ontario Motorweys Ltd. by
Lion Pierce, after expressing his . Lindsay Mercer, formerly of 'Windsor,
•pleasure in being preSent on the -oe- i'from Harold .Berner, London: has been
elision, congratulated the Goderich announced. • Pnrchase includes twenty -
Lions 00 their 'twenty-five Years of
servive. •Lionism, he said, DOW reached
. .• •
- _ • ,
A steady stream of traffic on the ,
road' leading from •*Saltford to- Port '
Albert on the official opening day_,_
-WedneMay, of the International Ploiv-:
ing Match was net whhout accident.
Ituring the morning` the .cars travelled'
aimust itumper to bumper • along-
highway. Shortly after 10 o'cloa
ear came to, a stop, causing alaint five '
cars in the rear to pile un, and in the i
mix-up Mrs. Melvon Jewell, Colborne
tewnshin, suffered scalp , lacerations,
and Clarence Grieve. of Mitchell, •head!
1 acera thins and concussion. They I
were taken to Alexandra Hospital by
Dr. N. Jackson.
A Miss!'Joynt, of Smith's Falls,. re-
• ceived minor injuries when three cars
piled up --similarly. •
*Considering '• the ' extensive niofor
traffic, the day' was -comparatively free
of accident. Some ears did run into I
the ditch, but no injerywas reported
in these vases..
:seven buses opeKateq by the company
and franchises on routes' from Landon
to eighteen nations. and was. ever to ..(iNten 'Sound, London to Palmerston,
widening its' reach and influence At Goderielt to Woodstock, and Winghtun
Paris the speaker, through Score.; to Kitchener, and the municipal!
[1) 13 of, State Byrnes, presented to, the ,fram•hise, at -Owen Sound. ,The pur-
Peace Conference the Lions- -seroll chase price W115 riot *revealed. Head
pledging ihternational Lionism fo every office will continue to be ot 31S (51'• APPLE
tidy SCouts had gratifving sue
pitssible.service in the interest of world , borne street'. this city;
cess on Saturday last in their Apple 1
peace. •
' After giving his impressions., of the• Pfolt• he , sales. 'treceipts reaciting 0 I
seem. at* the Paris conference and of sweeh.,..muced vote of lu'inks6' record figure. $275. Thirty-two Scouts ,
to trre sbenker. Pointing to the flags 1(11(1• twenty-four' Cubs were eugnged
canvass and they disposed ,of
life in the French capital, the speaker
spoke of the difference in the atmos- many nations which tlecertated the 01 the
/there of London.. in" Paris the people . banonet bath, he spoke of the inter- bushels of iippIes. Scott t mn stet
spending Money and enjoying .
national aspect of Lionism and urged Glen LOdge hsp
ag ecial thanks for :1.
were •
life. In Landon the people were work- ' co-opa
eration' nd. mulerstandmGarditer. - Brent NeTilon tied Geo. G.
ing aong
ing hard find denying themselves- in the 311210)1111..ftlaji „the -advancement -of -MacEwan for valued assistanee
the effort to ceinc- beck to better con- the principles - for whieht Liontsm various; \V113'11.(I it 10115. The speaker 'paid a 'high staluls, so that the world may be a
tribute to the self-sacrificing- character I hater place, . Tilt WENIMER
of the • British people. Their meals , A pair of Bentniller blankets was Temperatures of the past week in
were inedequate, they had few amuse- presenred 'International .President Goderiehwith those of the corresPond-
nients, they did not laugh, tbei;,. child- Pierce- ns ,a memenro of. the occasion, ing week a Year ago, as officially
ren were ir6t getting the food growing „Itild the recipient aeknowledged the reeorded. were 'as fo'ilows
children should have, clothing imppliek gift and the vote of thanks in fitting 1946 1945
were • seatit—but there was no, emu- I teems : MaxMin. MaxM
Thurs.. Oet. 10 48 45 32
plaining., "I ant sure ETigland wiW Other speakers wtre Lions Brum
(*pine 0 ick in a,gr..eat-WaY. _atm'11 .()et_„
sure -you Will say with me. 'God, speed.; of Seaforth. Sat.. Oct. 12 55
00t. 1 3 55 42 • 48 41'
their effort'" I 'Visiting --Taltins from many' ontside stm,
4, 14 59 . 45 4 8 36
The speaker Went 011' to tell of con-4.elnbs• were intrOdueed, , Mon....1et.
were. 'also'
Tues., (let. 1 5 Wt. 46 46 30
()Mons he had found in 'Mexico and eight charter members of the Gederieh
Central AmePielt and of the impress club who Were present : Lions. Hays, A. •Wed.,•• Oer. 10 _Al 50 59 45
tionisin 'Was making' there, and eon- T,Cnie, IT. J. A. MneEwan, -0. G. Mae;
eluded with eommendation of the 'Om*. Ewan„ o.. 14, Pitraons, Roy Patterson,
of the Goderfeh Lions and words of Chas. Sannders and. Frank sounderg.
inspiration for continned effort. • The singing „of "0 Canada" .brought
Lion (Rier.) Richard Stewart 'ilVa.,tbe program to a clote.
From Gode-rich Mr. Kelley went on'
to Clinton to visit the hospital there.
, was at thLs Juneture that Irvin Teb- Donations for the Legion huilding-
being conducted bv Itev. W. (t. Ithoad,
tliiiiiitt,11;viv1.1;1(., rlITelhderdivl•insct,hvevntri,..,t,ce(t)(rlihiirilitgo. . 1;i1fitit()1,,,:.111-1 lye are still arriving. from out
of the Ashfield Presbyterian Churici,J11
points. but . the bulk of the
A lid interment `41 as in the Lochit(sa:;
. • e burns. hoann
wever. ro not cosidered. town citn‘'ilssing has been completed_
cemetery. . • . :
' serious.
The sedson.:••• (To() of...grail , • ( - expectations. but a nunaher of sizable
. •
, . • • . Total receipts IA) -date are not up to
‘1. '1 1,0 W'lS
deStrnYedh SIN hon,q,..s, three cows and amolints are still hitped for from in -
several calves were saved: ,..
Through his counsel, l'rank Dun- I
nelly, K.C., in :Magistrate's Court to- I.
day, .X. .1. ('(011)01'.Goderich. pleaded .1.11(11,1, the nie,,,.,,,.,,_ ,,, .t, ‘,(,,er.c.1
gliiity tit failing ',to obey the Fire mush. chat ,,,,,,,;',";;,'„,:•!-...,t,"e1},",,,:luic:illi,
Marshal's order to ha ve a buildiag at presented a :1,;:eel-rtu'y ran', 'llia,slical
ilt in Knox Presbyterian church-,n
COStS 41)1S lino,.sed 1),Y Mag'isUltte 'IL -\\'' Wednesday night before a represent -
Clinton torn down. A Dlle of :1450 and i abi..,y
NI .1 .v NI r. . Donnelly loinied out
1 hal the defendant had been in poor
i to finish' was a delight to thrisic_im-ers. it is expected that this will not be
iected will be made in -due -course, but
ative audience. The eancertgfrom start
. . • ,
health, and it had been impossible to Et.t,ry tinni tier, rendered hy. :'4 ((010
I'D vie. oaritone. Fi•anees Davie. mez740- former Goderichites liVing • at some
for a few weeks, as it is ,thought that
t)na ll.l.:*-111.:€1':fk i 1:: P(1.71:1:71•11i1iY•ntt,':
I d:1:11. 0:: 1 1Tisolt,ed ,
T : SnPrann, and Neil" Da Vi''' ha SS'', de- diStanCe from town may be late with
work up to the present time.
1 tor. a rallence.,:• and the • accolii- -
panist. Vera- Henderson _ Davie, wits their c,ont ributions.
.Kkilbtleisch, of Zurich, . Frank rio--
_ .
land, K.c., pleaded. guilty to fitiling: )h,„.n, , .; ,;,.
to obey the lire Marshal's order to !I `. I ' `
t Ina emcient In her pitrt.
haVe a building in Henson torn down. i NOV LT. -COL. HETHERINGTON ,•cELEBRATES DOTH BIRTHDAY
nr. Wm. Birnie. East street, cele -
The order has new been 010 41(1 • and i
\\Ingham. has recehed appointment a; urday last and received many gifts
Major R. S. Hetherington. 31..B.E brated his ninetieth birthday on Sat-
CIR1-1117bris cleaned sup to the satisfac-
commanding officer of the .:...Isi.
[ion of the authorities. A line of $1 0 , , ,...., Reg,: and messages of congratula tion and
a nd.,..cost s was - imposed. ilinent. with the railk of Lieut. -Colonel. good wishes. He wishes to thank• all
. Magistrate Morley dismissed a ; repitie'ing. Lient.-Col. George W. How- who remembered lad., on the occasion.,
charge against Thomas W. McNall of Ism), who tendered his resignation some -
failing to pay a radio license. f i I 1
. ' • • l're-er-"- ' time pre\ iously, after holding thap
e -
. 1
Editor The Signal -Star.
. Sir,—On our way to Port Albert on
Monday, we' were forced to slow up
behind a tractor plowman plodding his
weary way up a slight hill. Seeing our
plight he stood up, thus gaining a full
view of the road ahead, and signaled
US. to come on. ' Thank' you, Mr.
Thoughtful plowman,
. -
dust ries of the town. •
Those who have lent trophies for
e eoration of the Office. on the
Square asked to call for them
some time this week. Mrs. Whetston
is 'still in attendance during the after-
noons and part of the moi•nings.
A report -of the total amount col-'
A • • • Inc . e , 01 tfle (par - ,pointment for over fire years. .Major
ment 'of Transport, London. on whiCh !Hetherington was commanding offic,er
-d(ieision was reserved last week. of the 9010 Battery overseas.
Mr. and Mrs. Heber J. L. Eedy, Harvest festival_ services viit -be held
gannon. wish to announce the engage7-7,
-,..cictoria street ...United chnreh on
ment' Of their only. daughter. Lucille 6 inIs"
,tday. next. at I 1 11.111. aod 7. p.m.,
SOphitt. to Ralph Snyder Henderson, with. Rey. Andrew I„the 0,f cii„tm,
son of Mrs. Rebecca Henderson of las the speaker at, both services.
Cioderich and. the late „ David 0. I
Henderson : the wedding, to take place
NVednesday, 00Pober..30.
Mr. and .NIrs. Joseph Druuttrezik of
Preston wish to annotim•e, tht• engage-
ment., of their (laughter. 'AIA•ry Eliza -
net 0, to Gordon Laureta-e Fisher, son
of 31r. 1111(1 Mrs. Jonathan Fisher of 'William ir. camphen, will celebrate
(,),te of Huron's grand 01(1111,71, mr.
G1)11(.1101. The marriag-e %vitt
place on November 16 at St. Clettiont's •
take his nine (let
f rthday on So turday,
Rea -thing His Ninetieth Milestone
The Town Connell • will not meet on'
Friday evening this weck, both, corn-
mitte0 and Council noetings being
lumponoa ono ,
October liltit porn at Brookliti. Ont.. in
1s5(t. ltd moVe0 With liiS parents to
11ill11”1 10111151141 at the age.of fourteen
years. Later they tame to the farm
in East Wawanoll, • four inilos north
After teaching scimia for a few years.,
les married in 1S79 Flitniy M. Harrison.,
(laughter of the late Mr. nrld Mrs.
W. A. Harrison, and settled on tile.
home farm.
Twenty-tive years ego he sold the
farm to his soil. Albert, retaining an
aere of it. Establishing a home there-
on. he dived there until seven years ago,
when -his wife itassed y; • Since. ,
then he ho 11 made hist home with Mr.
ntai Mi.s. Albert Campbell.. Ile hasan-
ether son, Colin. of Ottawa, and a
&Ionghtt-r. -M rs. P, Crozier, of Lon-
• A man of -sterling character, he has)
aIwavs been interested in his church.
and tlft. better things of life.' Por
over fifty years he was claSS
• teacher at Donnybrook ehnreit. an
lio,ria-still.,_,al_member of the session'
Keenly interested in everything'per-
trailing to farming, he also keeps posted
(in world events. and has a raost re.
run . meltnory. .
Itig. Wily friends RAU with The
Signal -star in wishing" Mr. 'Campbell
Many return11. of his birtAdas, in health
and balminess.