HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-10-10, Page 12t, 1) 1 -EW THE GO 44. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH THANKSGIVINGHARVEST gr�ppSERVICES 8,a) a >> C a. HOLY COMMUNION.. 11,E a.m. MORNING PRAYER RNID SERMON. The Rector. SO V p.m. SUNDA ( SCR OL. 4 .>ma. ROI f I APTISM. '.00 • EVENING PAYER AND SERMON. Sermon—Rev. R. M. Butted, Rector oft• Clnntun. REV. BEVERLY IIS; WA'I$li , B.A., L.Th,, RECTOR. MRS. E. cIESSOrr, 4)'gagg5t ,;fid Vhofir Ifeader. North St. United Church M MISTER—REV. R. H. TURNBULL, B.A., B.D., S.T.D1. Illi.a.m. RALLY/ DAY AND TIIANKSGIVI<NG. 7 pan. THANIiS6HVAN4R 4tatvII('IE. Organist and Choir Leader— Mrs. Mlurray eader—Mrs.Midrtray Hetherington, t%.T.C.:M. .v A SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS YOU Knox Presbyterian Church 9.45 2.111. Sunday School. 10 amt. Young People's Bible Class. 11 a.m. Junior Congreg;ntion. 11 a.nn.. SF.RV1('ES OF THANKSGIVING._ --_7 pan. October 27th, 11 a.m. Vl1EMORIA1., SERVICE. MINISTER—REVEREND "• ICHARD STEWART Director of Praise --Mr. William Wiekett, Come find -Worship the Lord- in the Beauty of • Holiness. n Victoria'' St United -Church MINISTER --REV. LAWRENCE IL TURNER, B.A. Organist and Choir Director-%lnss Mary Joyce Strachan 10.00 a.m. SABBATH SCHOOL. • 11.00- a.m. •"THIS IS OUR FAITH—"THE DOCTRINE OF GOID', 7.00 p.m. "IT DOESN'T PAY TO BE A GENTLEMAN." IJuion.. !'Iondtw a..� d?ck: . t .- 9:45 aan: UNION. VICTORIA' �%'btCOMES TOt HARVC'ST FESTIVAL SERVICES, SI NDAY, OCTOBER 20th - GUEST PREACHER—REV. ANDREW . LANE, B.A., B.D4 Wesley -Willis 'United Church, Clinton • Goderich Baptist Church REV. JOSEPH :JANES, M.A., PASTOR. .. Mrs. Ella I. Donaldson, A.L.IIM., Organist THANKSGIVING SERVICES ' • 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Rally Day Program. 11 a.m. PUBLIC. WORSHIP: Communion Service and Reception of New Members. 7 p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. . Rev. Joseph Janes will complete his pastorate next Sunday. Wednesday 8 p.m. A CORDIAL WELCOME FOR ALL BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal ' Assemblies of Canada) REV. J. .A. PEARSON, Pastor. 10 ain. SUNDAY SCHOOL: 11 a,m. COMMUNION SER% IC'E. 7.30 p.m. "AFTER THIS, WHAT?" W'haf does God's word tell of Hell? sit meal place? will go and why?" The Pastor will speak at both services. Tuesday 8 p.m. "You'ng People's. Friday .8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Let us gather to give thanks for all God's blessings. Who Briefs You tato, bike hundreds of others, can heal eczema, pimples, boils, quick- ly with "Kleerex." 59e-§1.00. (Med- ium and strong) . . At all druggists.40-4 The regular . meeting of victoria Home, awl School !MO). has been iaost, pureed to Thursday, October 24th; ow- ing to the International Piowin Match. Boy Scout Apple Day . on' Saturday, October 12th. .help Goderich youth. Buy au apple. ' 40-1 Just received --Rolls razors, W.75, at 1 Campbell's Drug Store. ' Bazaar and afternoon r tea; L.A., at Knox, church lecture hall, Saturday, November 2nd,•from 3 ,to 6 p.m. Sale of • home -baking, fancy work, aprons, cuunitry store, knitted goods nand fish �IR SALE.BEAUTIFUL GARDEN gaud, 41-4 chrysanthemums, many colors, 75c Protect your davenport Froin moths' ter large bouquet; also asters, zinnias for 50. et'uts at year. One spraying of and some • gladioli. Call or phone Berlou •stops moth • damage . for five MRS. L. R. IIULLCameron street, year. or Berlou pays the damage. - phone 722. ' 39tf Emerson.s drug store. 4 Maitland Golf Club house will li1 e ; .FOR SALE.—EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE; closed after October 14th, Thanks- 16 acres of land, •baro, hydro,,base- giving Day, although the greens will be uient; on highway. fort Albert. THOS. open for play-. • i IKOVIAK, R.R. 3, Uod rich. , 40tf \\'ilder's Stomach Powder --quick re- lief from digestive ailments, • acid � F1 OR -SALE. —FANCY GOLDFISH. stomach, heartburn. Pleasant, econ- BEEVERS AUTO & BICYCLE onlical. 50c and $1 at Campbell's and ' SUI'PLY, Goderich. Phone 29.* -40 all druggists, . 40-4 ' Ellis cup. nodal play will be played! FOR SALE. — FIVE 50 -GAL. OH, on Monday, Thanksgiving Day, at the. tanks complete with pipes and Maitland gulf course. -41 ! taps ; .. 2 cistern pumps ; 1 set of light Fur smartly. printed letterheads, bill- ; sleighs and shafts'; 1 light wagon gear - heads and envelopes, see The 'Goderich I lug; ._2z, sets of light harness; several Signal -Star. We handle every .printing ; 5 -gal. cans. THOS. ANDERSON, need. Let us quote un your require- Phone 17511. meats today. I U' SALE. — FARM, 150 ACRES, Watch for the elate in second week ! F of November of the play, "She's My good clay ; well drained; good Iraiy'."- under auspices-nnf-.-tbe'VV'illing r ,buildings; stone house ; 60 acres newly \\'uikez:� Class, Victoria street church. seeded;,� 35, 'acres in . wheat.' JOHN. - 1 STON MacLEOD, concession 6, Kin- SleudOr Tablets ares effective. $5,Two luss,' R.R. 3, .Hulyrocid, phone `'7 r ' , weeks' supply $1 ; 12 weeks at 1{f tle 41r -'2'8x, 1 -'x Campbell's and Emersun's Drug Stores. t- 1 y • • 40-4 j. FOR SALE.—THREE-PIECE •BEI) - The ladies of; St. Patrick's group ROOM suite 111 red maple, like and St. George's Church Women's new ; also boy's winter overcoat, size guild are having a bazaa November ` ,b6 -41 •�� � th Parish A Subject of Special Interest WILL BE USED BY " ThePastor OF The Free Methodist Church SUNDAY, AT 7 P.M. "GAN Goderich Have a Spiritual Awakening?" A SEQUEL TO THE MESSAGE ON "Five Reasons ,Vhy Goderich Does Not Have a Spiritual Awakening" 11 a.m. "THANKSGIVING" Congregational Singing of old familiar Gospel Songs. YOU WILL FIND A WARM WELCOME and A FINE FELLOWSHIP WHEN YOU WORSHIP AT THE REMAINING METHODIST CHURCH IN CANADA. `REV. R. C. MCCALLUM Tel. 897 Pastor. • ICH SIGNAL -STAR `For Results -0A Ciassiiled Ad FOR Seo OlidSL�i.11:a1 ,^�111,14'ell 1E$Ji&]�411< . HOUSE, seven rooms; all conveniences, also Bun -room, hot-water heating system. Corner lot. Location good for summer home. IP nnnediate possession of four rooms. Private entrance. , Wiiibiaarl street. 32tf NOW .A.VA1L4l3LE.- -T11I F .� 111QUS a Sing(are) ectric, cabinet machines. uttonhole attachment; also 'a fety SINGER SEWING CENT I', E, 7€1 On- tario street, Stratford. 3Qtd L- r FUR SALE. --•- REPAIRS TO , LL makes of washers, truners and vaacintuaa, cleaners. New wringer •troll replacements. All work guaranteed. 13EAT'1`Y WASHER SERVICE, Ham- ilton street. Plume 59. WANTED . T>iiRi t, AT, OCTOBER ER it o 1040- AN OPPORTUNITY.. . ESTAIII- LISkUED Rural Watkins 'District available: - If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 2l and 55 -have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunaity 'to get established in a profitable business of your owes. Ifor full particulars write today to° THE J. R. WATKINS CO1 PANY, Dept.' 0-0-1, 2177 Masson street, Montreal, Que. 40-4 WANTLi'D. -=- • AIR. FORCE MAN 5-10. Phone .. room o e aris ' - • Y, th at, the l=i1rT i Hall. Afternoqu tea. -41,; FOR SALE.—GRAVEL TRUCK AND Fast, sure relief for, constipation, 1` three -yard dump box: Apply KEN. MORRIS,. R„'B. 4x Goderich, or P..hone • Ctt lel v- 209: ., . 41 r' 4 WOOD FOR SALE.—FIRST-CLASS hardwood, cut 12” long. Furnace block size. Stove wood size. Split and mixed. Phone .your orders today. Call Goderich 85. 41-2-3x bilious_ ness.indigestion, with . Kipp's- Herb .Tzib7ets. • : ,-.srafe ..a13elriful.., s► e. laxative. 25c -dial .75c sizes at Camp- bell's and all druggists. 40-4 Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve gives immediate relief from corns and cal- louses. 50c at Campbell's and Emer- son's rug Stores. 40-4 wife and child request unfurn- ishetl'�, apartment. • Careful' tenants. Write LAC. I. 11. Parliament, •R.C.A..F., Clinton. 40-1-2x • WANTED TO BIM—OLD '1 OIIS`ES and dead cattle. If dead, phone at once, collect, to JACK GILBERT,, 93b r 21, or FRET) GILBERT, 936 r 32, Goderich. 33tf GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR RI(4•] 1T man, aa. mechanic for a large garage in village. Equipment prac- tically new. Prefer one who does not drinit. Will pay either straight wage or by commission. Apply to ROBERT 'IRVIN, Dungannon," Ont.- Phone No. 53. -`4Q Why. suffer the agony of rheumatic FOR SALT':. — THREE. HOLSTEIN heifers, due in _October. Apply ROBT. RODGES, R.R. 1, Goderich. -41 pain sciatica,' lumbago, when Ruma- espy wilt give you quick, -welcome re Lief. Campbell's and Emerson's drag stores. -41 A rummage sale will be held Satur- day, October 12, at 2 o'clock, at Central School,, under the auspices of Central Home and School Associatidn. SIGNAL -STAR. FOR SALE. — ' LADY'S WINTER coat, fox collar. size 14-16. Call 41x NOTICE FLEECE-1� QUla, UQM1 WITH blown ]tlockwool insulation. For free estimates, terms, write ROW- ]tJ N1fD t3. DAY, 5 Thornton avenue, London, or phone 201, Goderich. �3x u11IaI�7NTLY REQI,III&Ed) BEFORE November 1, unfuraaislned or furai- ished house, 'apartment', or roo" s, by reliable Air Force couple with 22-i noaith daughter. Non-smokers or drinkers. Plaoie -29.1. 41x TO RENT • TO REI T. ----TWO, LARGE UNFURN, I'SIIED robms,d.\vith use of. bath_; 1.separate • entrance. Phone • 935 r 1*. -41 WANTED.—HATCHING' EGGS FOR 1947 hatching season, flocks culled and blood -tested free of charge under Government supervision. Gtiaranteed premium plus hatchability° premium paid, All breeds wanted. For full de- tails write TWEDIILE CHICK HATCHERIES' LIMITED, 'Fergus, Ontario. 41-4 WANTED TO BUY. --THREE- OR four-bedroom house -in good con- dition, with basement and furnace. Good down payment. Write BOX 57, SIGNAL -STAR.: _._ 41-3x Hygjer)ic supplies (rubber goods),; OI3 SALE.—ELECTRIC KELVIN- , mailed postpaid in plain, sealed en- F• 4TORent co velope with price list. Six. samples, , excellndition Party moving to different . cycle. Apply/ I ROBERT SHARPE, Dominion Store. FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, GOOD bnildings, near Listowel, $4,500. iFor, further information apply DON- ALD MENZIES. Listowel. 41.-3x TO RENT.—BRIGHT FURNISHED room, board optional; immediate possession. 78 Elgin avenue, phone 992. NOTICE TO , CREDITORS - CURRY'S BAKERY 'Ile le Ho I i) 0 of ,4 aaty �F �i '19 �. fi 13ONE�'Y'dDIFT . I OUGBNiT$ Also Mince Meat Pies for your Tial alt vinl� diner All Orders of .$1:00 Or oyer delivered. PHONE 465 MEL. CULBERT, Prop. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, Notice is hereby given, to all persons having any claim against the estate of Elizabeth - FlunketFt, late `of the Town of Goderich, in tine County of; , Huron, widow, who died on the eighth day of September, A.D. 1946, to send same to the undersigned on or before the nineteenth day of October,. A.D. 1946, as .on and after that date the" executors of the said estate shall pro- ceed to make distribution of the assets thereof, having regard only to the claims of which they have notice. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this twenty-fifth day of September, A.D. 1046. R. C. HAYS, K.C., Goderich, Ontario, 39-1 Solicitor for the Estate. WANTED. --FOUR- OR 'FIVE -ROOM UTILE T� CREDITORS. unfurnished ,house or apartment. All inersons having claims against RI►N 511, SIGNAL -STAR. 41x the estate of James Davidson, late wAs of the Wilhite of Dungannon, ' in the County of Huron, who died on the 30th BUSINESS NOTICES 1 BUY RAGS, GOOSE AND DUCK feathers and ticks. I buy .and sell used furniture and household articles. 1 repair sewing machines. C. WOODS. ESTABLISHED CO:aPANY liArr opening f(lr salesman. Big pi 01 is and success -assured applicant who can meet requirements. FAMOUS PRODUCTS _ CORPORATION, Dept. 0-G-3, 370 Guy street, Montreal, P.Q. -40-4 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. 7-53,• NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 191. Hamilton, Ont. - - -40-4 i Rev. /Joseph Janes, of the Baptist . church, will eun,plete itis -ministry an •Goderich next Sunday; October 13th.; After the morning service, the Lord's -Von SALE.—TREADLE SINGER Supper will be administered, and new !-I- members will be received into the 'PF IWOM. Britannia road: 41x mE nlbership of. the church. Mr. Janes I . will begin his ministry at New Sarum j FOR SALE. — DOHERTY PIANO, on Sunday, October 2Qth. I aart'rigilt. in good condition. Phone 1 1089J. , 41x Attention! Farmers--& Locker Holders WE ARE COMPLETELY EQUIPPED TO YOUR 0 custom Curing and 'Smoking. REASONABLE PRICES � . • For Further information Phone 31 or write O'BRIEN'S MARKET GODERICH °nip °'11 t II GREETING ('ARDS OF QUALITY Christmas, Birthday, Sympathy. -- Get -Well, • etc. E: BARKER 46 Bayfield Rd. • "Phone 1060W Help the Handicapped to Help Themselves LOST CARDS OF THANKS - THE- - Ri LATI\'Ea 0.1 THE LATE James Davidson wish to express their sincere tllahks for the many acts of kindness 'and sympathy shown . to him during hisss, and to those , s'r. -- FIVE WEEKS AGO, Boston bull dog, one black and one white ear, no tags.= Anyone know- ink-ats whereabouts please contact MR. J. TREBLE, -Picton street. -Reward. II 40x This Can Be Your CANADA SAYINGS BONDS • Interest 2-:1'4. Payable Annually. Boned may be redeemed at Par at any time. Roods in denomination of $50—$100---$:100--$1000 PRICE $100 For Full Particulars and Application. Forms See Your Local Representative GODERICH— .,. , IYIR. ODERICly— MR. THOMAS PRITCHARD, Britannia Road—Phone 255W MR. KENNETH YU CK, 'Mary Street—Phone 297 MR. RONALD R. PRICE, Bruce Street—Phone 96 MR. W. A. COULTHURST, West Street -Phone 319 GODERICH TWP. — MR. CLAYTON LAITHWAITE, R.R. '1, Gpderich-Phone 931r21 Goderich VVIR. MAITLAND -DRIVER, R.R. 1 Goderich — Phone ;., _.... 9 rI.4- iiaench 'td COLBORNE T WP. — MR. H. A. MCC1 EATH, Box 219, Goderich WEST WA WANOSH• --•-. MR. DUI TIN PHILLIPS, R.R. 2, Lucknow Phone i6r11 Luoknow MR. THOMAS WEBS ER, R.R. 2, Auburn—Phone 19r4 44, O. F. CAREV, & SON WEST ST. - OODERICH PHONE 18 illne who loaned ears for the funeral. 41x day of September, 1946, are required to file the same with full particculars with the undersigned by the 1st day- of November, 1946, as after that, date -the estate will be distributed. F. R. DARRO W _ Solicitor- for therm xecutors. 41-3 TENDERS ' Curry's Bakery FOR SALE —Only a feral left-- Malt eft—Mat Barrels for Cider HOLT) ABOUT 15 GALS. __ $2.40 HACH AUCTION SALES TENDERS WANTED. SEALED TENDERS will be received until November 1, 1946, for the leasing of the Skating Rink on West street for the 1946-47 season. ; The lessee must provide free skating for children. three, afternoons each week. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. S. H. BLAKE, Town Clerk,. 41-3 Goderich, Ont. MRS, JAS. '•WEBSTER . AND FAM- I•LY, of Auburn, wish to express Get your supply of counter check their thanks to their many friends and books ,.tad restaurant pads at The it11 who loaned cars or sent flowers inv Signal Star. Printed to'.wuit you per - their recent bereavement. 41x sonally. ' . r THE ISTERS OF ..THE LATE: • Daniel- McKinnon wish to express -to their many friends -their ' heartfelt thanks for .the tokens of sympathy tendered them in their recent. bereave- men•t. _ -41 MRS. LONGMIRE AND FAMILY extend their deepest gratitude to the many friends and neighbors for their assistance, sympathy and floral offerings received in their recent bereavement in the loss of a loving husband and father. They wish to thank also 'those who loaned cars for the funeral. 1 MR.• AND SIRS. JAMES ADAM wish to thank their many 'friends for their kind expressions of sympathy and for their beatutiful floral offering%;. also those who loaned their cars. -41 'IV 1F .You worry about your present or future security, Phone Carlow 1706 or write B. R. ROBINSON Monarch Life Assurance,.. repre- (1LEAI{ING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND POULTRY WEDNESDAY, OCTIOBER 23 a t 1 at Thomas Butt's farm, village of 1(i1)pen. I 1)ur'halil bull, 3 years old ; 20 Dur- ban' and Hereford cows, due from October to March; ' 10 two-year-old I►urham=llereford steers; 20 heifers, rising years old; 25' spring calves; • 5 sows (York.), with -litters; 7 pigs (150 lbs.) ; . 150 _ year-old hens ; 75 pullets (5 months old). TERM 5 CASIL . Ty Ci1FfA S 1-'l0FT', o-.., Froprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. 41-2 E. P.‘,,CHESNFiY, Clerk. 1 sentative, R.R. 4, Goderich. 36tf s,itoviak PAINTING AND D,ECORA.TING • Interior and Exterior (R.R. 3, Goderich) 21 'WHAT COULD YOU BUILD WITH YOUR INSURANCE? A WHOLE HOUSE OR HALF A HOUSE Increase Your Insurance in ac- cordance 'with costs of today. SEE n • II. M. FORD Get Insured- - Stay, Insuted— Rest Assured. North St. ' - 'Tel, 268w BORN HAGGI'T._ At Alexandra Hospital,, Goderich, - on October 8t11, 1946, to , Mr- and Mrs. Wm. Haggitt, Auburn, a daughter. HODGES.—At ' Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on October 7th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs Kenneth- Hodges; Dun- gannon, a. son. • McNEE. —+t Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on October 7th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs: Charles McNee, R.R. 3, Auburn, n daughter. • DIED, \VALKER.—In St. Thomas Hospital, London, England, • on Friday, October 4th, John Holmes Walker, ,dearly loved son of Reginald E. and Barbara E. Walker, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley E. •Uollnes, G.oderich, aged 15 months. IN MEMORIAM GRIGG.—In loving,. memory of a dear" wife. and mother, -Reatha Grace Grigg. who passe(1 away ,October llth, 1945. The evening star shines .o'er the grave Of the one we loved but could not. save. The call was sudden, the shock severe,,1. To part with one we "loved so dear. The dearefit" mother the world could hold, The cheeriest smile and a heart of gold For those who knew her all will know How much we lot one year ago. Sadly missed by her husband and a roily, 41 ft SFROUL•—In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Annie Sproul, who died - October 13th, 1939. When days are dark and friends are .few, Dear ,mother, ° how we think of you. Friends are friends if they are true-, We lost• our best friend when we' lost you. —Remembered by daughter Evelyn May Sproul. • 41x PRATT.—In loving memory of Edith Lumby Pratt, who died October 12th, 1944. Sweet memories will linger forever; Time,:canna change _ them, _Its true; Years that may' Come canr se it Our loving remembrance of you. —'Remembered 'lo\•ingly by Husband, ► Sisters- and Brother. 41x 'Daughter, T'ather, 161<othor, Full Course Hot Dinner FOR OUT-OF-TOWN GliESTS ATTENDING THE International Plowing Match ON Wed. & Thurs., October 16 & 1.7 FROM 6 P.M. TO 7.30 P.M., AT North St. United Church, Goderich L.. dill L. DINNER $1..04 .. Mr. James Garrick of Windsor is Visiting his mother, Mrd. Scrimgeour, and Mr. Scrimgeour, Huron road, also his OM, :hiss ,.lice Oarriclt, of ,town. iiI' I1 1 \ SSI,,:. I1\ Better Performance MORE POWER -HERE'S -HOW 1. Bring in your car. 2. Order our special. TUNE-UP. 3. '`And you'•ll . get — Engine Smoothness Increased Power • Quieter Running Improved Economy WE SALUTE THE INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH GTM�to;Sa1es I . PliONE 254 o ° GODERICH LN II% . L