The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-10-10, Page 11OCToBk lotl;<, Iia,ta The. Qualitr Tea N•• f n. t ai. J. JANES ADDRESSES CENTRAL I. -S• ASSOCIATION Central home and School Associ- ation met on Tuesday evening with over sixty parents and teachers present. The increasing number of fathers pre- sent was most gratifying. The presi- dent, res%dent, Mrs. H. Shackleton, presided and Mrs. Noble discussed several child, problems, giving the methods used by various parents in solving them. The treasurer's report showed a bal- ance on hand of $728.14. Mrs. Sander- son, finance convener, presented the budget, which will .require $105 to balance same. Rev. Jos. Janes was the speaker for the eveningchoosing for his subject "The Reli`blous Training of a. Child," and Basing his remarks on the text rain a 2�:U—",� u found in Proverbs p child in • the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from, it." Parents very carefully attend to the Physical and mental needs of their, children, said th, speaker, but the majorityirit sally starved. Pvery are sP normal child has a religions. faculty waiting to be trained. Religion is the only tiling that •keeps life from being ,contemptible. The responsibility lies with the parent. Sunday school only supplements the parents' teaching, the first five years being the most import- ant. Example is stronger than pre- cept. "Let us build good character by sowing good habits as an example. Grade III pupils performed beauti- fully in several action songs, accom- panied by liars. MacDougall. A Commandment! • "Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it' Holy. Six days shalt thou labour and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God ...: �i err .--,,,,,..„ ., o tcr.. 1 NEXT Sunday and EVERY Sunday k! - ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO GO. TOO. TAKE YOUR FAMILY WITH YOU. THIS APPEAL IS MADE BY The "so to Church" Cornrnittee (A STRICTLY NON -DENOMINATIONAL ACTIVITY) 01. 'I- r JI Att Faeroete ''llllt, TEIANKSGIVING GO: From Noon, Friday, Oct. it, until 2.00 p.m. Monday; Oct. 14. RETURN: Leave destination not later t1 aan midnight, Tuesday, Oct.; 15, 1946. For fares and further information apply Ticket Agents. OntarioRoyalCommissionon Forestry PUBLIC HEARINGS T1('1•: IS II1:.1 REM' GIVEN. in confirmation of the Advance Notice and Tentative Schedule which appeared in the press in the early part of September, that Public Hearings of the Ontario,Royat1 ('t)i iinission on Forestry will he held at the following tinies and plan's: ,(•• Sault Ste. Marie Port Arthur Kenos Frances GO NI hit 011 London ("creit ratte North Bay Pembroke - Ottawa Toronto ' 'Get 28 - 21),. Nov. 1 - 2 Nov. ► - (1 ' N )v:' 8 - 11 Nos. 1'2-1,; Nov. 1 8 - 111 Nov. 2 ► - 24; Nov, - 1)ee 5 - (1 - 7 Dec. 1) - 10. - T 1 Courthouse Courthouse Courthouse ('rnirthouse Ukrainian Ilan Ilall ('minty Council ('haillber High School Assembly Hall Courthouse, 10 a.m. T Wil "TTaf1T` iri: Courthouse 10 a.m. University of Toronto 1,0 a.m. - Senate Chamber 10'.111. 10 a.m. • 10 0.10. • 1 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. ' The Commission was appointed to inv(c+stiga1e and report upon''the forest resonre(s of Ontario and their conservation, managetnen't and beneficial istilization for all purposes, including their relation to other be sic 1ntlnstries, particularly fairming, and their relation to recreation, soil conservation, and waterways and water power. •Submissions are invited from persons or organizations who may wish to present rete .nt maiterial at ally of the above hearings. ,tauten etidence may he prevented orally, but the Commissioner would prefer same in the form of written briefs. It is -desiraible but not essential that seen briefs he forwarded to the Secretary for windy well in ad- vr)nce of the hearing nt which they are to be presented. , It is renuested that persons or organizations wishing•to preoent oral evidence at any of the above bearings, submit 'their names to the ' Secretary, Ontario Royal gommission on h"'orevtry. Administration Building. Long Branch Stnall Arms Plant, Potoriito 14, Ontario, prior .to :men hearing. ' "int, H. RI+{WS O �r", Seerefa ry. ea t l Ci f, ocIdings A CO4I)fI %i-0IQWilr Coteantry Club. Later the y oumg couple Rev. Richard - Stes,vart officiated at left on a heneyroon triLa to Montreal, and on their return they will reside at W'allaceburg, where Ir• Johann is on the staff of the " oyal Bank. Mr. and Mrs. L. IL Zinn of Goderich were guests at the wedding, Mr. Zinn being a brother ' of the .brlaeMcootn's -mother, Mrs.. Otto Johann:` the Wedding on Saturday afternoon, at the Kne church manse, of 1= 401 J'rancea I'liliott, daughter of Mrs, W. Lanott of Eintail, to Franklin Elugene Cook, $on of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cook, Goderich. The bride was, attired in a grey wool .suit with pitik blaut3e, grey hat with pink ostrleh plumes and black accessories„and wore a double string of pearls, the gift of. the ,groom,, and n. corsage of pink rosebuds. • 16rs. Jacks Torok, cousin of o•the bride, attended her and wore a ares of turquoise blue wool with brown accessories and a .corsage of roses. Mr. Karry Worsen attended the groom. A wedding din- ner was served at. the British Ex- change cafe at which the' bride's Mo- ther, dressed in blue crepe and black accessories, with a corsage of carna- tions, received the guests, assisted by the groom's mother,, bars. Cook., attired in a green crepe frock with black ac- cessoriess and a corsage of ,mains. Later the couple left on ,a trip to Port Colborne, and Oshawa. They- will re-, side in Goderich on their return. SIELING—IUNDT "The wedding' of M,ss Sylvia Violet;'° Mundt, daughter of Mr. and :Cars. John Mundt, Ellen street east, Kitchener, -and Orval John Sieling, eldest. soul of Mr. and Mrs. JohnSieling, Goderich, took place at the parsonage of Benton street Baptist church, Kitchener, ou Saturday afternoon. Rev. G. L. t Stover otliciated. The bride wore a tnicluight blue dressmaker suit with black accessories and u corsage of American Beauty roses. Mrs. Gerald Gross, Kitchener, sister of the bride, was her only attendant. She wore a • • d MST MT0.1T ' 4.t interesting wedding took- place in St. Mary's Roman Catholic clutch, London,- on IVeckuebday, Octobdr" 2; when Audrey Lenoa1, daughter 'of Mrt3. Whitely, Goderich, and the late Dr. al. Benson Whitely, became_, the bride of Mr. Robert Sedley, Best, sou of Mrs. Best, Loudon, and the. late Dr. Sedley Best. , • Rev. rather Maloney sang the nuptial mass. Given in Mar- riage by her uncle, Mr. J. C. Mass, Woodstock, the bride looked- sauurt in her travelling suit of cloud grey bare thea cloth, the three -quarter -length coat of which bad .a band of *Australian opossum. Her hat and >aecessuries were in spice shade; and she wore a. corsage of Joanna Hill roses..; Her sistet .11i, 1'i'illiaiu Robinson, of Gale - rich, was matron of 'honor, in a suit of logwoud tones with fur trim and matching hat with acces uries in spice, and. Corsage of yellow baby Chrysan- tetuis. Mr. Joseph BsS, brother of the l kr+rClayton 4)rtwein. of Zurich. fell the Scripture. The meetingwas the adieu Institute for the Blind, of which idegrooiti, was best mean, and twenty-eigl_t feet from the barn of given into the hands of the Ti',or's Mr. J. H. Kinkead is chairman; ;Mrs. 1t t•. Ronald- Price, of Goderich, and s I. - . Corner ac les vitt i the president. Mrs. • Gordon, Bisset secretary, andr•' . public library, said to #1e the first in Stephen township, has been opened • aand has Joined the County Library, y u Association A steer siateg�hte'red a.t Seaforth lust week dressed ai` 92•l pounds. at was said to be oxie of • the largest ever killed' there. It was raised' by ,'John Modeland of T'ueiternniltb township. • The. new wing of µtile' Wingha„m Gen, eral Hospital was ormnlly1'opinied on Thursday last. • ' Hon. Russell T. Kelley, l.'rovineial 1 aitb Minister, officiated in the p eseitee of a Targe gathering. Bernard - Hall has beim appointed secretary -treasurer of the Blyth Muni- eiptil Teiephoiae System. kin succeeds Leslie kilborn, who has resigned owing to ill -health. Mr. and Mrs, klilboru inay ,go 'to Southern • Alberta in the search of health for Mt.' fillb(rrn, Kincardine Town Council has a problem on its hands. It Passed a by- law prohibiting establishment of ad- ditional, gasoline stations after a resi- dent had applied for`' permission . to establish `one. The probleiti is whether the' (,'until'}I 'was within its rights in making the restriction. arae a rt'adin by !tiro, : Uiu The nleeidtqg was .104ed with. tit* hthipsk Dencaletiga, The reri14iider ole abs Li€ter .i4n w ✓;lent 'ePjoslitbly gamo5 and 1I( e cstllig contc,attit Con, ;t:l Ncli by the .t',honezer 1a Utes, after whien a da,irat, wat3 se-ked, The two of them fought tie tire and had it under control by the tune helpers BELIMIL 1r.R, Oct. S. •Mzi. ar.�c1. M s, l poll,.arrived• Mrs• Gammie sufered severe poll,. of Daan>'a tnnmaa vID tod Ora burns to her hands in trying to smother the 1lnilraet3. t TAYL +a + ' • TAX r(, R15 CORNER, Qct. l . -- number fruit this community attended- Teeswater Fair on' Wednesday . of, last week,' They report a sptenditi ,, fair with a record attendance. A Joint Meeting. — On Thursday afternoon last the members of the Ladies' Aid of Zion church, Taylor''s Corner, were entertained -� the Ebenezer ladies at the some of Mrc. Sunday with Mr. ;find 5f r'a. C. A. Vaca. stow('. . Mrs. Reid of Clinton is wisiing with,: her parents, Mr, and °Mrs. (eciallie. gaii. Silo liiling, . is almost eoanle9tdel. around, here. almost The' young married people's clans Fvi11 hold a • social - evening in the' church on Friday evening': ° Rev,. V. Cronhieltn attended the " Pres- bytery -maaeeting in Sea.fortht this week, Rally Day Service was conducted in the- Benmiller - church , on .Sunday - - . The Rally Day _ program, was „ 'ollocwed, .u� Bert' Lobb, The president of the with a choir composed of the Sunday., Ebenezer W.A., Mrli. Bert Lobb, opened school children and 'directed by Miss the meeting with a few words of wet- V. 5traughan and Miss B. Long. coiue to the. visiting ladies. The hymn "Blest Be the Tie that Binds" was • TAG `DAY. FOR . BLIND sung, with :1Irs. A. Holmes at the • The local committee of the Canadian. organ. The roll .wags called, after Institute for the Blind had receipts which the hymn "Love Divine, /sl,.11 of 1139;25 as • the result of the tag Love ` Excelling," ,.was sung. Mrs. • C.' day held recently. The tag' day, held' 'farmer. condu(•ted the devotional exer- locally, is sponsored by the Hurofa`' vises, with ttev. ('. Tuvener reading] County Advisory Board for the Can • - 11I' Reginald Lett. of Lundou, were the Leonard ltr6 while cleaning straw 1 i' } 1 i (' d B' t t M W. ushers. At the offert)L:y, Airs. R. Lett front, the rout and wan° taken_ Cu SC. j l'lureure 'Stnrdy..in file chair. They; I•:. Dulmage treasurer. sung Gounod's '•A t e ''traria." Joseph's hospital, London, with a ;. Presented a short program consist}ng A wedding dinner fug iwtitediaate broken leg. He innded in hi::- fall of a splendid talk by Airs. 'reveller (10 I Jtule customer: I �vaitt to see some Duly three feta. from a stone pili. \I r. -The Need for Missions, and IIuty We i ladies' satin slips: relatives. the s Hotel in the followed i)rt«•ein fax was employed by . ' Can Help:" a humorous rea(iin, by, "silesgill: For room of the hotel Lontl,utt, followed' ! ), your wife, sir? Or by a reception at the house of the construction firm at Ottawa, and Wats Mrs. ('al►ert : a solo 1,} 'Mr:. '1'avenet• would you like something better? accustomed to' werk. as high as 200 b'ole's ;taut, Mrs. James McAuliffe. • •�" ' gray dressmaker suit with pink ac- i North London. The bride's mother re- te(>t •ibove gruultd cessories and a corsage of busy pick eeivecl in a draped etude>1 I Altuit_a Cof Exeter,y, wife of n' (I. Medd-. 1 town in black � ex-M.I'.I'. of died on' Thursday roses. The bet man was Mr. Gerald ' with corsage of reed roses and matching 'lli Gross. After the ceremony thirty-five ( hat. 'f -lip' bridegroom's mother ' chose >er guests were received at a (linter ,at a printed crepe in navy and chartreuse ,�a,nst,, I,rlt'1 e,ltg; ben}de, her liu,trttid„ a of the!staff of Napanee the tonne of the bride's parents. The WWith corsltr_,t of -yellow roses, and navy Collegiate Institute, and two dai.tngt- bride and bridegroom received. assisted fiat. Thi; couple left on 'a wedding trip? terra, Mrs. 1. J. Moffat of Listowel l by their mothers. Mrs. Mundt had to Boston at l- New 'York. On 'their and Mrs. W. X.• Reiman of Barrance, chosen an orchid frock with matching return they will reside in London. praniibia, South Anren wea. She was! accessories and a corsage of peach I prominent in church work, Per many roses, Mrs. Sieling wore a figured - - ROBINSON--STURDY . years at Eliniville• and later in con- 1 vection with Main street rnited church, jersey dress with matchingching accessories 1 The home of Mr. and Mrs. A`t1stiu and a corsage of peach roses. The Sturdy, ' Goderich township, was the Exeter.I couple left on a Wedding trip ' to De- scene of . a pretty. wedding at 12.30 Ashflelti Wins ug_, . troit and White Lake, Mich., 'tlie bride Saturday, October 5, when their only P An) Ashfleldonearm mode up Of Bert travelling in a tailored grafi: suit ssith daughter, Zerelda Austina, became the Alto i ° sb , hln.,ck_ ec:.essoriea They. -..will _reside :bride...o%,-Reginald Douglas; =o»ly .svn z ,, :Bobob..q in,pS0ta,- L.okne k.rarrisb.,. . in Goderich on their return. file}. Dickson, Howard Robb, Peter _ o.l~.._liss..and - Mrs...Robt.: Robinson -6f ntitik and Al Irwin, and �aptainHd by 4 Zurich. The double ring ceremony t Albert McGee, won the tug-of-war at ANDERSON—WILSON vas --.-performed by Rev. • C, Tavener, of the I.uc McGee,- rwl _ F. the tug,- -war atld Historic Park House in Goderic"ti was Holmesville, in a beautiful setting of trite Kinloss teams pulled l e a one - 'at, the scene on Wednesday, October 9th, pink and ,white with gladioli and lit, 3 o'clock, of a charming autumn 'mums. :1,s Miss Edna Driver of Gode- minute draw, but as some of the Kin - wedding, when Audrey Wisteria Wil- rich played the Bridal Chords, the loss 'team were not bona fide residents:r- son, daughter' of Mr. and 11Irs. J. Add bride entered the Irving -room on the of the township"• the cup was -presented Wilson-of,G.oderich, became_ -the bride- .drool- o€--ser-father: - .Tile- bride's gown to .AshfieldL Of -.Alexander • Robert Anderson, son wag. of .floor -Length white sheer, with of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Anderson of high neckline, long sleeves, •embroid- Toronto. The jnarriage was solemnized eyed' and fitted bodice, and the finger - by 'Rev. Richard Stewart of Knot tip embroidered veil was caught by 'iCawanosh, originated" from a gasoline Bresbyterian church, before the flower- a halo of. ostrich tips. She wore a iron 'which Mrs, , ('•lmmie was uili decked mantel in the beautiful old single strand of pearls, the gift of t`' drawing-room bride'S. maof Park. J3rtou e, and home. oft the groom, and carried a fah • bouquet l) ldlyt eint e for of tbwa below ti , telt~ ' p yel- 'of American Beauty gladiolus tips with phone, .and Mrs. Gamin}e had to tau r low gladiolus' made a. perfect setting, „shellspink asters., Mrs, Earl Dignan, The bride, given .in marriage- by her of Zurich, sister of the groom, . was 1 some clistati e to ,yet her htlsb;lnd..i father, wore a street -length -dress of matron of hohar and -wore floor -length greige -(.:t:epe with corsage of brown pale blue taffeta with off -the -shoulder and yellow orchids, and a matching line and puffed sleeves, and. -matching ostrich-trimined•hat. . Miss Mary Kerr, half) headdress of blue flowers. Her cousin of the bride, • was her only at- colonial bouquet was of coral gladiolus ti•ndant, wearing a dressmaker suit tips with ivliite asters.' Mr. Chester of black"faille with feather hat and Sturdy, brother of the bride, was 1 corsage of Sweetheart .roses.- To. re- groomsm_ an. The groom's gift .to the dive the bride's mother wore a black matron of honor waas a set of shell j sequinned crepe..dress. 'Her corsage earrings and brooch. to 'the groomsman j was deep red roses. Out-of-town guests a foutrtain pen, and to the pianist a i attending the ceremony were Mr. and ruby glass vase. During the signing i - Mrs. J. King and daughter Jean of. of the 'register Miss. 'Edna Driver sang (iarrie, llrs. •John Kerr and daughters "I'11 Walk_es)de You." - 'Matl•y and \Finilda .of Toronto, :bliss '`'After the wedding ceremony a recep>.'1 Mabel Masson anis Miss Jean Dickens' tion . was - held and dinner was ser; -ed'; of Toronto. -- at • the Park Ilunlse, -Goderich, the' Mr. - and 31rs." Anderson` left on a •bride's mother wearing black with gold motor trip tai 3191)treal..,and the lraur- sequin, ,trim and a corsage in tunes of entiatns, ;and on their return will reside purple. . The groom's inotht'1' in a 1 in Toronto. ". brown -two-piece dress..wyith braid trim wore a corsage i1_•rusty bronze. 4OHANN—BL'ZZA Later 'the bride and' groom Left ant ,a In 11 double ring cerelnonY.alt Thurs- motor trip to the Georgian Ray. the (lay evening la SI, itt 7.:10. in Division bride wearing a pink- dress,at misty ' street church, OvenSound, Helen Agnes ; 'blue coat with silver. fox' trill'. 1)I;o'k Buzzi, "�uoungest (laughter of Mr,'11.11d , liltt• and hlack PI,ts.t0• a(cessortc$M On ~• Mfrs. Charles W. Iinzza, was married ; their return_ they -will reside on theto Morley Bracts. elder son ,of 1T1•. and, groom's farm near Znricli ' . J1rs. _Otto Joh111_(1, all of Owen Sound. . Prior to the • wedding the Pride, was The- service* was by candlelight and 1 t1►e guest of _honor at a tela served Dr. Harold-- W'. Vaughan ,o Iie1ated: 1t the ladies of the, community..at the ;_ • - ferns firmed tI1,e back- liiome of -Mrs. Reg. Sturdy, a nd was ground for two la-rge standards hold-- made the recipient of a Iwtfutiftil coffee 1 ing whits' chrysatnthentums and baskets table. She also Wil guest.. of honor of sleep red asters and gladioli on the at a dinner party at Wong's ('afe, pulpit. .Miss 'Catharine Baird was at given ,by her o'tti(e associates 'Alt -Sky ,the organ and three members of the Harbor, and was presented... -with a intermediate choir; Joan Kennedy, lovely satin -bound gold 5‘',101 'blanket. Ileleti-1'ea1(•e and Jane Ireland, sang. Mrs. Sturdy entertained for her daugh- Given in marriage by her father, t -hey ter at at trousseau tea. 1)nring the bride was lovely 111 her mother's wed- I afternoon tea was poured 1)y two great - ding gown, thct third bride,to W011 l' 11, 0tints Of the bride. Mrs, Nelson Keys, . the bodice and short sleeves entirely t EgmOndville, • land -Mrs. (',ora Driver, I. fashioned of r)st'pr(it}t 111c•t,. • and the `(=odericlf.., The , nrrallgeitlents of the rolinnd neckline edged with seed pearls. I afternoon Were, carried out by capable The. long overskirt was of ivory satin , assistants in at most 1►b'a'3ilag it,a11P_ler and she carried a cascade honttuet of. and •guests nulttbering seventy were Lt'strat ITeiibard roses."' 1irs, .1. Earl entertained.' - ,,Smith of Loudon was the matron of ------- ----__._. • hi)nor and the bridesmaid wars the . ---4.0 55(41111411. Says ,1 1)hilusol,ber.31:eally groom's, sister, Mrs. Gordon \S'aghorn. 1 makes ,a fool out of a num. but she Seventy-five guests attended the re- I stare can give hint an opporttnnity to ception at the Owers Sound Golf and ' develop his natural (,purities, Farm Honie Damaged by Fire Fire at •t}re home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gammie,.1.2th concession of West 1� Rats That Help the Farmer FARMERS AfTliration for Polish veterans eonsing to Canada shortly f r„. t.hl•„0.11 'farms_ are.'ttuw t d. - have' jttl-za.r-etl' -an-t)r11•t'-i for- one -or these m'en?- -1- are all 1)itysitally fit•' s.inigle, young men, •-earef'ully selected for farm work by Canadian farni labour officials. Some already speak F.'nglish or French. Only-. a limited -nuinl-)er are available. ' If ituterested, send- your • applications-- immediately - to your nearest• National Employment Offiee or your Provincial Agrienitnral- Services. Dominion Labour Department III'MPIIREY MIT('HE'LL, • , , - A. MacNAMARA, Minister uf.Labour• I)eI)uty-Minister. N PainWs examination of,this ttxnd hundredxi of other whit© rats diselbo', whether animal feeding oils and fortified whole milk__ �p�owder contain as much Vitamin A as advertised. Fiera, a technician in the Vitamin Araay laboratory of the Division of Chemiatry, Science Service, Dominion Department of Agriculture, prepares to weigh a rat to lee if it is, aaining on a diet supposed to be rich in Vi Lamin A. Farm• rs' organizations and feed manufacturers w�eloomo this tsstitig of Animal kerb. ' ;x1v 1.1 Just like a telephone switchboard ..: there are only so many lines, so many operators—and when the board is full some, rallrare bound tats be de14e . _.._ We regret such unavoidable delays. But in the last two years alone, calls hive° increased nearly 50%. We're in- stalling equipment to handle this increased telephone volume just as fast as it'becomes available, but shortages of essential *materials” are still slowing tip - nor .expansion ro g is . This delay. is felt all along the line. It is felt byi you 'when your operator is unable to answer immediately. When this happens, please remember she is serving more people._than ,e_ver- be re and ---that l e vill-angvwroi l iliirz ... ..'— as quickly as she can. , .v I s,• WELL TELEP.,UIONEt COMPANY OF C,cl,NA DA• 4 -