The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-10-10, Page 2THIa� ,, ODE iCH SIGNAL S T E
• • Faablished by Signal -Star, L'� Red
d and (heat Britain, $2. • a year; to United
fdialti tr$11:Yflolt� ateg aaaa a Staten, $2,0. -...
Attrot�ttle' g Rates on request. Albthorilzed as se one tis snail, Post Ofitico
Depart cent, .Ottawa. °Teleph .
THURSDAY, OCTOBItlll 10th, 1946
tiutled. The Governlneut, of course
deserves uo „credo' .for .ITayingg the sub -1
sidy----the money it paid out avaseehe
People's money ; ueitlter does it deserve
blame for ceasing payinent-
0 0 0
.111E ``]I'TNATA*H,L
If plowing is the basis of all good
farming, the importance of the Inter-
national Plowing Match to be held at
Port Albert next week eau hardly be
exaggerated. No matter holy great
the manufacturing Industries of our
country may' be, nor how many people
-they employ, we all live by the products
of the soil, and we depend upon the
farmer, ,and in the first instance upon
the plowman, to bring from the -soil
those things which gine sustenance
It is calculated that it will take
years for the steel „strikers to make
up in increased pay for the loss of
pay durit)g .the strike period, and by
that time, if present trends coutluue,
prices in general will have risen to A great deal of the wigging for this
review has been done by jr.ANorman ,poses, and it appears from the pro
such alt extent that they will be no
Miller, the County Clerk, who •has ceedings that followed the passing u
better off than they -were before the kirxdly iven me a copy, of the notes this bylaw that it eves necessary in
have the ap
The iluron Gouty Court Nouse
1�4. W. 11.- Ir rtsqln
(Paper read before the Godericllt County Council and g;raabd jurtee
Women's Institute on October 3rd and should have at least as Mach welgiat
published at the rearrest oil the its this matter as the opinion' a Mr.
Institute.) Justice Burne, or others whose pra•-
- 1 Vince 'it May be to fill the bench
'It ,looks as if we shall have to laid
farewell before lona; to,the v(;nerabie
building which has been the• eeutre of
our town for only one decade short of
a century. The County Council has
decided to remove the • present Court
Ilouse and in its place erect a n odern
d mutoda
wait the result."
offered to -throw in seam tWaire Cords o1 the Court or Chancery held~ that a
breach of trust had been committed
of tobnan which, c�er on his lot at >a6 and that the conveyance to the Unitedactually
additional prria>e. Mr: Ross'. lot wta I Counties ahouldl T e Set aside, W it
actually chosen, and 1Diaus: were pre had actually leen Made to other
pared. I words, than the land aka()cnld remuiu tile
i(n the IWNU1 tme, however, the Townpropea ty a the Towu of (.IQ(lerle1.
Council too Goderieh had garod)Os ( the What 8w thei' legal proceedings, !f
ti f the•builidiaaf; in. the 1 anrket •any thtere ntrtah have beeua is not shown,
erection ,
Square and had offered ' the SU Of but the matter was settled by an A'ct
259 pounds to offset the expense of I of Parliament passed in 1857 validating
la this .town. With reference to eh:angiug the plans. The offer wat5 the conveyance, to the (,Dante (soon
Mr. Sheriff 11IcI10ualdi'6 threat, to a4celiked, and in the early part of th.c� ! of "a portion of the laud In that part
apply to higher authorities, we can year 1854 the ceutract was awarded 1 of the town of (o[lerleh known as the
only say that we hope that 15ttclt up- at the sunt og •1,11(10 potiu(ls to tlae flraau 'Market Square, and upona which pore
Plication, if made,, may meet With its of Mellish, Morrell, Russell & Co.,°who deserts.Boni of land a Court House and County
. Meanwhile, we str&ngly re- at• the same time had the Contract for olftees- have been erected by the staid
commend that the County Council do •the' building of the Maitland -River b$ngicipal t uned United
uY the J�.
with aucreltst► ac(.0 -
tion. in the circumstances some re- This fling at the Jud its" aud the
view (f the historpeof the ninety -year- Sheriff did not, however, prevent the
old building is timely, and, having ac -1 Cquncil from proceed ag with the pro-
cepted the 'levitation to prepare some jest, of erecting, a new building, lot" at
thin;; on the subject for this meeting 4 the same `session a -bylaw to raise
money for the purpose was passed.
It might here he explained that at
this time the Counties of Huron and
:Brace were united for municipal pun.
of the \VOI1ten*s Institute. 1 have, gath-
ered what information I could in the
short time at my disposal.
r 1 f the 'Minutes W. the matter of this ltt
bridge. In reporting to the County
Coital! the building committee des-
cribed the site as "central,"healthy..and
^uity ^ilea" "
`ounaties of Huron and Brut -e.
It might be added as.a conclusion to
this bit of local history that the market
building continued in its place on the
In the debenture bylaw passed in con- Square for •some twenty years after the
nectiotl with the project 1t was Mated erection of the •Court House. It was
that. tate rateable property within the situated about at the he'l'd of Claiborne
United- Counties of Huron std, Bruce street, between the roadway and the
amounted to. 901,168 pounds, t iprox- Court House, and was removed, I be -
, ,`.x.50,000. Compare this with Neve, .some time in the late 1870'x• hold, the
the assessed valuation of the County Its removal must its vie -improved con- , The uteetiug
Was brought to a close
Huron (not including Biuce). for siderably thea Must
of the Square, lI a ljvuln and the 1lirpall bctltedic., .
f 'of
ti the .year: -19.15 of S5.1Z25bn a though the park at that .time and for tI( ir.
As is not an unconambu experience, years later dig 'not at all compare 1 ,rhe \\•.AI.d'*: is meeting with the
the contractors took more time to in appearance with the park of. which + Fvellfllg :1u.xiliary for the tenni,(-of.fer-
e complete the building than„had been we sire all so proud today. I11g sc�tvice on the -evening of October
stipulated, and the Council threatened I trust it is not "out oP order” for j „�,tl i when Mrs. A. Roger Self, preai-
actiota Or damages in thede1ayr Row- Inc to say how highly I regard the �°(letat of Gte Dominion Board, .;fivill be
ever, it wets recognized that costs of buds to which these words are ad- the s})ea1.0r.
labor and material had advanced con-
dressed. I hake always considered, ----
sideritl,ly since the contract was taken the Women's Ilrstittitt> one of the 1►aos! ..Is• r•our girl friend- beautiful`.'„
and finally an agreement was arrived useful 'organizations we lin in our Ise e(j Bobbie JIcTarish of Sandy Me -
:at wlierel)y the contractors received t community, and 1 wish you ever -con I t,1 t;or. That she. !,." replied Mc-
Gregor, contract' price of 4.000 pounds and tinttiug success' in the work you ore t'Gregor, '•rvh(•tn I take her hinue- in a• -
in addition the ':5l) pou�►ds pledged as doing so efficiently. Illid so nnostc;nta taxi I can hardly keep my eyes on
already mentioned by the Town of eiously• t„h,, meter.,,
l;uderich. . �'
The first meeting of the County' APPOINTED POSTMASTER - ----`~
Ceuuc it in the new Court •Housee ! was ®P, WATERFORD ORD
1101(1 on September pith, 1L(5ti. I
t did their work!
iODVa 20t,
eurataae>pa•f l—Domcstite
annin Refrigeration
Call for Free. Esinnnate
50 1;11A iK AVE. plIONE Gtr
pointed as, delegate. • -
`miss Campbell >was inA,harg> of the
der (Atonal exercises,
ltoberteon read the 23rd Psalm for- the
Scripture lesson. Mrs. P. Canteron led
in prayer. Miss Straiag-111 y c4
rise and interesting wary, gave the first
two chapters of "India on the Thres-
studv husk for the year.
strike• l f wage-earners would give -he lie has mule 'from e . (, c matter
I County Council over, the period of the proval of the various municipalities in
to humankilt their :ltti'il:t'lott to plans for tutntn�, the
Such a gathering• thou. as that 1)f nest to having Cu du with •tits , eluded d in the United Counties.' 'l�h
• 1 ,rice trend downward, so that their
in -
week is rine of the most int :Dot•t:Irlt that � l a greater buying� �•�"`�'�> '�►�"`� �
eau be held at any place at any time.
dollars would have.;;
n Huron county, where we all Power. they might achieve results that I
IElere 4 rc„incl improve not only their own!
.- ... ....
live on or nest .door to furors• it is Iclsitiou but that of the whole papula,; ;
not necessary to stress the Point of the t •
essential nature of the fortner's rill tufa, with the exception of the cam
ree04,ni/e it if we Para tir0 few who profit Strom the
itlg: we ate mtl: t ?.
1 It is Io) Present. 1(111) ktcy. It should -not take
think of ,the matter at a..
small honor to our count- that it has 0 volume of statistics to shore that
Ow increase in dollar rr ages durirfgthe
been chosen for thedrst- "Iuternutiun rlasC few decades has out been accent-
al” of the post-war Period .Ind to be ! � Inied by ;1 currr.�puudiltg increase Iii
able tit° welcome the thotas:t Ids of 1 `
' real wages.
. visitors who will come next week to see
0 e • 0
-the plowing. tests and the many inter- In his address : at . the opening of 1
esting exhibits that are associated with
— aj the new wing of the \V-ingham hospital
them.' last week Minister of Health Kelley I
With. favorable weather, we shall no
doubt have a wnderful four days at the i held out some hope for the re -establish -
scene of the match. There will be dis-m(nt of training classes for nurses, in
anguished visitors in tattendfllipce and the smaller hospitals of the Province.
Mr. Kelley,said there were- two schools
they will be duly •welcomed and lion ; of thought with regard 0) hospital,.
ored, but the most cordial welcouee land
, t .. .. h Clue ak(cti�ci. 1;Ir ..Pee Mals to the
thy' most sincere itciuur-' R iTi b� t
11, �. , ,,
a a 'se 1 (it'1es thr� other .advoca.ted_hospit;<tis iu .b.� .,-
meed of the men who plow the soil the smaller . eumniuuitie The Min-
ister said he himself leaned to the
v latter opinion., Certainly the trend is HURON COUNT)' COURT HOUSE
” — - tuwbtrds the provision of local hospital-
Nature is the master'•painter. The za ion though this`71aes Ilclt interfere bttilrling of the preeent Court house, first vote showed six municipalities in
i . t g The question of t'he erection of .the fay or of the bylaw and seven against.
autumn woods display her 'supreme with the enlargement and improve- -Court House in Goderich first 'arose 111
A flew months later another poll -of the
artistre. for the j°uaent. of the city hospitals; there is the County Council at its meeting in tnici alities was taken, and this time
enjoyment (►a 'all be-
December of 185`?, and in the January m p
room .fur both. \\'ith regard to the the result was eight in favor of the
* session of 18o3k a committee was ap
Stalin Ie ti )h of purses' classes Is•e, in the d theerection of a bylaw and seven against, ,
Air. Byrnes agrees with Mr.
t a ( ' ' ` ' ' pointed to consider
smaller hospitals. it 'nay be pointedbuilding to serve as a court house and Firm that time on the Council pro-
(ceded with the project, • and at the
December• meeting -of 1853 the question
of site was considered. Among the
locations examined two were consid-
ered suittt-ble—one the lot at the corner
of North :itxeet and St: Vincent street
)erase, another is distance from home, a `flew building, ,o awned by Alexander Ross (later the
I Hon. A. M. Ross) ; the other being
The overriding factor at the present appointed a committee to see, if alter- lot 75 at the ,corner of Victoria and
could e
time is the shortage of rtarses thropgh- t objections. . S David's streets
t made 0) remove the judges'. Wallace . (now the home o� Mr. and
j athin"••
This d t that three large Airs. Frani. Allen.). Each owe asked
that there is no danger of war. Frpm
out that these give bin opportunity
• stow on the • fighting will be in the for young women to enter a worthy
peace conference. profession which is denied them if
_ * * . * jection was raised • by the judges to the
to contain County offices, -
Up to than time the court room was
situated in the County Jail, and ob-
'T'hree' things to do: Monday, October
1.1, ..count your . blessings; - Tuesd y,
Wednesday. Thursday and Friday, t -
tend _the "Victory" plotvin match :
any day after October 15th, buy a
Dominion- savings bond. -"
0 0 O
training is confined to the city 1105- continuance of this practice. Reluc-
i petals. 'One consideration is- the ex- taut to go .to,the expense of erecting
I the'Comity uuty ' Council
atians and Improvements coo t l's owned by William
out the Provin(°e and no "close curpor .connmittee reported.'
aiming Its �\ all, e
plan r
The Dominion Fire Ci,nimissioner 0 1110ntly has in mind.
again reports• that the carelessness of , '
smokers is responsible for More, tires
dam any other cause. slightly over
.ane -third of •the tires ,reported in 1945
being attributed to this cage:% with
a property loss of •$2.280.(400.
0 0 0
shanld. be allowed to block the r(cumimeu rations being �1�l7 pounds for hes •property, evidence
which the Minister of Ilealtli ventilators lw put in the ceiling, 0 t lots commanded a good
ne --
directly over the. bench, to "carry ori )rtce in those y
That the contractors. c Ic e j \\'.�'rl:itb'ORl>, Oct. 4.—W. J. .11.
truly and well, and that the County
Council received good value for the Church, a°veteran of the second treat
expenditure involved, we have evidence \Vtt , who stew considerable action and
today, ninety years later, in the un- was evounded, has been appointed the
implored condition of the masonry and ue�v postmaster for \\'aterford. A
other parts of the building. Whether, native of Waterford, he with the
in view of the• trend of the times for o army. He was -waswithie
Inure modern buildings and the need .Canadian l etion in GerHeny. March wounded -in
of increased 'accommodation for the
Comity officers, the old building should when a rocket destroyed his Bren gull
he torn down .and a new one erected, carrier.. He received shrapnel •wounds
1 da not 'hereintend to express an to the side of his lace acid -right eye,
opinion. No matter what the opinions, later losing the sight of the (eye.
of you ladies may be, for'or against . Only;, a few weeks previously, -he
.e'anew build ng,.�:>i:..think--.we can. all had narrowly escaped drowning when
agree hi admiration -of the excellent -i the boaf'iu *hi; h°he''anzt=ue'rera-1- other-
workmanship of the builders • of ninety tnenlbers of his reginamt,m�'re _return -
years ago and of the foresight and ing. from the front lines in Holland
enterprise of fhe County Councils of Capsized and four of�-itis• comrades were
those:'years 1n.. erecting such a large drowned.:
and. handsome, building with the slith \I r. Church, (yell kil(nvn in Goderich,•
resources' in •the way of money that
wee available to them in those earlyis the husband of the -former. Geraldine
Saunders, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs.
('has. K. Saunders of town.
days of settlement. •
The troubles in connection with the
new"- building we -re not yet over, how-
ever. The plot of groutui in the centre
of which the Court House was erected church met foF their regular monthly
had been conveyed by the Canada
Company to the Town of Goderich meeting in the -chalet parlor on Mon -
specifically for a market place, find day afternoon. The president, Mrs. R.
some of the citizens considered that J. Howard. presided over the business
in granting a portion of it to the. period. After the singing of "O Can -
County the Town Council was ,com- oda" firs. Archer led i'n prayer. Mrs.
Can -
milting a' breach of . trust. Early in Howard read articles taken from the
the 'year 1855 four prominent residents findings of the DOMinion. Board meet -
of the town, John Galt, .Daniel Lizars, ; ing in the September Missionary
Christopher *Crabb and William G.1 Monthly, • .also one on "Temperance.,'
Smith. took 'legal. action to set. aside 1 Arrangements were made for the wor-
the• grant-- of land to', the United', ship service at the west sectional meet-
-- ,r . in the erection ing to •11e held at Benmiller on" October
t'ottnties and to es r# ilt { Ch c Barker was ate=
The W.M.S. of North street United
vacs n 23rd. \IIs. a.
the foul atmosphere. days, though Mr. Ross of tl e'court house. The learned judges
Evidently the proposal t -o improve
PHIL 'QSIFER QF LAZY MEADOWS '1 satisfy the objte�etions. for iii May -of
the same year another committee was
:appointed te) select a suitable site for
By Harry J. Rovtt ! a court house or make arrangements
HOUSES HAVE CHARACTER for a su11111)le route .o• hold the courts
% -Driving into •the village the other , aid the meetings of the County Council.
the accommodation at the. Jail did not
Do not eri.ties of the excess profits
tax give themselves away? If they
are not making excess profits they are
Iaot' laxed en them : if they are Making
excess profits, they should to willing
to contribute 0 portion of .thew :t) the
state. instead. of leavi1ig :111 taxatiot4
to be paid by people not so fortunate.
• a o
The stt- i -makers are back at their
job. the Alberta farmers have giVyn ill
their strike, and other industn•ial
troubles seen- to be in course of settle-
inent. If everybody would just get
down to work, some of the ground
that ear been lost might be .regained
day, 1 .tttI1.11 tetnking about the dif ' after ume tlegotiatrons with '1 ;ALr.
ference that exists in houses. Some(;entles r -ho proposed to erect a- builds -
houses. have a look and a feel about • ing ':11►d•r rent it to the County, the
then) when- you drop 111. ' •t'(nw( it on .July lith. 1853,• passed a
-Just take for instance the little log motion as follows:
house at the corner above .las. It "That in conscynen(•e of the sever -
stands on a plot of land. The house al judges having refused to _,hold
of course was covered IVith clapboard the courts in the present co>_art room
quite :I long time ago and about ten• -and a threat to remove the Court of
-years ;Igo it was painted white. - Most Queen's Itench to a neighboring
,7f the Yrlint hazy either faded or chipped i- ('aunty, as ewell. as the numerous.
eta Come along in the spring, and the accounts presented for accemmoda-
fr„r11 and side of the house just seem tion for holding said courts, as 11150
to 1E> actually covered with 'ruses front,! the yearly rent of the County of -
;.1 creeping vine that -has spread oil( flees, 0nd'the total want of :r tire-
ot'er 11, -There, are thni•ers around the proof safe for the Register Office,
front of the house hi beds that have! and that the arrangeMent contena-
rvllitewashed-stances around them. The plated at last,Ineeting having- failed,
place looks neat and tidy. that the emu of three thousand
• Drop inside and. chat -with_ old Tim p011nds be raised for the building
and the process• of 'post-war recovery - Swenson-- and ,.Isis wife. The finer is , I and if tweessat,r the pinchesing
. scrubbed to a !whiteness . . . the kettle ; of land) for -a court house and suit -
hastened. Her
e's 0opin o._ - always 50(1115 to' be boiling and there! able offices and that a committee of
:are plenty of those • old-fashioned!five be appointed to select a bite,
The Saltfurd Sage says he is goil�grockers around for everybody. -The receive plans. and carry the sante
to. plat in all his spare time next'week decorations are not what' you would into effect." -
call eery fancy, They have 'some of , At least some members Of the County
at Ole big plowing match. 'With his , 111(;se crocheted saln1li>rs with Mottos Council were of opinion that the ,1lidges
usual modesty he says he doubts if he on Mem and n -maple of i ;alendur plc rv�o objected to the court room at the
will s(0 any better plowing than he 1 tires under -glass. Just the same. .Tail w•ei•e overly fastidious. for at
did himself in his young; days,- but he ` there's a peaceful friendliness about thk same session of the Council the
- is all -eagerness to see all the 'latest the place you can't help but notice. ; 1111011(0 committee reported -as follows:
Gn into h(ueee or for Met twitter - "W e respectfully submit • t11111 ewe
machines and gadgets to sa�'e time just look nt. them and you can often consider the present court ruonr snit -
and make life easier for 4110 Tarnier.', 1. ,I •.x-•11;11 the people are like why► live able and IplitO sntleient for the
Then, of course, he'll ha ye' a champ 111 them.0Some places, cold and for- business of these Counties, and in
to swap opinions on farming ami things bidding on the outside, ":Ire just the taking this view we- are happy to
s e Ir inside.Lind that we are -repeatedly, and on
in tiemeral with people f1 1111 nil net; 111' ar`bey I remember going to visit- almost! all occasions, borne outbythe county). n'I} 1111 uncle wlived over iu the n0st thegr:uld juries of these Counties.
0 o 0 - township*: They had about eight child- \\'e believe we tray," without being
U.S. DetrYecrats, somewhat dishea•rt- . ren and• they levied in a big ran1111iug• l' (:lied with egotisthlal views, say
old ho1s(> with plenty of rooms. The that the cc►mhined opinions of truth
.cried by 1 -roil -Wes within their party, furmitur0 looked battle -scarred :and I , • .
• .,..ter rrara,.0r
are said to be enjoying a rife in the soon found ,out why. After slipper pry - --- -_
11.6ublic:tli ranks. Senato 'Taft having, finely played with the children.. The l
expressed disapproval of the penalties s6fa ant turned up on,,"•
its side as a 1
fort. I had a wonderful ter-ne. The;
imposed on German war leaders - at i.h,tnuse didn't look to he rhle ch, b1t- it
Nuremberg, (Governer - Dewey
of New ws full of laughter and til() scars on
York. comes out with a declaration of the furniture were relics of fun. My
. his ill►inion rdicts were just
that the veaunt 3.lways said. ":\ hon 0, Phil. is a
and were reached by a -fair trial. .1'ii- -- plai()•4n 1ive"n; n(;t to>Inl;-around. 311(1
wait for death in." I'll bet those child -
the, Senates• and the Governor are reit- have never forgotten the fun there
aspir.'tnts_ for the Republican presi- was in that house. *e
dent.ial nomination. in 1ii18 una there -'Iy ftither aTwn1's said that a hontie
after it's lived in takes on the ciharacter
1,t, :I large suspicion that both had of the people who lite in it. The
their eye on the ballot -Pox 111 declaring! the(iry may he a whole lot closer, to
their views. ( the point then we first take It for.
* 0 m
are again reminded. by the out :SHOULDN'T
cry over the dropping of the milk soh ; (Peterborough Examiner)
aide, of the story of the ruralite, who -- There has been so mti('h talk re -
for years had borrowed his neighbor's ('(>rttltr about pepitentiary reform and
improvement of living -conditions for
horse and buggy to drive t(► toven, and , eon vietts that. • ninny p "np1eeeet►d per.
When finally the owner 0011141 lend it Ivalra some rnnvirta_ -may have test
no tenger huitated him for his unneiggla- 1 sight of the foot that penitentiaries sire
11oot•liltes€t,'inutead of thanking him for instruments of punishment. A(lntitt(ed-
Iv, there is plenty of room forclreforn)•
all the generosity that hac>6been shown trod inlpi'OVPIIIent. 1)11 f, lrria(►r►e '41101114
Tarn. 'sil(► • 011111 fAllbsidy was p1li(1' ti:: not, be made so - attractive as to en -
n pall o the Government's wartime courage repeated visits.
plans to 1( 1 t prlees under eontro1.1 ..: `e +el. tliera "3 orte tlrin[ga. ha e
Now that the war o' er and eontrola
� taltein you over all the a�otrgli sputa
Are gradually being abandoned: there 1 of .life. ha\°en't I, (fear t"' • Mrta. "feu.
ti tl() re4coa 'WIy it 0honld lw (coin- it don't thinik you, missed any of tltena
Fairbanks -Morse
Han'tmer fMi1l�
Grain Grinders
Oil Burning Heaters.
Fleury -Bissell -
Grain ,Grinders -
Plows and Disc. Harrows
John Deere
Tractor Stiff
Tooth Cultivators
Diamond Harrows
,Cement Mixers and Pump
BEATTY . & M01)013'. GALL
Pumps, Windmills, etc.
'ompliments of
Put new life into your Chesterfield
with a rte-u1)11o1stlt1'mg. job. This
is fr"e`i.uetltly Mote •satisfactory
than a complete- new one: Phone
-567\''x' and Nye will eall and give.
-you an' estimate. No obligation.
Ross Scott, - Brucefield
Ili��;1 11. 1111 111 l 11'