HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-10-8, Page 4THEEXETER TIMES.Iles published every Thursday morning,at the TI MES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE Main -street, nearly opposite Fitton'a Jewelery Store,Exeter, Ont., byJohn White Son. Pro - ;praetors, a anvE o 6T ±iTtril°7 8 $ of lrirstinserticn,per line ..... . cents , 10 It'a eh subse(lueet insertim1 per line ,..,.3 cents. To insure insertion, advertisements should be sent in not later than Wednesday morning. Our dOli PRLNTINCO DEP 4RTsit.NT is one of the largest and best equlppeU in the County of $iron, All work entrusted to its will receive our prompt attention: Decisions Ittegarc hug Newee papers., ^.buy person who takes a paperrekularly from the post•otlice, whether directed in his name or another's, or whether be has subscribed or not reSeensible for payment. 9 If a person orders his paper discontinued he must pay ell attests or the publisher may continue to send It until the velment is made,. and then collect the whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the office or not. 3 In suits for subseriptions. the suit may be theis pub place wherethe paper instituted in p p• lashed, although the subscriber may reside hundreds of miles away. 4 The courts have decided that refusing to rake newspapers or petiodic>als from the post- office,or removing and leaving them uncalled for is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. i, SLEEPLESS NIGUTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. 8hiloh's Cure is The remedy for you.. Sold by J.W. Browning. War don't the Stephenand Us - borne farmers form an inetitit;te, hold meetings and discuss Mattern per- taiuing to farming generally 2 Other itownehips have done so, and au- j nornce the result to be very profitable to the members. It tends to improve, stock, gives a better idea as to what kind of grain to grow,, and generally improves the order of farming. last lie hear from some agriculturalist on the matter. Ale Exchange says;--•Atitohell cows. have developed the habit of censure - jog the grass on the public highways and felling to sleep on the sidewalk. It is feared that, as a result, there will be serious complications in the town council, the wealthy milk in- terest having united to protect the n •ws against threatened attempts to interfere with their diet and their slumbers. Skilful statesmanship, however, has settled more complicat- ed questions than this. $1, fer �(j nCS Tem Guelph Mercury, in comment– Police Court, a few dawn ago' o boy, hag on the Model Farm fire, consoles aged ten, who is subject to fits, Brie itself and its readers by caging that sentenced to receive six strokes. with THURSDAY, OCTOBER, 8th, 1885 the farm is stilt there, although the birch beecuse be Ilad stolen a fete _. r_-_._ - barns are missing, Our oorltelnpor. prawns. He was taken to the place been the following development;— Year. Barrels. Value. 1874. ........... .... ....51,081, d 726,915 1875 63,397 176,295 1876 84,107 170,1)05 19.4,932 149,333 157,018 347,166 1 212526 510.464 882 1883 158,018. 499,185 1884 51.019 173,048 The average for these eleven years is 118,808 barrels, worth $284,440. For the first six years, however, the , average Was but 67,796 barrels, vale- ed ale ed at $62,618; while during the last five years there has been an average shipment of 180,529 barrels, worth $441,104. The prices are thus shown to have kept up, and the demand fol Canadian apples is increasing, The trade has more than doubled since the opening of 1880, and with the 666 stimulation which the fruit display at l the Colonial Exhibition will no doubt$ have, it may be expected that this fi business will be shown to have only been in its infancy. News emotes. It is stated in a Devonshire (Eng- land) newspaper that at an Exeter 1677 77,688 1878 •. 53.219 1880 146,54$ y� Q e e .,...: ,.....394,5 645,656 To CanadianAdvertisersa C7 THIS OUT and return to us. with 100 or 4 3c stamps, and yen'ai get by return mail a Ool len box of Goode that will brim you in more money than anything also in America, Yon. fortune if youstertqute's. CITY NOVELTY CO , ;' Yarmouth, N.:',8 . We will insert a One Inch Advertisement. One Month in 13 dailies 1 tri -weekly and;48 Weeklies of our 4s.Lact'I,o„AL' .tsT.of Canadi- an pauers for .870. To those who want their aavortising to pay, we can offer no better me- dium. Copy of List sent free on application, (AEU, 1?. RO'tV I LL & t;0 PiEWSPA.IEis AOVVUTISI$0 13URE41U. 10 Spruce St., New York. a .' Ary le quite right i but: it is poor inti*' of lla ehraent, stripped, big lege rap, nR11fI1'If� 1 C;fF1I F.aT. to the people to know that the p faction p p 1 the costly berms expansive cattle im- one of the maglstrat3a vale attended The work of recanstrecting the ; ported last'year, sheep, &o., worth With the morbid object of seeing ;ghat Dominion Cabinet, which was 00113 about $28,000, have been burned np, the hey bad it properly.. 14611484. with the appointment of Mr. The year's thistle crop will not (1001' Thomas 'White as Minister of the In. peneats for such a lose. ,rerelied to a ladder, and then he thlatle crop was not destroys ;Left over from last week.) d, while Rea wh ipl ad --fi t Ibis in presence of terior, ilea been continued by other John Ross, living near Essex appointments being made, Mr. Few people have any idea of the. Center, was "held up'' by toot pads Pope, Minister of Agriculture, who., in labor that bees have to expend in the while walking home on the Canada addition, has been acting Minister of gathering of honey. Here is a cal- Southern track Pram Windsor test Railways, bee been appointed as head Deletion which will show how lndue- Wednesday night and robbed of his of' the latter department, and from trsius the "busy" bee really is. Let silver watch and $9. the ability with which he has tnanag- us suppose the insects confine their On Wednesday morning a little ed the affairs while acting in this cc— attention to clover fields. Each head ,1 boy, aged two years, son of Mr. J. C. acduringthe last year the people of clover contains about sixty eloper Linklater, of Clinton, had a rather p ack ave the beaassurance that the policy ate flower tubes, in each of which is a uupleasaut adventure. being attacked of the Dominion in the matter of rail- portion of sugar not exceeding the l by a neighbor's cat. The fell +e lied ways will be vigorously pushed. Hon. five,huodredth pad of a grain, frequently been about the place, but John Carling,. who bee so ably man- ` Therefore, before one grain of sugar never manifested any evil d►spouitiotl aged the Post. Office Department ever can be got, the bee must insert its until the day in question, when it since be entered the Government, has proboscie in 500 clover tubes, Naw ,pounced on the child as it nae play- received the appointment as Ministerthere are 7,000 grains in A pound. ec roout, end the iklnt The child's screams of Agriculture. Mr. Carling is thej that it follows that 8,500,000 clover brought lira. I�n r right man for this position, and be is a man in whom the people can confide. He was brought up on a farm and thoroughly naderatends what is best adapted to forward the farming interests of the Dominion. The position is not a now nun to him, be baying filled the same in. the On tario Government under Saudfield Macdonald ; and while acting in that capacity ineugursted many useful and beneficial improvements, which have proven of material importance. We cannot permit the =Neon to pass without complimenting Sir A. Camp. bell, who has presided over the De- partment of justioe, on being selected as Postmaster–General, and we feel confident the duties devolving npon him will be discharged with the same satisfaction to the public that char- acterized his management when he bad charge of this department a few years ago. Hon. Mr. Thompson, of Nova Scotia, is well known in hie province, having served as Attorney - General for years, and lately 'ns a Judge of the Supreme Court. He has received the appointment of ltIin• ister of Justice, and takes his seat as Nova Scotia's second representative in the Cabinet. This gentleman is a good debator, and will add consider. ably to the strength of the Govern- ment. EDITORIAL NOTES. IMMIGRATION baa largely fallen off lately in the United States. It has been so overdone in previous years that the effect has been to flood the labor market of America and cot down wages. Sin Richard Cartwright, is making a tour among his constituents, in this vicinity, this Week. The gallant bench. Judge Sinclair formerly is - knight will tell the people they are sided at Goderich, in this county, and tubes must bo sucked in order to ob. taro but one pound of honey,. oat continued to spring an the child's lace end head, although Mrs, L tried to kick it off, but failed. She then THE colonial and Indian oxhibi. procured a stick of wood, with which lion to be held in London, Bug., and she succeeded in driving it off. The to be opened in May of next year, child Was fortuna'e in e•e'+ping with will afford our citizens an excellent a few *cralohes. opportunity to show the rapid strides, . -- Ht:NsaLt 11144E" M;LLs,—°" of the toads by apace in the industrial Most eoluplete roller mils in the Province, is arts. The apace alibied to the Do- constantly running and giving; the bast setis- minion will be 64,000 feet, so that it is expected our people, both in the number of entries and the quality of its products, natural and manufactur- ed, will be such as to astonish the world, The exhibition will be under the presidency of the Prince of Wales and conducted upon the basis of a guarantee fund of 150,000, India having already guaranteed 120,000, leaving the balance to be provided by the colonies; but it is expected the fund will not be celled for as it is fully hoped the exhibition will be self sustaining. It is expected to be the grandest exhibition ever held and cannot fail to be of immense advant- age, particularly to Canada; it will also tend to bring closer the ties between the mother country and her colonies. DURING the debate on the Provable.l Bill the opponents, of the Bill submit- ted that great injury would result to the Reform party, as the revising barristers would be used by Sir John Macdonald for the purpose of striking off Dorm votes, and that he would appoint none but Conservatives to the position. The very first appoint ment that has been made to the posi- tion under the sot was that of Judge Siuc'air, for the county:of Wentworth. In this appointment their predictions have not bean fulfilled. They cannot accuse the judge of being a Tory. at least previous to his elevation to the heavily oppressed. There is no use in making a speech unless it contains information the audience never knew before. Tan Hou. John Carling, M. P., Minister of Agriculture, addressed a large gathering of farmers at an agri• cultural fair in the county of Frorlten- ac, on Wednesday. The Hoo. gentle- man is making good use of his ap– pointment by giving information and ini$iuotion;. while there acted in the capacity of commander-in-chief of the Reform DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. party in marshalling its forces in ITS 1tuALTRFPLSEBS HAS NEVER BEEN QL'ESTteSEn bouth Huron, at least, and his Seal In emotion homes for a quarter of a century it inn in the cause of Mr. Cameron and aim/ the consumers' reliable test, party will be well remembered by faction. Grfeting done to order on short notice. The roller flour takes the lead. Try it and be convinced. 211 tons of good Mid- dlings on bane at low figures. A tow cars of Corn and Corn &op on hand. BANNER et'URQUHART. HnssAnL.--Wanted at the Hensell. Oat - Meal Mills, fifty thousand bushels of good sound Oats for Milling purpo-es. The high- est price will be paid. Oat.meal exchanged for oats. • QTRAYED FROM LOT 6, S. E. B')uNDARY, TOWNSHIP OF USBORNI.. Six Spring Calves (three of them steers anti three of thein bolters.) One of the calves is nearly white, two grey. and three red and white. Last hear,: of in the neighborhood of Farquhar. Any person giving, nuv information that will lead to their recovery will be suitably rowardal. Trios. TPPTs, Kirliton P. 0. TEST YOUR BEING POWDER TO -BAY! Brandt advertised as absolutely pure CQ7s7TA AMINCOPIi>CA, THE TEST: remove the reverend anei] hot chemist will not be re- quired to detect the presence of ammonia. THE TEST OF THE OVEN. many. We believe, however, since he has become a judge' he has stooA PRICE BATING POWDER• CO.. aloof from politics. The Opposition Dr. Price's • S�ccia1 Flavoring EIiracts, leaders and press, when judging Sir ` 9�• • •ton esl,a..at delicious and a t. 1 a k d J MAXIM or John, must have concluded that he a a ra amt ne.ra,.n o n, 4. ' Lupine Yeast Gemt would pursue the same course they 40 Price'sLu would under the same circumstances] or Light, Healthy Bread, The Beet Dry Hop Yeast in the World. a� as their policy has always been to FOR SALE BY GROCERS. MR. D. MILLS, who became a law. appoint Reformers only, to office, re-- CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. ler a few years ago and has had one case already, describes Sir John Mac oldest and most cue of the o dooald l ex- perienced of lawyers, and in addition a Queen's Councel, and a D. C. L. of Oxford, as the "veriest pettifogging shyster, But then a cat may spit at a king. The British Association has voted $250 towards investigating and pub– lishing reports "on the physical characteristics, languages, etc., of the inhabitants of the North-west. Presumably, the iuvestigatione are to be made into the characteristics of the Indian inhabitants. A good deal is known about the white men and their late penchant for town lots already. $58,811. Since that time there hac gardless of ability. As this is the season of the year when the fruit crop is being gathered, and buyers are visiting growers all over the country for the purpose of. making purchases for shipment. abtoad, it may not be out of place to give exact figures showing g the de - Vet ,pment of this trade. The favor- able or unfavorable character of the season may account for the fiuctu• idiot's that, are apparent, but, taking ore season with another, substantial growth has taken place. in, 1870 the trade seems to have been in its in- fancy, the returns, showing but 20,- 810 barrels shipped away, valued at �n.PRfC �.tiAVORP SPECIAL FLAVORING EXTRACT TREE LEMON E XT MOST PERFECT' MADE Purest and •stroimest Natural Fruit Flavors. Vanilla, Lemon, Orange Almond, Rose, etc., flavor as delicatelyandnalurally as the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS ...........- REIVA10:OF COUtNTEIiFEITB. GILES' LINIMENT IQDIDE .AMMQNIA. 1.1.....3-`, C The speediest and most certain medicine in the woilcl. . ALL FAMILIGG if5E IT. WeakBack, Enlarged Joints, Paralysis, ilbeumatista, Neuralgia, Diphtheria, Sciatica, Ptolapsus, Cterei, Female Weakness. The best andoul1 e;rtaiit remedy to relieve pain of all kinds, no tastier of bovinng staud- ing. Instant relief geara'tteed crippes. Swot. len Jo uta, Varicose Veins, Rites of Insects o, Sick Headache No oil or grease; is clean and sweet ; will not soil. ISPLAM11ATION o''run EIDNr-Y3, BRIGHT'e PP:weer., Diabetes. incontinence of Urine. Is toe only Liniment in the work; possessing a 1• terative now.ers. Can. t'e taken internally; cures Crn,uii's on I Co lie, Diarrhoea and Dys• ontery. . Soar 117 ALL$DRIMiifrTlt rnr.tl. I3uTTLa'25e. Write Dr. (;iles,boa 3,452. N. Y. P. O., who will give advice on all diseases free of charge. t s neware of unscrntnilcus dealersaudcouA- terfeits. The genuine has tate name blown in the glass anti roc t•iurilte of the discoverer's name aver each cork. GILTS' istimUVED MASDl„tRE l'ILLS. SAt'r, SCIua,IIuLIAnI X,, and I:FI'i tTlt'I:. Ii'a xnt GRIP; They sic emu nos el ontutlr of veg.') table sub. stances. and t' lit b,• t- ,Len at :il ,ean'i,8 of the year without tentriation t.r, t.• .lit t o- clothing. Ioralldisorders of Ow Stomach, Liver, Bowels. ke. Pr.cc, 2lc,'p^r boa- I'. I.1717. Agent. Exeter, Ontario SUMMER "Picturesque Detroit ,,,,,,,,,, :4...„.,,,, To MACK# NAC. The Meet Delightful TOUR Balsas Memos, Low Bates. Tour Trips par Week Between DETROIT AND MACKiNAC And Briny Week May Detwaan DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write far our Mackinac," Illustrated. Contains roll Partienlar.. MOWd. rms. & Cleveland Steam Nay. Co. C. 0. WHITCOMB. Gan. PAaa. Aar.. DETROIT. MICH. From At pprices on 5 for securing _FREELand 10.818,533' HALF were Maps Parlfle the LAMBORN. ORTNERN PAC1F1 li. R. R. LANDS in Minnesota. North Dakota. Mon - on•tans,Idaho, Washington and Oregon. tans, Idaho, Lake Superior to Puget Sound, ranging chiefly tram $2 to $6 per acre, to 101years time. This is the Best Country Good Homes now open for settlement. 322 0 acres of Government Free under the Homestead and Timber Culture Laws. NOTE Acres OR MORE THAN of all tite Public Lauds disposed of in 1S8s, in the Northern Pacific country. Rooks and sent FREE describing tin Northern Countrr.tbe Railroad Lands for Sale and FREE Government Laud,. Address, CHA S. Land Com'r. N. 1'. I1. It., St. Taut, Hina , ;-.- !;FDWLER'S ,: ,5'EXTRACToFWILD» :Q .i ' last, n 1,,�.;; g..� f<c . . ;:.. loth AL•LO'., �. Mothers, just Look! And Daughters, too. We have so many things to tell y o u about regarding our New Fall Stock that it would take half the side of this paper. To rad about is very good but to see is far better; so we cordially invite you all to call and see as. Come whether you want to buy or E •�.. not. Ours tore i slNr :1,crowded with cods' - . you will be delighted to look at . Tile .11ress unods, Rich Plushes, eall.- Beau- tiful Silks, Satins, Merveilleuxs, Velveteens, Man- tle Cloths, all in ladies' wear, See the All -wool Grey Flannel for 26 cents at Banton Bros.' Young Men and Fathers, you, too, are welcome and we certainly have much to interest yo . Spe- cial mention we make about our Scotch, English, and Canadian Tweeds ; very nice goods and ex- ceedingly low in price, An immense range of Soft and Stiff Felt Hats, the latest styles and shapes ; Over three hundred Ties and Scarfs to select from, Min, tic. up. Undershirts and Drawers, all -wool and heavy, the greatest value to be had. Don't forget to call and see us. We deem it a pleasure to show you such value as we have never offered before.. Everything is away down at RANTOIV BROS. AUTUIIIIIV =40E35 MILLINEOPENING tt 1 ESTABLISHED 1 THEOL, .. ESEA: LISH D --WILL ON— TUE SDAY & WEDNESDAY, 29th & 30th IIAKE Timm 131ST DISPLAY OV (Hats and Bonnets Plumes, Feathers, Aigrettes, Birds, Ornaments, &c. Plashes, Velvets and a variety of Trimmings In all colors. MISS Doherty, who for the past three seasons has successfully conducted this branch, again resumes, antiwill be more than delighted to Intro every lady in the village and surroundings give her a call. tom- "Grand General Opening" same days. Everything complete, Everybody come, How Most, 'Row Restosed •r• nil. ,abhsheti a newedition W 1i Iva r �t 1 e i ion of alit rii.1'1 ,t 1 1 lLEBRATItD us- SAl' nt, the •' 1.1iitu1 LIM rut mmlament cure (with- out int liei].tlo `i.rvcur• fltbillty Al entalrnd physics I Capacity imr edi iic-nis to Marriage, etc.. r.:eUhill) rum excesses. Price, in .t,laletl .•in•r•1e,.e,euly 6 eents,Ortwo i ]Ocie f•t, t1I 1111 fl 1 The i lebretcd iuthis h r. a dmf r i able es- say lr•arly demon.trate fawn thirty years' sueee nfuI llraetice, t;111 ttlarming consequen- ces may be mQle:013 emelt without the dang- ero' a use of internal medicines or the use of the knife ; Point nu: a atone of cure at once simple certain 11 it effectuo1, by means of, which every sullen -c, maiter what his con- dition M on-ditionm ay bp,tun core himself cli.taply,pri' vatei] nett :arlienlir. 1:�' L11i lecture shouid be in tine Lands of ev- ery youth and •tvt#,•y inert in the in nil. And, ,,, l THE CHLVERWELL MEDICAL COMPANY, Baa 450 - 'An. NEW YORK J,A1VIns PICK.AR,D. GAZE ON TIIXS! FOR THIRTY DAYS BISSETT BROTHERS OFFER TEN PER CENT. FOR C9BH On FORKS of,all kinds, CRADLES, SWATHS, SCYTHES, ETC. BINDING GLOVES CHEAP. Machine Oils,Rock Bottom Prices American Water White and Canadian refined Oils away down. BISSEITT BIOS THE BANS of TIME Main Street, Exeter. A THOS. FITTON Keeps Watches That Are Watches And are warranted correct for Time, Tide, of Railroad Trai andtothe nplease most fastidious. £ t sous, V EWEL R i That is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable 1 for' Romans, 3 e Friendsand Countrymen, leen L Brides L t 3 , overs, e, Bride l Bridegrooms Lovingand Lovely Ives Children,Hus- g 1 e 3 W , Hus- bands, Etc., Etc. SPECTACLES. -Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft easy and pleasant to the4ye, and suitable for youth or age. Give him a call. No trouble to show Goods. atches and Clocks Repaired and Brought t Time.