HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-10-03, Page 8• p im uHSIGNAL-8)1;U a AY, CTOI E et • ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH . SUNDAY, ocroBER Cal, 11910 8..30 aata. HOLY CO3I1 UNION. 10.00—SUNDAY SCi LOOL• , ILO& a�.n_$ m; OblE a £ MMUNIO l ANI) SERMON. The Rector. ' 3.00 p.m. SUNDAY'. SCHOOL, FJ.>14�D p.m. EVENING PRAYER AND SERMON: Bev. J. L. Iiena?lersou, Myth. October ]13. Annual •Harvest Thanksgiving .Services. REV. BEVERLY 11. 'FARM, E.A., L.tln:, RECTO "; . MRS. E, JESSOP, Organist and Choir Leader. , ,.,,,,, , . 4 f rie s WANTED Rummage sale at Victoria street churvlt ion tgaturday, October 5th, at 2 . p.ni„ under auspices of ' Eureka class.. -39-0 " Yen too, like htaudredt� of anthers, can heal eczema, pinipies, bollt, quick- ly ly with-Kleerex. 50e-$1.110.• (Med, ituu and strung)-. At all druggists. 40-4 The regular monthly meeting of the Maple -Leaf Chapter, 1.0.1).E., v ill bt' held in MacKay Hall, on Friday, t)efiuher.'11tiiattt 3 ` DM: -40 1lygietiic supplie` S (rubber _goods) , nailed postpaid la plain, sealed ea- velope with price list. Six samples 25c; '24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. 7-53, NOV-RL'BR3ER CO., Box North St. United Church MINISTER—REV. R. : TUR BULL. E.A., E.D., Sunday School 10 a.m. Primary Department 11 a mm. 11 k.m. eO@�1b1L'NltON. 7 p.m. YOUNG ADULT SERVICIE. - All young adults - and young married .couples are especially invited. Organist and .Choir Leader— Mrs. Murray Hetherington, A.T.C.M. A SLNCERE WELCOME AWAITS YOU Knox Presbyterian Church •9.45 a in. Sunday School. 10 a.ini. Young People's' Bible Class. 11 lana. .Jnnnior Congregation.. 111 a.m:—THE SACRAMENT OF '1'llik•1 LORD'S SUPPER. "a pan, PUBLIC WORSHIP. , Sermon Subject: "Reality- in Religion." 8.30 p.ni. Young People's Fellowship in the Lecture Hall. All Young People 11riv itt>d. . - Friday 8 p.m. --Preparatory Service. MINISTER—REVERENT) RICHARD STIEWART Director of Prais'e-s-,.Mr. William Wickett, A.T.C.M. Come and Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. , •i St.� United Church Victoria MINISTER --REV. L.AWRENCE.H. TURNER. B.A. Organist and Choir Director -Mss Mary Joyce Strachan 10.00 a.m. SABBATH SCHOOL. 11.00 a.m. WORLD-WIDE' COMMUNION SUNDAY. . SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER. 7.40 p.m." ^SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER. Monday 8 p.m. Y. P. Society. - 9.45 amt. UNION. VICTORIA WELCOMES YOU. Goderich Baptist Church REV.. REV. JOSEPH- JANES, M.A., PASTOR Mrs. Ella. -L Donaldson, A.L.C.M., Organist 10 a.m. SUNDAY -SCHOOL. ' Rally Day Program. 11 a.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. 7 p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. .II APTIti\..1SL SERVICE. •- • Rev. Joseph' Janes will- conduct the Services. Wednesday 8 pail. Congregational - Rally. STRANGERS ALWAYS I3•ELCOME Musicians - TABERNACLE, t Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) 'EARSON, Pastor. , SPECIAL SERVICES SUNDAY ONLY -11 a.m, and i;30 p.m. - MR. and MRS. E HORD ANI) FAMILY and singers, iaill he with ..us. Mrs.` Hord will. speak , at both services. .Tuesday -8 p.m. Young People's. Friday 8 p.m. -• Prayer Meeting. - ...ALL WELCOME , FOR SALE.—A GOOD BUILDING lot. Aliply at the corner of Park arid, Albert streets. MISS SUSANNA 1IUNKJNG. ,40x. FOR G AL)f':.—RFD BRICK £ ]NOSE, seven rooms; all conveniences, also ts'un-room, hot-water heating system. ;Corner Tot. Location good tor summer home. Immediate possessioaa of four rooms. Private entrance" 24 William street. 32tf IJI W® TI1D, - lEXh' :RIENOl� Loper. Apply HO . EPROOF HOSIERY COMPANY, : East Str et, Goderich. WANTED. — MAID; •U60ID working :hours. pply `in ' pef`setn. 1IOWt' SV 1LLA, corner Church and Colborne streets. 38x 'ANTED. — BEDROOM SUITE, at SIGNAL -STAR, 40x FOIA SALE. — QUEBEC. HEATER, with bed Phone 896R or ea11 nearly new, with ,floor board and some seven-inch stovepipes and elbows. Also" a white enamel kitchen cabinet. Phone 1089J. 40x NOW AVAILABIJE.—TRE FAMOUS 91, Hamilton, Ont. -404 • Singer Buttonhole attachment, Also Boy Scout Apple I)ay on Saturday, a few electric cabinet machines. - October 12th. Help Goderich . youth. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 On- litty all apple. 40-1 tario street, Stratford. 3Otf • Backaches go quickly, often after that use, llumucaps two-way action }"OR SALE.' — C`HOIC'E MIXED attacks the 'cause, relieves the l)tain• tail') bulbs. Apply I'EKCY Campbell's and Entersuia� drug stares. -40 Get your supply of counter, check book: and restaurant pads tit The Si n 1 +tai Printed to quit you per WANTED TO BUY. --� BRICK house with good-sized lot. Cash. •POSTOFFICE BOX 58, Goderich�,ltf WANTE D '1`O BU Y.--300 CALIBRE Savage rifle. Top price paid -for gun in Al` condition. Address P.O. BOX o50, Goderich, or phone 1162. - -40 BARKER, Bayfield road, phone 100W. AN- - O 'PORTUNI'TY. = E'STAB- a -40 LISHED Rural Watkins District FOR • S: E. 4:REPAIRs TO ALL: available. 'If you arey aggressive, and between •the ages- of ' 5 and 5v have makes of washers, ironers and Or can secure travel outfit, this is your g a . ; yactittm ,cleaners. New wringer -roll •dually. � oppurtuuity to get .established in a \\'ilder's Stomach Powder—quick re- � replacements. Ali v rk guaranteed. profitable •business of your own. For lief • front digestive ailments, acid . 131'1 &TTY \\' c1SIiI;It SERVICE, Ham- full . particulars write today to THE � stomach, heiertburn• Pleasant, ecuia iltun street. Phone b9. -37tf J; R. \WATKINS COMPANY, Dept. uulic•al. 50c and .$1 at Campbell's • and ' .OI{ S ALE. -•-TRUCK AND LIGHT U G-1,• 2177 Masson street, Montreal, all druggists. 40-4 . (sue, 4U 4 tractor,. both in need of repair. Bazaar and urleriluun te41 at •\lac -• j Apply . at JIAITLAND GOLF CI�LTB, 'WANTED. — (11tL FOR Hui b1 Kay Hall, Saturday, (►ctubel• 5th, from - ` 3 to 6 l),Iu., under the auspices of the ' Phone 633 or call the secretary, phone WORK, faintly of two, gaud wages Allmee li Chapter,,ttid rite tt I1. Sulo , ut i ' and itulti•s ; .all modern ct►nvenf(nces. home baking, candy, fancywork, SUR SALE.—BEAUTIFUL GARDEN Write BOX 55, S1UNAf. STAR. • -4U rtpruils, children's wear, cuu•Iltry :tune, _c hrvsunthemtunsz many colors, 75c ``TANTED. — E K P E R I.E N C E D tish-puud and fortune telling. for large bouquet; also asters,, zinnias vv moulders 'for bench and flour Central Iiuiue and School Associ- aiid some gladioli. Call or phone work.. A, EBERSOL, Milverton, Ont. atiuU will meet October 5th at 8, P.n. MRS. L. l{, HOLMAN, Cameron street, -38-40 There will be -a Thanksgi ,--mg- Ix•u¢-' lihciue 7:22. .._ - - _ _ 39tf .. gram. Rev. J. Janes will sixuk un - `AN'TIED. A" It FORCE MAN, ���(►R SALE.—"ENTERPRISE" COOK "The Religious Training of a Child," i wife; dud c;klild request .unfurn- and Jl rs. Noble will discuss a child stove with water front and warn, fished ti ti tiuent, Careful tenants problem, A rnluLUagc soli will be Write LAC. 1. R. Parliament, R.( .A.I., held iii the school un Saturday, October b Clinton. 40-1-_x CLIiIARING AUCTION •SA]LI; 011' CATTLE at lot 26, confession 6, Hallett town- ship, 3 miles north of Clinton, on No. 4 highway, on , ' FRIDAY, UCTOBk R Xitiki at -2 p.m. .CATTLE—.—Red Durham cow, 7 years old, due January 16; red $,Durbaap cow, 0 .yearn , p1,1, due January.. -17; grey Durham cod,, 7 -years "old, due January. 24; red Durhain,-cow, 8 years old, due April 2; red Durham cow, 8 yea'rs old, due March 2; l'ed Durham cow, 9 years old, due March 8; red, Durham cow, 12 years old, due March /3; red Dur- ham vow,—7 year old, due 'March 19; black cow, 11. years old, due ,February 24; Hereford cow, 3, years old, sup- . posed to be in calf ; grey Durham' cow, 7 years old, due April 15. PUREBRED HEREFORDS -1 cow, 5 years old, due' December 25; 1 cow, 5 < years old due, January 6; 1 cow, 5 iitg closet : ivory and black. Call at 76 Newgate street. X40 12th. at p.m. Please send donations • to the schuul un Friday. ri 'For smartly printed lettei�hea,ds, bill- ,. Goderich heads. dud envelopes, see the ll�udei Signal -Star. - We .handle every prin�tiug need. Let us quote en your require- ments tlay. An (welling of music, also pictures shown by 13ub- Henry, itt the Parish h all Fi id,i� f )c•iuber l l th. at 5- lens., THE SALVATIQN ARMY WATERLOO and LIGHTHOUSEA STREETS SUNDAY, . SEPTEMBER 29th , SPECIAL SERVICES CONDUCTED BY - MAJOR ANI) - MRS. T. POLLOCK, OF LONDON • SERVICES-- HOLINESS MEETING -11 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL -2.30 p.m. • SALVATION 'MEETING -7 p.m. • r sponsored Ly St. George's Women's FOR SALE. PAINT SPRAYING Guild. Tickets '25e. -'IU dcir, 'Eats ets are effective Two outfit, complete—ladders, jacks, FOR, SALE. ---TWO-STORY SOLID l;)ric•k , house; . central location. r. , -ti - BOXSIGNAL-STAR. •34 ,� I NAI. ,_ T R. ) 0 ,. U FOR SALE: — SMALL .� LU-N'H 1 room; doing ,excellent business; good home in connection; only reason -.fur selling other business interests. Write P.O. BOX 740, Goderich. 40x z . 2. 5 ztt.s T)6er :..:drop:: plat i ,:� � Sulking'- .,..v��c+lam supply ��; 1� aveeks..�+ , . ginz 40-4 I 39 Oa The \W.\R.S. of North street Vpited ¶ cttmpuell's and Eitiersef's -Drag .• St .I:.nc}wire at RE(. McGEES GARA.GL • CIIURGH NOTES The Ladies' Aid ofKnox.church met for the September °meeting itt •the lec- ture hall of the church with a splendid showing of members: Mr`s. McRougall charc•h �yi11 meet m the cliurcn pallor uli Monday, October 7th, at 3 p.m,v Miss Gratce Strang• will introduce .the new sttidy book un India.. Visitors welcome. -40 Fast, stare relief for constipation, biliousness, indigestion, -with Kipp's Herb '1 ublets. A safe, helpful tonic. laxative... 25c and 75e sizes at Camp -- 0 bell's and all druggists. 40-4 Remember the bazaar and afternoon, tea by the Ahmeek Chapter, I.0.t) E, at MacKay hall, Saturday, October .5th, from 3 to 0_ p.m. _ 'Eight cents a year will protect a , man's"or •lpdy's suit from moth damage for Live years. One spraying of•Berlou Guaranteed- Moth -Spray does it, or • Berlou Bays for the damage. Einera. son's Drug Store. Harvest thanktigiving service's will be held at Victoria street United ehurclli '19n Sunday, October '20. when the speaker will be Rev. Andrew . Lene - M.A., of ' Wesley -Willis United • church, Clinton. Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve gives immediate relief from . corns .and cal- louses, 50c at Campbell's_ and -Emer- son's Drug Stores. 40-4 , • Margaret Seager Club rilutmaige sale; , St. George's Parish Mall, Saturday, November 16th, at -2 p.m. . -40 FC)R SALE.—EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, 16 acres Of land, barn, hydro, base- No. 5:3• • meta.; on highway. Port Albert. THOS. • KOVIAK..R.R. a, Goderich. 4Otf. — .. -" -- FOR SALE. — TWO EXTENSION i.. - • 1' OTICE • ladders, 30 and 32 -feet long. Phone' • CURRY'S BAKERY "The Home of Tmsty •Pastry, p a BOSTON ha,OE1 AM ?I.E b0c each - All Orders mf moo or over delivered. 4. PHONE 465 CULEEBT, Prop. years old, due January 9; 2 bulls, 10 _ __- months old; 1 heifer, 13 months old. STEERS -16 Durham ;and Ilereford steers, 850 lbs.; 16 Durham and Here- - Curry's Bakery lbs. ford, steers, 700 CALVES -8 Durham and Hereford; 9 months old; 10 Durham and Here- ford calves, 6 months yid.; 2 Durham. calves, 2 months old. Anyone buying these steers can leave them on grass for two weeks. TERMS—CASH.. ARNOLD DALE, - Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, 39-0- - - - Auctioneer. UC"TIUN SALE OF FARM STOCK 1 at north three-quarters of lot 28, concession 5 East Wit wit nosh, four \'\TANTED TO BUY.—OLD HORSES and dead cattle. If dead, phone at' once, collect, to. JACK- GIL'BERT, 930 r 21, or FRED GILBERT, 930 r 32, *cleric•la, 33tf �%.1N'1'ED,—GIRL OR WOMAN 'TO • do cleaning by day. Write -P.0. BON 424; Goderich. • -'40x 'GOOD OI'PORTU N ITY FOR.RIGHT man, a mechanic for a .large FOR M,A►.LE Malt Barrels for Cider - HOLD' ABOUT 15 GALS. MOO E4CH Miles north of Auburn, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8th at 2 o'clock sharp. 1 Derham cow, 8 years old, fresh; 1 Durham co', 7 years old, fresh; 1 Hereford -Cow, 8 ye ft i tad,- due i Jlarch 30th ;• 1 Hereford t,ow, 5 years c,ld, .due April 14th; 1 Hereford cow, 5 years 01(1, due January• 8th ; -1 Here- ford cow, 5 years old. clue March 14th; 1 Durham cow, 8 years old, due May 4th; 1 black cow, 7 years old, due June 18th: 1 steer, rising 3 years old: "7 steers, rising 2 years cild ; 2 heifers.; rising 2 years Old; 2 yearling. heifers; 1 2 fed_. t'earli1g : 4 Calves; 1 Quebec riding plough; 100 hybrid pullets. TER.MS—CAS.II. No .reserve, as the farm is sold. - W. ALIBERT CAMPBELL, Proprietor. BLUE, - Auctioneer. 4th; 2 Ayreshire cows, 5 years old, Clue in February ; .3 'heifers (vaccin- ated), vaccin- atedi, due in November; red heifer i vaccinated 1, due Murch 1st; steer, 2 ytttrs OT(r; Heifer, -2" -years olds -5 steers, 112 years old; .3 heifers; 112 years old : 5 steer • calves; 5' heifer calves t vaccinated,. I'LGS-5 sows, clue n November and December a 40 chunks. , HAY AND, GRAIN ---40 tons good hay ; 2,000 bushels mixed grain ; 50 i,us-lt'els wheat t;N_ 'acres t;.orii ; half - acre. waxing turnips. . 1UUL1I1 =1uuto( Rock -Leghorn rn P u 1- lets, laying; 75 Rock -Red pullets, lay= lag; '25 ousters; 3, shelters ; •4 drinkers; 7 steal feed troughs.' Iii\1RNESS-2 sets of llouble harness. IMPLEMEN'1S—Roller; hay rack with half -rack ;' Mitssey:Harris binder, 7 -ft. 'cut ; Massey -Harris )sityloader; • _ x.� ..., 44 • - e'2"i'C7 fer't reeit dri%F; tet iris vrt2�r e Tagt�rpnrent.:Pr --� � 1� \r � AR\I :g b I L.C'TI )N OF ,. • , . Prefer one who, does- not} ,' j Masse•-lIurri: _ hay.i•at1Le;.:. lassey gray trcaall ,.new... •STOCK, IMPLLMENTS AND) drink: \Vi11 a either straight wage i� ris manure spreader; :1lcCornuck-Deer- p y g g T I )LD EFFECTS, or b�• commission. Apply, to ROBERT I __ HOL SE I( o WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9th Ifurnl wagon; set of sleighs; llassey- E. IRVIN,' Dungannon, Ont. Phone at 1.30 o'.clpek • I a •Harris .runt pulper ; turnip drill; set t the farm of Wilbur .Stewart, lot � of 5(111(5, 1_'UU Ib.: hleury plow: New 9, concession 11,. Colborne Township, . l eutiny li1uw,: -set 4 -section harm -Ws'; on' anile east of Blue Water highway. 1 eornticl:-1 )tering cream separator; Team **(irk horses ;1_ heifer. 3 years • two -wheel trailer : milk cart electric • old, due December 1 ; 1 • purebred fencer ; 4 ,milk cans; chains; forks ;• shovels'; palls, etc. These irl`,lemen`ts are all in good shape. 'y HARVEY „BAXTER. Britannial. free estimates, -terms, write ROW- due April 1; 1 grey cow, 3 -years, fresh •HOUSEHOLD• FI'b'F.C'T.-1�rincess road, • Phone 605. n I•ing cultivator; 2 scufflers; Adams • 951J, - ^ •• Jersey, ' clue March 1 ; 1 purebred FLEECE -LINE YOUR HOME WITH! Je,rsey,' due April, 25; 1 -purebred• OR SALE,- RECORD PLAYER. •blown RockwOor insulation. Fur .Jersey, due April'9; 1 red'Jer:sey cote, -40 LAND C. DAY, 5 Thornton avenue, two Months; 1 grey cow,. 3 years; fresh Pat range; settee and two chairs to London, or phone 261, Goderich. _ 43x two months; 1 purebred Holstein cow, FOU SALE. -01L BURNERS FOlt I 0 years, just breed; 1 holstein cow, kitchen ranges in < stock. BRO- `TILL THF. PARTY WHO FOUND ND 6 years, just bred ; 6 .year-old heifers; I'IIEY'S FURNITURE. -AO _ the boy's brown windbreaker• at 2 year-old steers; 4 spring calves; FOR SALE. — GENTLEMAN'S brown overcoat, sire 38, in perfect-) condition. Phone 418, -40 FOR SALE. = FRAME CHICKEN coop 8' x 12'; also ten Rock hens. Apply 1_ E sex street, phone 844.. -40 the topoff' the Elevator stens kindly 28 good breeding ewes, from 1 • to 3 return it to SIGNAL -STAR OFFICE? years old; 1 Oxford ram, 2 years old Also to be offered for sale -50 -acre THE MI NEYi MANUFACTURING .2 SOW'S, just bred;, 1 sow with 10 pigs -,•grass far,m, south half., east half lot :i weeks old; 1 sow, clue time of sale; , 41, concession 5, East \Vawanos)i. - Co. Limited under the provisions 6 pigs two, months old.; 1 hayloader; TERMS --CASH of the •Ojitario Company -'s -Act hereby 1 set of sloop sleighs; 1 laayrake; 1 Everything to be sold, as the farm gives - public notice that it will make i Quebec riding p.low,; Massey -Harris :is sulci. - separator No. ,3 wee• ant-uuvernur of Ontario 101 accept- attachment, new ; OR SALE. — FANCY GOLDFISH. since of the surrende of its charter harness: 1 doubletree and grab; 2' BEEVERS AUTO & BICYCLE on and from a date be fixed try t water barrels ;' milk pails; 1 large -size ,t0_ SUPPLY. Goder• ich Phone 295. 4Q the I.-ieutenant-Governor. Quebec heater and pities,"new ; 1 new TO RENT NORMAN RADFORD, e.. Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. Dated at Goderich this 2nd day of clay bed and mattress; 1 Dominion ; • (-tuber, .A.D. 1946. TO RENT.—LARGE FURNISHED bedroom (two beds) suitable for ;'one or tWo men with board if pre- 40 TIIl BORN • i ferrel'; two 'blocks from Squares Call DRENNAN•—At Alexandra II,.ospital, SIG\AL-`TAR, - 40x Goderich, 011 September 29th., 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl 'Drennan; R.R. d FOR RENT.—COMPLETELY FURN- 7, Lucknow, a .son. . t ISHED seven -roomed. house; ex- - HAGGI'rT.—At Alexandra Hospital,,cellent condition. Write BOX 54. Goderich,, on September 30th, 1946, i SIGNAL -STAR. • -40 to Mr. and Mrs. Ian Haggitt, East i . . street. Goderich, -a son.. • 1 - MILLER. -- At .Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on September 26th, 1946,1 - - to 'Mr. and "Mrs. Clarence Miller, 1 LOST.—S1AN'S ROYAL CANADIAN Catibria road,- Goderich, a .son, Ed- Navy sweater, dark blue, on south ward Peal. • • 1 pier; valued for sentimental reasons. I'ITBLADO.--On Thursday, September Finder please leave at SIGNAL -STAR . 26th, 1946, at. the ,General Hospital, i• and receive reward. , - -40 T. Fitblado (nee -Mabel Foster)•,, a•! LUST.—DOUBLE STRAND STRING soh, Ronald Edward.- ° 1 - • of 'pearls; on Thursday night, be- SI•IEARDO\\"'N,--At Grace ITospital, l tween jail corner at Napier street and LOST and Mr•s. Richard Stewart' were charge of the devotional part of the. program and Mrs. Stewart - pleased everyone with a reading. Plans were made for a bazaar and tea to be held in early November. A SPECIAL MISSIONARY SERVICE -AT The Free Methodist Church SUNDAY AT 7 P.M. •INDIA*L ILLUSI'R:ATED WITH'COLOURED SLIDES, BY DR. LOIS E. KENT, B.A., RD. - Of London, returned missionary from India, at present employed by the Provincial Dept. of Health as . a travelling chest clinician for all the Ontario (Mental) Hospitals of the Province. - ftHER TELLia's - —Of IndEIdolatry. , ` —0f India's Great Need.. - °=W -Of Labors Among India's Ileathen. —Of Il 1ivi'rai ee From Neaij4 ath's-DoOle. SEE--Her in Native Costume. • a —Mr Pectuces of Life £iii' India. • • —Icer Curios, gathered duringserviee on lblitsion fields. • DO NOT KISS THIS. aJ , Cbnngtl`egatioua1 Singing of old familiar Gospel Songs: SPIjMAL SINGING THE REMAINING 'METHODIST CHURCH IN CANADA.. • , REV. R. C. McCALLUM Tel. 897 Pastor.: St. Catharines, to Mr. and Mrs. John MISNEI2 MANUFACTURING CO. LIMITED. Melvin Wellwood Howell, President. R. C. HAYS, Solicitor. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. . —r— • All persons •havingclaims against the estate of George Frederick Yung- blut, late of the Township of Wawa - nosh, in- the County of Huron, de- ceased, are required, to forward full particulars to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of October, 1946. after which date the estate will 'be distributed. - •.FRANK DONNELLY, K.C., Goderich, . Ontario, . Solicitor for the Executor. -38-0 Wind:3or, Ontario, on Friday, Septem- j North and Trafalgar streets. Reward ber 27th, • 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. given. Phone 208J. - -40 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. son, Samuel Charles. LOST,a•-KEY CASE WITH THREE Charles Sheardown, 'of' Windsor, 'i -- • Notice' is hereby given to all persons STODDART.=At Alexandra Hospital, keys, on North side of Square. having any claim against the .estate of Elizabeth Plunkett, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron,..vidow, who died on the eighth 1 -day of September, A.D. 1946, to send same to the undersigned . on or before 1 BUT RAGS, GOOSE AND DUCK the ..nineteenth clay of October, A.D. 194(, as on and after that, date the feathers and ticks. I buy and sell executors of the said estate •shall 'pro - used furniture and household articles. I repair sewing mat'hines. C. WOODS.'c'eed to make, distribution of the assets 12 East street.. Phone 242J. 1312 thereof, having : regard only to the claims of which they h .ve notice. , Dated @at Goderich, in the County of - Huron, . this twenty-fifth day of September, A.D. 1946. R. C., HAYS, K.C., Goderich, Ontario, SoTrator fol°- i`lie Estate. Godetich, on (`)ctober 2nd, 1946, to Mr and Mrs, Carl Stoddart, 51 Que- bec street, Goderich, a daughter STOWE: —`.At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on September 26th,, 1946, to - Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stowe, 51 East street, Goderich, a slaughter, Patnicia Ann. � .. - CARDS OF' THANKS , TIIE FAMILY OF TIIE LATE ,AL-' • , FREI) V. Stnbbington take this The young people of Goderich are in- -way- o'f' expressing their appreciation-•-vrit,d to attend nt a program of moving. of the; many acts of kindness and sora- pictures. singing and 'fellowship hr the ..,patsy`. bestowed -.upon them by their lecture hall of Knox church on Sunday neighbors and friends, and .tarso o evening next, af}er the regular service. thanking those who sent floral tributes Finder please• phone 566J. Reward. 40x BUSINESS NOTICES or loaned carat for the funeral. RS. JAS.' PORTER AND FAMILY are desirous of acknowledginig with gratefulness the loan of cars for the funeral, . also the flowers' which were sent and the many expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness ex- tended to them in their bereavement. -40 ' TEN DERl3 ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED .up to October 12th at 6 p.m. for the operation of the power grader for .the Township of Colborne'; to •work by the hour under direction of the Rbad Superintendent. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. . Work to begin as soon as grader ar- rives. 1i'or partThiilara Ref.! the Clerk, R.ef'Ve. or any 'of the Councillors. Marked tenders will be received- by GEORGE BEAN, 46.• B.R. i,, Goderleh, Ont,l 39-1 • 0 Young People of Goderich • You are invited to - MOVING PICTURES COMMUNITY SINGING FELLOWSHIP O' to KNOX LECTURE HALL Sunday, October th 8.30 p.ni. Silver Collection ' , 8.30 p.m. organ, needy tuned; 1 extension table; 1 bed and springs. TERMS—Cash. No reserve. Also the farm, 127 icres, five miles from Goderich, one mile off Blue Water Highway, will be offered for sale, sob -1 ject to reserve bid.' If sold, possession i AUCTION SALE OF 'HORSES, CATTLE AND HOGS at - the farm of Cecil Johnston, lot 7, cuncessiciu 8. Ashfield, on \WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1946 commencing at 1.30 p.iu. 30 horses, mostly colts.; 15 feeding may be- had 4th of November. - catti ; 4 sows with pigs. WILB'UR STEWART, TI.RMS — Sia, -.months' credit on Proprietor. bankable joint notes bearing interest DONALD BLUE,- , i at 5 ;o per annum. Auctioneer. 39-40 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS 40 - AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS At S.half lot 39, concession 4, East Wawanosh Township, three miles northwest of Blyth, on • . WEDNESDAY, ()CAMBER 9 cornmencing at 12 o'clock, noon, the following: - HORSES—Roan mare, 8 years „old ;• chestnut mare, 10 years old. CATTLE—Holstein cow, 8 years old, due January 1st ; Holstein cow, ,8 years ,1 olcl, due February 10th ; Holstein cow, ; 5 years old, due March 1st; black cow,' 6 years old, due January 5thy; black! cow, 5 years old, due February lst; f black cow; 5 years old, due February CECIL JOHNSTON, . Proprietor. MATT. GAYNOR, Auctioneer. 11! You --worry about your present or - future security, Phone Carlow _1706 or write B. R. ROBINSON Monarch Life Assurance rep're- sentative, R.R. 4, Goderich. 36tf ale -Guard rru�k Life Keep your truck in efficient, trouble-free operation by seeing us regularly for expert attention.. We have every modern facility for truck maintenance and repair --trained technicians, special tools, fac- tory=approved GM Parts. Come to us. Gardner Motor Sales PHONE ;234 , • n GO1 EKIc;H R