The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-10-03, Page 4PAGE FOUR
TI1tURSDL&T, 00701 4311 r ) 191
IIMS.Are Vere Again!
Using rip-Lew-cig,te methods, Was can now be flowered from
'• ° .S6ptim bei: t1, Februalry
-Because we are A;,a line with the murines you cat depend en an
ezeeUegnt grade of Mum for ths to cs,me•
The �,
Ja+� alo
d 1 ri.
A bonded ilinennnb(pr of F.T.D. Flowers wired or cable): rlltnywiiere
(Germany and ,Japan excepted)
'49 411,11VE gT.,GODER Q P; ONE 100
IMr. 'and Mrs. W., T: Hunt o Oak-
°ti-ille are renewing ac(Iuaiutances ita
tleiS distriet. _
n° t. i,1r. ('has. H. Wigle is attending the
Faculty of Medicine at Western I'ni-
tersity, London.
Mir. and. Mrs, ,Ilse+ginald T: Ferguson,
Lon doii, spent the week -end at their
if EGIi` A L1[D E. J EANI I(Nv S
Regi+tnal:)1 Jenkins), syn of Mr.
and :firs. George T. Jenkins, Clinton,
died :suddenly and unexpectedly at
Provost, Alberta, on September 16th,
while ion a motor trip in the West
with his father. He hard not been in
robust health. for some time. He was
Dungannon Fair
Attracts Big Crowd
(Continued from pate 1i. J ),
Gee with Leading Lady; Ralph ',• redie
with Bf"rll,etied for a scond place with
Gordon Carter with Bennie; Frank
Little with Birdie ; G. Johnston with
homes here after holidaying in j a native of Clinton, in his twenty-fifth Champ 'tied with G. Reiss with Dolly.
f( barbas: and Detroit. :,tions, the, only ,child, 1,,f his Ilareuts, Wrestling mate:h on .liaret=barb,
Mr. and Airs. I.eortarll Spencer, Mr. Jenkins brought his son's' body years and under—Harold Robineon,
,'Karen Marie and baby Lynn. of De-' horn:' and the -fune> al rook place on. Allen Rid.
trait. spent the week -end at the hone'
September 22nd frees the pai'eutul glt4 ai'haft; ltullrla Illrudie, Harry
of Mfr. and Nits. M. J. Ainslie and home, with interment in the Clinton. it'eaga,ilI ,
Airs. Shields. cemetery. Rev. Andrew Lane con- Potato mace on horseback --Ralph
lire' J, W Smith has returned from dlieted the service. Among the large Brodie, G. Johnston, M. Robinson, G.
a six weeks' visit in Toronto. She was gathering at the funeral were a number' 'Reiss.
of relatives from Goderieh• . Classified running )se(ter----J., I.J. Little,
accompanied home by her daughter,
Mrs. J. C'.. Beatty, who will spend _nee._1 Gordon Carter, Harry Feat;au, Blake
a few clays in ;own.
Miss I''torent•e Mooney, who seen
JUI�1GMENT GIVEN IN Inoperty, file summer 1114) 11115 at Port Elgin. is
OU AU V, -MOUSSEAU Mr, Justice Urquhart granted judg- \a itin.g her sister. Mrs. George John,
[meat absolute in the divorce action be- ; stole for a few days. She plaits •to
In civil actionbefore u,tice :::cera thtplaintiff and the defendant. spend the winter in Arizona.
a 1 a t 1 J Judgment was handed down by Mr: Airs. Harry Munroe and Mrs. David
I'r(luhart in -the :,upr('ttle Court of Un- ,Justice Urquhart at Osgoode Hall as Horne 'of Lethbridge. Alta., a re re-'
tario here last -week, judgment was re- follows:
a m�,
.In a at i2ted tournament at the bowl-
ing greens on Thursday night last the
winn'rs .were; list F. Price and Mrt3
W. J. Baker; 2nd V. Rouse and Mrs.
W. J. Hodge; 3rd J. R. Wheeler and
Mrs. 1'. Price; 4th Mrs. Wheeler and
Bert Sanderson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Baker and Mrs.
F. Price were. a Goderich team' in a
trebles tournament at Clinton last
evening and took second prize.
Winners in• the local tournaments of
the week:
Friday—lst A. Townsend and A. R.
. Scott; 2nd T. Pritchard. and W'.• Moore ;
3rd A. Fitton and W. Heitman. The
HERMAN N ELLIGSNN , I Alton. prizes were chickens
The death of );ler a Horses
Herman, Lll[t�o f bre- { Wednesday—T. Pritchard and C. Al-
th'r of Mrs. Mary _Greenway +)f Gud(- Special--iligliest julep, Alvin Me- Lison; 2nd W. Newcombe and W. Heit-
ric11, occurred on 'September 18th iii. Gee'
Juan; 3rd ..McNee and G. Baeehler.
a Hamilton hospital. Mr. Flligeen had { Draught or Agricultural—Two-year-
Monday night's lay wa called
old filly or reldiu = stew t k Needham, p
suffered a heart aattatc several weeks b, • because of :,cold `weather.
before. Born ie Irogan tinvnship sixty- John McQuillan and Sons; one -year -
live. years ago, he was a .son of the old filly, Stewart Needham :and.. John ; FIEI4D DAY FOR SCHOOLS
turning to their homes after a visit late Mr. and Mrs. Au�'ust I':lligsc=Il
McQuillan; team in harness, -Stewart S'ietoria and Central Public
Thirty -tit(' YeeagoNeedham.
nt i ubl c • Schools
served In the action of MIt►us.eau vs. -There will be a declut,altiurl tha>,C' all IN 111i Mrs- Mlllnroe's sister. Mlrs. Rich- ttrs he married
Mousseau. _ •'parties and thing: claimed in the plead- and 8[(1Vlliuney of Ashtield. and other
'Robert I). Mousseau, plaintiff, pro- ins.'s taken., by the defendant from the I•t'latives.
pl•ie'tor of a hotel at Graltd ],Lend, tlsked betel prel1Lis's at Grand Belid are the Mlr'1. WW. II. Tloa1: ;ted MII%s. Plias.
-foie an order that his wife. Ethel Violet soft• property of the 'plailttid, This in- r ocklla rt were in _Clinton' last week
,buss: tu. of Exeter,' return certain etudes 1 he cotker spaniel dog now in atten(lin ; :t )I(eotiug of the, AWomen's
chattels and effects w•11ich Ile el:Alined the possession of the plaintiff. There Institute. While there they, were
she removed. front the hotel and, wrong- will t ,I,tltr that the dtPeuduut:rft
llll( 1\'Airs.
Tat]ur at
t dinner
fully -converted to her owlt 1150. In the , return 14l((llwi1h to the plaintiff at 1)a►rtY :it her home.
alternatixe he asked daul;t; es 'for the her .,\%u exp'n'e; the fc)llewing articles. �lr. ith'hard Donn']ly, whdn sR <
e'UIi•tet'iien of the. muds t:, the amount . . 01'11: t.(' 11 ill he ;t, reference to the eros: of the tae;lt1011 w lth Ills t t':In(1-
of $1500... „ ineal tl;ester. or. if none, to the local father. Senator J. J. Donnelly, at
The dt=ft ilda111; J1rs. \I,,i,sseau, •11 1.11;:;(:' at (;oderic•h, to determine (a) Viol:erten. 11 it'll his parents, .lir. and
claimed the articles ‘vert. ;no- persotial \t'11ether• ;illy ether of the numbered Mrs Frank I)onielly of town, for a
attic les hate hero t:lkeu 11 the itt 1111 f111 111 before resuming his studies,
- alt. w11:1t :!Ivy ar' ;111(1 their value: :li et. \[iehael'. College. Toronto, o .
11.1 the :1u1..ttnt. number and \alIle of Mrs• n. ('t.11)c►rrl' "anti 5:1)15• James
;111 other chattels' or things not 1111111- :11::1 Robert. of--�i'in;h:llu, left last
hire:: and mentioned in paragraph -J., week for 1.7,v';t115ton, India mt. where
taken by the defendant ; Irl what, if they will stake their home in future,
any, damages have been sutured by Mt'. Colborne is the w idow of the
the J)11(44tifl by reason of the retention late Dr. Harry Col -borne, native of
r� v n -
.,f the taken at•ticle5 or thinJ.s ,.,crit r:l`1-
Gc)dtrieh. .- ,
ly ; ((I ( the value of any articles *or i Miss Beverly- Rttth «'.00nton of
L. 1/11.1- iciAY
Painter and Decorator
1Feet' c'st11111tes givt•tt. (live
its a 1 all t:,ciai�
Phone e , 82,. Goderich
M1111110 Catherine Dht)s. who'died �1 lguu (Jr general purpose
One -
and St. Peter's Separate School will
twt).sty-five t•eatrs ago- Surviving' are year-old filly or gelding, George Thew- hold their artnual� field day at Agri -
three bl'oth'i'rs and three sisters. Zach,, telt; team in harness, E. M. Pritchard,. cultural Park on Wednesday, 'October
11111 Ernest, . t)f . Mefiillor township; James Forrester, Arnold e31 rner. 9tit, • commencing ,at, 1.30P.M.m'
Wil112tIn, 1,,f I,ognu ; MIrS. .1: Robinson ,
of t11.[11:u; Mis. Mlar� f1'enway, ofhitt lug
raised. foal in 1946, Currie &
GteIll 11 2111�t�5Iremise.. 11 British Tert1tt . hl McQuillan & Sons; foal Jac. Evans
was seriously- injured in
Columbia. Mr. I:Ili;;s'11 was a1 mean- t,f 11)vitt, Currie & 'I'ert•ilt, J. MIeQuillaia at rugby ame '1 �( �<
Iter of ( °lace• Lutheran church. 1, . itchell, g t Agricultural Tall'
t=tint �e Sltetyfelt. John McQuillan last evening He was knocked 'to the
:Incl the funeral 5'1::1,1' was held ill F. ground ill a tackle incl• received injury
this ellnrch on September ''1. t. fol- ', l',1,—(:4 --
l :, (:4-, burs', in hatuess, Currie to his head. 'He was taken to'Alex-
1:.w1' , r .� l
utht't•• 1 • l 11' & Sons; two-year-old old filly or
gelding '
Tut etttl Currie .l. lcitltt
Alex -
lowed 1 y in Pennellt hi 1� oo 11:111 deme- andta Hospital, where concussion was
t(9 -y, mit' 111'11 horse au harness (Currie &, Te vitt
Norman 1.: I, , `. I�•r feared. but he is improving today.
A. V. S'1'I.11111' t '1'(iti • single horse ill harness, \or1,11t Lamb
Advertisements of Goderich Illel'(•h-
bert us. George Shew•lrylt, 2 and 3; o v•
. ,best:'tat keep you in -
Yt lit, rg' SIulvfelt ; single
'l':1 ken ill Willi ;1 111'2111 alta l: shortly single tandem, open classes, '', t; 4 ants in The desirable
atl •
beginning- his hurl It tl Clintonruled of desirable merchandise in
1 1 ' * , It
"liatlar School on Mlolddy morning, George Shew•felt, Norman Lam trtua, stock.'
Alfred Victor ,Sttthhiltgtou pa ;.ed away :cells �u ban►rn's.lia, AurnlanlillT.alubertusucti;
suddenly. .M[r. Sttabbiugtun' was born and
l,rot�1'd rs' 11)1 lter', ou
and style coltsidtf1•'d, Arnold Merner,
iu I)alhliu, Ireland, fifty -,tine years ago J;;, M. Pritchard, ' and 3.
and had been a resident of Canada Horses, spettial - Best gentlemen's
�� fol; the past Thirty years, coming to • turnout, speed and style considered,
thirlh. taker: by .rhe defendant whirll Syracuse. 'N.Y.. .:Inddaiightt r Of the-Goderich tell years ago. His hate: Curti' & Tert'itt, 1' and '' lady driver
1) 11,1 1), 8 41 111 tit, 1'r and
11can pt be
aid. Britannia and
ll(pMr s s. John' Ainel)oit-' was at the, end of South street on the,, with single trots, and. bu * •v ''or
defendant t return
Goderich. has won nlldat'y line of Goderich township..., 1,�,. + elan
:) •::�ola1 hi) � Ili) was a member of St. George's 1 inll)0rtus :best matched Span of
forthwith atelier' r.wll expense to the [ flit attendance at Tem- ° ''`holses ons
p1 1111titl'. such • _11th 11' • :1s •are found
broke ('ollog' •cif Brown lugli1,a111 church." Surviving besides Shetvfelt Ken ground
)')color ), George
Providence, tat '
tt t
„ R.I. tt al
t It n 21'1 t t 1,n h- Alaster.
an a 1'S � d
1 � h 1,1 11 best ru-
t t .I1 1'r la ,
t 1 wife,
enrolled t
li E
t lie the
d xt former MIi[iui(' Dickson, tiividua1 in classes 1 and Arnold
1nd�'nu'nt iu the amunnt uY darn this institution. This i. the second arh four daughters: Beatrice, Rose menler, E. MI. Pritchard; farmers'
:1'1':, anti tali 11)uve tame us fonntll by scholarship Miss «Woolton has won (Mitis• Gordon rlscumb), -Dawn allld buggy race. SteWalrt Needham '
the 1oca1 gaster. Plaintiff is entitled Need -
This spring she graduated ars va10(110 1't'gh�', all of (�ndertcIt• .1 private'fun-; 1....1i.
tot ian :.P her 11 11 ;1t Fayetteville high rI'al .'5(11) 1 was held at the fair:: 1 tit( h2�rd; best t uld'm teem' 111 111 classes
I:. t u5t et 't hi' net. anti t. ,ft rt 141,0."• family' 1 11,,( _, E. Al. 'Pritchard: Stewart Need -
o School. F'ay1'tt1'villt'. \1'w York. residence on \\''clnesday afternoon,,. ham; be •t team in le, s heavy or
ansae' tee] by R y I3
at the Agricultural Park, Goderich
V 1' -
E � - '� ES l.�' A OCT. 9th , at 1 .30 p.m.
Schools Participating
The Public are cordially invited to attend.
ae • II. I arr. The new draft Stewart Needham.
MiSS.. E. RIVERS RGRRED OF I)allhearers were John H. Grahatln. S Sia- lie�,t broken saddle burse,
PURSE - . . I revett, (1, , I'la•nte, Tilos. Anderson, I':, Little,
TOTP)\TG. Oct. ' - Miss F-dna_ICeJlnt'th -Men and D. Ilarmnan. -Burial; g-lruultl MI'riler. Harry
u. � 1' d.} ark. ,,
vets, T)lttin 1\e;7117"'ttfliese at \I1ssnv-,41.7.)*k- plaid' in Ala Mend cenle�tery,
I In r r iS--4 to Ltd.. vias tabbed- -•of.-Icer ;h-.: ° --. , :- _ -.- '-t---'2.:--
._-.. . _- .
l , .� �'a,t.tle�
Shuitrthurltlf--illMlilt•li)h •cut•, 1121ring I2iia[sed
1)11 1t 1.\ tVt n V':,nill,, 1 5]11' t\ 21. on 13�C'flO\ W IT.SO\ of wh ca -hi• AI1l11't'w Gmt,
her way to her home early today, police 1 respei'tecl resident of Goderich' 1 and 2; two-year-old heifer,
said. .s' zl)' -n':J red her bons'. police Andrew
I practically 1111 his life, Byron «'iison Gaunt ; nue-yi'ai•-old heifer, Andrew
-said. two youths• ran nit beside her. (lied at his, home, .Wolfe street, curly Gaunt: heifer under one year. Andrea'
Ilse L1':(1))0d bet purse. 'which- ,icon-. _liouclay , nfternoof, in his eightieth -1.,, G:1 lint,' 1. 2 and 3:bell calf ander one
tailed `*3 :and a xi0 heht't'r bond. She yea r. Ile had been Ill since 'Friday'.
c1e5c1•ihed. the youths 'a5 ::befit twenty. 13ottt in Colborne townshi , Wilson tt�ut yt�trs, A Andrew
hull (ure under
one nets wearing �� I , Mr..'ruclr'\t• (,aunt : aged bull,
t' :r light sand -colored was a scan of the late Jaffee H. Wil- _1'hl]rett• , Gaunt.
ra incoa t.
son and 'Susanna .Fisher...When he .k.berdeen Angus—:11ilch cow'', having
,liies -Rivers is e sister (if Mr. ITa..rold 1.%Nelf1tent:liefofre,1.111iliai.11;,e ,yeettamrse Goderich, raised 1w with eztlf in 1946, Frank Todd
• -River,' of o'vk'n and herself n former ployed by thc Mustard Coal CoMpany, heifer. Todd & Sens • 1 and 2.
resident of Goderich. • . was 'eue. & Sons, Glenn two -year -Old
until henretired -in 1 936. ; was an Glenn Campbell: ono -year-old heifer,
r • member of l'ictoria street TTnited Frank Todd & • Sons. Glenn C'ainpbell
chitrch. an(1. a member of the (1.0.F. L2 and 3: heifer calf under one y'ear,
- Besides - wife, the forpier .Cora Frank Todd • Sons.. Glenn Campbell; ,
1•:lennor 1Vare. he leaves -a brother, calf- under one ;tear Frank Todd '..
of cloderich, eaml iv- graildsort,.,-&. Solis. Glen Campbell.: -.1m11, under I
, James, Afitchell.• A --da lighter. Jessie, two years. Frank & Sons,. 1 and
iiredeCea.sed 111M Qleven years. The 2-:.bult limier three years. Franlc Todd F
funeral service was hehl at 'his late , & Sons: milch cow, having raised. or
1.esidence this (ThurSclay) afternoon. 'with calf in .11)46. Heber Eedy,&
with'Itev. t. II. Turner ili.eharge,.and.' George Kennedy,. Lieber Eedy & Sons;
the remains were then taken 'to Lon- two -year -Ohl heifer, George Kennedy 1 -
(Ion for -interment in W.-oodland ceitie.- 101(12. Heber Eedy & Sons one,-,year-
(;eorge Kennedy; heifer under' one •
After .1 short illness, the death of Eedy & Sons:.1)1111.ealf under one year,
James' Alexander Hitler- 7WiTurred." at Treber, Eedy & eGorge Kennedy
Iris- Wane, leays street, on Friday, in , and bull under two years..George
his ,seyenty-tirst . year. A son of, the, Kennedy ; aged bull, George. Kennedy;
late John...ind .Mary Matheson 'Porter:: female. „any age, George .Kennedy.
deeeas'ed was born in Goderielt toWn- Grade cattle.— cow having
;hip, where he MN -NI until his:removal raised call in 19-16, John Ale()uillan
to Goderich thirty-five years age). He; Sons; two -year* -old- heifer, :John' Ne -
Was an employee at the Goderich Salt , : steer ectIf under One year, Ken
t'onipany plant. Besides hiS wife, ...McAllister heifer calf under 'one year,
leaves a (laughter; Mrs. Ernest Taylor,' year-old steer. John Aketinillan & Sons.. ; and :three sisters,- Mrs. Alex.-; Leicester ----Aged rani. shearing ram,
- Fordeti of, Brantford, Airs. GeOrge. rain lamb. agkl ewe. shearling ewe,
Sowerby .of Goderich • township: and ewe lamb, all prizes to R. E. I"urvis.
AlcKee of Goderich. The -oxford 1)owns—.1ged _rant, Oi ,Me -
funeral service. held at the family _Gowan, R.„E. l'urvis; sheitrling
residence on Aienday afternoon, was 1). Alctivt`an. It. E. Purvis; ram lamb,
conducted by Rev. Richard -',tewart of o. McGowan. -R. E. Pnrvis; aged ewe. ,
Mr. Porter- was a member. • The pall- ('''•Nve. O. AleGowan, 1 end• 2; ewe lamb,
bearers were .i,eroy Ta3•10r. Jetties It. E. Purvis, O. AlcGowan; aged ram,.
Lightfoot. Benson Sowerby, Kenneth O. AlcGowan:, 1 and 2; shearling ram",'
PI )1110,. • • Interment •was Aiaitland McGowan. R. E. Purvis; aged ewe,
TUMBLER Large 25(4
MUSTARD 26-6z. 150
id. 25c
Pk' 10it
-- VaZies 5 Tins 3v
iENN 2600'MILE
OT011 OIL 93f
The Groot ATLANTIC& eAciFIC Tea Co. tre
2 lbs. 29,
PEARS Eatin.g, f"
APPLES IVI-eINTOSH, REDS Best for -q-qt. ciao .
APPLES WOLF RIVER, For Baking 6.qt. 49 :
YAMS SELECTED QUALITY, No. 1 2 lbs. 19,0
Jumbo Size 48's • 2 for gidil4
TURNIPS WASHED & WAXED„ No. 1 lb. 310 .
thiriel rites. for Joseph Stewart Any other Purebred breed — Aged
Brenner were conducted at the Brenner rain. l':..E. 7Dearing. 0. AfeGowtm;
residence. Grand Bend, (rat Alonday, shearling rani, P. 'E. 1)earing. I and 2;
:-•eptember 30th. Rey. W. Cleave. of the aged .eW(4.: I'. E. Ineiring. 1 and 2;
„chiirph officiating. .;Alr. Bren- shearting ewe. P. E. Dearing, (a. Me-
tier. of the -third generation. of :1 family .Gowan; ewe lamb, P. E. ..1)eartng, 1
operating tne IirenneLiIiotel at „Grand and 2.; rain lamb. P. E. Dearing, :p.
Bend. died unexnectedly of a cardiac AleGowtla•
. attack in Kincardine General Ilospital Specials ---Best. three lam lambs any
(ill Thnrsday. September 26th. lioim breed, P.. E. I4earing, 0. ,AIcGowan;
Idris...eine .eee es lig, en ed Bend. best fi ve eWe lanths. any tweed.; 4).
son, of Mrs, Brenner and the. hae, Ezra MCC ilW11 n; It, l'urvis.
Brenner, he 'was asse()Ieted with his
father. And airior -tte,-114se-fathee,s death ;Aged boar any breed. boar linder SIX
entiducted the resort hotel known to tumults. nged sow, sow over six., and
thousands of Amerieans *and Can- under 1 2 ;wraiths, sow under siX
adians. He was-. Widely known among months, all prizes to Heber •Eedy &
ontario hofelmen and travellers. Sur.- Sons. -
vivingThre his widow. formerly Lillian Best. brood sow. Iteher Eetly & ,Sons;
his mother. Mrs. Ezra, Brenner, and a Sons ;' one bag of hog'grower for man
yrother, Glendon, of Grand Bend. (sxhibiting pig!,". who. had conte.,,,,tite
wete. in attendance at the • funeral. Ilest heifer,' Murray Gaunt, Donald
°The pallbeerers were Donald 11renner, Milfray; best herd of three females
; Irvine 'Dee.Inrdins, !Tarry Bossenberry, and, nue male, Andrew Garint, Frank
I,e(mard Arnold Itavelle and Ross 'Todd & Son, Iieber •Eedy & Sons; best.
Des.Tardins. Flower -bearers were Erie bull any age, Andrew •Gatutt,. Frank
. McElroy, Fred Walker, W, F, & Sons, 'Andrew Gaunt ; best
mason. Woi. Newport, f)on a 1(1 Dee. c.A ster, Thin Ca meron best heifer
.Tardins, .k1-1 in Bossenherry and ITnrold on grounds. six. months and under.
Ka Id. Aildrew galint, Prank TO(1(1 .c5.; ,Sons;
the man bringing cattle the farthest,
George Kennedy; best Peniole any age',
TeloperatareS Of th(;, past week In Prank Todd & Son, .Andrew Gaunt,
ing week, a year ago, aSt officially .11e-st halter -broken etilf in tnilf, elub,
Inifer calf, six months old and under,
en max, Min, max, Min. 1)onahl Alttrray, Ilene Sproul; t»ost
Thurs.. ,Sept. 26 _72 49 73' 47 valuable herd. Andrew Gaunt, 'Filmic
Sat., Sept. 28 ....86 62 68 54 1 Itobin iiond .flnur exhibit •wae won
sine, Spilt 29 5)4 55 40; l'hristine Finnigan.
Tues...(letn,1 ......49 40 63 46 Thrifty nenple reed the elm:mined adq
YOU can stop moth damage in
.your home. As autorized Berton
Service 1)ealer t we give you a 10
guarantee. If Ilertott - falls
if there is any damage„ We
pay 'the bill. '
NVIt,y nut • let ' els `Mothproof your
blankets, carpets, rugs, garmnennts,'rtd furniture and furs?
Berton, Mothprouting is colorless
. odorless and stainless. ' The
dust is, s;frith, A man's snit .
at woman's dress or coat (=all be
mothproofed for only 10 (puts a
yealr. Ally 'material. tttotllpt't)tlfe(1
with Berton retains its' original
.uf t n'ss. ,•,‘?
Remember - Kerion pl•ofesslot31'l1
mothproofing prot'(•Is von' fti.l• 10
yeears or \V(' ply the 1(111
('. E . LOWER1'
West St. • Phone 122
10 -Year, Guaranteed
Auction Sale
two miles east and 114 miles*north of Clinton, on
Saturday, October 5th
ember. and DecTuibtr ; Registered -three-;$ ear -old Jerseys4 due_
(all good quality.)
PIGS—l'oung sow; 30 young chunks.
M. H. binder, 6 ft;--crilt; -11-1.P. gasoline engine; circular saw
and mandril; 56 feet 6 -inch belt.
GRAIN -109 bushels OP spring ytheat (suitable for seed); ?AO
bushels vangat•d oats.' .
, A net ioneers.
Farrn Electrical Equipment
for Sale
Agent. for W. C. Woods Milking Machines, Pailk Coolers,
Grain Grinders; Grain Rollers, Pressure Pumps, •
Electric Fences.
We have also a limited quantity of Spies and other varieties
of Apples for sale.
liarry 'Mitchell
PEAS - 71:AZ,DifRepti. 2 21°1-:: 230
DCEEN WAX PACK °.2°T-oizt; 131
Tiro W.
conicrIA IntS auAitqn . 2 Mg'. 150
DAMSONalikl4 i6,1,1rig ' .-Pto:,..290
-A Comman,dment!
"Remember,theiSabbath Day, to keep it
Holy. Six dayS shalt thou labciur and do
all,thy work: but the_ seventh day is the
Sabbath of the Lord thy God .. ."
Go to Church
NEXT Sunday and EVERY Siunday
The "Go to Church" Committee