HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-10-03, Page 3ICINETY-N'INTH
WO, 40
Business Directory
�. .. ;., UNTER
Barrister, Etc.
Royal Bank ]Bldg.
Hamilton Street, Goderieh
Phone 908.
Chartered Accountants
51 Albert' Street, Stratford"
Toronto Office; 302. Say r Street
Telephone: Office 18, Residence 343.
For Small Businesses, Stores, Etc.
Bookkeeping Systems Installed.
Books Balanced Monthly
Financial Statements
Wage Summaries
Business and Personal Income Talc
Office :Corner- North St. and Square, -
it'hone 975. Residence Phone 444.
Couponsnow valid are sugar -pre-
serves 51 to 530; butter R18. to, R21.
and 1326 to 1327, meat Q1,. to Q4 and
M51 to M5.3.
SURA,NCE CO.—Farm, and iso-
lated. town property - insured.
Officers - President,,, Frank Mt -
Gregor, Clinton, No. 5; Vice -President,
Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm, No. 1;
Manager and Secretary Treasurer, _'M.
A. Reid, Seaforth.
Directors—Frank McGregor, Clinton;
Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm ; Alex.
Broadfoot, -Seaforth; -W. R. Archbald,
- Seaforth-, George - Leitch, Clinton; E.
J. Tiewartha, Clinton; Alex. McEwipg,
Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; J.
L. Malone, Seaforth.
Agents—John E. Pepper, Brucefield,
,No. 1; George A. Watt, Blyth, No. 1;
R._ Finlay ,McKercher, Dublin, No. 1;
J. F. Prueter. Brodhagen.
Policy -holders can make all pay-
- -menta and get their-cards'recexpted
' the Rosal•Bank, Clinton ; Calvin Cutt's
Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, or
r J. H. Reid's General Store, Bayfield.
Q.—Do curers and primers coining
from the southern United States re-
ceive the same rations as, we do per
month? Wglrlcl they receive five sugar
coupons for -September, the same as
we do?
A.—Temporary residents of Canada
receive temporary ration cards con-
taining two sugar coupons, three butter
coupons and four meat coupons' for
each thirty -day period... These are the
same rations as Canadian residents
receive. Temporary residents would
not get the five `sugar coupons gusted
in September.
Q.—We have never rented our Lome
but we are thinking of doing so:Would
you please let us know what rent we
,could charge?
A.—In renting your house for the
first time you make an application to
Spiritual RevivalR ' CIlhatS,r,17D4R011,„„ Parking Facilities
Neededin Goderich 1�IcWhinney, �[l.kt. 1; Port -at Pt. Albert Good
Albert, is in Alexandra Hospital suffer-
Rev. `R. • C. McCallum States Some ing vw ith painful leg and head injuries Space Provided for Thousan
Reasons Why It Has and a fractured ankle, received in an
Not Come accident at Dungannon on Thursday
"Five Reasons Why Goderich Does evening. ,
Not Have a Spiritual Awakening” was
the subject of the message delivered by
Rev. R. C • McCallum ' in the Free
Ile was-. standing on the running
board of u.car owned by Graham John-
ston, R.R. 2, Goderich, when it was
sidesbwiped by another car which, did
Methodist church on Sunday evening;net stop and was crushed against the
side of the car on which be was stand -
Special silrghlg was furnished by a ing.
reale quartette from Niagagt Falls, i Through information received by
Ont. Mr. McCallum said in part: • I,rovineittl Constable James Culp and
"The town of (Goderich claims fur 1County. constable Salter, charges of
1 leaving the scene of an. accident and
itself the reputation of being 'the
prettiest town in Canada' It is out dangerous driving are laid against
difficult for -one who has lived, in Gude- Juhu F. Little, L4oderich.
rich even for such a short period as •MARGARET WAGER ,CLUB
one year to find that there is. some At the sleeting of • the Margaret
takenfoundalies ; iotiwe to ln fur et-ethe geIt n I•Seager Club in the Guild room of St.
cru`! spiritual condition of the town
George's Parish Hall on Monday even -
is at a very low ebb. We must not, c ing, it was decided to hold a rummage
sale with Mrs. Murison as convener:
however, allow ourselves to think; as Later a baking sale Will be held under
some. au, that the town of Goderich
is any worse than any other town of the direction of Mrs. J. M. Roberts
its Size and kind. The condition that and Mrs. Chapman. A work project
off tains in Goderich ubtatitls every -
ofthe winter months, in the nature
of much-needed layettes for overseas,
was discussed. The next meeting will of seven thausand cars making use of duction of foodstuffs in the current
take place un December 5 at 4 p.m. - the area that is 'being set aside fur
parking spare, and they are confidentcrop year and the rapid r�ecoxery of
THE'SHORTAGE OF SOAP that• they will be able almost to guar- agricultural. production in European
OTTAWA, Sept. - 27.—"The current. antee that no car or truck owner will COuntries will tend to reduce the pre -
Canadian .soap shortage is the direct have any cause for colnplaiut over sent urgency for maximum shipments
result of industrial disputes at • Can- `these facilities 'this year. of foodstuffs from North America,
ada's two major soda chemical plants It is felt that consideration by the I1-t�ring the year all bakeries owned,
visitors to the county will be given to
by Purity Baking Co., Ltd., Are sold
the rle{trest•office of the Wartime Prices where, and what is said of Goderich
tonight is applicable to the world at
and 'Trade Board You will be given large -which makes it wll the inure
a forms to complete and a rentals ap- necessary that we use all, our powers
praiser Will inspect the property and fur the promotion et z. nation-wide,
a worldwide spiritual awake -p1. ing.
"The • necessary pre -requisites. to a
spiritual :[wakening are sadly lacking.
There is at the present time .a' great
fix the ceiling rental.
•Q:—What-is the ceiling price on
California dried dates?'
A.—California dried .dates were 're-
cently removed from price regulations
because; they are considered a luxury
item. ,
Q. --When' do the next 'group o.1
ration coupons expire? such h -. d, t • pal elite of no0,000 _secured by a first
Cars—Advice to,
Iu the history of the past years of
the International Plowing Matches,
while accommodations were usually
well provided.for the people attending
the match, there Was usually a large
question mark • regarding' the parking
facilities 1ei..the thousrinds of cars and
trucks that: were ,used as transporta-
tion. It whs often the Case that. the
TORONTO, Sept., 5.- .25. ---Record pro-
duction through imroved Facilities en-
able(l . Purity 'Flour Mills, • 1.td•., and
subsidiaries during the fiscal year
ended July ;31 to show the hest profit
since 1929.
The conspauy's annual report ass:
closed a net [profit of $e313,597, includ-
ncluding refundable tax ,of $20,000, as
against $270,357 in the jrevioi s year
when refundable tax amounted to
$551,0110. The net after preferred
dividends of $114,280 was equal to
$1:09 a share on the outstanding,,com-
mon -stock, compared with, 84 cents i
tractors, both fer the use of the plaw�o share a year earlier.
risen and those on demonstration, were I)urlil'the year earnings from oper-
called in for the utilitarian purpose of a-t•ione increased from $1,174,055 to
pulllnir some unfortunate out of a mud $1.319,613. From this va,ere deducted
pule that lied unexpectedly developed depreciation of $161,806, which was
during an unwelcome rain storm. little changed from the previous year,
This year,- those attending the "Vic -
for refund of wheat drawback
of $171,431, against $333,101, and in-
come end excess profits taxes, inglud-
ink refundable portion, of $398,778,
against $467,031 in the preceding year.
In his remarks to shareholders, D.
I, Walker, president, states that the
heavy:. demand from export markets
for Canadian flour should continue
throughout the current year. He adds,
howe�t�er, that -the increased world pro -
tory Match" clan rest assured that the
parking,. facilities' are ..the best that
.liteve ever existed. The concrete run-
ways that were built for the planes
using the Port Albert airfield during
the war years will provide a safe end
solid parking space for thousands of
cars. The committee expects that
there will be close in the .neighborhood
and not due, to , poor supplies of oils
movement towrd organic union . of and tats which are • considered sans- the fact that this year, as never before, an a satisfactory ;basis and this sale
several bodies of the Protestant is r•ef ec.ted- by the addition to surplus
fac•toi�y," I. ll.. Lehberg, oils and fats thele ' is everywhere one of the great- �`
.church, which has produced much dis- ecceunt of $22• ,574 representing the
administrates of the Prices Beard, sigh 4t. i.rciusiier shortages that have ever p g
cussiuu, pro and curl. There are many today. •"" ;K; kihe cDominiou of Canada. excess realized over the values. carried
d'iffi'culties standing in the way of on the' books. As part of the consider -
Mr. Lehberg pointed out that if it This shortage, naturally, is being felt
organic union, and there is reason were not for the acute shortage ol? itl Huron coutlty, ."Cts it is elsewhere, hien the company took securities' of
to, --question;.1 . union . care. e
A. -On October 31st butter R18 to— eatustic so a, so important to the soap at t through the to eperatrt�n and, the
effected satisfactorily. Whatever Can mortgage on the fixed assets -of certain News.
R21 and B26 to I328 and meat Q1 to be industry, Canadian soap manufacturers hospitality of the people of Huron the
$4„0a,432, ecaiparbg With .*WO, n
at the end of the' previous kcal yelp, .
and with. current liaabilitier of $,,,O.14;:-
„,4: ;.128, eomparinil with $3,553,019. Total,
aa¢sets are carried- at $11,269;10,
against $0,10;3,287 at the end of.,the
preceding year. Consolidated. st 4lu
account stands a1.$1,420,$02, •and co'l-
pares with $1,045,059 as of July, x.0.4 e,,
QO 6.V NT i Smass mop()'
a'he finance committee of nurou
Cots' Council,' meeting last week, ac-
sept' the tender of Anderson & Co.,
Toronto, for . $250,400.. of debenturess
issued to provide funds for the build-
ing of the new Court House. The de-
bentures are for Live years and, bear
interest at one and three-quarters per
cent. They were sold at $139.93.
Reason for selling the debentures at
this time, according to County Treas-
urer Erskine, i,s the favorable position
of the money[ market. Further, the
County will make a considerable sav-
ing by having this money on hand to
meet current expenditures, instead ol:
borrowing from the bank at a higher
rate of interest until ]December, When
the municipalities .pay their county
ra tes.
Donald Blue, Ripley auctioneer, has
found a new way to pep up auction
sales. At least it works in 1946. Of-
ficiating at the Leslie estate sale on -
Wednesday 31r. Blue picked. up a small
basket. containing three dozen clothes-
- pins and offered them to the highest
bidder. While he expected they would
be ,sold, he little thought there wpuld
.be a general rush on the part of the
fair sex present. When the tumult
and the shouting died down t1e clothes-
pins were sold -16r $1.25. "It was one
of •the most popular articles of the
year' said Mr. Blue. Kincardine
ifur or agast algesic uni
said in
on, �vuuld have equalled if not exceeded committee cilarce of the bilietiva3 of the businesses selcl. These invest-
. subsequently reduced m s� MAKE
a v,-v�
d11, and lf�,1 to l�f 5!'. ..,,11 expire. ..., II have no
the 1945 production 4if *)55 000 000 are sure that they will when the time
spiritual union- is essential, and a , ,
pounds._ Many manuf:ticturers are' Iloy
snecessary pre -requisite to a spiritaal making, sub -p• on- a 35 -per cent. produc-
awakening: Iecluded in Jesus' high
tion basis of last year and if they do'
they all may be one.'" ,The ministerial soda' in• the near future production
representatives of the, various Christ- will be ifrlictically at a standstill, Mr.
ian denominations de not exhibit that ehber* said
you please tell, what. vege-
tables have ceiling priees?
A.--s-We would presume you mean
dpiestic vegetables. Those still re-
smaining under the ceiling are beets,
Late House .Surgeon „ New York
.0phtfialinic and Aural Hospital, assist-
ant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and
Golden Square -Throat Hospital,
London, England.
53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford.
Telephone 267. • ,
Next visit Bedford Hotel, Goderich,
Wedhesday, September 25th, at 2 p.m.
Goderich, Phone 341
laineral fume baths by appointment
51 South St.
Registered under Drugless Practitioners
Act for the Province of Ontario.
Eyes Examined, Glasses' Fitted
FIRE—Pireferredi rates for ,
Phone 82-13 Dungannon-
safis4 and repaymtnts to $54
comes- for the International, be aide to 2,500,
As a result of the sale of the halgasgs
accommodate everyone who is in need
propertiess,„thes$92.1,000-leftik. -loan - of
of living space for the four days of
t nat tch. taking Co. has sheen paid; III
full and the improved financial position
We would suggest that if you, the I
of the company has enabled the release
reader, are' intending to visit th,e 1946
; and canet•Ilation of the $3.500.000 gen-
, Arriving home earlier than usual,
wife- tir-tite7divits
his best friOal„...,. Said the interloper: -
"1 love Your wife and she loves me. -
I'll play you a game of cards for her.
If- yoa dose, 1 want you to divorce
her aad I'll marry her. If I lose, I
premise never to see her again. Will
you play a game of gin rummy to See
who wills her?"
"Yes," replied the husband, "and how
t about playing a penny a point to make
it interesting?".
love, so indispensable to the promotion • eral debentures held as cellateral
Commenting on the recent•statement r vised to write to the chairman ef the
.of spirituality, and we cannot expect that Canada has exported 15.870,713 cenimittee, advising him -of s ce 1939.
of the laity that whieh - is -lacking in
the miniStry, whose responsibility it
is, not only to instruct,sbut °also to
exemplify. - Co-operatiorris almost nil.
One of , the moSt spiritual, well -in-
. to rifled Thad- sill ghly-e_ducatecL. niaters
of .North.'America 'receutly spent. tWo setips h !it e held, „reinembetsau ..0c t ober 15th.
ropes__ Thstissist_Ctentiaie the fa.. Bah, 1 etlisand.„1•8th, at the Port .Albert.I
weeks in our town, preaching seveateen
times. - How rbany of -the ministerial' woman of_ this commies' received z it held; north of ,Gedtrn h., and situ- I
brethren of the town came out to hear additionii 'allotment of seep -making ; -a ts-al right on the, „Blue Water High -
him? ts through the combined Food way. Visit Huron -coup ty this 'october,
"Cap 'wo expect a bpiriti.ial awaken- Board, he said.. Canada supplied syou'll find a, friendly weleerne awaiting
1•NRR.A. ;with almost till- of the 4') - you!
ing when there is evident,severywhere,
.onsolidated balance sheet as
politicise. of soap so far this Year, Mr. when you will be attending the match,
Lehberg said that the greater portion !and how many will *be in your party. J1113''' 31, 1946. reveals an increase
, $406.e15 in net working capital
of these exports Went to U.NRRA•tfeder' The chairnian is Dis Gilbert Frayne,
a contract made in 1944 whereby ntn- : 3, 4;oderieh.,', Time is growilig $1..s8, 5.,304, With current assets
/Ida te supply 60,000.000 .pounds of short—the, Internalional this year
carrots, cabbage,- onions and potatoes.
If you refer to imported itents" kindly
send in partiettlars,"
Real Estate and Insuran)ee
Office and Residence:
11 Trafttlgar Street
Phone 003
FOR SALE—Houses of all kinds,
perty and several good farms,.
Geo'. MacEwan
Fire, Accident and 'Motor Car
009,000 pounds exported in 194.5, he
-declared, but .its a result of industrial LOOKING FOR PEGGY
disputes exports in 1946 letve 101 A girl fresh froth-, the West ,High -J
he cut drastically. lands visited a sister -living in Glasgow.
Asked :theta; reeent reports on ex- At the outskirts of jhe town .13..e
Ports to Newfoundland,- Mr. Lehbere stepped at h toll -bar and 'began to
stated that ()illy • live or six million rep 'smartly with her knuckles. on the
- pounds of .•-s4.fp have been out to !gate. The keeper. amused fit the girl's
.ii4Ne\i•fotualland, British W'N., Indies action. and curious to know 'what she
and other British celenieS under trade \vented. came . out. when g'he very
agreements which heve .existed for demurely interrogated him as follows:
many years. •
Licensed for Counties of Huron
and Bruce
For information apply 'to J. N.
Kernighan, Division Cburt Clerk.
Goderich, Ont.
Correspondence promptly an-
swered.. Immediate arrangements
can. be made for Sales Date by
calling Phone 203, Clinton.
Charge`moderate and satisfac-
tion Guaranteed. 19tf
For information, etc., write
RM. 4, Seaforth; or Phone (col-
lect) Seaforth, or 867, Goderich.
NOW--:-Nusanna Foster and Alan Clinks, in ."Frisco Sal."
Cori -lel Apita Leuise, Jill Esmond... and Edgar Buchanan
And now, in Technicolor the son of Robin lhiod Carries on his,
father's -traditions and adventures
"The Bandit of Sherwood Forest"
and SAT.
Jack Haley, Marey McGuire, Anne Jeffreys, Glen Vernon
A • musical tale of Anodern youth that's .PtricilY 'Iasi) and
razor sharp.
""Sing Your„ Way 114me"
Corning --Ingrid Reitman; In ."Spellbound."
Matinee@ Wed., Hat. anti Holiday@ at 2.10 p,
11.. Wickett
Knox Presbyterian Cluireh
Teacher . of
piano, Organ,- Theory
Phone 477 or -199
Member of Ontario- Registered'
Bus Scheduire now in effect
Leaves Goderich daily including Sunday
, Arrives Goderich daily
Leaves Sundays and holidays
The mg p.m. bus goes di. ect to tondon
Connections at Clinton for London,
• Detroit, V4Inghans. Walkerton, Port
Elgin and OWen Sound.
Connections at Stratford for Woodstock
Kitchener, Guelph, Hamiltisn and
Connections fist Mitchell for Listowel
and London.
For informadou phone British Ex-
• change phone 691 or 717.
F. T. Armstrong
"See Armstrong and See Bette?'
At ,Lucknow first Friday of
each month.
WaWanesa Mutual. Fire, Insu-
ranee Co. 50 years in business,
Canada's largest Fire Ins. Co.
.(lret our rates on Car and Willard
Among the lowest in Canada.
H.R. 6 Goderieh .s
Phone Carlow 21-r4.
loss of respect for God? 1;laspheiny
heard on every hand, often by those
professing to .be His followers. ;Dese-
cration of the 'Sabbath bay, utter dis-;
regard for the' teachings of God's word,
claims of the church are ever3where
'The Bible Does Not Change
,•$There little realization on the
part of many of the church leaders of.
our day of the natural condition of
mails soul- --itec(;rding to the Bible, a
sinful, depth ed ;condition, in need of ;
the ""tIllo 1110114` has power to blot
out the past, regenerate tler' heart,
and give; te the t rue believer tut:
questioned assurance uf sins foi:gi4n.
The preaching' Of the JUdginents of
Veal upon the Christ -neglecter 'or the
Christ -rejecter is,not heard ns it 'Si•as
in other (1113-,,. and 'teeny good people -
are living in •.0 ;ense of false seeurity,
Without' insisuction as to their 110 tura I
slant , sta4e, their need, and their
danger. -The Bible has never changed,'
to suit the fashionable tendencies of I
"Them 'are hindrances, beth negative
and positive. iA,Iii!•11 stand in the way
of re% ival. ZiOn is at. ease In too
tli'ing of the past, and where it is Stl11
Lord, has it's counterpart in the lives
of the inajtolty of professors •today.
Litisiness and ,1411s3-ness haw so taken
the time and attention of the pe4le •
that. ;did Kingdom are
neglected. (1110 pa-rabie of our
Lord, Ile spoke of seed falling among -
theme, and 'the, thorns sprain.; tip anti
choked thein: III His interpreti\o'
coinnients this,,,,.parable, Jesus said,
•Ile also that reeened seed among the
.is lie that licaretli the word;
deeeittulness of' riches choke the v1/4.0rd
and he 'beeemeth unfruitful.' Men
aork long and faithfully to. gain the
mighty God. It is right and proper'
that men be 'diligent in business,' but
in spirit•. -
emphasized the, need !
of a spiritual revival in inen's lives,
,'"The Lamb's Itoolc of Lite ;and 1 1H
elitirch roll are by no means identical,"
he declared. "1'orniality has taken the
place of vitality." I
"Numbers of good people are
ing that 0 revival of pure and
defiled religion is the only _hope o(
saviiii.T our chilization, and are willing I
to be followers. What is , needed is
awn to till the gap, to pioneer the way."
"A hundred thlmsa d minis a (lay
.Are passing one, by one aWay„
In Christless guilt and glopm.
Church of Christ, what wilt thou
When on the il'reat Judgment Day
They charge thee with their 'doom?"
new t.inailian Bol. Wean!. famous
Pictures of authentic Canridian !,,ene, are Illeal
Chrr-tmar. Gifts. !-TII for 11. Learn the in.
tripiing details. Up to 544. 'ear profit.
11 rite NOW for agent% 1946 Catalog,
Dept. M1,105 Sinicor St.,Toronto,Ont
Vnornitver, 11 C.
67/Meted qe:
Accommodation Wanted
A treeuest is being -made to all Rural people living within
fifteen miles of Port Albert airport to try- to give sleeping accom-
modation to visitors during the Plowing Match week., Anyone
having rooms to rent will please phone the district 'billeting member,
as per the following list:
DUNLOP—Terrance Hunter.
A MBR LEY—Wm. Johnston. .
DUNGANNON--,Thomas Webster.
N1LE—Leslie Pentland.
CARLOW—Thomas Wilson.
BENMILLER—Reeve (Seo. Ginn.
Reid's Upholstery
Having your furniture re-uphojstered by .us is worthwhile.
Dependable workmanship plus the better coverings.
12 years of satisfaction in Gaderich.
10 -Year
Phone 2063 Beriou Mothproofing The Square
a y week -day after
Thanks ivin
'You can buy your ?Canada Savings Bonds at your local B bf M ranch for