The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-10-03, Page 2PAM, O
TH+!Y: M OD RI I SIG. \ ti ,S , ,
Ers it btrir- ' tuft®: ,,, taro
. _ ,
Published by §%sn l.t-Star, Limited!
®uboperiItioiL Rate! --Canada ,and Great Britaina, . $2.400 a year; tai QT !sited
States, $2.50. a..
Miyori<tising ates on regtaest. Authorized as second-class mail, Peal, Of Ice
Department,. Ottawa. Telephone 71.
� l(} ;SD4Y, OCTO tc. ER 3rd, 4916
4t Ions;, last the ldtiremberg tribunal
has pronounced.judgment and delivered
sentence upon the, tuost prominent of
the murderous crew• that ravisshed
Europe during nearly six years of
War—with, the exceptions of the areh-
aaaurderer Hitler and .a few others who
escaped sial, by doing'away .with them-
selves when defeat .overwhelmed their instead of paying a portion of the •gives you quite a feeling to realize how that distant star .an linage moves and
armed fortes. Goering, Ribbentrop, price indirectly • through taxat ou. many tames during the past eighty -odd fixes itself inside the .tube of the we expend on .doubts could be turned
sentenced. tiObjection a h ttb c'nee of Fears toy grandfather and leaner ahead telescope, transtoruting the erupt\ tube to hatter thoughts and=' activities. Wi
lieneel and ethers are e is taken to e f me Walked out that dour to morning, i into a magical instrument. Macanese it seldom realize how often we are judged
during the wear period, and, the F'edera.l
Gevernmettt probably wets wise in the
withdrawal at this - time when the
Milk Board was already about to tuake
an increase in the price. If Ottawa had
Harry J. Rorild
Have you ever stopped to consider
the difference there 'is in stairs, ,in>1•
steps, as we often, call theni in the
eouutry ? That inay Sound five a foolish
thing to* be thinking iabotit,1nitt a, fellow
certainly can't spend all his time think,
fug about things with deep significance.
Take our back,` stoup, for ,instance.
I suspect that When the barn was
built they • had a timber left over, so
waited a Sear or two to ramose the they just sawed it off and put 'it at
the back kitchen door and then put
a six by six down in front of it to
serve as the second step. The constant
pounding of heels and the scraping of
feet has worn it :down nicely until it
has a sort of gouge in the centre. It
subsidy the producers and distributors
might have had occasiou to demand
another increase on top of the one
now given. At any rate, the consumers
will not; pay directly for their milk
Illy Edward San
faith is 'the , most elusive of all an empty and inanimate thipg into an
human attributes, yet it has, been called
the brightest bit of dignity' held' out
to-: the human heart. Whether it .be
a• religious faith or.,,the simple faith
of friend in friend, if it be true and
weU substantiated, it will bring new
bower into the life of the man who
has acquired faith.
The process of gaining faith could
be likened to the process, employed in.
using a simple teles`ec pe• Turn: your
telescope toward the night sky, without
proper atijustlnent, peer through its
lenses, and you will see nothing but,
au indistinct blur. f3ut train that
telescope upon one specific star, ar-
range the lenses in perfect alignment,
and you perform a simple miracle of
optics. Down the beam of light from.
object of ueW power and beauty..
So- it in with ]with. No man can
acquire true confidence in the object
of his faith without bringing part of;
that object to reside within himself.
Ile becomes conscious of this fact, he
»ecouies, consciot of a gain `fu .power,
in strength and in understanding of the
thins that formerly perplexed him.
He has acquired an inner witness, an
inner light, that allows him to see
clearly where, formerly, . there was
only a ' .Blur. He, has adjusted his
girl a has
trained h
sights and t e y,
learned the !power of his own vision
and has learned to disregard the ir-
responsible accusations that formerly
blocked his' f;aith. • - •
All of us, at times, are prone to
lack faith. in ourselves and in our
fellow -men,. and in so doing we under-
mine our own power and strength of
character. For one thing, the energy
deaths^Uv hanging. Iie:s crud sass others a represt•l,tatit e of the eullsumers on noon or evening chorea How malls• 1 Wa : ptlrpusetully trained and correctly by our beliefs. Them al who is too
' ' omen k
\1ayor Saunders -of Toronto made ra out there to call the hien ,folks to is itself mage
jeetive. It has been changed front i had behavior, whereas the man who
• vigorous tight t., obtain information in ' dinner. .
possession of the Board upon which Our front staeirway, that is the one
iii•icle the house leading to the up-
toy iniprisoutueiit. for life, and still the Ontario alilk ,. Control, Board. Ei,ura E1ic ��•1 h t d I t' cit sed the telescope has brought with- e�•uietil about the Behavior of others
others to Various terms of iuiprisotr-
ment. Three of those tried, including
the not('riou von Papeu, were acquit-
ted, the court liriding that _they had
uo direct connection with the atrocities
proved. against the c,oude meed (Tim-
. tui 's ave � epi)e 1 . t, s
s ' 'f apt f iia. *e of -its • tiiistatt`t • •ub- 1 is r.. unit( to know too. inch about
the ticlu.tud for a price increase was stairs, is plain and a� bit old.titshioned. ! • ■
jaused, but this was denied, despite the Some good honest workman, possibly No Harnness in the Nome
i e ,
sunicrs 1,) !lute this infurmat`ion. corners
finals. • titling a representative of the con- !louse, neatly planed thea hoards and
t,!teld alienreship.,ind RrlsIdledWhen Father Is Sick
of 111, eraftlllalSliil). Tlie womenfolks
few days will end ! otle phase of the This illegal action of the Hoard is have been changing the appearance, or
great tragedy of Europe. They will I the rout of the whole trouble If the, trying to, ever since. First of all they '
The hangings to take place within 0
the steps, I guess, and then '
nut resters the lives of slaughtered , consumer, can be shown that the 1n- later on they put ground color ou and
Millions, they wilt not rwipe out the crease in price is justified there cau er;tiued the wend. It was painted
memories ,,r the consequences of the' be no reasonable opposition- to the agitili and then later on it was all
• terrible, cruelties of the Near years, order of the Board. The course pur- scraped and varnished. My mother :
they will not repay the losses suffered , sued by the I3uard naturally arouses' putt carnet on it and !alter oilcloth,
and later on the linoleum was taken
by sacked cities, by dispossessed and stipiciun that its decision is nut uta' anti it was paiute;cl. a solid coley.
scattered families, by children robbed! leased. i Through all the • years the steps have
of hones and kinfolk. But they t {'remained much the sanies and they're
should teach embryonic Hitters and THANKS PROM -ENGLAND darned „cold on the feet on a winter's
night, too.
lsoerings and Ribbentrops that criuies
• pet ate by the email n�'onstei•s �� ill e - ated with curlicues and fringes of
The tired, worn out mother cannot make a happy
home if she is sick and worried by the never ending
household duties.
She gets run down and becomes nervous and
irritable, downhearted and discouraged, can't rest at
night and gets up in the morning feeling as tired as when she Went to bed.
Women suffering in this way may find in Milburn's Health and Nerve
Man remedy with which to help recuperate their health, build up the run
down system, and assist them back to health—happiness again.
Price 50o a box, 65 pills, ate all drug counters.
m Look for our trade mark a "Red Hearts' on the package.'
Tho T. Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto, Ont.
has faith in t.r°r' integrity of his fellow-
men 15 .assuliaed to have faith in good
tiess because he himself jak£ too wan.
In the religions sense lack Of faith
is simply lath of perspective, or lack
of understtiridln,g. ifat uuost cases it
is not lack .o$� faith at ail, but rather a
materialistic desire to profess disbelief
in " all things -intangible. Like the
medicine cabinet, the virtues og re-
ligious faith are scorned or ignored
until au emergency leaves no outer
recourse. Many ocean travellers, wan
returned' young veterans, will testify'
that prayers or. the singing of hytlatns
TALLIIR.5 •AA, OCTOi1)J.•aLI. 3c4t 1.518
become LLautomatic when desperate
calamity cracks down.
The need of faith, whet the da -
mentals of faith, are within every also
of us; we lack a
opl �tla Stronger
centive to bring outai
focus. Our telescopes are out of tnd-
to Trouble
Short Way
A highaipeed camera shows that it
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Puy this guaranteed mothsp Y
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Loading laundries and dry cleaners can 6oripu
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b •The steps •leading up• to -the front{
against humanity stn h is n were der. �_ M the�f following is in c'stract from a ;•,ror nt,*u, tial 1�iit., tl .or--
:... .., � ,_ ....._ .- 1 t 1r received by T audmaster C.
Woods from his sister in England: boards cut in Carious designs. I'm
rebound against those who perpetrate ••Thank you for the parcel of papers. quite certain that they were quite the.
them. What has already happened in I think, your Own Goderich paper is thing when they ..were • first put, up.
the disastrous defeat of their war of very bright and. intellectual. I ant The- years and the weathering process
aggression should teach the Germantrying to get enough courage to write have managed to- make them pretty
anask .the editor to `publish the useless: They're going to Ue replaced'
people—if they are capabth of being wholehearted thanks , of us '• botnib- by cement ones with a little iron hand-
taught=that they ;will not be allowed blasted 'folk to the Canadian soldiers refiling on each side, .
to rtile the world, or even Europe. who drove the Germans hat of their The mark of the mall responsible is
• I •�a •tble of .1 rucliet and doodlebug launching sites certainly shown on each set of steps
that you see. Some make them dainty
and neat and others snake them sub-
stantially. Others try to combiine :t 1-
traetive design with the self -same -sub-
stantial idea. -Try looking . steps and
stairways over and you'll get quite
a surprise. Just to thin about it,
you would figure that ste )s are all
made to walk upon, and what 'differ-
ence could there be in them' There .
is a mighty big difference.
The German peep e are e P' Before we went stark clad for want
great achievements in the arts of peace, of sleep. . `
and if they will get rid of the false '-If Canadians could realise some of
gods of militarilimacand conquest they what we went through, they .would
may in years to coi>e win back tvith then know what a grand -yob. their boys
, did and how our hearts glow with pride
patietnt effort the place in the esteem in them when we think of it,. During
of the world which they hate lost. working hours if a plane `roars - oVer-
Canadians are not, a vengeful people,.dead someone usually shouts "duck,"
and if the present genern'tien cannot aind we all laugh. But we dud not
laugh when we had to duck under
dismiss••frum their memories •the events benches and down nil the Boor of
of recent years they have _alt) desire Mises. God bless. all who helped to
to visit upon a deluded people any deliver us."
worse fate than they have brought 1 An 'OUR ('iIL')RC'H
upon therffselves. They may even" be l ;flu the best friend y'ou eVer lied.'
ready, if occasion and opportunity I. :iul hung about With Wt'et Meluuries—
arise. to assist a peaceful Germany to Memories of brides--
Mentories. of mothers—,
rehat,ilititte itself •a111 Ing the nations. un
Memories of- boys and girls—
'But 1rornt;rlty .Must first prover itself. I am, blessed With loving thought,,
of right mind.- 1'rnwued with happy hands and 'hearts.
�.. , Iii the minds of the greatest luetl ou
"TWEEDLEDu.M AND TWEED- I iiud a constant dwelling place,
LEDEE 1.,s;tfegn;trd luau in his paths.'
I lift up the • fallen. strengthen; the
- The C.C.F. News, eouurienting. upon• I help the -distressed:- 1 '.11i►tit mercy,
the Pealtiat• (Quebec 1 election. says: , Basten• kindness and offer a fnicndly
There is:little doubt that the
hand. -
Social Credit 'candidate was. 1 a111 good fellowship. friendliness, love.
elected by -the extremist, ill, the So111e Buie. 50111e flay ill the near
nationalist camp.', His total vote -
almost exactly equal to the
combined!vote which he ,and -.the
Bloc P1ptlaire candidate received
in the 194:: election. I11 fact, in
a recent Quebec, Provincial by,. I. :lel c011in; yule—nolo:
election Soei;ll Credit withdrew I ant 'elle church.
_In favor of the Bloc and many
suspect that the absence of a Bloc .WAYS TO DESTROY FREEDOM
(:,:tuelidat•e• in l'ontiac was the re- - -If I. were :l pt,werful communist,
stilt of 0 definite ;understanding. trying to destroy American freedom
The t ial Credit campaign was and paralyze its prosperity, I would
an incredible string of unscrupu- - concentrate on three :finis which ulti-
lons and unattainable promises • • mately will reduce any. country to
$20:00 a inontli social dividend to- serftlont." stated George S. Benson,
, everybody, abolition of all ration- president, Harding- College, in the:
ing and all controls immediately, Reader's Digest, September, 194(i.
abolition of the , entire national •'First : I would- foment strikes and
. debt. total tax exemptions ups to create just as much industrial con -
$:3.200 a year, and soOlt and on. • fusion and uncertainty as possible.
The,(1.C.h{. paper then goes on to "Second : I would ,scatter biased
say that "the repudiation of the old propaganda, misrepresenting business-
vim teff! yearn for t he 1I(11(11 .((1 • '-
11(111 tour comforter and yunr best
(New' ,iork.t.Herald Tribune)
I`t would be difficult to. think of an
America where the elm might become
as lost to us as has been the case
with the chestnut trees, which once
made annual happy harvest for child-
ren -:end squirrels. The` I'lnius
:1 lIt(t'1(11 1111 that native elm whose
-abbey arches" James Russell Lowell
loved ;ind which., in pasture. park and
street htls for centuries ‘established
its tall, vase -like beauty. ntnst be saved
-as saved it 'can be if a shameful
apathy does not let it succumb.
!heft and,.destroyllig faith in ,bugtiness. I .�
pNirties in Pontiac• suggests the strong -1 I would try to prove prIvute enterprise >
probability of (':C.F. F,.i,ctorie in Park- u failure.
Put new life into your chesterfield
dale and Portage on October 21." / "Third I, would boost all wasteful , with a re -upholstering fob. This
]ppropr•iation dills in Congress and is or(_(iuenth more satisfactory
Are we to understated that the t .C.I'. teach, people to expect. something for
party i in Parkdaie and Pontiac to nulling from government this to - thaa,n a complete new one. Phone
take sill' lilacs of the i o ial Credit l , t, lb„, t -0m', financial structure. )fi v- filial we 'will call and give
party in ..appealing to the cupidity of '..1111 t 1hred activities, carried on '
the electors .with . 111 sorts of "tn- Itc+rsisteutly and lung euorrgh. ttuuld t'ntt text estimate. No obligation.
ttreek AO' dtnloentey-1111 republif." i
scrupulous, and umlttaibable promises," l'
Iires(utetl in somewhat different form'?
( «'incisor Star)
THE PRICE OF .• ILS, I' C0.(111
110the United States are ,
going to have One lulu of a (h'presti.ion s
unless oVeryone conies to obis senses
The phuple or-Out11rio art. now pay- and settles down to productiun.
lug, throe rent ':t quart morn' for milk, ; The .way things tire going, prices -
•1)y 1:irt 11' (If :1 decree ;lf !the Ontario are pushing tip and up until p(;uple' "
can . no lunger afford to pay. I t. is • �, ■ w z
Milk 1',.ntroI Board. ,,may, , not a enre to Start a ellhSe lletwt�en
Ther= -1 rovinei:t-1 (o5-c0rn4.n ut; dtrcl: ls.t wages...:(Ltd..c.►>:IL;es. Instead. iul'-. to sin>;; T,.,- :-r,. -_.:_ _..
that. ft Is 'doubtful of the power of 1.10 get enough doliars into pockets to• Ha�mYner IVYlils,.,..7,.....,...-..:.
buy things at high prices, 1 production
the Board all Make such a ruling. but,j Grain Grinders
would bring goods to the stores and
instead 6)f suspending the jarder until :4howrounis at pride:; people catty atTord Oil Burning Heaters
this point is -determined it is betting ! to pay. Engines
op a. rifle! 4'omnaission to "enquire into l 11 is all ('lementary ecoiloilties, only' le ry��i sell
1 wo many p(oplt 1iu not work b1 elelllent-
till phases of the mill: situation,' It's .ir1 rules. The want somethin ► fancy Grain Grinders
is safe to stay that the .or(let; will not. i ted !liars difficult. • The result its every -
very �'
. i om' go Plows and Disc Harrows
be withdrawn. 1 .goes haywire and ecinfu:+ion ensues Plows
If there is a steady zloty of goods, ��h� Deere Premier lirecv states that, the: dal I It means there is sten �ry enipinymettt, a AA1l �tLL
crease in . the price of milk is the direct too. _People• h:uve to 1)0 ct urking to
result rff the action of the Federal i make ()r tr,utne(' the.. • Tractor Stiff
I got>cI:i. ' money
t Tooth C°.r'ttitiva,torf
Government in Withdrawing the sub- i moans that those people have money r. ,
:sidy hitherto paid. This. io nib a fair, in their pockets to buy the things made • Diamond Hatrows
., p Uy others. The money gets g;oitlg; $►�lltf ori
statpti7 1st•,, of the cash,
,rhe Milk , atrintrid and t'ter%(►n(' is .able to buy'.
Board had alr(�ady, bwfure tirltice r,f ` Ilmveier r►uty the ear(' trying to
I Cement 'Miers and Pump
• withdrawal of elle subsidy had het't1' 1°atiotl (;trcity 'altui alwu altti'Inl'►ting;
given; made- apparent its decision to; to make (sten snore ararc'4'. ! Jacks
secede tet the request of the
producers - .I`hat 5(•113' 17;511'0'11;43;m t-np that trill :haI:e .;FATTY Si McDOUGALL
'�,"{frt�3 t�ltleli('.11 t(`► its°IHt►tq.
and (l➢sfrihtiturs for 1111 increase, per. i ' ,.,: ' Punlps9 't iindmiTLh, etc. ,
haps justifisbIy, Jut certainly not solo-!
The Minister of Financ
Canadians are thrifty people. Their
record in war financing will stand for
many years to come.
Through six years, millions 'saved and in-
vestetrin Victory Bonds and War Savings
CertiOate,s in a way no one thought possi-
ble. Ma.ny thousands learned the con-
venience of regular, systematic saving,
whether in small monthly amounts or by
larger cash investment. , As a result they
have accumulated substantial ilersonal
reserves with all that means in increased
future security and satisfaction.
Because suggestions and requests have
come to the from all parts of the country
that facilities for this kind of saving be
continued in peacetime, the ada Sav-
ings Bond has been created.
The issue of War Savings Certificates and
Stamps to the general public will be dis-
continued on September 30th, and final
instalments on the last -Victory Bond
issue wip have been completed in the
near future. Canada Savingb Bonds,
therefore, will provide an opportune
savings habits with:but interruptitme
The -general public should Rote that this
time -there will be fewer salesMen -than in
the case of Victory Bonds. Although the
new Canada Savings Bonds will be sold
through banks, authorized investment
dealers, stock brokers and trust or loan
companies, these agencies wi4 mfbecable
to approach every individual Canadian.
This means that for the' most part it will
be left to Canadians to assume the respon-
sibility for their own purchases of Canada
Savings Bonds. - If they wish to grasp
this opportunity, they should' act for
themselves without delay.
Canada Savings Bonds are designed to
be the finest investment available to the
public today. I recommend them to you
'as a safe, profitable and convenient in-
vestment for personal savings.
I now announce Ate terms° of the. new
Canada Savings Bonds, which- will be
,offered comniencirig -October itth.
Canada Sateifs Bonds
.,,Features of the new
ly 011 lie001111t of the biter wintdrawal 1 , (f London Free Press) „
if ( anathi and the time is not farl
2ooner or' later the subsidy 'Would ofi, when the office
iave to 110 eliminated in the : gradual 13,A. as well as a willingness to' take
removal a the. remdations , adopted orders from a self-nu:idle boss. •
Intorost 23,4Ssi., by annual
coupon. Purchase prico
100%. Accrued interest
will be charged if pay-
ment is wide after Nov-
soobor 15th. Issued in
'denominations of $50,
$100, $500, and $1000.
Dated November 1, 1946,
maturing in ton yoart. Non!
callable, by tho Government,
but rodoornablo by the okvnor
at any time at full face valuo
plus !Marcel at coupon rato cit
any branch in Canada of any
chartered bank. Non -trans-
ferable 'and noi-ciisignable.
Holdings by any Cate
person limitocl to $2000.
Registorod as to prin.
cipal, providing pre.
Avoilablo for cash, oa
the Monthly Savings
moo 'or by Impend
arrangement WI