The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-10-03, Page 1.we
Dungannon Fair
Attracts Big Crjwd
Novelty Program Maim Good
Afternoon's Sport on
Stonmerlike- Day
• –44;,•–•-•
Though without a building for the
ehowiog of exhibits ite the indoor
classes, the Dungannon Agricultural
Society had a very euccessful day en
Friday )ast.-Wieli sunenterlike weather,
people -Eame from near and far until
the atien,danee was one of the largest
ill the history of the fair. A program
of sport, with a number of novelty
,events, had been eSranged and kept
the crowd entertained all aftertaoon.
There were excellent exhibits of live-
stock, and if the "indoor" exhibits
were missed the omission will be made
good next year, when there wile:lie
a building on the grounds, with ade-
quate • aecommodatiou. The Society is
purchasing one of the buildings the
Pert Albert airfield, and hopes te re-
move it to the fair grounds, emmediatee
ly after . the International plowing
The fair was officially opened iry-
J. . W. -Hanna, M.P.P., 'of Wingham,
who wee Introduced by Eldon Culbert,
presideut di the Agrieulturttl Society.
L. E. Cardiff, ALP., of Brussels, also
spoke briefly. • .
• • Marvin Dentin, the Socieey's inde-
fatigable ,secretareetreasurer, though
an 'inyttlid.since an fAcident last fall,
was on hand in a car parked on the
grounds near. •the judges' steed. and
kept a Nratchfill eye on what, was going
ue.. _In spite of his crippled 4;ondition,
The. gederich beanch of the Feder-
ation of Women Teachers entertained
delightfully at a dinner at the Park
House .on Wednesday ' night. Women
teachers were. the hostesses and.,,those
teaching in rural schools , who are
-residents in Goderich were guests.
Miss Lottie Rohinson, president, was
assisted in receiving by the secretary,'
Miss Gertrude Sturdy.
Miss 'Robinson introduced as the
guest speeker Miss Norma Hackett,
Secretary of the Federation
f Women Teachers of Ontario, Who
gave a splendid and informative ado
dress on various problems pertaining
the profession.
, "We as teachers," she said "belong
to a recognized legal profession, In
19-13 the Ontario Legislature passed
the Teaching Profession' Act. Guard
it with honor and dignity, so that it
ean really and truly be au honored
profession. _ To raise its status it
should be the epletme duty of every
&ember , to improve in social Mal
academic attributes. Teachers must
keep abreast of modern education."
Miss Hackett answered many oues-
tions pertinent. to the profession and
a. vote of thanks extendod by Miss
Gladys McDowell was cordially en-
Sequel of Accident in Which Goderich
Couple Lost Their Lives
LONDON, Ont., Oct. 1.—Fleet Car -
lead, nitecieseto. do with .ehe succees
- - . - TForilifit erne' hits agreed -to pay $3,000
Donald ',Blue of Ripley acted es an- in an out-of-eourt settlement of two
nouncer and master of ceremonies for damoge actions resulting frem an ac -
the day and did a good job. ,. cident Noveniber 29, 1944, at Itichmend
Track ' Events and 0.xfureteetreets. 11•Svo people were
Top Hat. driven by, Geoorge McNeil killed and a tided eeriously injured:
of Blvtle took first money in "the i Mrs. Mery 1111.yrtle Seolees, Goderich,
haruese ceent, classed as it 2.24 tyot or , has agreed tosaccept $1,500 on behalf
pacer -flat Vine, oivned by W. Hab- of the estates of -her, brother --law ac 11 MISSION sooday, but on the whele .The Signal- A donation and who are Mitesed by the
of Teeswater, Was second, and and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Robert- . BANP 60 YEARS OLD !_st,,
i .
r s announcement Was observed. canvassers are invited to calleat this .
Daisy eitiy Grattan; owned by Ray son, .Goderich, of which she is ex- onserves ,,ifs ii.,201 anniversary. Ile The wedding leek place m Herne 1 pffice.
Co-lvi.n, wa§ thied. ecetrix. She sutel for $25,000 damages chose as' his sermon subject -The Sil- eBay eviki4,11; Kent, England& on etc • . • • • • , JOHNSTON—McNALL
A pretty fall wedding ebok:place on canvaes hope that the Legion difficul-
The commit tee . iln, charge of the
When it ctune to racing beckwardsw after Mr. and Mrs. Robertson , died in en_ e The ditunond jubilee of the \1 1(1 1
c of God," represented ein ee ber 19, or Evelyn Lease, eldest deugh-
,Septentber • 21st at the home of Mr. ties will be senouthed out by the drive.
in the ."horeeback-horeverse" event, the accident. MrS. Verna -Milks, ., 'Size v Al lesion Band of Knox Presby- ,
Frank Littles'placed first, followech
.1.; Y West Lorne, who Was seriously In-
a eilences of .1esus, showing jud melte
discipline, and perfect communion. ter of Mrs. DOettldson ond the late
Wilfrid Donaldson of Goderiela; to ..
14 11(11 church was ceeelnetted at the
and Mrs. -Samuel . McNeil, Godexiell They have pointed out that .the Iniild- • •
Alvin McGee and Eric Harrison, jured. sued for $12,70o.10 tInd has -,.
Judgment was shown in the nttitude Fele Johneleraeois Stephens, elder 6011 Mieeion Band rally held 'in the lectpre
1 evils!. i ).°wbsn, their elder den hter ing which was granted' te them last
• 'ferry Feagan Of Goderieh took his agreed to accept $1,500 in settlement. of silence in which Jesus stood befor•e of Mos. bstephens and the „ late Leslie ,
hail On '1101(1 11 lifternoon, September
Eltiine Grace., wae united in marriage year has: required a vastly gfeater -
horse' over the hurdles in Winning style . Both actions were two be heard before .Pilitte when the. highest in the land Stephens •of Herne Bay. The bride - - - - - - 11 ' -
)stli with .1 °: eitenda.nce of approxim- .
to Rederick Victor 'Johnston, son of expenditure of etish then was. expected,
iu tt jumping 'event limited to - horses a jury at the current sessions of the. were assembled to hear Him. - wore e street-lengtn dress. . of del- ately one, hundred , members told
Mr. and Mrs: Ernest Jelinski'', also of in order Ili 11 it might serve its purpose .
which had not won at any show beforC Ontoeio Supreme Court.. .Settleinents The silence of diecipjine was illus- phinium blue wool with corsage of * ' :' Th..,
fri eele ' . , Coderich township. Rev. B. II. Farr of a veterans' Club. Most of this Work e
- 1946; *Mailer Merner was second; and have been approved by Mr. Justice A. trated by Jesus w,hen I -Ie, tingwered white flowers aud a .Juliet cap of the Raitn rt:eu pre, ... .
eidtd for the onening
- . , ef Goderich officiated at the double arose out of . government regulations
e.elvin McGee third. In the opee hurdle, M. LeBel. exercises. In whiclge•three of the girls
Knox Celebrates
112ili Anniversary
Piev. T. J. Watson of London the
Preacher of the Day—
Special Music
. -•
Arrivals of grain cargoes at the
•Goderieh eleveter the past week were:
Friday, Superior, 86,000 bus. barley ,
'Log -sawing Contest 1.'"'"orAt,tratiiiNG Legion Canvass or
$5000 Begins Monday
at Victory Match It has heen's,id that preaching le a
form of fire insurance, but it remained o
Cash Prizes' for the IVIen Who Oa for Rev. L. H. Turner, the energetic Vtverybody tel Have. OppOrtUnity
S4ge a Timber 1)1111101ofVictoria street United ch.urcla, to gelp Put Ikti
and screenings; Saturday,. Bricoldoc, to give a practical illuseratien. of fire -
Record Ti e
Good Condition
1 e
With bright auturun flowers decorat- 254,000 bus. wheat; lifonday, F. V.
An old-fashioned log -sawing contest Sitturda.y. afternoon, as he was bent At half;past- seven. -next, Monday
lug Vie ootectuary, ;appropriate music,
end thought-proYeking serinons, the
congregetion• of Keox Presbyterian
chureh on Sunday fittingly observed
the 11216 anniversary ot the churela
111 Coderich.
At the morning' service Rev. Richard
Stewart, minister of the church, wel-
comed the guest preacher, Rev. T. J.
lighting on the terreetrial level. On
Massey, 106,000 bus. wheat and barley; . pastoral 'work in the west end of
Tuesday, Algorail, 218,000 bus. barley, is to be held at the International Plow- on
wheat and oats. ,
orner of Britannia road and
are having -a good • time.. the need for bushmen in Northern On- alrit;atrilree,ne street, where a little blaze
• tario is more urgent this season than had started. flealizieg. that in a very
IVICKENZIE WILL, UPHELD ever before, National Employment Se- few minutes - the little blaze would
IN SUPREME. COURT vice is eudeaeoring to:foster an interest become a big one, mud Mr. Peachey
in this type of work, vvith the idea of being away from home, Mr. Turner
OTTAWA, Oct. 1. --Terms of the will attracting farmers' sews to northern .found the family's garden hose, made
logging camps for the winter months, the conuection with the service Pipe,
where attractive wages are paid and {-mounted a ladder to the roof end
,everything possible is dooe to make directed a etream of water to the right
living at the 'camps thoroughly enjoy- spot, where by this time a chnsider-
evening, October .7th, Some forty- eaOs
yassers, veterans tet the, ;last ; two.
wars, will sterl oat to .interview eveg
householder in town and ino the di:S-
trict about towoe to attempt to collect
$5,000 ito enable the Goderieit •hrtimai •
of the Legion to finish _thew work of .,
mahing over Oddfellows' Hall. into a
veteraus: club.
'• Final plane- were laid at a Meeting
on Tuesday evening of title week at
the.. Legion Hall.
The veterans plan a wide publicity
campaign, including regular announce-
ments 04 ex the radio, a wide distribu-
tion -of etude, newspaper and public
address brotedcasts, and a. series of
window displays on the Square; This
last will be ine.harge of P. Gallonage
and he is urgently requesting veterans
with war souvenirs which._ they are
willing to lend for the occasion to get
in touch ,kit.h It is known that
there are 111aLly helmets, shell. cases,
'war pietures, weapons aud other war
relics in the hindsofGoderich fain- .
ilies. ' These are 01-WayS a source oe
interest told their loan- would be .great-
ing Match under the eponsorship. of the. town, his attention was called to
the roof of Wilfred Peachey'e house
Perch are biting again, and anglers National Employment Service: Since
Watson, BA., B.D., of New St. James of Alexander McKenzie of Lucknow,
Ont., who died in April, 1943, were
upheld- today in a judgment of the
Steereine Court of Canada.
Alr. McKenzie- left an estate of
able. able patch of roof had been burned out.
eon_ i In the meantime the alarm had been
$0.6,742 wheat included specific bequests tests will be held on Tuesday, Wednes- ,
preliminaries in the log -sawing
sent in to the hie hall, but when the
. .
15, 16 and brigade arrived there was -little more
byterian ehureh and the South Kinloss day and Thursday, October 15,
and the winners of theseewill be i to be done. The blaze had , started
to relatives and to the Lucknow Pres-
Piesbyterian church. After pay'ment given a total of $100 M prizes. The from sparks_ front- a Immure. If Mr.
of debts and succession duties, the final contest will be held on Friday, , Turner applies for a place on the fiee
Intlance of the estate was to be used October 18, and ehe winner will receive brigade when the next vaconcy occurs,
to establish the Alexander McKenzie ;1;100 in cash. the application will be seriously 'eon
Education Endowmebt Fund to assist R. C. Lukey, of the National Eno sidered.
male students of the Lucknow High ployment Service Regional Office, Tor-,
school in continuing their edueation. onto. states that entries 'fur this eon- • . JUST A MATTER OF TDIE
The fund would amount to about test may be sent to the National Ene ' The transition front daylight so ving
$70,000. - Ployment Service Office, Goderich. „ , to etandard time Was effeeted, in Gode-'
The testementary capacity of Mr. no Lukey states that the wieners rieh with some slight confusion. I1.
mcKeneie, an eighty-year-old bachelor, of the log -sawing contest at the Strut- was announced by some of the daily ly appreciated by the committee.
was questioned in an action taken be ford Fair receoty went throughan18-. ',epees and on the radio that the There is still yoom for a few men -
vortc:." eliKenzie New. Westmiuster, ineh. log in one minute and twenty-two . change was to be at Saturdey mid- to 011 the teams of canvassers., and ..
Bee ; W. A. Hughes l'harles *Moore. seconds. Ile is looking forieard toeeee- rteeirdlese of the floe that there
Florence Fritz, Cora Richards and leg Huron county men heat this record. was no general retie in the menet:, total
elleKellzie, Detroit ; and Ernest National Employm-ent -Service also nefiticipality Juieingethe decision feesitse
Intern eia-esteetseeetlesee411------tifeesaileaffists'Sliiirtiss-
SeteKtarsieeoereereeleouttedeekiedgeleuesse-TeaSserekermareteestuVeatetexeltheste -goe - • (-
onto. •• tional Plowing Match in which there cite uf Guderice, Clinton, Lucknew.
in 1.64 original aetion, it. was Ix will be a denirenstration the• textile and p1 11)11 other numielpalitiee; had Will operate froen the .ftiFfier.
that Mr. McKenzie lacked testamentarY industry, with the idea of attracting decided on Sunday midnight es the shoe store on the Square commencing
.captecity in making the will. This more ghee to these jobs. It is expected better time for the change. and' The Thursday of this week, .1
REv. T. 'J. WATSON netting Was later reversed by the On that Holeproef Hoeiery Co. Ltd., of Signal -Star made an annuuneement to nee theadquarters will he opeueevery
• eerie Appeal Court and the. APPeal Goderich, will. have two machines at . tliis effect last week. A few people,. afternoon and evening next week with
the booth for demonstration purpeses.; misled by- the daily PePers and the veteran Alre. Mildred Wheistone ha •
Presbisterian church, ,Lomlon. Mr. Court deCiSion Was tspheld in todey's
• radio got to church an hour late on attendance. Citizens wishing to make
veteraus, • whether mei:niters of the
Legion er not, are asked ote get he
touch with headquarters on' the, Square
itlift-Sefffratheti •-seerelevs. A. -Strong- tee
eral committee has beee formed which
Watson extended the greetings of him- judgmentesee
self -and The -kirk session of New St..
James, London, 'evhiche this year ties° ISKIDE 'FLIES TO ENGLAND
. . ring .cerenomy. eawThe bride, given in which pre designed to tnaka, 'public •
• "never a word"' to. the woman of enn„,.
event prize -winners were Alvin McGee, Mr. and. Mrs. Robertson were killed Canaan who came to ask Him to heal The couple left on a hoeey- ,
0 1 t •.etines to the visitors in the.,,
roug 1 gee e. morriage by her father. wore a. floor- emildinge ;elle for those Who use them. ,
sNorman Lambertus, .Billie Merrier, and and Mrs.. Binks• seriously injured when her daughter. She risked everything. moon to the South Devon seaside. They following teiyme!
eweetlieart neckline and long pointed. the dmice their and a eostly tire escape-
' length dress of imported silk With a ...i° hege steel :supporting beam tender
Jior Werner • their car collided with the seventh ug goito Jeerts. The.disciples frowned the groom
will reside in Loughborou,gh,, where •
jeTtelay we've met. together, and you
sleeves. a full gathered skirl ending ,weee twei of the main itews of e
Best -wagon horse on the grounds machine of a convoy of eight Anierican on her, _teal, ettangest of all. Jesus Goderich. is stationed. Lon September 1611.1 forvelyei Monleft
That the Mi,;siun Ball most eikely know. nd 441(5tarted
it -
in 11 short -trein. Her floor -length even penste and thewo m
y are tcopulsory
' . ,
. Army vehicles which, were being driven was silent-h.ut .something in His face. .-- 1
, ,
was s-hown'be Arffeld Merrier; with
E. M. Pritchard ehowhig the runner -11P from Pontiac. Mich., to Buffalo, N.Y., comforted her. • "God has eeemed treal, where .ehe bonrded Oaflight to EnglitedaIt had a small beginningtud the hemidre
. plane for _ here just 'sixty. years ago; -
of white newel's. . She car- pile, government inspection.
' . ef embroidered netefell from a coronet jobs which had to -be done riglit: to
fershe *special prize offered. via Western Ontario, by Fleet Carriers -
silent," said the preacher, when you .
; e , I
: ss
The sports prOgrane included a feet Corporation, . . have prayed and prayed, Are you, . woi.kers were so few ried .1 cascade bouquet of red ,Briar- Alnotst no Mimes- had been :spent'
rec4.. won hy Billy Craig of Auburn, George-, La K.C., acted for :sere your prayers are of adoration or
nselLIFORJD, TO REOPEN ifiat Sends were ma eo eaei e eaisc
eliffe roses. The bride's sister, Lois.
with Ronela Dickson, of .1)ungannon .y. us. anee NV01 deliver the ,ad- ' until the numbees grew.
the carrier company ; R. Cellaye, Gode- only ei agony'? May Gpd help • us • • , • 'e was bridesmaid. dressed in a floor-
eectind, and Alexe- Niyens of Auburn eich, was lawyer for Mrs. Stokes; and .dress tne reopening or -the Seaford. A pa 1.1or eencert first wits held, or
• length dress of orchid silk marquisette
all to kneel todev, -imd ehetnee 0111 o
J)1 14(1 to•those of aderatien tied sub- Sun.days schoel ott '11111(1 47 next, at 3 so the nunutes say, - - ' and a 11(1111(111 14 vell-e•aught With The load- proved to be greater than
of the Legion could
mission tii Ills will and Ile will help , Inn.' ,eirs_. Janes til
si-•.ing-. ,,Vfie.iftors And children likely • did their part's 1110.1ennig. flowers, and ca reied . a col- the slim, finances
us." ! irom WWII, as wee. as Atom eatitsord
. jest Ite they do today.' _ - ,
, (Tell bonquee of .Taltsman roses. eIr. bear. .
attend. in ',see, you see, they song both eireet:
ana trite, .
Perfect. communion was found in the and di:strict, tire cordially. invited . tu 1 t e t
. . tweithani .Johnsten wee hie brother's New inerelters, veterens of this war,
third silence as revealed, in the words. -
third; and a ladies' 'running race, in campbell Grant, K:(2., Walkerton,
which • prizeTweinners, in - order. .were acted ,for Mrs. Binks.
Miss McLean, Maxine McAllister, Ares.
Benson Feagan and Jane Alton. ST. GEORGE'S GUILD
- Musical Program , The Church Women's Gefild of St.
.A program of aural Music was pre- George's church met in the•Guild room
sented On the main _platform during the on October' 1st-. The • vice-presideot,
afternoon by sehool children of Ah- Mrs (Rev.) Flare, was in the chair.
field township, directed by Mies Marion Miss Mills was in. charge of the de-
SeeDonald, supervisor of music -in the yotional period. Letters of apprecia-
eschools. Lillian Carruthers played a tion were, read by the secretary from
piantottecerditin number,' Mrs. Needham and :Mrs. Turner. Plans
The Locknove Pipe Band led a caval- for the. evenieg. of music and pictures
cede of horses and riders from the to be held October 11th were coin -
centre of- the village to the fair grounds pleted. Silent prayer was offered --by
,• to open the afternoon Program. In the the members in memory of the .late
evening the Tom Hamilton -troupe pre- Rev''. W. II. Dunbser, the formerrector,
sented a concert Mike village hall, and who passed away one. year ago. Mem-
o dance was held to conclude the deings bees- of the Guild have been asked to
Id the day. - • . . come - to the church Saturday after -
The executive in charge of the fair noon, October 12th, to --help decorate
included Eldon' Culbert, president; the church, fee Thanksgiving. Mrs.
Lorne burnin and Gordon Stewart, Trudell conducted a quiz which was
vice -Presidents; T. M. Durn•in, secre- much enjoyed by all. There was a
taryetreasurer; Reg. "McGee, George godd attendance and one new member.
Alton, Ross McPhee, Wilfred Drennan; At the. close of time meeting tea was
Ceell Johnston, Ronald Treleaven, served by Airs, F. BropheY and Airs.
Ross. -Henry, William Reid, and Palmer. •
Thomas Webster, direceors.'
Horses were judged by Bert Mac- ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED .
Lellan of Kincardiee; poultry by The engagement is announced of
,Gerald E. • Nelson of ., Clinton ;• and Audrey Wisteria Wilson, Toronto, only
• -cattle, sheep, and Swine by Roy pepper daughter of Mr. and Airs. J. Add.
of Seoforth. -Wilson, Park House, Goderich, to Alex-,
Followieig Is the list of prize- ander Anderson, son • of Mr. and Mrs.
winners: e J. -Andersen, Toronto.. The mar -
on the•building in a generation, which
necte:sitated a •complete job of painting
end much rewiring and plumbing work.
'best men:, 'Anse Edythe Jenkin of feel confident of a sympathetic' reeep-
. • , And now itt 1946 we'll sing a sung . .
of Jesus, "Hereafter 1 Will not talk,
much with you; for the prince of this •
Gedericle dressed en lune green crepe, teat by the peblic, especial
world cometle- and liath nothing in SCIIUAIACIIER, 'S.opt.- 30. -e -Trinity • This Was followed by en action song, •
by tbo Goderich :\st;1111141.1,:\g.11.1:1;(iii'1.,1(1;1.1,.(;‘i1\41:1::iil,tiki.iie1411:irelegli1:11.(0,:tles'it()1.14•Nt..s.,,,;ills114:A.11arbisyi peint (ut. as nothing was don-ely
11.;11.41111-111e1-1.1-iiti:‘ ,fitt)111. 'tile/1:11111;1'11;f ytehaer -s'A.tisrieocef
LUMBY—MILLER - for you." ,byththeye
eire". (John 1 4:30). , United ceureli WaS the scene of 'tine "Little Old lotdy,"
The music by the cheer ae•the morn- isIf • the seesen's loveliest weddings, on Alission Band, and their line perform- : . • • - - - - '
nig ; t turqUeise (trees with tt c5ersit,ge. the armistice of 1918. •
ing worship conin
sisted of the itheins ' eiaturday, 'when Olive Stella, doughter ance reflected gretit :credit' on Mrs.
,r Better Time resets and black aeces- .. ..Tbe area eovered by the chneass will
"Bless the Lurd. 0 Aly Soa1". and of elr. ineleeles. Herle.Miller, 74 Fourth Floyd Lodge, Airs. Clarence el1141(41mM, series end 'Ales. Johnston being. attired extend, n, Dung•annon, where veterane•
"Ha rk. Hark My Soul," with Mrs: avenue, Schumacher. became the bride and the elission Band letider, Mrs. W.
Gordon Katttnm6 and 'errs. W. E. 01;Ztileitoo.-LairiaSy,- son of lir. aud Mrs.. *Westbrook. 1,1.e.loy_ ,, Time roses and black acceseories. 'The taken on the canvass, to Aulturnewhere.
. 111' rose crepe with a ceretige ef Better T. W. Eedy and A. J. Sherwood have
This House:" by Den Walter. Breckenridge Officiated' at, the cere- terial eeiesion Band secretary. ex_ , 111(1111 44.1s _ ProfilselY decorated for the l'estmaster • Rollinson and Aeteme
w• • cle.',,-LielOISIesof.,..Godericb. ReveJ. A. Aire:: D, J. lAne.of cliotoo,
. , .4
Saunders me soleists, and a eolo, -Bless
-_ Evening Servicemony, which.. was perforated -against pressed - her pleasure in seeing such a: °4 1s11°14. with , zind Grtflige are in charge, and eo 4 ee neeta
1,ne 1101 111S and pink 11)41 white pert of Goderich towitehip, Whyte Phil
"FelSowship with GodS was the sloe it background 'of late :,•alintller tiONVers. tine representation !Sinn the Alission '
i gladioli. After the weddine dinner. (,1 Bissett will represent the veterane.
ject of the evening seermon by • Rev. Wedding nitieic Was played by Mrs. Bands of Seaforth. 11411'. 111 and Clin-
which /thirty:-fivt guests po•rtoek, the Tlx _committee, and P14 1(14111 Ken.
Air. Watson, btised on the text, eThe Illtinche James and Miss Ge-rtrude ton. tit the rally . She spoke of the bridal temple lef On it trip to Niagara Hunter a the Legion. ere confident of •
tabernacle. of God is with men and He, Bristow sang "0 l'romise,,Ale." GiVen tine work done' by so many women
Falls. Buffalo ; lid -other points. The It generous response to -their tippeal.
will dwell -with them- • , • and God i ill Marriage by hem father, the bride teluring the sixty years sieve the Gude-
bride - wore. a powder blue gabardine
himself shall be with them" e(Rev. Was radiant in a gown'of white satin, eich band was organized, and :paid a
• with black ecce.esories; ;Ind the• Rev. CRI:1114ISII..1.•'}r:iiijrb-21ibuF11°0S•fliKr4.itTi ;Iced' at a
suie,with. a core:tee 4 1 .1/111k Iwriarcliffe .-
• r, , -
.. .
1 styled with lace yoSe and lace piinelled special tribute to Miss Edith Wiggins
This promiee, said 'the preaelwr, has , ' d b...e ue, full skirt and'Iong for her many years of faithful '-.014 ice r()(''- .
. bridegroom s gift, a etriind of :Pearls. •quiet wedding at the North street
to do will' a future that is 'hidden. I sleeves with points over --the wrists. Mrs. Gordon Bisset preseent
,_ 1'10.m -their Holum they \VIII take. up parsomtge. on Monday eveningSeptem-
but the fellowship must have its begin- ' Her fing4..r-tip length 'veil WaS caught bouquet to eIiss Wiggins, s\ ho
resulence in Goderich .township. )ler ;30th. whelp- he united in marriage
Ding here and now. The story has an to her head with a wreath of white pressed 'ler thanks and spoke bri fly -
Previous t4 . her wedding the bride William GoiVie earswell, son . of,SSINS
' " w . • t, I Was gliVSt of honor el a 'social evening and -etre. Jas. Ernest• Car:Ai-ell, '40.ndl'-'
tiowers and she carried a shower of tbe early of_the Mission Band.
hietorie eigerifleance. - ' It beg•an with
-the tabernacle in tents. God's tent bouquet of pink leilismans-roses, elle. . re.. • . . a mp ,
St:1 el. 0)1.which she, Was fe, meheber„ and and Mrs. Thos. Wm. Foskett. • The
• ' ei -en I -
N the }Sell, Telephone - Company Isiretto Claire Foskett, dziug-hter of Mr
Was' pitched beside them and was in. Jerre' Minikes was matron of honor, . president, 44115 the guest speaker. and
and she chose for the occasion a gown gave a splendid :talkill
ii ustrated by
was preeeeted 44)111 an electric to couple were tittended ii', lir. *and Mee.
of turquoise. nylon, with mittene to the flannelgiaph, on t (.. \Nor • a
Mrs. Jenkins., , Anglesea street., was R.. G. Hall., eir: Carswell ie on the '
match, a turquoise feather hat misted could be done by every elission Band
hostess at a kitchen shower, and a stair of the Huron Engineeeing &
with nylon. .She carried a boutinet of member to help Will the world for, ,
trees:semi tea was held at _her home. Res:earth. Co., le the tieing division.
yellow roses. Miss jeans LuMby of Christ. , .
Goderich, sister of the getione was An excellent program was presented
by the visiting
• bands, consisting of a • '
duet by member"; from Clinton, a gear- Port Albe
, ' Demonstration Machinery.-- ,
Aiip service.
groomsman and behers were Irvine Dorothy Douglas, nne .of Site church s
Airs. Lane tead a letter from Miss
'rile 6n,dness ,it' farming has become ° and a 'ver • s IA
. 1 .1 sllnp..„ 101SWei 100. As •
„ missionaries Who is home on furlough. i . •
Fraser an41 Bob Fultoo.
sight (it all, and it meant His watchful
providence and guidance of His people.
"Just as Israel lost sight of God,
SO has the Christian church. 'We
wonder at His incarnation and the
Free-for-all running race—Alejn. Mc- riage will take place October. 9th at lowliness of His birth. How many
(•Continfied on page 4') . the Park IIouse, Goderich. - of us really live day in and day out" britlesmaitl and wore . pink° . elution, .Will Have a Great ..").
by..the controlling and cleansing ,hand 'fashioned with beeffaut skirt, fitted
..; of.God? bodice, rgliort sleeitse matchilig lace tette from Hensel'. duet from
Food Conditions Still Desperate in ship cost? It Ls not easy. It means•
"hat does the oblition of fellow- mittens and wore a halo of ,pink ostrich Seaforthalong ita ere Sine or
i.ration of Farm
feathers. Iter bouquet was of mauve
e•` Wga
cnryeatithemunist. Neil .Aliller was
farmer knows, •the International.
. .. • s the entire re -orientation of your fife
Engla-nd, Says Recent Arrival! and fixing it on the fellowship Cif God.
tighle specialized during the paet. few i esere
, It will be all actiVe• life. ' The man
l'editv there tire fer•Inereeinit- ,
. , ; •
Metch " ie being held at the Port
Tlenigh not a war bride, Mrs. StOlces, "Tills is the- -first- year---sinee---the-- .-
-I l'res himeelf with- God le a .kfter the cerenomy a reception Was Site sent best wishes' for a sitecessful
.1 Heel 11 to ote the Blue 'Water Hi h-
. I lowing '41)1 11 for -1946, the "VictorY
. ern:older in fighting wrong,' and. with hifed at the home of the bride's parents. rally: and asked if the eternity's of the Yesus•
1V:1 N. (')ctol'e.r "SOL 16th. lith ' g '
cletrucing wife ofe Serge. Major Feank war that we have been able to get Mre. Miller received the guests smartly '411'. ion Bands would like ,to donate •chines and Material being need on the
. • . ,
and 18th.
fruit; \illicit. is now being shipped from , the help of God, of bringing others to.•
Stokes is the lategt of the overseas
Italy. Bananas are only on the child- •
jersey, lettck, 1(16 ((11(5 and (1)15 l( 01 1111(1 girls oe Betash Glenne/. 'who would , next few years the developments that ' EN cry fa/1'11er, ever‘„1,11 who is in ahr
frocked in a gray tied red, printed some of their ONNII be+oks tA) the 1)(1.ys f.,) 1.1" Hutt, (,,.„. Name,. ;ma ii1 the
i Him. ..
a riny workers te arrive in Goderiell. She rens: ration booke, ,end only a pound ;Miss Betty Smith was the soloist at of eke to have them. FurtIvir particulars liaNt. been perfected, during the recent' 41
wmtliiliey :,,illint‘Ne0 S of thi..ititt.dbi(i.yeer.itt1:11,6.
t,nrg, it:!1 41-.1irre(ts international:fludt (; Awe-
as arried at Lekefield, Ontario, in can bp
e urchd w
asehen om
they 'ce in, the evening Jservice-nst-• !or , singing in
Today." pleas-
The red reeve. etre. Frank ew Liekettrd aiso receivedFlndlay beemning-
w ill be sent to Oaell elission'Iland as
attend a / least 0ne 'f t tl e f no e • our
1930 and went with her husbarld in. /which is rerely. The land in England ing, v°ice, -, N,,
".2“(.4.1-11 1:1'..a's" 11\14,1!.el (T1-(irnt:idt,"f1:11111111;t
:s: '. :
•e.,...,-, leaeoetile:Eleglaodeoeyhose, M -G
ee Stokes.. ,j,s_ beingcultivatett to a ea
grt extent ; ant Dem ey Etne n(emir ill"si4was. -Se vi our, . •
,....._ brown eieessories 111(1 peacdefied
h colored girls were to keen thism
' in ind. The farmsao er of, li116. will 1111(1,1ra:it .
g • . I Si tine 110ke •colored crepe. soon as poseible, and all. the boys and , of
wee. to-o-dieuteoreceioed flaw) Mr. .V.
was employed by the Canadianovern= even *the PaTli'S''''Were'ang--illi; 'Which -14:ren-1-11e leing g'-'2---•• - ---
, _ gl it el iidteco isage. - liffitrethe reception --Mrs. hone' : tha-nited all those who • bee will . Itweve..,. lilure, It.ieu re ii, it UV ligal ‘ te wile- ne • • - -
J11( ta in export trade in London, where helped considerably. Hey. J. A. Breckenridge propbsed the had taken part in the program. and (,„ (e. i„, 1., , e,,. ee 11114 teen, w i 1 1, in all A. Ca rrol 1, the secretaryananager of
,,on an up- '1 pra et fenny all the Dirge firms that
her parents reside. --. -
'-.1,1 6t Stokes joined the ser- months to get a pair of shoes." „
-"Ill England' I lined up for .
--ix (001) wistiES ON 8001, BIRTHDAY „ , „ . , ,,, ,,,
On September 22nd eliss -Edith toast to toe Lwow east o wits responded at the close of the meeting the lunch 1, likelilee,d, stee be a. labor problem,' the (1111 411)) plowman's Aseoeietion, '
boxes were opened. and a eocial half-, the 1)11 111111 ef menual labor
farmers ---'
vices in 1940 and WaS attached to the Mr. and Mrs•.. Sreltes lost- their hoine Horton of Leebure, celebrated her •
to by the groom. Later the couple left
oll a motor eriP to Bliffalo• Ftir hour was -enjoyed, when tea and , to -date farm ten years hence will -be . are at, present snppleing •the
, ,
sertiee corps in England throughout during the bn L
litz iondon. Site sw
hoed eightieth birthday at her hotome on the trneeiliiie. we Otriu; 1e a
g uonned a two- Chocmc mw
olilk ere servd, bymm-
e. e ' ;it at minimm. uAounds like the fabled 1 wm maeh
ith farinr-
eyand equipment
efertilizers, feeds. ,spray materials and
the war. Ilis wife served- in the Aux- the reporter. an' ugly piece of it V-1 Blue Water Highway. Mise II irten is
--- - --' ----- - 1 piece suit ef pink wool, brown topeer, bers of the socilil committee' of the Utopia. doesn't it? '
NV.M.S. It does, howeVer. -.44111 that this i a greet 111) 14 `other supplfese rang-
liary Territorial Service for ° three 1)01111) 1461(11 she described as the most a deughter. of the late John Horton! brown accesstories and corsage , of
dream will bevoefe an eetitalitv. And ' ing all the way from work clotbes to.
years. Sine their arrival in Gode- terrible becanee of the uncertainty as and • Susan Osbaldeston Hornet el i 1
--LI- yellow . roses.- Mr. find Airs. Lumpy
THE SCREEN DOOR .SAVED 'HIM to bear out this cwItent ion. Just take a. mixitinet(ses. well be represented nt
'rich, Mr. and Nies. Stokes have been to where it, would land. They had a 441141 1)1)111 at Holmesville, where 'kite Wil.:1 take, 11!)residence in Goderich.
A Goderich business men has• a new leek at the mechanical heleers that ,the Port Albert. So, you see, even' thg
the guests Of Mr. Stokes' sister, Mrs. miraculous eseape as they were sleep- lived with her parents until they
conception of the velue. of a screen fernier of 194(1 has en his farm Ma- farm -wife has not been overhepiked I.
W.*•Heitmon, and ,Mr. Heitman.. Ing on a bed lounge, and a wardrobe moved to the farm where she now
was about chines doing the work that ten years With so many of the farms either
Mrs. Stokes remarked brightly. She
"W'e are definitely glad to be back,"
-them and they , were rescued with at Stratford, Miss Horton has con -
was blown across the bed. but it saved lives. With the exeeption of two years LET'S SHOW OUR VISITORS door.- The other day, as he
A OLEAN COUNTRYSIDE to step out from his place of business, ag0 Was . (1011e by farm labor. Nov mn the hydro. having ordered hydro, or
he opened the inner door and there, machines :lee being eleyeloped today ... con 1 pee pia t ing the., installation of hydro
has relatives in many points in Canada. great difficulty.
with, the Goderich salt Company and quent raids and it got so that we took floi•ton. The Saturdey previotei to her A special 'effort is asked of the
elle Stokes has secured. employment . "We ' shopped in amongst the fre- her younger . sister, Aliss Elizobeth
. tinned to live on the homestead with
i;lalsh (intlee f(elfreptahi,bvee .
11:111(4).rlel tahn% i•o•,,Tielefitte, 1 fhtteiii-i;,111,1(i)trti(eets•itt(lIsf as.trieenenuti(t)ikt 11f:ell:lid 1li;fer), lir: tlillitniltlis(., itteid1' inn
:Iiiiiiit?rhisf}t(1)rirt:i.iltiteii•oeen, cistilitoteifm:feitrettyltexii.
landshe aid this year it was hoped childrenNVe co e,ia-„
they intend to reside on S°1iii'l street no nqice of "fileen, but I always felt birthday, a nuinbee of her nieees and people of Huron to rid 1() 1(151(108 a
ee nd kittens that are not inech talked of ' the farmer., and 99 out of: (eery 1
Asked regarding conditions in ;F,ng- grieved for tbe aged and the little nepleeive gathered at her home and fields' of weeds st this time. The in Polite societee- looking Os Yf It would 1 farmers. faced with the present ehort- be of considerable interot. both Jo.
uld-fend for ourselves, presented her with a purse of looney. distrieus
t . is to 'Mee shortly thousands lik(1 ((1 cm
toe ln. The b.m: steppedck
. baage Of farm labor, are interested in tle; fitrneee,and to his wife. The will
, s. '
Nhe also received a number of gifts of visitors from all Parts of the quickly and . closed the door. aild did 1 these new developments. But Jarming want to play., for at. hfast one. fan day
there winild be -a good grain crop. as bile they 'could not."
it wits desperately. needed, but in the , mrs, Stokes came over on the Queen and inesseges of good wishes frOsin eolintrY• and matte' 'from tile United not oPen it tintil he was sure the Im- is a liminess that takes upelest about at this. year's .,Vietory eintetie be iz
lends. Two brothere, states, and, as someone has put it, welcome visitor had departed. Later eVerS nlitIntO Of the day awl the Major. thenweivest posted oe 'an the ,ihteste*
southwest of England, owing to floods Mary in four days, arrived at. Iiallfax neighbors and fr
fine no sunshin6, the grain was Iffaek. and was met in Toronto by her Mrs- Horace, who llVes with his sisters. and Miens (and PartienlarlY this Pnlit of, investigation roYealed a susPicions ite° Of farmers throughout Western developments deigned. to ease tho ,,
galloon, also spent the Huron-) will be the "show window or hole mider a' neighboring Imilding. and Ontario eannot take the' time- out to Inirdeg• of Canada's leading houbtrio.
ened. Breed le rationed stnd people. band. Tho white bread, on board ship Henry, of Dun
the problem. 110W is how to get rid go to the leboratories of science , nOr ILA, time farmer. Make it a date to
have to line Up for food. Shortages was if' luxury and caused one girl to day. with her.
have caused disappointment- ha Eng- rVroark, "It is juat like cotton wool."' .. , - ...._ -- the Province."
No't only shimild the Huron °count?-
of the pretty but unpleasant creatnre.,„ the worlf-shops of the farta itioaChiner fri,',z-vt your frikals at this year's,Itzter...
. mannfacturers to see what,, they bav6 flatioal Plowing ibfateh at the Port
land, -where one eggo. month per perebn Chicken and turkey too were a very 'Ansa Isobel II. Hamilton -Barker, gide be made to look its best in Comp 1- .........,..g.+Ia.,.*Itkl.
to oft:er him, so how is be to keep him. Albert airfield, •Tnerid,ay, Wedfletolayt-
IS allowe , "while.On the COntinent the alare- treat, '"iis white rabbit had been 11.N., after a pleasant visit with her ruent to its gnelits,4" bat 'neglect of Miss Helen llobertgon has returned
home after a , month's , vaention in self posted (in these deVelopMentS? l'Irarsday 'and Friday, October Ittllo
people sem to get plenty of every- their chief food at Christmas old on sister, Miss A. Bilythe Barker, is leav- weeds at this tine Means a bigger
Muskoka--.. i There is• an answer to tlAs tttlestiou, 4Gth, 17th and 18tIL
festive occaSiOnS. Ing'on her return t6-1\iew York. task later on -to get r,rid.of them. .
thing." • ,