The Exeter Times, 1885-10-8, Page 1R 11 14` Y 1 EAT, Diz- 1gia, the Jen- suit- scay segs, ,o$s- exer ante, con - lar a mail ,e six ar re - with r our f the ntees Sole •onto, LEGAL. LH. DIORSO , Berriater, Soil. . cltor of Supreme- Court, Notary Pi t)lie Conveyancer, Colnmissrontt, Se, Aloney to Loan. o9ree in ,F,aneon's Block, Exeter, 1%4 1)Io]'ADDEN, Barrister, Solicitor, Conlreyaricer, Etc,, XETEIB, - ONT. (mice eaniwell'*Bloek:mania Old olflce,) DENTAL. 1 CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S., ]las opened dental room* Over O'NEI.L'S BANK. where be will be prepared to extraettoethwithout pain. ALI operations performedwith 0040 t4/1 skill, Ooldflllings a speciality, Oittca'houra� 3 a, m; toy p nt, Qktsnotta IOAEaA"r . Treys CAsa. HINSMA-N,DRNTIST,L.D.S ellEDIOAL llaaremoy welto s',lit SAM oath ea - Noted ; } without et HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.". VOL. Xm., NO. 7. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCT'RR 8, 1885. ;. V' r Petty's.Choice Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Lard, Cracked Wheat aud Rolled Oats,Oranges andjLeXOs x i`ite, JOHN WHITE & SON $Publishers and Proprietor* A, meeting of Huron Scott Aot A,+eoniatiort will be held at Clinton ou 'Phurxday, Oot., 15th, All are in - AT ( . A. ,ry-,N. D -.:N'`„ FANSo,l'S BLOCK t, be only Thorley's H. to 0 Food, On 10e. per lb,, or $ MieeI'nrtln, of Guelph, fashion. able, dress and mantle maker, up Stairs at Renton Bros. Apprentices should Dalt early. Brow Ur. Jae, Swenertan has got hip eattog house and horee stable in full metertsutG i"iE'y' Shop operation, and from appearances the enterpnee ie being largely pe:roniaed EDUOA tI,O.NA; LUTZ, 51, D., . (emcee wr°statute° Exeter- sIRADUATE UNI. t' College, etemtrer et t surgeon! On,., .ttt1- the Con r,l ettritne' stars t5xatler W. WitOWNIN CI M. D., M. G 4OR to • P.tr,nreduaseVictorfeUniver*it ,pals** waft elation ea.Do4t-ptaaLt ratotr.axelex. T� J. A, ROLLINS, M. 0, P. roorlw: tt 0.. Office. Alam OtExetitr.ont.liosiden cet oneeraoently occupied by P.btol?hrlrips, Elsa- 4tb VETERINARI. E1dNENT d� TENNENT, 1'"ate (1 wd t*i of tha] T r! USINESS COLLEGE I DAVIS,R- rN OONN/3EVION 'WITH WOODSTOOE •CQIJ4. (E, Butcher & General Dealer WOODST©s K, ONT. The College has been thoroughly xooman, Ise]. and platted in the band' of *moat ahle staff of Teachers (including two 'who have been Principals of similar and auooeawpl inatitutlon*3. Coarse Most thorough and pr ]*tial. xreesrsrymoderate, Per lull intornlation addreuu-• N. WOLVERTON, B.A.. Prim:epee Woodstock Colteg.. 0P 'RTX LInT nary Sargon*. r u.a lioteriutr,, j- Cou+,fia, Toro to.haveop ;oratetres. Domestic 'illainatreat from a die suet] AA nilloe *merit o a 11 MIMEO* IVA Exeter, Calls taupe prutnSrt'y' *Worded tot- Medicine for Roma Cattle.** PIWPTe OE hand: AUCTIONEERS. EbI1i ' EILl3ER, Lioerlaed Auo- Uili- c t A and lit . 4piln for '9t t oaeur X iaiaw Aye ttoee reid —4t PPoit-oCredto.Ont. OUN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen. Her snit reborn* and the Village of Exeter. All melee prumntly attelnded.anttlsttlefs.ctiou auaraatued, Bales arrungvd at this office. tttNx TO LOAN. ---•za Ater, an iris Castomerssnpplied TUESDAYS. THURS. DAYS AND SATURDAYS at their resideaoe IOBDERSET AT THE SHOP WILL RE ,l IN 13T in ith Concession. r apply to sora a, 11,1, r•.I LIOT. Solicitor, C1ck Dix, 1 , Exeter sIJcwolory! . seg An•al FOR SALE OR TO RENT, r The undersigned w111 offertor sale or to 2 o' locki0 to.. Auction, on a anditt4, L. QC L L. „i...� 4 o'clock P. to.. Leta a sad. 4, l.. xt. F.. tea.. �., topterl, user Grand Send, ll sore* of t+lnd ISO 20/At OORi1 and heifer*. C spares 4 and Ni CI:IVi PROMPT ATTENTION. Tatra old.8 horse* 4 end 5 years old, WAITA Mira Has completed hi. Kttrak Of lcon 'laertaz'°per sound. i . atches, Clacks & Jewelery1IxR sr. For the Fall Trade, 320 &ores for Sale, xN sourIUERNMAWITOIlA-,"aria Garden of our Oroaat North-Waat,"; Southballot Reotion Sgi.Township 2.Range I ,aOmprieiug 520acloa uinnedi.telyadjoining ( rvrtal ('its and on tt'ollae of the Manitoba aud Sonthwo*tarn liv itte Vo'y being now nn. it°tinting for right of way through this halt aecti'n,t Tuo,.c desirous of s•eeuriug a: really arst.elass IHomesteadi it au exceptionally good ee'gbssornoid, convenient to market, echoer. churohea, Mr,' would do well to ntsIdr without tlel*y. 1 itloperfect, using a Petro t ltoe.l from the Crow and without encumbrance. N EWA. 1.1V'N(1S:r()NF, ()weer. Jfitohell, Ont. QAGLIL1N.l ._-Cement for . lesErok- J1 1;Enctixis FOR COUGHS AND COLDSDB. g A "ONE�r TO LO&N ON REAL ES en ArttrSold ever *Phos. tate fortheiiurt,n tic ErieLoan s Say` Solo shale*. —.KAY 111tott.. Steckpert Evoryh.siv iuvitstt t,.1;,4 in and iuspeut hitt. atnek wttt'11h'r tint mochas.. or not. IUMI!lltiiSE BARGAIN FOR CISH tlil �O t Isl ,t: tillt•c11• Watches. Vlatt'dwnre, Jcrtelery, Arc A large varis.ty to (Immo .(runt, end trot b1 go1 e 1 1 14614 5.111 our stock. ALL ARE WFIL!'OMI'. tee- Stahl 4.») it ! it Pi'k 1' el i street, Exeter. inanSaotots. Low rateeattntereal. APPlytO Englaud, ,iohn Spackman.Exe er, lk 1t 01\.TEY TO COAT AT 6 AND 64 l`e peroont.iecuic'lun totertna. Private Funds. ugustl5,'871 Atlpty t0 R . V .ELLIt.)T , Solicitor, Exeter INSURANCE. J. OLAltg Agent for the Ue .-•'orao mud lf,llllert mutual Fire Iuaur alma company,, r;esidunce--lad Con., rs•borno Orders, bvtnrttlto Exeter P. O., pronr1t1T nt- tohdedto. "[TAY'S OOMMPOUND OF LIN - .1L SEED, t), Aniseed., Senega, Squill Tole, Sm with Cblorodvne. frArs COUPOUNI), t! demulcent exnectortlnt for Coughs andCetda. tTA ;'S COMPOUND, for Con 'lett and Colds, is equally servioabto for Bonsesaudeattle. AY'S TIC PILLS, n seeeifio 111 JOHN -t\IoDONELL, ISSUER OF K. louraltsia Face -neige so. l ARRIAGT'. LIJENSES. OPPICB IN EAMON'S BLOOR. Also agent for tho London alntual Imsnrauoo ompltuy of Cauada,Mercautile Insurance Co Capital t+Sft41,000.0O Head Office Waterloo; nt, Glasgow & London Insurance Coy—Cap- tal $?,500.000 ; tteat:Onlce, Montreal : Stand - r3 Lite Insurance Co., Head Office, London, nglanct ; Guarantee a: Accident Co, Head Office, Toronto. JOHN MdDONELL Exeter. • 'IRE WATERLOO MUTUAL 1 FI1tt INSURANCE CO. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This comxanv has been over Eighteen years in successful operation iu Western On- t n- Ilse- . J�� �, RirTC's tario,'andcontinues to insure againstloss or i V damage by Fire,Buildings,Nlerchandrse,Man- ufactorioa,aud all other descriptions oftinaur- ableproperty. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System During the past ton years this Company has issued 57,055 Policies, covering property tQ the amount of 340,875,038 ; anti paid in loss- es alone $700,752,60 AsaetS, 8176,100.00, consisting of. Cash n /sank, GovernmontDenosit,and the linen - eased Premium Notes on hanEland in force. J, W WAtnENM D. Preside] t. C. 31. TAYLon, Secretary. J. B. litmus's, Inspector. CHAS. SNELL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity. NT J. CLARE', COMMISSIONER • in the Court ..t (:,ommnu Pleas -Deeds, Wills, efortpagos, Leases,anil all forms eta*. reements fag- roomonts drawn and executed acceding to law. MONEY TO LOAN ON nr1At. 'P:STAT1.. Parties wishing to borrow money on account of ro- oentpnrahases niland,Or to pay off existing mortgages will find it great Having oy giving me a pall, Can tend money ate and 61 per cent. accortiingtotorms.. AND NUMBERRS 01' THIS INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL COUNCIL, Will bent the N.J.0LADE . Commercial Hotel, Exeter, "DOST LOVED!" SAY ALL THE LADIES \VHO SEE MPORTANT-NOTICES . n erco is ai era y The Direct Route from the West for all points in NewBrunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton and Newfoundland. All the popular sea bathing. fishing and pleasure resorts of Canada are along this line f ullman cars leaving Montreal o.1 Mon- day, Wednesday, and Friday run through to B:alifax. and on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day to St. John, N. B., without change. Close connections made at Pointe Levis with the Grand Trunk Railway and the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company's Steamers from Montreal, and at Levis with the North Shore Railway Elegant first-class Pullman, Buffet and Smoking Cars nn all through trains. First-class Refreshment Rooms at conveni- ent distances. IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS will find it advantageous to use this route as at is tha quickest in point of time, andthe rates are as low as by any other. Through freight is forwarded by fast special trains and experienee bas proved the Inter - colonial route to be the quickest for European freight to and from all points in Canada an d the Western States. • Tickets may be obtained and also informa- tion about the route and about froiybt and passenger rates from . ROBERT B.1VIOODIh, Western Freight &Passenger Agent • 93 Rossin House Block, York St., Toronto. a D. POT'fINGER, Chief Superintendent. Railway Office, Mono tion, N. B:, May 14,'t35 -1y: LANGTRY AND PARISIAN BANGS. Without a doubt they are the most bee -ming stylus everintroduaed. Ladies, for something in very fine style, such as the Lungtry and Parisian Bn Bangs, Saratoga. Wav es, Switches, Puffs, Curls, or Wigs, call on Ike. J. Dearing, at CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, EXETER. Where he will supply all your wants in the Hair Line,__ CEN TRAL DRUC STORE A. full stock . of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the s mark- et aud always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter U C r .L TL WEDNE D 3Y, GOT- 14. Alen, Women andChildren suff.'ring from ei y dist-ase peculiar to their age, sox, dsc., should call to 800 the Surgeons. Consultatifn and Opinion Free ! If unable to can, write to J. D. REAGAN, Horner Wood .. aril a 1., Giutit.t Ares., Detroit, Mich ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. Personal by the farmers. Ladies rejoice. Oo Monday next Oot. 12th Miss Martin, of Guelph, well be on band to take charge of mantle and dress making doped - mettle, at Kenton Bros. On Tueaday while ppvid Rowtolid'e,. was ongafrsd boring a !tole to it split piece of wood in Browne factory, the wood seperatell, allowing the auger which was operated by steam, to mangle several of his fingers. He will be laid up for some time. A London paper has announced that the Exeter roller rink. ]lits bean eased by *gentleman in that pity. Our ootetn,'baa been nliuinformed, as the rink has not been leased to any of e, and will very probably be man- aged by an Exeterite, 1tlr. Jobs! Redmond and wife, of Pine City, Minnesota, are v*siting at . John Diguati'e, their brother -in. lAw,.of title piece, and at Mr. Red- mond's mother's, iu Hay. They in. teed visiting Mende in St. Themes; And also golutf to Niagara Falls bo- lero going home. Oo Tueaday, while three ]adios were walking along Jelin street, the Indy on the outside of the walk- ne. cidb'ntally stepped un the end of e noes ho d 1 ar tipped which t1 )e . d n tri - 13 , Ping 111* other two Indies. One trip - Ping them erne precipfented into aedeop ditch, while the other watt thrown forcibly against a fence. Thia might have resulted seriously, The side- walks should he kept in proper re- pair. The Dog Case. The dog -shooting ogee, of which brief mention was made in our last ieene, came up for hearing before John, MeDonell, 3. P., on Tuesday afternoon. Tho affair created con- siderable excitement and a large num- her were present to hear the trial. George Vesper, the defeudant,brought the snit, to recover $25 damages for a dog alleged to have been slot by Win, Quinton, the defendant, on the 30th of last month. The facts of the ease a e briefly as follows : On the 80th nit , in the morning, Quinton Bros. lied some sheep killed by dogs, and as the deceased canine had been seen worrying a &beep, and was, its com- pany with other dogs, roaming in the vicinity of the eheep pasture when they arrived, :lir. Wm. Quinton shot it. The evidence elicitee all went to prove that the defendant shot the dog, and iu fact be never denied hay ing done it, but claimed jnatifiiontiou of the not on the ground of having seen the animal worrying and chasing his sheep, while the defendant claim- ed that as the dog was not shot when interfering with the sheep, but about oue hour afterwards and nearly one hundred yards distant from the sheep, the dog was uulawfnlly shot. Fully eight huure were occupied in examining witnesses, after which the magistrate dismissed the case, leaving the plaintiff to pay the costa. Tbere is solve talk of the case being taken Mr. James P. Aiken, of St Mrrys, who re- before a judge. Gently kept store, in partnership with his fa- ther he e, left a few days ago to attend the next course of lectures at the Detroit Medical College,—Mrs. 5 aphenson, of Kiuburn, has returned home after visiting friends in town. —Mrs. John White has returned home from Philadelphia, where she has been visiting for the past two mouths.—Messrs. Daniel Davis and James Weaker intend taking a trip to London. Englsn,l, shortly.—Mrs. G. W. Holman, of 1Viuolielsen, Who has been visiting friends at Hamilton and Ancaster, has returned home.—Mr. John Wood, who has been ill for some time, is recovariag, and we hope soon to see him around again. -- The Misses 13 ry,l, of Kincardine, and Miss Ada Spacltmau. formerly of ]Exeter,. are In town visiting fried,.—Mr. Pearl ,ssf reborn*, who some tune ego purchased the Back property, on Huron -street. will shortly give up farming and retire here.—Mr. Win. Pen - hale, of Hallett will shortly' more to Exe- ter,—Mr. Fred. Down, of Londo11 an old Exeter boy, is visiting his friends in town. —Mr. Westlake, retuned to Toronto 'last weak to resume his medical studies.—We' understand the vast youth took his depart: urs a week previous, his very delicate state of health requiring a short time for recup- eration before conmencing the laborious duties of the session. Fellowship degrees are fearfully racking on the constitution.•- Mr. Wm, North of Dia den, Mich. uncle to the Howard Bros.. of this place, is at pres- ent the guest of his brother -in law, Mr. Robert Howard,Exeter.--Mr. J. Coulson, who lives in Muskoka, near Braeebridge, has been visiting his brother, Mr W. H. Coulson, of this place, this week. Mrs. Fanson, of Hay, Las sold her farm to Heitman Happle for $3,500. ieIr. Happle intends to put is all into flax next year. Mrs. Fanson f intends removing to Exeter this fail. FIRE AT THE MODEL FARM. One of the ;largest and most die- aetrous fires which has occurred in Guelph or vicinity for a long time broke out Wednesday about five o'clock, by which the barns, stables, outbuildings, eto.,rn connection with the 0. A.C. were totally destroyed. The fire was discovered by some of farm bands. The alarm was given and a number of the etudente and farm employees. got out:the hose reels of the College in short time, but their efforts at staying the flames were of no avail.. A11 the stock was Raved with the exception of ono eow, two bull calves, oue steer, two sheep, two dogs, and a couple of pigs;: which were burned to death. Among the stock loot was the, cow` "Baroneeu Witdeyea," the moat valuable of any of the animals owned by the Tovernment. The two bull calves burned' were sold at the late enle to some breeders, whose names could not be ascertained. No doubt the Government will bear the loss. The loss to the Government will be considerable, as all the barite and contents, eonsieting of thia seasou's Corp, and steam engine, were eon,- pletely destroyed. Imitation, is Flattery, Nothing but good money is coun- terfeited. Se it is iu Dr. Kermit! ease since the introduction of epeoial- iem into Canada by bitn. More than a dozen speculative sharks :from Tor, onto and various other points in the Dominion have hoisted their flags as “Specialists" and cry out with a loud wino. "We are Canadians by birth. edaoatiou and sentiment, why not patronize usl" Whet an iudgoelneut to 1► r1d out to the sink and deformed. Beoauae these imitators adopt a sim- ilar sounding name, copy Dr. Ker. gan's advertisement@ and announce themselves as 04uadia0o, til"y expect the people of Canada who reedy need medical or snrgioal *id will turas out by the hundreds tta ale them instead of applying to old, reliable and ex. perienoed Speoisliati who eau cure sham. $.opts is the greAteet of all blueing', and there are litany whc would willingly give their lest dollen to obtain il, and these sharpers are just the ones to take even the fait cent. Beware of theta, they Dare not where you were barn, reared or edu- oated, or to what political party you belong; when yon !tee one you see the extent of their *toff in number and iotellsut. It"stpfoy only those whore you know frau] their age, experience aud suo:ess to he Ib r:'ugll!v qualified to treat in the most skillful and eclair tif:o manner alleetternio diseases aud deformities. Irl tbie oonneotloti WO are pleased to call attention to Dr. Kergau'e announcement which ap- peare in auetber column of this pal er. Any oust requiring toedtoel or surgt caI treatment Dan obtain the best from thele for n very nominal prloe. ROUND THE COUNTRY. Sexsmith. One of tho l:reetest revivals held iu this place, ie new in progress, con, Booted by Bev, Torreaoo, Scores aro turning to the Lord. Stephen. James Simpson and Michael Mad. den, two youths of the 12th and 13th 'tons',, recently got on a spree end with youthful frolio.nmenees pulled up a culvert. Unfortunnte!y a horse rind buggy eine° along and received such damages that the boys were hauled up aud had to pay $17.50 eao11, Siulpson paid up like a little 11141), but Madden is trying to shirk bis share of the respon-tbility. Fairfield. The trustees of Fairfield Church are now having the Church property cicely fenced. The Rev. E. Fassant and son, gave us a call last week. Both looked hale and hearty.. Chicken stealing 15 now indulged in by Pnme peope not a thousand miles off, of course they take the eeteeeee just for fun, and eat them for the same reason I suppose. Granton. A DEFAULTING DEBTOR.—On Fri- day of last week, C. M. Webb of this place, telegraphed to Chief Windred, of Sarnia asking him to stop the ex- odus of one Thomas Little, a farmer of this vicinity, who was taking bis goods and effects to Michigan, with- ont having firat settled with his cred- itor here. The following Saturday afternoon the goods arrived at Point Edward, and the oar was promptly seized, and cocatable Wodsll, of that plane, left;in charge till the folln,iing Monday morning. Little had gone ahead of his goods to Fliat, and the car was in charge of a nephew, who cleared out at the appearance of trouble. Mr. Webb, arrived at the crossing point on Monday and placed a bailiff in charge. The bailiff planed his officer in charge of the geode, be. during the forenoon, the car tuaa shunted across the river, with the constable inside, leaving Mi. Webb, scratching his heat to know bow it could be got back again. This is the result of giving a person too good a grip of the credit rope. [Our correspondent stakes some. allusion to hie 'last weolt's e)ntribu= lion, which he expects tri appear this week, but we received sono. Whore did it go ? Did it leave the Granton petit ,office ?-En] Mr. P. Mowbray, J. P.,of Granton, being about to retire from farming, has purchased Mr. Wm. Ltngford's property. 1t is Mr. Langford's inteu lion to remove to Liman or Forest. Wbilst no a visit to her friends in Millan, Mrs. George Grant, daughter in-law of the Granton postmaster, died last week. Her husband is at present in the Northwest. Mr. Grant has the sympathy of is large number of friends and acquaintances, TuckerSxnitit. ROBBERY. ---On 'J,tneeday of last' week, during, the absence of the in- mates, some evil disposed person or person* broke into the house of Ur. John Throp, and made off with all the cash they could lay their band. on. They robbed the hired man of twenty odd, dollars, arts] the house keeper of three, Mr. Throp, himself, had a considerable sum of money in a drawer, lint it was untouched, All the doors being fastened, it is sup. Pelted the thieves gained entrance through the window. SETTLED AT ILST.---it will be re- Memnbered that some time ago Mr. Appleton Elcoat had his barn destroy- ed by fire, arising frothtbe careless use of a etearn thresher, losing about $2000 He instituted a shit for damages against the owners of she thresher, bot the jary disagreed, and Mr. Elooat determined that he would institute s: second snit. The owner of the thresher, believing that Air. Elooat had a geed arta* against him, bas now settled it by the payment of $300 and all costs incurred, Whits aria amount is small, it !thew* the 1iAbility of threshers, and should be a warning to °there If properly. attended to,* dream threeher 117 sit safe es anything can be, but there are some who are altogether too oareleee iu handling them. Not Far From Borne. Sawa 09ndensed, The residence of Mr. A. Lawrence, 7111 0000ession, McGillivray, was burped a few nights since, the cane. being a defective store pipe. The loos to estimated at $800.. insurance $800. Mr, 0. Moore, who has been ern - cloyed as aiiietant al the railway station. Henn% for the past year Dir has recently been ndvauced to the position of iuvoioe clerk, et the Fe -- 4010A station. A horse belonging to a St. Marys man, who was delivering meal around town, became frightened At some geese, and ran away, completely It reeking tbo vehicle. He is smug to sue the oonncil for damages, Xi geese tiro not allowed to run at large, ac- oording to the town by-law. There was threshed on the farm of ?itr. (leo. Greenslade, near Hills Groep, n few days ago, 258 bushels of fall whent being the product of five acres of ground. 'Phis makes a yield of fifty one and a half bushel* to the acre, as meallnred fratn the machine.. Ur. Thos. agents, of Eippou, has doll show in Ur. Weielriller's store a potato of the B,ebrou family menaur. Lig no lase than 10 inches 111 ciroum- ference, au:! weighing 2lbs. 6t]; oz. He clniins this ono will down any Clung in the conuty and we believe !t. Ur. Robb, proprietor of the Strat- i ford Herald, and Ald. O'Donahue, of that city, came to blows the other night after a Council meeting in con- aennenee of a disputa reepacting al- leged false repent; publisod of a pre. vious session. Only three passengers from this Rection took advantage of the cheap excursion trip to California form Western Ont.rio Tuesday, and these were, Mr. D. Elcoat and wife, of Q;lintou, aud Mr. W. T. Sloan, of Blyth. They bought their • tickets from Mr. de he Hooke. A somewhat unusual operation was performed on a young time in the neighborhood of Clinton a few days eines. His hearing being imperfect, he had a small membrano removed from the roof of his month, being put under the influence of chloroform during the operation. It made a very perceptible improvement on his hearing faculties, and he is non& the worse for his operation. On Thursday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Sberritt, of Blake, were each driving a load of apples to Brootmfield. Mrs. Shorritt was some distance be- hind her husband, and her horses becoming unmanageable started to run away. In the furious race past Mr. Sherritt's thea!, the wagon col- lided with her husband's team, which was ahead, knocking Mr. Sher- rott off his wagon, breauiug his shoulder in two places. John Monaghau, of the township of Biddulph, was committed for trial by Squires James Graet and Philip Mowbray ou Wednesdav of last week, bail being .accepted. He is charged by Susannah D. Patterson with ]lav- ing on the 29111 ult., acted iu a most abusive and insulting manner towards her, threw her down, tore her dress and assaulted her with intent to enm- mit an indecent offence upon her. No tidings have been received as yet from the Byron school teacher, Nlr. Hadley, who has been missing for several weeks. His family have heard nothing of him, and his father has been prosecuting an unsuccessful search in the vicinity of Byroir for some trace of him. He talked a good dee] about boeoming'a sailer, and some think it possible he may have goue off to, the seaboard, although why he •lronld leave his olothea,bnoks and $80 salary behind is a mystery. The general opinion is, however, that he has in some way lost hie life. Rid yourself of that vile Cattarb. Gum- , autoed Cure. Dr, Carson's. Catarrh Cure $1.00. ` If your Druggist has not got it send $1.00 to Dr. G. A. Carson Medical Co.,' To- ronto, who will send a bottle express paid.; Send for pamphlet,