HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-09-19, Page 10,PAGE TEN '+ THE O ICH SIGNATATAR p For Results , CIassiie , Ad ST. GE ' u .ya 4L NI)AY, S IIxTE(11•IBER 22nd, 1946 MO a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10.00—SUN ,1'AY SCHOOL. Q 11.00 plt.nl•tn. MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. 7.00 EVENINt PRAYER. Rev.` M. 'ID, If'a ter, Huron College, in charge of A service. 'REV. BEVERLY H. FAR I..Th., RECTOR. i $PIIS; 1 . JE$SOP, Orgaanniat and Choir Leader. Enox Prebyterian church 10 a.m. YOUNG PEOPLE'S • BIBLE CLASS. 10.30- a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSEMBLES IN LECTURE HALL. 11 a.m. RALLY DAA; SERVICE. ' Staanday School States' and Scholars occupy centre section of Church. Mr. Robert Bisset and Mr, .hien Butler assisting the Minister. Dedication of the Motion Picture Projector. 7. pan. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Sermon Subject: "God's Sacrifice." SEPT. 29th -112th ANNIVERSARY—II aa.ni. and 7 p.m MINISTER,—REVEREND RICHARD STEWART Director of Praise—Mr. William Wickett, Come and Worship .the Lord in .the Beauty of Holiness. North St. United,. Church MINISTER—REV. R. a. TU'RNBULL, B. A.,_B.D.. S unday Sch®ol Primary:Department ai:aei.' Primary dDepartment 11 a.m. 11 gun. • aPTRENGTk$iENllNG OUR FAITH IN GOD." -7 p.m. "DOING THE: THINGS WE DO Norr LIKE." Organist and Choir Leader— ,Mrs.Murraay Hetherington, A.T.C.M. A SINCERE .WELCOME . AWAITS YOU - - .{- lJ "�w n e -Victoria- R. j � MINISTER 041. LAWRENCE ". TURNER. ` . ..--. _ ORGANIST—MISS _BARB_..-...-- ARA C1LTT I ._ 10.00 a.In. SABBATH SCHOOL. 11.00 a.m. PREACHER—REV. A. E.al,LLI:i. NO EVENT 6 SERVICE., Union Church— oderch Townshi p M1Mijter--Rei'- Lawrence H. Turner, • B.A. •- • ANNIVERSARY SERVICES SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER. 22nd -11 .am. and 7.30 p.m. ,Anniversary Preacher—REV. CHARLES Di COX, BERV-IE • a 11.06 a.m. Subject: "Living Vit;toripusly." r 7.30 p.m. Subject: "Growing in Grace." _ ANNIVERSARY SUPPER MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT Wednesday, Sept. 25 ---from 6.4)0 p.m. on YOU ARE WELCOME Goderich Baptist Church RED. JOSEPH JANES, M.A., PASTOR , Mfrs' Ella I. Donaldson, A.L.C.M., Organist 10 a.m. SEND' AY SCHOOL. •11 a.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. "The, Fall of Satan." 7 p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. "The Work of the Holy Spirit." Wednes. 8 P.m. Mid -Week Service for Pr4er, Praise and Bible Study STRANGERS ALWAYS WELCOME BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) REV. J. A. PEARSON, Pastor. FRIDAY, SEPT. 20 4.30—Children's meeting — Lanterci slides on "Life of Sampson." a-. 8 p.m.—Rev. J. Beam will tell how God healed him of tuberculosis 19 years ago and also of many miracles he has witnessed. Ir SUNDAY— . • 10. a.m. 11 a.m. 7.30 p.m. Tuesday 8 p.m. Frida:; 8 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. MORNING WORSHIP. CLOSING SERVICE WITH EVANGELIST ANI) MRS. J. BEAM. Young People's Meeting. Prayer Meeting. , YOU ARE WELCOME Free' Methodist Church ;Y REV,. R. C. McCALLUM, Pastor. , Cor. Victoria and Park Sts. ,;SEE SPECIAL ,ANNOUNCEMENT ON, PAGE 5 QF THIS PAPER ° , THE° SALVATION ARMY WATERLOO and LIGHTHOUSE STREETS St'NDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd ' Special. Services Conducted by )C.T. COI.. AND MILS. L. YURUSAKI ,Divisional Commander 'for the London and WindsorIDivisioh mart I HOLINESS MEETING—Il a.m. SUNDAY 1$CHOO •2.20 p.ra. SALVATION MEETING -7. p.m. - DON'T M1S 3 THESE MEETING'S 1 011.1 •' �A n ) Briefs .1POR Salts, Suffering -frown backaches, rheumatic 111()J t SALE.—PIANC),.CASI ORGAN, pain, . viatica, lumbago is nut neves- a in 'good condition. Apply at 57 sary. Use Runuteays at once 'for Britannia road. -38 fluids '' r•elief.tur ttuybeal's and Eua � ASTHMA SUFFERERS. -- ENJOYsun's Drug Anniversary 'services will be held at good night's sleep, without cuu;h- Zion Uaxited church, Taylor's Corner, ing, 0.0111.1g, the.. same as others are I ,iU 4eptember 29th, at Jt1 .;,un. and 7.30 dui;ug.'\ FREE offer. Write- F, L. l►.un. The speaker will be Rev. L. H. 110WEY, 144 Catharine South, Hamil- Turner. Special u is by' Uuaunan me ' tun, 28bf nn c)ltartette at the morning ser\;i}:e and yi111� S:QLl;.- �UNl, BABY'C'llli, by the Uolunesville choir in the even- 1 lug _33 complete wait mntttress; like., new. • 'Slender Tablets are effective. Two ' Apply 32 Iiaytield road. us•phoue 50-11. weeks' supply" $1; 12 weeks $5, at ' . -38 Campbell's •and Emerson's Drug Stores. FOR SALE.—RED BRICK HOUSE, 31'5 j 1' seven rooms; all conveniences, also Reserve Suturclay, 04tuber 5th, for sun -room, hot-water heating system. bazaar and afternoon lea, at MacKay 1'Corner lot. Location good for summer ti Ilall, from 3 to Pan., hider atispic'.es i bonne. Immediate • possession of- four of . Ahmeek Chapter, ;I.O.D.E. 38, rooifls. Private entrance. 24 William Grey hair lnaudieaps you. Use ; . -3''tf street. Augelique Grey Hair Restorer to regain uatural - coiur-life. $1 - at Caunpbell's•� HOUSE FOR SALE.—ONE-STORY and En nersuu's Drug Sturm, 36-91 stucco house with three bedrooms, Union Dramatic Club; Goderich , living -room, dining -room and kitchen. township, are having, .' dressed ham Fully equipped bathroom, a 1od base - !!ill follow.. T'ick'et, 60e and 30c. want, light and telephone : conne.ctions. Sul)I)er $ to 8 in Upiuu church. A i Good stable. Unci -half, acre of land. c•onc•ert will follow. Tickets. 00c and i Possession immediately. Apply L. E. 3ui, 37-8 DANCEY, Goderich. -38-9 -A treat_ fur your feet: Use Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve for prompt re- ! NOW AVAILABLE.—TIIE FAMOUS lief. 5Uc at Campbell's and Emerson's , Singer Buttonhole attachment; also Drug .tures, 36-9"a fen, ,electric cabinet machines. Protect coir clothes, furniture and SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 On - woollens frommoth damage for fire: atria street, Stratford. - 30tf years. ()tie spraying of Berlou dues it, ! or Berlou ll,ays fur the damage. It's ` F011 SALE. — ONE ICE SAW, udurtess, stainless and dry cleaning ; - powered by M.T. Ford engine. Also can out remove it. Emerson's Drugloader. (inc new 2 to 1 reduction Store. _ -38 gear. Apply to 31 McDonald street, 1f backache:.are slowing you up,. Goderich. Phone 848. 38x take liulnucalas. Pains and aches are �01t SALl::—GLADIOLI 75c • PER relieved after the tirs.t dose. C'aulpbell;aa , anti EntersoWs Drug... tones. -38 dozen, gorgeous blooms in i nulti For smarty printed letterheads, bill -I colors; also sweet pears and ether heads and envelupts, see The Uuderich seasonal flowers, Call or phone MRS. Signal Star, We handle every pri►ltiug L.,11. Hola\La.'s, Cameron street, phone need. Let us quote - en your require- ' -''; 32tf. mems today.. .', Ft» SALE. 10U -ACRE FAINT, Why suffer the agony of •rheumatic loth cuncessiuth Colborne;• 93 acres Zrn., ..s•ria't'rcat; lrrnrkrt�, �,•.•�i--hc nl- - •cl4rnat-, u1 pasture antic acres 1u goo( l bush. ,r• ' '1i l:U id � 1l 1. !'lata. 1 tLt�_ } ACU lief. Campbell's and. l:uhc 1 un'• Drug � � t'ie�-„f c, • t airrg cattle”' Stores. -30 Apply 1'.t), BOA 191, Goderich, , -38 • Vit,!',• is your supply of counter check t F()R SALE. — REPAIRS TO ALL {awoke., ,;1't•)e' Oadtaieh aigual-Star is' 1' makes of - washers-, iron-e-ra and local agent fur Applefor(1 Paper Pro- Ivacuum cleaners. New., wringer roll ducts Bid., • llauhilton, and can quote i replacements. All work guaranteed. you aattractive prices on these.A'TY-\1'.1SH1:1I SERVICE, Ham supplies (rubber goods), Ilton street. -Phone 89. • -37tf mailed postpaid in plain, sealed en- , , velul,e • with price list. Six samples 25c; 2.1 samples 441::00. Ma it order , Dept. 7-5p, , NUS`-ItUBL'l It Co.. Box 91. liau)iltun, Ont. 31-35. Ne -w -fall Millinery in the latest and sn'iartest styles: You are cordially I FOR SALE.—STUDIO COUCH ANIi invited to inspect our stuck. Miss M. two (hairs. Apply • - 30• Oxford R. Mae\icar. • Phone 462, Kingston ' street-, - - 38x FOR — LADY'S BLACK boucle cloth coat, wa,,riuly inter- lined. 111 first-class colndition. Size 40-42• BOX 50, SIGNAL -STAR. 38x street. 38x Vigerilie—The "Pei," tonic for men who are weak, raervotrs, exhausted. tai- 1 day treatment ;1.00, at Ennerson's_•Drug Store. .;,36-91 FOR SALk:.—MOFFAT ELECTRIC stove ; baby's bed with spring -tilled mattress, practically new ; high chair, brtnd-new. _-_ Phone 879M: 38x BORN !FUR SALE. — BICYCLES; ONE ,ARTHUR.—At • Alc xapd a Hospital, • Ulan's, $20; one- girl's, $25; Loth Goderich: on , September 17 th)46,' good. Appl3 MRS. M. 11. BUCIiLAND, to Mr. .tad _firs. Keith rthur,; 51 Argyle street Toronto. • -38 Auburn, at hurl, 'John Craig. MASSE. •• At Alexandra Hospital, I Goderich, on Sept -ember 11th, 1946,i to Mr. • and Mrs. Alphonse Masse, ! Dashwood, a son. ` SALE. At Alexandra Hospital, Gode- rich, on September .13th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs, Edward Sale, St. Vin -1 cent street, Goderich, a daughter, Margaret Susan. • . • ' SNELL. — At Aieeandra Hospital,! "Goderich, on September 11th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Snell, R.R. 4, Mitchell, a daughter, Kathleen Anne. DIED ELLIOTT.—At Victoria Hospital, Lon- don; on Tuesday, September 17, 1946. John Elliott, .800 William street, Lon- don, husband of the late Margaret Maajullen. father of Ida M. Elliott, r London; Wilton H. Elliott, Toronto; Elmer A. Elliott, Chicago; and four granddaughters, .of Toronto; one sister, Mrs. - A. Sperling -of Ninga, I Man.. in his 92nd year. Resting at Harrison & Skinner fun: eral home. 520 Dundas street, London, until 5,30 p.m. Thurt?day,. when the remains will be taken • to " Colborne street United church to lie in state until 8 p.m., when service will be con- ducted by Rev. Dr. A. Murray Stuart. Interment in Walkerton cemetery. IN MEMORIAM M['GFORD.—In• ^roving memory of a dear husband and father, Frederick. Mugford, , who passed away three years ago --September 23, 1943. Today recalls sad memories Of a dear father gone to rest, And the ones who think of him today Are the ones who loved him best. —Ever- remembered by his Wife and Daughters. -38 CARDS OF THANKS' -- MRS. McC. D. WILLIS AND FAM- ILY wish to extend their thanks to those who were so kind and, thought- ful during the illness and death of Mr. Willis. They are also grateful to those who loaned cars for the funeral, those who sent flowers and especially the members of the Canadian Legion who -assisted in any way. - -38 MR, OSCAR R, FOTISTER GRATE- FULLY acknowledges the many kindnesses extended to -him in his re- cent bereavement. He wh hes also to thank those whe sentfloral tributes or loaned their cars for the funeral. -38 ISS` OLLENE LLOYD AND THE -f)rothers and sisters of the irate Royal f loycf fake this means of thank- ing those who sent floral tributes, loaned cars for the funeral or aaslsted them in any way in the time of their bereavement, • -38 MARRIED HArDDnf'K=-•-KAITTING. ---- At St. • :Matthew's Anglican church, H timil- ton, September 14, Laura May Kalt- ting, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knitting. Melton, to Arnold Ilalgate Haddock. son of Mr, and Mrs. Norman , Iladdoek, �Ilamiltota, TIME TA$LE Effective Sunday, September . 29, 1946 i+-9111 ,information :trona Agents. CANADIAN PACIFIO 3g-9 ,il. Feat SALE.—TWENTY PIGS, TEN • and twelve weeks old. $10 and $12. FRANK JARDINE, R.R. 3, Blyth, telephone 42 r 8, .Blyth. 38-9x ELI;CTRIC RANGE AND RANG•- ETTE ; coal ranges and heaters; oil -burner in Quebec stove, also. twin oil -burner for stove, and . coal oil heaters; battery radio and electric radio; writing desk; round extension tables, one extra long; large assort- ment of chaiiis, beds, and other artices. Cs W0U1)5,'Secondhand Store, 12 East street. phone 242J. F'OII SALE. — MASSEY-HARRIS Wallis tractor in .need of engine reiiair • Rest of tractor- in good con- diton. A good buy for anyone who needs a tractor and wahtsa tO buy reasonably and then repair it., 40 East street, Goderich, phone 531Ja -38 FOR SALE,' DARK IRON GREY maree weighing about 1,400 pounds. (3 no ran teed single and double, sound, $175. W. HIGGINS, Bayfield, 38-9x NOVEMBER 11 A HOLIDAY Remembrance Day—Monday, Nov- ember .11—has been declared a public holiday this year. The day will be the twenty-eighth anniversary of the armistice which ended the first Great War. WANT SOME SEWING DONE? Winter dresses, coats, ,leg- gings. Or, perhaps .the man of the house would like py- jamas, shorts, shirts, etc., made? For a well-done job PHONE'S 344,. GODERICH A WA 1T WANTED.—TO BUY OR RENT; huutee, about eight rooms. Write BOX 51, SICUNA:L-STAII. 38-9x AUCTION SALE �L C'I.�$i,�:�i SALIN; Ok+' CATTLE „ at Arnold Dale's farm, 3 miles aiortll'' urCliuton, on highway, FRIDAY, O(.ToBER ' lath • 70" head of mixed Durham aud Hereford cattle. E. 1'. CHESNEY, Clerk. ARNOLD DALE, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, 38- , Auctioneer. ELL' WANTI D. -- MALE. ItUN your own business. Owlpg to . in-,.. creased produeti0u established ^ com- pany has upehirng in your -locality. EXeelleut eaaraitngs. lyra MOUS. PRO- DUCTS CORPORATION, Dept.a0-0-4, 370 Guy street, Montreal, P.Q. -36-9. WANTED. — TWO GIRLS;' (3001) 'Working hours. Apply in person. IIOLAIESVILLA, corner DC,liurch and Colborne streets. 38x WANTED TO BUY, - BRICK house with good-sized lot, Cash. Reasonably close to Square. • Apply POSTOFFICE BOX 58, Goderich, 37tf WANTED. -SHORT ORDER COOK. Also waitress. Apply VENUS RESTAUI1NT, -Goderich., -38 N OPPORTUNITY. — I;:STAB- AUCYfI.1,()I4 SALE AT - WALTER BR(15.' farm, Colburhe tuwuehip, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 1 p ur, 90 head- of mixed cattle, ranging from 500 to 950 lbs.; 15 sows 'and 80 York • chunks. List next. week. HAROLD & WARNER WALTER, Proprietors. HAROLD JACKSON, 38 )- 4 Auctioneer. E. .P. CIIESNEY, Clerk, 9111, 4,4e, CURRY'S BAKERY "The Novae of Tasty Pastry'''. MON PENING , AY, SEPT:I.2P following our Staff Holiday All Orders a $1.00 or over delivered. PHONIC 465 MEL. CULBBRT, Prop. COMMUNITY AUCTIO n"'"' SALE OF -at,CATTLE 'ANI) PIGS stein c uy! , d"ue, Jan. XSth ; Holstein cow, at Harold Jackson's Farm, one mile, •a11te' ;lit+rclh _'nth; Holstein, cow, due. east of Seaforth, onApril -26th ; Ayrshire cow, - fresh 3. TUES. EVENING, SEPTEMBI R 24th: months; liulstein cow, fresh .' anunthst LIMED Rural Watkins District at 7.30,,pan. (Note time,, Jt'ast'y flcrefurc}, fresh �Y muntils,•' available. If yota are aggressive, and ' 80 head oi? Hereford and Durham inndle -c u��:, cine Dec. 18th; Jersey between the ales of 25 and 55 have mixed cattle; • sows, chunks 'and clue old, sul)pused to be 1n calf ; Holster yourweauers, cow, fresh ; Holstein cow, supposed to or can secure travel outfit, this is. opportunity to get established in a Anyone may bring stock- to this sale. be in calf : Holstein, Afar, 2 years profitable business of your own. F� r E. P. CHESNI•',Y, Clerk, c,ld, in calf; black heifer, springer; full particulars write today to TH'E HAROLD JA( KS(lN, Jersey heifer, 3 years old, in calf;- J. R. WATKINS tp COMPANY Dept.! 38- _�uctlulleer sante spring calves, 0-G-1 `,'177 \tirssou street, Montreal, ' � • HAZINESS --Set double harness. • ` I'( -'TION SALE OF FAIIM,. FARM SHEEP -37 ewes. 3- and 4 years old. Que. -315 ri HENS -•--lot► White Lehor S TOl'Ii AND IMPLEMENTS, ON f3 p. hens,. 1 WANTED. work. A. EBERSOL, Milverton, Out, — E X P E R I E N C E D I ' a FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4th -. year, old. • - -: _ moulders . fur bench and flour at 1 o'clock p.m. 1: I'll'\11':N'P -- DeI.allal magnetic • at Si._• of Nee u,f lot 0, concession 0,.'speedway milking machine, complete -38 4U l:.l1., Aslhtield tciwushil,, l utr,istang .,f r 1111 1wu single units. and a new 1,• -h.p.• huraes, yaw:, young cattle, pigs, -noel electric hautter: rullber tired lva;;,,t1 and WANTED TO BUY. --OLD HOIISES� implements, including Porti-l"ergus6n hayrack, on 32-0 truck, tires like new. and dead cattle. If dead; phone at tractor, ploughs. etc. '1'1:R\IS—CASH. , once, collect, to JACK GILBERT, TERMS—Cash, and'on property, one STEWART Jn NtiTUN, 930 r 21, or FRED GILBEIIT, 936 r 32, third down on day of sale, balance in I• Pre rietor. Goderich. 33tf 30 days. HAROLD, JACKSON, ANI)I:RSON \Il (.l'URD, -38 Auctioneer, W i,..NTED — � BY RESPECT.,‘,13.1,E Proprietor. . n young couple, small house or' four- 38- DONALD IIL1 1;, Auciiunee1 iii (I1I►\ 8.1I.1. U1 S1ct(_h room,, unfunalished 'apartment. Must' at Porter's hill, 3 miles !rest of have hydro. Ii( -)X 40, SIGNAL SPAR. iii (_"1'lU\ SALE `r() BE III:I.I ► ()N II1111aesville, 'u11 a 3 lin 1uul of 1Vilfrad \1c( trth' lot TIII'II i) Y, 51:1''].'1:\IBI, R` _htb` (-3, 7(711 cession, t,, Ashfield township, 1 commencing ing a1 ' ,,'cluck, S1111ri) (D 8. 'V'a51.LII.-c1?LI3irISHF.D (-)R UN rrtf'Tr eiT ! tIP 3rlbi)I'1(T"gc' gii7ie, cyan "I'.t: flfll lcd1uw'iiig r 1 O'� ,` 1 � r ; ' FURNISHED ` house or apart- + TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1st CATTLE ---20 ,young cows, Holstein,{ meat : two adults and one child. I . at 3° p.m., - Durham ° and Jersey, to. t tlVe from Phone 1087W. 37-8-9x ! . 20 head. of Duraiiiii :cattle; .30 'pigs, October to January ; 8 Iolstein heifers, ._ .i_. 11(t.. gfaltdty-oY-lrat • - • • good'size and quality, to calve in TERMS ---6 months' credit will be October and November; :1 yofing cows, ' BUSIN; t SS- NOTICES ' given on 'bank -approved joint iioTes -freshened :--3' young &elvers ; -4 Hereford - at 5%. hc;ifers with calves at foot; 10 heifers rI BUY RAGS, GOOSE AND DUCK There will lie no reservea,'as the fano supposed to be hi calf : 20 well-bred feathers and' ticks. I buy and sell has been related. rt• Holstein heif'ef calves. 5 to 9 months used furniture and household articles.• \\'ILI'�RI;D \Ic('AIITIII, old : 10 'Hereford cative.s 1:, HolsteinI repair sewing machines. •C. WOODS. Proprietor. and :1.yrahire heifers; ;;0 stock cattle 12 East street. Phone 242J. 13tf� DONALD BLUE., - front 1100 to 700 Ills. 38-9- Auctioneer. ' PIGS ---4 broad sows and 25. t•liunks, • TT: Rai l_--CASIT. IF You worry about your present or futuresecurity, Phone Carlow 1706 or write B. R. ROBINSON Monarch Life, Assurance repre- sentativel R.R. 4, Goderich. astf 212-6 FERTILIZER AVAILABLE AT Ryan.'s Produce PHONE 345 GODERICH 11 ' 37 °,1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ,N Ai:('trION SALE WILL BE held at the rear:of Goderich Post- TOTIC'I: TO CRI•:1)ITORS, oflieb on - ` al SA'1'l'RI)AY,, 51;1"61:AIBEF. _'1st Notice is hereby given to all persons at 2.30 o'clock having any claims, against the estate of. , dishes, Tugs, curtains, bed and ooh,Harry • Richard Long, late "of the ,kitchen linen, books, —tables, ' chtlirs, To'4n' ,of Goderich,. in the County• of cooking utensils, ice -box, library table, Huron, insurance agent, who 'died on or' Moffatt electric stove, chesterfield about , the- twenty-seventh day of August, 1946, to send 'same to the undersigned on or before the fourth day of -'October, 19.46, as on and after that date •the executrix—of the said estate shall proceed to make distribu- tion of the assets thereof. having ,re- gard only to the •clairlhs of which she' has notice.- - Dated at, Goderich this fifth day of September; A.D. 1946. R. C. HAYS, Barrister and Solicitors, 'Goderich, Ontario, 36-8 Solicitor. for the Estate. NOTICE 'iQ,(�R'LDITORS. All persons having claims against the estate of George Frederick Yung- blut, late of the. Township of Wawa - nosh, in the County of Huron, de- ceased, are required to forwart1 full particulars to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of October, • A.D. 1946. ,after which date the estate will, be distributed. FRANK DONNELLY, K.C., Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. -38-0 NOTICE. NOTICE Travelling lady going south to Miami alioxlt: October 15th will share expenses with responsible couple driving, or two ladies: Phone 303J or Write P.O. BOX 780; Goderich, Ont. d 48x FLEECE -LINE YOUR HOME WITH blown Rockwool in For free ' estimates, .terms, rite OW, LAND C. DAY; 5 Thornton avenue, London, or phone 261, Goderich s 43x TO RENT TO RENT.—LARGE VRNISHED room. P.O. BOX 252. -38 rli••asi•p .. LOST LOST, -CHILD'S GOLD LOCKET and ,chain. Finder please leave at SIGNAL -STAR. -38 Thais'-IFoviak PAINTING AND DgCORATING Interior and Exterior' (R.R. 8,, Goderich) 21tf .suite, radio, sofas, . beds, . m,attresses,, dining-roonil and kitehent suites, electric iron. plate, toaster; and many other articles. TERMS -CASH. MRS, W. GRIN'DROD,' Proprietress. 38- DONALD BLUE, Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, GRAIN AND FEED at lot No. 16, Goderich Township, on No. 8 highway, 21/, miles west of Clinton, on . ' TUESDAY, OCTO$ER 1st ' at 1 o'clock sharp, consisting 451: 2 horses; 7 cows arid heifers, fresh- ened and to freshen; 10 yearling and 2 - year -old steers and heifers and 5 spring calves; 2 Yorkshire sows with litters; Yorkshire hog: also poultry; full line of implements, grain and feed. TERM'S—CASH. Full list "will appear• in next weelt's • issue. No reserve, as proprietor has sold his. farm. FR'ED•.L. POTTER, , • Proprietor.. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auct1oneee. PRICE TAG Your Fire Insurance Policy is a Price Tag en your Property. SHOI;ILD YOURS BE MARKED UP? ''SEE v H. M. FORD Set, Insured — Stay Insured— Rest nsured—Rest Assured. Neth St, .tel. 268w 38 - AUCTION SALE OF ,A CHOICE HERD OF BLOOD -TESTED YOUNG DAIRY COWS and. other farm livestock and equip- ment at Stewart Johnston's farm, Queen street, . north, adjoining the village of Blyth, on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th at 1.30••p:m. ' HORSES—Mare, 6 years old; ;mare, 9 years old. ' COWS—Holstein' . cow, fresh; Hol; stein cow, fresh 3, maths; Holstein cow. fresh 3 months; Holstein cow, due December 19th; Holstein cow, fresh 4 Months; Holstein cow, due November 16th ;' Holstein cow, fresh; Holstein cow, due December 21st ; • Hol e. irommemammoome U" A. E. TOWN SIIEND, Proprietor. EDWARD \V ELLIOTT, - Auctioneer. ) Berlou moth -protection for a • man's suit costs only. 10 cents per ,year. Berlou guarantees in writ - ate: ng to pay- for all, moth -damage within 10 years. - Goderich French Dry ,Cleaners C: It. LOWER,Y West St. Phone 122 B E'R 10 U -Year Ctiaranteed MOTHPR00FING •ONE-STOP SERVICE ON ALL MAKES of CARS and TRUCKS At our modernly egil.'ipped, expertly•staffed S'ervioe Department you will find Everything,' Under One Roof for prompt, satisfactory car and truck servicing. Whatever 'your vehicle' needs •-- save time and trouble .by seeing us 'first for one-stop service. b Gardner Motor Sales 61 I r;�,1 N • 11 1 ;,1.. t.