The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-09-19, Page 8Ministers Disms Pr9blems of the Day Dr. W. 0. Rhoad Elected Moder. Presbytery •Ca.INTON, 'Sept. 12; gresby- tery of Huron-Maatland met an the Presbyterian Church, Clinton, •on Tues- day. The Meeting was constituted by the Moderator, ev. S. Scott, atoOfor 'the year. 1946-47, In the absence of Rev. K. Meeean. clerk of Rresbytery, S. Scott was *ap- pointed to act as cleik. Rev. J. Shortt, Rev. A. Wilson, and Rev. R. Stewart, commissioners te the General Assembly in' Jape, subranitted reports on the Assembly proceedtngs. Rev. 5, Scott,. Rev. R. Stewart, Rea„ K. McLeali and J. McKay were elected a committee to receive noiliThations for ,the secretaryship of the boafd of administratien of ' the Presbyterian a Presbytery Record committee was referred to ahe emnmittee to strike standing Committees. After the lunch adjournment a COM, amnion., service was held at which the moderator . presided. The communion address was gaven by Rev. A. Watson, who spoke on the subject, "The Up- lifted Christ." The spiritual conference, arranged by the committee on evangelism, was given over to the. diecussion of urgent questions of the presekt time. Rev. C. H. McDonald led the discusstori on the subject, "Is there any explanation why the Gospel records make little or no reference to Jesus' attitude to the 'aged?" In his iptroduction of the subject Mr. McDonald said that, the urgency of the Gospel meSsage was directed to people of all ages. Furtber, Jesus was enxiods that people pre- pare for life rather than `for death. Jesus' message regarding children was directed •to the parents, who were One Simple Word "Service" is a corn- monplace word. It is not big word, but to us it is a Word of ance. We are not in the business of selling merchandise; ours is a profession, and' Our professional service 'Is of -paramount im- ,htemZen THE ORDER OF ME 0110PHEY1 nelaILS7Vice. -FLOYD M. LODGE , DIRECTOR 13 MONTREAL ST. PHONE 120 Accommodation W anted reqbest is being made to all Rural people living Within fifteen miles of Port Albert airport to try to give sleeping a„cam- modation to visitors during the Plowing Match week. Anydne having rooms to rent will please phone the distrieVbilleting member, ,-as- per the -following list:- DUNLOP—Terrance Hunter. AMHERLEY--Wm. Johnston. LUCHNOW—Noble Johnston, Jack Campbell's Barber Shop. DUNGANNON—Thomas Webster. NILE—Leslie Pentland. CARLOW—Thomas Wilson. BENHILLER—Reeve" Geo. Ginn. 36-41 ‘111lien your' BACK CHES... ----- Backache is offers esusedirfrary Ulm, - action, When kidneys get mit ef order excess acids andpoisons remain in the system Then backache, headache, rheumatic pain, rris- Imbed red et that 'tired out' feeling may , soon follow. Te help keep yew kidneys WWII/ properly—use Dodis ICidney Pills. popular, safe, non-habit-forin• box with the red band. Sold everywhere. US • Two million or more motorists from the S'tatee sisit us each year ... thousands for the sheer beauty of our countryskie. Let's see to It that our hoepitality matches the perfection of our lakes and hills. WHAT CAN I DO? 'Ile answer is—plenty! 'Here are 'some of the things any do. The suggestions come from'a well-known Ontario hote Find out all abonTivhat Your own neighbourhood offers and become' a. booster. 2. Write your friends in the States about Ontario, show them_ when they come that you're really proud of your province. , 4. If they ask for information or ections, take time to answer them fully .and graciously. 5. In anY business dealings yOu may have with them, remember Cana- da's reputation for' courtesy and fairness depends on you. 6. To sum it all up, just follow the "Golden Ruler 3. Try to make all our visitors.glad they came, and be really enthu- tialtic about it.' EVERYBOD'Y'S . BUSINESS . . (.22i;640tio;resia.../ Worth his weight in I Actually, the °Since of On- tario, in pre-war years, tfrofited to ssahnost the same extent from tou- rist businesa wait did from the gold mining industry. It is up to each of usteseethitthis This diagram, based on filicures supplied by the Hotel Asso- ciation, shows. how everyone benefits from the Ontario tourist dollar is shared this' way . stores; a. Restaue ,every penny tbey rants; 4: Taxes, etc; spend. in Canada. Amusementst If-Wolki3 both ways! They ,treat us royally when we visit them . ft. we can't do less than ment. Remember that it costs money to. take a holiday, se let's see they get a good retttrn for ries 'mak* down wont to conw; „„„ iaetrne'ted Ilene test tea bring tivir Rev. .A„ me and ReV, Villliame led the diacalealen on the stMeet, "What in your Judgment is the mut critical question of the present age?" Mr. Nimmo referred to "Juvenile de- linquency" as being the most critical problem of the hour. e stated that it was essential that inistere lay the kaptiseaal.vowe when parents pre- sent children for baptism. He de- plored the tendency of parents to throw full responsibility on the Sunday 'school for tbe rektglotis training of • their childgen. ne felt there was cornsiderable truth in the contention evRilec. Mr. referred to pahlic apathy as being a critical' problem, Ile maintained that God and the Church were being ,held in open de- fiance. Coueediag that the Cbureia is far from being the powerful agency it ougisa te, be, Mr. Williams .advocated strict adherence to the 'laws governing the , dispepsation of the sacraments, especially the sacrament of baptism. The Char& must be strong before the people will give heed to its injunctions. Rev. R. ,McConnell recommended the employdent of a system of Bible ,ba- struetion schoels whereby children would gain a soutid:knowledge Of the Scriptnres. Rev. It. Stewart pointed out that many of tbe older people, who are indifferent to the Church todhy, had had the benefit of Bible instruc- tion and a ,Sunday school training. A call from the congregation Of St. Paul's Glamis, to Rev. A. H. Wilson, nd Calvin, was placed before the resbytery. The call was supported by'' Rev. P. Fergusola 'acting for the Presbytery of Bruce. J. McGee, Calvin, R. Malwraith, Whitechurch, and A. Richardson, Langside, referred to the excellent service rendered by Mr: Wil- son during his live years' ministry in those churches,. In stating his accept- ance of the call to Glamis, Mr. Wilson remarked on the Cordial relationship Which had existed between him and his present •congregations. Ife stated that he had now been preaching for thirty-four years, and had spent twenty-two years in the Presbytery of, Bruce. Rev. Mr. Nimmo and Rev, Mrs Stewart made reference to thearalnable service which -Mr.. Wilson had rendered the Presbytery of Huron --Maitland, ia his capacity as convener, of the Pres- bytery committee on the 'Advance for Christ. Presbytery agreed to Mr. Wil- son's translation to .the Presbytery of Bruce. Mr. WiLaon stated that he would -conduct his farewell services hi his present charge on Sunday,' Septem- Interim Moderators Rev. A. Nimmo was appointed to act' as interim -moderator at White- church, Langside, and Calvina- Rea. Jorgensen was :appointed to act as interim -moderator of Knox church, BAluybtuhr.o, mid St. Andrew's church, The convener 'of tne committee on 'studeats an'd colleges asked that mem- bers make suggestions for an apPoint- ment to the proposed new chair of practical theOlogy and Christian ethics at Knox College, Toronto. Presbytery decided that C. McCar- ron, student preacher at Molesworth and Gorrie, be recommended "for a theological course at Knox College. Rere. W. 0. Rhoad was appointed convener of the Presbytery 'Advance for Christ committee, to succeed Rev. Mr. Wilson. Rev. Mr. Stewart was apaointed a member of the Advance committee. IV • Rev. P. Ferguson submitted the pro- posed- itinerary for Rev. E. A. Thom- son within the Presbytery. Rev. Mr. Thomson, secretary of ' the Board of Sunday Schools and Young People's Societies, will address metings of Sun- day snhool teachers and officers, and young people, at Lueknow, Seaforth, and Hensalle It was announced that the Presbytery Y,P.S. rally would be held at Goderich on eptember 25, The Presbytery adjourned to meet in, Lucknow on Friday, September 20. NOT ENOUGH • SUGAR ( Brantford Expositor) .Farmers say sales of fresh fruit are being affected by the shortage of sugar for 'preserving, and complain that "ten pounds isn't enough." Some people, even at this date, seen1 to have dif- ficulty in gettine the idea that there is a world shortage of sugar and will be for .500e thne 'to come, ,and that bewailing the fact will not make a particle of linprovement. Also, it may have 'occurred to the objective` ob- server that the priees may have some- thing to do with the sales! LIVE- ANI) LAUGH • are tonies for *mind and• body alike,: and the Department of National Health and . Welfare suggests that clean, healthful fun should form part Of everyone's way of life., Centuries ago, says the Department, many people believed that it was*sinfula to 'laugh or .have, furi. Today, we know that amorosenesS and gloom are 'often the handmaidens of illneas and decay.". Temperance Workers Wait upon , Attorney -General at Toronto dePutation of temperance worieers at In reply, 2.11. Blackwell assisted the Koval to Rids Programs?" deputation that thd C.T.A. will be Toronto, en September' IL reengnized and strictly entheed by his The. delegation was introduced by ameem, which means that there will Dr. C. W. DeMille, secretary of the he no licensed outlYsts 'for liquor eatala- the following brief was presented: ''.: He also stated that when tine new "After many appeals and decisions, Police Apt' comes' Into operation we the Canada Temperance Act is now may expect better results. That public recoguized es goodslaw. _ carriers are already instructed to keep "The comaties .of Peel, Perth, and record a all liquor shipments which Huron, as well as tile diatrict,of Man& they handle and thatsthese records are toulia; have' adopted the Aet, iv tut- open for Inapection by .the local police. filling the conditioas by whieh the Act The status- of the L.C.A. and the ebienotbe"wITthlit'ginrattifirartro'n that the cided by. the ,Supreme Court in tb.e. L.L.A. In C.T.A. territory will be de - Qatari° 'Goren/meat at the last ses- parties will be' represented. near future, ..at whicch an Interested reogneptaofacetheol;LemeglavlaatluidrietydoefclatureedAcitts, 48 to the advertising of liquor over and its sresponsibility in enfereing its the, CAC., this has not 'been approved to the Liquer Centro' Act.* by the Ontario Legislature and is coa- the Government, the following: gation : Rev. H. C. WilsOb, Brussels; "I. May, we tell our people pat tbe Roy Cduslas. Brussels; R. II.' Lloyd, attitude of the Government is still to Wingbam; 4. T. Cooper, Clinton; Nor- reeOgnige Itiad 'enforce the law as it val Anderson, GOderich; Frank Dow - now exists? son, Wingham; W. G, Medd, Exeter; "2:" That a definite statement he Rev. W.. G. Mather, kulltiaton ; L. M. made by the AttorneyaGenekal's De- GreenwOod, Mitchell; Harold Patter- partment 'to the effect that it will in- Soil, Munro; Morley H. Lannin, Dub- struct its officers to give all possible lin; Dr., S. L. Osborne, Port redit; asaistance in attaining the ebjectives Dr. John Coburn; Toronto. of the Act, "3. That all public carriers *be re- FAMILY •GATHEItING AT RIPLEY On Monday -evening a happy event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A, McLeod when the foamer's mother, al4frs. Ddnald McLeod, cele- brated her ninetieth birthday. A pleasing feature of the gathering was the fact that the entire family of three dattghters and two sons were present; Mrs., J. F. Archer and Mrs. Del Worthy of GOderich, Mrs. Annie Smith of concession 8, Huron, the Rev. Donald McLeod of Thamesville and J. A„-- McLeod of Ripley, with whom she makes ber home. During the afternoon the neighbors called to pay their respects* and to present per' with a gift. Mrs. McLeod despite her ad- vanced Years is cheerfal and bright, always ready to give her friends young and old a welcome when they come to call. Her . mind is still- alert to the' intereating conversationalist. Owing to failing eyesight she hes had- te relinquish the Pastime she enjoyed for many years, that of knitting and seve- her' on reaching her ninetieth birthday and hope that she will be spared to see many more.—ItiPley ,Expresa. quired to keeP recorda of all liquor shipments they handle, by the use of' a special book for this purpose, which shall be open for inspe,ctiou hy any enforcement officer. . "4. That- all _liquor supplied to C.T.A. territory, for personal use, shall be purehased only through Governbient agencies, and that the record of these shipments shall be open to, iaspection by all enforcement officers. That we cordially approve of the anneuncement that the Government contemplates taking over the brewers' stores. "5. If and avhen (as suggested) the question of the relation of the Caneda Temperance Act to the Ontario Liquor Control Act is referred to the. courts by either appeal, stated case, or ques- stion, we respectfully request that as in- the cases before the Supreme court of Ontario, the...Suprenie Court of Canada and the -Privy-Council, the Ontatio Temperance Federation 'and the Temperance Federations. of the counties and district irivolved made Parties- to the hearing and, be per- mitted to be represented by couasel. "3. A 'recent radio.broadcast stated that programs sponsored by breweries and distilleries would. be permitted., by the C.B,C. if such programa were ap- *proved by the Provincial Government con&rned. Is it the intention of the Investing RIGHT START • "Don't make it just coffee and toast for breakfast," declares. an official of • 4 Put new life into your 'chesterfield with a re -upholstering o13), This • is frequently, more satisfactoly than a c,oinplete new one. Phone 567W tti'd we will call and give you 0.31 estimate. No obligation. DICK THE UPHOLSTERER 33-85 the Department of National Health and Welfare.- Health experts agree that a good breakfast is essential for a right start of the day's work or play. They recommend fruit, whole -grain cereal and, whenever possible, an egg. for the first meal of the day. Truly a Funeral - Home Quietness, dignity with.reverenee, and an understanding of fandly needs are ever,present at - Funeral Home E. E. CRANSTON 17* MONTREAL ST. GODERICH Phone 399W or J • There is no type of in this country Which, from the stAndivint Scour - it," of Principal, ar- tractiire interest yield and ready marketability, Can DOMINION OF' CANADA BONDS do You follow a Plan? You may be investing to provide income for future use, 'or you may wish returns for present needs. In either case, ' there is only one way to make the most of your money and that is to adopt a regular and definite plan of investment. . 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Suffer From Bowel CoinplAnt During hot summer months all of Us, but especially children,.are more eusceptible to diarrhoea nateetinal pains and summer comilaint,.. At. the first sym'p to ra s wise mothers everywhere use DOCTOU POWL.trt'S EkTRACT OP WILD Canadian remedy is fost-aeting dependable. for adults or children. Be eture to specify the name — DOCTOR. POWLInt'S EXTRACT sole at all drug counters. Price .50e The fr. Mliasani'Oo.. Ltd.. Toronto. Ont. al When you say brisk you say everything! Briskis the experts' I own word to describe the lively, spirited flavour of Lipton's Tea always fresh,— tangy trici bodied. Change today to the satisfying, deep...down enjoy- ment of brisk -tasting Lipton's ea. • •