The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-09-19, Page 2\Pui4ishe • by Signal -Star, Limited litilbOgrilDUota Rates Jauada afaad great ,, Britain, . $` .0tIo a year; to Uaiteol - - J. • States, $2.50. .,,. Advertising Rates on request.,, , Authorized as second-class, mail, Post Orifice Department, Ottawa. Telephone fl " ki UR TJ . ',, SEPTEMBER 19th, 1a! -1(i 1:. --§.O aAL >�E ZT ' zoN� C' the American people, but his repeated 4Afforts to win the prebideucy: met with The prevailing discontent over. post- failure.. Wallace is . supposed to have 'ctrar (:oudltions was re1le�eted in the ,k by-election vote in the Fe4era1 riding of Pontiac, Gere., on Monday-.. A "Social Credit - candidate• was eleeted to suc- ceed the late W,� R, McDonald. Liberal, who had held the seat since 1933. The Liberal nominee was second and the' Progressive Couservativ,e,=•third, 'lviifle C,C.1'" and Labor -Progressive condi ar s trailed fax behind - presidential'aslliratious, but, lie lacks ilzera;e into a mass lnfiuc'alce ul)un ',mess. the diplomacy of a successful leader. which posterity 'il'1 ,fashion inany of . An earlier` writer has said that good p The ,world is still waiting for a it habits. ' behavior, is sinip1y the theory of good clat'itic ition -of Mr. Truman's attitude. A study of the _front ` page' of any mltltzleT practically applied. Not many daily newspaper reflects the intlue}nc'e of -tis Would care to be sectored of bad `�alarming utalllrers, but some of our habits reflect Bureau of • Statistics show what is ally high divorce tate., the alarm b t Individual vior . Wuy (w$n»I eg pge(tDJ& )' • y • . All over tile• world to,daya there are Edyv and Satis • resole �clainoriiag t�l get into Canaala. ' A child's education should hegfn begini We need the miracle of a Greer 1 over Europe, where war has up - ..o one hundred a a;ss befu& its birth," ; Penticost to drive the inaportance o To•vvilicll statement someone has added,. individual behavior deeper. into 'o the ameudlllent that a thousand year8 consciousness. We need an individual would' be better. According to this' deepening of intatll'igence that would -reale, we eaunot •do :much about •dur, permit us to prefer and understatnd own"generatit,Il but we are", in positions our clad cli instead of Oar cocktail bar. ° t 1 about the character We Meech a light to show tis that right rooted families and destroyed livings 0 men an woumeu are seeping a new start in tX new world. The opportun- ity is golden. It will never be re- peated. These people are not eastpoflfs to- do a great tea a ,u - education of those 'who will sueeeed thiuk'ina; and right living is not",a or failures. ''`hey are the bent their us. Teo many of us' behove as . the d�,9lorous duty but rather, an inspired vatfous countries have +' .ulcer. They quality of our livesi were unimjkfl'tant px ivilege that will teach us to tread would be a boon to any nation. What to anyone but ourselves; we seldom the earth more proudly. and develop • Canada doing about it? Apart from realize that" our individual ethics our taste for a"more substantial beep- :t' rather vagtl.e. enunciation, ,nothing ciples to .he 'e11ect that. Canada agrees With a policy of immigration, nothing has been dome. The millions are still there, still cl;inioring Statistics Uo in o ' uT bythem • i 'recently t -l. Published y_ ,,aa EDITciRIA NOTES careless ORAN G f izldividuril misbehavior. The tragic- s regard for the .quality of happening inaa Canad,ar In the decade iticrease ill alcohol ce,llsunli)tium, the; our thoughts, a definite violation, of 'between 1001 aild 1911. Canada's "popu- l�'e are teaming in ihes.e stressful greedy ser:tnible.,aftt r wealth, and all good manners. It" is not ,the purpose lation increased by 34 per cent.; in the t -,, that the world is an *econoulfc other smears of social and political d- D corruption -are the outgrowth of in- • d 11 ell tt last w lt au Noir can spell i , •. l d "1 !MO' col This be electiuu since WoI'd w•it11(�ut the "w " 'this was the first . the general election Of last year and it was looked upon as a test of strength ( l'eol,le may grumble about rationing, g ar ies. Mr. Bracken but \\ileo they. see the scrauable for , ' 1 1I 1 parties. sin ti t h r�1 cy ft t, A i•i goes short with•. several of his •lieutenants wooed ::orae urti•atit�ihd,artaelt; tl t e the esni,tituealcy in be'1zai of the Pro- they should be very glad of the regula- gressivo Conservatives, hut his party, tion that ;ice •tyerylo dy a chance to tlroppt'ei frinln..second place in the 1945 obtain i1 :liars of the rationed goods. , election- to tll.trtl place this time. ' The victor is "a local luau, said to be a \lr. ('lull trill has beth "invited to strong ' caiilpaiguer." tvlo was -tial 1111- \ isit . t';tuadi. If he conies. he will r successfn . c:u1didate last year. The have :1 grtatarecel,ti.on. He should be ;riding 11a a large gelid-uli0hig district-. ivt'1: t..e opportunity of seeing the and 'both '111 v ic•tur' and Mr. Ill:a,•i;ell •t4jost 11:1rt of Cau:thee, Western Ontario,' sought to take iil'�antage•of tier' 11�i urs tl�!t':ld +'1 being shunted tiff atter a opposition t. the -raising of -the ('an- t: -it t.1 'Toronto, as 8S many touring attester elolIo'r to parity with t he 1 ii1 d 4,:t':ett_11it's are. , States tlt,11.1r, which hits reduced ills^ - ti dividuu1 aetiol)s.You an .sitter ourselves relatively unimportant in the great scale of Lite,' but our deeds, atltl"oatr thoughts, `'will have a direct influence upon those who are to s need a 1'1 e ' our font. tt ,_. 'slot 1 follow, � g • a• - i 'L: i(11 of this fact': Wei „hater i•t'all tt need to dwelt upon it, to 1}1edltate 11pu11 it. and we Heed the individual resolve • to do soluetlling% about it. ('liildl�e11 who stand a11(1 snicker at the t',l111 11 i•lo\Vuing of an inebriate will form -the 10111oI1 that drunkenness is tuts:. Perhaps only a seed of the notion, but' 0. seed that will 1lourisll with s1 h. ht encouragement. A Child Who 1islt•11s-in •W11et1 conversation is, off -shade. or, to the bickering of -a marital disharmony, - may acquire a ;law` in his own character from the exaulple he is watching. Every- action' ' that betrays aural or ether'sl slackness i11 an, adult 111111(4 will: hi\ -e its due of this column to insist that- -we have deeade.,betweeu 19.11 and 1951, it is _ the strength of character to lmlake •us estimated-. the increase will' be- only t, into eartliwhile saints, we Must- admit c. ght pet esu . to ec e our tllulllan indiscretions, brut there is that six per cent. The estimate for not Mlle of us who could not improve ;1990 is 15„000,000 people. These figures the quality of his life if he planted 11 of course are based on past history.. .thought with every deed. Thi' world ' Tht'y do not titke into a,ceout.lt any new ml latwnbut he .�.etch ul'ut in ll'u' t d � ek 1 ry ca b up i tr i 7�l_. • __ 1' old brighten 3- 1 t l of. . t2i11,- - t> order 1f some universal agency would Point it moral - nevertheless. Canada educate all people i11 the art of tuning- i grew` great on immigration. It can 111, individual behavior. Not alone 'be- grow greater by the toline Method. cause of 'its effect '1iTk,u future gener- '1'o refuse to open the (lours of t11is atilnls but also because of the benefit it Ililtry to the Millions outside is to to all of us ; to you, and to ole. By betray our history. This yis not a the very honor or our ow•1L lives we matter simply of kindness or generos- \\•tllil0 gain a faith 111 ourselves a1111 111'; It is good httsibless. (111 one anther. EzCoE (,ruff old George liern:lrll Shaw has eSore,sed the idea of lto11urabie living i11 a few nicely chosen words. "lou can not believe 11.1 honor until you Have 111(1)ved. it. ''Better• keel) yourself (•11:11,:111(1 bright : y cru are til', vviiulu\v tlir„11;;11 which yoU roust see the effect 111,1111 younger minds. world. price of gold in Canada. Any votes (rill• 1�,•i:;lllt�.r ttrvcll 111) the lake slll,re . Y• w v the (1,,vernnlelit lost oil this issue ap- i� 1111 tl'llllltl pluming itself upon the - i .: - ... ' G --� C 11111`1 111 terms of eft operation. and ell- parentl vt-eiht to the Social: Credit _Till, g� v ch it 1,y :1 11011:,11 1 1 who, EDUCATION SHOULD BE --, c..�ll:t:C''111l I1t...\1'e can :111 be l'rusuders candidate, rather her than to, the Cot,- :,.,,;v e.t er. had t+Illy a' dial idea of its CHRISTIAN IN INFLUENCE 111 1i.is .;.rent task •1,1 nutting., our ser�'aTive 1 •'1 +•1 1 beret' \\h'i'll' I't'It•lied all will,.- ti, ('lll'1 ti:l,ll pato•an1111 .1111 t'lius' a a ,r . It 1 "'� li , 't rtg:Llti,ld lIL"5tt1tllla Street 11 'tilted ,•lli!,tr,•t, themaw of (111'l;tlatl r o �t t lt`- o her lidvv • 1.. Ill. °i'u!11(1•to `1t'lliy fl)'!�' ('Uel 111,11 :11,.'Moll ,,Bil1) I1 111 tCt' f (111 Thr' re lt.t t not . tirpl•isHg-�, t , -,t'1', 1. t'!1 an :,t Kinn:..•011e ' Le t > ( itltl't'li _111..1.115: teelr,t,,'lL). `.'�..t.aa; .11 11,)1 :1 !.1tAd c. .41.4 S?. -' a.,'_..,..., lit trt ll�lllll.--..sur..«.w u the01'C„in a Pyoviu,'e where it 4\ as 11,4 e.,1• .1.al,t' 'li1,•111g,111.- 11 .lull\ Miser a I.a,,, - 11(41 u a 'r 1l�e1'11'1,1 :1t \ I1'1�11•::l 'o $Ilpp ' e,l tel 1 :1 v � much suppt tl•' Nt"11' \' 1 5 t 1 l' 11' l ' . 1 i l .,> t. Iitl% •!1' tit. tris' lite!:11 :1'''111 'lel• hilt 1' 'l 1 !'!t 1 1'1 '' '('11 11 I1'd;i1' I'I l -_ _______ ..*-^^^^._ fllltlld =:let' c1,1`re('t \\"he'll Ills tilllttl;l\" ,ter 111.111 libcl'geti \\'1111 .1.111: a.i.ttlt C.,tig.1','g:1la,I..li>,, Io1',._!\Vl: Nile. , a• _..l1iss 11:11.1• ,Itlyt.0 Strati -MI( presided at the organ and the 'choir rendered- the tin1 ,•-111-(' tic- National \\Thr 1,:fit,,r L'oard'° 'Turner 1 111 1 -lean `dna iilt'id lone, lel', ebndidate mast .gave' bad a strong froul tris' v iit 1Xltrill * �ttt s;t'� 1,f \\<l l' �111!lt lUlt-- 111111 i. '' prev,1 trike-,, and -tilt} glltft'I'13 1lrotnises. no el�lulat lit' d coir -11e,,1',.;,�T,to Star :1r;ut: that be- ,tl.tlil•Ill "Snll 11'f �IY S,tul" I'tluiollt 1 be- t° 111( t leit�1,1'' byi11., Social Credit has 'loll.'..\('41 an lnel•e l_e of Iii cents Charles 1ve01 0 superintendent of the .pee ll. In itself, the result of the clef troll Sunday school, c)t.11ducted the s(14101. • C” :111 111✓(11' 11, t' "Illen11)11 .!t Ills' Loll"sillil'e the addre:�s, "Crusaders _ill," been:; 11e11's Union it is inconsistent In deny; ..riven by 'the minister, Rev. L. - II. will have little etfei•t triton the 1':trlia- ing, a similar increase for the' steel 'Turner, menu -try sit nation. The Government ,tri. i Tial' Star's.l,r„ir '11111) Etery '1'11c�_cru1.,1 utiou was reminded that still has, as many supporters ,is all the shortld 'be determined 011 its tlfe word "crusade'" hall its *liteal othef parties combined, and can prob.', (:Ise' origin -in the Latin weird "crux,' from ' ILltuts; The longshoremen rosy have which the'"cross" is derived.' , ably muster`' tt Majority cin any import-+ hi en ettinar wvat es helUw the str'1 j "Tllerefore," said the minister•, ''the ant issue. . . \corkers' standal;cj and with the 15c crux Of tris w'hple question eoufzi',ntiub Incomplete returns-Oi Monday' -vote ''in( increase may still be getting; less. The mankind is the Gro". A Crusader are,as follows: Caoutte,, steal Credit,- 10 515 Lalbelle, Liberal, 1),59(, ; Iielc•'c therefore is one who carries the Cruas- and translates, in t'ern's .of Christian tuay have a greater efTect in.a general' • Progressive Conservative, 0.393; 1101-' proposed. increase to .the stcehro_ r kers ti living -a1l, that -tit implies, The first Crusader w:as Jesus. and it is IIB oohs,, calls us into .t,he ('rnsad0 for Christ j anll 'lis Kil..r1 111)." The speaker urged that education to be valid ani' - •ltisfyiilg 111ust he• Christ- , hill. Perhaps. tit' nation boasting the highest degree of academic aohieve- ' ' '1, 111;•311 :1nto11'.;' the nations was Germany, I PILL OSIFER OE' LAZY' d4.EADO,V8. 1 :Hui ,he 111�1t';1'eli "1111 pag:Ini all troop A. iira,cllss sensation has beei •lLe wor1(1 lieu,:ruse her education lacked. . GM stimuin,: :Ind the direction of theinet, taking is,:ne with 'United S.tate.§.,: .„.1 - -foyeoign policy .iis enunciated; ityp,,Seere;,,,,' some parts -of Canada ',the ' harvest •• is •_,,,,,„„.„,„,„,,,,.tary of- State,. Byrnes. now in ' Earls. ',,over, but in;many other part,S'o" the. •revresttliting Itis .(-ountry at the r,,,,, ' cmilitry it ,is now in full swing,' ,Slost 'Confefence, .1•Ir. Wallace wants theof year: in t(.111.• stride wi.thout. paying ':, United. States to be more friendly with : any padictilar attention tb it.- Russia,' takes- a fling, at British !Jai- : - Tina's. not altogether. . fair to say. ;_..-.. - weather had interfered. we -would eel.- !,,, self with'those' who.are critical of -lir. wilily have been :talking ' about it.Illyrnes' fprthright. • stand, against JOst_the same, it's nut a bad idea these•Russia's'claiin, to- undisputed, asgend- days- -to. think about. - the -fact that'• ancy in Europe. . . , we're pretty lucky. There -are a lot' The disquietude oecasioned -by the (1)f cpuntries.- in this worid that I've, Wallace outbursh ltas been increased t good many times.Ify I'resident Truman's uncerta-in all, Just think, f;tr instal '1 t I lititude'vvitlyr(:•gard to it. first giviiigs.it' mut China.' There,„ was a picture in ,one of the magaziines the other, day'•IIIS anProval and later _Stating, that. he.about a lot of corpses on ;t side street- ' had intended to go only• so far as to in .(1;11,(•iittii and a hit' of birds perched,. give. IN•fr. Wallace an opportunity of up on - the side of a roof. They were !putting forth his views. •• \ ultures waitug to pick the bones of.;the dead Iieofile. The people W110 were ''Under the B-ritish system, which 'pre- ' . • d'ying of starvation just, didn't have itails also. in Canada, , the Cabinet is'-•expeeted to speak with 9,ne voice. and They ;died on the side. of the street. '. I wonder what some of those people 'would do if they could peek ;into -a •.1views on,. anV important 'ina.tter to the ,. granary here noVir or get a look at the ,. public i . 1,-, in order for him to resign herds (.if fat cattle still out on plistare.„his .plaee` in • the (-_,labinet. There was \\lint about. the provisions in Countlesssuch a cas,e in ennada , in the earTy ! basements and cellars? WZ•fre going ., to take.in the rest of our, garden pro - rise in. prices- than will the' increase loo C,C.I'., 1.730; Roy,' Labor 1'ro• to the longshoremen, '''Phe Star brings. gressive. 47•�. ^ ` forth lu, evidence \vhat,�,'er ort these lH int. HAS , MR. TRO1YIAN ELUNDERRED? • IA • 'cre ttrd by.' a3 "'slieecth delivered at NewNev ' • I — York lac- Henry .� Wallace, :iE�('I•etaI'\- rt f tt e century while Prime 'lin 9 pa o the - (-111<'e one of fh( Se tlay.s befol`e the frost • lster 'Laurier a as �in Brit`ai.0 one of his began' - imagine the loo': ou the face of a `A1 aitour eof Ontario insadvocacy of tariff child in (xreece if he could see the milk ' - protection, to the'dismay of the low 111111'3 collected from just our eullce.5-"i i rsiou here -in a day. It would 'go a long 'tariff Liberals. 'When Sir Wilfrid re-', Way toward lcc'eping his family olive turned to Canada he promptly des-' for a long time.` missed Mr. Tarte from his place, n the' A person doesult Iike. to think about Cabinet, despite ' the fact ,that the 1 tIhe•se matters. It's' easier try put 'I fevv I. thousand mile: ".between yourself and latter had been his close_ • friend and.;those. creat.rc�a and find. something to . l trong supporter. "� eonl1,l iin ab(1ut. 4ctually during a In,,the United States the principle of I year Ilke This we haven't innch to conl- Cahinet" solidarity. is- not so -strictly iilalin about.• ' . Imagine 'the ,people of China right held,. b'ut when tjne memiier of the • boor•'." 00, well: rent of these clay -s -the' Cabinet steps out of his • pl.at•e to • world is going to be a better' place. criticize publicly another, who has I Uuring the war that's one of the things charge of, sd important a ,department we heard about a lot. A lot of people • lin the world must be pretty .badly dis- illusioned right now. looks on in perplexity'.` ' The Wallace - — t opeeclh.11as- given comfort td the Pus- • ' EH! WHAT'S THIS? si' h l; ' *may y to the -British and their , (Exet.er Times-Ad\'state ) anpporters in the Peace Conference, as �' And now, there -is talk of harking Iron. T. G. Gardiner the next prime I Lyell as to those- Auierietltns wh'o''ap1 I mini ter of. Canada. Mr. Gardiner be"- - prove of Mr. Byr"nes'- policy with re- carne, quite fatnond.In this region for ,rd to Europe; while M'r. 'l'rilmabn's his (•onquest of a balky horse. Tattling comes. khanks e rse Kammer Mills Grain Grinders Oil Burning Heaters Engines ry B ssei Grain Grinders Plows and Disc Farrows John -1i sere o Tractor Stiff . Tooth Cultivators Diamond Harrows ra tf ord Cement 1lrfixers aid Pufnp Jacks BEATTY- & NTcDOUGALL Pumps, Windmills, etc. N. R. BAER PHONE CARLOW 2821 • Re£�riger.ation SALES SERVICE ALL 'MAI�MES Comnierria1—.Domestic -Mannin ofri erat on �R g evie Sr G Cale for Free Estimate t p. P C), 10 & Q ,d1�I.,.'`A� II 5 � til 3Gtf DAMAOE MDTH R YEARS F 0 T 5 ®R 1EgLAU • PAYS FDR THE DAMAGE pr tec yothsprayurfurn luro rugs Guarantood, in Islankots.rcliothing andfu s fro mot . _ and fur ays forntho for five yoars, Or 41c vtill ©tect aoriou pays oars -•'only tic a yew; cl mons suit for fivo Y I I low. othor artidoa oqup Y Buy this euorantoed moot rhar aatoda from your department, sBtu$ ore. Lgading laundries and dry cioanors cC n Barlow your clothing, furs, bail nkats, rags and furniture. (bUA1tANTE�oa TH 5R y,,. BE AVE -SORE-: FEET - THIS WAY Rub in Minard's Liniment generoualyt and feel the relief steal over tlae achint muscles=and joisetls. , For all. muscle' an joint pains, aches and stiffness, sprained ankles,• twisted °dimbs—'Minard's haf been famous for over fi0 years: Good for dandruff and .skin disorderp,, tool` Get a bottle today; keep it ' bandy. �. ARD'S LINIMENT • LOW FARES FROM .' OODERICH Sarnia Chatham Windsor Wallacebu,rg Port Lambt•on Forest : "''Hank's Place $ 26r . • 4.75 „3.40 3.35 1.70 1.30 Irl':1'l"Ii? $ 4.70 6,15 8:55 6.15 6.05 3.10 2.35 1A11 Fllres Subl,ject to (iuvl'rnutellt Goderich Depot— BRITISH 'EXCHANGE HOTEL PHONE 691 - • • r SayS For good results good ,bakers always use -the best in- gredients. That's why King - Pastry - Flour is so popular. These Devices Save Farm Labour - Among the farm labour saving devices assembled or invented by the Engineering Section, field .Husbandry Division, Dominion Experimental Farms Service, are many items of auxiliary utility, quite apart from the plans and specifications for heavier farm machinery. For example, full information with detailed plans and - specifications may be obtained for maka,ng necessary - articles for poultry, such as, a range water unit, self -waterer, feed trough, water fount, mash feeder, feed mixer, range shelter, and a - roost 4 .and pit. r,i • For sheep there are single and double fe%lers and, for hogs there are a hog breeding crate, loading chute, feeding troughs for all sizes of pigs, self -feeder, pig creep, weighing crate, green feed rack, alfalfa feed rack, hog feeding plat- form, and farrowing pen. Among miscel- laneous articles are a harrow -dtimping device, a breeding stall and bull pen for cattle, feed alley cart, home made anvil, wagon jack, fly• trap, hag holder, seed treater, potato cutter,-. potato ,sorter, handy farmyard cart, and a low slung - wagon. As in the case with` heavier farm trucks, tractors, and other machinery full information with plans and specifications may be obtained, by writing to, or visiting i convenient, the Engineering Section, Field Husband3y Division; Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. •�A` �. 1-40 •^cam, • "" MILOLLINGNDON CORPORATION f' the 'P it >e Minister's job is a tame a ffat i r by eompa;rison. an'V chance he had of being the Demo- -.........,t,........7._ cratie 'candidate for th'e presidency in MILK FOR 000D TEETH ' INA. t, . • A l' ritislt health expert is authority It ,i not the -fiat time Mt.-Wflllaee for the statement that teeth of child= ren today are in far ,:better condition l,aS cher rye in urg neo. lie aeetnS, to than those of youngsters even 20 years ' be of tile' William Jennings . Bryan ago. This authority, as ljnoted by the pattern, an orator with a" demagogic (Department of National fllealth and ,rap 11 ,who fancies the Amerid;in rW(1lfare, Credits `'the improvement to' stat are tltill• , iiglithig' Ing George milk. Greater intalt(y of mills has been rioted over this same period, and,_ as the Third. fryan eompelled t the ,is well known, this ' supjrliea essential ardent devotion of -al fres section. o2 liens salts for dental 'health. . equivocal position bt1I probably ruined l t LE-S,S EYE STRAIN LESS SQbINTING FEWER WRINKLES fitie HYDRO .SOD HOUR LAMP Extract from Farm News issued by Publicity and Extension Division, Dominion Dejartment of Agricul- ture, Ottawa. - Ask or write for .folder "Quiz for a Go -Ahead Farmer.” SANR' iitlflrnt G4MADIAt THEY LAST LONGER , , COST THE SAME b74 ...and the B of M provides ready money to make 'them Today scores of farm improve- ments -- large and, small.-- can be ,undertaken by farmers -even though they may-not.have the ready cash. Follow the,, example of thousands of farmers across Canada and discuss your credit needs with the -manager , of your nearest 13ofMoffice. BANK OF MONTREAL • working with Canadians in every walk of We since 1817 Goderich Branch—' H. D. IIELSTRO? 1•