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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-09-12, Page 7
McManus Daiy -,IUA4.4V WA earwig •t cmot Phone $5x' ° Cora St* IeI fi�pr�..,. agot.on Sts, ° Huron :Body 8t Fender Shop H. C. Mr. HEE L. D. WATSON 84 East St. 'Phone 206W Reg. Bell JEWELLER "Gifts . That Last" BULOVA WATCHES Good Service on Repairs - Phone 123 East St, SPECIAL.:... Brand- new . Ford 1946 Motors now in stock. ° Drive in with your car and purr out with a new one. IF ,IT IS FORD PARTS WE HAVE THEM Bradley & Son Pho J 247- ^ Iamilton . St. • st Vit, Bakery , * BEATON A TV MINS 'Phone ,180V Es* R. Canadian Tire Corporation • ASSOCIATE STORE L. Q. WHETSTONE, Prop, TIRES aid BATTERIES Hamilton St. Phone 69W Venus Restaurant 20111110 MADE CANDY as Supplies available PHONE 170 This is station E -A -T Guenther Transport EARL R. GUENTHER, Prop. Daily Service to and from - Toronto -Hamilton -London and intermediate points Victoria St. Phone 850 GjderieL.Fench.. Dry Cleaners 4 � . CALL 122 FOR PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ERY' C. R. LOW WEST STREET - SHARP DROP IN THIS YEAR'S HONEY CROP Presenl_t„ e,timate°„ of the 1946- honey crop is in the neighboioot 25,000,000-pouuds. as against 33,000.000 Pounds in 1945. The short crop is clue largei-y to a virtual crop failure in Ontario which beekeepers are at. a loss to• -understand in view of favcable weather And forge conditions which prevailed .throughout the se.tson. The clovers simply did not yield, and 'many of the larger- commercial beekeepers of Ontario have had to feed their .bees throughotit the suminer. No marketing problem is expected Painful, Pus. FiIIed'BoiJs. the Causc of Much Misery If you suffer from boils youknow how sick and miserable they made you 'feel: ' ' Boils are an outward indication of impurities in the system, and just when, you think you are rid of one another 'crops up to take its place and prolong • your,misery. A11, the lancing and poulticing you can do may not stop m=ore coming. To help overcome boils you should purify the blood, so why not give • that o11,= reliable blood medicine, Burdock Blood Bitters, a chance to show what it will do in helping you -get rid bf them? Thousands have used -it for this purpose for the• past 60 years. Why not you?.' - The T. Msibursi Co., Litnited,,Toronto, Oft. R. , a a ,:e1069 TO OIJR *J.S. WISITORS A windy hill at stinrise. , .. a woodland trail at noon . ", . . Ontario's' bridlepaths invite horsemen froam far and near. Time and again riders from south of the border come to enjoy the beauty spots of our province. These "visitors help us. We can help them by being, 'good hosts . , ..• making them welcome . . givirng them a -grand time. rnie T'1'MiT. '*.TfiERI +M I'1iPnRAL-STAR, hese Finns a, Serviyon . A Well 1 c These Firms Savo you mil ',gooey The : bnsimeaa firm listeel• ut the direot®rJ reparese>at jiVe and Up-to-datesconcerns that invite your patronage. ,.The service. e they have to offer 'is of the beet and dealing .with them not only gives satisfacti©n but assists in helping them serve this community better. They ask you to try them when you have needs to b6 satisfied. You can save money by doing your buying in Ooderieh. These Stores Are At -: Your Service E. Breckenridge HARDWARE PLUMBING & HEATING TRICYCLES AND DOLL PRAMS Phone 135 Hamilton St. Filsinger-'s . JEWELRY AND GIFTS WATCHES -DIAMONDS GUARANTEED, REPAIRS Phone 130 The Square Goderich Fruit Market FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN SEASON Scientific Equipment- ' Friendly Service Phone 470 East St. • • IVAN LOUZONc6 G. Plante IMPERIAL _SERVICE STATION PACKARD MOTOR SALES plc/As TIRES. Phone 513 with respect to honey, as honey is still on the ration list and all: sales Should continue at ceiling prices which were adjusted upward by one 'cent per p� �ulid at wholesale level in Admin- inTra%x s H' "dlr-- o'. s3<.1t<) rrof 10,' 1946. Although the United Kingdom_ is Prepared to take tlllalf-a-million lxounds of honey this year; iii view of the short supply situation _ in Canada it is doubtful if any honey will ,be ex- ported.' -Importations of honeyf or industrial t use as a -sugar substitute have been extraordinarily heavy daring the' past year and will no doubt continue -heavy until sugar suppliesr improve. PRICE RULINGS ON TURKEYS All sales of- turkeys in , groups of More than two , cannot be made at higher than the 'rnatiimum wholesale price, according to W. Harold Mc- Phillips, prices and supply represent- ative 'for the. Western Ontario region - of tile - Wartime Prices and Trade .Beard. Because of this ruling of the Prices Board all. organizations, firms or church groups Purchasing' turkeys for gifts, raffles, and other such pur- poses may not ` pay more than the wholesale prices for them. Mr. McPhillips said he was • issuing this ruling early in the season to avoid' any confusion and , misunder- standing in regard to the purchasing crf turkeys for feather parties,, raffles and; employee gifts. - Maximum wholesale prices' for dressed turkeys ha;'e been set by the Prices Board and vary according to the • grade of • the turkey and the zone. Unlike . last year, these maximum prices Will prevail throughout the year. In Western Ontario wholesale prices are as follows for loose -packed thrkeys: Special grade young hens and young toms, .41%c per, -pound; A grade young hens and young toms, 401/4 per pound; B •grade, 38%c per pound ;_ C: grade, 35'/4 h,11'pei• pound. Old -hens are 3c•gless Iger. pound and old toms ,4c • less per 'pound -for •cor- responding grades. in. the' case , of boxed packed turkeys the price would be %c per, pound more for all .grades, IT'S ivipriooirs PUSINIISS ... Ontario profits almost as much from tourist business as from gold mining. It's up. to each , . one of us to keep keep -this business growing. • Every tourist dollar is shared this way:. 1. Hotels; 2. Retail stores; 3. Restaurants; 4. Taxes, etc.; 5. Amuse menta; 6. Garages. TUNE ' IN CFRB "ONTARIO HOLIDAY" 10:30 p.m., Thurs., Frio Sat. PUBLISHED IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY .JOH ( LABATT LIMITED PROVINCIAL APPOINTEE F. J. KYLE, O.B.E. • - Mr. Lyle has been appointed "director of the Trade and' Industry Branch of lrovincial Department of-Planninj; and Development..- This Branch is now in a position to render service- to..ma-uufacturers and' traders in facili- tating and developing export and im- port business. Mr. Lyle, a native of B,1'antford, was Trade and Industrial Commissioner :at Ontario House, Lon- don, England, until bis transfer to this Department. ST. HELENS (T. IHELENS, Sept. 9. -Mrs. E. J. Thong is- a visitor with her daughter, Mrs Al. Martin, and Mr. Martin at Toronto„ --- - - Messrs. Frank McQuillin, George Webster and ‘Angus McI)ona1d Mile gone to Alberta to assist with the harvest. - Sirs. Chester ,Taylor and Mr. Murray Taylor have returned from a visit with relatives in Brantford, ..Dr. Alvin and Mrs.-Wo(ids ttnd child- ren, of 'hind, s, and Mr. and • Mrs. Win. Dougherty and Gwen, of Guelph, were week -en. visitors with their mother, Mrs. It J. ,Woods. \Ir. Murray, Taylor;" --who h11(1 been relieving in the Dominion store in Hanover; left on Tuesdgy for Walker- ton at,fter 'a two weeks' vacatron. THE NEWSPAPER WAS ' READ AW'lletluur- or not it' -pays to 'advertise is all a matter of opinion, says Oscar Orth of Listr)wel. _ If you want to .get - rid of something it's- o.k., but if you want to keep that solrletiling, don't let_ 011 you have it, he advises. This--eitken,-witia. has quite a repnt tion for annual gardens at his Elma street home in Listuwel, didn't Ilitve to spend hours of contemplation to ar• five at hiss... deduction. Through the ccolumi>s of The l.istciwel Banner he had proudly proclaimed that 110 had a (Ting) of peaches on a tree in his 'garden that would touch the .heart of mane' a Niagara fruit -grower.•. . • On Thursday :lfternobn The Banrlrr appeared, reporting Mr. Orth's success. That same night Mr. Orth 11:1c1 some visitors--- unknown to hint, of course. He arose on Friday morning to find the tree stripped. "Next time I'll remove tin fruitAancl talk about it after •ards," he said, shaking his head regretfully. OPPOSES •CENTRAL1ZATION ( Fordwich Record) We don't intend to g(i into a long discussion of why %V0 d0 not favor the high school, area plan of centralization. We insist that the powers-that'be have left a lot to ehanec, and efficient trans- portation in wintero is a major among. Myron O'Reilly PAPE' RING & DEtORATING PAPER SUPPLIED ' RAGLAN ST, Phone 585W Blue -Water Body Fender Shop, -Phone 107 • Bridge St. GODERICH Ocpular 'Id Stlit.n4ardvw a Songsv 'r TA r PIANOS .•- a' NADo+11 WEIR 1' 'i11i EJEO Ufl Atipi 11t"'t 1ES„ LOWS SOMAS Ettl&fitIO ANO •TARNTABLES Phone •114 West ''Si Saltford General Store THOS. MORRIis, Prop. Buying more, we buy for less- Belling more,_we sell for Tess. Open Evenings . Phone 696 Saltford B. R. Munday RADIO SERVICE & REPAIRS We install .Portable Phonograph Players 7 Widder SL Phone 598 Frank McArthur EI,,ECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ° BEACH RANGES, RANGETTES, HOT PLATES - • 48 Britannia Road iuro Engioeerin� S� Researclt Co. Engineerhq & MMnu f shire)! Y' Brock St. Phone ill, Jackson & Son MEN'S AND ' BOYS' WEAR N ,• BOOTS -SHOES --RUBBERS Phone 412 South Side S Gentlemen's regula.*or- of retina - ' tion and health. - BOWLING A good way to spend your even- ing or leisure hour in pieasalgt,. congenial surroundings. - ROYAL BOWLING ALLEYS , - WEST ST. GtDERICH the" problems, but we'lllet time and the weatherman be our advocates. An- other inconsistency is that, .while Solite atithorities profess to favor a rejuven- ation of rural and cbulmtinity life, x.::51 I ' U2i.t1 .g.-0dla. . b?4l•4??I.. facilities knocks any such hopes "for a loop." 'DER H. G. %VEILS.' HAT . (Manchester Guardian)- -We uardian)-We can add H. G. Wells to the list of great men who' disprove the old notion that the largest skulls house the best brains. He had a compara- tively small head. "Il can cheer up nearly, every one. of my', friends - y just changing hats," he records in his auto- biography. "The - borrowed brim Comes down upon my ears and spreads them wide." • The knowledge will com- fort- many an ordinary mortal. So, too, .will Wells's modest confessions of what his "very ordinary brain" could not do. He did not easily retain names and ,dates;' "I cannot do any but the simplest sums inlay head," he wrote; as a bridge -player he rated lliru- -160)00 People* Recommend HOUSEHOLD FINANCE At Household Finance yiib barrow $20 to $1000 quickly, simply- no endorsers or bankable security needed. Sop in or arrange your loan by phone. usually you get your money the same day.' ' .160,000 people borroa•ec1 at household In 1945 Cash ' Choose a monthly payment plan Loan You j 6' 12 15 20 24. Get paymis paymts paymfs paymss Paymds $ 25 1 54.39 50 I 8.78 100 117.55 150 , 26.33 59.17 13.75 200 35.11 18.34 .300 52.66, 27.50 500 87.76 45.54 700 122.Q7 64.18 1000 )7;53 91.69 $7.49 11.24 14.99 22.48 37.47 52.46 74.94 517.47, 29.12 40.77 534.95 58.26 49.92 HOUSEHOLD FINANtE BACKED 01 68 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE' • 2nd Floor, Royal Prink Building 29 Downie St., corner of Albert` Phone 255 STRATFORD, ONT. 8. J. Colbv Manager Loans made le residents of nearby towns 2525252525245?52999999 L. o .,. self inferior to nine out of ten of the people' he played with, and he lost at chess "to almost 'anyone" What con- solation for us inferior beings there is in these admissions--untilwe com- ,pare.,.oun own,achievements. tvith-hi in other directions. T The prirlc•ipal men :who stand out today are those • who stand out for principle. sz News• .. Jr NORMAN 6Mac{ Edi RETIRING After. thirty years -as agent for the , Company, Prudential insurance Norman S. Mac eod isretiringand v1 •take' up Mr. MacLeod Godericli, se;, t; here will- bei Palmer bf V1 rsi Bence • in Stratford. e to Kincardine from „years ago. _ His place �aken. by Mr. .Donald �r odstock. - Kincardine 'NOW, MORE THAN EVER, one of Canada's. important ads! Whole wheat con- tains muscle building proteins, energy -giving carbohydrates, and other vital elements you need. Kellogg's l Cana- dianwhole swheat. Busy housewives everywhere are on the alert for suggestions • that will help them save time and effort. ,Thousands depend ° ori Kellogg's . ready -to -eat - cereals not only for breakfast, but for.uick snacks anytime! All -Wheat, Pep, Corn Flakes, 'All -Bran, Rice Krispies, $ran Flakes and Crumbles are made by Kellogg's, the greatest name in cereals. • SAVE TIME...SAVE FUEL...SAVE FOOD! on't Flip a C�iu when Your Savings Are .at Stake There is no type,,gf investment available in this country which, from the standpoint of secur- ity of principal, at- tractive interest yield and ready marketability, can compar( with DOMiNION OF CANADA BONDS Yur account iiiay be a 'few hunkred dollars, a thousand dollars, or a much larger amount, but regbardless of size yolt.1 can be sure of personal investment attention, which is.char- acteristic of The Dominion Securities Corporation, Limited. Investments require' constant attention and we cotatinually study the needs'and circumstances of an investor so that he may take full advantage of changes which occur in invest - mem conditions. If you will write or telephone us, we will be glad to give you information and ana) j'sis regarding any security whether Canadian or of other countries, in which you are interested. , `if'elebhone: WAverriey 3681. IO!'tINIoN SECURITIES CORIVEATION.LIMITED ESTABLISHED 1901 TOL:401 O 14ONT112A1. WiNNIPEt3 VANCOUVER NCW YORK LONDON, E1)c . 15 King Street hest, Toronto 9 1