HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-09-12, Page 4u THE GODERICil SIGNALSTAit, PAY, SVP 1ntlMRb.-TD XR MIJMS are Here Again! 0 Using np4o-datcrmetkgds, Mum. cern now be flowered from, September to February Because orf ,>'e P n li st e with the times you can depend on an ezcellent de -sof • Min= for - utontlas to c.o>jnrne• Jacksons I: SqTuhaere "1 Deal wrists 4 bonded nnemuabenr cQ4 F.T.U.. Floaters wired or cabled anywhere (Germany and Japan excepted). 49 i RUCE ST.,GODERIOE.• PHONE 105 Personal Mention Miss Emilie Buchanan of Toronto is spending 'a week in town. Miss Jean Lawson visited her sister, Mrs. lli. F. Allen_ at '.Detroit the past week. Mrs. N. Kennedy of Dungannon spent last week with Sirs. II. Phillips, East, strg>et.- :4Ix. Jana{ es.-.-.liicksou...iy • here front nephew, 1Flarold Elder, ,'find li>(isa Helen Brady, at Tillsonbutcg. Mrs. (:`brat;. Chrystal isa returned to her homey in Regina after visiting friends its Goderich and district. She was .accompanied on her return by Mrs. Margaret Wri lit, -w-he-wi11 spend several months in `I egina before going to Victoria, B.C.; to visit her son, Clinton for a week or two looking up Chrystal Archer, and his wife. old friends. . , Mr. and A,frs. Henry W. Tebbutt, of . Mr. alud „eIrs. Frank Spyer�''t,f Lon- Redlands, Cal., -have left for Detroit don spent Sumiay with Mi'. and Mrs. to visit friends after spending two Harold !livers. \1r. Jas. `'ldean and Mr, Wm. Chubb'of" Detroit are visiting -,'their relatiJo s in town this week. Mr Mrs. Leslie Inkster, of Tor- onto,' j visitors with the former's Mother. Mrs. James I,ukster. •r ^ h%t11 vit•tinl were dead when recovered Miss A. Edythe Barker has Its her ��� LE ' A A OITV ' e guest, her sister, Miss Ihubel II. naiad - .IN STANLI� Y - TOWNSHIP ' ,, ho1iR-1P-' afterwards. tun Barker. R.N., of New York, . The fatality climaxed a series of Mrs. A. 1'. Marian, R.N., of Toronto. ennsall'Farnnlett' and Grandson, Killedunfortunate events for George Steplieil- is visiting with her sister, Miss Flor- by. Crumbling Fount(latttion of lt.aJI'n Stan, at. � lily a month ago the barn iti' cnre 1� riser, and son Mr. Malcolm! Thos. l`hisholni, be}}<tlnlep, tide bride of_ HI:NSALL, Sept. I1. Charlesaluesti�ilr 1,ttrnitI to file fuulitfation Murlutt, , Thomas Walkr' I(tr)vi€tk, only son of semi` -finals, The Legion (son W'edines- Stepilerisan, 'elderly IIs>t1sa11 fattier, after a -tire- due to spontaneous, cum- I Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Elder, of 'Spruce Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kovitik, all of, day 'light's gan'ie 10-0 in a ' seesaw e bust1on. - (.1•01-t>, ..liar., are visiting; the fornitr's (1oderich. Rev. H. T.' Fallon per- battle. The 14-t).1ue was featured by the and his six-year-old grandson. Stewart'.; It is believed that the eldest t•tepian-'sisters, Mrs.. Geo. \Iumby and Hiss formed the Ceremony. 'le bride was excellent pitching of Walt 7.'alras, who 1? 1 i Ltht'i Etter. ; •' , _ lovely in t� .f1t)Oi let.li;th_ cl.ict�s ui. egg- hard seventeen -strikeouts to his credit ; "Ste Stephenson, were instantly, lirltN(' last' �U 1 \\•:1, dillill;; al tl'enc`h with stones.,, ,i attei'hoott w�heii dies° 'Were '. and the small boy helping •hiiu by . -Mr. and > rs. Fred W. Kirk of North-" shell satin, • with aqua net skirt.fa11ing but the Legion boys • hit when it months with relatives in this district, including his brother, Mr: Waligatte Tebbutt. Trafalgar street,' floderieb, and .his brother, J1d'. Lewis Tebbutt, _Seaford'. KOVIAK--CHISHOLM A pretty wedding took place on Saturday morning, Septeauber 7th, at 10.3(1. o'clock, in ;it. Peter's rectory, when Madeline Isabel Chisholm, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. SOFJRALL TOWN LEAGUE TAWS - gNU•A: ' '+D PI.aA.YO17S ,Teams in the Town Softball'` League have been engaged in an interesting series of playoff games to decile the gltawpionship. d Saltford and Dominion !loads hooked up in the first round orr*ues day and Thursday of last -week. .Do- minion Roads took the first game by the one-sided score of 20 to 3, but Salt - ford carne back- strong on Thursday night and evened the series- With 'a 15-12 win. The tie was .played oft pn Monday of this week, When Stl.l,tford scored 8 runs in the •.last- two innings against five runs by the, Dominion Roads in the last innings, giving Salt - ford the game 16 to 13. Saltford thus won* the right to meet the ,Canadian Legion. who bad eliminated the 'Can- adian Catn-adian Tires in two straight games. ''Legion Eliminates Tires •On Wednesday and • Friday of last week Canadian Tire and *Canadian Legion playeethe other round of the crushed: l!)enea,th a tuppliug stone and. thrtwviu ; _rabble into the' hole, when B;ty, former y of Englehart, are guests front the ,fitted- Basque bodice, her Concrete wall of tht fouud.iliou of the the wall collapsed iu%("ards 'without a of'Rev. 1.. H. and Mrs, Turner of the long veil of silk net falling from an razed burnt of (benne Stephenson. son warning. Victoria street United church. parson- iridescent bandeau. She carried. a of the dead than, on the Parr line.' nesidcs-blis widow, Charles Stephen- age. sheaf of American Beauty roses. . Mrs. eight miles front Heusall. son is survived by two sons. Clarence I Mr. Robert.. Shapland, of Edmonton, L. Rooney of London was her sister's (.71aa:eIlce Stephenson. grouter of .:Intl George, of «11111 s township. and, who was overseas .with the Canadian .matron of honor and was dressed in two teams was one of the best exhibi- George. suffered a broken foot ars the ', one daughter. Airs. Lorne ('4',leitt111 hoop:, visited ills relatives of the dove grey 4yelet r1ellt>. \\'it11 bltack and dons of ball seen here in some time. avalanche of fatlliu;, 11! 1-a iry engulfed also of Stanley. ! Salkeld family in town and vicinity 'White accessories,'' and carried a Col- his veterans ilguilu' won, eliminating his father and the little buy. Stewart 'Stephenson is -urvived by ; lust \vet�k oiilii bouquet. Mr. Le Proper soli- the Tires) The highlight of this game Despite the frantic efforts of, the' his parents. \1r. anti Mrs ts•or;..;t' Mrs. Mary W 11i erhuld. and son Wit- 1)nrtcd..tile groom. After -the marriage_ was the superb fielding of the Legion patty of worktneti,, who hurriedly dug ,Aire da.ellson• lull a twit -year-olds liaul and Mrs. 'William \1'iederhulth of ceremol.ty the"hridal party and friends >The p 1 team. batteries -Canadian Tires,, down through the stone and rubble, brother. Detroit. were week -end- guests With returned .to the home of the bride's Tarats and : crimgeuur; Legion, Smith the furuler's sister Miss A. I~'liek, and 1)a rents 111 Colborne ,towvttship, where' at oriel Venus. -1' other relatives. btrffet` luncheon and reception was held. - Score 'by innings: Mr. Bert Cunningham of Toronto is ' he bride's mother received wearing a Canadian Tire ,.•.• 000 000 020-2 a renewing acquaintances at fort Al- eat blue dress With bronze- 'luum• Citi txcl,ian .Legion 300 000 30x-6 t bort, visititr, his sister, Mrs. Chas, °orsatge, and the groom's mother Mrs. Saltford One Up counted. The batteries for this gone 'were; Canadian , 'fires, Taras and Scrim- geour; Legion, Smith and Curren. Friday night'~ game between these Announcement We have been, appointed agents for- , - 'LIVINGSTON AUTOMATIC STOKERS and ridfotd. hits_ also visited his., ovia . choseu.e a tropical tan SillC! - with -.1 brother at Wiartou. corsage of yellowy. tearoses. - In the I Mr.' C. E. Groves, who was in .the' evening friends were entertained „ at -1 censorship ' service at Ottaway until the groom's home. For .-travelling the bride's costume was gold and' black.' After a stay with friends here the happy couple will spend 'a honeynioon !some time after'tite Huse of the war, is its town fur a mouth -or so. .His pilaus for • the future' are indefinite. JLr. and Mrs'. Tom Hirons and, daughter Diane, of Kitchener. 'visited - I on, Sunday with -:Mir, - and ' Mr , Past• • was `stat one,c at ort - )ert in1943. Mrs. A.• W. Junes ( formerly Tena Young). of Glendale. California, and her brother. Mr. MUrray Young,. of Cochrane, Ont., have been visiting friends its town and vicinity this Week, - Dr.' Florence Smith, lecturer in-- the extension -cit )artment of Toronto Uni- versity, • ret urned; to Toronto this week for the opening; of- the frill and winter term. after spending part of her Date- •tion Wit11 . her father, • Mr.' Arthur Smith. in Detroit:, ° tit r>i}u„eotit, Huron road. Mr. Tilton, Felloviorkers` r 4 the tawz n bowler, the past were: LIVINGSTON OIL BURNERS - Y 1 P All - u LAWN BOWLING the 'lawn l s the and weekJ. were: Warren; 110�.Or rs• .Dunl�p �I• 2nd H. :1t 1 . and, (has. Allison. �t - GODERICH PAIR IN GLOBE -MAIL Monday=1st Ne. Kifton anti G. Alliso • A Canadian product`'manufactured' at Hamilton, ®nt, °� �-�� �yOT son, 2nd S. Carter and F. Price, 3rd ' Hen (Continued from page 1) L ROUBLES W. Hodge and J, Warren. Wednes- Tn o. Goderich pairs. competed in the :.limited supply of oil burners is now a•vaila:ble. Surveys made enjoyed €ill Jlissil)n Baud, and these were day -1st J. R. «'heeler and H. New- er o etijoyed bS all. • CGlobe. grad llch Scotch irs.e doubles lawn New- combe, 2nd J('� Mair and Geo. SyYnotlds. In the play for the Carrow cup at w'itliout obligation. bdacltiaies are . now on display. Mrs: ellar gave Address bowling tournament at Toronto last• Mrs.. McKellar gave a splendid ad- the Maitland Golf -Club, Grant Mac-. a.. «'e. inw'lte your inspection. dress an 'The Need of the lt'orld of kenzie yesterday' wort a close match week and, one of them, Tom Pritchtird r %VILLIAM,S-FEAGAN Today." She "stat ted that when the from W A. Coulthurst, the issue being and Peter Bisset, got witlliu sight of The Presbyteria11 manse in Ashfield wear (vas ot�er we were lookingfor a decided at the eighteenth green. Grant. the semi-finals. Nearly" four hundred .ww,as the scene of a quiet wedding at world of peace and happiness. nstead 110ww' plays Fred Rouse•,.in semi=finals, of the best bowlers in the country: MA? M.,'s the winner to meet.•Bill Lulnby, who part in the competition; so -the Code- 3 p.m. 011 Monday,- .September 2nd, Mr.,' and .Mrs. Robert J, Elde% of of that. we find 'suspicion, greedy hatred ,-=•�_ -�'•.� :.•••-� .=-' �"- ,,,,, . _.. .._, �,,�•.4. of t fla•: ".,. i�,arramr�•- ah --the= -rich Wren- - =ere iii -last' corripany. Geb, whets-_Itev. Win.' Tthbacl rill ted ixi mar a : ; ,� .,;.,,�. �and�.;r-e.11.�irrrll�_.�r'1'tgtet-ri-rre"•wx(,�rgwlYere 4i I>I� of their °gist? i ll`►t�trs. "Gi rt e umby eighteenth` green in their semi-final llatbies n and W. J. Baker, the other , , .. Fe:44;t111; of, their sisters, Mrs. (=eotge JI(rnlby Gud is left out of; the plans fol• the u ring( Rebccc,i Marie I't t't,atl; d€rughter new match yesterday. \,• patir,from Goderich, won two gimes of •JI r. and Mrs.' ("]lister N. I'ea (lays Miss. () eek.l Elder, for several l•ree we o�'ld wee were hoping for; and Robert I3'urnes: meets Grant r�:lSac- itn(i- iw•ere then bowv e, d 7 ouf, Prittahard gait. days .t11i� (Deck. It is twenty years t, b t1d> muteriall._m are cadsing kenzie in the fitulls flit the Llovil C"itp, and Bisset i ent'on to Lwin five games, -olburnt> ti)1nship, and .Toho Williams, * siru•e 'Mr. Elder went to the J`'est, tt'UFlt)lea,ill s an pit rt of the world. while Mrs, A. A.• Nicol and "Bobby" and wore one of the hist eight pairs ,�ott.of Mr. 'atnci Mrs. Robert Williams, They. wwith . Jlis, Elder and Mrs. .fhere is �n1St nue cure, .,aid' the •Johnston ' are ` finalists for the rose .to stay in the eonipetition, defeating Regent street, Goderich. The bride le we( lxag their bowl trophy. Botli of these •finals will many (•.t•al•k, players on the was, The wore a suit of grey .wool with black tudaS.• It is Jesus. Himself, who saidaa> likely beg t . played this 'week -end. • winners: in - the final game, were• a and gold accessories nand her corsage The play for the Vic. Elliott mem Hauuiltun )lir I)r. M �InrCornlRck was of. Talisruati- roses. T'lte couple were, unattended. Aftel• the, ceremony Mr: and Jars. «'iilinne: lett on a motor trip -to •Toberntory. On Wednesfay .,„night "of this week Saltford and the Legion played' the first game of the finals, Saltford taking an 11-3 win. .The Legion team didn't look like the saute, team that put Canadian .Tires out last week, as their fielding was bad at times and -every time, they hit" the ballot was right into, someone's hands. These same teams nreet again On' Fri- dany night of this week. - Batteries. - SaltfordL Westlake and ego ; Legion, Smith and Venus. .V'Eit Vacuum -Cleaners, ,b o. Surveys anttncing housewives show Hopver five to ono choice over any oth.er cleaner: ' Since 1907 Hoover has had na world's record in sales of major .appliances. Patented agitator prolongs the life of floor cover- In/0y removing -the imbedded grit that cuts of the n Let's s " w you this cleaner. - VISIT • OUR RECORD BAR You will find all the 'latest hits in recordings. i P COME IN AND DEAR "SPIKE JONES' Latest slap -happy hits on Victor Records for Musical • Depreciation Week COMMENCING SEPT.413 A FEW OF THEM .,,.. . Dream of Brownie With the Light Blue .leans" I .a • ' a '°That Old Black *air" H. Garnish Electric If It's Electrical -If It's Available -We Have It. Our work is all guaranteed:` 9 12-14 WEST aT., GODERICH PHONE ,t41" FRANK :SKELTON, PROP. •• HAMILTON ST '{� • w .;s� • \[tiiithyattended' tl ldi of ,iieaktl "for the miserwi`in the world 'I. if I 'belifted up, will. draiw. all mete !EUYERED DAIL OWNED AND OPERATED BY ATLANTIC & PA CIFIC too co t,d Enjoy Really, i resh , A. r& P BOK R COFFEE lb. 3 5c LIMITED SUPP'LIE'S UETC UP HEINZ Btl 19 CI;IOICE TOMATOES L - PERFECTION 28 -oz. 'Tin 14¢ DALTON'S HdRSERP DISH • ,Jar MUSTARD ' - 0. & B. THICK SAUTE C. dt. B. w0+"'CESTFR SAUCE n • ah t27 Btl. 25( G. & B. MINT SAUCE- N SWIFT'S CLEANSER a t TOMATO JUICE. mew NEW PACK BEANS' NWICPAw . CAMPBELL'S 1911.0 17ct for -250 • FANCY' NEW ,PACK • - ' OR NEs CALIFORNIA FRESH 344's Doz' grampa LEMONS CALIFORNIA FRESH 300's . Doze 290 GRAPRu' CALIFORNIA Marsh it r1�IC nJii Seedless No. 1 100, ' ;r 23 GRAPES REDCALIFORNIA MALAGA No. 1 - ¢ APPLES COM15 BU ICNHAET O.N GRADE s Basket 430 GRAPES CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS PEARSBARLTLETT, B.C. FANCY GRADE 150's YAMS LOUISIANA Gracie NO. 1 GRADE - 7- Ib. 190 - 6.for 21¢ 3 lbs.. 25 do� 3.50 CORNCORYELLOW BANTAM • No. .1 Grade • unto Me':" '3lrs. McKellar stated that the mothers of. Canada are faiciug a trt3' tueuduns resppons.ibility. , The -y are the ones who can influence the rising gen- eration more than anyone else, if -their own lives are first of all uo►asecrateci t() God's service. ' • A. vote of thanks ;t'o the speaker Wa• s tendered by Mrs. Grey of Seafortlt, and MIs. R. Aberhart of 5eaforth pre-, seated the. report of., -the courtesy cuni- lnittei>. The thanks of t11e_ delegates were tendere(1 to the Hensal.l ladies for the delis•ions. 11111(•11 served at noun, to the church officials, fox 1111 use of the 'building. and to all who took part in the meeting. ; The - hymn "Lead On, O Bing Eternal," • was stun; and ate meeting closed with pra yer by Mrs. A. Taylor. Those attending from Goderich were Mrs. W. G. \IaeEww•an,Mrs, ]'I. C°, Dunlop. Jlt•s. C. K, Saunders, Mrs. C. A. Reid, Mrs. (1. ,M it•E; van, Mrs. R. Stewart. Mrs. Ii. Rii`ers, Mrs. K. Revell. Miss M. Gordon, -Mrs. G. Bisset, Mrs„ A. • D. McLean,, \Its. -1F'. Weir, Miss A. Macdonald and \11' . A. 'Taylor. • A FAREWELL PARTY ' Lois Anne, the little daughter of Mr. and Miss. Charles Kemp, who are leav- ing this week to reside it -t Yatrkt>t,-Ont., was entertained on Tuesday afternoon at at party given by her piaytitaite. ('11rol Ann Zitnnlerina11, to w1ui7'i several little friends were invited. Carol and Luis have 'been c•lci-e friends since birth, their birthdays -being three weeks apart. Carol AINI (.Huse 110d conducted her owls little games, giving prizes for the following': 'Curliest hair, Audrey, AIIi- son; chubbiest face. Iliane McConnell ;. prettiest dress. hleanor Emerson; fair- est halir, Linda Blake; .r•ac•e, Lois Kemp. Before poI'tuking.oaf 11 dainty lunch served by -J1rs. Zimmerman, the little TURNIPS IPS WASHED AND- WAXED - . Q girls gt'tthered in n_ circle and each i QJ No. 1 Gr�le Ib, v - prevented Luis with at parting' gift. FLYING. INSTRUCTION • GIVEN 'AT SKY HARBOR CARROTS MARSH GROWN-; - - 4 lbs -11¢ No. 1 Grade . Q CELERY STAP7 S No. ala Grade bite 2 for '190' ONIONS YELLOW COOKING- - 17¢ No. 1 Grade lbs. Full Matured 75 -Ip. POTATOES No 1 Grade 10-•Ib,23¢ bang 1.49 It for any reason any. w thing you purchcse it rot satisfactory, return it and your 'money will be cheerfully refunded. , WHEN... AYAtABL USE .>s PALMOLIVE SOAP 2 R09. 110 t v� PALMOLIVE ,,,,��tt SOAP 3 Caka�a 23 SUPER SUDS - ,,Pkg. 24.0 "FLOUR FtovAL • *� Ott + HOIJS1 HOLD cOut CHR sE FINE CANADIAN Tomato - a a 19¢ .to 20 -oz. olrl¢ Lr Tins 20-°x.130 e Tin q¢ 7 -ib. Bag l3 e lh. p 330 at:0•v ANN' PAGE MILK BREAD OVEN FRESH 2 24 -oz. LOAVES i -c 0 The ('outnty of -Ilnron Flying Club - is. henc•efort h t() he operated by Sky Harbor Air Serdices, ' according to Keith Hopkinson, manager. T1te chief dying instructor and assistaattt man- ager is ,tV', G. Carswell, and the chief tir Services have already commenced giving flying ihstruct'ion at the airport. SHEPPARIITON 511 I P I'A R I)T()N, Sept. 10. -Misses Mabel and Alice Dougherty, of Dafoe, Sask., are visiting. their grandfather, Mr. %Vin. lla\w•kins, and other relatives. Mrs. h'arrish of Listowel is visiting with her daughters, Mrs. Bert Bogie and Mrs. Allain Schram. Mr. iind :1IrS. Robs, Rising, Shirley. and Kenneth, of Windsor, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. F.'Rising. Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Rising attended the fulwral of fir. Bert Grimoldby near Teeswater on Tuesday. Mrs. 'Pearl 'Bogie is v'isititag `at the home of her sister(in-law, Mrs. Potter, in Saskatchewan. ° Mother: "Aunt 'Hannah won't kiss you with that dir't.y face," i4nlail boy : "That's what I figured." Thrifty people rend the classified ads of . The. 1ignt 1 -Star. It . pays... (infill cup for juniors is under way; and the Ellis c11I) will be played for at a field day -in the near future. WININIOWINIMOmmolortilOOor and JaIlles 'Hanna. Winners in .the 1 1• tournaments of NOPPORTUNITY OFA LIFETIME! WE ARE PRESENTING • b athan Cohen B'eskin- Converted Russian Jew One of the World's Leading Fvangeli s, Author and Lecturer. He packed the avenue Church (One of Toronto's Largest). A Canadian Premier used his sermon for campaign literature. Thousands heaird hint in N'ictoria, B.('.; Vancouver, B.('.; Regina, Sask.; Detroit, Mich., -etc. ONLY THROUGH HIS FRIENDSHIP FOR OUR CONFERENCE SUPT. WERE WE .ABLE TO GET HIM. Sunday, 3 p.m. THE STORY OF MY LIFE IN RUSSIA, GERMANY AND :AMERICA.- 't HOW AND V.'HY I LEFT ,THE .JEWISH FAITH ANI) 1 'HY I BECAME A CHRISTIAN," A Jewish Rabbi; Former Schoolmate of Joseph Stalin Finds Christ, Beaten, Persecuted; L Left for. Dead; `Buried in Effigy, Ostt1 ised. For Over Forty Years Serving his Master. HIM' IN HIS SACERDOTAL ROBES. THE ''6aHEM OF .TIlE GARMENT" SUCH AS CHRIST WORE. A,; ..: THE PItrLACTERIES. - $SCROLLS, "OTRER INTERESTING PARAPHERNALIA. • miumiimommmo SUNDAY, 7':P'..• 'The Three Cries- of the Last Days'' Every Night at 8 p.m. including Saturday Stirring Evangelism Marvellous Prophecy SEPTEMBER 12- 22 YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS ONE! FREE METHODIST CHURCH V`ictoria'and Park Sty: Phone 897p3 Rev R.' C. McCallum 01' {