HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-09-12, Page 1• 44
Increased Price for
Milk in Goderich?
Council' Appoints Reeve Turner
to Represent Gonsnmers
at Hearing
. Winter and the municipal elections
cast their shadows before at the meet-
ing of the Town Council, on Friday
night. ' It was deeided to have pro-
ViSieti for hours of free skating for
Children incorporated in the lease of
Out -
the rink. for the coming season.
door rinks war declared a ,failure
and, unlesa tH,,b Council changes its
mind, will not be opened the coming
winter, •
Town Clerk Blttke asked if it was
intended to submit anys questions to
the voters at the municipal electiond,
such as daylight- saving time- or the
establishing ,of a recreation centre.
The' Only response to the query stas
from Coon.. Brereton, who thanght it
might be a good idea to get the opine
ion of the people on the matter of
daylight saving. No motion was sub-
mitted, .however.
'Only six members- were present, the
abSentees being Coons'. Kaitting,
Mathieson and Sanderson,
Mayor ilooney-congratulated-- the -
labor unions on their Labor Day Cele-
loration. "They deserve a. great deal
of credit," he said.
Mrs. Tremblay wseg heard in a com-
plaint that she could not find a place
in which to live in Goderich and. asked
what the Council was .going to de,
about it. Connell apparently had• no
solution for the problem. °
Producers ,Want More for Milk '
Notice was received from the Milk
to be held there on September l'7..th
to consider an application 'froth the
produeers for an increase in price.
Reeve Turner was appointed to attend
as the representative of the. milk -con-
Mayor Mooney and Deputy Reeve
MacEwan reported. on the nseeting
Fort William of the Association 'of
•- Ontario Mayors and Iteevea, indicating
were discussed. - •
• -The - Tait Colleetor reported pay-
ments of $2,062.95 in August.
Chief ,sof I'olice ROsS reported on
weights Of loads of coal in August as
ToWn Company
Edward Coal Co. -.9290 lb. 9180 lb.
Dean Coal Co. • 90201b. 2000 lb.
Satins Coiil Co. 3860 lb. 3880 lb.
Chief Ross alsb -submitted the fol-
lownig report for August Number of
,offences reported or known to police,
16; arrests; .4; summonses, 8'; prosecu-
tions before magistrate, 11; .convic-
recovered, 2; car accidents, 7; persons
injured sin automobile accidents, 3;
doors found not locked, 1; persons
given shelters 10.; lest. Children found,
2; complaints investigated, 49; total
amount of fines, $70.
Peruaissien was asked for the erec-
tion of a sign at the. Brophey furniture.
store on West street 'and for one at
the beauty shop in the British. Ex-
ehange Hotel block. Both applications'
wisre—s,ent to the public works coin-.
• A complaint of the condition of the
sidewalk orra part of -Bruce street also
were sent to the imblic works com-
mittee, s.
A reqiiest for additional light
on Britannia road, between South and
Waterloo streets, was sent -.to' the
water, light and harbor committee.
Petition against Smoke Nuisances
A petition with twentY-eight signa-
tures, asking for the passing of a by-
law to regulate and control smoke
nuisances, was referred to the special
committee. The Petitioners .are -most-
ly residents of the. Hanailten street
.7 Two 'further' petitions were sent to
the public Works committee -one frOm
property -owners -on Park street, be-
tween Cambria road and Bridge street, -
for a sanitary sewer; the. other from
property -owners on the east side of
MeDonald street, for a cement side -
An -offer of $15 from Kelly Ritchie
for a lot on CaMbria road was sent
'to•the public works committee.
Alex. Wells, for the village of
Londesboro', asked if the fire pumper
at the harbor was for sale. ' Referred
to fire Committee.
Special Meeting to Consider ReSolution
The resolution passed at- a recent
meeting of the special committee with
representatives of .service organiz-
ations- of the town, recommending that
Thanksgiving Day be designated 'as a
day ror the,. public recognition of the
services ef_tbe men and women who
enlisted from Poderich in the recent
war, was submitted and wile tabled for
consideration at a special meeting of
the Council.
'-‘ThesstuditorS' report for 1945,..lon
monteith and was sent on to the fin-
ance committee.
The application of the. ideal, Trades
and Labor Council for the, use of
gricultural Phrk for a video on the
an. days September 18-21 wae left
the hands, of the chairmen of the
c7,1111C works and parks committees,
s 1/The finance committee 'recommended
that the Board of Trade be asked to
sulnnit its request for a grant in writ-
coverhig the past two years and an
'Outline of further expenditures con-
templated; that no action be taken
on the assessment appeal from R. L.
Lloyd; that no' variation be made in
the license fee for the Pavillon.
Tbe publie works committee recom-
mended that the petition for side-
walk on the Square from Hamilton
\\street to North street be tabled until
n11 petitions are received; that,C. R.
Holland be advised that perMission
cannot be granted for the extension
of the curbing in front Of his property
and it will \be necessary to havA
petition. signed by two-thirds of 'the
ratepayers in the block; that, the peti.
Central Home aptl. "School Association
held- its first meeting of the school
year at Central school on Tuesday
evening. Mrs. Kenni, who is about to
pressed her appreciation of the co-
operation and support given her during
her term of olliee, Mrs, H. Shackle-
ton, who will tette over the president's
duties, conducted the business of' the
meeting and solicited the sarde co-
operation as had been shown td Mrs.
Miss Catherine Hay delighted the
Rev, 11.6H. Turnbull addressed the
raeeting on the subject of the relation-
ship and co-operation'possible between
parents and teachers in order to iron
out their problems together. The
home, the school and the church, he
said, are theIhree greatest institutions
in the world today and the things
most remembe-red- are the atmosphere
created by and the • ideals of the
teacher. Hence the most important
factor is the teacher at school and
church and the parent in the home.
Children, said -the speaker, soon see
through deceit...and hypocrisy, so par-
'ents must develop a general Christian
truthful in all dealings; remain young
with their children, and never be too
busy to help solve a child's problem.
The banquet for the graduating class
will be given again this year. A
blanket and pillovv, have been pur-
ehaseds for the school couch.
At the October meeting a discussidn
on "Baby Sitting" will be conducted
...hied all interested parties, nameli,
baby sittdrs, employers, and parents,
are invited to 'be present..
Nineteen applications for building
permite were presented at the last
meeting of the- Town 'Council, 'These
included one:from Harold" F.'lreung
for a .1% -story stucco dwelling on
Bennett street. (estimated cost $3,000),
and -one Irani Vineent-for.
one-story franie dwelling. on Britannia
road (estimated..cost $2,500) ; from
Walter Rathburn,. Huron road, for a
cement block building to be used as
a kiln for curing cement blocks; froth
J. R. Orr, South street, aad Ivan
Lotizon, East street. for garages; W
G. Harrison, Albert•street, for a frame
cottage; for repairs and minor- ime
provements from_Roy Mugford, Wil-
liam street; 0. 'W. Sturdy, Church
street; Win. Ellwood, Mary street;
Geo.- Mathieson, East streetl A. E.
Kingsbury, Bayfield road; Sea-
brook, Britannia •road; S. Prevett,
Colborne street ; W." J. Buchanan,
Cambria road; E. G. Smith, East
'street; A. R. Mohring, Cambridge
street; Glen Robinson. nayfield roads
George Haddee, Hincks- street; H.
Clement, Kingston street,
Owing to circumstances arising else
where, the ieligious picture "The King
of Kings" will not beshewn in Koox
church next Sunday evening as.. in-
teeded. It is expected the film- will
be here early in October and dae notice
will -be given of .the shoWing.
dons for curbing, sidewalks and sewers
be tabled for the present; that the
'offer of Michael Kennedy to purchase
that. Ryan Home Bnilders be lent 500
feet of :9 -in. sewer •pipe.
The special comruittiie• recotumended
that the commuaication from the
County Clerk asking for a list of those
who enlisted in the armed forces from
this town be -tabled for further' con -
,sideration; that the request Of the
Blue 'Water Band for a grant to assist.
in the purchase of uniforms be laid
over until the next'. meeting.
Improvements for Cemetery Sexton's
The cemetery and parks committee
recommended that tenders :be called
for the installation 'of a furnace at the
cemetery sexton's house, and also
water pressure system.
The water, -light and harbor com-
Mittecrecommeaded that Jaek Graham
be asked to repair the building at
the harbor damaged 1)37 fire or else
have it remeved.
The • lire committee recommended
that the Public Utilities Commission
be asked to install . a fire hydrant on
Huron road at the end of the 4 -in,
ma in.
The industrial coMmitiee meow -
mended. that the letter- from the Do-
minion Road Mitchinery -Co, regarditfg
lot 910, Brock street, be tabled for
eonsideratien at the next meeting.
Committee _of the- whole , recom-
mended that the- letter froth the
County of Huron asking' for additional
property in Court House -.Ptirk be
tabled for VonSiderittion at a special
Tenders for additional insurance on
the Park -House were referred to com-
mittee of the Whole.
Hospital Loan Bylaw
'Bylaw No. 21,- authorizingi,the isSue
of .debentures for a loan of- $12,000
to Alexandra klospital for building
perpones, .WirS given first and Second
readings before being submitted to
the Ontario Municipel Board for ep-
•B,nlaw No. 22, granting the, Bell.
Telephone Co. permisSion to extend its
lines on several estreete, was given
three readings and passed.
Couni41 went Ago •committee
of the'whole and on resuming adopted
the committee's reconimendations:
hat Reeve Tamer. represent the milk
consumers at the meeting ef the Milk
Control Board at ,Toronto on Septem-
ber 1.'7; that .the tender, of' Carey &
Chapman be aecepted for the addition-
al $5,000 insurance on the Park House;
•that Engineer It. W. Code be asked to
prepare plans and estimates for sewers
for .which petitions,: have been received
'and that he be consulted with regard
to the laying' of sidewalks and curbing.
The ecterafts of Gaderich district ere
fittiog part in the Battle of 'Britain
commemorative :services which are
being held ill all parts of the British
SA, C. r chiktunasa as chairman and
IP/Mee-Bob- Carey, W.O. Jack Hamilton
and W/C. 3. K. Sully, has Cinapleted
detailed plans for fitting services.
> Detachments of over 100 11..C.A.F:
and navy personnel from Clinton
and Centralia air stations will
join with local veterans 41
church parade to Knox Presbyterian
cliurch next Sunday at 11 am., ;2vhen
the minister, Rev. Richard Stewart,
will be assisted by S/L. Dale Jones,
froni CIinton station, in special
commemorative services.
The Bine Water Band under the
direction of Mr. J. E. Huckine will
participate in the parade.
A large attendance is.expected at the
service, as all are cordially invited.
Veterans are asked to assemble at the
•Goderich Legion^ .at 10.30 a.m.
Special permission has been granted
for veterans to wear uniform for this
occasion. Groups from other Legion
branches are expected with their
The committee has made arrange-
ments to insure that the graves of,
Air Force,personnel in locai cemeteries
will be suita.bly decorated: After the
chureh service there swill be a march
past and a short service Will also be
held at the cenotaph, where a, wreath
will be deposited. Air Vice -Marshall
E. E. Middleton, C.B.E., air officer
commanding No. 1 Command, R.C.A.F.,
is expected to take the salute. ,
The magnificent exploits of the
British Air Forces during the critical
Battle of Britain are still freSh in the
minds pf all. Their rairacidOns de-
fence of England and their deciSive
defeat of the much -vaunted German
Luftwaffe was perhaps the turning
point of the war, and stimulated Mr.
ChUrchill's famous . statement that
"Never was soanuth owed by so many
BACK .40w—r. lrsioblcc (manager), M. Holland, J. Westbrook, J..Donnelly; J. Meriad, M. J. Snider (coach).
SECOND ROW—D. Warred, J. Needham, B. Doak, T. Fulford, J. Price, H. Warren.
FRONT ROW—B.' Erskine, D. McPhail, D. Thurlow (bat...boy), B. Celp, D. MacEwan,
Absentee's 'wh'en this picture was taken—W. Beacom, a., Pinder, P.. Bendall.
.After a long 'wait the Midgets ,hav-e been ordered „to .theet Collingwood Midgets at Collingwood on
Saturday of this week. The Collingwood boys will play'in Goderich next Wedue.sday, at 4 p.m.
Rush Is On. for
New Ration Bogks
Three Thouigand Already Issued
at Town Hall—Saturday
Is Last Day
daY) at the Town Hall, where a busy
staff ._of distributors is workink under
the supervision of Mrs. •D. D. Mooney,
distributing chief of the Goderich and
Dungannon areas, which it -elude' Gode-
.rich, Colborne, West Wawanosh 'and
Mr. M. E: Foster, 'liaison officer and
inspector from the London office of
W.T.P;i3s-Wassin town and highly coin-
ineuded tlie organization set tip- here.'
He thought the new books. would be-
come valid on September 19, when the
sugar coupons for three pounds extra
'sugar come due. Everyone is hoping.
that; as, there ianot card'in the new
bdoks for renewal, ratiOning will be
discontinued in the not distant futnre:
The ,present books, could be extended
over two years. •
• Other years, Thursdays and. Fridays
have been the buSiest days for ,dis-
tributing. "It lOoks as if .lete colliers
will be'Very much redoced this year,"
Mrs: Mooney commented.
Girvin Young are assisting Mrs. -
Mooney s'and there is a staff of thirty-
fOur distributors working .in shifts
.Saturdoy is "the last day 'for dis
A .great' lesson in "safety first" eon-,
duct was given by „ithe C.P.R. car
Nvhieh. was stationed in the railway
yard at the harbor -on Friday last
between the arrival and departure •of
the regular train.
The - car is a. travellink motion, Pic-
ture theatre under the direction of
Mr. G. D. Pogee, district ,safety agent,
Toronto, and gives' a visual education
in safety- practices siot. only for raite
waymen but for workers in other .oc-
of sixty, and besides the C.P.R. em-
ployees at the station, workers in
other industries at the harbor had
the opportunity of •seeing aind hearing
a series• of gripping Sound, pictures.
A loud -speaker system 'enables every-
one in the car to hear the lecturer
plainly, but it is the pictures which
show vividly how ° a few seconds!
absent-mindedness or -carelessnAs may,
mean serious crippling or perhaps loss
of life,
The'var is completely self-contained,
haviiig the latest in equipment in-
geniously arranged' to save 'space and
provide everything needed for- ifi;
'Travelling on the c.r.. Company's
hilt be a most valuable agent in
in all walks of life.
Anniversary services at Union
church, Goderich township, will be
held on Sunday, September 22thl, when -
an "old bo'y" of the 'congregation, Rev.
Charles D. Cox of Bervie, will occupy
th.e pubilt. Special music will be
rendered by an augmented•ehoir. Rev.
Lawrence IL Turner:minister of the
church, will reciprocate by Condneting
anniversary services at Bervie.
It is hoped there will be a large
attendance at these services at Union,
which will be held at- 11 'a.m. and
,At the request of the Town Council,
the Public Utilities Commission at its
meeting on Tuesday gave instructions
fxk. ,the placing of a fire hydrant at the
end of the water -main on. the ninon
road and, another at the corner of
Heays ,and Blake streets,
The summer is over! The. rafts off
'which the youngsters play at the bath-
ing beach have ,been taken in; and al-
though the water is Still fttirly 'arm
to make things lively at the water-
front have departed, and the lbcal boys
and girls have gone ,back to schoof. .
This is a slack time, too, in shipping.
Only two grain cargoes arrived Oleg
past week—the Superior on Friday,
with 108,000 bus._ oats and wheat for
Same' day with 206,000 bus. wheat for
the mill. The Imperoyal -was in on
.Fridiey with gasoline for the Jnaperial
The Akorail and the Bricoldoc are
Advanced Courses •
The- University' of Toronto has
orial scholarship to Miss Beryl Sander -
,son„ daughter. of Mr. evul Mrs. Harry
Sandefstiii, -town. The scholarship has.
a cash .value of $125, and, $125 each
yeor .her fees at the University 'of
Toronto for fonr years, or -a total •vOlue
Miss Sanderson is also the winner of
the Robert MacKay memorial scholor7
ship, which has a cash value 'of $200.
She graduated. this year front the Col,:
legiate, obtaining eight first- and two
second-class honors. She intends enter-
ing t•li University of Toronto in the
commerce and finance course. .
Other Graduates: Leaving
Several other G.C.I. graduates this
year will leave for higher seats of
learning. Bryan Ainslie, Son of Mr.
and Mrs. • M. J. Ainslie; will enter
thesUniVersity ''of Western Ontario in
business admiaiStration.
Jpne .Baechler, Mary Chisholm,
Audrey SMith and Peter 'Walter are
going to the Nornial Schoolsat Strat-
ford. •
down have -been accepted as nurses -in -
training nt St.. Joseph's Hospital,
London. -
- Miss Victoria Baechler, daughter of
Mr, nod Mrie J. E.. Buechler, and this
year's gSaduitaze • of „the Collegiate, will
begin. her .arts course ein St.. Joseph's
College, University of 'Toronto..
The Robert Park metudrial medals-,
awarded to, the pupil in each of the
twO piddle schoolsh. who takes the
highest morks at the high-schOol en-
trance examination, have been . won,
this year by Barbara Matthews of
Central School and Jean Baechlet of
qictoria ,School. Barbara is - the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs: MattheWs,
East street. and Jean is thie daughter
Bridge street. '
Lauriston chathato.
While driving on She road between
Goderich and Auliurn on 'Sunday even-
ing, . Marjorie Wood, five-year-old
daughter of Mrs. Victor Wood, R.R. -4,
St, Marye, fell from the, car, arid suf-
fered a fractured jaw and .facial in-
juries. Mrs, Wood, In an effort to
save the' child, jumped out Of the car
and sustained severe lacerationsts Dr,
J. M. Graham was called lied they
were removed to •the hospital,
Temperatures of the past week in
Goderich, with those of the eorrespond-
ing week a year ago, as Officially
recorded, were as follows:
Sipt. 0 85 04 92 67
Barn Burned in
Goderich Township
DouglaS McDougall Also Loses
Best„Crop in Five Years ---
'Livestock Saved -
The large frame barn on the farm
Goderich township, with the best crop
for five. years,' 'was completely de-
stroyed by fire last Friday afternoon.
Mr. McDougall had.completed.; thre,sh-
ing the previous Wednesday, andsthe
barn was Juil to- the roof: Mos`t of
the livestock' was in 'the fields except
fOr few.' pigs and four calves, and
these were reseued during the fire., s -
The •fire was first noticed by Mr. Mc-
Douiall about 2 o'clock, :when he was
on his way the barn. .) It had
started in a strawstacji outside the"
building'. An alarm was seat .to
Goderich: but the brigade did -, not
leave -town. More than thirty:neigh-.
hors formed a bucket brAgade and with
tho use of seater and chemical ex-"
tinguishers worked valiantly to save
the bla-zing building and crop. Passing
motorists also .topped to ,lend a help"-
ing'hand. , The loss -is partially covered
by insurance.
been appointed organist and choir-
master of Knox 'Presbyterian' church
and has already assumed thY duties
of, the position. ,Mr. Wickett, whose
-home is at'.- Port Hope, ' Ont., was
organist :Of King -Street •United church,.
Trenton, and Central United church,
Saulf Ste. Marie, Ont.: before coming
to' Goderich. Ile graduated at the
'Toronto COnserVatory of Music in both
piano and drgan, winning the gold
medal in organ with the highest marks
in all Canada for the year. Ile is a
member of -the Council of the Ontario
Registered. ,,N:Insie Teachers' Associ-
ation He proposes ft) conduct (gasses
here in Wan() and organ.'
Mr: andt, Mts. Austin Dexter, Con -
Stance,'" announce the engagement of
their eldest daughter, Ethel Christeutt,
to Stanley Dawson Ball, only spu of
'Mr. and .SIrs. Antos Ball, Auburn, the
marriage to take place September 21st
in Constance 1,"-nited church.
announee,' the engagement of
their youngest daughter; Myna Lorrine,
Mrs. Peter Young, iloderich ,township.
The marriage is to take place Me lat ter
part of September.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvon JeWell. Ben -
miller, Onnounce the engagement' of
their' only daughter,. Phyllis: Isobel,
son Of .Mr.- and ',Mrs. Arthur Fisher,
also of Benin -Hier. The marriage is 'to
toke place the latter part of Set,itein'-
Onnothwe the engageinent of .` their
daughter. IfOrotity Lenore. „to Harold,
Benson Whitely, son of Mr. and \In.):
ship.. 'The Marfiage take place
o'clock. at Holthesville ,Iinited church,
,Mr, and Mrs) T. Austin Sturdy,
gagement of ."their only daughter,
Robinson, only laon of and Mrs.
Robert E. Robinson, Zurich, the mar-
riage' to take place early in October.'
The funerabservice for' Mrs. Gordoll
Harwood, Goderich township, held at
tins tinvhey funeral home on Saturday
afternoon, was largely Attended by
friends. and Citizens from fiNe surround-
ing communities., The large number
of floral' trilintes,also was significant
of the high esteem in which Mrs. Hare
woods wag held. Rev. L. II. Turner,
of N ictoria street and Union United
SiSted by Rev, hatdrew Lane. of ,Clin-
ton. The pallbearers were Messrs. A.
II. Erskine; J. J. McBwen, Walter
VnITor and John lAntljer. The inter-
ment was in Afaitland cemetery,
W. J. Hodge vresidedeit an executive
'meeting of the Goderich recreational
memorial committees on Tuesday night,
helelosaliscliss matters pertaining to
the proposed erection of a recreational
-Ventre in Goderich. Presents -at the
meeting were A. R. Scott, secretary ;'
Miss Evelyn Cooper, assistant secre-
tary; 'Mayor D. D.. Mooney, Judge
A, F. Sturdy, Miss A. Cleaver and Mrs.
Gordon Bisset.
. Atter some ,discussion it wag' deemed
ad,xisable- tO delay action at thiS tithe
owing to •the shortage of steel and
other materials' and 'of labor: but it
was agreed that plans'for the establisti-
ing of an. arena ,should be proceeded
with so that when conditions imprOte•
• propositiou may be submitted to
N:ote of the citizens. e- It was also
pointed out that cinatractors are re-
luctant even to give tfuotationS
preset) t.
:The- Opinion was expreseed that all
recreation should. be co-ordinated
under an athletic'commission. '
'rhe plans of the.new arena as sta.)-,
mitted 'by the architect Nth, for tt
memovial section, arid W°. J: Hodge,
judge T. M. Costello, Lorne Young -and
1/r. J. A. Graham 'were appointed a
committee to interview the' Goderich
hranch of the Canadian Legion re-
• Jiidge Co8tello moved that a vote of
thanks' be tendered the Town Council
'for assmning the fees of the architect.
It was seconded by Miss A. Cleaver,
and heartily, endorsed.
The Huron County Council has
established a Huron County scholar -
w• ho enters the Ontario .Agricultural
The scholarship is to be'
awarded to it )boy who in his second-
ary school • course- has' shown pro-
thiencs in hiS studies, and qualities,
of Seeders:hip. This scholarship. re -
phi eel's the 'Massey scho
The committee has a Wa rded the
'borne township. Allison , t tended
Exeter high School. and pi 1943 en-
listed in the Royal Canadian Air
,- Form, whore in his' training a,•::
abilit,v. •Terrived 'his wings and
, 1941., He' volunteered' for •service in
the Pacific, and t•ompleted his ad-
vaneed training just prior 10 .V -J Day.
1)11 his relee se from Isle me. Fosse. lie
Alered_lhe Institnte of Veterans' Re.
establishment and Training in Ter -
onto .10 complete. Isiss.„secotela ry„ssehoel
). A .C., and begins his.course :Ids feriae
The final visit 'of one of the
hassenger ships of the Chicago, f)ulnili
and Georgian Bay Transit Co. to
of this week,. when the South Amerioan
is ,to' call on an "Indian summer
ernise" Out of Chicago. The South
American is timed to arrive, here at
'Cpl.' Murray Hetherington arrived,
home 00, aturday to join his ttlife and
littlo danghter after two years, service
ov,erseas with the oltoYal Canadian
Engineers. He spent SOW time in
ermany, and"altlimigh he gays the
war,,destruction ihere 'Was terrific the
people a're making great progress
recomtruction and he thinks that in
a- few years itey MVO reliiildt,,tbe
devastated "(RIM •
Fellow -workers.
Honor Mrs. Dunlop
with Life -me ,11 bership
Cert. "Cote
.The fall rally of the Huron Ilresby..-,
the PeeSbyterian Church in'-.Cana!14,
.was held 'in. Carmel Presbyterian ,.ss
bt:srsiloOntsh., with morning and afternoon.
The PreSbyterial president, Mrs. W,
J. Thompgon of Seaforth, welcomed the..
delegates, who came from Subtirns
rich, Hensall and Seaforth.
One member from each auxiliary
took part in the devetional period, in
which the Scripture lesson was ,read,
and prayers were offered for "Our
homes; our rally; Sunday sch.00l and
young people's..work; W.M.S. exeCu-
-tives and members; our work at hOme;
our overseas work; Council meeting;
national leaders; more workers; re- .
cdehdriiacat.t,i,on ; and the Advance for _
-1-Words- - welconteswere- -extended--
to the delegates by Mrs. II: Workman
resident's addrese she
stressed the need of a closer walk
with God if the work of the Society
is to prosper. "The poiVer of God
enabled Paul to reach sublime heights,
and-ile. is .abIe to help us in the same,
wey if we Woeld only yield our liVes
Mrs. Thompson urged • that each -
member be willing to ,do lier part .in
the work, sremembering the wolds of
opr Lord when He - said, "IA Your
light So shine, before men that they
may see your good works and glorify ,
your Father which is. in •Heaven."
Illustrated by Posters
A novel method was used to empha-
size the remarks of. the departmental
secretaries, posters being. shown .call-
ing attention fo their work. -
The Areasurer, Mrs. J. B.- Russell,
showed7an open door of opportunity"'
.waitieg for more workers when funds
are provided.
• Mrs. 1). J. Lane of Clinton, Mission -
Baud secretary, had pictures 'ef child-
; ren. waiting Mr leaders, and the words,
I "Calling our Children to learn, to
Sillery of.• Exeter .showed the Home
Helper 'poster, calling for mo`re home
helpers, and more to graducaCe to stho
• Mrs, Gordon Bisset of Goderish, •
literature secretary, had -a poster call-
ing attention to the need !Or "more -
The life noembershiP seeretarv Mrs
G.'Walker of Hensall, 'showed the. way
.to honor those who have- given faithful
service in missionary. work hy a prc-
ture of life Membership certificates and
junior ,seals..
- Mrs.. H. Rivers ofsGoderich„ secre-
tary for young women's and girls'
orgetilzatiOps. had a poster drawing
ttebtiori t.0 the feet. that the need for
The welcome encl.-welfare Secretary,
Mrs. C. .Hudson ef Hensall, showed
the need for. more interest in the sick
and shut-in menibers.
Mise Browa of Exeter, supply
!secretary, shOwed. the 'splendid-- work
!that is- being done in this deptirtMent
. which. has bronght comfort and help
The Glad Tiding's secretar3,-, Mr's:
r. Ross of Auburn, spoke.Ofn,the val'ue-
1 hers a nd showed , a pester to em-
phasrze .the variety Vontjiinea .in its
Press Slogan fer 1947 -
The press -slogan for 1947. "More
News from Huron. fer 'Glad Tidings',"
need net be .merely wishful pinking;
the press secretary. 1).,:Irs. A. Taylor
iary make a special effort to• pla n - in ter-'
esting 'meeting's that will make. real
1 able comment. and they will. be passed
0) tha) Abaricuis societies to give each'
4111(4'11)er an opportunity to see then!.
,,- The roll call of euxiliaries shovirea
' that progress was being maintained in
the PrYsbyterial. and the givings to
date were in advam'e of last year.
Mrs., Gordon Itis:•,)et invited the dele-•
gale!, 1 il SIP Ole hooks on the' literature
' table :1: she noon hour. and the secre-,
I tau, Miss B. Campbell of Setiforth,
I read, a letter of -greeting from the
,(1°,1ritt)istl(.?I'it.cry. which was Meeting -in
speaker for the' afternoon. Mrs. H. C.
-11eleollar of Thinalton. president Of
• the Ontario Provincial Si'icietY, and
, the morning,session closed with prayer •
, Whieli followed was: in charge of the
.ctinton en:ciliary. Airs. .I: S. Snider
read the Script nre, lesson, and Mrs. tD. ,
- . Presentation to Mrs. Dunlop:
A pleasing feature of the afternoon
meeting' was' the presentation Of an
honorary life -membership. certificate to
- Ni.r.s. D. J. Lane spoke of the, splendid
work dotte,,,by Mrs. Dunlop during her
twenty -fire years of -service in Huron
Presbyterial, and the, certificate was
premented by the life membership,Seere.
Mrs. ;Dunlop said she had always- •
ekioyed the work of the Missionary,
thanks to the Members of the Presby- ,
teriat for 'the honor conferred upOtt
A quiz on 'the "Advance Movement ,
Wha .in ehtirge of Mrs. McKellar, and
a number of questions were answ6red •
ill an able and interoting„mamrer.
l' Two .fine musical nUmbers were pre,
•fentei31, .ti- sole I•0 litrk Vain Cairnap, ••
and a .ehorns by Members . of the