HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-09-05, Page 81,1I11.' ST0 GE 'S CHURCH bIVNID.AY, SEIPTEMBElli 8th, 1910 8.30 a.m. IIQDI.Y-"C'QD:4IIMA NI4,D:v.• w 1.0.00 -SUNDA SC]IR DQDI.. 11.00 a.m. :DIMMING •PRA\•ll'.11t ANI) SI:IIoION. 7.0.0. p).na. -EVENING IpIt:n`IcIt., Ileo: M. B. 1Parlser, Huron College, in charge of all ser ices. REV. EES' RL'iY E.� ..Ir:AItR, B.A., Lth., RECTOR. . ;hi1 ; S. E, JESSO1las .O1 ganist and. Choir Leader. 4 - North St. Unified Church MYSTgE,,--e•.ICV. 4. TURNBULL, B.A., BD.. A.T.M. Su *,a .ay School I0 a.m.. Primary Department 11 a.m. 1:1 a.[n. "AS IRE P:s1SMEI) In'." . 7 p.m, "BARTIMAE1•S,_A S1iMB L OF M.'N'S NEED." Organist and Choir Leader— Mrs. Murray etherington, A.T.C.M. A SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS SiOE Knox Presbyterian Church '9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. JUNIOR CONGREGATION. °ilig 11 a.ni. PUBLIC WORSHIP. -.THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM. 7 p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Sermon Subject: "The Common Man." MINISTER REVEREND RICHARD, STEWART Director of Praise—Mr. William Wic•keti, Organist—Miss Mary J. Strachan Come and Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. Victoria ' St. United Church MINISTER -REV. LAWRENC1! H. TURNER. B.A. • ORGANIST—MISS BARBARA 10.00 a.m. SABBATH- SCHOOL. • 11 a.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP ,. 7 p.m. THE MINISTER WILL PREACH AT BOTH S1ERVICES. UNION 9.45 a.m. VICTORIA WELCOMES SUMMER GUESTS. ,Irodtrich Raptist TAtureit_, REV. JOSEPIA J•ANES,. M.A., PASTOR Mrs. Ella I, „Donaldson, A.L.C.M., Organic 10 ' a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11. a.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. "The Spiritual Glow." 7° p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. "Saved From' What?" Rev. Joseph, Janes will conduct the Services. Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. "You •Need the Church—The 'Church Needs Yoii." STRANGERS ALWAYS WELCOME • briefs The W.A. of'Sts George's church will hold a rummage .sale in the Parish hall, Saturday, September 14th, at 1.30 pall. 30-7 Central Hume and School Associ- ation invite, all parents to- their meet - nig Tuesday, September 10, at ti •p.m. Re‘. R. 11. "nutted' d' W ill be the guest spgaker. Let us discuss our child problems together. Maple. Leaf Chapter, 1,01).1•:., will melt Friday, September 13t14' at 3.30, .at MacKay Ball. All tees -are now due. Weidj any member with srluares out- standing- please tint them in ° -30 Slendor Tablets are effective. Two weeks' supply til; 12 weeks $5, - at Campbell's and Emerson's ]Drug Stores.) - 31-5 tircy,. hair handicaps you. Use A.ngelique Grey Hair Restorer tu,regain natural color -life. $1 at Campbell's and Emerson's Drag Stores. • 36-9 Maitland Gulf,'Clu0 will hold a two- ball mutixed foursome' at 2.30 'p.m., September 15th, followed by dinner. Dour prizes olierecl. $1.00 fee. Come. and bring your friends: Phone 633 for reservation before September 13th. 36-7 Don't scratch—Use PEMILAC for any itching skirt condition.. PEMILAC, the new speedy remedy, will clear up athlete's foot, poison ivy, burning feet, itch, or any itching skin condition, re- gardless of severity or duration, or we will refund your money. • At your druggist's. 32-7 A treat for your feet: .Use . Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve for prompt re- lief. 30c at Campbell's and Emerson's Drug Stores. 36-9 .Band concert, Sunday night by Gode- ric•les,il ue'fiVater .Band, weather per- mitting. Silver collection for band miff -Orin fund. -36 For smartly printed letterheads, bill- heads and envelopes, see The Goderich Signal -Star. We handle every printing need. Let Sas quote on your rept ue- meats today. . Why suffer thea agony of rheumatic pain, • sciatica, lunxbago, when Ruma- caps will gine--you quick, welcome re- lief. Campbell's .and Emerson's Drug :mores. -36. How is your. supply of counter check books? The Goderich Signal -Star is local agent for Appleford Paper Pro- ducts Ltd., .Hamilt4 apd can quote yea attractive prices on these. - Hy.gienic supplies (rubber goods), mailed postpaid in `plain, sealed en= velope with price list. Six samples 25e; 24 •.samples $1.00.• Mail Order Dept. 7-53, NOS'-RUB1 R* CO., Box 01, Hamilton, Ont, . - 31 35 gtiri les-=, p' nzI rf`c or'`Tnen.. who are weak, nervous, exhausted. :15-, day treatment $1.00, at Emerson's Drug Store. 36-9I The monthly meeting of the Ahmeek Chapter, I.O.D.E., will be held on :1ion- 3ay,.-September 9th, at 3 p.m., in Mac- Kay tall, -36 BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal • Assemblies of Canada) REi . J. A. PEA.IISON, Pastor. - REVIV'lL SERVICES BEGINNING SEPT..8 to SEPT. `,'r Sundays 11 a.ni: and 7.30 p.m, Week Nights exe`'c ept Monday and Saturday at 8 p.nr. Open Air—Saturday at 9 p.m. Cone and enjoythese old .fashioned meetings—We ,preach Christ and Him crucified. • Free Methodist Church .REV. R. "C. McCALLUM, Pastor. Cor. Victoria and Park Sts,l, 10 a.nl. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. SPEAKER—MRS. EVELYN DAWSON BROWN. 7 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. `' ' PL:A .._TO J HEAR BESKI:' The man of whom Goderich will be talking about. SEPT. 1? -22 8.30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 15th 8.30 psm. SEE AND HEAR "THE -. ING• OF kINGS" GREAT RELIGIOUS TALKING PICTURE Knox Church Lecture Hall SILVER COLLECTION ' . ' EVERYONE WELCOME Mrs. (Capt. J.) Vickers had as her guests for. a week. her mother, Mrs. Alex. McLean, her brother, Mr. Wil- liam McLean, and Mrs, Win, McLean and daughter Marjorie. from Erie, Pa.; GOD. aRiCH SIGNAL©STAR. to For Results - A' Classified Ad 7'11IttlIZSDAY, SEaI'alk' NTZER 511.1, 1O1 FOle SALL j-41OR .`.ALE.--McCLARY 'ELECTRIC 36 stove. Phone 659,• Goderich, -36 1FObi: SALE. TEACHES FROM .Labor- • Day through ,September. Bring your containers. • VANCE TIROS., Lake Road, Purest. Phone 4311-14 • 35-7 FUIt S AL1:.—DIt Y SOFTWOOD, 12 inches, $3 per cord, delivered. • Thione 14. r 15, Dungannon. - E. G. ZIN N , . 36'x As'rIDIA SUFFERERS. —. ENJOY • a good eight's sleep, •without cough- ing, choking, the same .as others are deluge FREE 'offer. . Write Jr. L. IIOWEY, 144^ Catharine South, Hamil- ton. 28tf FOR SALE.—CIRCULAR HEATER, nearly new. (irate front.' Apply •20 Britannia, road. Phone 1061W. 36x FOR SALE. •--R WHIPPET COACH, good running condition. Phone 981-J. 35-6x PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD furniture and effects, including 96 - piece set of Bridal Wreath china, and light fixtures. May be seen at MRS. GRINDROD'S apartment over Post - office. -36 FOR SALE. -,.BUILDING LOT FOR sale• IIS good lot'ation. Phone 953M, Goderich. FOR SALE. ---ONE ACRE OF CORN. Apply*GRANTS, lot 7, concession 4, Goderich Township. - -36 FOR SALE.—RED BRICK ROUSE, seven rooms; all conveniences, also sun -room, hot-water heating system. Corner lot. Location good for summer, home. Immediate possession of sfour rooms. Private entrance. 24 'William street. 32tf NOW AVAILABLE.—TSE FAMOUS • Singer Buttonhole attachment; also. a few electric, cabinet machines. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 On- tario street, Stratford. 30tgi FOR- SALE. --GLADIOLI 75c PER dozen, gorgeous blooms in multi - colors ; also sweet peas . and other seasonal flowers. Call or phone IMRS. L. R. DOLMAN, Cameron street, phone 722. 32tf. FOR SALE.—RED SPRING COAT, size 15, worn only twice; also pale blue evening dress, size 16, worn once 4 sma17: . or ad`write • ro np+ y,� l w to MISS` MARJORIE MILLION, General Delivery. - 35x FOR - SALE.—A G99OD COLONY h(use, 8 x 1() ft.; good roof, and shingled on all siding. JOE FISHER, S.a•ltford. 36x 13 -01t -N' • FOR SALE.—ICE BOX IN GOOD 'HALL,—At Alexandra Hospital,- Gode-- condition, porcelain lined. .Phonericht, on' August 31st, 1946; to Mr. and ,36 - . -36 Mrs. Harvey . Hall, Lucknaw, Ont., a son, John Munro. Miss Lois Ginn of Lenmiller; Miss I FOR SAL1;'.�ALLTOTRAC TRACTOR Mack)ONALD.—At Ottawa Civic Hos- - and plow. H. STEELS, Bennett pital, on Montley, August 26th, 19.46, street. 36x to Major and Mrs. Mtirray MacDen- --f'OR SALE, — LARGE • WHITE aid, a tion. Allan Gregg.. Major :�iac- brick house; possession early. For • Donald is the son of Mrs. 3lacDonald information phone 707W.. and the late Allan MacDonald, Brock street,'Goderich. 1 MacGUIRE. — on Tuesday, August 27th, 1946, in Grace Hospital, Detroit, to Mr. and Mrs. George .Mac(uire, 12781 Stoepel avenue, Detroit; (fpr- NOTICE. erly Doris Green of Port- Albert), a 1 • ` F. NOTICE daughter, Karen Anne. ' - • PARSONS, -At Alexandra hospital, ' Goderich, 'on August 31st, 1;)46, .to Mr: and • Mrs., ,George Parsons," -8 Waterloo street, Goderich, a d'tugl3- ter, .Jennifer Jane.,' _ WATSON.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich., an August ,29th. 1946, to Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Watsoh,-Park 'street, 'Goderich, . a son. , DIED ' HARWOOD.—' At Alexandra hospital; cin Thursday, September , 5, 1946, Bertha Alice Longmire, wife of Gordon' W. Harwood, Goderich town- �ihip. 3+'ung1al from . Prophey's funeral home at '2.30,p.ni., Saturday. Inter- ment in Maitland cemetery. IN MEMORIAM' ALLIN.' -In loving memory of Joshua ' A1Un, wile passed away September 7th, 1944. . • --Lovingly remembered by Rife and 1t ily. 30tx FISHER. --In 'loving memory of our dear son, Rifleman Allan Fisher, who was killed on active service in France on September 9th, 1944. ' There is a •spot in France That to us is very Clear, 'Tis where our- Allan is sleeping With his comrades' lying near. Sometimes our grief is hard to bear And the bitter teardrop often starts; But his name is ever on. our lips" And his memory fresh within our hearts. • Elaine Vickeri;,,nurse-in-training at the We shall not says that, he is 'dead., Instead that he is Silst away, _, Because though we l:now not when 'We shall meet again soni day. , ---Ever. remembered 1 y his. loving Dad, Mother. Sister and --Brothers. 36x I'ISIII�R.- In loving 1 -nein -my of our deatr• friend, Rifleman Allen (', h`isher, B. ('o., 1st Btta,.. Queen's Own; Rifles , 4$ -(.'t iafdtlr. ci llo•.. ritect :, sa..,-.Wt Tda l September 9th; 1911,. and buried at La Chap)le, France. Wills a cheery' smile and a wave of his hand IIe sailed away to ft, foreign land ; Ile met the foe and fought the fight And dared the battle for the right. IIe gave his life that we Wright be Untamed and unafraid and free. --Lovingly remembered 'by his friends, ',l:r, and Ilia, Richard R. .Jewell. 30x Rev. Richard • ttewart ,and Rev. L. It Turner hiving returned from their• holidays, the pulpits of Knox Presby- terian church and Victoria street. United church were oecupied on Sun- day by the' regular ministers. Kitchener -IVa terloo • IIospital ; Miss • Alfie Bell and Miss Louise Neargarth; of Toronto. •. of Lovely 9 Furs MIL JONES OF ¶'HE GILLESPIE FUR CO,, TORONTO, will be at our store on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, SEPT. lath and 20th The latest Fur Coats aid Neck Pieces for the coining season will be shown by Mr, Jones. You are cordially invited to 'attend this showing at Hibbert �& 8011 PIibNE 86 f#fSDARICfi I, Robert Powell, will not be,, re= sponsible for any debts of my wife, Mrs. Emma Powell, after ,this .date without w'' written permission. ROBT.. P.OW'ELI. 3(1 - NOTICE. a At the Public Health office, Town Hail, the toxoid clinic will 'commence Tuesday, " September 17th, at '2 p.m., for school children, and 'Thursday, September 19th, for pd -school children, 36-7 ,TENDERS WANTED TENDERS SEALED TENDERS, ADDRESSED to the undersigned and marked on envelope "Tender for purchase of Old Goderich Light," will be received iv to 12 o'clock noon, E.D.S.T., Monday, September, 16, 1946, for the purchase of• the former back light tower struc- ture of the Goderich Range Light - station at Goderich, Ontario. . , .Additional mformation"'in respect of this :structure may be obtained on ap- plication to the , Lightkeeper of the Lightstation at (1,oderich, Ontario. Tenders Inust eacli be accompanied by an iyeepted bunk cheque, payable to the Receiver'General of Canada, for the full amount oft the tender, and also by an undertaking on the part of tender that, should his tender be ac- eepted, 'lie will agree to remove the entire structure and leave the.Site be a clean and tidy condition. • , i "l is ttc rrf' rlrstteeessfitis - rriierers . shall be returned. . The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. J. A. NEVIN, Acttllg Secretary. Department. of Transport, Ottawa, August 26, 1946. CARD .OF THANKS r • Itw, il:. R. LONG DI;1It1,S TO express her. deep appreciation of the many acts of kindness by friends and '.neighbors in. her reeoirt bereave,. ;hent and also to thank ,-tho;;e who so Mildly loaned et?-rs and tllOae who s('Ot, floral tributes. - 0 J. CHU1CH NOTE . Mrs, -II. C. McKellar Of Ilamilton, president of the.PrebbyterYan will be the guest speaker jit''the fall rally for Huron Presbytery, to be held in ('armel Presbyterian church, Hen - sail, on Tuesday, September 10th. There, will be morning and afternoon sessions and an ir`i'teresting program is being arranged. The semiannual Meeting oi' Maitland Presbyterial W.M.8., . western section; will be held in Ashfield Presbyterian church on We(lni'sdoy, September 18th, et. 2.30 1D.; . time. Bliss Dorothy Douglas, recently I'eturned from the church's missiim field at New' Amster- dam, British (lt, altr, will lrtx the Fitest speaker. • WANTED. ---HOUSE TO RENT IN Goderich. Fifty dollars reword (not payable to 1alt,diord) fur'inform- ellen /ending to securin/P of houee. Well-behaved tenants. i%rito . P.O. Ii(.)X 41, Goderich. • 36-7x ''`WANTED. -- SELF - CONTAINED, heated ;,apart.tlient, unfurIlished. Two adults, reliable. Prefer West -end location. 4 A.ppty P.O. BOX 7.75, or phone 171. 35-6$ HELP WAITED. — ✓MACE. RUN your own business. Owing to in- creased production established com- pany has opening in your locality. Excellent earnings. FAMOUS PRO- DUCTS CORPORATION, Dept. 0-0-2, 370 Guy street, Montreal, P.O. =36-9 N OJ'PORTUNITY. — ESTAl1- LISHED Rural Watkins District, available., If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55 --have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable .business of your own. For full particulars write today. to' THE J. R. WATKINS COMPANY, Dept. 0-0-1, 2177 Masson street, Montreal, Que. -31-5 WANTED TO BL'Y. — SMALL house; will pay cash. Phone 417W or apply at 48 Picton street. -36 WANTED TO BUY.—OLD HORSES and dead cattle. If dead, phone at once, collect, to JACK GILBERT, 936'r 21, or FREI) GILBERT, 936 r 32, Goderich. 33tf WANTED. — THREE OR FOUR r • rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Write 130X 41, SIGNAL -STAR. 36x WANTED. — E»PERIENCED woodworking machinists and cabinetmakers or men to train ,in these permanent, trades. Irxcellent working conditions, good wages, very steady emproyment.- Living- aeconfomodation available. See -or Write JAMES COLE FURNITURE -CO., Ingersoll.. 35-6 WANTED. — APARTMENT • OR rooms, unfurnished or furnished. Write BOX 40, SIGNAL -STAR. • 36x `,'ANTED TO RENT.—AIR FORCE officer, wife and one child living in summer cottage need a furnished or unfu- tis. 1 Qr asswess,iss L gent, Please phone'167W. • -36 WANTED AT ONCE.—MILL ROOM foreman; 'final finisher on furni- ture ; first -clays rubber_ and 'polisher. LUCKNO\V INDUSTRIES LIMITED, Lucknow, Ont. -36 `'ANTED.—PIANIQ,"IN GOOD CON- DITION; fima11 size preferred. Throne 71, SIGNAL -STAR, 30x WANTED. -=GIRL OR WOMAN FOR ,,. general housework, .in home with all -modern conveniences; four in fam- ily. Apply .to MRS. R. L. JERVIS, _Clinton. 36x `VAN'1 ED.—GIRL OR WOMAN FOR general housework and to assist \tith children in Detroit; private room, good-Mlliryr; entry into United States will be taken care of. If interested get in touch with MRS. S. PARKER Fry's Cottage, Menesetung Park, by Satt'urday evening, or call Signal -Star -for inform- ation by Saturday noon.' - 36x LOST Z LhST,-LGN MONDAY, IN VICINITY of• Bruce and .St. Vincent:streets, cream colored part Persian female cat. Reward offered for its return. , Call Goderich. BUSINESS NOTICES BUY RAGS, GOOSE AND DUCK feathers and ticks. I buy and sell used furniture and household articles. I repair.sewing machines. C. WOODS. 12 East street • Phone , 42J. . ' l3tt NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE „TO CREDITORS.. Notice is hereby given to all persons having any claims against 'the estate of Barry Richard Long, late of the Town of Goderich; in , the County of IIuron, insurance agent, Who died Oh or .►bout the twenty-seventh day, of August, '1946, to send • same to the undersigned on or before-- the . fourth day of October, 1946; as on and after that date' the executrix of the said estate shall proceed to make distribu- tion of °the assets thereof, having ye - mud: 'only .to the claims .of which slie has notice. 'Dated et Goderich this' fifth day of it itennite.r, A.D. 1940. - It. C. BAYS K.C., Barrister and Solicitor, (;oderieh, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. imiumummoicaviminimor 36-R Thos - 'K6jjkff I PAINTING AND DECORATING Interior and Exterior , (R.R. 3, Goderich) 21 tf PRICE TAG Your Fire Insurance Policy' is a Price Tag rn your Property. SHOULD YOURS BE MARRED UP?' SEE H. M. FORD Get Insured • Stay Insured= Rest Assured. North tit, • Tel. 268w AUCTION SAW C0s1MUN1TY AUt"TION SALE THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 12, 7.30 P.M. • at Harold Jackson's farm, one mile east of •Seaforth. 50 head of Ltereford and Durham mixed castle. Usual run of sows, (;hunks and w,eanwrs. . HAROLD JACKSON, 30- Auctioneer. COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE • ' at Ilarold Jackson's farms- Sea - forth, No. 8 . higli"way, on . , • FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER. 6th, • cut -8 p.m. . . Eighty head of cattle, calves, pigs and spivs. Anyone may' bring stock to this sale. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. 36- ' E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. • CLI'.ARING * AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, MACHINERY AND, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS , TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th at 12.30 p.nl. at lot 36, concession 11, Hullett Town- ship, 21,/1 miles west of Londesboro. WILLISMOUNTAIN, Proprietor. 'E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. HAROLD JACKSON, 36- Auctioneer, CLEARING, AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS One and a -quarter miles north of Dunlop on Blue Water "I3ighway, on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th, at 12 o'clock sharp Full list will appear in this paper next week. JAS. CHISHOLM, Propriefor. HAROLD JACKSON, • 36'... . Auctioneer. AL'CTION SALE OF HOI'.SEHOLD EFFECTS at corner Britannia roach and South street, on " w ' • WEDNESDAY„ SEPTI MRER llth et 1 o'clock, the following:. Living -room suite. dining -room suites' bedroom suite, bedroom dresser, va`hity (bedroom) with bench, radio, bed, elec- trie ironer, 'dinette, combination stove, electric and Mil; Mason & Risch piano, two rugs, couch, kitchen cabinet-, iiishe and other articles. , . TERMS—CA Sli. SIRS. L. CORNFIELD, 'Proprietress. WELL. HENDERSON, • 36- f Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK. -•AND 'at part lots 37 and 38, 10th concession of Godgrich township, five miles west of Clinton, on , TIIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER -12th at 1 p.m: sharp (D.S.T.), consisting of: Three herses ; 14 cows and heifers; registered purebred Shorthorn bull; 7 yearling' --steers find heifers and 10 spring calves; -about 700 hens and pullets; rain shelter, and brooder house. A full lineof farm implements including an Int.ertiational 10-20 tractor and tractor equipment; also a rubber - tire wagon. . At .the same time and• place there will be offered fpr sale, subject to reserve bid (if apt sold previous to sale date), the property consisting" of 1-10 acres of good. clay loam.' On the said property- is a bank barn 50' x 70'; henhouse 20' x 30' ; a 11A -story brick house. This Property is equipped with hydro; has a never -failing, supply of spring water, On the farm are a young'' orhearcl, and ten acres more or less of maple and pine .bush. This property;, is situated one-half mile from school. Terms on chattel's. cash. • • Terms on property made known on day of sale. , - P� LEONARD COLE, proprietor. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 35-6 Auctioneer. Pile are ' generally caused S,. from a (blood) conges- tion. Try BUNKERS Herbal Pills . to treat the cause -at its source. Money back if the fig st bottle does not satisfy. At your loe'al, Drug Stores. IF You, worry about your •:_-resent • or future security,` Phone Carlow 1706.5)K write ' B. R. ROBINSON Monarch Life Assurance repre- sentative, R.R. 4, Goderich. • 36tf CURRY'S BAKERY "The Tkxe HtAffie 1D Tasty rastI r o WEER -END SPECLAI, JELLY DOU HdUTS 2pc doz. . Closed for Sty. `o Holiday Sept. 16 to 21 Re -open on Mon., Sept. 23 AU Orders of $1.00 or over delivered. PHONE 465 MEL. CULBERT. Prop. WEED -KILLING METHODS - TO • BE DEMONSTRATED Plans Outlined. in Connection with Phoovirng Match Plans for a field exhibit of weed - killing methods • at the International plowing match at Port Albert, October 15-18, weremade by a party _of agri- cultural experts who visited the airpqrt site of the plowing match recently. John 1). Macleod, director of the crops, weeds and seeds_ brunch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Prof. -R, 'Keegan of the department of field husbandry, Ontario, Agricultural College, Guelph,- and% K. S. Murphy, ,,. district field man for IDIr. MacLeod's. branch, were accompa-nied by LeRoy G. Brawn Of Clinton, agricultural repre- sentative for Huron, in a trip to the airport to- selee-t-a-nd-•mark -oat- the -land for the demonstration project. It is intended to use about one and a -half' acres to show the effects of various types of chemical weed -killer; and of various concentrations of spray. The area used will be divided into eighth -of -an -acre plots, and check plots will be left untreated for comparison. The sprayirfg will be -done. between now and the time of the plowing match, under the direction of Mr: Murphy. •Explanatory signs , a,re tes_ke pla't',.ed„,..,�. on each plot, So that a`th'+fllifhe'`' plowing match interested spe•otatcirs will see live weeds and dead weeds standing, together with the necessary information. • A second demonstration project ,, whish is to he carried out, if suitable land can be found in the neighborhood of the airport, is a demonstration of the 'growth of- various calculated. pas- ae_:�1..,m_:ife. Brown' said,' to use about three acres of well -worked land, which would be planted with mixtures of grass seeds, and allowed several . weeks of growth before' the plowing match., s- L Berlou moth -protection for a man's suit costs only 10 cents per - year. Berlou guarantees in writ- ing to pay for . all moth -damage within 10 years. Goderich, French Dry Cleaners C. R. LOWERY West. St. o• . Phone 122 10 -Year Guaranteed MOTHPROOFIur, 1 —in fuel and oil savings and increased .PF. ..,...n efficiency to see us regularly for an Engine Tune -Up ' DRIVE YOUR -CAR OR TRUCK IN TODAY. Gardner Motor Sales PHONE 234 G oDmi uCH a..,..,, )