The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-09-05, Page 3litrliON: COUNTY'S FOREMOST "WEEKLY 'NINETY-Di:INTEL YEAR. No. 36 1 - 1Business - Directory 4,E6AL.`"!. - •••••••4 DUDLEY E. HOLMES Barrister, Etc, 0 ee--Court House, Goderiek. Telephone 0. . , J. K. LIUNTER Barrister, Etc. Royal Bank "Bldg. Hamilton Street, Goderich Phone 908. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS - MONTEITH, and 'MONTEITH, Chartered' Accountants 51 ".?Albert Street, Stratford Toronto Office: 302Bay Street W. CECIL° ATTRIDGE. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT „ 'Telephone : Office 18, Residence 343. Goderich. BROUK, DAVIS & DUNN Chartered Accountants London- Kitchener J. H. K. Broughton, C.A:—Residetat Partner , 512 Huron 4.& Erie Bldg. • Phone Met. 2788. London. ° OP" ACCOUNTING AND BOOKKEEPING ACCOUNTI,NG •& BOOKKEEPING SERVICE For Small -Businesses, Stores, htc. Bookkeeping Systems Installed. . Books Balanced Monthly Financial °Statements Wage Summaries Business and Personal Income Tax Returns • • ALBERT SHORE `• Office:Corner North St. and Square, Phone 975. Residence Phone 444. •-,14 GO ERIC DUE D TES OF AMON COUPON'S • Rev. RAI. Farr Speaks to Labor Men Coupons noW due are sugar-preserve4 51 to 525; butter R1.8 to R20 and meat 91 to Q3. OTHERS ARE ASKING Q.—We 'have been' paying 4;10 Month reut for the house, ,harn and lot, fur almost five years. Our landlady sent , us a notice that, our rent was raped to--"W,,t a mouth- from now on. Can she do this? ° A.—YOur landlady cannot raise your rent Unless she has had permission from the rentals division of ate War - ?hue Prices and Trade -Board. INSURANCE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN- SURANOE- CO.—Farm and iso- lated tei.VA• hitipertetliaSured-. - Officers — President, Frank Mc• - Gregor, Clinton, No. 5; 'Vice -President, Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm, No. Manager and -Secretary-Treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaferth. Directors—Frank McGregor, Clinton; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornhohn; Alex. Broadfoot, -Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; George Leitch, Clinton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; ,Alex. MeEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth. Agents1---John E. Pepper, Brucefield, No. 1; George A. Watt, Blyth, No. 1; R. Finlay McKercher, Dublin, No. 1; J. F. Prueter. 13rodhageti. -P61icy-ho1ders can make all pay - menti and get their cards reeeipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cat's Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderieh, or L H. Reid's General Store, Bayfield. Q.—I am a returned veteran and purchased a botise in 1945 when .1 was discharged. I" Would now like -to use the house; can 1 ask the tenant to. vacate? A.—Eveu though you are a returned. veteran you did not purchase the house until you were discharged from the ser- vices and'therefore cannot ask the ten- ant to'ivacate unless that tenant is not a "well behaved one." The rental regulations state that a veteran who owned his house before he joined 'the services may ,then give notice to a tenant to vacate if he wishes the house for his own use. ° Q.—If a tenant gives notice to "quit" on the 15th of the month, what is- the exact tiwe he must leave? A.—'The tenant must leave on or be- fore pitinight of the 'fifteenth of the month on ,whichhis notice to leave takeseffect. MEDICAL Understanding and Co-operatia Needed Life's Relationships • Rev. B. II: Farr, • rector of , G-eorge's Anglican church, preached au appropriate. •and inspiring sermon to over eighty Luelubers of: the, various loeal'unionkOf Ate A.F. of L. ys Sujp day. eveniog. .Ileaded by the Rlue Water Baud, the unions marched to the;chureb, where the front' section of pew s had been reserved for thew, • The choir led in the singing of the 'hymns, and,a duet, "How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings," was sung by. Mr, Harold -Shore and Miss bawl), Stubbington. Draw nigh to God, andfle will draw nigh to you" (James 4:8), was the text chosen for his sermdn by Rev:. Mr. Farr. After tendering a :cordial wel- come to the visiting organization the rector said that during the past twelve months there had been a great chapter written in the economic. world. Pro- duction had dropped off, markets lost, and millions of men had been idle. He asserted that he was not an econom- ist and could not suggest a cure for these problems; but Moral anAl spiritual truths could be learnedIle referred to the constructioil- of a ,cantilever bridge_ which must be builtwith co- operation from both ends. :Ile advised his hearers to build their bridges over _the waters of life carefully. Co-oper- ation is needed in relationships - with others in •order to 'meet our,: problems half-waY:' said the preacher, continuing : - Jesus opened. the way and Will reach out and- help us. "Draw nigh unto God and He will draw nigh unto you." We must build man to man. Let us have courage in.-1promoting understand- ing and make life easier for those Who follow 'after. - "We must continue to build: If our work is done in faith that is sure and strong we shall be met half -way by the outstretched hand ef the Master," the rector conclnded. Q.—I always paid $i:.75 fOr a cleaner toclean, car seat .covers. Last time a different- cleaner cb.arged „me $3. there it ceiling price 'on cleaning'? A.—There Is 1.1 controlled prise on cleaning services. :Cleaners. are allowed to charge .the same' price, as they charged during the basic period keptember 15 to:Oetober 11, 1942. This doesnot mean that all cleaners itave DR. P. J. R. TORSTERI. EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York" Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, assist- ant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, ,„ London, England. EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED , 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 267. Next' visit Bedford Hotel, Goderieh, . Wednesday, September 25th, at 2 p.ka. till 4.30 p.m. w • CHIROPRA.CTOR AND mtvgLas THERAPIST '• ; Goderich, Phone 341 Office hours -10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.. 10 to 12 a.m. only on Wednesdhy. Monday and Thursday at Mitchell. Mineral fume baths by, appointment only. A. N. ATKINSON 51 South St. Registered under Drugless Practitioners Act for the Province of Ontario.–. _INSURE, , IN' SURE .INSLTRANCE „ CONFEDERATION LIFE; WINk. CAR, FIRE --Preferred rates fOr iireferred risks. ACCIDENT & SICKNESS' Consult...... JogN PARRISH . phone 82-13 Dungannon- T URSDAY, SE'PTEIVI II SCHOOL NEWS 11 THIS WEER1T THIN G.C.IS. • ''OGy - UkYnolids). ..- liantlet's "Let me not Thurst in ignoranee" might well be the motto of the282 young sett:kers -aftkiknowledge who entered the portals of the on Tuesday of ,this week. One hundred , and eleven 'boys tillt1 Wit /111ndred and 4, seventy -fie 'girls enrolled, the iargest nuralter of ''students7 being in the -first form or Grade 9. which has 108 pupils. • Grade 10 has 'RP; Grade 11- has 36:-1 'Grade 12 has 36'; Grade 13 has 24; and the Connireteial Fenn has it A. L. .COLE Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. • Optometrist—Optician 1 Geo, G. MacEwan Fire. Accident and Motor Car Insurance OFFICE ----,MASONIC TEMPLE _ WEST STREET PHONE 230. GODERICR DONALD B. BLUE EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Licensed for Comities of Huron - and Bruce , -.RIPLEY, PHONE 49 For information apply to J. N. Kernighan, Division Court Clerk. Goderich, Onto , , to charge the same price. If you would send the mune ,of the cleaners te the Wartime PriceS land_ Trade, Board (hese Could 15 cillik'ked Trit-- YOU:- ' The G.C.I. courses It.ad to the second- ary school graduation diploma, either academie or commercial, in four years; • also to the honer gradoation diploma 'in • five years. Noise economics and shop work maybe studied through four years, art and music throngh one year. This year the course in agriculture is being introduced in Grade 11 The school staff is composed of Mr. A. R. Scott. B.A., B.Paed., who is Principal of the school and who teaches mathematics; Mr. J: W. Aymer, B.A., who - teaches geography and. boys' physical training and healtILL_Mr. A. M. Chapman., 11.5.A.. teti4er of tagri- culture ; Mrs, K. It. Diggon, B.A., whose. subjects are English and history ; Miss D. Honeywell, B.A., Latin and ancient history ; Miss E. Levis, B.A., English and girls' physical training and health; Miss R. McNaughton, art, British his- tory and mathematics ; Mr. G. E. Payne, science • Miss French ;• -MisS M. Sinibert, BA.. com- mercial ; Mrs., K. -Yet tmar, KA_ home econotnivs; and Mr. W. Walkom, shop work. On Tuesday morning Mr. Scott spoke, to the assembled -students. urging ,them to put forth 'their best- efforts itY the Coming year. ER 5th, 1940 owes CY M'cLEAN AND HIS LIFEBUOY DEBON AIRES ' Who wil Se playing a:, the COLLEGIATE GY,111, mil MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th at the dance sponsored ,S'y the Goderich,Lions TEEN-AGE CLUB. ALL TEEN-AGERS 14 to 19 YEARS OF AGE INCLUSIVE are invited. - DANCING FROM 8 to 12 p.m. . 4 ADMISION, 25' cults and one LIFEBT,JOY SOAP CARTON.. SAPPHIRE FOR SEPTEMBER Stinphire----the gem of• aiitumn,- the blue of 'the allf11111,11 sky—is a symbol of The 'Teen -Age Club is already truth: sincerity. and J.enstancy. It ii5 planning. activities for the approaChing I an' aluminum oxide called cormilluin season., The first of these will -ne a and the .name sapphire id.o.,generally al). - dance to take place on NIonday. Septem- plied to cerunduni ef ;16% color except - her 9th, in the...Collegiate 'gymm nasiu,„ - pig the red. .Nlore speeifically mirtmencing at 8 p.m., when the -Life- the name 1 is -applied tO WM? "specimens...ale desiredi -11116Y- ifjfii,illticres- 'effillte'S--tiii'lli- lq--Tri--' : tints being reY'fr1, bine, velvet and- Q..H-How much should a person. charge per week for the moth and board for a college' student, when I supply laundry and necessary first aid? -A.—It would seem that.. you have never supplied room and board before. If- this ,is the case you '}.1iould charge 'the same price' a,s is gcharged for sim- ilar accommodation in_your neighbor- hood' or a similar neighborhood. • :RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF 'ORANGE PRICES Canadian ceiling prives have beenre- established on ofanges, owIng to the 0.P,A, increase ill orange prices. Thu prices ,are based on the current O.P.A. price plus transportation,. prices and markups, which are controj-led by. the - Prices Board. It is expected there will: be- no increase in Canadian prices from those prevailing in June, -since the ().P.A. adjustment will be offset by the saving reulting from the parity of the ettnadian and Money. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER , Correspondence •promptly an- swered, Innnediate arrangements ° can be made for Sales pate by calling Phone 208, Clinton. ' Charge moderate and satisfae- ti,tm Gnaranteed. ° 19tf 111111111111.1..11111 HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH For, Information, etc:,,svrite R.R. 4, Seaforth; or. phone (col- lect) Seaforth, or 867, Goderich. THE CAPITAL nitArtgt 4:7 AT PHONE NOw—"People Are Funny," radiO's most famous fun -shows withrtLinkletter, RUdy Jack- Haley; 07,7ie Nelson. Mon., Tues. and Wed.—Two Features. Veronica Lake, Sonny, Tufts, Joan Caulfield and Billy De Wolfe with Lillian Gish, ami a star east. in the lively and tonertaining comedy -romance "MISS, SUSIE SLAGEL'§ Osa, Massen, Keye Luke, Lotus Long, H. T. Tsaing and Richard Loo 4 • In the thrilling story of a Nippon charmer "TOKYO ROSE" Thursday, Friday and SatUrday— BO Hope, Joan Caulfield, Patric ItnowleS and Reginald Owen • Lavisq s(Ottillf,"S 6.11(1 !TOWS irrespressible loinfolery• give a Shot of adrenaliU to Louis XV'S barber "MONSIEUR BEAUCAME" . Coming—"Hold That Blonde," and "Follovv 'Mitt \Marian." Matinees Wed., Sat. and Holidays at 2.30 p.m. • • 11 ttelidimee. The admission fee will be 2_5c pins one empty Lifelmoy soap- WESTERN ONTARIO. l'iltYKORWAYS Bus Sehedure. now In effect Leaves Goderich daily includineSunday 7.45 a.m.; • 12.25. p.m.; 4.15 p.m. Arrives Goderich daily 11*.50 a.m.; 3:45 p.m.; 9.20 p.m. Leaves Sundays and holidays 8.00 p.m. and 9.30 p,,m. The 8.00 p.m. bus goes diect to London only. Connections at Clinton for Loudon, Detroit, Wingham, Walkerton, Port Elgin and Owen Sound. Conneetions at Stratford for Woodstock Kitchener, •*Guelph, Hamilton and Toronto. 'Connections at Mitchell' for Listowel and London. Forinformation phone British •Ex- change phone 691 or 717. F. T. Armstrong OPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST Squilre Goderleh "See Armstrong and See.Better" At Lucknow first Friday of each month. -- box. The 144cm:tires are sent by the Lever Brothers. and the proceeds of the da nee - go exclusively to the''Teen-Age Club. G. A. JECKELL, 0.B.E.RETIRES .FROM OFFICE IR YUKON P. J. RYAN nem Estate and Insurance 0 Hce and Residence: • e.k, 11 Trafalgar Street ••Phone 663 FOR SALE---2-Houses of all kinds, choice building lots, business pro-„, ne•rty and tzfeveral good farms. J.W.CRAIGiE - 1,NSURANOE and / REAL ESTATE 1 ° PHONE 24 .GODERICH Was a Student in Goderich Fifty , Years Ago • Just about fifty years ago a teen-age boy came from a farm near -Exeter to attend Goderich Collegiate institute. Ile was G. Allen Jeckell, ‘vho has. jfist retired from the position of Controller of the Yukon Territory .after thirty- three years' ,service as the 1:ederal 'Go ve'rtiment's „chief execut ive official in the Territory. • The DIAWS011 Weekly News in 0 - lengthy article 00 Controller Jeckell's- retirement sa.ys tlia he "lea VeS" be- hind 0 -career a devoted and.undivided'. service tind faithfulness to the in terez,ts, ef' the Yukon Territory." After his course at Mr. jeckell qualititql os 0 t;ealter in the Northwest 'Territories. to school in Alberta for two years,.and'in 1902 went- to the Yukon ns a teacherin the High Seheel at Dawson. In 1913 he igitered the service of the Federal.Government Dawson and promotion fifilowed pro- motion as neW duties and responsibil- itimq were placed • upon him. In july, 1945, he reached the retirement age for Government servante, sixty-tive .)ears, lint at the request of the Government he continned in office for another year. le recognition yf his 6ervives lie 9415 been honoyed v tilt t he 6- decora t ion of \Order oaf tlie British Empire. Mr. and Mrs, Jeekell have three sons, alt bornrin Dawson. .A116n, the eldest„ 'was a, 1 irutena n t commander 111 -.1 10 R.C.N. itt the recent war, and Boss tind Frank are in responsible Jan:Mids. Mr: Jeckell*.s plans for the future are not .delittite, but he IS expected to "collie out" to British .Coltunbia for the winter. A youinger sister, Miss 'Laura' M. ',Jeckell of EXeter, who is well known as, ft worker in the Presbyterian 1U('1)5 %l Alissionary Society: is at present . at Vancouver visiting anoteher sister who' has been ill. 't 1 Wawanesa Mutual Fire -Insu- rance Co. 50 years in badness, Canada'S largest Fire Ins. Co. Get our rates on Car, and Wind Insurance. Arsuing the lowest in Canada. GORDON jEWELL MR. Goderieli Phone, Callow 21-r-4. 011111111111.I cornflower. Cut sapphires. synthetic sapphires,„and the (Tittle material' are silown in the. galleries .of the Royni. ontitrib Aluseum. The 1144-l4)ration -qf sapphires is'frequently irregular. +, Dif- ferent portions of the same stone show different colors, and sometimes the laydy of what would be a colorless stone shows n sob a stone, 'undesirable as a g,„f. can ne-reffirereir -mina Itte- t-- ing it until.lt becomes- a clear white sapphire. The tone and transparency', of the stone are the most important factors, and provided they are present the verydark shades are not disadvant- ag-es. Sta r.sapphires preSent six -rayed gleams of light when cut to a viand, topped cabochon shape and exposed to direct sunlight or right from any ot - *MC itOOk says — • 4 • • 'There's nothinTbetter than a delicious cake for those snacks and lunches. There's nothing harder to provide • without the best in6redients. Use- 1- King Pastry Fiour and Meike good cake-bakinb easy. , GEORGE'S G1L11.II. Tile regular meeting of St. George's -Church A'11Voinen's Gui NI was held on Tuesday in th'e Guild 1.0010, With 0 ' good a te milt lice. The vic..pro,i(it•iii, Mrs. B. 11. Ffitr:. was m charge ef the ineel uiig Iteports.on.the annual garden p0rty lire read and other matters of nosiness irliscussed A letter of ap- preciation. ,fr(t111 the president, :Mrs. II. B. TiC111)(ol'Ill', Wati read by Mrs. Palmer, . secretary. 'I'114• • ihenioerS are pleased to knOw that .Mrs. Tiehbortte, witolias 'been ill. .is steadily regaining her hpfilth4:-. and, will ne with them it the next meeting. Itev. B. II, Farr gave an , interesting- and instructive talk on , "Church Symnolistns!' The mevting, riosed With pra,Ver 1111(1,- 11fier114,4111 1P11. \V1114,ser:ved by Mrs, Paul Trudell, M rs. T. Glazier And 1.rodds. LEGION SERVICE AT WINGHAM Zone 10 of the Canadian :Legion will hold a drumhead sorvIce at Wiiighana on Stiiiday afternoon, tiekt. After the service at the town pa,r11.- a short ('ere - mon,' will be 1101(1 ,itt: the. Nowt:inn, (4) honor tile tm•mory of those. of both whrs; who go \'0 'their lives for freedoni. This Is the ',first s11(.11 service, formerly held alumally, since` early in the war, and large a t ((11(111nee is• expected. Zone 1'0 includes the Legion, brancheS Wintitam, Goderich, Clinton, SV11.- forth, Henson; Rxeter, TateknoW, IhrWick Kin(ardine, Lis- towel, Ilarriston, I'almerston, Tiverton tincl'I)rakton. For quick results, tise oar Classified ,Advertising Coltthintl. ... 1 . . , . . • . , $ , • , 0 - . a ' Changing World . , . •. Investments , ! , „i2 . • There is no type i4 investment available ' in this country whi.ch, from the standpoint of secur- . ity of princit,al, at- tractive interest yield and rdady . .marketability, can 'compare with DOMINION OF CANADA BONDS ,. 9und management �f reeluires con- . stand up-to-the-minute information about con - :' di tions 'beneath the -surface of the day's financial ' new„s,.. , _ , SUCh information comes from hundreds of sources. • The Dominion Se'Curit„ies Corporation maintains OffiCs in London, Eng„ d New York anin principal cities acros's Canada. Our experienced judgment . is available to ail investors. - - ._ . .... , • , Merely.write or telephone. . , . 110.M.INION SECiniarriEN . • CORPCVMON LIMITED , .. ‘ . . • ESTABILISIIED 1901, , - TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG VANCOUVER NEW YORK LONDON, ENG. • ' , 15 King Street Wet Toronto I . .. , - , Fox's ,Famous:Tree Ripened Peaches Now On Sale at the New Salesroom on No. 7 Highway at Shakespeare A. GRANT: FOX '11 ) fi t • \\ • :4'',