The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-09-05, Page 1es11\,•.
0 .
Prograp. 'Carried Out in
Good Style by Local Great Lakes. , The• services of these
Labor, Unions men should be egiven due recognitron;
also those of the girls who saw that
The LaLibr Day celebration under the the parachutes were safe for the flyers.
aUsnices of the local Trades and Labor 0 The, speaker dadared his belkg.
the Priascipleaof fair 'wage's fin "tht
.*Cotmcil was a line success, and those in men who work and of compeusation for
charge of the arrangements, !may eoti- those Who are injured while at work.
gratulate themeelves on the presenta- One Of the biggest jobs of the war
tion of a program.en
which received was done by the steel
workers and
they should_ receive due consideration.
thuslastic and well -merited approval.
The worker was worthy of his hire.
The official program opened with the There were never better airplanes and
morning parade, which formed at Vic -
other war equipment than were made
toria Park and proceeded to the Sqtiare here in Canada.
by . way of Victoria and Kingston streets. The boys who Went overseas had
It compared well with last year's' seen many lands, but nowhere did they
splendid parade, covering raore than
find anything better than their own
the circle of the Square and Including
home land. As he came along that
many entries that showed the exercise morning from • Toronto the cbuntry
of good taste and hard work.
looked better all the way. There was
A company of mounted men was fol -1 not much reason for ,Canadians to
lowed by the Georgetown Girls' Pipe worry about the future. There was no
Band. Next tame a long line of mem- better country anywhere, and he was
bers of the various _labor unions, in glad that the Goveitranent had made it
turn followed by the Blue Water Band possible for the people of this country
In clown costumes. Then in succession to call themselves Canadians. There
came two huge machines from the Do- should be no French Canada, no East -
minion Road Machinery Co.; a- truck ern or Western Canada -all should be
East -
from the Aberhart garage filled with united in one great family of Can -
children•; two trucks from the Purity adiane and slaouid work together to
Flour mill, one a clever imitation,,of make this the fairest and beat land in
° the mill's , grain elevator; Baxter's' the world, so that the future may -be
Dairy truck with :more- children; the
better than the past.
Sarnia 'Keterans' Bead; decorated The labor -men, the speaker declared,
bicycles; W. A. *11.1cLean, beautifully 'had behind them the gbodvSill of the
decorated car; French Dry Cleaners'
try a-saa„gtoup. -of child -rata insaattriar-' °-4•113-
twinkle hi his' eye he claimed the
„. gated coStume.a; the. Holloway .girl en- farmers had the best lot of all. • „Eggs
tertaieersa and entries representing for bre•akfast ; lots of milk and cream;
Ryan Produce Co., Edward Coal Co., plenty of bacon and other thiags that
Fred Rouse garage, Blackstene'ssfurni- other people found it hard to get.
store, Gamither Transport, J. Mar- Thank God for good farmers!" he
Goderich Fruit Market, W. G.' exclaimed.
Lumby & gen, Reg. McGee's garage,
Young people had a desire to leave
5: Preaett's garage, E. Breckenridge home and go to far places. They
a hardwaie, and the Goderich Fire De-
, Should not be too anxious to get away.
13 -au They 'would never 'find a better place
partment. 'The Goderich "Boys' n
also had a place among these last- than Goclerich. In such places as this
named- entries. `4'• e- were the loveliest things in the world.
Later the prize-winrierS were an- "Thank God fors the victory he has
nounced as follows: Industrial floats, given. us and let us now apply ourselves,
- lst and 3rd, Purity Flour; fl.h, Domin- to the tasks of peace and create here
• ion Road Machinery Co.; .merchants the greatest and . happiest *fellowship
. and trades, Reg. McGee, E. Brecken- of mensthe world ha -a ever known."
ridge, Baxter's Dairy; deeorated cars, .
W. A. McLean-Clie Lowery (French mum...,
-Dry'deaners), Reg, McGee; ealithump-
Jets Blue, Water. Band,. Mese H. AT AGRICULTURAL' PARK
WO. "ate,
AT TIM WATERF ONT EiNearly 1000 Pupils
- at Goderich . Schools
Only two grain cargoes were dis-
tun"- dergarten Trautiferred from
charged at the Goderich elevatOr the
Contestants in Goderich Labor Day Beauty Contest
a • in'ade in pieces like Gotlerich • on the'
Fowler's miceets, Diane McConnell and
• Audrey. Allison; deedated' bicydes, -Headed by "'the •Georgetown Girls'
Stewart •Splan, Tommy Tennant, Jim- PipeBand, a parade .of bands lett the
my and, Martha Jackson. • Square. at 1.30 _o'clock in the a•fternoot.
v Children's 'sports' were heldajir Cotirt
House Park, with winners as fellows:
, • troys' Events
Running riniea 3 years and ander—
lst -John Morris; '2nd, John Sturdy e
3rd, Jimmy _ Scott; 4th, 'Richard Wor-
sell ;' 5th, George Vanston_e.
Four Years and under,-David.Gower,
Gerry Stoddart, Billie :Miller, Bobby
Pablado, David Turnbull. •
Six years and Ander-Cecil Carrick-,
Donald McArther, Gord.on•McCullough,
David Gower, Cha..• Allison.
Eight years and iiriar, two heats. -
John Simpson • Mad Fred Vincent,
, Gordon McCullough and Billy Carrick,
Donald Goddard and Michael Mathews;
Briaa Jackson and Billy Straughati,
Bobby Dockstader and Jerry Wall.
• Ten years and under, two heats -
Donald Siillows and _Bruce McCullough,
• Bobby- Pox and Billy McDonald,
Michael Itobineon ,and `bteorge Me-
. Twelve years and under, two heats -
John Craigie and Ian MacFarlane,
Don Hawthorne and Bobby Gardner,
. Dick Clark and Chas. Kemp, jr.
Fifteen years and under a•-• Barry
Grist, George Ilerris, Donald Haw-
thorne. _
Sack race -Chas. Johnston, John
Hawthorne, Wm. McDonald.
• Rabbit race -David Goddard, Bill
• McDonald, Don Hawthorne.- •
Pickaback race, 14 years and under -
Joe McAdam and., Barry Grist; Den
• Hawthorpe and John Matson ; • David
Goddard and Chas. Johnston.
• _ Girls' Events
Running race, • 3 years and under -
Marlene Leitch, Blanche Allison, Rita
Clark, Mary Hay. -
Four years and under Ada Alli-
son„ Marlene McVittie E talk John-
ston.' Diane McConnell, Aud y Allison.
.S'ix years and under -Laurel Lodge,
Julia Freeth, Lois Crawford, Margaret
Lee, ShirleY Beddard.
Eight years and under -Joan Morris,
Ruth •Clark, Diane Elliott; Nancy
Webster, Isobel Moore.
Ten. years and under - Leona
Schmidt, Sylyia Robinson and Margaret
Power tied. • .
Twelve yearS find under - Ruth
BowOusejaorothy aleCabe, Joan White.
Fifteen years and under -Gladys Mc-
Lean, Joan White, Betty Taylor.
• Handkerchief race a- Joint. White,
Betty Taylor, Gladys' McLean.
• Nose and toe race. Jefili 'White,
Gladys McLean, 'Cynthia Young. •
Shoe race, 10 mid Wider,- Joan
white, .Joan Fitzpatrick, Bers•1 Free-
— •
,After the parade on Monday morning
I. the Rev. Sidtey E. Lambert, padre
Of the Christie Street Hospital, Tor-
i'ano, addressed the gatheAng from the
° 'bandstand in yourt House Park.
Recoiling a previous visit to Gode-
- ride • under Legion auspiees, he ex-
pressed pleasure in being again in this
town. While he knew the "old fellows"
were expected in Legion affairs to give
way to the boys who fought in the
last war, he made a point for the
" veterans of. 1914-18 by jocularly re-.
marking that it didn't take as, long
for _them to heat the Gernians' as It
did* the fighters it the •later war.
While, .he said, •there wee greet ap-
'preeiatien of the men Who faced the
• enemy, tribute Must he paid also to
" the met, particularly the Older Men,
who worked to provide the guns arld
ammunition and other supplle,s neees.
s'ary for the armies on° the battleaeld,
and the corvettes and minesweepers
• ' Victoria, gehgoit to ,
past ,s,veek. --The •-8tarbilek all Friday
- , 3Parish Hall-
Irrought 107,000 bus. barlesa and rye,, .
School dits•s are here againl .. .T.he
and the Superior arrived the seine day'
_with -141,00U buss -o,ats, barley eud rye.
carefree holidays tire over forahnladreda.
front Toledo with .5900 tons of coal for
The -G. G. Poste arrived sin Suaday.
students ' who went baell to sohoot ort
of DOW: school children and Colleffiate
Tuesday " after the summer vaeatiO '
The little girl and boy beginner's We' nt •
with • a epecial,.ajr a importance into
a. new world of wonder, beribboned*
And snick and span, mOst., Of the, in,
new clothes for the big occasion. SWAG
older boys were seen to lag a little, -
perhaps thinking of the"banpy days ata
the old swimmin' hole. The girls for
the most part seemed pleased with the
'school opening; and most of the pupils
of high school ,age looked forward to
cenquering new fields of knowledge.
Principal A. R. Se'Ott gave the total
registration at the Collegiate Institute
as 290. The classes, 'Mr. Scott said;
ttrIaldbuugthede.ot extremely large, are all well
filled and the students evenly dia.:-
• The five Mises under contract to bring
in the pupils from the areas included
in the •Goderich thigh school district
brd'ugla 125 pupils. The accommoda-
tion at present is adequate, and two ad-
ditional teachers are on the staff, which,
is composea of the followings; A.s_Tit.
itie4t4-7a-priftata.*-11—res------ —
teaeher (ifaaglisli and history; Mise
Evelyn MacNaughton, junior mathes--,
pieties; Canifilian histery aiad art; Miss a
M. Powell, French; 'Mr. G. E: Payne,
senior ecietce and mathematics ; Miss
. •
• e sa " . , -Signal-Star Photo
Much interest was shown in the beauty contest in connection with the Labor, _AIL eel:Oration. in
Goderich ea .Uondaz -----,kierf'-7i,H4,..shomr-7t.1rn,tsix-7.erttor.trts,-. all :frolic -Glidiria.-- ' 'Fri -4n al ef t '"""t o t igliT—TfieY"-
:-: '-'----`-iffe7.:-.:3Atin ROliena - Giant' ; Airs. Maude Preemen. winner of second prize; Aliss Nerah Willis, Who phiced "
first ; Miss Rata Ilartneye Who 'mon third -Maize ; Miss Carole Torr; M iss• Helen Wilson. " "
. •
Seventeen -year-old Norah ,Willis,•
daughter of Mt. and Alts. McD. Willis,
52 'Britannia road, towh, Was crowned
"Miss Huron of lair' in the' beauty
contest for Huron •06unty girls -staged
ill connection with the Labor Day cele-
bration t Agricultural Park on Mon-
Mrs. Maude Freeman won second
prize and Miss Reta Hartney third
prize.. There were six Contestants, all
from Goderich."• The other -entries
were: Miss Helens Wilson Mise Carrane
Torr and Miss Rebena Grant. The.
judges were L. E. CalaTiff, M.P., for
North •Huron ; R. E. Shaddick,Werden
of -Huron CoantyS jacksani of The
for Agrieuktura1. park to launch the T. Eaton Co., Toronto. •
afternoon program.
! Entries for the contest were received
right ap, until a short period ,before
the contest .was staged. The George-
town Girls' Pipe Band led the contest-
ants to a the grand stand where the
judging took place. .
Master of ceremonies at the Park
was Arthur T. Keating, ehairman of
the Labor Day celebration. The George-
town ,pipere, the Gbderieh. Bine' Water
Band and' the Sarnia Veterans' ,Band Mrs.' Cardiff, wife of • the meinber of
took part in a grand march past, preced- Parliament for Nbrth Htiron, presented
ing the afternoon's program,. which in- the trophy "cup, a- bouquet of flowers
dialed exhibitions, of daneing, acrobatic and the cash Of $50 to Miss Willis,
tricks, and _music by the -Holloway winner of the Contest. Mrs. Freeman
troupe. of, London. received_ the second prise of $50 and
During theafternoOn the Goderich miss /Marley 25.
Blue Water Baud,' dressed as clowns, - a•!few Words before the "mike,"
burlesqued through the entire program Miss Willis stated: "I consider myself
and provided a never-ending source of very lucky and am very. happy to win
fun- and amusement which caught' the the_ contest."
fancy of the crowd. • Two of the stem- A veteran Of World War I, McCeeel-
hers, "Jesse" James and Jack HeckinS, madonna -like „face WAIS br011ght from
ton Densmore',Willis, father 'of, Mag.
"gorgeously •_ --attired" .aa bathing Italy on the death ef lwr mother by
Willis, is at present in Westminster
beauties, even entered the beauty con- her - father, Edward Johnston (now
Military Hospital, Loadon, seriously ill
test, but failed to qualify in the prize Manager of New .York's Metrobolitan
with. heart trouble: • Mr. and Mrs.
opera lionse) and placed in the Tor -
Winner of the tug-of-war contest was
Willis have lived in Goderich for the onto Boarding. ,see0OL
past thirty years, the former being a
the Goderich team made up of mem- native of 'Ashfield township. The
bers of the Goderich fire department, SHRINERS ON `SOUTHAIVIERICAN'
mothersis a native of England. l'S'orah
With' Chief George Beacom as captain The passenger steamer South Ameri--
Willis attended Victoria and Central
and C. Bissett as coach. The members can arrived Monday shortly • before
were: "Punch" Culbert; F. Overholt, E. public schools .in Goderich and mall noon with 460 passengers, of whom
iiierholt, W. Johnston, • 11 it I. recently was. in emplayee•of Holeproof about 300 were Shriners and their
Hosiery Company, Goderich. There
Leddy and G. Mumby. Since the Oode- ladies fronc Cleveland end Youngstown,
are five ehildren in all in the family.
rich team . was the only one which Ghio. With their' picturesque ceps' the,
Mrs. Willis stated it WaS She WhO urged Shi•ipers attracted much attention on
the streets. though somewhat 'over-
shedowed by the Labor Day celebra-
tion. On West street they eaptured
the Holloway group- of entertainers,
who piped and danced for theta in tIT
middle of the -street :tad in turn were
showered with silver -and at least one
pieee of coIding money -by the Shriners
and other spectators in the group. The
Al 'Koran folks took, quite a fancy to
Gaiderieh and vowed to come back next
year in greater numbers and Pitt on a
real show. The South Ameriedn was
in port here about threeThours.
Huron County Council at a special
meeting, Wednesday night passed the
third 'reading (If the bylaw ,authorizing
the . sale of $250,000 of debentures at
13/4 • per cent. for five years fora the _
erection of a tiew court house to replace
the present structure. 'The bylaW pro-
vides the -retiring- 01 50,000 each year.
The third readingwaspassed on the
folloaving divisien:
Yeas -Alexander, Amy, Artustrong,
Beecroft, Berry, Cousins, Daly, Evans,
Farrish, .Ginn, Haugh. Machina Nichol -
•sone Pepper„..Shaddick, Smyth, Tuckey,
Wheeler, • Winter, Woods -2D.
Nays -Nott; Turner, MacEwat, Retz,
Bainton, -Dortance, Johnston, Watson
1t. is interesting to know that Miss
Ann 1Vurtele of, town and Mrs. Geoege
Drew, who acceMpanied her husband,
the Prettify'', of Ontario, on hi's visit to
Goderich last week, were ,Schoolmates
together at Bishop Straehan School in
Toronto a number of yeare, ago. ;Miss
Wurtele states that •Mrs. Drew %vas a
sweet, shs• little spealigpg
more fluently thawaegliaie tq;ahesinter-
eet and delight -Of her s'ehablfellows
the Purity Flour
- The 4sitadoc is unloading ta earn of
206,000 bps. of wheat at the Purity
Flour elevator. ,
The Simerier is 'expected tonight at
the Goderich elevator. ,
The harbor has been frequented the
past week by a number of seaplanes.
One of these took on gasoline here WI
Friday and left for Tobermory !et the
head of the Bruce peninsula about 11
a.m. After a. stay there •of -wale dur-
ation the 'plane was back her 6 a little
after 3 o'clock'in the afternoon. - .
- A former pastor of Victoria street
United (then Methodist) church,. Rev.
W. H. Graham, Dal, and Mrs. Graham,
celebrated the fiftieth annis4rsary of
their marriage on Mouday at their
hoine at Stoney Creek, near Hamilton.
Dr. Graham's pas-toial tents code -
rich was. about _forty •yearS ago. Mrs.
Graham has a stilt earlier cenneeta.
with 'Go -de -ride .tiesahe '-iirthilaadaugliter
of the late- Rev. •T: M. Campbell; who
was the paetor of North street. Metho-
dist church in the 80's. „.- .•
Dr. and Mrs. Grahani. have five sur-
viving children.: Gertrude, wife of Prof.
Harold Freeman of AlcMaster Uni- AI, Sunbert, (•ounnercial; Mrs. Tett-
, . . - Daniel Freeman. teacher in the London
versity, Hamilton; M 'f'
.k‘' W. Walkom, shop
. argaret, wi e of mar (formerly Miss Gardner); home .
Mr. and 'Airs: David MeGratten, .South 'Collegiate ; Alurray, on -the staff work; Miss D. ...Honeywell, Latin and
anCient history ; Air. A. M. ,Chapmans
E'esex street, returned on Saturday 11,,t1st (1:fella(1).111)(nt.(illeCoilifaerugilaitteo,nT(piru(it (amp;l°os-
litn, jupnor Englieh; Mr. J. W. Apter,,
agdricitahre; Miss E. Lewis, girls' P.T,
front a month's trip to Western Canasta.
staff ; Robert, a doctor, recently re-
turned from 'service oversea. toss' .T. arid geography.
Mrs. McGratten's sister, Mrs. J. • •
Thomas, and 'saw the bits sugar factory
At Pieture Butte, Alberta, they visited
........_-. . .
. sehool, Mrs Scott addressed the .students
inathe assembly room,. after which all
\vent to the various grades te reeeiye
. Inunecliatel.y after the oPenink of •
there, but were aSsured that the people•. • e
' • instructions as to text books add sup- . •
G'oderich people do. At -Tisdale, SmI.,
Injured on Blue' Water Road ' , . 'Victeria, School '
. •
Car Wrecked, ° and . Fong' P,assengers plies.
they were at•the home of Air. AlcGrat-
a careowneal• and driven by Howard l'ictoria'Kehool had a registration Of
ten's brother Will, now deceased, where
Ills:there 1604 Richmond ave.. Lincoln :130. ap, increase. of abouafifteen. This
his son,' Hansey, haa three quartet- r ra 1:k.
Mich is wrecked beyond, ree, number does • not include .the kinder-
sectiOns, nearly fill in wheat. The
pair. last Sundea, when it skidded on garten this s•ear, as its enr011ment will •
crops were being It•arvested with the
combine and the_ yields were good." " 11) \\
-ran The lower, grades are'very iinieli :filled ;
let pevement two &tiles north of be included with that of Central SchooLe•.• _
4:outing on to Mtinitoba. the Goderich i'1;11:1,0.`,..1.,-11::
ditch, Whete it _rolled over •up, Priccipal AL J. finder...0:1dd. The- '.
touriSts were. -at the /Wk.!' town of .1 :1*:::1:•:•:•1-1;i'iti111:1.1g:11- NV°' 21'
. . seem fermerly use as the kinder -
111. .
Durban,- in the SWA111- River Valley, ,
, The iwcupants, 'of the car 11r ( • - ••
gat a n Will he !used for a grade.
E. Harris lives,
wre Airs. 'AloGratten'e sister,. Airs.
'111( reert. his wife and IWO daughterSe Prinsapal Snider will teaeh grade
:.-ind where Mr. aild ';:i.)•;ietilitus%ly es.caped serious- i'llill-rYi VIII; Alis Gertrade• Sturdy, oTadez.
'Mrs, alcGrittnin thenatelves lived for
N Were returning home alter.cele-VII: Mr. H. Jackman, grade VI; Miss
eight years. The erops there were the 'Iaot.ating
Mr. end MrsalYtherts• twenty- I,. Iteldneon, grade V; Miss F. Sturdy,
best they saw in their travels and ! :"..
it4t• " i first wedding :0111iversary with friends esrede IV; Aliss Y 1 '
• erten, gra( eJII; Miss
nearly_ all _were cut when% th4
I tettger, grade II; Missa1likiredeanders
August 23rd.
fit Winnipeg -11;Q' : Iii1Kfri•licIaLdsill)11•(;:t suffered . a compound" soli. grade 'I, and Aliss Ivy ,Austin, of
ran into a Shriners' perade. There,
On • their arrival
ita ! and portunity class." •
fire.tcture ef his arm ; his wife. cracked ' Winglinin, will have charge' of 'the "op -
!were sixty bands and :1 perade miles in , ih,e: their doughten,, _ ,.,s4.,
Central School ,
-length, with every imeginable color. ,' 1,:i.s
" 11 11 suffered fr 111 :heel- T1 ' ' ' Staff anti p.11PtiN of _C.entral Saha I
Tile big show 1vas in behelf of a new \`•\.1eur':-`"1'.(.,' ll'Iao'veer;1".11(111ns1;:::.
tt.iti:;11:111:1.:11:11(s'e1) 12(1) weaselled back the,principal. Mr II 1,11
,Shrinere' liespilal for srippledehildren • ' ' ' ' • 0 • `• --1( 3 .
•Alexandra Ilespittils and" later in the azhfickleten after an 11) . 1 . o: .OP°r.
at Winnibeas Mr..end Airs. AleGratten
a ftesneen friends from LincoIE-Pfirk . yeers (luring Wbich Ite was serving in
, ,
who urged her to (10 so on all possible 1i1;ieeltittulajlnlg0 A,'ellia. 4 1111(11e(lIt11.1 ITS7111(t11W1 11SeigT1/1:‘, arrived, te take them to their home in Ow It.c..1.10.,in Canada; .Miss.G. Mc -
of the teachers. Little Fiorenza John -
occasions, often to the embarrassment and some very leng bridges.
former Nile "boys" . called on them ' •Nii(.14 ig'''''
......__ . i 1) 11 acting principal lest yeer, will
ston with • the seft-speaking .voice and teem-. Ed, alackinee afid William
there did not get any more sugar than
enteredthecontest a pick-up team was her daughter ' to „enter the contest.
Pitted against them, but they failed to Asked how she felt about winning, Miss
output' the IreftY' firemen. As a finale -wiles saha "happy .and . proud." As.
the Blue Water Band clowns, just to to what she will do with her prize
money. she said. "I hope to buy some
new elothea." The bompiet of roses
presented to Miss WilliS were sent -by
her the next day to her father.
show • that they could pulras well as, put to relate the ,champion
fire department team, but admitted•they
outnumbered the latter considerhbly.
Miss Jeanette Argyle of Goderich won
the $5 prize for discovering the
"Mysterious_ Man," who proved to, be ,
Bandmaster J. E.* Hudgins. •
• Reg. McGee was the starter for the
running raees. In these R. Stoddart
and Alvin McGee tied .for 'first place.
Miss Elaine Lamb placed alert and the
- The day was filled with imisic, to
which four bands. contributed: •the
Sanaa Veteriats' Band, the George-
town Girls' Pipe Band, and (Mr .011-11
two organizations. the Boys' Band and
following in order: R. Johnston, Eric
. the Blue Water Rand, the • members of
Harrison, G. Johnston.
The hurdle. juariping provided both
thrills and 'spills. Alvin McGee placed
first, Ira Oke second, while it a jump
for third plaCe Miss Elaine -Lamb was
the winner. During the jumping for
third,place 'Ray Stoddart fell from his
horse on the last barrier ling for it
time it ,wagfeared. he was badly hurt,
but he recovered somewhat shortly
Four teams took part in, the softball
tournament. ,Goderich won a 3-1 de-
cision over 1Vingham•111 the first game,
be, SO that Spectatims on
while the Kincardine tenurasssalked "Pr it1111Y
either side may readily see whose
away with et 18-1 decision over the•
Nary it is,
the las t- n ape d d isguised in down
costumes. We are not saying which
was".the best -they were all goods but
the group that.seented perticularly_ to
catch the •public fancy was the 'Pipe
band of sixtecmgirle froth Georgetown.
They were fine-looking, well-frained
gh•1s. and Georgetown Should In' proud
to, iinve such an organization..
a Persona making entries in the parade
should 1)0 ca'reful to have the name of
the entrant db.:played distinctle on
both sides of the float or (sir or •what -
Legion team of Goderich in the second
game. The final game,' between' the
two winners, was Dostponed until early-
vening, when the Kineardine team de-
feated Goderich9 to 8. Despite the
fact that Goderich led 7 to 1 in the
afth innings, Klaca.rdine put on rallies
evening, when the Kincardine team de -
overcome the Goderich lead and go
on to win. --
The score" by innings:
Goderich • • 220 100,-8
Kincardine • 001 003 500-9
° At the evening program JIM Barry
was master of ceremonies". The .bands
B. R. Mundny's loud speaker and
entitle address 'syStem WM; 111. US('
throughout the day and go feairst-class
service. It worked to perfection.
.The celebration 001111011 tee is already
making plans for next year's celebra-
tioa and nre bound .to melte it bigger
mid better then ever.. Go to it, hoys!
You're doing (Inc.
The ladies of the Sunshine Club and
Alien. husbands -met at the home of
from Georgettnen, Sarnia and Goderich Mrs. George 'McLeod on Wednesday
provided a program of music which was of 'last week,the•speeial object of the
mueh enjoyed, while the Holloway gathering 'wing a Pre,sentation to Mrs.
troupe delighted With a program of R. E. I hrner. • Cards were enjoyed,
daneing and music. 'winners of the he first priw ging to Mrs. Anstlas• and
gate prizes were announced. the consolation to Mrs. Grigg. A niee
_ lunch was served. after whieb Mrs,
INJURED BY FALL • Turner Was called to the living -room,
Mr. DaNdil Stoddart, Britannia road; where Mrs. Dime read an address and
Is in Alexandra Hospital suffering with Mrs. Shields made the presentation.
a fractured nose (did laceration of the The evehing came .to a ,elose with all
elfin, reeeived when he slipped and fell attahing Air. 'and Mrs. Turner
down the stairs at his4, home last fit:bless in their new home atdaStrat-
Mony. • ,
- teach grade VII; 31 Os PhalliMiddle-
EN0AGE3IENTS",ANNOUNCED , len. Go(1erief) towns -hip. grade VI: Airas
'Gordon. The travellers 11)) 111 arrived'
Mr. and Mrs. Sem AlcNall, of Gude- ,L. Therm -10e, grade 11; Aliss E. Mates
hones afteren great trip in. time 10e•
eich n
tewehip., at nneunce the engage- . Donald and Mr. Z. formerly of '
1:lenr e
t ef theilder daug-hter. Elaihe the, Vietorat School staff, graidea, III
*GcA)(11(1:rsi.cA11.1(...24,11r)fitgit.(1.1sYsi(s0tIerM:1“1111(Id'1111i• lin s- '("e.;0•),. 1„ 11„(1).1.14.1 ae.1,,,..
IohntonInd II respectiveland Aiii..
band, 31 r, and Airs.- Burrell 11011(11 of
soger NI/11 of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest • l'ideete '' grade I. • Enrollment at
.s, :y. ts.-s
LillekIlOW, Went West 'With 11)481 1(11(1
Johnston, 0 .0410 rich 1. aviiship. , Tin! cell 11':) 1 is 224. "
are remaining 1) -wrinteblene-er, es Mr. .' , ,.
ANPO011Tg; Will take place the latter peal Kindergarten at. Parish Hall . .
Roach is not hi very geed health and
• The kinderg-artii, with Miss E. Hume' .
\vas finding' himself g'111'111rg t'""t the'''. 'lf.11 r" end 'dr,' Thus 4'111,1001m Gude- in eleirge, lots lwen placed in St.
\r‘eiet(i)iaesslei(1(%truNIN(..10(111dis)1.0 111,S1111.'it's\•1:.11111(':nlitli`n,Pli1,1).,1: --of lie•ir feurth 11a -tighter. )ladeline • (:reisalieg et Victoria School. The en-
ema they hope that le!
11111 r'''''r" fullY rah. .e, ish. 1.e ant:mm.4:e. t he engekeinen t ; George's Parish Ilell a) relieve over-
''' ' kel S• 1 1. to Thos. Walker Kevin k, May rollinent 'was: itS, one mere than last
•ia'au fur 01"4'1 1 wentY'll''''' Ye"r'• . ' ...en ef )1r. end alrs. 'flies. Kovielt. yenr. Mrs. I,.• II. Turner hes 1)('-'0'n
' SIIEARI)OWN-ItL003IFIELD : ilili?,:.:::::::.:,1):,.ti.:1(kr.z„.
1,,11;t1).):sr.:1 1111,,r:t1:,),y.., morning. bleckbeards. bulletin boards. 'cupboards
Doren. Miele, the inar- 'engaged to assist miss Hume. New
The merriage was selentnized in .the
chin•cle, and clothes raeks ha ve been ins ta Ide,ti•
United chureh pftrsonege. Heliburton, , „
, , :1 1)(1 a •WashroOM fitted Up. trane.form-
on Monday, August 20, ef Viela Mae. 1"(11).1,1,l.Citt.y. i;:iiiott. Kewee easees 14, , hig. thi,
11;1 It into 0, mod(*.rn kinder -
daughter .of 11-rn. Bloomfield end the
hue arra wee Bemaateet es Getteric,h, Numeracy the eagagement of 1101' 1101101- go lapse The children ((1) the south side
to John -.Earl 8hetirdowit, 5.`011 of 311'., ter. !sully', to Frank (sad,. sen el )1r, If the town are askines the lenger walk
and Mrs. J. Sheardown of Goderich. ' 1,).„1"1, "‘;1',''''
l'he ina mange e HI tale! rush is nvoided by dismissing the morn -
()liver ceol,, Breck street, • in their stride and the midday traffic
Tne ceremony was perfermed la- Rev. i ","`"'"'''' , r , ,
pees! (e•teeer otn. ' ing class., at 1130 (i'eloek. •
Gordon 4'. Smyth. rrie couple were , ‘,
St. Peter's School
II./.11(1,1.,A11141,;:-‘3‘...111r111(20s8k111.rIiirr: A Ul'orir 11'111111 s111-111:':: :11(;11114()';;111(:•re. '(lif)::1)/1:1":g1;t1(-:!- Tett, beginners are enrelled at ila
,, -. . 1))) 1)1 If their 11 )1)t.1)1( 1) 1)11411 Jelin, Peter's' School. where 72 pupils 'are
--a— - , , la ev„stere ;sal ass sen of \1x.:led Mrs. registered. All gredes in the • two-
Iteg. Alc(;(4.. (iojeri)h. the 61;irriago ,roomed school are well filled.
GrIFTS FOR BRIDE FI gaga, was tile scene of a W( (1(1 re- '
St. Stephen'e Anglican church, Cal- to take place early in September. •, 4----
,, . f SI-10WING 0.F„RELIGIOUS ' .
l'elrs. Agates Whitely 111(1 Miss aVille (41)111when Alargaret Ruth laavidson, . t,11 Thoratos eNonitit.t. Inst a (,,,iiisieh ,' FILM `.`T E KING., OF KINGS'?
i'Aits 1).t All'AGED IN (011.11.11SION
'James were hostesses at a shower given daughter of AIrs. I,. Datidson, of Tors'
in honor .of .Miss Evelyn I)onahlson, oseto„and „the late Capt. Hugh David- eccurisa1. al the chrlier "r,Iiritanilia !
.A'rrangenients have been; made for
W110 lenves shortly. to be married in son, ef Toronto: formerls- of Goderich,
ing picture. e•The Kites ef Kings.''. oft
neal and Wilson
'Irv.' I'lw"11- 1t14") :. the :thawing of -the great 11(qiginti'‘' tilik-
England. 11 was held on -.Friday evens -As- mirth -ft t -o Ingigles jarnek Floyd; .,
41I;;.(41ITiii(g.)wlifilii711 C1,1f11,d14,-)11C•riiiN...c:Thill(str.ree''111.rel
the 1)')') 11')' reem -ef. Knox chureh ON
ing it the home of ,Alr. anrd Airs, J. Of 41filtraey. The efficiating (1( 1,,1 ‘‘.,,,,,.,1‘,:,01.1)::: ‘,.\....:1e1 1,),r, ()i, L,,i1(1,,,,. mr.
sumno- (1 11111t. Sf`pterfiller 1 5ilt. a
A. Seider. Essex street, which wns ap-' WnS I11,1".. Mr. A1M1docks. After e 11 14) decorated for the occasion. yeption at 'the 1111115 sky, Hoene the
The brialasao-be 'Walters an, coining enst en 'Brit:11)8in
, 1 811) P110 Fea ;111,1 driVoll
41 (i.011,0k. For t la! pre sen ta tion of '
ninny 1,1 gifts. . During the evening to Banff, Albesrat, and planned 1)) 1) 4 '.4 0 1.
a dainty hutch was sen.ed.
IVAIS the reeilUellt of bridal couple left fax a wedding arip 1. e 1 . 1 41 Arr. 111112.11:1111 gning, .i.l.„..t on (1,111111`;11,T1r1,1,1,1(„1111111'y. 111101,INt111111101(11:111tg:Kpiii,o•ti, i(;71urrn(ai; .
to calk:try to live. . . itrwit1111:1 Ina (le a len' leitel turn (11,1 11 in hp 11,4,11. It i, under„tot ti tinit mt.
1" \\ 11 1! ''' r"t• I1"10 rill's "'Pr)? shoWitlf.; 11 ill take :ippr.,xinlettelY-- (-)11.-;
' 11;mm:zed rote.idert1 1,13* 'ate 11 11141 was ,
, 1110/11 (Pr 0111'.: 11 1111 br111,40...
111 1,011 te .Sleeendra 11 1)1111 fer treat- ::;,:iii:'1."11::,'!lifti viht';‘,411.'41,1 se:1:11netn11)1111111aiI1. t'ilir1 re
- --- ' _ _ splendid ph.ture.
TilW4 IVIEA,T1111111::f,t ,vt.(,0k. it) .1.11g,,wilieir NA ill be held :11 Knox church
. This is the first ef 0 series .01 meet-
, . Temper:nerve-sof 1.1.!
(luring the eetning winter inetiths.
Goderich, with tilos,. ef the eorrespend- i
• . _. ,... __see
ingweek were r . a yeeego, es officially '
-.0 19,11 ' 1: CLOTHES AN.11P MONEY GONE
, Malx9.:13 lin. Mnx. :Min. i
seelirs.„slig. 2!) ....ut 4S . 78 _.(10 , , Clfill only in his aniderwea Thomas
Fri.. Aug. 30 69 -47 - 83 63 Ress. of Hamiltan and Toronto Weillt gil
Sot., Alig. :11 79 5a -, 85 .(a, into the farm hdine of Harry Faber
„ Soo:, Sept. 1 74 5.3 . 78 65 , wee mile eenth ef Ilene:ill: late Thum
Alone Sept. 2 66 ., .47 66 , 61 ' dey night. ti) t(!naa sl'ory of going with
Tees., Sept. 3 63 48 72 48 18•0 neat into a Kitchener beverege ,
- .
Wed., Sept. 4 I 0, ,11, ,a 52 room, end then of waking up not f,asl
__freni Mr. Faber's farm, with eiidencen •
. . .
WATCH FOR TIIIS!' . ' osf rough trentment.
Goderich has had several snecessful Bess, wh(1! is a navy veteran .;tha'
"big „days" this year, but irliresent alalin : forty years of age, tom Pre-
„.1n1f1115 work ont what may proi‘e the vineialepol iee he vvne hitchliiiiitig from -
biggest of ali--- in fart. sq.Veral days of Toronto to Owen Sound and hail got
it is still to e0180.-% The proepeetive es 'far as Aeton when he met the IWO
dates are in the week after next. atid, 111041 in, a ear. wilb .gave him a lift.'
If proper nrraugementa e11 II he ll'ili” [After gating, into tlw beverage room at
through an -announcement will be made 'i Kitchener he remembered liotbina' raor
next week. o
. 11/1111 be eaine to, with . meet of big
e elotheasandea walle.t. tonktiiiinc; .$.200
A.dvertisementa, of Goderich mercit- ill IRMilg. ,
ants in mile Signal -Star keep yoli-in- Ilesaid he h0ne:0'41 he had ken
formed 6f desirable merchandise in "slugged and stranp,led." Provincliat.,
.stoeit.'" ,
polict are investigating..
-L-Signal-star Photo
• Outfitted in a variety of lramorous m1i4,1111e8, the Blue Wtiter
IlaniT of OodPrieli st11,..,..ed a eentintions round of 'mirth and luirlempie
to delight the large attendanee at' the tabor Day eelellsketion' in 0(ide-
rich 011 Monday. 1(n addition to pleasing With sprendid 181181e, the'
members of iv band IltimOnstratod they • eoldd be good clowns, too,
when the occasion etilled for it: ,