HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-08-29, Page 10THE `GI 1 I NAIp 'AR ST,. GE WILE'S CHURCF1_ RADON D.A1: SUN11D A1. . ^�IflQDLY CO: NI!.,NION. SQ'IUIW)L. For Results - A Classified Ad U.00 am. HOLY COMMI'NION AND SERMON. `i.4) --I yII:NING, PRA. lls The Members of 'the Trades and Labor Unions will attend the evening ser% lee. `} REV. BEVERLY II -L I1r AIi : 11 . A., Lth., RECTOR,. MRS. E. 'tDI ;ESOP, Organist and Choir Leader. • North St. United Church Sunday School 10 a.iin. Primary Department 11 a.m. &1 a.nn..,"`WHAT ARE YOY' GOING. TO TDO WRTI M1L W0RI.I." 7 p.m. NO EVENING SERVICE. Organise -and Choir Leader-.. - Mrs. Murray Hetherington,' A.T.C.M. A. SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS YOU Knox Presbyterian Church 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. _ ' 11 a.m. JUNIOR CONGREGATION. 11 a.m. — PUBLIC WORSHIP. — '7 p.'*. THE MINISTER AT BOTH SERVICES MINISTER—REA`EREN'D RICHARD STEWART Director of Praise—Mrs. W, F. Saunders Organist—Miss Mary J. Strachan Come and . Worship 'the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. .l Goderich Baptist ' Church REV. JOSRPII`JANES, .M: ; _PA'STOR-- _ '.\ Vlrs: Ella T: Doltialdbbit, ALCM.; Organist 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. COMMUNION SERVICE. p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Rev. Joseph .lanes will conduct the Services. Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer Service. "You Need the Church, The Church Needs You." COME AND WORSHIP. • Victoria St. United, Church MINISTER 'REV. LAWRENCE H. TURNERY B.A. ORGANIST --MISS BARBARA CUTT The Minister, Rev. Lawrence H. Turner will be back in his pulpit. 10.00 a.m. SABBATH SCHOOL. • -.11.00 a.m. Ilya Ehrenburg's Occupation--"1SPIRITUAL BABIES." ° LABOR ,DAY MESSAGE. 7:00 p.m. THE MINISTER. UNION 9A5 a.m. VICTORIA WELCOMES SUMMER GUESTS. BE'T'HEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) REV; J. A. PEARSON, Pastor. 10 a.mr SNDAY SCHOOL. it a.m. COMMUNION SERe'ICE. • 7.30 p.m. OLD FASHIONED GOSPEL MEETING. Tuesday 8 p.m'. Young People's. Friday 2 p.m. Children's Meeting. Friday 8 p.m... Prayer Meeting. A hearty welcome awaits you at Bethel. COME AND WORSHIP WITH .US Free Methodist Church REV. R. C. McCALLUM, Pastor. Cor. Victoria and 'Park Sts. 10' a.m. SUNDAY 'SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "RESPONSIBILITY." 7 'p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. A rare opportunity will be given to the people of Goderich. to _ hear the most unusual speakers in the -most unusual religious event ever to come to Goderich. WATCH FOR SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. MIL Thos. Koviak PAINTING AND i EOORATING Interior #nd Exterior (R.R. 3, Goderich) 2Ltf Thrifty people react the classified ads of The Signal -Star. It pays. Slendor Tablets are effective. Two weeks' supply 01; 12 weeks Via, at Campbell's and Emerson's Drug Stores. 31.5 St. George's Church Wonieu'S Guild wilt- meet Tuesday, September 3, at 3 p.In., in the .Guild room. - 1 Irurt't scratch- t'se 1.'1.111LA(. • for any itching skin condition. 1'1;a11L-C, the new speedy. remedy, will clear up athlete's foot, poison ivy, burniu& feet, itch, or any itc,hitig shin condition, re= gardless of severity or duration, or we will refund your motley. At your druggist's. 32-7 A -tag day will be held by the Com- inunity Nursing Registry on Saturday of this week. Miss Winnifred O'Neil, Clinton, phone 75J, will be in tauderic:.h during June, July and August., ' • 22tf. • FOr smartly printed letterbeads, bill- heads and eovelopes, see The (a;odierie .t Siguai-Star. We handle,every printing need, Let us quote on: 'your require- ments today. Lloyd's•Corn and Callous Salve. gives immediate relief from corns and cal- louses. 50c at .Campbell's and "Einer- The regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Thursday, September 5, at 9 3 p.m. The district president will speak and .members are urged to be 'present. -35 sou's Drug ,Stores. 31-5 Wedding stationery of distinction may -be obtained promptly at The Gode- rich Signal -Star. Fast, sure relief for constipation, biliousness, ,indigestion, . with Kipp's Herb Tablets. A safe, helpful tonic EOR Slat, (SUR SALE:. -- PEACHES FROM • Labor Day through September. Bring your containers. VANCE BROS., Lake .ttoa(l, Forest: Phone 611-14 X35-7 ASTHMA SUFFERERS. — ENJOY a good night's sleep, without cough- ing, clinking, the (same .as others are doing. FREE offer. Write 1?. • ]G. 11()WEY, 144 Catharine South, Ilaniil- f ton. 28tf 1 FOit SALE. WHIPPET COACH, good running condition. Phone 981-J. 33-6x FOR SALE. --BUILDING LOT. FOR sale. In good location. ,,4P1ione 953M, Goderich. ,r F9R SALE.—FUJI ACE BLOWER and Motor,. on Stand; wood -turning .lathe, --1-0" _ swing. (' G, E. 'HOLMES, 'Church street. 35x FOR SALE.—RED BRICK HOUSE, seven rooms.; all conveniences, also sun -room, hot-water heating system. Corner lot. Location good for summer home. Immediate possession of four rooms. Private entrance. 24 William street. 32tf FOR SALE. — 100 PUREBRED Sussex hens, •one_ye€t,r old. "Phone Carlow 167. MRS. AARON. FISHER, Jr., R.R.-2, Clinton. NOW AVAILABLE.—THE FAMOUS Singer Buttonhole attachment ; also a -few electric " cabinet machines. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 On - laxative. 25c and 75c sizes at Canip- tario street, Stratford. 30tf bell's and all druggists. 31-5 Don't suffer with eczema or impetigo FOR SALE. — NEW SIX -ROOM —use "Kleerex" for immediate relief. frame house, all modern conven- 50c—$1.00' (medium andirong) at iences; terms cash. Apply BOX 39, all druggists. ..m 'i 3 =5 , SIGNAL -STAR. -35 How is your supply of counter ck . books? The Goderich Signal Star is FOR, SALE.—GLADIOLI 75c PER local agent for Appleford Japer Pro- colors; ro dozen, gorgeous blooms In niultr- -� ducts Ltd., Hamilton,- and can quote colors ; also sweet peas and other you attractive prices on these. • seasonal flowers. Call or phone MRS. Hygienic supplies (rubber goods), L. R. HOLMAN, Cameron street, phone mailed postpaid in plain, sealed -I 7 2, • 32tf. elope•with price list. •- Sri s ples� - - _ . _ 2 2 a.,_. -2 °, OR S. LE. -19.7 CHi±;�'. SEDAfiT ..5c, �4 bam les , . 1•.00. - 11aaL . (.lxder..Fi .. _., ..._. ,. , ' �. 5 p CO..,airly good' condition;, three motor - Dept. e-53, NUV=I3UBBi:.R. CSOBox 91, Hamilton, Ont. 31-35' "Vigorine" gives new pep and vital- ity to men who feel rundown, nervous, weak. 15 -day treatment $1,.00 at Emer- son's Drug Store. - 31-5 Lifebuoy ipebonaires, a dance band exclusively or the younger set, is coming to Goderich Monday, September 9t11, to play for the Lions. Teen-age Club at the Collegiate gymnasium. The Debonaires-aresent for this dance by ,,Lever Brothers, the proceeds to be used Mr. and Mrs. 'S'Vill Marsh, of Toledo, Ohio, and Mr. Marsh's sister, Mrs. R. C. Crocker, of Florida. have been ,pending a holiday week in Goderich and looking up old friends. Mrs, John H. Moutray and twin children, Iloward • and Pamela, Avho recently arrived, from England, visited relatives and friends in town and vicin- ity over the week -end. They. are en route to the Pacific Coast to join Mr: Moutray, who preceded them from Eng- land after, distinguisned service as a flier during the; war: • Mrs. Moutray and, children were accorbpanied• from Toronto by their relatives, Mr. and, Mrs. Ernest Pritchard. fun. the purposes of, the Teen-age .Club. BORN BARB.—At Alexandra Hosal, Gude- rich, on Friday, August' 3rd,'' 1946, to Mr, and Mrs. Harry Babb, Gode- rich, a slaughter, Mary Alice. •• FIENGOLD.—At. Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on Thursday, August 22nd, 1940, to Mr. and 3lrs'Jack lfiengold, •Goderich, a son. MLNRO.''— At 'Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, •• on Wednesday,. August 28, to'Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Munro (nee Grace Gillespie). .a son, William Vaughan. .• DIED LONG.—In Goderich, on' Tuesday, • !iugust 27th, 1946, H. R. Long, in his 66th year. , cycle, 1939, '30 and '29. ,Apply to HAROLD GLENN, Dungannon, Phone 4r18., 35x FOR SALE.—PROPERTY ON WEST corner South street and Britannia road: Purchaser can move into apt. No. 1, levier floor, September 1st. Half Say sale price. ay be 'left on -mortgage at - per�"eent. War Bonds accepted: J. E.• IIARNWELL, 27 "Keays street, Goderich, Ont. • 33tf FOR SALT:.—COLLIE PUPS, GOOD heelers. E: C. W:ILKIN S, -R.R.. 1, Dungannon. Phone 85'r 15. 35i: I -FOR , SALE.—FOUR YORK SOWS, due . to pig abort September 8th, one .three weeks later; also a Jersey heifer about 10 months old. , JAS' A. WHITE, corner Oxford and Cambridge streets. Phone 363. 34x • IN MEMORIAM WEER.—In loving memory of a devoted' husband and father, F. G. Weir, Who was 'lost in the sinking of the "Athenia"' September. 3rd, 1939'. _FOR SALE. GOOD USED- ki.tchen chairs; girls' winter outfits. sizes 1, 2 and 3; drapes and curtains. Apply 16 Toronto street. 35x FOR SALE. ---RED SPRING COAT, size 15, worn. only twice; also pale -blue evening dress, size 16, worn once as bridesmaid. Reason for selling, too small. Apply' i2 Huron road, or write MISS MARJORIE MILI,I'ON, General Delivery. 35x • FOR • SALE.—FRAME BUILDING good studding and joists, new floor- In life Loved and honored, ing and shingles. Phone Dungannon„ In cleat`1i- remembered. 96. ' • -35 —Inserted by' his growing Wife. • Son and Daughter-in-law. 35x * ', GLENN.—In loving memory of our son, Jack, who `passed away September 4th, 1942, Days of s€ldness still come o'er .us, Tears in 'silence often flow, For memory keeps you ever near us, Though you died four years ago. —Too greatly missed to be forgotten: by Dad, Mother, Sisters and Brdthers. 35x McKE,tiZIE.—In loving memory of qur dear wife and mother, Jennie Mc- Kenzie, who passed away August 31, 1939. Every day brings "sweet memories, -• Every ,memory brings a tear ; Deep within our hearts we cherish Thoughts of one we loved so dear. —Sadly missed by Husband and Daughter, Jean 0. 35x TO RENT TO RENT.ONE BEDROOM. -MAN • preferred. Call SIGNAL -STAR. 33x Monday, S E.Hibbert & Son 2nd will be closed all day We join with our Staff inWishing the Labor Organizations in Goderich a Very Pleas4nt and Successful Day. t,. • NOTICE NOTICE. For prompt, efficient service on . all makes of commercial and domestic re- frigeration equipment, ..,call MANNING REFRIGERATION SERVICE, phone 1098, 50 Elgin avenue. 33tf NOTICE. I. Dalton Schultz, will' not be re- sponsible for any debts of my wife, Mrs. Helen Schultz, after this date. DALTON SCHULTZ. August 24. Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. •8atkin, of Georgetown, were visitors in Goderich at the week -end. PRICE TAG Your Fire Insurance Policy is a Price Tag en your Property. SHOULD YOURS BE MARKED UP? SEE H. M. FORD Get Insured _- Stay Insured— Rest Assured. North St. • Tel. 268w GIRLS! WANTED. --,- TWO - BOARDERS, :gentlemen preferred. ll,ume is ceutrztlly located. Apply at SIGNAL - STAR. 5k MAID WANTED.-- --FUR GENERAL housework. Address undersitiged, giving experience and wages required. BOX 393, Goderich. -34:fl WANTED. SELF - CONTAINED, ,_ heated • ((pat Gwent, unfurnished. Twp adults, reliable. Prefer Wes(end Iveatlon. , Apply P.O. BO "775, or phone 171. 35-6x AN OPPORTUNITY. ESTAB- LISHED *Sural Watkins District available. li you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 grad 55---kiave or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business. aL your _iwn _Fur full particulars write today to THE J. R. WATKINS COMPANY, Dept. '0-G-1, 2177 Masson street, Montreal, Que. -31-5 'ANTED,? — A HOUSEKEEPER, one adult and two children, on the outskirts of VVingham. No objection to one child. Apply to • . HARO �EN- NIS, Wingham, Ont. f' 35x WANTED.—HOUSE TO RENT UN- FURNISHED. Write P.O. BOX Goderich, Ont. 32x• WANTED. --- WOMAN TO ASSIST elderly couple with light house- hold 'duties. Write P.O. BOX 248, Goderich, -35 WANTED TO BUY.—OLD HORSES -and dead cattle. If dead, phone lit once, collect, to JACK GILBERT, 936 r 21, or FRED GILBERT, 936 r 32, .Goderich. 33tf CLEAIt.ING A.Ir•C.TIO.N SA' .1.!: OF FARM . STOCK, MACIIINER°Y, AND HOUSEHOLD :EFFECT'S, at lot 11, concession 17, Grey township, un a : ,.- )VEDNISpAY, SEPTEM13Eli 4th , at 12.30. 'p.m. sharp. TOLBERT ('LARK, Proprietor. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. HAROLD J.ACK SON, I 35 Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF 15 HOLSTEIN COWS all in calf, tindealving early part of season,; also 25 head of young (tattle all foiled-Aiigus, at lot 2, con- cession 6, Colborne Townsltip,_,on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th at 2 o'clock HOWARD FEAGAN, .° Proprietor. DONALD B. BLUE, 34-5- Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF CLEARING HOUSEHOLD EFFEC' SCS. in Goderich, on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th at 1 o'clock Corner Britannia read{ and South street. Property has been sold. Large quantity of good' furniture. MRS. I4 CORNFIELD, Proprietress. WELL. IIJ DERSON, 34-5 Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF A TWO - APARTMENT HOUSE situated on' the corner of Brock street and Cambria road, Goderich. This is a twelve -roomed solid brick house in fair repair, with a good basement, and beautiful grounds. Will be offered for sale, subject to a reserved bid, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 31st, at 5 o'clock p.m. GEORGE D. BELCHER. Proprietor. DONALD BLUE, - ,Auctioned};. WANTED. = EXPERIENCED 345 woodworking machinists . and cabinetmakers or men to train in these permanent trades. Excellent working Conditions, good wages, very steady employment. Living accontontodation' i raila.biev.. See -or write, 4.20(5- CQ.LE FURNITURE CO„ Irigersyil, .85-6,, WANTED, — HOUSE OR APART- MENT, furtiished - or unfurnished. two adults and dine child, by October rst. Phone 1087W, .Goderich., 33-5x W A N TED. — STENOGRAPHER- j SECRETARY for p'rincipal's of- fice,• Goderich Collegia te Institute. Duties to -commence as soon as possible. A. R. SCOTT, Goderich. . , . =-85 WANTED. — CASH ..,REGISTER, suitable for Minch' counter. Any condition. Advertiser, . will pay good" prii^e. Write BOX 38, SIGNAL -STAR. 34-5 WANTED.—MALE BOARDER . IN quiet home. Phone 167W. -35 WANTED. — EXPERIENCED mender on men's half -hose. Apply HOLEPROOF .HOSIERY COMPANY OF CANADciA`LTD., East street. Phone 9(OE. • -34 LOST LOST. .— • A LONGINE WRIST- WATCH, between West street, A. and P. Store, People's Store and Stead - man's. Valued as keepsake. Liberal reward: Phone 313. LOST.—IN VICINITY OF BEDFORD Hotel. ,Wallet,_ light brown with zipper, containing considerable 'amount of money, also unemployment insurance card and other valuable papers. Finder please return to ' dGNAL-STAR or POLICE OFFICE. • Reward. 35x FOUND FOUND. = SMALI. PURSE V`ii.TH small sum of money. SIGNAL-. STAR OFFICE, NOTICE TO CREDITORS • NOTICE TO CREDITOR§4 ` , Notice is hereby given to all persons having any claim against the estate of William Ross Taylor, late of the Township of West Wawanpsh, in the County of Huron, farmer. who died .a•t the Township_ of West Waw€lnosh on the fourth day of August, A.D. 1946, to send same to the undersigned on or before the thirteenth day of Septem-1 ber; A.D., 1946, as on and after that date the' administratrix shall proceed to make distribution of the . assets of ,the estate, having regard only to the claims then filed. . Dated at Goderich this...thirteenth day of August, A.D. 1846. R. C. HAYS, " B€"'rrister and :Solicitor, Goderich, Ontario, 33-5 . Solicitor for" the Estate. . BUSINESS NOTICED BUY RAGS, GOOSE AND DUCK feathers and ticks. I buy and sell used furniture and household articles. I' repair sewing machines. C. WOODS. 12 East street. Phone 2421.. 1311. 111111 r A GOOD 'JOB is waiting for. YOU! -0► EXCELLENT ,3AY - --> PLEASANT WORKING CONDITIONS -�► NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED ' -41. EARN WHILE YOU LEARN PERMANENT!. iNTERESTINGI An excellent opportunity' for girls to lepra alight, clean interesting trade, operating seamless half -hose knitting ,machines. This is YOUR chancel Enqu4re right away! HOLEPROOf HOSIERY COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED ' Mal EAST STREET • • GODERICH 001111111 Phonal 960 • . Oink AN . AUCTION SALE. OF HOUSE AND HOUSE -FURNISHINGS • at 31 Victoria street, Goderich, will be held on • . :4 .SATU-RDAY; .AUq•UST ,31st at -2. o'clbck This -is a six -room stucco cottage on a good garden lot. With basement, sun porch and bathroom. There is a complete line of• furnishings with cook stove, Quebec heater,' -piano,- sewing machine, dining -room suite, 'beds and bedding, chairs, tables, settee, dishes and .garden tools. ' Terms for house -20% on :day of sale, balance in 20'-thr3 s •'• Inii euiate possession: Cash on . furnishings. 11 IRS. W. MUNNINGS, Proprietress. DONALD BLUE, 334 Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPI:Y;MENTS will be held at the farm of the late Ross Taylor, lot 13, concession 1, West Wawariosh, '4 mile east. of Nile,, on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1946 at 2.00 sharp TERMS—CASH. •The- property- will also be -offered- for sale :' ' - PARCEL 1—West half of east half of lot 13. concession 1.\ Nest W'awanosh. containing ,50 -ares more orless, with good bank barn and' comfortable htluse good clay loam with good supply of water. Situated well to school, store, highway and church. Sold subject to reserve bid. PARCEL 2—West half of lot .2, con- cession 10, W,D., Township of Colborne, containing 50 acres ,more or less, with good fence's and good supply of water. Quantity of bush. Well situated: Sold subject -to reserve bid. TERMS ON PROPERTY — 20 per cent. cash day of sale, balance in thirty days. DONALD I3. BLUE, , 34-5 Auctioneer. CLEARING AT CT1.ON ..SALE OF FARM STOCK, MACIIINERY and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, on '" TUESDAY, SEPTEMBERlOth ' at 12.30 p.m. • at lot 36, concession 11, 17ullett town- ship, ownship, 21/2 miles west of Lonclesboro. HORSES -1 brown mare, 4 years old; 1 sorrel gelding, 4 years old. COWS -3 Durham cows Hereford cow; 3 spring calves.; calf,' six weeks' old. . PIGS --8 pigs, chunks. IMPLEMENTS -2 wagons; hayrack ; gravel box; stock rack; pair sleighs 'cutter; • rubber -tired buggy T. M. -H. binder, 7-ft..cut; M. -H. mower, 51/2 -ft. cut ; _ M. -H. manure -spreader ; M. -H. grain drill, 13 hoe ;1kL,- I. 'fertilizer drill, 11 'hoe; M. -H. cultivator, 13 tooth M. -H. hayrake; roller ;. cutting box; 2 scufflers; 2-furrpw, plow; gang plow; Fleury walking plow; pig crate; 2 wagon boxes; grass 'seeder ; turnip pulper ; turnip drill; fanning mill; bag truck; `2 iSets 'harrows; scales T. Ik).0 S,DAY, 4A`P GnSJI. '29th19116 .� , ^ 6 CURRY'S BAKERY "The The .Ho:Ra of Tasty Pastry' WEER -END SPECIAL BANANA MARS ; , MALLOW o CAKES 400 eaoh WB1)DINQI, BIRTIIDAY AND ANNIVERSARY CAKES A SPECIALTY ;;All Orders of $1.00 or over delliv'ered. PHONE 40 VIEL.. CULBERT, Prop. 1 (2000 lib) ;'Horse dippers; b,uggY pal,} set double harness; set single harness; set plow harness ; chains ; scythe ; grain ' cradle; rubber ' horst • collar horse, 'collars ;. grindstone ; 6 sill ropes; hay- fork rope; 2 sugar kettles; Whiffle-- trees; hiffletrees; neckyoke; feed box ; Water trough; wire stretchers; cedar posts; crosscut' saw ; robes; horse. blankets; 2 horse covers ; grain bags; wheel- barrow ; 25 -ft. ladder; 22 -ft. ladder; 2 horse stall posts; grain lifters. GRAIN AND HAY --•-10 tons hay; 1000 bus mixed grain. No reserve, as farm is sold. TERMS—CASH. WILLIS MOUNTAIN. Proprietor. e' E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. HAROLD • JACKSON, Auctioneer, 35 - AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS at lot 13, concession -8, Colborne Town- ship, 1% miles gest of Auburn, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1946, - at 12.30 sharp, the following: 1 horse, 8 years old; 1 mare; 4 years old; 1 cow, .7 years .old 1 cow; 6 years Told ; 2 cows, 4 years old; 1 cow, 2, years old (all Durhams) ; 3 steers, rising 2 Sears; 3"llerfers,• rising 2 Fears =, calves; 125 hens,. 1 year old;d 275- cockerelS; 10 weeks old ; 2 colony houses; 1 brooder stove; 30 tuns hay ; grain ; 1 cream sciarator ; 26' extension. ladder:, pails; iron kettle; granary bags; forks; turnip drill; harrow, 5 - section ; 1 cultivator ; 1 disc; 1 McCor- mick 11 -disc fertilizer drill; 1 Mc- Cormick binder, 7 ft.. (long tongue and short tractor tongue) ;'.1. mower, 6 ft.; 1 rake, 8 ft. ;- 1 hayloader ; 1 hayrack and stock rack ; 1 wagon; 1 Cockshutt riding plow ; 21 Fleury walking plow ; 1 sleigh; 1 cutter ; 1 buggy ; 1 fanning mill; 1 set of scales, 2000 lbs.; 1 engine, 1 horsepower; 1 cutt-ing box; other articles too numerous to mention. Stock and implements will ,be sold without reserve. The •farm will be offered for sale with reserve bid. ' Terms, on, stock, and _iniplem tits, cash ; on property -10% day of sale and the balance in 30 days. • CIIAS JONES,' Auburn, Proprietor: HAROLD JACKSON, 34-5 •° „Seaforth, Auctioneers CLEARING AUCTION - SALE OF FARM, FARM. STOCK AND • IMPLEMENTS, at part lots 37 and 38; 10th concession of Goderich_, township, five miles west of Clinton, on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th at 1 p.m. sharp (D.S.T.), consisting of: Three horses; 14 cows and heifers; registered purebred Shorthorn • bull ; 7 yeaarling, steers and heifers and :10* spring calves; about. 700 hen's and Pullets; rain shelters and brooder house. A full line of farm implements including an International '10.20 tractor and tractor' equipment :, also a rtibber.' tire wagon: At the' same time and place there -will' be • offered for sale, subject to reserve bid ,(if not sold previous to sale date), the property consisting of 110 acres of good clay loam. On the said property is 11 bank barn 50, x 70t; henhouse 20' x• 30'; a 11 -Story prick house. This property is equipped with hydro ; has a never -failing supplya of spr'irtg water. on the farmarse 0 •young uncea.rd, and ten .acres more or less of maple and pine hush. This properfy is situated one-half mile from school. "Terms on chattels. cash. Terms on property made known, on, day of sale, . LEONARD COLE, Proprietor. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 35-6 , , * . Auctioneer. Advertisements of Goderich mert>h- ants in' The Signal -Star keep ,you in- formed of desirable merchandise in stock. SIX -STAR SERVICE SPECIAL Sooner or later — every ' every car• and truck needs every one . of these service operations . . "DE -SLUDGE" ENGfNE SERVICE CLUTCH, BRAKES, TRANS- MISSION, REAR AXLE LUBRICATE THROUGHOUT TUNE MOTOR CHECK STEERING AND WHEEL ALIGNMENT ROTATE TIRES Let our trained technicians provide any or all of these operationsat a flaying in time and trouble. Gardner Motor Sales PHONE 284 GOt;ERIOH 1, .. 1 z 8 0