HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-08-29, Page 9e, aIIURSDAz,' A1)GUE T 2901, 101G. • .H' a GODERICII SIGNAL -STAR rAmat filtD1'* akeviewCasino, Grand Bend LAST DANCt. LABOUR DiW,NIGHT. Enjoy the Last Feast,Days` of Summek o . d Dancing Nlgflntly to Gordon Delano t and - his Orchestra According to attendance records, you liked Gordon IDela.mont's music VERY much. Promise yourself a visit again and say "Wlong" to the Season 1946 BIG MIDNIGHT DANCE, SEPT. 2, 12.05.a.kii. S;UNDAY;SEPTEMBER lst, 9p.ttal. ' The Ever L'opulal;.• - "VARIETY 'ENTERTAINERS" I'reserlting their Biggest ..and Best Concert of the Season with I31 1 IDavies, Ventriloquist, returnlug by popular request, and featuring Dopey and: his Attie -lug I)og; Ruth'Gole, Arobatic Dancer Extraordi- nary ; Earl Heywood, Singing Cowboy and Star of CKNX Baru Dtanc_e Program ; and ('lift' Kelly, Ac•tompanist. MONDAY, LABOVR DAY, 1.30 pan. SHARP. ' • ALL-STAR SOFTBALL TOURNAMIE;NT —THE BATTLE OIi' PITCHERS, Four of. Ontario's' finest ,pitchers wil be in these games. SEAF'UItTII,, LONDON, LI- URY, 1Ut:'1,.N'D LEND: These ,are the bt t...of all previous TutuiIrin nt 'J+H,1'tns (,rand Tfcl�(1 ltgs ttou all 1940 Seasum Tournaments. ('an- any of these teams beat them? They are going to try hard! Whig. do you thinks? •1! (came; ui' 7 ilrnilig;, in afternoon}, starting -at 1.30; v!,1 ivalug final game at 0.30. p.m: DANCE 'ro GORDON DELAMONT'S ORCHESTRA LAST TIME LABOUR DAY NIGHT! Many. many thanks for your llatrolulge -Season 1946 was a grand one 11110111, Cemetery Memorials T. PRYDE & ZON (formerly, Cunningham & Pryde) Clinton, Exeter, Sgafoah' -Write Box 150, or.phone 413, Exeter and :-vire shall be pleased to A full heart helps others *lien it overflows. GODERIQH MEMORIAL SHOP • NEW ESP DESIGNS BEST OF MATERIALS Guaranteed workmanship at prices that will please you. SAVE ALL AGENTS FEES Call at our office: or drop us a line to Box 161, Qoderich. We will be pleased to call and help choose a suitable memorial for your family plot. R. A. SPOTTON S f : Andrew's St. - SCHOOL OF COMMMIERCEI CLINTON ONTARIO _ ENROLL FOR FALL TERM SEPT. 9th Be ready in a few months;, to do valuable and necessary office work. C'OI,TRSES--Stenograpl ic, Commercial, Secretarial and Clerical. M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, , B. F. WARD, B.A., Vice -Principal. Phone 19$ Principal. 35tf Save Time and Money With SURGE tsa SURGE milks faster. * SURGE -the machine that does .automatically what other machines, have to be helped to do. x SURGE produces more milk. - * SURGE gives cleaner milk. MACHINES NOW IN STOCK Ask for a demonstration Frank Kling Distributor J. B. HIGGINS,'Sales & Service Seaforth, Ont. "Local Representative Wanted" 33-5 R SUNDAY ACTIVITIES ! Your Sunday golf --Four, fishing-- y.ourp motor trips—may all b& welcome relaxations from the `''daily grind,, but need not interfere with your regular O•hurch attendatice. GO TO CHURCH FIRST TAKE YOUR FAMILY WITE YOU. • ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO (4•0 TOO. .. LET'S FILL OUR GODERICH :CHURCHES EVERY SUNDAY, TIIIS APPEAI,. IS MADE BY 411 1 . T'h. "co to Church" Committee a'(A STRICTLY NON -DENOMINATIONAL ACTIVITY) • CARLOW CARLOW, Aug. 27. --Mr. and, Irks. Roy J1 rrinl ton and ?ay, of Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. Farington. Mrs. A. I';rrington is spending this week' in Galt -with Mrs. Lily McDonald. Irma and Bernice Bean are witli their cousin, Betty Addison, .of 1 iaburn• Joyce Little of Ashlield is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. McCllnchey, We are glad to know that Billy, Smyth is improving after his serious' illness. Mr. and Mrs. Autos Stoll of Goderich spent the week -end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Parton of Tor- onto visited Mrs. R. Bean, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Clive Alibi spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Addi- son of Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Rintoul and family, of Winghaw, visited Mrs. Mitchell and Margaret. MAFEEING MAFEKING, Aug. 27.—Mrs. J.' C. Stothers, Jean and Jack, who are holidaying at Kincardine, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Horton on Tuesday afternloon. About thirty relatives enjoyed a re- union of the Blake family at Kintall Beach on Wednesday afternoon. ' \Ve extend, congratulations to , Mr. and Mrs. Carman Brindley, who were married on Saturday last. Dr. P. E. and Mrs. Stothers, Toronto, visilted at the old home . on Sunday afternoon. A -"shower" for Margaret Phillips, a bride -elect of the month, is arranged for Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Jerry Cranston. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran last week were Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Higgins and son Jack, also Miss Betty Cox, Detroit. Some people slip • their brains into neutral and let their tongues,7ille on. J11ELER'S.. FUNERAL. SERVICE No izl,xtra, eh rge for the use ' of our Funeral Home, Toron- to Sttreet..__ Prompt Ambelancb Service Phone 335 Res. 355 or 7 "tea IIEADACIIE' Blinding pain, con- stant throbbing can make life a misery. 1V4ainy 1ieadaches may • - be caused by -the fail- ure of the kidneys to perform -their normal duty of filtering poi= sonous wastes and excess acids from the • blood. If kidneys fail and poisons remain in • the system, headaches, backache; rheu- matic pains, disturbed rest inay often fol- low. Dodd's Kidney 'Pills help your kidneys clear out trouble -making -poisons and excess acids so that you feel better—rest better -- work better; Get Dodd's today. 142 . Truly ' -a* Funeral Meme 4Y Quietness, dignity with reverence, and an understanding of family needs are ever present at THE Funeral Hone E. E. CRANSTON 17 MONTREAL ST. GODERICH Phone 399W or J• This Doi Really elks More than a year ago this observant black and white terrier found that by mimicking human. speech, he got what he wanted to eat. His vocabulary is limited to "1 Want One" but it is pro- ductive of quick results whenever k1e sees 'something he would like to have. The terrier, named BEN, is the pet of Alfred Bris- ser3den; of Royston, England, which was an American -air base during the. war. This apparently, would account for the fact that,Ben speaks his phrase with a Mid -Western American accent.. Veterinarians examining the edubated canine have found that he uses his tongue to change one •word into- another. .LEEEURN cv LEEBI'RN, Aug. 27. -Mrs. S. Chis- holm and her grandson. .Jolt11 Meyer. .visited in Sarnia for a few days last; week. , Margaret Clark of Carlow is holiday- ing with her' aunt, Miss Nellie Clark. Mrs. G. Ross, from Guelph, spent the Reek -end with_her sister lira. G.- Fa1- Cotter, at -ME -and `Irs.-Jazs. Iio.rtun s. Master,Grant Chisholm had the mis- fortune to fall while pining ball on >I,ouday and-.sp;x i h `i l3ONO., d ty. KINGSBRIDGE. KINGSBRIDGE, 'Aug. 27, — Miss Mary Theresa Atistin of Torolito spent the week -enol with het,;; parents here. (Dr. )tea aper of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kinahaul of St. Augustine wero Sunday visitors with Mrs. M. J. O'Connor. - Air, John Kelly and daughter' Bridget motored to Sudbury on Sunday last. in unison. The business Was taken by the president, Mrs. E. \Icllwain, who read an article from the Missionary Monthly. Mrs. Young read an article entitled, "Now Is the. Time," and closed the meeting with a'short prayer, after which lunch was st'rvecl .by the hostess. fts. POTTER---NETHERS' " A.quiet and pretty wedding t ok • -place—recently in= rf`r'rrrrty •Ali _ It�tl=rl church. I3lyth, when Alice Jean, daugh- ter of William G.•Netheryand the late \Irs.-Nethery, was united in marriage toPotter,ay Clarence Potter, second son of \ i'.'and ,\Irs. Clarence Potter. Gode- rich township. Itev. J. L. 1I. Hender- son performed the ceremony. The bride, giver! in Iaarriage by her father, wore a street -length dress -of rose,crepe with pearl sequin . trim aind white ac- cessories. ,flet corsage was of, red Briarcli111 ruses. \1iSs Isabel Nethery .wats..her sister', bridesltt:lid, wearing at Street -length ares's of lilut' crepe n'i'th white accessories and.1 corsage of pink 1 1lriaroliffe roses. Frank Potter was! \V'e are pleased to see Vincent Austin his brother's hest man. A reception out -again -after being in the hospital.-dirler was served at the Commercial for tlineTvt'cks as the result of injuries i IIo1(1. myth. for t11•l'llt) tin•ee guests ! front being run over by a •gravel trio k• from Blyth„ Clinton :1101 Lond(d)((ro. 1•Irs.• Mike Lae: aol 'Miss 'Anna \i l'. and Mrs. Potter haft for Niagara .au( le . us :u :a:1n( uu'� flt(9r retur)) took tall residence on .the Mr, and Mrs. Ray 1)at1ton and .Pal bridegroom's far111 in Goderich tOvVil- Sullivatl nl�rt-31'ed to the Martyrs' Shrine �p•sllip. ' -at' Midlirntl last. weYek=efld, LITTLE—MUNNINGS • HOLMESILLE (Dn 1Wechlesdac. Angust :..'1st, a pretty wedding took pine at the' home of Mr. I. HoLMES\11 LI:, Vnk. 27.—\Ir.••atid and Mrs. 11. W. Mnntiings Wit. -1, (:ud�e- Mrs. Fred F.alglesun, Aberdeen. N,D , rich• what their (laughter E tuti \V and lits. L. Heard. Clinton, were -guests 0nifred, was united in marriage ♦to Gude- of Mr. and Mrs. N. Heard and \i.rs. alert NorntOIi Little, sort of \11•. aind Mrs. Harrison on Friday: Norman Little: Rolla. B.C.. The bride. Rev. and Mrs. Stewart !liner awl;given ill marriage by. her father. looked 111 tie daughter, I:tbei. of hordwical. lovely ,111 0 fluor -length go\vn of white spent a few clay, the past week .with silk e\ elel.' 111(1 her tilt crt ip , it t\ ars Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Trewiirtlia. i caught in a white s:1'tin coronet. She Mr: and Mrs, .Kennedy, Sarnia, were carried a bouquet. of Talisman roses. . guests of Mr. and Mrs. \WI}l. Mv('litichey. , She was attended b\' her siste•r,Lncy. in '� .and family ol�er.the week -end. a flour -length' gown of pale blue ,sill; - Mr. and Mrs. Campbell -and ell -aind son Jing: jersey, catrrV•ilag :i. bominet of ,AI1 s. i• of Calgary, Albert:!, called on Miss 11i'Ose�•el1 ruses. .'1'hc' gt•�,c�117511c:lu w:ls S. Acheson on Saturday. Rev. George Billington'. \tills fill . 1.I>. -There will he service _in the liolnles- Mr. J0111) SitrL if _'l'oronto otliciatt'd vine cliurcll otl Suttfl:ty at 1u.:IO•a.ru. in the double -ring ceremony. ity. The wed-, - • ding ma r(•1) vy tIS played by Miss Iiertiice* �'/®D't�g�g�vH TO% NTSHIY 1 \I_tt ten of Londot)ti(on. l�J(( )j ,J�1001j11't11��j11� 1 1V 1• •! At the reception which followed. the ' Union. AV.M.S.—T11e monthly meeting brides mother yecci1i•d in :1 ctrl•,: of of Union \W.1l 5. was held ark._ the navy• bine spnii-shear and corsage of home. of Mrs. IT. fuller 011 \Wednesday, q ;tlisul 1n rosy The groom's- naotitet .` August 21st. Mrs. J. Young v21(S the wore black _crepe with h corsage of leader, taking as the theme' "('h.ristian American . Beauty roses. Tire buffet Stewardship ofr Alilities. The hymn hmelieon was served to about thirty - "Take My''Life and Let, It Be," was five guests. • sung. followed by a -prayer. Scripture \I r. and Mrs. Little left for :1 short Passages were r'c:td by Mrs. Young, trip, the hri le'1 111ri d iu 111111! Disc wi19 Mrs. G..Mclluain, M,rs. H. huller„ Mrs. hrown. alcr•1.55011es. (11) their re•tnrn.• P. Speirtln and Mrs. G.•Orr. Mrs. G. they Rill reside in Etaie'. isle, \I('Ilrr lni s:ln :a 'solo. - The hymn (',nests were present front British Col - "From Greenland's. icy Mountains" was nnlbial. New' Brunswick, Toronto, Lon - sung and t11e Le>,rd's Prayer repeated don. Listowel. Brussels and Goderich. ts The paving of No. 4 highway fro ,u Mary Reid, Strat£dmd,, card 4:0114 Winghani to Teeswater has been coma Thomas McCaughey, R.R. , B1Ytl s- pleted. - Mr. ain(l \$ra. Mceaughcy wili Ve ld() . Walter Porter, late of Ayr, has as BlytA. suuled his duties as manager for the , ,,G no\ .4vaet5on ' Paula' of Commerce at Brussels. In Trinity Anglican cta>i(?h Bkytiai, '- Mt. and Mrs. Israel Taylor of Lou- on Thursday afternoon last, Rev, IOWA don, formerly well-known residents of Henderson` conduked die dotiibio ring Clinton, obs,er.ved their sixtieth wed- c ,dingy aanniiv(�rsaxy (fin Sunday last. daughter Wilma Jean, 014r Fire in L'ris h's bakery at Seaforth of Mr. and,tirs.1. D. Watson,. on Sunday morning cawed damage o Blyth, and •-John ltdanir44i nta noW,°West- about *5(10. ('a.use of the lies wa€3 ItiIll ton, was After"u� e (1 enlioaty. ai a short circuit in an electric motor. ,ct i of n vheld at the houle sof the, °. Dr. H. Doyle of Exeter received bride's parents. After . at trip to -. Muskoka Mr. and Mrs. Gmmnloiv will • severe injuries when bis car crashed into a tree Bear Point Clark. He spent make their; home at .oudonl• Whalen were iu London on Sftturdaay. 1 t1 \1 1 1 I i 1 l' t t it ,tst. sevt�rarY cis}sin the Bine Kincardine 11os1)it-ax. McConnell- Clwrie . The 2�. e er Board of Education has A lawn wedding took place at ti e Norrie of -Mr. alld Mrs.' Geo. T. C.urriem_ ckwited-1 e Aeud°e • 4 -Guenther Trans -4 it5t i 'anti anclsh4 on Saturday, . Port fur carrying students to and front ¢ TSara' st 14th, when their daughter, Sara' call. Exeter High School on six bus routes. arine, beeame the bride of Fraarnk11 'The annual frolic of the Zurich Lions Walter SXe('onnell. son of Mr. 4n4.1 Club was held on Wednesday 'of larst "Mrs.' Allan McConnell, Strathroy. , TInt3 week,' with au attenda`hce of over two ceremony was lrerformned by Rev. 'A, tlwusand. (suss receipts were $2,443. H. Wilson of Whitechurch. The couple Farmer Fatally Injured left on a trip to Niagara Falls and in Plowing Accident 1lIufyalo and will make their home in. Fred IIuth, sixty -three-year-old \Wiugham. farmer of Ilowick township, died in t ' Listowel hospital on August ':21st from y marriage expert says that men like injuries recc•,le(1 on his farm :the previous day. He was thrown oft' the to marry girls •,•w, o4, a knowledge Is seat of a riding plots when his three- , less .than theirs." This undoubtedly horse teazel bolted and was dragged ;explains why'" 4 lot of men aro s(,Ihle distance on the 1vhifl'letr'ees• bachelors.---Kingston\Whig-5tandare Garniss—Douglas The marriage of 11argaret Isabel IDuttglas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Douglas. Lueknow, to Herbert Martin Garniss, son of Mr. and Mrs.• John T. Garniss, Brussels, was solem iiized by Rev. C. I3. MacDonald in the Presby= terian church,: Lucknow, on Tuesday afternoon, August 2O01., The couple went to Muskokion their wedding trip and .11 - their return Will reside in Brussels. McCaughey—Reid A quiet wedding took place in St. o 's=--- the =-7C1Irrto l-, ; \i'=edr esdu;Y Morning, August. 21st, when Rev. Simon J. Mcponald united in ,marriage Mrs. OVING WEST M. Rawllnson Limited regularly mah up and ship Household Furniture. Con- solidated fool Cars to' Manitoba.saskatch- ewan, Alberta, British Columbia and to Calif ornia.W'ri,e : lee or phone for reduced freight rates , . .•., tabllst,t:i 1885 14 Yonge St., l orunc" bin; soalr 5125 MOVI114. rAbl(i8u. .HIPr,hta 11111 aiuRAGk Stubborn Cases of Cnstipatio! Those ' who .. keep a mass of ' impurity pent up in their. bodies, (!sly ftfter instead of having it removed as nature intended, at least owe in, every twenty-four .hours, in- . . ' rta y ;;suer -!tum conati'I t efi The use ut cheap, harrh,purgatives 'will never you any where as they • only aggravate the trouble and in- jure the debc'ate mucous lining of the' bowels, and are very liable to cause. piles. If constipated take Milburn's, . Laxa-Liver Pills' and have a_naturarl movement of the bowels. They do not • gripe, weaken and sicken as many laxative do,_. , ; Tho T. 114iibnrn Co.. Ltd.. Toronto, Oat. ° MALS D7SABG�D 'DEAD' or Quickly removed in .Clean Sajnitary Truckai: Phone collect. 910 r 10 CLINTON — - 215 STRATFORD• :1 mro , William Stone Sons Limited _ _ _ _- INGERSOLL, , ONTARIO REY-IOUND AND LOW FAREg . .4 SING Ll'; -. Sarnia $ 2:=80 Chatham 3.40 Windsor ' 4.75 Wiarton 2.75—m Tobermory 4.30 c, ':'South Bay Mouth 5,80 'Espanola 8.15 ''`Sudbury 9.35 `Sault Ste. Marie 11.95 ':'North hay 11.40 Charges tier h'ert'y Slofv.i(•P h( tWI'011 ToLiprntory ai'n.l. South. Baty Month are inclucbd in tite ahoy., faros. 1111 F'aarew Stlh,jeet to •Government Tax Goderich Depot-- . BRITISH EXCHANCVE HOTEL PHONE d91 1ROIVf- GODERICH itl:'i'II'ift\ ' $ 4°70 6.15 8.55 495 7.75 10.75 15.00 17.15 21.85 20.85 tauCAN SEAL . YOUR BUSINESS: •• No business can afford to face risks which should be covered by insur- ance. Let us analyse your needs, explain 'how insurance can protect your business from loss in many ways and arrange plan- ned. Piot policies to cover all event9alities. We write Pilot Insurance to cover sel. ected risks in Autontobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, Cargo, Eleva. tor, Teams, Plate Glass, General and Pub- lic' Liahl►ility, Fidaelity and 'Surety Bonds.' J. W. CRAIGIE7.6]E:O. G. Ma('F% AN, Goderich G. C. TRELEAVEN, 'AGENCY., Dungannon. • GOIIDON• JEWELL,. R it.• No. 6, (ioderich. • Re11'resenting PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY KILL FLIES BREEDING o o KILL FLIES FEEDING For Complete Control FIGHT FLIES These Two Ways SHELL DDT BARN SPRAY contains 5i; DDT and other ingre- dients in a high quality petroleum base. Is fatal to fl"ies,'motquitoes and other insect pests for prolonged periods after*being applied to interior walls and surfaces in stables. Karns, piggeries. Also effectiie when used on such insect breeding places as manure piles, stagnant water, etc. SHELL L1VE- STOCK SPRAY, made to repel insects from cattle for hour$ and to kill insect'§ quickly and effectively when the) are sprayed. It is non -irri- tating, and frees cows from fly irritation in the pasture • and aLenilking time .,„.thus,•,_encouraging, greater milk yields. Ve'o"ur Dealer carries Shell Livestock Spray 'and DDT Barre Spray. •You'need both! Available bit 1, 5, 25 and 45 G lion C, rntainen,, `;SHELL, SOLD- AT... RYAN. an n n 11 FEED STOEl 0(10iVittail Hh ar dlkrs of Quality Fees, and Cho phig Sand M x' g, t' vic WE CAN, SUPPLY YOU WITH 242-6 • yt'