HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-08-29, Page 8r' ?ACV Tt TI .
.1,10111 f➢A"
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S032e Wag said, "Nlsthing coma's ea It wen's, according to tie wife, it's
b 1t trousers l Uttons." There is one SuPersuds, REdiaas°, and t o tp that are
sunaaing . await', far away, from, their
t'taer thhg that pn't:ipitatea a pre-.: _.�•
users noFT, and there seems little chance
dikaaa'nt as well as losing; important, of catching; up with these commodities,
responsible buttons. That is of swift, fleeting 'feet. One 200 -Ib.
s'dspenders, or, to give them the old- husky fellow was describing to us,With
fashiehed Word. braces, when„without a thrill in his voice and a look of
414 notiee they snags at an uuwendable triumph un his face, how ° he had
p4'imt When 'walking along a busy city secured almost two pounds o$ old
street, "m'lessed are they who wear cheese, a favorite food with him.
t►eits,'° sez I. And thanks be to the had found it for weeks hard to buy.
IIve and ten -cent stores, where, for At a young people's picnic by the
101'v iekels anal a dime thrown' iiu, lake there wets a wiener roast the other
lailF harness for the human frame can night. Twenty young then and women,
be bought. nearly all farm folks, had fifteen
p .ands of wieners to roast. A mistake
We hear a good deal about the short Iliad been made In arrangements. Two
age of some foods, or the difficulty of boys, instead of one, had bought
baying the same. It's in the 'teens wieners for the group, hence the en -
Of. stores we chased after a pound of necessarily large quantity. But there
barn one recent week ; and to --get a web pop to wash down the abundant
'pound of cooked, sliced ham in sone rolls and , succulent links with the
visited towns we were'told we should„ ,mustard daubed on, Everybody agreed
have to be up early -in the morning„, there was no food shortage ; fame
any : meal
Want an idea that will help you
save–time and work—and at -
same time keep meals more
interesting for your family?
Thousands .feature Kellogg's
not ,only for breakfast,. but for
quick snacks anytime of day!
Pep, Corn Flakei, All -Bran,
Rice : Krispies, Bran- Flakes,
, 'Crumbles and " All -Wheat are
all made by Kellogg's, the
greatest• name in cereals!
?ep' Bran Flea'
with other parts of
Canadian whole
wheat are delicious,
extra crisp, extra
thick. Your whole
family will enjoy
Kellogg's Pep.
eonadittema Ed not prevail on the aha 4V9
a 'Lake lamon. Onto boy what gond
`had his ,enee11 1t throe meals that
day, whteh puuetua.ced the_ strenuunu.
part be played in threshing grain, gave
out the information that she consumed
eight hot dogs and three 'bottles of pop
and thii.t night never slept sounder.
Bully for him! as Theodore Roosevelt
used to exe1aiau, though that great+
American had .uo reference in such :tan
exclamation to the source of the mean
from which hot doge come. •
The three days iu the holiday month
of August this writer would single out
as the most enjoyable of au the days
was when visiting on it farm he at-
tended three tlkreshings.. And at one,
on a warm day, be peeled off otter
garments and rolled up sleeves . dndc.
pitched on the fairly heavy sheaves
until the -wagon was piled high, and
he had the satisfaction of seeing one
load leave the field for the threshing
machine, that he had pitched unaided.
The adwissiaa- has to be made that
It is easier pushing a pen.er running a.?
typewriter than loading a wagon 04 a.
hot day witlheaves-afrlm,-Aftek,
a strenuous time with a pitchfork, a;
table ford can be usually handled at
the attractive meal, and I'll say, 'abufnd-
ant ! that follows. 'My host told me
that on two days of conseeutive thresh-
ing he had threshed 3,700 bushels of
grain. Not bad running ! !
One girl, near to the coming of age,
a young lady of the farm, empheyed in
an important city office, but yet. a home -
lover, had her first railway ride when
she took a trip to Chicago two weeks
ago. She had never been anywhere
before, so she would say,. except to the
little provincial city four miles from
hoose. Then Et be would travel by bus
or car. Will 'this break promote a
wanderlust in such a stay -wt -home girl?
Travel can certainly be cultural, giving
the broader outlook and wider know-
one—ledge thattmany of us` lack. But
s-not- so sure that the new hostel
plan that is slowly gaining ground in
our Province is all to the . good for
our teen-agers, winning them to tramp-
ing trips at week -ends, or using bicycles
and other means of transportation 'to
take them to far -away places, and stay-
ing away from homes overnight in
strange and _unproved surroundings.
Happy is the young man, or young
woman, like the before -mentioned, who
when -the trip is to far -away Chicago; or
some nearer holiday resort, by lake or
in city, is sure about the friends to
meet, who ensure comfort, protection
and wholesome pleasure. , For experi-
ence and observation prove that in all
these places of highway and byway
there are those who can best be de-
scribed as birds of who.
sharks and
skunks who are particularrly on the
Lookout for the unsophisticated and the
Not every land of • promise lives up
to its promise. The bandits in the
wadies and hills by the road that led
froth Jericho to Jerusalem have many
•-• SEE US *--
early for ,your Hay Can,
Track, Slings a d Pulleys,
- or Hay .Yorks.
YOU may . need St .;e1 Stan-
chions, Water Bowls or a Lit-
ter ,Carrier for meat season.
Order NOW.
Paint and Spray Painting
Barn jobs a specialty.
descendants; Ali Baba and, his forty
thieves abound in the twentieth century.
and hide in most .unlikely places.
In the book, "Palestine on the Eve,"
there IS an amusing and somewhat sur-
prising story of a tourist agent trying
to find out everything about strangers
travelling in the Holy Land. Recent
Palestinian happenings make this tale
interesting. He was told that a visa
for admittance would cost 60 pounds.
But a little while after, over some
liquor, he was informed the entrance
could be made without a visa. He
could be smuggled over the frontier;
Mt was a common occurrence. it used
to be drugs that were so illegally
handled ; now it.. was human . merch-
andise. The •method used was to pack
men in huge chests loadbd on camels,
taking a caravan route by striking off
a Oath for themselves. An Arab 'mon
sp etAnnlly after we bad taatcd the
torics of travel It 'thin bea.nty wcdgo
of the laud we lave.
JIn7 Torobto, one day,. Wo were enter-
tained by ° an •VNaminer of papers of
students, in Bnglish, who in a morning
of strenuous ,f,r asking had met some
humorous 'and' refreshing remarks on
this paper and that. One student, con
acinus of his shortcomings and wire -
reHalle memory, on soma important ques-
tion implored the examiner at the
foot of his sheet to "Remember the
(golden ule.” .
PORTER'S HILL, Aug. r. and
Mrs. Jas. Lockhart spent last week in •
Clinton. ; ,L
June Miller and `Lois • Rowden of
Holmesville spent last' week with the
Lockhart families. June expects „to
attend Stratford Normal School this
Mr. and Mr , Jack Smith and family
spent the week -end at Dashwood.
-Da-•---Sunda. -uric .and_: Mri. R. Z.
Rowden and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lock-
hart visited with friends at Grand
Bend: Master Frank Bowden, of Mt.
Bryd'ges, accompanied them honble for
a week's vacation.
Little Joyce and Dianne Johnston
are 'spending a whip withe their grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,Peter Young. '
The August meeting of Porter's Hill
Community Club was held on Thurs-
day, with ai splendid attendance. One
quilt, was -quilted• after which Mrs.
Donnie Harris opened the meeting with
prayer. .There was quite a lengthy
'discussion on the winter's wcirk. The
hostess served a dainty lunch, and a
collection was taken. The September
meeting will be at the home of Mrs.
Will Cos. -.
CREWE, Aug. 26.—Mr. and Mrs.
Aubrey 'Higgins and son Jack, of De-
troit, are visiting friends in this vicin-
Mr. and Mrs.' Palniev Kilpatrick
opoly for this smuggling -business ex-
isted. It is said that not all Jewish
immigrants arrived- -safely. - Murder--`
was done for enemies with money
plus hate. "
`Ontario, with its crime wave, and
all the disagreeable things that can be
listed' 'by pessimists and complainers,
is -a, pretty fine country to travel in.
Happy is he, generally shaking, who
is travelling to see places. We felt like
that on one glorious day of sunshine
as we took the high road, the nortTi and
east road of thrilling interest and
beauty through Walkerton, Durham,
lilanover, Fleshertou, Singhampton,
Stayner, Barrie, Orillia and so to and
around Lake Simcoe.
In Tpronto again we -took our stand
before that fine memorial to Alexander
Muir in the ravine north of St. Clair
avenue where noble , stone, skilfully
placed and ornamented. and suitably
inscribed. tells hew he gave us "The
Maple Leaf for Ever" song,. and it,
seemed most fitting to stand there re -
YOtiii LIKEr
T•DOESN'T MATTER whether you are driving u
brand new car or a pre-war model, you'll receive
the same friendly, willing service from your neigh-
bourhood B -A dealer when you drive in at the sign tO.
of the Big'B-A.
Trained -to give you the best service in town,
your B -A dealer, knows how B -A .top-quality gaso-
lens and motor oils add to your trouble-free motor-
ing pleasure. Profit by his experience and buy B: A
Peerless Motor OiL
Quick. ReI of From
Summer Complaints
To .get quick relief from
diarrhoea, intestinal pains,, sea-
sickness or summer complaint,
This dependable family remedy
is one of the most effective and
best known medicines for bowel
complaints. Insist pn DOCTOR
druggists everywhere. Price 50c
a -"bottle,
The T. Milburn Co., Ltd.,
Toronto Ontario
and children, of Toronto, are spending Try The Signal -Star's classified ' ads.
a while with Mr. ' and Mrs. ' S. Bit= , r fart _
Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Oakes and' son
Russell, of Port Hope, and Mr. and Mrs.
A. Kelly and son Peter, of Kincardine,
visited on Wednesday with Mr, . and
Mrs. Jim Sherwood._
Mr. Raymond Finnigan spent the
week -end in London.
11) 6x1
C. r....onei u�r w Ole..
Volvo lib MI ,p
Orders most fire .0444 when your fien&
a.d co -,,,ter. see Rear. earep,bnal Every.
day Greeting C,,d. ColaNy
uful .Frieod.
Boo 113 cart) .el} kr $100 ' You make up
to 44% dean Profit samples on approval of
tli algid Wn.auvnant. Wow today
/Offsraa. se, Taws.
Manula.•turan M Canada', I0a/ny
Chri.enn. rani Valw•-baroyny laenatro
Rota Dot 0111 C.N. /of N
Little you care how much • silver is .contained in the 50c piece you take into a
store. What you want to know is what it will buy.
' Well; that depends very much on yourself, ourselves, and the millions of'others
like us. If•free and careless spending brings inflation, your 50c piece will buy less
'and less as prices rise . , .. how much, less, no one can say.
You.can guard against inflation ... and, if you arc a No. 1 citizen, you will.
How? By corirervation in your personal finances .. .
Hetceare five ways you can fight Inflation:
• $-fold on to your Victory Bonds
• Buy only those goods which are in fair supply and
save your money for the day 'when goods
now in short supply will be readily available
Avoid black market purchases
o Keep up your insurance •
• Build up your savings account
This means wise spending and wise saving.
This is conservation—the first requisite for personal
security --the first attribute of good citizenship. '
• • This is why we say:
TO at I II1W Cil4tMAS
inking with C usadirans in every wale of life
since 1817'
If You Are
° a No.1 Citizen '
No. 1...
V ��7PI�...dw1�5. •.° a•a '
N° .1'• X O B
This, 1S not snlfl,hnr•s,,
bur thrl rCntlratran that
o r:,,mrnunity r 1 ro
ti!'rh•r, 1.;, •.%ands• f fhhr
el; r+hi.,n.;,
F 0 it : C4>e1 N A.b A
It is in August and September
that poliomyelitis (polio) is most
prevalent. During these last
weeks of summer, thoughtful
parents should observe every rule -
that wills protect their' little tinea,
from this disease.
a In our Province, comparatively few.
cases of polio have .occurred as yet
'`but in some sections of the United'
States, infantile paralysis --as it is
more commonly called—has reach-
ed epidemic proportions.
The Ontario Department of Health
therefore urges every family to keep.
in step with the common-sense
precautions outlined below. Read
�h'em carefully. lrncourage your
children to practice them daily,
Guard your family's health during
this particular period of the year!
1. Peel or scrub gli raw fruit and vege:
tables before serving,
2. Protect all food from flies.
3. Teach your children to avoid crowded'.
beaches and pools and swimming
in dirty water.
4. Avoid over -fatigue and if possible
have your children rest for two hours
each 'afternoon.
Prevent your children from suffering
sudden chills. or exposing themselves
to too much sun.
6. Make sure your children wash their
hands before eating. -
If yow' child is ill do not hesitate to seek medical advice
II. T. Mohair, M.I$., h.•P.M.
/maypty Russ N T. �k.11 y