HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-08-29, Page 1a NINETY-NINTH yEilt. GO $ERICH, ONTARIO, T TAISDAY, AUGUST 29th, 19.46 Much Interest in Sports Program In Spite of Pamp Weather Young. and Old Er.ijoy the Afternoon A crowd of two thousand people I,u.. TOUR:ISTS JOIN I AUCTION SALE -ORPV1)8 Citigens uf iIoderieh were deeply With the number of auction sales in ehoeked on TuesditY morning when it thiedistrict on the. increase, there is was learnedehat Harry. R. Long had also increase in a Liew. type of ''died :suddenly while sitting in his qtr at his home at an- early hour Mr. Long Ned Mid trouble with the ear the evening before( when it vats towed home, • and %Selig, out early to look at it in the garage.. He was later found collapsed in ,the fru t 'seat of the vehicle, and medical aid was stunt"-, moned, but life:had fled. An autopsy was held )y Coroner Dr. W. who pronounced, death due .to coronary thrombosis. , Mr. Long was in his sixty41xth year, He had lived an active, Useful life,. devoting much of his time to church aotivities and public-spirited enter- prises. lie was well known and highly respected, not only iii Goderich but in the surrounding communities, which he visited frequently in the prosecution of his extensive life insurance busineSs. He was born it Bemniller, a on of the, late Mr. and Mrs.: Thomas Long, and received his education in the local school, the Goderich, Colleglate Insti- tute and the Model School. After hiee graduation he was a teacher for tioni7-, years in Colborne and 'Dungannon -schools and as principal of Victoria- - Publie School, Goderich e For a tithe he conducted a grocery bUsiness at the' corner of Hamilton street and the• Square, but for many years •latterly he had conducted aei insurance busi- ness with h4 office on West street. ' • COMIVIUNIVir SHOCKED BY sup EN iI&T OF H. R. LONG cuetoiuer-U.. tourists seeking out only articles they find difficult to pur- chase In the United States but also attended the community picnic spon- antiques. sored by the Progressive -Conservative At recent auction sales in and about Associations of .Western Ontario and Goderich there haee peen. noted parked the ridings of Huron, Bruce and Perth, aniongst the cars a considerable num- held n Haebor Park on Wednesday hpeiartesb.eariug,,,United States license afternoon. e The sky ell morning, had been over- At an auction sale held recently in cast, and during the afternoon4a heavy Goderich the woman driver of a lim- downpour orain fell while the ousine type automobile from the United f speeches were in progress. Premier States was noticed as the successful bidder on an old-fashioned china' wash George A. Drew and Mrs. Drew arrived just as the ram began to come down set 'with large bowl and pitcher. Asked n _ the reason for the purchase, she said ID earnest. They and other promin ent members of the party sat smiling On she valued it as an antique and planned to take it back to Phlladelphia. the improvised, uncovered platform. The Lucknovv Pipe Band, the Gode- rich Boys' Band and the Mildmay Band !NO OITER HURON COUNTY furnished plenty of music, which con- SCHOLARSHIP AT O.A.C. siderably brightened the somewhat damp atmosphere of the picnic park. At a meeting' of the Warden's cm - Free treats were provided for the child- ren, also boat rides for thpse who mittee of the County Council on Thurs- wished them, and Bert MacDoeeld's day lase, it Was decided to recommend launches were kept busy with people, that e it County scholarship of young and old, eager for a free ride. $100 be established for a tirst-year The sports program proved popular student at the Ontario Agricultural for old and young and all the events College from the county of Huron. This had a full entry. is in lieu of the 'Massey scholarship A pie -eating contest was amusing formerly given at, the University of as dozens of boys and girls and a Western Ontario, which has now been few older ones ate wedges of blueberry' withdrawn. The recommendation will -pie with geeto, many-gettingeagentue feeeterse-be-subjeot to the-approva on their faces -as in their. mouths. the O.A.C. authorities. Ja"ckie Reis, oGoderich, was the The committee accepted the tender champion pie -eater, with Harry Atkins, of II, C. Lawson, Clinton, for Insuranee Hensall, and Paul Wendell, Mildenay, on the buildings at the Port Albert as runners-up. Jinuny Frank, of Wingham, had the neest *freckles, and Harry Howard, of Mitchell, _vvas second with a„ plentiful supply. In another interestiiig conteste pic- tures drawn of Premier Drew were "excellently done, that executed by Miss Mollie Johnston of Willowdale being judged the Vest. •A Goderich girl, Miss Patricia Church, won thirdeplace. Sports ,Winners Prize -winners in the sports events were a -s- foil o wse . . Girls' .race, 3 to 4 years-lst Mary Hoy,' -Goderich; 2nd \Elaine Mitchell, Goderich; 3rd Marlene Leitch, Gode- Giris;WiO 7eears-Barbara - Goderich; Eva Prouse, Goderiehe Barbara <Larder, (Joderich, Girls,. 8 to 14) years - Winedfred PREMIPR, OF ONTARIO VISITS GO ERICH .nee--wts-a-neenaber- street United church, of the session and of the music committee. For many years he was the church :recording steward:, he was i former 'church airport for the month of, October, (ewer_ tre.aeurer andsuperintendent of the Sunday school. He was a past master ing the period of the International of Morning Star Lodge, A.,F. & A.M., Carlow; and a member of the Goderich Lions' Club and of the:Goderich Public Library Board. StIrVIVing, bdes esihis wife, formerly plowing match. SEVIPSON-VIDEAN On Saturday, August 24th, at the home of the bride's parents, 'the mer- Miss Ada Fisher, are six brothers.: riage of Mildred Alen, elder daughter John, of Benmiller; Elwin, of Hama- _ of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. \ Wean. ton' • of • Goderich, and Edward Sinipson, LethbridgeD , Alta , and Dr. _Benson Long, •long -continued dry weather. Premier rew in ;addreesing thegathering dis-' , „ •ver anaro , o elder son of Mr. and Mrs, Sichtey Singe of Red Deer, 'Alta. - An only child, claimed any credit for bringing th son of Toronto, took place. The cere-, Mildred, passed away in her thirteenth e rain w•Ith him, but said lee was glad limey, solemnized by Rev. Beverly H. eene in mg . Farr, -rector • of - St. George's -Anglican- The e funral 'service was held this to know it WAS welcomed. • The pregeant of speeches which fol church was performed before. the Lire- (Thursday) afternoon at the Wheeler lowed the sPorls e.yents of the after place, which was flanked by pink and Funeral Home, Toronto streetand was noon was begun on an improvis.ed plat - white gladioli. The bride, given, in conducted by Rev. R. a -Turnbull, who form adjoining the park paviliee, but inele,,riageelW heE faeAske6-1-.44.14-ekee*LYe4t- paL4eete,tehigh4".tritenieeetbethee,,,elearacter-A0-AW•V-4§1Age-walPqr- 4'14 .* OWY-'e-= shoulder -length Veil fell from a white formed in the cOmmunity. ' ' and the work he had pee_ the speakers to tne.„.-sreIrer Th -r -the pavilion apd a huge portion of the, an aqua street -length dress. Her of eia Lon - 6 Velvet coronet and she carried a -prayer- There was a large attendance at the crowdenieved away to find a dry .spot. funentl, including many from the stile . Brier speeches of welcome were given rounding dietrict. and a large repre- by Frank Donnefly, K.C., eliairmau of sentation of Ma-senis of Morning Star t•Il-' egatile.rill,ges,'_,_-Mar)r„ •,1,00,,n,u,,,Y ',,ai-IT.141 and Maitland Lodges_ The pallbearers WaXtlei1.Saau-Lue-he L. L. '-''''''''' "'''''' were Frank Kershaw, David Green, A. for North Huron, introduced J, M. bouqUet. Mr. _Emerson Featherstone le Core, Frank Mcflwain, Ralph Munro , Macdonnell, 11.1'. for Muskoka, as the of Toroeto. was groomsman. As the and Chas. M. Robertson. - Progressive Conservative financial guests assembled, Miss Betty boner of Among the 'floral offerings were those , critic in the House of Commons. Toronto, cousin of the bride, played of North street United church, 'Morning ! 'J. M. Macdonnell, M.P. a piano medley of wedding music, the Star Lodge,' •Canadian Order: -of ! . Mr. Macchineell, giving his hearers selection during the eignipg of the Foresters, Goderich Lions Club t.ticl , some sidelights on tin Ottawa scene, register being spBecause:" , After the GoderiCh public Library Board, At I spoke, of three M.P.'s from' this district ceremony the guests were received- by the graveside in Maitland cemetery tiee --Cardiff of Huron, Robinson. of Bruce Mrs. Videan wearing heavenly blue burial rites of the Masonic order were crepe and blue feathered hat, With Hill eand Bradshaw of Perth -who he urged. conducted by Past Master Hugh should be sent back to ottawa again pink and white 'hewer corsage. 'Airs. of Morning Star Lodge. . - a. , ' to represent the people of these ; Simpson assisted, wearing Alice blue. counties. . . . , Gueste were present from Toronto, Ot- PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ; Their leader a t Ot tawa, John tawa, 'Chicago and Goderich. At the meeting of the Public Utilities Bracken, was, he :eud. a -farmer .whose For the wedding trip, the bride wore Commission on Tuesday night the , gre:it aim .was to help the farineree t 11‘ of. Bruce, father of the,chairman. service, and . \vas assisted by Rd ev. J. F. ays last Week visiting with Mr. and a baby blue coat over a tan dress, with tender of H.O.' Jerry for c6111 foe theso' far had got the "short end.of, 112------ 1111d been expected, hut at word that Antfirson, Padre of the -Repulse," ‘Vho' Mrs. A. Heacock at Birmenghzun, ,;11ich. ‘ brown accessories. On'their return Mr." heating of the Water\v• • olk b. •s tulding 1 the stick." "You can trust .1 Win tts the :-,e D at e w as: sull in sessien at read the lesson. ^ . ._ lir_ and! .1.1rs, Floyd-Ciirter, of Lon- • ottawa he wouid he unable -to-attend: ' ',1"1. cledr. under the direction of Mrs en, • c1ou, ha venTturned inane,after spending • _ SPEAKERS AT PRO. CONSERVATIq A - A• A 0 Gathering Hears Speeches from " Premier- Drew and J. M. -- Macdonnell M.P. ' While• the rain op Wednesday after- noon was disamedeting to those_ ;rho' had organized the Progressive Con- serieitive picnic at Ha rborleirk, it was generally welcomed as relief frian the puok arrangement -of Talisinan roses. Clark, Ruth Willis, Marjorie •Webster, Her only attendant was her '.sister all of Goderiele • len; who • was gowned in.pale pink Girls, 11 to 13 years-Norrne Beattie„ith imetthing mohair headdress and John White, Violet „McAdam, all of carried a pink and efirfigeeeetescent ,Goderich. Girls, 14 to 17 years -Norma Beattie, Goderich; Marion Freeth, Goderich; Margaret MacPherson, Glencoe. Boys, 3 to 4 years -Joe Kiehl, Gode- rich; Roger Clinifeings, Clinton. 0 Boys, 5 to 7 years -Billy 'Carrick,. Goderich; Jackie Densmore, St. Veers; Lamb, Goderich. Boys, 8 to 10 years -Bill MacDonald, Don Fritzio,y; Don McAdam, ,A1L _of Goderich. • ' Boys, 11 to 13 years -Ian McFarlane, Goderich: Frank Alton, Luckuow; Paul Wendt, elildinay. Boys, 14 to 17 _Years -Bruce Mc- Corquodifle, Lakeside; Glee Fisher, Exetere: Tom. Depsmore, St. Paul's. Pie -eating contest - Jackie Reis, Goderich; Harry Atkins, Ileuealf; Paul Wendell, Mildmay. Married, women's race -Mrs. Ross Chapman,' Kippen e Pearl .Cummings, Clinton; Mrs, Harry Bennington, St. Marys. , , • Ladies' kick -the -slipper -Miss 'Mur- ray, Mildmay; Miss Gladys McLean, Goderich; Mrs. Frank Tanner, Newton. Freckles contest. - Jimmy Frank, Wingham; Harry Howard, Mitchell. Winner of the scramble -John Craw- ford, Winghtfiel: Artists: contest (picture of Premier Drew )-1st, Miss Mollie Johnston, Willowdale; 2nd, Miss Dorothy Gordon; Toronto:- 3rd„ Miss Patricia Church, Goderich. Fifty -yard race for members of Parliament -J.. P. Johnston, M.P.P., Bruce, Prize -Winners in Special 'Events For the Progressiveonservative man attending from the greatest' dis- tance - :Maitland Irwin, Portland, Oregon. - For the Progressive -Conservative lady attending from the greatest dis- lance-Mrs. C. Toll, .Trail, For the oldest man he attendance -- Peter Cantelen. Gederich, 89 years.. , (For the oldest, lady in attendance -- Mrs. Alice, Robb, leneknowe 79 years, 8 months.. •For the youngest boy present -Peter Ja mes Mein tosh, Godericle. 4vo months. ,Forehe yoengest girl -present-eCath- nrine Ann McGregor, Kippen, three months. For the birgekt family attending (all present -Mr 1111(1 Ali's, Reuben Turner, Chesley. With .ten children. A ladles' softball game which was to la, held at Victoria Park between ,Goderieh and $t. Mary -s was called off because of the rain.. Appirently safe in the obseurity of ie. rain, the "Mysterious Ontario" 'ee not discovered. RIZE-WINNERS FOROOT TO PICK UP MONEY The winners of two prizes at the Conservdtive picelc s on Wednesday failed te pick up their prizes. These 'prizes have been left at the Signal -Star offiee and if owners will call forethem they may 114Ve them. The 'prize- winners are Peter J. McIntosh, of Gode- 'rich, youngest 'boy present, and Patricia Chtereh, Goderieh, third prize in artists' contest. Mr. and Mrs. James A, Sehultz have left for St. Petersburg, Ma., after spending the summer in Godefich and visiting their daughters, Mrs. Harvey Fisher of Colborne township and Mrs. 13. Willings of London, and their son, Mr. Alvia Thompson of town. V V _ FIS ING AGREEMENT IIITE Population Sictedws •sA4 DEWITA IDE POINT 1 - , . A "gentlemen's agreenient" exists be Increase of Over 200 ', , . „ are both retired and ‘vith titue on their two ardent fishing pals. Becauee they Ass tweet' John Baker and Bill Marwiele, '. emeouno ci. • es a stiznate, for, This4,Y70057 Li hands, they -ttre -frequently been to . gether fishing, near the harbor. . Their standing agreement is .that Population of Gederich this year le whoever catehes the first fish collects . 4,705, neeording to an unuftci,a1 eaten- twenty-41re cents from _the other'lleher- 1 eee following the taking„of the Muni. luau. ' And a fair amount of , cash , , Opal census by Assessoi-0. VV. Stterely.e has changed hands in this way' over the past several years. i Official population 'figures will not be, Beyond the breakwater. on Saturday , released until about October lst,, butt' :kihiaeyrwliteukideidiait)hpieineeeden tlooveealytchpertehlei. . iiBrislt1 , than about fifteen out, if as muell eie j the aforementioned figures are not mom fish that day and collected twenty-tive 1 eicat, according to Mr. Sturdy. cents from John. 1 The figure for 1940 shows an inceeaSe Pleased with their Saturday catch, !of more than 200 in population o'ver the they returned to the same spot Tuesday. While endeavoring to tie th°11e1,;' frirreoelmeeeadoitynoegrbseee-aedsarat.eoatTeothhitestire inwmicteih•neabsrreeitsukirsneg bo. :. a t con- overboardtoabiunotyo, tJhoehnl a, ke. fully clothed,ButHillfwasell 1 ditions in the .building industry. . soon at his side' to pull him back into the boat. , the la1s9t4n5ine years are: Luck was poor that day and no fish 'Population figures for Go4d4e8r8ich for- - at all were caught. Bill insisted ,that since John was the Only thing pulled 1 out of the water that day he had the 142 44,:726922582 right to collect from John _the usual 11909444340 4 9 twenty --five cents. • - 11 i9)3491 4,886 still debating over the technicalities , 19:37 "- \ 4,407 of their fishing ageetyment as related 444:,446887844 When last seenJohn end Bill were . _ 1938 to this partieularincident,_ " . MEET AFTER FIFTY YEARS - KNOX CHURCH CHOIR , Two schoolboy, chums, who hadn't .MAKES PRESENTATIONS , seen each other for fifty years, met .I,for the first time in half-e-eentu,ry at Me bers of Knox church choir eath- the picnic at Harbor Park on Wednes- ered .Lit the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 1 ay a moon. oe e evm, rumero,. F. Seenderi on Filiday evening Dist to ;"street, Goderich., and Robert Bruee, .. honer Mr, and Mrs. Charles_ Kemp, i of Onaway, Michigan, both attended who leave at therewith -end fdr Yarker, !school, in S.S. No. ti,. Hibbert, Perth out., where Mr. ,Kemp will be Manager • county, more thanfifte• years ago. . fur the Bank of Montreal. Mr. Kemp 1 Thep they set out„eac'h on his own r:ontp -.- leas 'for the past eight years been a , in the world, to meet again in GoderiCh . valtred and faithful member of thee on Wednesday. , Mr. -.Bruce, who is choir., Au address..was given by the ' vis.iting with his brolher, David Beuce; president, Mrs. W. E., Saunders, and of' Ci•oinafty, cauie with the latter to a -wen Theeree egel presented by miss-, the- picnic. - In&dentally, tue Monday .. Marjorie Mactie on behalf .of the choir. of this week Robert .Bruce saw his. • 4" • The occasion afforded the members brothen-, Joe Bruce, .at Toronto, for the an opportunity also to honor Miss first time in forty-eight Years. 1 Barbara Cutt, a former' member, who - 1..e8vves shortly to enter St. Joseph•s„Hos- SUCCESSFUL MUSIC PUPILS ' cott's *contribittious to the w'ork.. of the t1 1 examinations..of the Toronto Conserv- 14.sults Of . midsummer PianufOrte . . pital, Lomkai. , as nurse-in4raining. Mrs.' SaunderS paid tribute to , Miss ttery 0 Music are announced as fol- „ Lihol.(:),Toodiiiiira.fisailialwistiliii‘l.:.:41,i!fsut ,4111:1111nYi:reatino:111:natolitulnietit_f:::fi::,:c:Ief, ' luN'14.;''ra: de 1-1)1 1110 `-' 1511ot t (honors), • - J,i,,i(1 ii9tilai .6.1: Turc,z,a,ntraierlril 64T.Lioariisl.,,,cat. reee,,,,,e • J. M. MACDONNELL, • • C.S. ••Itepulse: of Sarnia, one hundred live Juembe2s, enjoyed an evening f o- . honors ) , Bet ty: Bowra_ t honots 1 , Mary -' singing, Cy individuals and grtespe, and • Jo' Ellwood. a • buffet. lunch whs "served at the conclushin under tin; capalife convener- ' hoi‘nor:). ,.araoe III -Cora DriVer (1111st...clap -.. - ship dr Mrs. IC Rivers. , N . Grade IV -Lois CamiThell (honors), , Barliara 'Grit -lit h t honors). SARNIA SEA CADETS ' AT BAPTIST CHURCH: - t ;rade VI -Ruth Reed - : honors 1 . . t;rathe .X-Berith Jessop (honors), The officers. and.°Sea Cadets of II.M. pERsoNAL 11 TION . Sent, in tithlitjah to those dtherwdse in the Baptist,church, on Sunday morn: and ten strong. attended divine...service Bob Aloorhead has been spending two weeks of his viteation with friends Mentioned, werellon. itussell T. Kelley,•. ing' in charge of Lieut. N. AIMS. ()-.C.' at Burlington. • • flamilton, elinistee of Health; J. Fte of the. "Iteptilec.". -Accompanying them . , Mr and Mrs A 'Britton- and sons, Edwards. Perth: J. W. -Hanna-7 a•-10 were .1.1.-C:en, I'earce, O.C. Cituip ' • ' ' • • IIuron-Bruce: J. P. 'Johnstone, Kitchigami, and a distineedelied visitor, John and William,. ,hilVe returned to e '111 1 • Ottawa aftee a visit in tovvn. Bruce; Bradshaw, Al.r.4 Itt.v. E. G. B. Foote, O.B.E., of Ottawa, - Rev: William Weir. :qrs. Weir and I'erth : T. L. Dent, Oxford; A. chaplifin of the Fleet, who had arrived E. Robinson, M.P., Bruce; W. Hamill- . unexpectedly at the camp.• .eltildren were holiday guests at the ton, ALP.P., Wellia,gton Smith; B. Cath- ' 1101. Joseph Janes, pastor of tin, tionie of Mrs. F» G. Weir. cart, Al.P.P., Lanibton.. ,Senator Don- ti 11(11 waS in charge of the 11111)1 11 Mee Harold II11.-bert epene severe.' and -Mrs.. -Simpson. will reside in Gode- rich. at.the ea/lie...peke ee lest 3,,,,,, $11,8,7) plThtekeeeehe will not let you clown. . 1 „ Controls that were necessary in war. 'este ton, was aceepted. , ' ' Prior to her marriage, the bride -elect The manager W11S in to ask ehould be done away with as speedily but the Liberals had been was honored at a tea. given by her for tenders on a small truck and- also , as P"sible' mother, a kitchen shower at ."Blue for plans and specifications for a ' exercising arbitrary powers . so long RECEPTION AND ,I:AprzColEGRAivi CONCLUDES DAY ,ijid Airs. Joseph Janes sang beautifully. -Come, Y,,!-. Blessed 1:f My Fa t.11.,r. ‘ .. , Wilfred. Donaldson. sang an anthem: eral days this week visit 'Mr. and Mrs, G. C. It vaninsgpeinitiesnedv;- ''holidays ' in. Goderich. .. Heaven, the cottage of Mrs. Mary P. storage building. , he thought it would be ttlinolst mipos- __„_______ Me. 1.. (.. B. 1 oo,te. plea( hed an NN. .. , i , .: . .. , 1 .,., SCC1lheous shower at A schedule of increased salarie, foi.s4\sible for them to get Clear of the ...ex- Approximately four hundred guests excellent sermon. the theme" of which , - Mrs. R. J. Kennedy- and 'Airs. A. S. Chaffee, and a mi.- s . the home of Miss Hazel Wilmot., She the I'.U.C. staff was adopted. ' .- _ ,'•oerts'" „ was the text : "And herein is that stiv- First' of 'Toronto are guests of Mrs. E. attended an infOrnoil reception atid , - • ' Elliott, -East street. was also the recifdent of a handsome The.Coinmission is having the water mg t rue, one sowe th, and another The prospectsl, of the party in an - dance .1wid in tlil- P•1 sit ion Wright tezipeth: I • sent you to reap that " .; coffee table, the gift of the board of main 00 Huron road extended to serve ' other election v'vere excellent, the ' ' ettete hi t it (..‘ ( 'ling, in nmot of C.01. whereon e bestowed no lalipr: other Miss Louise C. Gordon of I directors of the dhildren's Aid SocietV 1 I • b 'holidaying. with Mr. and Alr-us".(11nle;c8, . , new iouses wing wit -under the speaker continnea. In Quebec - the ' 1 t id Airs. Drew 1111. Preini , • • a xl • • . Li an -1S. 1111 11 labort.mil Ad ye are' entered into by 1V-honi she is employed as seeretary, Wartime Housing scheme. • A. Govern- rtrtv h•id heen re -organized 'under a , 1,1 ' • • . . S ' 1. ; e' i a 1-1 nut . Drew were int rooticeo oy I rank Don- t heir labors." (John • 4 :37-3s 1. The , „ leader and p1 ape were ,better meta machine is doing the digging. e Mrs. S. It. Alacelath end Miss Maude ' 1 1 for manY Years' Western Canada in the receiving line Were Mayor D. D. " faithful work, which brings gaud re-, smit,..,... 1141.:11.0 , nelly, K.C., and Airs. Donnelly. Others , chaplain urged the in o tan( BOY SCOUT MOVEMENT . . . ---1.-0r-------P ol-' Mitelatli ace spending this week at REVIVED IN GODERICH A THREE-IVAY -MOVE also should" do better than in the last and mrs. mffinte.,.. 'William Alurdock, sults in due time. • oampton. . election and, for the forthcoming bye- , . ,. „ . , ,, ,. :',, . . . . _,ra.r.e the Pro. enlet k MIM.1% it LIN ( 111111) 111 the ,..0 r_s- , , '. , . s, Mr.' and Mrs. Ormond. Hiwkins are M r. and AI rs. Frank Walkout have • ---- moving to Saltford, and the house thus' P1(4 -11!)g I 0 lilt ( ,1thts, lit aded by their smart returned from a vacation at 'Sharbot in lortage. a,4,:. , i i w,,,, sre /attire, and Mrs. Alurdock ; `Dr. R. ,11.. band under the 'leadership of, Lieut. ,,, ..(. . he Boy Scout movement, dormant vacated at the coulee of 'Waterloo and rt 55111 (.. ()riser ve tin I.. Vtpre ' ' 1' `-- raylor. M.P.P., .Huron, and Alrs,.. S. Freele, In:welled to'4ind from the , in Goderich during the war years, Colborne streets will be occupied by ' Pared. 1 Taylor; J. Fred Edwards., Al.P.P., churcli. Sir. and mrs. w• I.. Kindall and son, with so many of its leaders off on more of Detroit, spent a few day&T-fecently , serious work in Europe, has been re- his- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. -We are making progress and we . . . . Perth and Mrs. Edwards; Stanley . 'rim band on Sunday afternoon 'pre_ with Aliss. Rose l'o. • Huckins, while the place on the Iluron have sufficient ability .11.1 our party 40 Hall, el.P.P., tIaltoneand Mrs. Hall. sented an excellent program in Court ..N..• - vived during recent. months and a . . 4 Air.. and Mrs. S. M. Warivickt of drive for a full-fledged membership is road where the Parents have been form a strong Goyernment •when we i Aire. pee.w..weee a beige ensemble Henee Park. :Under Itantimaster, 1,X,:iit. Li,ttdon. Were Week -end guests ofeeliss living Will be occupied by their son Itlefeat Mr. King." with corsage of yellow and white roiie,i,„. Freely this ii,ind has won .1 notable • planned for September. Be_rt. These several moves` are men- Premier Drew She and tin, l'remier ;joined the inetree Plueeee in band cie•cles. and its appear- • ' ' ' ' ' Rose I ox. , The Gbderich troop has been are- elle :tnd Mrs. A. V. Currep have ti-oned becausts the statement in last Premier lerew, who was introdueed returned to 1(1)1111) after a Visit 'with' threng of delivers, and during an Inteee :Ince in Goderipli (1)1ring the st:o at 4 ' .• leadere being.ex-serviee'personnel. The , organized, • eighty per cent. of the Mr. J. E. IItickins had purchased:the week's Signal -Star • to the effect that member of the 'Legislature for the rid-' to the audience by lir. Itellebbs Taylor, , , nitesion were introduced to. tthe Yeetig cainp, is always hailed with enthusiasm • . people froin the, orchestra platform 1(11 i ift oy t.w c.,.zens, and visitors in town. , ' . street, nis daughter, Airs, E. Elliott. East leaders are Glen Lodge, Ed. Simpson, Leslie Riley,' Fred Whittitigham and former Wilson residence. in seiteeee ing. of Huron, spoke of the size and im- Mr. Donnelly. Jayne Ford, . little ____________ ________. Alr's. Elizabeth Hardy, of Moores - Martin 01w. Junior leaders are Bill might lead readers to infer 'that Mr. portance of this Province of Ontario. - -.7' field, and Ali•s. 1'. Brisbin. of Listowel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. AI. Ford, IVIAJOR D. R. NAIRN lereetle "Brownie" Milne John Hudson, Huckins senior ivae moving out of vvere only a small part of the point- , Its four millbin people. he declared, RECEIVES . APPOINTMENT ari. glit...tls this week With. Meg. II. presented Mrs. Drew with a lovely Bruce Erskine and Bruce Rutherford. town. ' . oompiet of roses, and l'ol. 1)11 11 111 11 lation HIP Province could support. brief address expressed their 11)1(1 ((1 , --,-- • , Phillips. East street. • The Cubs else' have been re -organized APPOINTED SECRETARV Referring to Dominion-Provinciii 1 ,, , , „ said he t'11S-.pletised to 'i'l•i,-()r 1 1'''„.11' 'Nairn hos been n 1,- elk,: • \ it inn Fisher has returned' Ann Wurtelee_i____ sored by the boys' and girls' commithse ot. the ; .‘: i 1 of the Goderich Lions Club. The I3oy SeOniS 1.1.1141, elT111; -are Spoll- , . . librarian. has been 'appointed secretary '1) '4' 1"(- s''''""`" (" "" '"'' 2-;""e"- C• • 1. • • • . " of the coun4Y '1 11 1 sit ,1 1 1 11 • • • s . • ' . • Mrs. Glenn Eckinter, Huron 'Count' -Onion() ..iorary Assocait,on .1 ' , ( - .1, i ir.m .t4( 1 1;()" ion i. 1 • 1 1 2 i • .1' , ,, th., 4., „0.4h a ,.,11 ,h. 1. ,.„, t., relations,. the'Premier !-,a bl _11Q WiSlled a ''').1. ..V joined in building up a mighty Dentin- 1 '11",'.1 .1' ' )11 t, op re. o mai neaus should - „, i'. were 'fling in the hest Pro1 ince: ' , 1111 tell clue' on toreena,11 1 counsel for home n fter spending,ra itWIT'ET,:r-,k....Asiti.::.*::1;:ta,:ditiin(iitil; . etre prow nue pti 11 1. 1)„.t nient being_ effective . 1 gi ea t country • anti iney ., ' the Warlitne Prices nml Trade Tionrd in Letelen vieiting hc , of the leeel.'in distrk•t, the appoint- Willing's. ana Mr. \\ til - `.1t.cpleitthe,r 1 st . ' 111;1. iiii'-,):11:11.111.711P: i 1 InSrlinorgitz,lailaitsf t (1.-.(1: and are under the direction of „Miss :es lett with the Provinces.e Ile woulu ee, .1,11,1 mon a bffill re),30 ,), they' we.:. Ile tt di reside in 1,midon: ' . formed- wit hitt the last year. Thep. are . in • ' eleVen county libraries -in ()marl°. i not consent to the weakening of this returning ininiedialely to Torofflo. -- .. - ; Province. i 'cue Jack Evaffs 01111451t 1';i1';iof London "thic Proviiu•ial responkibility is i 1t.(,3 idea the 11111,h, for tiu. (1:144(1.. educan. tioSince we took oflice three . .. ' 11 11 ago we 11:1,1•0 ea incrsed expendi- _ OWEN SOUND MIDGETS - , tures on ethic:ohm hv a larger IISITORS FROM DENVER, ('OL.A gathering of friends and relatives aesemblvd at the home of Mreand Mrs. Sam McNeil, Benmiller read, on Sun- day last. Tice guests (Ai! honor were Mr. and Mrs. George Keech, Mrs. Keech being the former Henrietta McCabe, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George McCabe, Colborne township. °The couple had travelled, by car from Denver, Colorado, to visit relatives and friends here and this is the first time Mrs. Keech has been home in fifty-nine years. During the Afternoon ft was decided that this reunion should be an atinual event and officers were elected to look after a similar gathering ifext year. About one hundred persons Were present on this occasion. THE WEATHER Temperaturee of the past week in itioderieh, with thoe:. of the correspond- ing ?week a year ago, as officially recorded, wereees follows: 1946 1945 Mex,. Min, Max. 14itin. Tfiurs., Aug. 22 47 76 55 Fri., Aug. 29 69 .46 76 50 Sat., Aug. 24 70 45 74 53 Sun., Aug. 25 71 46 '71 50 Mon., Aug. 26 73 49 03 50 Tues., Aug. 2t77 49 78 48' Wed., Aug. 28 71 58 77 i;4. ABOUT THE PIPES VISITORS CURIOUS 11 weekiti GOderich with his; grand:- mother. Airs. TiOunits 1111:1 11 Recent sitors at the heMrs, , AT T E WATE FRONT iia whin viHayfield roadome. werf e ,Miss Grace Hoggarth of Port Huron. Mich., amount and Mrs, Hawkins nephew and wife , t lin neLthey • had ince-eased from 1807 to ' , HERE ON SATURDAY (11113 two grain cargoes have arrived, 11r. a 110 .Airs. \\ :liter ...I1o,s, of.. Since pipe bands are comparatively I 1.9-13:- The ' increase is more than . --,---- - :1 1 1 041 Goderich elevator the past Week SaginaW. Mie11. , rare in the Vetted States, passengers $29000,090. and we will not enter into relit, 1,,1„11, midget ,baseball teil in nvill -. --the Superior on Friday,' 93,000 bus. • Mr. and Mrs. 1)11Vid. F. Roller and on tee e.e, Neeth American on moodily 1 onY aglee'sinent With ottawli that Win 1111'01 (hVN1 S011 Ild M itlj,t ts.. champlints 1 \N hen t and oats. tuitti „ the Brieoldoe. , (laughter carol Ann. of Grosse potato, ' displayed consideyable 11111 re in the I reduce onr,,expet.iditureA ,,,, 1,dmatti011... 4,f the Jinn, League. in 111 (1.11..k. play- Wednesdny evening. 333.000 bus. oats, • Mich.. spent a week of their vacation Lucknow pipe band whiclegreeted then) ' "Ns 111(111 1(111 we may liege paid off game at Agricultural,Thirk oe S:tt- wheat ;ind barley. , . ' :it the Bedford .liotel. Phyllis Allin, mi their aretem at, Gederich harbor. Hale attention in the Past to •the Tim uf(loV of this W(elc• at 5.:11) -07clock. The superior en its return trip to their 111111% -iTtorned with thpot for a Three girl passengers who hailed, Bucles, tl.ie Joe Salsbargs end the Fred There should be a‘food attendance of Fort Williiiin carried the steel boat week iti the cite'. , from Chicago, . lied ail oe whom Were Roses, hut thee are Working, and have sitl)PorlevS, as lhe Midgets linve been built at the 'Mathieson works in (lode-, ...Mr. Andrew 31. Breckenridge, of been Museow-tietined in 0 school' of putting plenty of pencil into their play -.rich -for Hie purchaser at the lakebead. i Chien go, was here for ten days on his politica1 warfare to sow discontent and and have •already won the Ellwood 'rhe Quedoe arrived en Sunday with i mutual visit to ilie old home „ town. distrust ainong Ganadianee 'We should Epps trophy in lhe W.O.A.A. series. 102,000 hos.wheat for . the Pu rity ! Mr. Breckenridge holds ii.' respousible . organieP eihd 1,VOrk for a free -.system Let'S turn "out and cheer the boys .Flourwilll. . .. 1 position with the firm Of Sears, Roe - of govet.nment to let then) know, no, to another win. matter what ..happens in Moscow, we ° - -------- ' The ,.'tarimek is :trriving this (Titers- .1)1ielt -& Co., Chicago's great mercantile A NICE REST di afternoon with a cargo fOr the !firm. . . are not .going "ft') have any ppisonous people fought. forfreedonL let us orgap- Cox , returned 'froth a holiday spent ta- iled doctrine in our.hantes. Our young The Rev. Cliarles D. Cox and _Mrs. tomorrow morning. , elevator, and the .Superjor '1...4 expected I ' A pleasant es -ening wn:sise.,:isurples;Nt,;iitiliaathstiet. 1141110 of Mr. ntid Mrs: Beet Elliotte, lees politically to ,keep it." their eottage at Wolf Lake, in Northern .Government are' working on the nerth Men in the employ s of,. th,e pens iniOn ,Tirlite-fnairil (ru 1417,1; tiv ri.)1a) The Premier coneluded with an Ontario. At.. least "holiday" is the pier in the eodstrnetion of a linoinegei Johngton and Elgin Fisher met, to bid elolinent declaration of the greatness name given the absence from liervie be played ae.ross the harbor entettreee 1 then) farewell befiere their ,departure . Of Cambia, whin, he. eaid, "offers to ill whiele time Mr. CoX 11 i'. called on WIWI nilVigntion closes til..protee.t. tIo fni their 11011° home at ChlgAry. Mr. theSe young people r, rea ter . opportun- to : Conduct three chureli serVices. 'ha rior, from we The boom will.le' Johnston. who Was recently dMeharged ities :, than any other empire* In the Perform it. marriage eeremony. Par- of intieh larger and more tzruhttttlittiV“rOM the navY, has a position an a • World. . . . We shoeld striee to keep tleipate in two haptisins. Help fight a conetreethie than those, nsed in pasflaikkhanie in that",eitY, a position' he , in the minde-of eur children a sense of forest fire Whieh threatened. the neva years. It Will, hews a board walk; .fih bOlc`t• 7.1).cfore enliPting. Luneh. ' wan our proud position as a fellowship of in which the( ox cottage,is situated. 14111011the.ehatilug may lye erOssed-b$,,,..ovi,a„nnd.othRie and titnicing-eiajoyed. free people within the British Empire." Coeduct a funeral service on -his way ie having business me the other .,Ik. l'O 44e -of moncY wag presented to Clio , Among the political personame personages pre- ho.--gineardine lsliz NeWs. ,, .1,-,v n, 0 • n . , . . 1.):441),Ttor...._ musle stedents there, asked Roy 'Mac- Kenzie of Ripley, pipe maJor of the band, "what key the Music of the, pipes was written in." After a 'little hesitation Pipe - Major MacKenzie stated,' "I believe it is in A Minor." A male passenger asked Mae of the Pipers what the object, was which hung down at the front of the kilt. Informed that it was a sporren, the visitor expressed his thanks fer the 'information and stated, "I have asked a number of people here in Goderieh what ft WaR called, „but they did not see1ll. to know the correct answer." 'Others asked all about 'the pipes and whet they were made of., while stilt another girl asked horw they got the wind into the bags and how they kept ,it there.