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The Exeter Times, 1885-10-1, Page 5
'HOLLOWAY'S PMS&OINTMCNT The Indian Trials.. The trials of 'several of the Indians who participated in the late rebellion were .concluded before Judge Rouleau on Thursday Net, at Battleford, N. W, T. Considerable interest has been manifested in the To all who are suffering from the errors and nroeeedings from first to last, acrd indiseretione of youth, nervous weakness,. Interesting items. Harry Gilmour and George FaIljaiues for prize fighting, were at the Toronto Police Court remanded for sentence till called upon, and gave each personal security of 8100 to keep the peace in future. A OAR D. the court -roam has been orowded by early decay, loss of Manhood, ere, I will sand residents of Battleford and vicinity, many of whom have known the prisoners intimately for years past. Wandering Spirit. tit e murderer of poor Quinn at Frog Lake, who after a desperate attempt to commit aui- oide M Fort Fitt, eltpreesed a wish to recover, that he might tell all ho knew, acted during the whole of hie trial in a way that showed hie die - gust for Big Bear and those whose fear led them to recommend * our - render to the police. When the prosecuting counsel asked for the sentence of the court on biro, he rose and listened to the words that eon - receive that win cure you, FREE OV O$ABGE. This great remedy was discovered by a Mis- sionary in South America. Send a sett -ed- dressed envelope to Bay. IOsEY.,r T. bawl Station") New York oft 0 y, CATARRH-�A NEINTREATMENL C. & S, GIDLEY, Peril ape the most extraordinary euccesethat 0 VZ A.P " has been sed by in modern medicine has UNDERTAKERS ween attained by the Dixon treatment for ca. . The above reward will be ,paid for?the conviction of those Merchants who are selling n inferior Furniture Manuf acurers Machine Oils,and calling t h colt' ' f� �� hem � � Lards tarrh. Oat of 2,000 patients treated during the last six months, fully ninety por cent. have been cured of this stubborn malady. Thie is none the less startling when it is remembered that not five per cent• of patibnta prooerrting themselves to the regular practitioner are be- nefltted, while the natant mealcines and other advertised cures never record e. cure at all. Starting with the claim now generally believed by the most scientific men that disease is due to tile presence of living uarasites in the tissue. Mr, Vixen at once adapted his cure to their extermination—this accomplished, he claims the Catarrh is practically cured, and the Per- manency noquestioned, an curds effected by him: four years aro are cures still, Ne cue else has attempted to cure Catarrh in tells Heart 'Reeser" carried off John Dunkerly manner,andno other treatment' ever oared at hie residence Hamilton wacky evening. Catarrh. Th•, application of the remedy is • m le and an bo d33 e a the when rho death summons Dame. able fora speedy and permanent cure, the McGregor it Parke's Carbolic Cerate is in- majority of cases beiug mired at one treat - valuable for Wounds, Sores, Salt Rheum, moat• 5utiorera should correspond with tessera. 1.. 17. DISON do SON, 30 i >*ing street Cuts, Berne, Scalds and Festers, as a heal- west, Toronto,Canade, and enclose stamp for bug and purifying dressing. Do not be im. their treatise oa Catarrh,-3fontreat Star. .l Nov. posed on S tth other useless preparations, 17.1882.d Ile wee sitting en a chair quietlyreader! si p c dna at hum , nd reading' present soason of the •oar f8 the u5ost favor•• retmmen a to a as good. Use only Mc- Gregor d. Parke's Comte. Sold by 3, W. Browning. 2 Patrick Labia was stabbed in Toronto by a Chinaman on Queen street east, the Celestial inflicting a wound about ,Ave signed hien to the gallows without the 11101193 inAleen tEi zNis tilg U;v. movement of a muscle. After refer- ring to the fairness and impartiality whenever there aro festering sores, blot - of the trial Judge Boolean sentenced oatoa an' extremely bad cQnditbon of the the prisoner to be hanged on the 27th blood which be speedily cleansed by that j of November, best of all reedecbnea Burdock Blood Bitters. Night others were setltenoed to WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and varione term(' in the pepitentiary'Livor Complalure Shiloh'a vitslizer is tinarallteed to cure you, For sale by J, W. They are: -•-•.Fair Sky Thunder, four. Browning, tear years; Galling Bull, ton pears; Rev, y, Cr. Falba, Dutton, certifies : "'For 1 some years my wife has been troubled with dyspepsia, and has tried ono tiling after en• other recommendedwith but little or no effect till advised to give McGregor's Speedy Cure a trial. Since taking the first bottle 1 have no- tioed a (Wcided improvement, and can with contdeuce recommend it to be one of, if not the beat medicine extant for Dyspepsia. This *valuable medicine for Liver Complaint, In- digestion, Kidney Complaint, is purely vege. table. Sold at J, W, I3ruoruing's Drug Store, Trial bottles given free. 2 ' FATAL ATTACKS. Among the most prevalent fatal and sad. LitOle Wolf, ten yeare; (md Mn,asix years; Straight Alan, six yeare; The Gopher, four years; Little runner, four years; Lazy luau, two yeare for stealing tied arson. The settlere uproars the ivied gen* orally that Wandering Spirit's exe• option telce place at the "mere of his murders. Ile effect on the Indians is that distriot would be far greater than if he were hanged at Batileford, Battleford, N. W. T., Sept. 26..--. The trials of four more of the Indians concerned in the rebellion were con• oluaed at Friday's sitting of the court, tied sentence ceras prouounced by Judge Bonieau as follows :— Dreamy Alan. Oliarlebois and. Bright Eye" were charged with the murder; of Crazy Squaw. The two former the Summer and Fall, �ouch as Cholera ;nor - bus. Filioae Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, eta., that often prove fatal in a few hours.. That ever reliable remedy Dr. Fowler's Ex - treat of Wild Strawberry, should be at hand. for nee iu emergency. The Porte is anxious to treat inuncdi• ately with Sir 11. D. Wolff. The latter, has therefore postponed his departure for were found guilty of murder and sen i EgVPt• termed to be hanged. Bright Epee t =�© LLstdY W110 delightsIo Et ort' - was oovioted of the testier offence of els, and likes to fes' ran da a, it and 1 Moons abundantly, ahoutd b.' without Mein manelaughtor, bis sentence beim ;,,rto,,q f.;iatt for l lowers. Ordinary pack - twenty veers' imprieouu eut in the I kw 3 ►c,4-Sdflleieut for twenty pbu4s for' One year. Floods have cauee'�l great damage at Sorravezxa, a town xis the Province of I Lucca Italy, rendering wavy persons home. le benitentretyr Taoutsoti 'iliCbgrand, charged With tate timUrder of Mounted Policeman Cowan, was found guilty, and oleo sentenced to be hanged. The date of exeontion in all three comes the same as that fixed Friday in the case of 'Wandering Spirit, namely, the 27th of November. ing, burning sensation ; effected a cure?, Trial bottles, 25c, Solei by 0, Lutz, Central 1 Drug Store. SSiI,OH'S LONDON, HURON AND IS1IUtThIVY...- Goias NOBT1r. 9Uixed. Alafl. ELondon. depart ...... 0 OC A. 11. 4 50 r,sr. aoter . 8 20 Iiensall8 45 t. 100 «4 Rippen 0 UO 620 .ilrncofield........r........ 0 15 036 Clinton 0:v i 05 Loythudeaboro x0 1S 7 20 Bl Belgreve 10 3:; 7 '277 .... 11 DO 7 40 \Vinghanl arrica 11 37 6Ol Ooixo SonTu,. --A FULL STOCK OF— Furniture, Coffins, Caskets, Anel every.hing in the above line, to meet inumehato wants. We have one of the very best Hearses in the County, And I. ufieraN furtei<lec.l and conducted' at extremely low prices. afixmd Meal.E'ner.e:ese er ALLTOE PSFrELENT winghaw,depart.....-....- T 2)aat 11 34 A.nt. IiRytt $ lgia SoexET-EF. ve • 6 40 12, IA r,u, HARK?ESS t'sa xa2, LoudLsbore 603 12 :i7 Clinton 6 35 1 25 llrucefleld ,.., 8 51 1 50 Hippo 0 e0 2 6,5 llenF0 Q, 2 ld Exeter 9 S1 3 tri London 87450 10 43 5 30 Over . __..•_. ..- ' fiver" floss. Fonthlll i\'uvseries ,:ges. The Largest In the Dominion, SALESMEN G'4TANT D To begin canvassing atanca no rail Falus. Ste z.iyeulploymentto sueree.afnImet. ti;nod agents aro oeriung from Soo to o;5 per month mud expvuset. Terms and ostia free. Attires* STONE.t WELLlNGTON- den attacks of aro those incident to HAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its, Wt. tura color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the hair from falling out, increases its, l not sow! ttledetcwh As a hair dres- sing, it bas no superior. Guar- auteedharailess. Prepared by Harkness & Co. London, Out;. Sold by an preglo and a'ateat Medicin Peelers. JOHN` a.a.v7 T, Rev. Semite' Bose, D. D., Christian guar. UNDERTAKER & CABINET -MAKER, lieu and evangelist Toronto, had severe aid painful trouble, erysipelatous affections of limbs, tried the beat medical skill without *access, Giles' Liniment removed tho itch. Scott Act Cases. . VITALIZER is what you need for Oonetlpatien, Loss of Appetite, Dizzi- Four Oases of alleged violation of nese, And all symptonlsot Dyape;'sies prion the pr visions of the Scott Aot came 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by J. W. up fair examination before Mayor Browning. Forreetor, on Woduesday, of last 1 A SAD CASE. week. The oomplainte had been laid by Mr. J. Davie, of Blyth, prosecutor for the Scott Aot Aseooiation, and a largo number of liquor dealers, from all plets of the county, were present. Thelthargee were against Mr. C. Spooner, Clinton, two cases against Mr. Schaffer, of Rippon, and ane against Mr. Kyle, of Tnckersmith, but the latter was subsequently with- drawn. ltir. James Scott, of Clinton, appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. Campion, of Goderioh for the defence. The first case called was that of Mr. Spooner. but the prosecution asked for au adjournment, in order that the intended witnesses might be found, they claiming that they could not be found previously, although an effort had been made to serve the anbnccenae. This was opposed by Mr. Campion, but the magistrate granted an adjournment until 5 o'olook. An effor was made in the meantime to serve a eummone on Mr. W. Grant, who it was expected, would give important evidence for the prosecution, but he could not be found. When the case was re.oalied, Mr., Jos. Allaneon was called as a witness, but denied receiving any liquor on the specified date mentioned in the information. Being asked if ho bad received any "on or about that date," he refused to answer, and an appeal to the magistrate only sus- tsined bis refusal. The prosecutor maintained that he was bound to answer the question, and wanted him committed for contempt of court, but the magnitude did not think so, and wolid not do it. There being no ev enee, therefore, of any disposal of liquor, the case was dismissed with coats. In the cave against Mr. Schaffer, Davie stated that he LAI given snip mouses to another constable in that. place to"serve on two men who were wanted' as, witnesses. He did not know whether they had been served or not, as none of the parties ware present. On the strength of this, the prosecutor asked for an adJ ourn• dent, in order that witnee.ee might be properly served, but thie was re- fused, although it the usual custom to grant an adjourument under eimi• Jar circumstances, and he case dis- missed with costs. Bordering on the Miraculous.—Mr. W. A. Sherwood, of Stanwood, Michigan, was a suf ferer,from Kidney Complaints for four years, he waatotally unfit;for work, tried all the ;local doctors, took "cures" by the dozen. gra bottles of 'Ar. !Carson's Stemaah Bit - The poor victim of Chronic 'Dyspepsia ap- parently suffers all the ills of life, living he continual torture. Regulate the Liver and the Bowels and tong up the Stomach with Burdock ;Blood "littera and the 2)yepeptio'a trouble is soon gone. The Prince of Sart Weimar will assume command of the troops in Irelaud on Thursday. HIGHEST PRAISE. The well-kuowu drug firm of N. C. Pol- son et: Co,, of Kingston, writes that Dr. Fowler's Extract of 1Vild Strawberry has long been considered the best remedy for Summer complaiute in the market, and adds that their customer's epeak in the high - eat terms of its merits, Wild Strawberry is the beat known remedy for cholera Mor- bus, Dysentery end all Bowel complaints. The Spanish Government will contract a loan of ,320;000,000 to unify the Cuban debt. SA'rT,2f3'S COUGH and Consumption Curd is sold by us on a guarantee. It cares Consumption. Scld by 3. W. Browning. Alderman John Staples, F. S. L., hos been elected Lord Mayor of London. Your Druggist is authorized to refund you the money if Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters do not benefit auy case of Dyspepsia, Kid- ney or Liver Complaint. All Druggists. 50 cents. A CERTAIN RESULT. In all disturbed action of the Stomach, the Bowels, the Liver or the Kidneys the result of taking Burdock Blood Bitters is certain to afford prompt Benefit to the sufferer. Bur- dock Blood Bitters cure when other remedies fail. • 'MONDAY & TUESDAY ' •_ � we with ,)poi our iv,r• NOW OMPLETE AT SamweH Pickard's1 It it Walnut tk: Rosewood Caskets Az,so Corms of Evoo'r l)e:::•:,errrex. A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always on hilnd, FUNERALS PuliNISe.BD ANI) CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is excelled. Neill'! ml; AOALL. Hosiery. Gloves, &c KING'S EVIL 1111 - Millinery Show l loin, itt whit h tini2 wi, will show - a.11 the latest designi fur the cowing Season. Also l.` lhl4 I .i114'•s 111 N e v. 1) l ESS O u DS FLUSHES, SILKS, VELVE'T'S, t . V T VE'i'E I'.1 S, Holloway's Ointment.—Sores, wounds, ul- cerations, and other diseases affecting the akin. are amenable by this cooling and heal- ing unguent. It has called forth the loudest praise from persons who have suffered for years from bad legs, abscesses, and chronic ulcers, after every hope of cure has !ong passed away. None but those who have ex- perienced the soothing effect of this oint- ment can an idea of the comfort it bestows, by restraining inflammation and allaying pain. Whenever this ointment has been once used, it has established its own worth, and has again been eagerly sought foe as the easiest and safest remedy for all ulcerous complaints. In neuralgia, rherulatianl and gout, the mune application, properly used, gives wonderful relief. • A SPEEDY CURE. • As a speedy cure for Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Didrncosa Colic, Cramps, Sick Stomach, Danker of the Stomach and Bow- els, and all forms of Summer Complaints, there is no remedy more reliable than Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Dealers who sell it and those who buy it are on mutual grounds in confidence in its merits. 1 e Law t i o •iet The handlers of S e y have passed resolution prohibiting arI icled clerks from engaging in any other bnainers during their term of apprenticeship. The discovery of the iustant3Y`ieeus process of taking photographs has ben quickly fo lowed in the medice.l world by p„perfect ape instantaneoue reMedy'fbr all abide aches and pains, as Neuralgia, Toothache, Rheumatism,' etc. This valuable remedy is called Fluid Ligleniug. and is sold at 25 cents a bottle by 7. W. Brrwning, druggist. f2 Toronto City Assessors have completed l their labors, The total assessment forneat year amounts to 072,721,559, or an increase of three million rlrolsrg over last assess- , 1% wear a USW Mau of help Meat. Was the name formerly given to Scrofulas because of a superstition that it could be cured by a king's touch. The world is wiser now, and knows that SCROFULA can only be cured by a Thorough purifica- tion of the blood. If this is neglected, the disease perpetuates its taint through generation after generation. Among its earlier symptomatic developments are: Eczema, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu- mors, Boils Carbuncles, Erysipelass, Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Phy- sical Collapse, etc. If allowed to con- tinue Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca. tarrh, Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, and varl• mus other dangerous or fatal maladies, aro produced by it. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is the only powerful and always reliable bioodpurij ging medicine. It is so effect• nal an alterative that it eradicates front the system Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poisons of contagious, diseases and mercury. At the same time it en• riches and vitalizes the blood, restoring healthful 'action to• the vital organs and rejuvenating the entire system. 'This great Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the seenuine Honduras Sarsaparilla, with Yellow Dock, b'til- lingia, the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and othbr ingredients of great po- tency, carefully and ecientiiically com- pounded. Its formula is generally known to the medical profession, and the best physioians constantly prescribe AYER'S SARSAPARILLA as an Absolute Cure diseases allcaused For the vitiation of b Y the blood. It is concentrated to the high - 'est practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which like effects are claimed, and is therefore the •cheapest, as well as the best blood purifying medi- cine, in the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED wC Or. ✓. C. Aye,' & Co., Lowell, Mass. [Analytical Chemists.] Bold by all Druggists: price 01; sit Nettles for t4, ,.. All of whic:l 1);' f)ft;, r,N1 at Itocx Bol'1'tlM PRICES. R i THE LIGHT RUNNING SEWING MACHINE SENIPLE 0 i. te ® yyy ? ,te is -+'i ) THE MY SEWING1dACHINE L___. THAT GIVES .____J &maw/km:oh r HAS pp" NO EQUAL` er11any\ rja. f4 _WI . Via:, s.. SEWING MACHINE CO ORANGE MASS. 30 UNION SQ.1tY. CHICAGO 14L, ST.LOUI8 MO.ATLANTA GA. '`1 EOR '-•-• SALE BY EXETER, The only genuine is manufactured by [McColl Bros. & Co, Toront 1 FOR SALE BY JAS, PICKARD, EXETER. Burdock BLOOD RTTEliS Cures Di zznes,', Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Ziver and Kidnejp, Pimples, Blotches, Roils, llurnors, Salt Rheunl,,Scrofula. Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure .Blood, Derarulerl Stomach, or irregularaction of the Rowels.. REI OWNED REMEDIES. THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STQMACUU, KIDNEYS. AND DO ELS. They iurigorate and restore to health Debilitated Ceisetitutiona, ail are invaluwl•te in all eomptaiute incidental to kewalea of all ages. For children ant the aired they are priceless THE OINTMENT sl an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old WoUnila, Sore and Clears. It is fainene for tiuut.and Rheumatism. x011 14801101 55 OF TIE CSgeT IT lied N:! 1'Q1'.tL. or Sore Throats. Bronchitis, Coughs, Celda.Glaueirlar Swellings, and ail 0. u it bels as rival; and for contracted and stiff joints 11 actsliko a charm. The Pills acid Ointment are sold at Tw,:c.+s Ilaer.row. v's E-til."-i•leinent, 78 NEW QSFOIiP•STRBETWe 033, QXFOItP-STItL'liTI, LONDON; ar.,= arca by ieearly every respectable Vendor dor of \fe iieiae, let Ilexes and P'tle, at la. .11,1„ 2a. ell. 1111., lis., 22e.. and 33e. each. Tho '2s. 94situ c',gtaiae three times the quantity of the in lid, sire ; the 3 , t)d, 8.128 air ; 11.10 118, size sixteen ; do> 2', Sire thirty-three ; and the 33set2, tiftyts:a times tio tu: rrtety r.f t10 smalles. I1,'ze.s and Pole. printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pet. anti eau be Ali4 in 2tny language tom- Purcbaw'ra sli .nkl irs_ak to the I aleel on the Pots and Bises, If the *ddrasa"' i"'s not 033 Oxford Street. tondo), they aro spurious. ''�`"`;; , WILLII4L1VI DREW 0 Undertakei' and M .e Cabinet*maker. mmR,Irimpd, ONE DOOR NORTH \TOLSON'S BANK' FIItR LUL UHIRIIUTIO%X PRICES CONSIDERA.BLYR:REDtT y ED to make room for Fall and Winter Purchases, which will arrive shortly. - FULL LINES OF GOODS "constantly on Mand, Alt Shades, Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting and, Superior Finish. It will pay yon to order now and derive a benefit from pur- chasing good and oheap Goods. A. call is respectfully solicited. CI3a4.S. SO'D TITOOTT. Fashionable Tailor, Exeter. Meter Post Office Time Table. .1tAIGS Rirkton, Woodham Winchelsea and Elimville alsuna OLosE. ... 2.80 p. m, 9 30 a.tn South,east and west, including London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal,. Manitoba, United States, English and foreign mails ... ... ... ... ..•:22.15 a.m. 9.00 a. nr South, east west &c ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .5,45 p.m. 2.30 p. m. • north and east, including Goderich, Wiugham, Kincardine and all points? north, Strattoid, Toronto, Montreal, and Eastern States... ... ... ... IC,00a.m 8.00 a. m^ North ealt, e.te .., ... ... ... ... 13.30 p.m. 5,80 p. int' ... .. !7,15 p. in. 6.80 p. m: ... 'i815ain 1000 am Sarepta. Tucson} s, Thursdays and Saturdays ONEY ORDERS Lashed 805(1 paid on and from any 'Money Order 011ce in the Dnull El i011 of Cana0a,Gren t liritair and Ireland ,British India, Newfoundland, Italy, Australia, Now South Walss, Tasmania, Nen :Wand, Prance 8n :%lgeria, the German Empibe, Sureden,Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Belglum the 'Yrthrlauds,Switzerland. Austria-Hungary, xtozi:naulh, United States, Samaica and .Bar Uados. POST OFFICE SAVINGS3ANH. Deposits will be received at this office from 01 to 0300. Depositors obtaining the i'ostl maser -General's special permission can deposit 01000. Deposits on Savings Bank account re caved from 9a.m.bo4p.m, Interest at4 per centlrexaunt= 17271110,allowaden v11 deposits Ofticehours fiom 7.308.m.007 p, m, to BIRO eiter$inteudecl for " n en egist tioiit',a ,+mte•114 .8in:±te8betore the closing of each mail S•. N.li,'-Iiis particnlaryrequeested that the eau-lers nrmn.tl•er wit ildfdlytarl tbu namettof 4 like Cou eetes to rks nd,,di esr.es. ONTARIO. Tf:30$.vS, t'ostmaster 2