HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-10-1, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES.
Is published every Thursday mornitng,at the
Min-street,ziearly opposite Fitton'a JewelerY
$tore,Exeter, Ont.,by John White it Son, Pro-
RATSS OE ArivnaTt5I:l0
10 tents.
or-Generl►t. They may not however,
for a few days;actuelly enter on their
new duties,
President of the Council -Sir John
A. Macdonald,
Minister of Publio Works ---Sir
elector Langevin.
Minister .of itis Interior --Hou.
diner; Crewel work, Peter Bawden
Mist S. MoDonell; Berlin wool work,
Miss S. MoDoneil, Mies McEwen ;
Feather flowers, Mies Moir, Mies S.
MoDonell Flower wreaths, S. Dil-
liug, E. Lamport; Hooked mats, Mini
14foEweu, Wm. Mohlwen ; Gent's
home-made plain breast shirt, Mies
M Ewen Duncan McEwen, Stephen
be sent in not niter than iiednesaey'novenae. Minister e of Agr
THIS O4TT and return to us with
C 1e0 or A 3e etauips, and you'll get by
return anon a (+olden Box of Goods
that will bring you in more money
hi else in America,
f than anything
Your fortune it you start quie'r.
CITY NOVEYaxrmoluth,:Ns G.
To CanadianAdverttisers e
We Neill insert a One Inch Advertisement,
Carlisle, A,. Johnston, James Loa
lino `j'h�nla6 White, a ,
Each subaequentiusertian,per line 9 Dents., One Month in 13 dailies 1 'Fri -Weekly and "4&
To irtsuro insertion, advertisements should t r ioulture-Hou. John Hogarth ; Rag carpet, Mrs. jellies BA5 weeklies of our S1 I rcT 1;ocAL tis ofCa t%di
1 Carling. auvertistng to pay. we can offer n e
Haan' Log o
- an pavers for S70. To those w'io want their
,[ o hotter
er mo•
abin quilt, Mra. l'1OOre, diuui, Copy of List sent free on application.
Our JOB PRINTING ORPART14El�T is one t lnleteC of Juetiee--Hon. J. S• D.
of the largest and best equipped in the County
o! Huron. All work entrusted tons will receive l Thompson.
our prompt attention' ff dituster of Custom -Hop. Mac.
Decisions Regarding
keuzie 1JaWo11.
Ne>,v Minister of l ilitia-,-Ste A. P. Car -
1 On.
"Any person who takes a pa rerreaularlyTrona Minister Of Inland Revenue---1108.
setepost•oitice,whetherdirectedinbisname or. Joh. GQt i era.
another's, or whether
etherhehas subscribed or not s Milne ter ofi silRays --Hon. Jelin
1e orders his paper ,;I�couttnued �
continue to send it until the payment is made, alinlat •r of Fi°anee'--Sir Leonard
and then collect this ,hole amount, whether
the office or not.
responsible or payment. ,
8 It a person ox ope.
h0 must pay all streets or the publisher may r
r sufrom
s ripe the
the suilataytbbe T•1
Minister of Marine and Fisheries
ineiitutocl%ntheplaOONrhereiko paperi'= , Bou. A. W. McLellan.
7ished, although the subscriber may reside;
ueereda of miles a vay Postmaster General -Sir. t3le�an.
4 The courts have decided that refusing to
take newspapers or peiiodtcals from the post Y der Campbell ,
office, or removing and leaving theta uncalled ;
torts prime. facie evidence a intentional fraud. Secretary of Mate --Eon. 'J, A•
It wan mentioned in connection
chi (; elef' gimes. , with the announcement of Cabinet
charges that when Hon. John Carling
was Commissioner of Agriculture in
THURSDAY, OCTOBER, lot 1666 the Ontario Government he made
arrangements with kir. Thaueas
D1T01.11.4L NOTES, White to visit the Old Country and
lecture in the interests of Canada
nineteen other lniwigratiOu. It ie rather a ooin-
BI+ BEAR with n oldence, after nearly twenty years,
Convicted half-breede and Iudiaus, ill lthat 1f r, .White should be 11liutster of
obarga of a mounted Police detach the Interior, having to deal with the
rnatol� of llamas 'or the settlers tolofd
t i whither they wille taken
bringing immigrants to those ome&
meat, arrived at Winulpeg last night d
Qn their way to Stony :liorintain peil• met Carlin should tb in
i eti iary, e t k that Department having to do with
to -day to serve out R'io't aeutonces, h
Many important events have tran•-
Tlza:ua gate pee hundred battle sipred between the two periods.
1`ruiai smallpox iii liontreei and sub-
tube on Saturday. The mortality' for
the week ending on Saturday reached SLEEPL1;SS NIGEt1S, Made miserable
the a;bl=triiug total QE 323, It is alai by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the
ed that there are tlo fewer than four . remedy for you. 'sold by 3. W. Browning.
tboaeaud cases of the dieeaee iu the!
city of Montreal alone.
Tut now completed G#lt road is
the first feeder to the Canadian;
Paoi�6o to be completed. Beanies
bringing freight to the great high. 1 flannel. Nat, let and 2nd; Sett
way it will solve in Manitoba the stogie naruess, John l?rebble, lat and
coat problem, as it will aeons for the' 2nd; Double team harness, John
people there Opal a half the price Trehblo, 1st and 2nd; Specimen of
'bat obtained when Peunaylvauia , harness leather, D. S. Hardy ; Speoi-
could only be secured. wen calf skin leather, D. S, Hardy ;
Tun Dominion Goperninetnt made Assortment of tinI'vork, Bilieott Bros.;
two Grit appointments last week. One Sewing machine, Banton Bros. ; Bie-
old Itefora�et has become reyibing sett Bros.; Sett parlor furniture, Juo.
barrister for North and South \Veut- Brawn, int and 2nd; Panel dam,
worth, and another has become Dyer & Howard, A. G. Dyer, 2nd;
judge of A.ntigonish. Jr. lliowat will Aesortmeut of upholstery, Wm. D bl
not appoint a Tory to anything un-
til all the men, women and children
on the Reform party are provided
Miss MoEwen, Miss Nott ; Knitted GrEO. Y. HOWELL At VO„
quilt, hiss 1Vi. Jamieson, est and 2d, (EWSPA.i'B11: A.l)VERTISING BUREAU,
Henry Kerslake; I3aker'e Bread, Ina. 10Spruce St, New Toxic.
Bell, A. E. Rosenberger.
Extras, -Tea cony, Abel Watper; IMPORTANT TO OWNERS OF STOCK,
ell, E Lamport; Hooked mat, G East-
tricker; Arisiue work, Jno Bell, T
Crowley, Maggie White; Bruen paint; t
ing, Wnl Reith; Lace collar, James
Gould; Bracket, Alex McPherson;
Palated banner, Wm Reith; C(or,ltee-
non buttons, G00rgiva Willie; Toilet
sett, A Hooper ; Natural flower
wreath, Alf Allen; Hair work, I Dear-
ing; Mottoes Denman MoEwen, Bobt I in ati4l}ts
Bell , Whisk holder, Wel Chapman ; , I - - S
Sofa cushion or pillow. Jae (could, A
German raised work Susan MoDon-
Wolper, Thos Shute; Tatted quilt, I Liniment Iodide Ammonia
Duuoan. MoEweu, Wm Rollins; Silk
embroidery, Mise M. Jamieson ;
Patched quilt, made by a lady 87
years old, Alex Ingram; Fancy braid-
ing, Geo. Itioir; Braiding, Jennie;
Creighton. Fano), woolen cooks, Win
Chapman ; Woolen mitts, Mies M.
Jamieson Silk lace work, Jas Torn;
Slipper cans Rlolld Hunter " Table 1 acts. tine tr)ltl Will corlvueo.
cess iiree ream. Int nee.
cotton warp woolen weft, D.
wen, R. Kill,atriok; Factory 1.
Tan Canada Citizen, the prohibition
organ, expreesee its contempt for
the Young Liberals who voted that
the liquor question be submitted to a
plebiscite beoanee they know it will
not be, and who, furthermore, voted
down a resolution in which it was de.
Glared that liquor is inconsistent with
the beat interest of society. The
young fellows have learned so strad-
dle the fence early,
Sin Joint MAcno1ALB has appointed
a Reformer to a county judgeship.
Tho Globe remarks that appointment
to this position is an ignominious
ending to a public career, and at the
same time its unique 0 ttaws corre-
spondent states that Sir Jelin by his
act testifies that not one of his Nova
Scotian followers, is fit for a county
court judgeship. Surely, if the po:
a1110n is such an ignominious one the
followers aforesaid have no reason to
feel slighted.
The eclipse of the moon the other
morning was an interesting and im-
pressive eight, as are all the move-
ments of the celestial clockwork when
they are rendered visible to the
human eye. To see tbs shadow
of the earth crossing the face of the
moon240,0010 miles away was certain -
1; a spectacle worth beholding, for
although the earth has a big and long
ehadow, it never becomes visible to 03
exoept when themoon happens to run
aoroes it far out in space. Perhaps
there is nothing which gives a clearer
view of the progress of our race from
the superstitious ignorance of its
childhood to ire present knowledge of
the laws of nature than the history of
eclipses. As the child is affrighted
by its own shadow, so the ancients
were alarmed when they saw what
seemed to them a black monster de-
vouring the moon. Now every
eohooiboy knows it is the shadow of
the earth that hide the moon in an
eclipse, and an event which formerly
would have convulsed millions with
terror passes without even the notice
'Removes all Unsightly Benches, Cures Lame-
ness in Cattle, Spinal Meningitis, Found-
er, Weak Limbs, Sorting Rees, Spay-
in. Bliugboue, Quitter, Windgalle.
No stable should be without it. Ra1rreae,.
Mining end FxpressCompanies all use Callas`
Liuime„t,ana to the groat racing stables of
DelmontauaLoriilltrd it has achieved vond-
Write 1111.01 .,b S, Ilot 9483, N. Y. P. Q., mite
drape; Jane' tvill,R'itkout charaO, l,'ive advice ou ail diseases
et, Jennie !,.E;d also ou tee alanagenent of sonic, Sold by
& ' ruggi4ts at 111e. 4114 $1 po battle ass in
dress, Jennie Creighton; 'Darned net quarts at,3 5A 1n wbieh there ,s great a 'sing.'
lace, \` rn. Qhapruan; Darned net "Phel+iui,nou41u sr1)itsNvtapp ears is for taruily
11501 that in yellow for eltttlo.
barns Ainggie+ Wnehi ' Silk
e Creighton; Lace braok-
Crei bion• Darprd net
l OW tf - , GILES' IonI11C•1 AIt IOW 13011511 .1111
mbroid.ery, Susan IeDonell; Flower CATTLn 3. t1u Dl III
wreath, CONT Wexxs . stied by an Rite lendint, lwr4148'' en JPTenit
BAND (G4:7T>^ST.•-^E)SCetQ 11 Bull a He d e d aP . ,
1).44 ys and 1lturstic, il""
E,iedton 'brass baud, A special was . ' , Cnit 3„c 'ere'
r rails Band Para, I+10etwood, ISeaoii, SlleOpsbead Bay and
a . :r v r iso Dint are+ Tnuic Al-
oy 11 uric! Curo
Iud,geotto, ,_ 0, l S J hrout, 4atarrh,.
at n dad the Exeter moult, organ bounder, I'luk•oye acid Rheuntatiau). Tito
dost is small and the power is treat. The
baud. I'ow13ers art' t aar tnteed anti Farellaserg
j3 y t,i st;, T "'J uo Daciee, T. x stiles tri Obtain a, cut
Sold ny R1) dl'nggi its , t , rte. l�0r bo t.
the back bei,
�, looney Iiefuncie4'
A. Tgi.4 1l, Owing to
to heavy rrbo 2;231' rc. 1fl. L.1UTX:, .�l�rutl FX.17Felt, ONT. *401
Mothers, just Look!
And Daughters, too
-r r
We have so many
things to tell y o u
about regarding our
1 New Fall Stock that
it would take half the
side of this paper. To
read about is very good
but to see is far better;
so we cordially` invite
you all to call and see
us. Conte whether
you want to buy or
not. Ourstore is
4---. }t crowded with goods ;
�n you will be delighted
to look at Fine Dress Goods, Rich Flushes, Beau-
tiful Silks, Satins, Merveilleu .s, Velveteens, Man-
tle Cloths, all in ladies' wear. See the All -wool
Grey Flannel for 25 cents at Ranton Bros.'
'Young lien and Fathers, you, too, are welcome
and we certainly have much to interest 5'ou. Spa-
cial mention we make about our Scotch,, English,
and Canadian Tweeds ; very nicer goods And ex-
ceedingly low in price. An immense range of Soft
incl Stiff Felt Hats, the latest styles and shapes ;
Over three hundred Ties and Soarfs to select frorza
from 5c. up. Undershirts and Drawers, all -wool and
heavy, thegreatest value to be had. Don't forget
to call and see us. We deem it a pleasure to show
you such value as we have never offered before.
Everything is away down at
,LTON Enos,
Cord was not brt'ketl,
SuGI1G S,^ -Fruit a1, C1 no Wet'', Alex
Moll Allan, Goderich, and D. ,
Clandeboye. Grain, vegetables and
dairy proiluee, D. Urquhart, lleneall ;
Geo Willis and Jas Swenortou, Exeter
Manufactures end fide arts, Jao MC-
Douell, Leefer ; A Shoff, Claudebn5'e;
H G Davis, Clandeboys. Ladies'
work, Miss Anderson, Seefortlt ; 1lrs.
Ball, llereall ; Mrs, hack, Rodger.
villa, Cattle, Jas Atkinson, Tuoker-
smith R t{abul•oa leGillivra ,
stili t ; b y .
Ileury 11+01, Mitchell, Sheep end.,:
pigs, Duncan McLaren, llibbert ; Jas `n
Drew, Petty, I3rutnil ; Jan Darling, Lu.nley
lst and 2nd; Assortment of tear e, poultry, ripen Bogue, Ltlutiut , only.
\Veekes Bros. heavy Horses, Gen Krean►er, Fnllar
Extras. -Wool and notion blankets, ! ton ; Jas Bell, Lontlnn lowllIhip : �V
Ralph Kilpatrick, Wm Maguire; Pair Aitcheson, Milieu. Light horses,
onion blankets, AlberbBissell; Coun-
terpane, Wui MoEwen, Mies Nott;
Horse blanket, Ralph Kilpatrick ;
Sample work done with sewing ma.
chine, Renton Bros; Case of stuffed
birds, Thos Hamlin; Case specimens,
Thee Hamlin; Case Indian relics, P.
Mast; Plaster Paris sculpture, Wm
Flax Ans.-Water Color drawing,
Ada Browning; Painting in Oil, Chas.
Senior, Alex. McPherson; (:rayon
sketch, Thos. Etheringion ; Geo,
Stacey; Pencil sketch, Geo. Stacey;
Collection of Photographs, Charles
FLOWERS.---Fuechias in .flowers, t3
varieties, John Anderson ; Foliage
plants, 3 varieties, Alf. Allen ; Be.
gonias in flower, 3 varieties, John
Anderson ; Geraniums in flower, 3
varieties, John Anderson ; Hanging
baaket of plants, Alf. Allen, John
Our FLow1;Rs,-6 varieties Stand-
ard dahlias, Wm. Sweet, Alf. Allen ;
6 varieties dahlias, boguet, J An-
derson, George Samwell; 12 varie-
ties pansies, Alf. Allen ; 6 varieties
Getman asters, Alf. Allen, John An-
derson ; 6 varieties asters, Alf. Al-
len ; 10 weeks' stock, collection, Jno.
Anderson ; 12 varieties verbenas, Alf.
Allen, John Anderson; 6 varieties
single petunias, AIL Allen, John An.
derson; 6 varieties phlox drummondi,
Alf. Allen, John Anderson; 6 yarie-
ties Zenniae, John Anderson. All
Allen; Bert arranged basket of cut
flowers, Thos. Allis, Wm. Bell; Co'.
lection of annuals in bloom, Alf. A.1• rn nmflionhomes fora quarter of a century it has
.rood Lha consumers' reliable test,
alra.-Collection of Pulite, Alf
Jae Sawn, Otaudeboyt' ; tV B N;ob-
iarotl, Lamson township ; A. 11 Camp
bell, Stanley. Band couteat, 0 Bac-
lett, Rodrerville; F Ruse, Exeter ; H
Brown, Winchelsen, at'd Will. Colline
Rix Spring Calves (three of them steers and
three of thein halters.) One of the calves is
nearly white, two grey, and three red and
white. Last hear,' of in the neighborhood of
Farquhar. Any person giving any information
that will load to their recovery will he suitably
rewarded. Taos. Terse, Eirktou P. 0.
The Moat ncil btral
Value Steamers.: Now Bates.
il'our Trips per Woe's Between
And Every Week Dar naavaai.
Write for our
"Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated.
Contains 1 ell Partioniasi. Mailed Fret.
Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. Co.
C. B. 1lVr DIETROITTcoom 8, In . ASI, ACT.,
In to North Dakota, Mon.
tans, Idaho, Washington and Oregon.
Prom Enke Superior to Puget Sound,
At prices ranging chiefly from 32 to 46 per acre,
POWDER TQ`DAYi on 6 to 10 years time. This is the Rest Country
for securing Good Homes naw open for settlement,
3 2 0 acres of Government
R E E Land Frtc1 under the Homestrad
C:tC?1�P•1'.Lif,.Il�r' dM1�„r„x�"�- and Timber Culture Laws, NOTE
Brandi advertised as absolutely pure
flacon can top down on a hot stove untilheated,then
remove the cover and smell. A chemist will not be rr
glared to detect the presence of ammonia.
10,518,438' Acres On MORE TARN
MALE of all the Public Lands disposed of in 138
were In the Northern Pacific country. I9ooks and
naps sent. FREE describing the Northern
Encino Gountry,tlle Railroad Lands for Sale and
the FISEEGoyernment"Ands. Address, CHAS. B.
LAMBORN. Laud Com'r. N.1.11.11., St. Poul, Elan.
LADI53' WORN: -Loaf borne made
bread, John MoNevin, Jenuie Creigh-
ton, D. McEwen; Hand -made patched
quilt, Mies McEwen, Wm. Bell, 2nd
and 3rd; raised quilt, Miss M. Jamie-
son, Miss Nott; Tatting, Miss Nott,
Dr. Puce's SaecialFlaMarillg Extracts,
h. •..ronaest,mont deltelouq sad natural Astor known,end
Jr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems
or Light, Healthy Bread, The Best Dry Hop
Yeast in the World.
Wm. Sweet Jas. Tom; Crochet work, FOR SALE BY GROCERS.
Miss M. Jamieson, Jennie Ureightons crilcacp. ST. LOUIS.
Wm. Bell; Embroidery in silk, velvet
or satin, Wm. Bell, Jennie Creighton,
Miss McEwen; Embroidery in mus-
it deserves as one of the most imr lin, Wm. 0h,0m•1n, Jennie Ureiell-.
ressivehenomena of the visible toil, J"hn Glow) Brnidiug on dross,
universe, p Wm. McEwen, D. ItleEwen; Ernbroi-
dery in worsted. Jeanie Creigb' on,
:Cabinetchanges. Geo. Moir, And. Johnston; Braiding,l]
--- Miss McEwen, S. Hogarth, Jennie
Ottawa, September 26. -The Creighton; Fancy knitting, James
changes which have taken place in
the Cabinet have caused a fresh
Tom, Miss Nott, Win. Sweet; 2 pair
woolen socks, Miss McEwen, Miss M.
flutter in political circles. Ever since Jamieson; 2 pair woolen stockings,
the close of the session there has Mies McEwen, Woe. McEwen; 2 pair
been very little to awaken attention woolen mate, Mies Nott, Wm. Mo-
or give rife to much discussion. Ewen; 2 pair weelen gloves, Jas. tom,
The newly appointed minleters 11st and 2nd; Wax flowers, Alex. Mo-
Rare sworn in this afternoon before; L'hersou; Wax fruit, Mise Nott, Lac
Chief Justice Ritchie, Deputy Govern- work Jennie Creighton, Janes 4atr
oaPR1OE 4
?sr t olnd strongest ;li �tlrntl Fruit Flavors.
Vara Lemon,, range, A and Rose. eta,
fla deUeatetyendnatnra1yasl;hefrit.
Rinti§ ektgim reN/PIR
onto/salt tor. Lows.
Turaisr -4 30
:low Lost, ow ` lestcsed.
Hats and Bonnets
Plumes, Feathers, Aigrettes,
Birds, Ornaments, 8cc.
Plushest Velvets and a variety of 'Triuiiuiugs iu all colors.
MISS Doherty, who for the l ast three aeaecros has successfully rtt ulacted this branch,
again resumes, and will be more tbnn delighted to have every lady in the village and
surroundings give her a can.
KS"' "Grand General Opening" same days. Everything complete. Everybody come.
We its ter ,41.12/111, ..111 Belli r 1 1 a li son
If PR.,' Vi lirr it I ‘,'";',10311,6"
SA.Y 3)111133 c 1 111 41, tt 1 1111 t1 4 1 1 t curl with.
out u3,iuihc)ur „n•vo3..,,1u,,i1., ,11011tH
physical etltnu.)tr II III❑ ti1L oil. Lr., '.0,rt isge,
etc requiting r0311 , rr. t'
Price, in 8351011 •- tral,,oe,enly31eents,n1two
uostaee atltlyps.
The celebrated Luthlla
of this 4imrulle es-
f Saynleusly doincostra ten from thirty years'
sueee sf1311)raactice. that alurr 31 )tts3gnOl1-
cesmaybeuedicall) cured without the dang-
erous use of internal inedici145 or the use of
the linife; Point out 0Ino ti of cure wtuuce
simple certain and effectual, by inulin; of
whichevory sufferer, 110 1111 bel W111L111131 0011-
r 1', •l . )1'i
'til h.a
clitionllhac he.ntny ante 111 1 .lir l y+l
vatelt iLnil n H3'311rv.
1.14 Chi 1001111'41 9(1nnlo be 111 me holm s ,I1 ov-
ary youth and e
v-01-yyouthand3.11r; onto 1?Lthe
HE DRUMM MillillA.L.8r PJtNY,
"11 .t 4301
_Machine Oils,Rock Bottom Prices
American Water White and Canadian refined Oils
away down.
Main Street, Exeter.
TIIOS. rzTTo* '
Keeps Watches That Are Watches
And are warranted correct for Time, Tide, or Railroad
Train, and to please the most fastidious.
Thal, is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable
for ROI1111ns, Friends and Countrymen, Lovers, Brides,
Bridegrooms, rooms Loving
-Oivies Children,a en,
ns -
.bands, Etc., Etc.
SPECTACLES --Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft eas
and pleasant to the eye, and suitable for youth or age.
Giv1e him a call. No trouble to slagw ;Goods.
Watches snd Clocks Repaired and Brougbt t