HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-08-15, Page 6YOV.R SUNDAY ACTIVITIES ! ,Your Sunday golf—your, fishing— your motor trip—may all, be welcome relaxations from the Gaily end,"but need not interfere with your regular Church attendance. d GO TO CHURCH FIRST TAKE YOUR FAMILY WITH YOU. ENCOURAGE OT ERS TOGO TOO. LET 'S FILL OUR GODERICH C iw%UR.OHES VERY S1,UNDAY. THIS APPEAL IS MADE a: V The "Go to Church" Committee (A STRICTLY NON -DENOMINATIONAL ACTIVITY) •-t Don't Put It Off FALL FAIR DATES - A. man was in the habit ,,of .opening I Milvertufi Sept. , his Bible at random` and taking the !, 131 tb, Sept.10;. , Sept. 10, as something -that would, ler helpful Palmerston . , Sept. 12, 1 � Topic y Sept. 1',, to him. , e Nev Hamburg, Sept. 13, one day the verse he renal was : ' :stratfeerd r Sept..1ti - "Judas went and hanged hiinse�it'." a 11111 Exeter S(Il nut rlriliking , this •(mite ere lie I ist(i\1'�L._,. a Sept.. 1S., :11�.e shut the Book and opened is again ; hine•ardirie `..tiro, •r+ pt.. 19, at another- place. (.snit Sept. 19 - The verse his eyes fell up, r.> was: sealer la Sept. ,19, "Go th'uu and do 1ikew'ise•.1 Ile tried ('liti'ord -again and this time he r4.:.1 : -What !Zurich thot doe t, de gitic•kiy:" I.ue•kraow- !,Mi,tchell ------_ •Harrist,en Kirkteen RCOVING WES ,first thing upon which his• eyes alighted I Miiclm�ij' AUBURN .0 li1'IHN, Aug 1`;. Mr. txortllt' I$Iatle d);..' e Timmins 1T. \ isiting his bre. !nt . I:,piet rt Rutledge. and ether relatives. Mts. 1'ustaee' of Ottawa i... visiting h,•r daughter. Mrs. ,ie=110 It Weir. 111>s Betty Asquith, who has bwt•n ' 1aLing ai siU1Lln('r l'ed(11' t a!I 11e�I1'r'tl 1 1 rill e•t sit i . is visiting her pal'tr�nts, :Mr: ' :auei Mrs C. E Asquith. 11r''.. (111\ Durham et St. 1dt•orge. and 111-� Mae d''er)ewsoli et 111',iii1ford are pt'tltiili; .1 te'1S dal s \eiti, friends herr'. Mrs. Ebner Keller spent the week- end w•it11. her daughter Lucille 'at Misses Atinie and !la rga lot Weir, j of - Str•athro%, spetnt the week -end with their brother. Dr. B. C. Weir. Mr. and -llrs. 'Win. Ferguson, W11.0 were visiting friends here, have turned 10 their hurire in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campbell of Ottawa arc' ' visiting the former's father, Mr. Wm. Campbell. ;Hiss llrave•Scott of Paris is visiting her brother. Mr. Ken. Scott. Miss. Mary Houston, who has been taking a summer course at Toronto' University, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Houston. Donald Ross has returned from a montta's yisituwith friends in Winnipeg, Man. Mr. Elvin Wightman, who is attend- ing University at Ajax, is holidaying at his home here. Rev. R. M. and Mrs. Weekes and young daughter, of Glencoe, called on friends here on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Weekes is a former rector of St..Mark's Anglican church. Mrs. Albert Campbell. and Mr. -and Mrs. Kenneth Campbell attended the wedding of ,a niece of Mrs. A. Camp- bell's .at Oshawa on Saturday. Mrs. Lloyd Raithby ,and' son Paul, of London. are visiting Mr. 'and Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor. Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Snell have re- turned from. a month's holidays spent in •Western Canada. 4' Mrs. Jeremiah: Taylor had the mis- 11 fortune tofall down stairs at her lipme 11 an Friday. "She suffered a broken arm 13 and a shaking up.. She was taken to 13, Goderich hospital, where' the arm. was 14 set, and returned home an Sa,tprday 18 evening: • 119 1iowen' Institute will be held in the 20• Foresters' Hall ' on 'uesday. August 21 20th,. at 2.30 p.m. A repot of the 20 district Annual meting will be'given Sent. 20, 21- by Mrs. Gordon McClinchey and Mrs. Sept. 23, 24 lIarry , ungblut. "Current Events" to Sept. 24, 25 be given by Mrs. 1� . Ross. Roll call— Sept. 24, '25; "Somethii g of interest we; learned at; Sept. 2ta, 27! the district•aunual meeting.” Hostesses' i Sept. 2t;, 27 j--MIiss Viola Thompson, Mrs.' Easom, T Dung -anthill. Scalit. 27 i Mrs. L. Ruddy, A1is>s Amelia McIlw'ain, wept. 28' _Mri.°Ivan Bean. ( )cat. 27.1, 2 , Mr. ar)d Mrs; Percy' Hibbert of. Tc'�r- 11c't. 2 3 onto spent a few days with Mr. and M. Kawnln+un uimite, regularly make ' Tee'w'a teI' up and shit, Household Furniture. Con- :[ \1:11'v� r3olidated P,.ol (:ars to Manitoba. Saskatcli• ewan. Alberta. British. Columbia and to •i 111 e 1'[un e urornin. Vvriorjlmitet-or reiT 1 e[7 freight rates •Established 1885 610 lunge St., Toronto. Itingsdale 5125 I,,1 nerd MOVIlIu, rACKIP411 HIPPIW6 and STOEIAQE 4 Salad Macaroni and Chicken. Salad One-half cup diced . cooked chicken, 2 cups cooked elbow mac aroui, 1 tbs. grated onion, �'s stip cooked ,mushrooms, lr tsp. salt, tsp. pepper, %. cup cooked salad dressing ,,or mayonnaise, curly en- ' dive' or,,.otber greens, 2 tomatces, quartered. 1. Combine all . ingredients ex- cept endive and tomatoes. Place in the refrigerator for about 2 hours to chill, , -- 2. Wash the, endive thoroughly and arrange it in a glass pie plate. Place the salad mixture on the endive and garnish with the quar- tered tomatoes. This makes a de- licious luncheon felled. ald MacKay of North Bay, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. A reception followed the cerem(jny. . Mrs. John R. Weir, sister -in-laws ' of the bride, received, dressed in 'pale blue silk jersey with pink accessories and corsage of pink roses. She was assisted by , Mrs. MacKay, mother of the groom, who wore navy blue with navy accessories and a corsage of roses. A buffet luncheon was served by Mrs. J. A. Moran of London, Mrs. Dorothy Reed of Goderich, Miss Flozence Pater- son of Toronto and Miss Mary John- ston, of Victoria, B.C., all cousins of the bride. The table was centered with a three;story wedding cake flanked with tall tapers in silver hold s. Ili mo y s e guests were enter- tained, by Mr., Harold Bogle on ' the bagpipes. ' Kuria wedding trip to. the Muskoka Lakes district. the bride 'travelled' in" a navy blue butcher linen suit; with navy, and white accessories and corsage 1 of Rapture roses. On their return" -Me, and Mrs. MacKay will reside at Bright's (,rove, where- Mr.. MacKay is ,principal! of the school. The groom recently returned home from overseas Guests were present from Victoria, B.C., Ottawa, Toronto, London, Strath - „et. ray, Whitby, Wingham, Lnckno�w and (,et. 3, 4' M. Iierlr Mogri(ige _ _ - __ U -u derieh..- ' .�_ ,__.T._ __ _ T i)et. 4 -5-i' \1r. and, -Mrs. Harry Anderson of 1Sreviuti to her marriage the bride (`►c•t.. 8, g Luckn(tw' 'spent Tuesday with _Mrs, 1'was the truest of honor at several ,Inte•1•natiorial Plowing Match, , `files. Doyle. showers. Her cousins, Mrs. Lewens Part _filbert Uct. 15 - 181 W.M.S. Meeting.—Mrs. George Tung- of Toronto and 'Miss'L"hristine Rohert- • j hlut gave .her home for the Aaigljst ran of Whitby, held ar kitchen shower meeting Of the W.M.S.of Knox Prey in her honor at Mrs. I.eweliti' home in, Toronto, .A. n.uinber. of girl friends of the vil- e'• workshop r Applications for repairs and improve- ments were from A. B. Strauglian, Park street ; John Boyle, Victoria street (tivo) ; Mrs. -E: Smith, Maitland road ; airs. Mary Foran, Keays street ; Alex. Butler, Montreal street; Alex, Kneeshaw, Waterloo street; W. S. Mus- grove, Widder street ; Mrs. John'C1ark, Nelson street; Thos. Squire, Albert street; R. Bisset, St. David's street; Mrs. E. Taylor, Trafalgar street ; C. M. Robertson, , Square ; *ars. Ida MacDon- ald, Jones street ; W. W. Hill, )Bruce street. ..��F,armeraa..aira e� cars lees than city, people and get low rates from Piot. But farmer do drive —one unin- sured. accident could wipe out your home or your savings. Buy the full protection of Pilot Automobile Insurance now. J. W. CRAK(;IE—GFO G. MaeEWAN, Goderich G. C. TRELEAVE N, AGENCY, Dungannon. GORDON- JEWELL, R.R. No, 1, Goderir'h. Representing • We write insurance to cover selected risks in Automol,ile,'Fire, Personal' Property Floater, Burglary, Plate Glass, ander other general I inuYan . - a ' Roughing it -in the wilds or bda kir}g in' the luxury of a ' ' summer hotel .., .. whatever their choice, our friends from the States erijoy vacations in Ontario's 4arthland. - We can • all ' give them a real welcome, • when they come ... make thein want to come back again. Ontario profit. alni,ont ain much corn the tourist btanineon an from the gold alining induntry. It's) up to us ,. to /beep thin hmin growing. Every tourist dollar ' ia abased thin way ' - . . 1. ii-Iotelo; 2. Stores; 3. Restaurants; 4. Taxes, Qts.; 5. Amusements; 6. Garages. CFR "Ontario Holiday" l4 b; A.,Yhom,la,Set. Punic !WREST BY JOHN !AMU [IMI ED 1 1(yteriurl church: 'Mrs. Lawson was in ! fah iri;e and opened the meeting with. ..-..},ray,yer,ss—Tbe—Serir)r'tirt —. "`it°ii ." r irlItg'e"`Ir6 c a i?innernn'ff theatre pity n 1 Iesponsivel%. The secretary's report in ,Goderi(•h, when the gue§t of honor 1•w:Is given liSs.IFS, Edna Cowan. ' The kavas Presented 'with' a uri5cellaneous• sh topic. "Outstanding African Christ- ower (f useful articles. 1 ran.:"- was taken-lby Mrs: Ross '.and Mrs..Oliver Anderson entertained the Mrs. Lawson. A poem was read by Bridge (Flub to a'clinner at her home in Mrs. .Welling -fon Good. Mrs. Tungblut honor oft the ; bride-to-be. The: table gave the *Bible- reading and• Mrd. R'il_ decorations were in pink. Centered with j fred Sanderson contributed a reading, a miniature bride and groom and ,:('hr'istiails , in Japan. Mrs. W. T. flanked 'with tall pink tapers -in erystal hhlders. ' After the dinner the guest of hoer was-preSerrtefl with a mis- eollaineous -shower and also it 1a-trte 1 ball, mirror~. JIps:v Ri.cliard • Stewart and Mrs. Robison closed the meeting with prayer. Refreshriients were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Cowan and j Mrs. Good. • .. Macay—Weir A pretty sriulmcr wedding took place I)nrot)iy Reed of Goderieh held .a china at high noon on•Saturday. August 1n, shower it) her. honor at the manse in when Mary Josephine, only daughter (ladericli..' . - - •of I)r. R. l'. Weirs .and, the lance •M'rs. The members of, hnox Presbyterian Weir, was 'united in marriage to •('linrch, of which' 'the bride has been' Duncan Alexander Macfiay: second sou !organist.' 11111 at her home and pre- , ,ef Mr. and Mrs. John MacKay of Ash_ =silted her with a purse of money. An field. Rev. Ietichard - Stewart of Goele- address extending good • wislrs Was rich performed the double • ring eere- read by Mrs. AVellingten Goad and the merrylit the living -room of :The home, presentation was made by MI's. Fred in a floral setting of hydrangeas, white ^ eblex and fern: -MeS: A. C. Lhw'ens of Toronto, cousin of the bride, as pianist APPLICATIONS FOR plajyerl the Bridal Chorus; fron, Lohen- BUILDING PERMITS .grin. and, also played during the signing of the regis.ter. Given in marriage by Applications for _bul<I iiti her father, the bride wore h floor -length r g permits gown of pale pink with bouffant skirt presented to the pecan Connci� at its of net . over taffeta. The tight-fittingmeeting last F,l'iday night ineb.nled one! Basque was of lace with deep portrait- .from •Edward S. Vincent for a one•- neekline ••and short cap sleeves - with story frame dwelling on Britannia road, which were worn long mat('hing mit- estimated cost $2,500. ' Other's were tens. 'Her headdress was a miniature- from, W. S. Musgrove for a one-story' Breton of pink lacelnered net with cement .block cottage ()ti Witlfli.r stri'c't, mat(•hing fingertip veli, and she carried' estimated dost $1,000; from- .('has. a bouquet• of Rapture roses, bouvardia Crossett, for a' frame storage building and ruse petals. The bridesmaid, Miss on Huronroadto house eernent'block .Christine Robertson of Whitby, cousin machinery.; from Dominion Road Ma - of the bride; wore a 'floor -length dress - ch.inery Cel. for a frame addition to the of -pale blue fashioned after the bride's, ,north side of the Victoria-st. foundry ,with 'bouffant net skirt over taffeta and (estimated cost 15001, and for a moulded barque of -matching lace and frame building on the north side of the long matching mittens. I-Ier headdrese,' ('ompany's ',plant on .. jfaitland road (l was a miniature re55.of lac(inerla net, .-•(esrifliated `cost' $2000) : from Geo, she' carried Talisman roses. Mr. Dori- Allison, Moron road, for a' garage and THIRTY-TWO YEARS OLD and still going strong across the wilds of Northern Alberta—that's the rebord of the 19144. Ford being tuned up by pick Clark and Ed Clevinger as they stopped at Edmonton on their way to - Fairbanks, Alaska'. The ancient car has already travel- ' led 200,000 miles. Its top speed is 20 mph, and the two driven hope it will survive long enough to' get them te' Aletqlta and bacl to Waco, Tewas-12,000.• NMI SEE �S -- early for your Hay Cars, Track, Slings and ' Pulleys, or-HayForks.. - YOU may need Si; Tel Stan- chions, Water Bowls or a Lit- ter Carrier for next, season. Order NOW. - "Paiit and Spray Painting Ban jobs • a specialty. H. R. BAER PHONE CARLOW 2821 BAYiIELD IDAYF1F I.ID, Aug.113.• —Mr. and MI's. W. 11' Thompson of LaJolla, Calif., are the guests of Mr. •and Mrs. David Dewar this week,. Miss Grace ('almeron of (.'llic'.lgo is visiting her sister, Miss Elizabeth Cameron. ?Messrs. Frank and 11'i11 'Cameron of Detroit also spent the.. week •diad here. Mr, slid J1ri, Waiter Ginson and fam- ily, of Kitchener, tire the guests of Mrs. 1". 4.. Edwards. Miss Dawn;.t Tolyls, of Toronto is spending her vacatiou• with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm ',pours. Mr. Reg. 1'Iudgins of WOW() is visit- ing his sister and brother, Miss Mabel and Professor Lloyd Hodgins. Mr. Lawrence Fowlle returned to London (,Pi Sunday after spending his vacation= with his sisters, Misses E. and .F. Fowlie. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moran returned to London on Sunday after spending several •weeks in the village. Mr.. and :Mrs.' Norman Toms of De- troit are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. E. Toms. 'LAC. ('hai'les Parker,' Mrs. Parker and babe returned to Toronto on . Sat- urday after spending a week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker. Guests at the Albion Hotel were Mr: and Mrs. F.- Grimes and daughter Patsy, Mrs. A. Moodie, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Skelly, M -r. and Mrs. A. W. Reid, of Windsor ; Mr, and Mrs. A. Dunn and two daughters, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rehn of betroit spent the week -en 1, -with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mit David Dewar. Mrs. W. H. Talbot and Mr. and Mrs. E. Vodden were at Woodham ,n Sunday -and Monday, where they at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Minnie Routley,"Mrs.. Talbot's ister. Mrs. George Davison of Woodstock spent 'the week -end with her sister, Mrs.. Irene Bassett. Mr. Harold Weston, of Detroit is spending his vacation with his family, REVENGE! 'Passengers on the Goderich-bound C.N.R. train Tuesday night were,awak ened from their 07 w es of Stratford by a mysterious odor. Here and there passengers were noted sniffing _the atmosphere like startled deer sensing something wrong. Then they broke into smiles as they guessed what had happened. The train con - Bilious Attacks Liver Complaint Biliousness is just another name for -a Clogged et ggish liver. -It- is a very common complaint, but can be quickly remedied by stimulating the flow of bile. This softens the accumulated mass, • the poisons are carilied out of the system, and the liver and bowels` are relieved and toned up; • Eaxa=LiVV'er Ping 4111 en and enliven the sluggish 'liver, open- _ lag pp 'every channel, by causing a free flow of bile and thus cleansing the- liver of the clogging impurities. They are small and easy to take - Do not gripe, weaken or sicken. The T. Milburn Co., Ltd.. Torondo. Out. �? d 1172.9,1(), Yf, AI.IVZIST Wpth, 3940 Lakeview Casino Grand Bend ,DANCING E=VERY NIGHT GORDON IREL4Opl and • HISJ ORCHESTRA —MIDNIGHT DANCE— August 10th, 12.05 a.m. UNDAY, AUGUST 18th, 9 p.m. SPECIAL EVENING . CON- CERT —By Our Owli Orches,tra— "GOItDON DELANIONT" A11 proceeds for Grand Bend Citizen's Committee A11, Grand Bend and sur- rounding districts should support this concert. Come to the "Bend" often The summer is drawing to a close fast. Don't regret not having had enough fun' and pleasure during the summer months. doctor assured them they were right. Tile train had ran over a skunk and the latter had given the train a thorough spraying, the effects of which per meated the atmosphere in the railway coach for several minutes. You may have your furniture re -upholstered and moth- proofed at your dealer, 10 Y•eorliarantettd MOT#1PR00.FfNG : Government cheques come to this stroof every month. The Fosters, for instance—he was wounded at Vimy. Now his Veteran son is faking technical twining on reestablishment grants. 'Other farflios receive Family Allowances. It's so easy -and private --to take cheques to th f bank around tho corner. AN LXTRA cheque every second You may receive Government cheques. You can cash them without charge at any branch of any chartered bank in Canada. In one year some thirty-six million cheques were issued for Family Allowances, the Artned'Services, their dependents, Pensioners, employees of Crown Companies and the like. Moreehan one for every second of the day and night! Cc fi,you imagine the expense to taxpayers if this money had to be distributed in cash through thousands of special pay offices .. 6 and the inconvenience of having to go to•such offices to get your money? Taken in Stride • r Your bank performed many such 'public services throughout the war and is Continuing to do so. It is taking these ado tional tasks in stride 1B el competent to play its part in Meeting Canada's needs of the future. , •1",kIs Advertisement is Sponsored b'y your Bank