HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-08-08, Page 7O f Dp ,,UST S6b, 19-10 ' E ODERICt IGNAL. TAR AM, NOM McManus Dairy ...qui _c �►.> , East St. Bakery. 9 B.-.13E#ON IIG;G CRAM " HIGH QUALITY BUNS—BREAD—PASTRY, ' Phone C‘. Stoma' & Kingston Sts.. I ; Phone 184Wo, =' East St. Huron Body & Fender' Shop H. C. MfrHEE L. D. WATSON 84 East St. Phone 206W Reg. Bell JEWEL' ER "Gifts That Last" BULOVA-WATCHES Good Service on Repairs Phone 123 East St. dik SPECIAL.....(. Brand new-- Ford _194&.. Motors now in stock. -Drive in with your car an ( purr ou wit new one. IF. IT IS FORD PARTS WE HAVE THEM a Bradley & Son Pho 0 247 - Hamilton St. Goderich French Dry Cleaners CALL 122 FOR PICK-UP AND ' DELIVERY n•.L�.Yid•J'--x'4..f-nitJY �n : _, .,.L'uA"!'=1n k:tW1 .`• • ERY'". +1R: LO W WEST STREET Canadian 'Tire Corporation ASSOCIATE STORE L. 0. WHETSTONE, Prop, TIRES and BATTERIES Hamilton St. .. Phone 69W These Firms vyilL Save you Money Venus Restaurant 140ME MADE CANDY as supplies available PHONE 170, This is station E -A -T ' • PIANOS RADIOS REFRIGERATORS ORrS ELECTRIC APPLIANCES, I4AAI' tail IIADES 'ELECTRIC PIIONOORAPIIS AND TURNTABLES IN STOCK The business I•l-s listed in this directory represent live and 4.J rdp-t ..date <coucerns that invite your p ,trortage. The service they. have o o er is of the best and dealing with them not only c'_ ve satisfaction but assists in her lG g them sere this co amity better. They mak your to try, the when, you' have nee ,• to be satisfied. You can say oney by doing your bang in Goderich. These Stores. Are At Your Service E. Breckenridge HARDWARE' PLUMBING & HEATING TRICYCLES AND DOLL PRAMS Hamilton St. Phone 135 Goderich Fruit Market FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN SEASON Scientific Equipment— Friendly Service Phone 470 East St. IV AN LOUZON W Myron O'Reilly PAPERING & DECORATING PAPER SUPPLIED RAGI, AN T. Phone 585W SaltfordEogineeringHuron General Store THOS. 'MORRIS, PI*. Buying attore, We buy for less --- Selling more,' we sell for less. Open Evenings Phone 696. SanfordBrock I & Research Co. -Engineering & 1tliw©8actinrers . St. Phone 61 B. R. Munday RADIO SERVICE & 'REPAIRS We (,stall Portable Phonograph Players 7 Wfdder St. Phone . 598 Jackson & Son • MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR BOOTS—SHOES—RUBBERS s. Phoqe 412 South Side 'Square G. Plante Frank McArthur Gentlemen's regula*'or of recrea- tion and health. -IMPERIAL SERVICE .STATION Daily Service to and from Toronto--Hamilton—London and intermediate points Victoria St. Phone 850 PORT ALBERT TORT ALBERT, • Aug. (i.—Mr. and _Mrs. *IIarvey Crawford and two daugh- ters, of Toronto. are visiting this week with the 1 orruer's c,mother, Mrs. Win. Crawford. Wm. Brown, sr., Son John and Ned Brown .spent a week; recently visiting with Charlie Btown "at Parry Sound. Miss Helen McGee of London visited last week,end with her parents, Mr. .. Jr3"51v«=i,hr.wir Mr. and Mrs. Percy Diililiner of Kitcheniet visited last week -end with the latter's mother, Mrs. Jas. Mckenzie. Mr. Ned Brown visited with his sister, Miss l:tliel Brown, who has been confined through illueSs iii Victoria Hospital, London, for the last •couple of years. • The sympathy of the cutnmnuity goes out •to the family and otlaci relatives of AIrs. John Quaid. who i►lssed away in the Goderich,. hospital on Monday meriting of -this week. Mr. and Airs. Roy Shutter and daugh- ter Anne, of IIauiilton, and Mr. and _Jars. Wm. Balkwell, of. Brantford, visited over the holiday at the home of the ladies' parents, Mr. and AIrs. Harry Lednor. The t'wj) daughters, Arnie and Joan, of Mr. and Mrs. (Clifford spent 0 couple of days of last «reek with Mr. incl Airs. Ernest Crawford at Luckno.w° Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keatting, of Galt, are visiting for 0 couple, of .weeks with the latter's sister, Airs. Clifford ',Crawford. , Grain 'Crops' Are Good.—Threshing has commenced in the• district ar,ttl the opinion'is generally expres ed that the grain crop, are the best 11) years and that the fall wheat will probably yield from •35 to 40 bushels. to the -acre. The dry weather is the greatest concern to the farmers now, as pastures are drying np, and root crops 'are at a standstill. WATCHES --DIAMONDS GUARANTEED REPAIRS Phone 130 The Square PACKARD MOTOR; SALES ATLAS TIRES-- . • - Phone 513 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR BEACH RANGES, RANGETTES, HOT PLATES ' GODERICH BOWLING ing or leisure hour in pleasant, congenial surroundings. ROYAL BOWLING , ALLEYS WEST ST. GODERICH Good Hectith And Lots of Pep Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills have a long, record of dependability as a regulator of liver and kidneys and bowels. - They quickly arouse these organs to healthful activity= -sharpen the ap- petite and help to improve digestion. Clean rsut the poisons with Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills and re- gain your pep and happiness. 1.35cts. a box. . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Dorrailce, AlcKillop township, celebrated their gulden- wedding on 'Tuesctay of this. 7417 The Seafort-h branch of the Canadian Legion is 'conducting a Campaign to raise $tf,00() towards the cost of ,con- structing and equipping a war mem- orial hall. M. . James Purdon, a well-known .resident . of the Whitechurch district, died on Monday in her sixty-eighth year. She is survived by her husband, three sons and one daughter. Andrew Stein of Aslifield is a brother. The, barn on the farm ,of , William Taylor, a- utile north of Zurich, was destroyed by. fire,together with imple- ments and the season's crop of hay aid• grain, on Wednesday of last week. The Zurich lii;e brigade vas called, but arrived tto late to Save the baric. Kenneth Crawford, scot of Air. an(1 Mrs. A. Al. Crawford, Aurin t1t,lnl. vvas injuredin a car mishap on No. 5 high- way between Clinton and Seatforth. the ear leaving the mid and rolling over in the ditch: Crawford was taken to Wingliaam hospital with neck injuries, '1`latee c•on,l,arti,nrs–estrtpetl nrrinjnred. p } The death of Mary Jane Small, widow of Alexander Emerson, occt>,rred on Thunidaty last in the \\'inghaul hos- pital, in her ninetieth year. Decreased Was a resident of the \Whitechurch Cr for. Help Try a Classified Ad. in .The Signal. Star. amoft MOVING WEST ,M. Rawlinson Limited regularly mat;. up and ship Household Furniture. (on- solldated Pool Cars to Manitoba, SitSkatch- ewan, Alberta, British Columbia and • to California. Write, �tiire orpho phor one F edtt ed freight rates , 61Q Yonge St., 1oronio. hingsdale 3125 •MOVIt1I., PACKING, ,Hl('P►Nt. anti �1GAAsi • • . . t 7. • ower Spraying Orchard Spraying Weed Killing Whitewashing Warble Fly Agent for J. ] . °rang and Co. (chentical division) DDT, 2-4-D weed killer, Rotenon Powder (warble fly control) ward W. Elliott POWER SPRAYING BOX '293 j CLINTON 23-35 • PHONE 203 R-`Aissuimsiono • • • district and had lived in WE's.t \Wawa - nosh practically . all, -„her life: ,Her hilsbaind predeceased her and she leaves two daughters and uile sun: ' t ilsiri er %*iiti Honor to "War Service In. a public gathering at the com- munity park in Crediton on Shturday afternoon the 'people of Stephen town- ship paid fribute to .138 men and wo- men of the district- who served in the war. An honor roll was unveiled and cheques .were presented by the Town - strip Coinleil. Thirteen men of the township di('d'in service. Heft er—Welwood .. A •wedding of interest- took place in Chalmers I'resbyterf"an church, • \Wltite(-hurcli; en .filly 2eth, .when Jean Sn4,lnnah, only daitgl-ter of Mr. and "Mrs.- Ezra C. \Welwood; Whitechurch, became the bride of Clifford Waldo 1I(1'fe1, Moncton, N.B. Rev. A H. ' Wilson officiated. Guests attended front Moncton. ?minion. Windsor and • Caledon. The warding trip ' 'was- to' Sauble I3eac•11. ackache-kidneys KINGSBRIDGB Most people fail to recognize the seriousness of a bad back. The stitches twitches, and twinges : K NGSBRIDGF., Aug. 6.—Mr. and are bad b 1 enouh and cause great sof AIrs, Paul Koenig of Detroit have re- turned hoiue after visiting friends here. Miss Kathleen O'Brien, from Maid- stone, i, visiting Here. Mr. and .Airs. James O'Connor, of Angeles, is visiting the,•for•nier's bro- ther; Jeremiah O'Connor. Air. (,crald Dalton laiotored to fort Launbtori for trig-ii't'ek-eu(1. MT. J, C. Dalton is visiting in Wood - sleek this week. Mr.Mr..ferry .Bill and Aliss \Wilhelutlnat •Lannon, of Terumo, spent the weer.- end with Ali. and Mrs. Will Lannon. Airs. '1'. O'Neill, front .\West Lorne, • is visiting AI with Mr. and rsCon.' ��n. I (1'Keefe'. Miss \\'itxnie ll.t'lly, -ill' Lender', .Was home for a visit (lnril'tg the past week. Alis4•I:ilee,t \Wanllace, frulu `I'or(ntto, is sp(>nding holidays at her l)onle here. \[): aind Airs. .Toe :\de1nlivan ati(1 ,family. Mary. Theresa and .T),,e,"jr.. and ;\1'ilfred (►'Longhliu returned to their homes fn Detroit on Saturday after vacationing for 11 month with Leonard and Alaatt. O'L(ingblin. Aliss Yin 1 e114 O'Connor, from Lon- don. is 1(olicla(ying here with her' mother. Airs A1..T; ()Veinier, Aiiice •(►'Neill Motored 10 Detroit ort Sunday, returning en Monday With his sister, AIrs. Dorothy Moore. and fam- ily. MAFEKING Visitors dur- ing the week with A1,r. and Mrs. C. I1131181n and Airs. 1.e0, Johnston were the latter's sore, Air. Fred Johnston, wife and daughter, fir, and Mrs. I.ig- iinire and son I'reddie and 'l'hnuny Johnston, of London. 'Muriel Blake is out .at the farm home -since Friday last. This-- vicinity was well represented i%t the R'ac'es in G(aderleh'on Monday. 'cher( was as good attendance :it the W.M.S. oei,yiee at Blake's church o11 Sunday -morning. Mrs, R. JfcWhin- ney's addrr'w wan greatly appreciated. g 1 fering, but flack of the backache • and the cause of it all is the dis- ordered kidneys crying out a warn- ing through the back:' • A pain in the back is the kidneys' cry for help. Go to their assistance. Get a box of Doan's Kidney Fills. A remedy .. f er backache and sick kidneys. • "Doan's" are put up in an' oblong grey box with our trade mark a ''Maple' Leafy" on the wrapper. Refuse substitutes. Get "Doan's." The 7C! Milburn Co.. Ltd.. Taranto. Ont. -- sEE uS "10 eat ly for your Hay Can, Tack, Slings and Pulleys, or Hay Forks. - YOU may need Si,.el Stan- chions, Water Bowls or a Lit- ter Carrier for next season. Order .NOW. Paint and Spray Painting Barn jobs a specialty. H. P. BAER PHONE CARLOW 2821 r' Our lakes this summer are ,going to attract thousands of friendly visitors from the States. We want them to enjoy themselves . it's in our own interest to see they get the very finest of everything we can give them. - WHAT CAN • 1 DO? The answer is plenty! Here are some of the things, anyone can do. These practical suggiestions come from a'well-known. Ontario Hotelman: 1.. Know' the places of interest and beauty spots in your district and' tell people all about them. 2, When you write your friends in the•States tell them about the places they would really enjoy visiting. 3. Try to make. any visitor glad . he came to Canada. 4. Take the time to give any • requested information frill and graciously. 5. In business dealings, re- member Canada's reputation _ for courtesy and fairness depends on, -you. • 6. To sum it up, follow the "Golden Rulb." rs3La '"*.iii: iT'S EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS • 0 Worth his Tgeight in gold! The Province of Ontario profits to almost the same extent from tourist -busi- ness as it does from the gold mining industry. It's up to ,each of us tb tee that it goes on growing. usZie‘o _ This diagram ,shows how everyone benefits from the Ontario tourist income. Every dollar is shared this way . . . 1. Hotels; 2. Stores; 3. Restaurants; '4. Taxes, etc.; 5, -Amuse- ments; ' 6. Garages. It works both ways! They treat us royally ' when we visit them ... we can't do less than return the Com- pliment. Remember that it tOsts tl•oney to take a holiday so let's see they g good Mw.'n for 0 penny they opsofe7-argiogetroot-,4i Tune in "Ontario I -C IFduy°l • CFRS, 10:30 p.en., . .Thursday, Friday and Saturday * 87234 it