HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-08-08, Page 2TWO , i� ri giublit laetl by Stgual-Star jPlreco, Limited ( ttatl rii)�>�flo><a Itiaten-�-Canada and Great 1 ritain,, $2.60 a year;; to United States, w.Ut). AdyeI1 lyg ]ldatee• on request. Authorized as seeond-cliles ail, Poet 0 face ,DepaTrtnnent, Ottawa. [ 'Telephone 71 T}I UI1t A7.11)A ,r..U(AUSAr ,]lrh, 1940 tonal -*tar ua, eik R ,'I LGTIO 1„EQUIPaED ('arladi:lai mills under Government regulation bust supply two carloads Repeatedly `tills coling. has pointed for the Canadian trade, to the harts resulting front the upward o a a Viral of living costs and attempted ta) It seems that Gordtirl Sinclair, well- pojnt out the benefits to be derived from knuw•u world traveller, who has been figures sire used for the sake of con- e reversal c f the process. \%e are visitiug• many Ontario towns ill cuu- venience •and clarity. pleased to note that the idea is nectiun with a radio program, has Before wage -increase: �1.Ut} ,, tiut•uial cost 4 $ having' support from various quarters. stated that iu uuly three of the se - Selling comiuissiuu, ..0'`. '20 towns --- c'o11(ngwood, Penetaug and Retail markup, 6U`s'o •7'2 Liudsay--Was the food tit fol human ease was presented of au increase of �.un—airiiptiou. Tlu• Mitt•heil Advucete , Retail 'twice ` $1•92 tribes -ett'ullir,' eseep tiuu to Sillclair's groups. -•the fairness of which could ieul.irk, for Mitchell was out of the ��'ag;e increaser 10' lU hardly be disputed. .Nobody wu 1Id be ,ix -e -alar tuwee 1 isited . during the 1 selling cow/Lessem* _'0'• ,'() any better off, for prices for all groups past year. Possibly in his travels tui Retail markup, 60t.e •741 would rise accordingly, and, the article India and other Eastern, count'Vies , Retail' price $2.11 — in Canadian l:l)tlntt'y'mun argued, ex Sinettir acquired peculiar tastes that It must be observed that each time port trade would suffer. —rho article are not satisfied by the substantial and au article is handled the cost increases, w"ilelest,uie but- less exciting fare that and each increase 1a a percentage o11 "If industry were able by more �' the immediately preeediug cost. , .It is offered in any Ontario town. Uudt will be observed also that while the efficient. management ----- up -to -,date ` out l.mau receives 10 cents • more for machinery, increased output. etc. — rich is not one of the`s1Sty•fuUl Wvvn to offer a pay increase, it would be and does net have to protest Sinclair's ' making; au article he pays 19 cents more much better and fairer to reduce rude remark, which might be just a fur it when he buys ft • at retail. In f .all manufactured or might btu a w'artl ' other words, he. •gives 19 cents for 10 the price U bill ler publicity, it t, articles, thus beuetittiug the &01i eeuts. if the increase 111 cost of pro- ' • ) > helping * fug„ to towns which lie has yet lu 1'i,it duction were 20 cents, he w0111d pay sumer. That would 1 c 1 h uud child irr that if th,by do not pt•uduce a metal iS cents more for• it than he would every man, w omau . the country.' If a prodlit.t, Is tit for it king and an epicure he will had .there been nu increase above lowered in price, the demand fur it., itftt tttgle ther�t in his 10011)e)u)i. uurlclal. is, increased, exports are increased,' C. \IOI;TZ\iE1t B.I':GI:AL'. . i * Ix and the entire industry stimu}�,t.t�'41$ ' �., - , 'The "With pries, as a result of freta fatal shooting of - a fourteen - competition, becoming lower and year-old joy by a Toronto policeelan ..lower; -all workers would enjoy a has aroused protests that were absent G, �y TIM GOMRICH SIGNAL,STAR • WAGES AND COSTS Editor.The Signal -Star. fir, �l[t has ..been stated maany times that tl1a 'wet ofssierings lite 4'that of everything else, With certain exceptions, is based o11 cost of prodaeti'oa and that a general inereas..e in wages can- not Heels pace 'with a consequent in-' .crease in the wet of living. Many' people appear to be at a lose' to under- stand why that is so: Perhaps a shuttle illustration may serve to enlighten i thoee whose minds are open for •tile reception of truth. Iu the figures given below "normal cost" is manufacturer's cost of an article, plus profit, before the •air•ost of •Iiroductiun has been In- creased by an increase in wages. Round IT ,y)0zg,rl1s1W»GILT T8t,11 0 AnirewLane Picnic Held at Point Clerk Over One Hul�:drred, Enjoy Family Gatlaeri lg on the Shore of Lake Huron LUCKNOW, Aug. 6. The Andrew - Lane retain!' picnic was held at Point C'la,rk oh July li st, with 1111 attendance o, about 110. The events of the day included a program -of spells feet ;young; and old, a ball game, and a Basket supper. •• ; Winners iu the races Were as fol- lows:. Girls b years and under, Marie Johnston, Alice ,Brooks; boys 5 years aced under, Gary McKenzie, Barry 1c- Donagh ;..,boys t3 years and under, Barry McQuilliu, Ross McDonagh; boys 12. years and under, Ivan 1e4 ulllin, Lloyd Barkwell; girls 10 years and under, Kathleee' Lane, Lillian Itaynard; boys 10 years and under,- Steve Stothers, Hugh Lane.; boys 16 years and over. .TF'rluik Backwell, Art Andrew ; married women, Florence Julrils tuff, Mae Smith; married aged, Bob Barkwell, Fred Me- cluillin; grandparents, Mr. and \Irs. will eliminate the construction of three S. 11. Stothers; slipper race" ladies, I bridges was assured by Hun. George Doucett, Ontario Minister of High- ways, when he paid a visit to T. Roy Patterson, Buren Cotutty engineer, here We published last week an, article from Canadian Countryman in which thee borne in the same percentage for all After wage sue ease : PNormal cost c$1.Q0 continued: 4' continuously , rising standard of - living even thu'ugh their money wages remained • at , stationary level." With -avoidance of -strikes apd other interruptions to production. getting rid l)t•. stopped. Oue Teruutu eitizeu makes »` ;of Goyernment subsidies and other the suggestion that the police should oierhead expenses reiiulting front ire t ••a.telals, At a-sre1 sen economic conditions, Canadians, should be. held responsible r fo'i• -any instead of finding .it more and more a,) shouting unless they are attacked— problem' to cope with ink reas ing living w•hiclr. was out the ease in any of the -costs, would find the fight for existence no longer a steru necessity and would be able to enjoy life Without encouuter- vvheu similar cases were reported front various parts of the Provigrce. It is beginning to be seriously felt that the reckless use mit firearms by police should NEW POSTAGE STAMPS TO BE' ISSUED NEXT MONTH Philatelists etre iuterestedl in the an- nouncement made, in Parliament last w>ek by hon. Eruest Bertrand, Post- master -General, of a new issue of post- age stamps. ,,,•The lireseUt pic•torial postage stamps, which were first issued in 1912 and 194:1 to de Me - the. Canadian people, are ,to be replaced by new. designs in keening with the turu from wartime pursuits .to ways of peace. • No change will be made for the fatalities noted front_ time to time in present in the 1 -cent, "-cent, 3 -cent, Arthur R. Ford, ,editor -ill -chief of Y.Mr(_`:A. camp at Camp ,,.Ki -V a -Y, this column. In • this latest cast; two :1 -cent and 5 -cent postage stamps which The London Free Press, has :been re- Paradise Lake, will be given the' benefit Policemen not'iced two y'outlas who they bear portraits of His Majesty the King. cuperating at Bayfield, and has written 'of instructions from an • expert on In - On Monday, September 16, of this an article on the lakeside resort irr the dian lorev•aint nature study. Walter lug big bills of expense on every ;isle, suspected were see .l t, two y cur a Ir(Svv series. of 1)1(101 sal postage course of which he says : t Barnes, Goderich, who has juo t corn - year Belgium, we are told. this view from a liaarked car. «'lieu accosted by stamps will be issued illustrating the , "There is a growing fear amongst fileted a Inonth at Camp Kitchikewana, has been adopted by. the Guvenimeut elle police the lads naturally took to basic industries and raw materi,als'.of people who love,- Bayfield and its 'Beausoleil Island, 11as been appointed with the consent of the labor u141011 , their heels., and uo doubt ran all the 1.111idar The ..new series of stamps atmosphere that the jazz tide of the to the Camp Ki -«'a -Y staff. wilt be of the 'follow•iii, denominations modern generation which 11 has spoiledv who realised that higher price, were faster when the police bt Kari to shout. and subjects: o so many summer resorts will over- Some people feel that if they lost offsetting.. any . ad�l-anteag&. front higher t ,,Aftot ,rct'pc�aited shots one_ Of the boys 5 -tents, brown. — Easterh_ Canadi�t11-wlielnr 13uyfietd. A1ileric(atll:; in. ever their dignity they wouldn't have much wages and are co-operating in the plats was fat t11\`_- hit. As one `Toronto :furze scene, Ontario.a increasing numbers, are soyading; Lake of anything left—and'they-wouldni of a general recttletiun of prices through t•itizc•n say's, 1"No car anti uo valise is '•10 -conte, olive 11,1'4n '—,Great Bear Huron shore. • It will not be, lung at a `" Lake, showing scene of first pitchblende the•.preserit rate mild every foot of. increased manufacturing eflicieric•y and Werth a buy's life. Sorely the police discoveries. lake shore from Sarnia to Tobermory' ' ■ Y1� ht, y(� .{j(,t'. ri.. li 1vt ptht r lvav, of )jcl:iu r a �.•u� ►ect ( y _ •> — clr>1 des ri_ Will its camps, cottages and.sum- A Favourite Remedy '.a. h y �r1 tit. 4 ... .1^'� '^•�M ��lil _ .:1 .. p. F ..1. , b _ l I - { .cents dark _.b1 c1cv u 1 e t u .I .. .. -; .. .., i n+ : _. .. . ,.. r .+.-o-- .- •-sc,stu•w_ .... V,..a...-7 .r,c . �_.. _. '.^e- '_s...a ,.. ..,a.«.8 - . ...-�.. .shy, -.. Oft '..na.. ... r'• - '3 "t-.. :, � „ ...., .... ., .... _. ... t - •r ► �>�'(1 $aIe.•mss. re tW �• +moi � �0-"'611 �'�'If�tlre A�x,rt r t11e est; if a happy ,tate Chau .hof?il tl'iem. �t t, u�tn too lxi�v e� s�flon cin ._sin -t lfauric.e `Ri��1, �' `Fo p To bring about such 1 I . p , , cans who have come •to- Iia •field, most TO FO VLER'S EXTRACT • ., 0 - c ncbec• u y DOC y of affairs in Canada would require ,tett ;l premium on property as euro t'0 -cents, carbon -blue — Conibirled of then. have' located there because they OF WILD STIiAaPBERRl' has revolution in public thinking; but there pared .vv~ith personality." 'reaper and harvester, Prairie 1'ru�'iucesr love the old-fashioned village, its been a favourite remedy for bowel can be siich a revolution when people= ;)0 -cents, green — Lumbering aper wandering Streets, its grassy sidewalks, complaints. Made from an original s begin to ponder the problem frl)m the LOOK _BETTER OVER THE" FENCE I aliens in 119.11ish Colurebiar its lovely old trees,- its gardens' and its prehcription, ' it is sato, pleasant point of the general benefit Iuther, thin). 1 London Echo) I +1, purple—\ew• train -ferry, .with 1 flowers. They vyant to get awaj• from and,elfeetive. Finn' people generally eelu to stave fishing -beet. 1 rinec� Edward Island. • the, mad rush of Detroit. There is �{ Pi serib0fr for from -that of their own immediate self - �' geese onl one juke box in Bayfield and t �_/ � Diarrhoea ars idea that city people fare ]nude (-cent, :fir Mail, larks-tetnada y a p Intestinal Pains interest. > , better than their country eitusins utidt'r i11 flight nrar Sudbury, ((tarso.-I)firently it does not fit into Bayfield G�'' 1\4 'r; tabooing;. This is a, \ery debitlblc' .17 -cents air 11i:(il t1ij(1 s ecia1 de- life; it is seldom playing;. There is �. Sea Sickness p 1 a dance hall, but it is far awe in ,19W� Summer e itestiou. - - t livery. violet bine--Traitsutl:ultic snail • • EDITORIAL NOTES 1 a grove across the river." y D ti'- OF `S Complaint True. settle city people can go t r1Iltine ever (►iebce ('sty'. _ g dk€ _ At the first WLL., G loesn't indulge ih--- filiFi5,H SEASON FpR GRASS FIRE'S remedy. you '11' be. agreeably sur - the b:lla"•1• and btry. cakes Ind (•uen4:ies;,, ln-cearts special delivery, green --The _ ST,t RR symptoms of Wanted—:t good beg rain. tlaey (•ally eat :lt rest1111 �lits, 'and they. :truss of (•alta a, w-Itll laurel alld ()live. !�(� �`;• 1}el com- Prices of. smelt fruitsetrt• at a dizzy le, t /,,,,,,./y enetle, stery.. Ties artesiee , . # ' # eau bey juin: au(l jellies. But that Iir: e'en >s symbolic of victory and peace.' QQ ,' plaints try thisheight this season. Perhaiis the (•ity werner ° EITORIES SST FOR FOU COUNTY _15 $B$ Territories iu that comity for which each -nurse will he, _xmo btl?A_ allotted When the nurses feet b;itis the County health and hospital committee at Clinton ln.et Thuradtay,,night. Miss lUjiribelle "McKenzie, the supee- vising nurse, was allotted the town- ships of Colborne, Goderich and ll:ullett, the village of Blyth and the town of Clinton. " Miss Jean Falconer- Townships of Usborne, Stephen, I1ay Laud Stanley and the villages of Exeter and Iletsail. Miss Jlurgaret Roberts— -Townships of Tuekersniith, McKillop, Morris and Grey the- village of Brussels and tine, town of Seafonth. Miss \Lary Love --Townships of A.sla- field; East and West Wawanoslt,, Turn - berry. and Howick and the town of W Ingham. MINISTER OF HIGHWAIYS MEETS COUNTY ROAD MEN All increased grant on a stream diversion job iu Grey township which Florence Johnston, Mae Smith; ptlea plate race, men, Bob, Barkwell, Frank Barkwell; clothespin rac'-c>, ladies, yV'iti= use Wheeler, Mae Smith; three-legged last. Thursday. Accompanying- the race, Barkwell and Brooks, Stothers arid` 'Minister of- Highways. Was J. A. P. Marshall,. chief engineer of municipal roads under the Department of High- ways. In a meeting with the .County road committee and -the - County engineer. various County road problems were discussed. „ill ardent golfee, the Minister of Highways stated he hoped to be back -in Goderich again soon, at which time he planned to challenge tl,e_ ('aunty' engineer to a gauze of golf • t Maitland course. the .Stothers; w'heelbarrow- race, S. Stothers amid Jr Stothers, F. B:l.rkwell and G. Ilrboks ; egg race; ladies, Mae Smith, _liildred Purdon. A toothpick race between teams of telt girls and ten boy's was you by the boys, captained by G. Kirkland. The girls, however, [11111ed' the tables its the `pillow race, the team of ten girls> '' Andrew 1 1 by �� 111.1 f t.d captained I to ed defeating the team of a similar number of boys. The oldest person I)reseut was •Mrs. Susan Andrew, and the youngest was Joint Angus McCharles, three weeks old. The person coming the greatest distance was Mrs. Alfred Andrew, from Seat Ste:. Marie. Officers elected are: President, Stephen Stothers, Arthur, _Ont.; vice- president, .Mac Lazne; Kinlough ; secre- t}try .and seribe,• C• E. McDonagh, Luck - now treasurer, W. G. kis , ue : uow. BAYFIELD HAS NO "CONEY" ISLAND''' AMBITION RECOMMENDED FOR OLD -AGF, PENSION ()f sixteen applications for - old -age pension which came before the •Huron ("aunty Pension Board last •Thureday- afternoon, fifteen were recommended for pension, only one being turned down. • Full allowance was recom- mencled for a luother's allowance ap- pliCatiotl., William ' R. • Archibald. of v' s lip, is t. Airman of the board. --INSTRUCTOR IN INDIAN LORE -KITCHENER, Aug. 6.-13oy campers who 'will attend the annual ;Kitchener growet are g;ettil►gr back at the lli h „f the - suing.. `hop • (11kes and 1'he ti re brigade wits called ant ler wage people in (flits and towns. IStit i,:Istril s :ire eosin-lttxnrlc ; restaurant two grass fire, on '1'(11 ti 't 1)01 9- in (11 1(11 :Ire eSpeil*iVt. :lull usually not Str.Andrew's ward. The first wits in have a 1 Il 1, , t 1 tellies .ilk 111 prised how quicJlly it :works and how much better you, feel. But - ask for - it by name —,DOCTOR lettrt, f1i11:5: aV't''rt out all-, a ;tctiii1 i slut, ,all 'el ie > the ntorllingrr nitwit il.:;9.:1.1'ti the other Fo\V .ER's EXTRACT OF WILD the I,it; t 1 Itt1 class fly, and i11 shun. sni,iily. Titus the , at :t.:;(1 in the :tfteruoun. Birth were r STRAWBERRY. Price 50c a bottle. - Iit n,: ell :Iltlliit tel ;00.city pt'`rsofa 'klllirl:ly extinglti�hecl. The T. Milburn. Co.. Ltd.. Toronto. Ont. .hjkcut-.-.ligstrikes ill 1':lrliaint'nt tI'y 1i il'ttt• 111est' 1it14iLs 1't iitllitt'(1 •ley 11116, 'Ability- tu• 1) 1y _1,.,r 1lieul olid ly til conaiiaittee at (]tt:l'wa. AI it, ister of Ls111i,ri fart. ill sone• 1°:l''. th:lt 1lti Y,t .lint • Miteitttii tlet'la1't•tl, ' It'ti slut 1e;tsiatlun';irtu't ne:lrly t'ntjttuil (If seen) things that is the :Iltsw•t'r; it's (siltation sense:" i�1'1 est :lr,Ittittl. ' .stili 1�t thl, tbt• fat'1 11',x1 iwt,,,'1•, f1,r Aild +a1}I1►x,11, •t 11,1>. Itc tni; lit h•+`'' )V11it'fl tht'rt iS 12," :s,ti.fActor,v ,•111) -:,remarked, is t,nl u1 the111.t!`I'1t11L'l,l11itt'I11 �1tf-lttt- t,tt 1111' tiltirfiet ltel'e. is in eltortt- of qualities. 1 seedily.:led Iltt' real peen's, of 1114> city i, * e I•ab,lnlllg; 11( 1(111' 1-.itt t au 1'le5y There is Still u,) „tlit•ial reply t,t -the i'11e- .city dwetlt•r.-recipreentes the farmer e envy by wishing; he could have questiot) as to what is to be.dene vi ith" :111 the pleat :end lnttt'r lie cunld eat. the tuwu clack \v ten the nem (etirt (f citiu•se ht' oftt'lt i;li'f :1 Wtv that hose i. 1)11111• O . ne sliggt',tiet11 1, that i utllt':It And hinter al's• not 1,1')tdllt•ed on • it be piart.rd ill the lire }1u11 tower. This :... ...very farm in this etiutry-r and that 11 trent r5 who do nett 1:(11 their own heat may -net be feasible 'offbeat coil,l(lt•I• 112111Htllly of 101(1.21•th(']1' 01111 101tt1.1,I eat • able alieratloi1 to the tol\.)'i, lint it i s,lbjttt bet (ht' '.;tine ra'ti,tll restrit•tious would liens, the fltIVATItilV i•,f :I vit"w• 11s their city, cousins. 'tt• trees, l lint t'1 t 1 , « 1 'The grass .1111.11 5 leeks irl'eeit('r i11 uuiol.errlai'teci � ,,,111t'body- else', pasture, nut flour of will b) quite a while bel'+•rt' the 11- are really .eitTerii`i at :all under question needs to be -t•ttlt'tl. 1)1't',ent feed 1),guLt,tiens sand all of its # a a t ,•ttllntiy a1111 rity- -ea11 probably get ..• Newspaper headirl;.;-,, if taken of Ciit-'it• "I''''.,14. with a little 1c -s thus releasin;; I 1u„Ie t(t go14► ,tat'1111,,•1.111 1 e,-Qvlil•re , face 1s lite.lvon]11 iudi,:tee tbat the the food we ,ave wilt 5.111.' lives. '1 pea':e ' „21fcre0.., at I'e1'i, are having a sort of neigh -awl -tumble fight. 1f that is 111e w':14' 1►e:l,'1' terms .are to he settled, we shmtltl ,end its 'r.,.loler•iee's s•hanliii, I. pugilist¢,'itr>tead of elderly • 13y Edward Sant gt'iiti('loen like .11i•. King sof 1 )tt:lvva i 'Fisc (dta tiluld lit disputed that the iioli tit li-tr .w-:tt• tweet :11 ,tile A•ost of 1',,,,t ot• :111 'e1 li 1- 1,1'1111 y' •l�htt•1• is t''''"• -,•.t 1. • The :Iiless+1iells' char's e and lr.b;yrrlC�, t�f 1V':ashitl;;to;l. .1 , • I something: quite 1'htllltelll)ig; 111 11:11 fogs � flee til",t' .,111('11 11-e•(l II1�e111'y pressure chap Ilk(' Jets 1,'1111'. 11„w'• (.0111(1 t•lt:ttt • Itlttlit'3 en„l(g;li its t;,tAtl' b'it• i1),(t'•, ilit''wa`to 11 ti,nle gevc1'llolent rtefatrael. ;111d up the wind... t„t et .1 'pleuritic ('sports of lift'. with 'unit ii -left eget for 11 'tha•11 prolitetl by . 111e 111/11111111(1 Me of /,in no time at'allr that 1111)1'1) y can hey. ,It ddy 111)111tj1 ese, Ttt 'their fanny _ few of the thio;;: ' " * Thi' e% 11 illtl,('ilrs wile), greed fur Money nlort:tr shells are attributed the deaths t:Iti.t, lo., of tale thin:-, that nreney of Ingo}' Allied seldiersr They nave Wi111 rt•fereuce to the .portage td („ii,,'1t pnrt'11:1st. Honor, ,elf-re.`peet •r:lrfe(l pitying the price of then' profit. 'builvliree material. TYie Esoter'Tittle.- end friendship :ire often li'ehtly re -'and the penalty- bels barely l)tguu. Advo mitt 'states that the major eatl.e ; g:arded until they tire lost : then alt fin' The s(+coud case is worse*. ,In ('hula is the rxportin;; .uf timber from this .!tittle disks of fruits" 111 the world touid tho11sands of children are dyini; hi the t not restore !tie hoinitoe. cheerless iigt,ny of eta net 1ion w'hil(�, (°nYlntry, and continues: ilii, nil< In onr present pl;tn of 5),1'101 een1101lly 1111t tell.perrent. of the .Arttetaica)1 re- taken •polic•y ufPexiorting T'anadtt's rimiest- is :1 tleeessity' :lied. like all enol- lief fond is getting through to them. - raw_inaterial Bte, mit the dunr of the, � mo(#Ibes, 1111154 br piircha,ed a1 a p1°ire. The etherninety per dent.. is distrib- ;�otne t,f us kitty tntntey with our lalor rlted through(g the overnment favored it)otninion ('go4'erntneni, . WI, believe tu(1 to portion of our fre0tb1111, slid if •"h1:lelc nlorket_" Two cases' where in building 111.0 good (' 1Y011 trade, lint 111:‘,1-(1':1kee) 111:11 prim' within 10aw0,11111)11' iuo11(3 iS i(id(sed the -root of evil. we believe more 1(rinly still in building' limit, we may tall oitrsehes fair Briniting; the subject nearer onr own up the life of our" own c•oi.tit ry.'' Let 1 traders-, • ;,pi rliaps 04'011 wi.e traders. vision Is the 1)1(_yent game of leapfrog u dee, now.. How would this work out i, ��,I(` shall It't that distinction only :being, Played by war.*ea"and Iivilt;; coal, r if ,we labor heyt,nd the capacity of «'ithnlit mn11(11 ' 1rotiny it is evident ine' the matter of coal, for Instance`' our lleulth, or' if we :acriticu too emelt that this lirt,hiem e•an never be solved Despite a shortage of fuel in the :Mates,' oP our froodottt to the gothering of by the sheer lower of looney aloft(': Washington continues t(1 allow the eX- 1 excess w•ea)119. There are- i l few ''here would,, be no ('('111 ng to sop 1lte' :lm mg 115 who c•onld trot simplify our vicious spiral. A greater ('y'aination Ipcirt of coal to (unaela, Ilov: would( 1Yectes. eines and perhaps benefit by" re- . of spiritual .factors is needed, :t, more the people of Ontario l(lue it if our gairlillg; ,t grt'('atet ulras11re of ft•c'c'rinm. Wiiolosttlne spirit of ('n.opertltime a neighbors adopted the policy of phut -1 The sort of tuoney that tines ,povae'ss closer 11pplit'.attinn t.1 the 'Golden Rule `ting off otiplirie1 to tlii€1 country when-! evil rants platy he itoug,lit tlnlv at' 1;410 of Rr(rfYtei111) )(1 • ever it suited- tit(lit''eolivetifen(t0? It'' priee of. coil i('i('ilee. And this fs fat' W'(' 'i•'vtn heat oil lel, icing; money a too high a price for any sort of ul'oney., 011r twister. instead of making it our would not be in accord with the '1'wo flagrant and fragrant embed of such helpful servant. Instead of red'neing (3111' need of it, we )(rein determined to giva1 it the ettttns of a god. 'We, aria ('rlr•t'etttly "111 reverse"- and- roust soon "rhe nge gears if money is not surely to become the root of all ,evil. • New SHELL PREMIUM gasoline supercharged with 24TM ® A Wheel you pull into, your Shell dealer's and say "1r; np, get setf r a new driving experience. You will find this new '� 1 ,(a(; acre Shell Premium gasoline is four ways better --' 0 ) power.— (2) quicker starts® 3) faster pickup --(4) moremileage. T it today and sed for yourself 1, Y4(/CrfNBf smeoara/� 4t Local Agents, SERVICE, STATIONSHELL , KINGSTON ST. — PHONE 535 — GODERICH Harvey Baxter — Allan Linfield PICNIC FROM STRATFORD The annual picnic of the Kroehler Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Stt'atford, wilt, be held in Goderich, on August 10. It is expected that about 300 adults and 75 ehildreu Will attend., The employees 1 special rain o n Stratfordi t v •i 1 �ITcae y I the morning of...._.,A.ugusx...10, returning to the city by special train later in the evening.' EXTRA MONEY 5E11 Re0ots Ovlupndlno•A11-Oic000n0roorma Cord, -'your 'oval A6,olnaly No Odor Valeo Oto Itl Ordrea came fart add•so,1t6 when your {ntndt and co,,t �os ser Rcaat,e.fepnmal very day GrS cen Karl, Colourful ou aite up Basso card. ,emfor5100 Youmakeup to 46'1 chit protr Sample on approval of du, end other an,artmcnta Wets today REGAL STATIONERY CO. LTD. 103 11mcoo St„ torostto 'Manv(acturere 41 Cal,pde'. (4.drnd Card Value. l;ArutRaga! Ba of 7 Cards fo. $1a Lakevie.w Casino, .Gralld Bend • DANCING E VERY NIGHT •• Gordon De gamont and .his Orchestra Gordon Delanlont's polpularity is aniazilig. The !nest popular orchestra to play at Lakeview Casino SPECIAL MIDNIGHT DANCE AUGUST • 12th, 12,05 a.m. • SUNDAY, AUGUST 11th, 9 p.m. THE EVER POPI'L:'lR VA.BIETY <, ENTERTAINERS frinT girteiv TIE 'i'' i 'NFIS' '•A 1.4 SJIX Fah COLLECTION Va SOFTBALL GAME— EVERY,' WEDNESDAY NIGHT MART KENNY and his WESTERN GENTLEMEN TUESDAY -AUGUST 16th ARE FEET. -THIS WAY Rub in> Minard's Liniment generously, and feel the relief steal over the aching muscles and joints. For all muscle and joint pains, aches and stiffness, sprained iasnkles, twisted limhs—Minard's has been famous for over 60 years.. Good for dandruff and skin disorders, too, .Get a bottle today; keep it handy. , AR'D'S LINIMENT Evil Roots principle of "live and Iot Iiv °° to Waith 1 er°il trolling 11ro in the ttcw'a-s tr)day. rich 14111011 111) s('i'viee lie given, \Ve In illinnis a group ,,f Well-i)lttsiled "elteentivesr' are tinder the angrily and itsttind that for Civet t'arlaat o 'seorehing light of :Y :gestate investiga- thkik r t l:1°111cl f1'oin° 191 (icit1nlry the tiott ik'eause they irottght as 'inulti-mil- URGEN4 'j Bottles0are badly I needed. • nReason new bottle production slowed by shortage of materials. fl Remedy- Return ac- 10 cumulated empties. Put them back into circulation. Check Ss your ,basement today. • . • Bring them to riedrest Brewers Retail store Or telephone for pick;up.' • FJREWORK$ Agricultural Park, Goderich .Wednesday,,. Aug. 14 SIX: WANDS . I Seal Band, Godericlh Blue' , Water Baiid Exeter Band Milverton Red 9 Clinton d Seaf'ortht Band : Lucknow --Band � LegYon Band, � Pipe Bands will leave Square at 7.30 p.m. PRESENTATION OF CUPS AND GIFTS TO LIONS HOCKEY TEAMS Lions Juvenile Hockey Team, Winners W.O.Q.. A., 1945-6. Lions Midget Hockey Team, Winners W.O.A.A., 1945-6, Harley Crawford and Wilfred Hamilton, Donors .of Cups, will personally present Cups. Lions Club to present (rifts tto individual players. TORY GREGG, IOKNX SPORTS ANNOt NCER, WILL BE AT THE "MIKE" Fireworks .Display at Close of Band Tattoo M. New and novel display of Pyrotechnic Craftsmanship. ADMISSION 500 ° FitpE GRANDSTAND FREE PARKING ' •1131'' FREE "l(�l TE PRIZES .,llt t : Lady's 17 -Jewel Wrist Watch. Gent'tt 15 -Jewel . Wrist Watch. 12 Individual Pair LadiehNylon Hose. I ' s . • These' prized given free. No tickets sold on prize, Sponsored by Goderich Lions J. W. COATEIS, President. It G•. EMERSON, Ohae ratan Boys' and :Girls' Committee. A. rf E7 SKINE, Chairman• Tattoo Committee. r (Club. 31-32 s