HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-08-01, Page 5To add to yogr en i6yr era a e I skor` Cruise on the. ANNAMAC or CAPTAIN JOHN AND &EE GODEBICH FROM A DIFFERENT ANGx,E, AS WELL AS WATCH THE SUPERB SUNSETS • =OVER LAKE HWRON • Personal Mention Mr.,@Jos. C.' Kelly of New Yor -visiting his father, t1r. J. B. Kelly. kr. and Airs., Ernest Craig spent week -end in London. Mrs, E. Patton, of Toronto; is v ing 'her niece, Mrs, A. McConnell. Mrs. M. A. Haley, of Toronto • i guest at the British, Exchange Ho Mr, and Mrs. Frank Young and and Mrs. Robert Chisholm are holid ing at a cottage at Bogie's' Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodman of L don- are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J Ruddock, Cedar street. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Tye of Detr are guests with Mr. and Mrs. P Trudell. Mrs. Buchman and AIr. L. Nichol -,..of_Toronto were in.ti,town for seve . days the past week. a Rev. and .Mrs, 'C. J. Beckley a daughter Jean, of Chesley, have he guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Webste Miss Rriby Clark has returned Toronto after spending a week w her parents, lir. and Mrs. Thom Clark, Pine street: Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Pox of Toron Bare enjoying a ,vacation with t former's sister, Miss Rose Fox, W street. Misses Barbtir'a McPhee and Mari' Miller. of Dearborn, Mich., are visiti - at at the - Power residence, Wellingt 'street. ' - -_ - - - - Miss Jean Hawkins of London - spending her holidays at the home her mother, Mrs. Hawkins, ] ayfie road. "W0.1. -and Airs. Arthur Keays .haN returned- to Barrie after spending the holidays with Airs. Curwen, Arth street. Mr. ° and Mrs. James Strong ( Pontiac, -Mich., have returned afte spending a week at the home of the sister, Mrs. Hawkins, Bayfield road. Miss Olive- Robertson of Hamilton i a. guest with her mother, Mrs. J. A Robertson, and sister, • Miss Grac Robertson. Mrs. George Brown, Stanley street is in. Alexandra hospital and 'ha undergone an operation. Her man iri,e.P. 1, • ish 1 €t s eBay--aeeeciv w' �rn T)r. '� lid firs: ,,Edwin D. Eagle an childrep, John and Moira, -of Winnipeg were guests at the home of the Misse Campbell, Quebec street, over the week end. . Mr. Ind Mrs. Ed. Fisher. of Ash tabula,.Ohio, and Airs. W. W. Smith o • _ Detroit have been renewing acquain tances in town and district the as • week. ,s, Mr, and Mrs. F. G. Eagle, of Ham- ilton, and their .granddaughter, Joan Eagle, of Burlington, are visiting- at the home of the hisses Campbell, ',Quebec street. Mr. Stan Prevett and his father, of Petrone, are spending holidays at Manitoulin Island. Airs. Prevett and children are holidaying with her par- ents nt Petrolia. Rei'. R. H. and Mrs. Turnbull and chilcl'ren have returned fo the North street parsonage after a month's vaca- k is -the isit- tion in the Temaganad and Kapuskasing district: Mr. and Mrs. John E. Patterson, Britannia road, have as their guests this week the fornier'S parents, Mr, of nd firs. James D. Patterson, s a I?eterborough. tel. Mr. and Mrs. B. , Wilmot, Elg Mr. avenue, have as their guest the ay_ brother-in-law, Mr. John Cleave, Westmount, Que., assistant . fore' on- freight agent for the Canadian Nation as. Railways. Rev. Dr. T, Wardlaw Taylor and M oit Taylor, of Toronto, are renewin aul acquaintances in town: They will joined this week by their daughte son Miss Edith Taylor. Nal Mr, d Mrs. D. M. Hunt have ri turned to their home at Louisville. � nd after'a pleasant three week's visit wit en .Airs. Hunt's mother, Mrs. John Clgr r. and other relatives. tDouglas holland, who during th ith academic year attends Alma Colleg as at Alma, Michigali, has°taken a positio for the rest of the summer as draught to man with the Ontario Highway he bi•;llich here. est Rev, Lawrence „.;M. Turner, Mr Turner and daughter, Grace Marie, lef 37113711this. (Thurscli.y) n.ieraing__fo>;, Keene where they will spend a month's vaca on tion. They will stop for a short Nisi with relatives at Toronto. is Mr. . and Mrs. Jas. H. Tert an of Aliss Garonne Wellwood, of Hamilton id who have been holidaying at Kin sardine, were iii town on ,friday las e for a brief visit. Dir. Tigerttlis a forme ir principal of Central School, Goderich. ur Air. and Mrs. Ernest Porter an daughter were in towu'k.at the week of end visiting their sister, Mrs. S. Hoey r of Toronto, who is holidaying at the ir Park Houser They were on their way -to. their home at Toronto from Sable s Beach, where they enjoyed a vacation: AB. Bill ,Sanderson, R.C.N.; son of • e I Mir. and Mrs, Geo. Sanderson, left cl11 Sunday for Esquirnalt-.I3,�,• to -join } Ship; Ii.AI.C.S. Crescent, after a Ipleas- s ant holiday with his parents and sisters Y here. Bill recently returned from a vrrrt• raise=4-fera.! e d from home. Mrs. E. C. Ransdell of Jacksonville; s Illinois, and Miss Dorothy Whitaker of St. Louis, Missouri, are guest's with Airs: W. J. Buchanan. Mrs. fi'Ransdell - and Mrs. Buchanan were nursing f sisters in the first World 'War, in - ,France, and this was their first meeting t since that time. ° Miss Ann Boswell, E. G. Wellington Scott,' Major Ralph 'McCreath, and Ross McCreath of Toronto have been visiting with Mr. and. Mrs. B. H. Mc- Creath at Menesetung `Park. Mrs. J. B. Bassett (June McCreath) also spent tw=o weeks with her parents and has returned weeks Canton, Ohio, where she will reside for sit months . before'tak: ing up permanent residence at St. Thomas, -where her husband will. be met,lllurgist for the new C'a'nadian plant of Timken Roller Fearing Com- pany. lu it of 2 al Vis, Lie r, h k, e e n s- s., rt' t n r a OBITUARY Eumvier D1,71=1 After a lung L rtod. of 11,-11?aith Mrs. Rlober;t Dares passed a .way. .on Thursday evening last atT'Aie t ndra 1Fl+ospital, at the age of seventy-five ,years. Mrs. Dures was the former Mark Green, daughter ° of the late Andrew Green and Mary Meilar(iiy Green. She was. born in Colborne' and lived in that township all her life. As a young woman she was widely, famed as a butter -maker and won numerous prizes at Toronto Ediiibition and in. competitions - elsewhere. Star viving, besides . her husband, are a brother, James, of Colborne township, and a sister, firs. Thos. McGratten (Jessie), cif.. ,Wi4nipeg. Mrs.• Duces was a Presbyterian and the funeral service at the Brophey funeral home on, Saturday afterno.o i .vas conducted by Rev. Richard Stewart of KneX Presbyterian church. The interment was in the Colborne township cemetery, the pallbearers being Alfred Errington, Reginald Glen, Roderick Bogie, Alelvin Tyndall; David Green and Victor Young. Mrs. McGratten,. who visited her sister several times during. her illness, came from Winnipeg to be present at the' funeral. JOHN W. HUNTER t;a IN -STAR After a short illness John;. Hunter, • a well-known resident of Goderich, passed aylly on ;Friday, July 213th, at the horde of his son Terence in Col- borne township, in his eighty-seventh year. Mr. Hunter was born in Gode- rich township, the sore of John Hunter and Jane Salkeld, and lived in Gode- rich and vicinity nearly all his life. He was the last of ,a fondly of seven to survive and, was one -of the oldest members of St. George's church. I toms twice married, first to, Jelin ,$err; who pfedeceased him ., ltwenty-eight years, and afterwards to Elizabeth Gould, who died three years ago. One daughter and two • sons bythe first marriage survive: Miss Kate 'Hunter, nurse, of Kitchener; Irving Mater. of Goderich, and Terence, of Colborne township. Tlie-funeral; which took place on Sun day afternoon from the. home of Mr. Terence Hunter, was -largely attended: The service was conducted h..y, Rev. Beverly, Farr and the pallbearers were Robert Andrews, Rees Jenkins, .Leland Dunsmore,. George Salkeld, Andrew Bogie and 110Y Linklater, . The inter- ment was in :1Iaitland cemetery. Nc?. 1 STEAK DER1CH FRUIT MARKET "WHERE E VER YBOD Y SHOPS" WAN Phone'470 O ` < • -` ° 47 We Deliver EAST �?'. GOLF VICE-PRESIDENT }'INS In the president vs. vice-president match at the Maitland golf Bourse oil, Sunday the vice-president's team, cap- tained by le R. Darrow, were the winners. The losing side was headed by Dr. J. A.Graham, president of the Club: -. On the winning side R. L. Lloyd was low gross, T. Pritchard second low •AIRS. W. K. COLBECK While visiting her daughter., 'Mrs. R. -Emerson,, of town, Mrs. Colbeck,• wife of Dr. W. K. Colbeck, M.B.E. A'1'elland,..was taken. ill an moved. to Alexandra Hospi she -died on Friday last, in eighth year. Deceased, Marion hilts, was, born n ��'tlley and lived there f time after her marriage. she ,and her husband'.liad ellancl, where Dr, Colb was en active member - of church' at Welland, was p a number • of years of the and was a life -m 1m-ber of Alissionary Society. • S friends in Goderich as t frequent visits to her da rind- was spending the .m here when overtaken •by ness. Suri feirrg, Ifesides are her daughter, Mrs. brother, Joseph Hilts' of tivo grandchildren. The remains/ rested at funeral home until Sun( when they were conveyed the funeral taking place t date afternoon. Rev. .Dr lye -nand 061-W11ctea the ft and the interment was cemetery." Mr, and Mrs. I at NVellitnd for the funet Goderjch French Dry. Cleaners WEST ST. • DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING . PRESSING SERVICE AT . YOUR CONVENIENCE EXPERIENCED REPAIR aSERVICE CALF. 122 FOR • PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 24tf • YOUR SUNDAY ACTIVITIES ! Your -Sunday golf—your fishing— your motor trips—may all be welcome relaxations from the "daily grind,," but need not interfere with your regular Church attendance, GO T0CIIURCHFIRST M1 TAKE YOUR FAMILY WITH YOU. s ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO GO TOO. , LET'S FILL OUR GODERICIi CHURCHES EVERY SUNDAY. ' THIS APPEAL IS MADE BY The "Go to Church" Committee (A STRICTLY NON -DENOMINATIONAL. ACTIVITY) JOIIN JOHNS John ,Johnston, of Ne town;..prrrsecl= i%it`a} on Sat the Houle of his son -in -1 (.'haluney, 9th coueessi. WO ii osli, in his .ei•gh Ile and , his wife- were . slaughter when. they wet ill and they were lovin.' 1 by their daughter, .Irs..0 Johnston is still too i11 her home in Goderich was born iii ('ctlborne toN of the la te Ma ry, Ilauiitto Johnston, and in 19()0 to Mary Lockhart, dan late Mr. and Airs. -Matth They had two children, Aitken (Laura ), wlio seven years ago, and A Chan ney (Mary) . Deceits( a bakery in Winghane' fo after hisniiiarriage and tin farni in Colborne township I to .Auburn, *here he resid( years. While there he w layer, later moving to God% he " resided for over twenty Before retiring he conducts Ment business on IIamilton was 11 member of• North st church, Goderich, blit MN absence of the pastor on 1. funeral service at the home Airs. ('homney on Tuesda, wif's conducted by Rev. Rich of Knox.church. Many !lea tributes 'surrounded 'tile', c pallbearers were Ed, La ()'Brien, J. N. Kernighan, 1 hart, Jas. Medd and Ale. honorary palliiearers were George Hamilton, Ezekit,I 1' 1)hrainl Ball. The intern Colborne cemetery. 1'. J. KILGAIJ., • ST. MARYS, July .31; :Joseph Kilgaliin died ;yes heart condition, at his h( Marys Junction, coneessi( shard township. • In -lapin Severin years, lie had b to . his. Iced for the past' He was born in Biddnlpla Mareh 15, 18(14. Mr. Kilg in Stephen township until he moved to Gode.rleh, tv employed at the Western mill for twelve years. II lie Marrled Margaret :1 Goderich. In 1924 Mr, a gallin moved td St. Alar where for twenty years in Kilgallin tt•aa a mall cart 4, St. Marys. Re tats a Holy Name church,' St., Ifo Holy Name Society.. 1e by three sons: name J Joseph, and John Aletai hotn'e. The. funeral ser?. held at 9 a.m.. Thlirs(lay, at church, St. Marys. -Intern In the St, .Marys Roman ea tory. • . gross, and A. Kaing (Toronto) winner of the special prize. On the president's team Frank Mark (Stratford) wits low gross, W. J. Davidson (Detroit), second low- gross, and .Dick ,Shenton winner of the special:.. The losers were hosts at a fine dinner Served in the club house. Twenty-six players took part in the thateh. • ANOTHER HOLE IN ONE S. .Hudson, a Detroiter t Maitland M. Hudson wasaccompanieds la b ._ 's I r GODERICH TOWNSHIP 1� ►Jr11P wife, aiid spectators said she was as 1 exeited over his accomplishment .as he I was Himself. The two Doctors Abbott, of London and Toronto, were alnung those who witnessed the shot ry ' GROUND WATER SURVEYS Two, slirrey°ors •from the I roviueiaJ. Department, of -Min'es-are iti Goderich for several days making- a surrey of ground water resources -and the fluctu- ation of ground wa ter Fels. In this connection they are setting up observa- tion wells, One of the wells being sur- veyed is near the C.N.R. station, while tile.. other is on the home property of J. A. Sully. Similar swfveys 'are being Made at Various points in- Southern On- tario by the. Provincial Department of Alines with the idea of determining reasons forthe scarcity ,of- well water >.t 'cligerent places and at different times. Mrs. Robt. McAllister and Miss June Sow(.rby visited recently in Peter- borough and while there Mrs. MCA1- •lister visited with Air. and firs. Craik. Miss Lois- Soiverby is visiting, with and.-- 4irs, Eimer _Graham at Port. Albert, PREPARING TO MOVE The Gledhill shoe store is preparing to move to a new location next to the Craigie news-stand, in the store forni- erly occupied_by the Babette Gift Shop, Tom Gammage, manager, ar npunces,;, The new' location is being. renovated and new lighting fixtures installed, -preparatory ter- occupancy in about three weeks' tinie. .r :AITLAND GOLF CLUB bowling club at Blyth has WELCOME'Sr VISITORS 1 GREEN FEES, $1.00 PER, DAY Or Membership Rates may be secured. SIRED a.