HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-07-25, Page 6not six. A Good Time A good ,time to make arrangements is in'advance of neces- sity—at least, a great many people -think so. We offer l*otancp-- and counsel without obligation and in strictest profession confidence. , • NIVIetnheil THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN RULE DR0PHEY nelatgiWice. FLoYD M. LODGE , DIRECTOR 13 MONTREAL ST. PHONE 120 • a Don't stand on your convichons—live I When you're under fire do you fire by them. I back, haek Ijreget fired or get on fire? NEWSHELL PREMIU gasoline supercharged,wit 24 When you pull into your Shell dealer's and say "Fill'erup,'! et set fornew driving experience. You will find this new SJieU Preinium gasoline is four ways better (1) more ipow6 —(2) quicker startin — 3) faster pickup —(4) more mileage. Try it today an see or yours - ra6;1,f(lig 4raelarof,lifil - Local Agents • SHELL SERVICE STATION • • KINGSTON ST. — PHONE 535 -- GODERIOH Harvey Baxter — Allan Linfield ,,,1YESTELEW,-- wEnw. July 21 — Mr. tuut Ma. Jasper MeBrien oUoderieh visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' Snell Mr. Harry _Turner of New York, Miss Ida Whyard and Miss Nettle Sproule, of Dtingannon, visittid ou Sunday even- ing with, Mr. W. H. Campbell, and Mr . - and 0Urs. W. A. Campbell. Misses Agnes rote and Olga Mac - lackey of 'Kitchener visited on Thurs- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin • McDowell visited on Sunday with .Mrs.. Mackintosh of Kitchener'. Masters Franklin uzxd Laurence Campbell and Miss Lois Campbell 0,)eti.t a few , days last week at the, cottage of their uncle, Dr. Victor Johnston, and Mrs. Johnston at Bruce. Beach. : , Congratulations are extendeVto,TMr. and Mrs. Douglas 'Campbell onthe, arrival ,of a baby boy, bent Fri.day, July Mb. Mr. Bert Taylor, )Ji Eileen Taylor, Mr. and Mrs..Elwirt Taylor and. Miss Norma, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Taylor, Mrkl Mrs. Lewis Cook anti:Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Walsti attended the Hunt - Taylor wedding, at Dorchester on Sat- urday afternoon. The wedding cere- mony, which took place in the Dor- chester United church,- was performed by the bride's father, Rev. Wm: Taylor, assisted by her uncle, Rev. Elmer - Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. W. 'A:Campbell visited on Sufiday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sbeigelberg of Kitchener. The crops in this vicinity • did not suffer much from the storm of Friday afternoon, but the telephones and Hydro Were put out of commission. In some homes fuse boxes were blown open, light bulbs blown„ to pieces and fuses blown in transformers, and tele- phone wires were burnt through. Mr. AlbertGower 'had' the misfortune to haVe one of his horses killed while it was standing in the stable. . . Mr. Ivan 1,Vightman and Miss Mae Wightman visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wightman of Pine River. Mr. and Mrs. Alva. McDowell visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Thdden of Londesboro. A number -from the v i ity, attended the memorial service vt Vie Urlion cenietety, Blyth, on Sunday. Mr.' Harvey . Wightman attended „$'.A.iatner, SclinetAt4hz.tkode-rieh.„ camp the hitter part of the week. • iMiss' Hattie Gallagher of Lucknow is 'visiting at .the home of her niece, Mrs. Earl Wightnian, and Mr. Wight - man. THU Gountion SIGNAL-8'1'AR TtJRSDAL 1VIA thQ19167 j" PORTER'SJIILL PORTER'S- HILL, Jtily 22. — We understand the Geo. Proctor, home at .Porter's Hill corner has been bought _122: Mr. Mather. a returned soldier.• Fr 1- Te-Forte?7"m1rT3r held their July 'netting at the home of Mrs e Jas.' Cox on Wednesday last. The LOck'hart families were. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Torranceat. the Ivison cottage, Drysdale, on Sunday. Mr. •and Mrs.- Allister Murray and little daughter, of Varna, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith. k M i”, --„A.1111 a Townsend, who ..was suc- cessful in her School of ,Conunerce course, has. accepted .a positien at At- wood. Miss - Bessie Yofing, aecompanied by three girl friends, is spending two weeks at a cottage in Bayfield. If we -don't fight for .the best we.. can -expect .the worst. - „ liINGSBRIDGE• KINGSBRIDGE, 4ti1y 23.-14n. Deb; Moore and family returned to Detroit on Saturday after spending two weeks visiting her mother, Mrs. John O'Neill. Mr. atid Mrs. Murray and family, of Detroit, spent -the week -end Witil Mrs. M. J. O'Connor. Miss Carrie McCann, from Clinton, was isiting her friends here last Sunday. Mrs. Michael Dalton went to Port Lunbton last week -end to visit 'with her sister, Miss Stella Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Rojand, Mrs. Cecil Griffin and Mrs. Thos. Joye, of Detroit; and Miss Kathleen O'Brien, Of Maid- stone, were visiting over the week -end witb Mr. and Mrs. Jin Wallace. Stunned by Thunderbolt.—The elec- tric storm which passed over this district latst Friday was severely felt. While the. three Frayne boys were working in their barn a bolt of light- ning struck the barn, tearing board i off both ends. ' The three boys were shoeked, Eugene suffering the, most, having his face and arm scorched bad- ly. It was by miracle theKescaped death. CARLOW CARLOW, July 23.—Miss Shirley Ann Martin of Detroit is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin. . , Mrs. Melville of LondeSboro Visited her sister, Mrs. Bean, sr., on Sunday. Miss Betty Addison of Kinburn spent last week with her cousins, Irma and Bernice Bean. Mr. and Mrs. Neiman Siddall and 'baby, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Errington. Mrs. Mitchell spent the week -end in Goderich with her mother, Mrs.,Lauro. Sundereock, Clifford and Bobby, of Iliillett, visited with. Mr. and Mrs. Percy ;McBride. Mr. Keith Younglpent tne week -end with friends in St. Thinnas. Miss Irma Bean is with Mr. and Mrs. (jitiki. Wallis at Baylield this week. Mr. and Mks Win-. Addison of lAndesboro visited,with Mr. and Mrs. I). Bean, . Joe Crich of London is with Mr. and Mrs. • Percy McBride - CREWE CREWE,July 22.—Mr-, John- Menary and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BegleY- ticd grandson, _ of Hamilton',- Mrs. Kenny Campbell, Derene and Lillian, and Mr. and Mrs. 'Lyn Anderson and sons, of Detroit, are holidayhrg with friends --in this locality. Mrs. Bert Treleaven spent a few days in Lucknow with her daughter, Mrs. Hunter. While there she received medical attention for an infection. .1144,sissuanyles--of--,-Tarnatof Mr. , and Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick, spending --a while- with Mr. and Mrs. S. Kilpatrick. „ Mr. and Arrs.• 0. Crozier spent Sun- day with friends in Wingham. We -are glad to report that jMr. Gordon', Reid, Who inet with an ac - Meta, has recovered sufficientlyto be able to return home from the hospital. Miss Annie Culbert of Hamilton is visiting at her home here owing to the strike in the Westinghduse plant. avid for Farm Equipment to Brush, &oak as Cloar Land Ate ONE OF OUR BRANCHES recently broke all rec. ords by making more -loans under the Farm Improvement Loans Act than any other Minch of any bank in Canada. . In ten months this single branen of the Royal Bank made 140 such loans to farmers .scattered over an area of 3,200 square miles of country. Over 55% were made to borrowers with total assets of less than $5,000. These.loans were made for a wide variety of pur- poses—to brus-h, clear an4 break land—to purchase farm implements, to build ilaMs a d dugouts, to con. struct, add to and remodel buildings. 104/0 for Building and R‘airs 8 • • 8 • • 6 •••••••••••0 Would a toaft ileip You? • 0 * 0 If you eould une a loan profitably to improve or expand „your farMing operations, or to make living more attractive on the farm„, ask for a copy it".4 our booklet "ram Improvement Loans" at yaw nearest branch. It explains in detail the many attracti$ featUrett of the roma Improvement Loans Afait., the many purpo'Seirfor which ouch loans can be .usecl and the easy methods 1_ depayMent. In addition, •ordiaiary: farm loans am*, „ iiiativaitabli sitaybrindi, ' tO4NS her Parm'Electrificatio. • • ' • 000•00e0000•000 ante arp FOft • co artime Housing Project ow Under Way at Goderich Carpenters ate urged .to contact the National Employment 0 in connection with work on the aforementioned project. fi --".a48.1116111, ce at Goderich INIKEDIATELY RYAN HOME. BUILDERS Windsor, Ontario Curran. Rev. Mr. Bandy, -of Brampton, oc- cnpied the pulpits on the Ashfield cir- cuit on Sunday. Sunilay school mill be held at 11 o'clock, at Blake's. , We are sorry to know that Douglas Kilpatrick is ill with measles. Thrifty people read the classified ads of the Signal -Star. It 40ys. AMINFINontois1111118111111181011111111111111811M I Tic c rE.2 SiffEq • .or Money Bac* tem' quick relief from ladng caused by eczema, athlete's foot. scabies. PIMPles and otheritchift conditions„ use_pure. cooling. medicated. liquid D. D. DtPREWRIPTION.' Greenlee* eat stalalese. Soothes, condOrts and quickly Wats lateassritching. Don't suffer. Ask_ypor drug,* WILY fog D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. . ' MING WEST M. ‘Rawlinson Limiteu regularly tmcke up and %hip pousehold Furniture. Con- solidated Pool Cars to Manitoba, Saskatch. -ewan, Alberta, British Columbia and to California. Write. ire or phone for reduced freight rates Established 1885. 616,Yonge St.,. Toronto. Kingsdale 5125 MOVING. PACKING. HIPPING tad $TORAGE • RAINBOW SIGNS * OW SIGNS REPAINTED BRIGHT AS NEW. • .* _my J[GN$ ktAri..p-xo * FIELD .SIGNS TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS • IN A BIG. WAY. * BARN SIGNS FOR THE PROSPEROUS FARM. * TRUCK. LETTERING OUR °SIPECIALTY. . • tl:,$.4fpne..10x4pORM.ww.-f, 0' PHONE 625". J. WEST LEgBURN • tEEBURN,' Ju1y.„,23.—Miss -Blanche Shaw, from New York, is spending holidays with her sisters and brother here. .Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cantwell and'' daughter, from Beechville, and the formers father, from Goderich, were visitors here on Sunday. Mrs. M. Bowler and son, from Listowel, visited her sister, Mrs. Jas. Chisholm, for several days last week. W.M.S. Meeting.—The Women's Mis- sionary Society held their July meeting at the home of Mrs. Grace Bogie on Wednesday afternoon, July 17th, with a fair attendance. Mrs. Lock Cook was in charge and used the program in the June Missionary Monthly. The Bible passages were -read by Mrs. Pearl Bogle. 'Readings were given by Miss Helen Clark and Mrs. , W. SallOws. Miss Clark also gave the.chapter in the study book. Mrs. (Rev.) Cronhielm closed tvith prayer. A dainty luneh was served. BENMILLER BENMILLER, July 23.—Mrs. Flor- enceEchlin ottoronto is spending some tinie..with Mrs. Gledhill and family., Miss Beulah Long spent last Friday in London. The young married people's etas are having a wiener roast at the beach on Wednesday night. . Mr: Frank Allin spent -Sunday - in Toronto.' Mr. and Mrs. j. It. Long visited in Goderich. on -Sunday. • We weleorne to our community three of our soldiers' wives, Mrs. Million, Mrs..McMichael and Mrs. Hoy. Mr. and Mrs. A. Grange and family called on friends in the village •on ST. L1ELENS ST. HELENS, July- 22.—Mrs."Jolin Jamieson, of Lucknow, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Wilson and sons, Kenneth and Donald,- of Saskatoon, were recent guests, -of Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart. Misses Ilehsn and .Toyee Newton, who are attending Summer School at Lon- don, were week -end' visitors with their parents, Res'. M. G. and Mrs. 'Newton. Born,—In the Mayfair Hospital, Tor- onto, On July 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon S. McIntyre (formerly. Miss Dorothy Miller of St. Helens), a son; Donald Gordon. .1 • •••i••••••• •••••••11, , MAFEKING MAF1EIThT(4, „July 23. ---Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kilpatriek and children, of Tor- onto. visited friends in this vicinity at the rek-end.- Mr. and Mrs. 13111 Begley, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. 'Kenny Campbell and daughters, - (AL Detroit, are- -sPeuding holidays . with MT. and Mrs. Herb. affe//9" TO 01U111 111S VISITORS A windy 'hill at sunrise "... a wood- land trail at- noon . . . Ontario's bridiepaths invite horsemen from far and near. Time and again riders from south of the border come t� enjoy the beauty spots of our Prov- ince. The visitors help us. We can help them by being good hosts. . making them welcome . . . giving them a grand. tine! WHAT CAN. d DO? The answer is plenty!- }fere are some of the things anyone can do, The suggestions come , from an Ontario hotelman, famous for his hospitality. GODERICH 29-32 1. Know the places of interest and beauty spots in your district and tell people about them. 2. When you write your friends in the States tell them about_ the places they would enjoy visiting. ' 3. Try to Trwke any visitor really glad -he came. 4. Take time to give requested in- formation fully and graciously? 5; In. business dealings, remember Canada's reputation for courtesy and fairness depends on you. -6. To sun it all up, follow the "Golden Worth his weight in gold! The province of Ontario profits to almost the same extent from tourist husi- nesa as it does frofit the gold mining industry. It is up to each of us to see that it goes on growing. This diagram, shows how everyone benefits from the Ontario tomist income. Every dollar is Shared in this way . .1. Hotels; 2. Stores; 3. Restaurants; 4. Taxes, etc.; 5. Amuse- ments; 6. Garages. 70eow It works both ways! They treat US royally when we visit them . . we can't do less than return, the compliment. Rennember, that it costs money to take a holiday . . . so let's 'see they g&. good return for every penny they spend. eivAte REGAL'S THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA GObtR191 *RANO bOtNikof, Morloget CAIMS e•:111. Ato.1.341y1,t, Otto Vc.%4•111,4, tfau rolls11444-,, al rat 0:5 417 ns; -0 Cratt7r.¢ l'afilo Cyr,cr C4rr.ert t74 tacNrmi Pr;c:.w4V ZS '14ty VC.4 MOO to 43% wea:,54 Atto4 ttAntfussi c.*it'., aitii.AP. tc;c43 Ittoriolutw,tra Oconee, 1t.1.0 Malt.* Cord Va144 faztutLip ct al (Oda IC4 0/ TUNE IN "aNTARIO'HOLIDAY“ 10t30 'pont., Thurs., Fri.; Sat. PUBLISHED IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST tlY JOHN LABATT LIMITED •