HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-10-1, Page 1LEGAL.
H. DICKSON, Barrister, Soil -1
. otter of Supremo Court, Notary Public
oyancer, Commissioner. ata. Money to
Meath Reason's $look, Exeter.
mister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, eta;,,
OfficeSanawelPsfsloek (flalWsold omto•),
Has opened dental rooms over
o'Nf;rre S I3AlZK, wherelte will be
preparedto extract teetliwithout
pain. All operations perIerlyodwith ease and
}Bill.. GoldIt�littlls to epeoiality, (Mice •linurs
a a, in: to 5 n m, Osiauars efonetATe. Tomos
$a Bremox
ed to Sam
UTZ, M. D..,
file eat hi rasidonae Exeter.
Palace phy.i!
0779'11 1R,MCZI-VMD
JOU2 1V$ltTE 4 SO4r
1Pubiistiers ar,ud Proprietors
gelding•3 years old, J. Skinner. `Delbridge, Wm. Hooper; Ram isanb.,
/luxe' Daemon, CANADraxr.•--•Brood Jas. Couper, Wm, Cooper, 20d and
Breakfast Bacon and Lard eked
mare, Chas. Monteith, Jahn Cham- 3rd; Pair ewee having rased lambs in
Petty's Choice H&Ills,, breis, Thos Worry; Foal, Wm. Hata- 1385, H. Snell, Jae. Cooper, Wm.
?'heat and: Rolled Oats, Oranges and Lemons
It ,.
AT '. - I-HYN'DM— J S
Tito only Thorls• y's FI, Jc C Poe& Only10c, per ib., or 88 per cwt,
eon, Thos May, D Cobbledick; Geld- Cooper; Pair shadings, Jae. Cooper,
ing or felly Sleet's old, D. Cobb1e4i4k, Wm. Couper; Pair ewe lambs. Wm.
John Chambers, B. SmiUe; Gelding Cooper, Jas, Cooper.
or filly 2 yew old, Thos. Codmare1; Aare OTtialt I3azan.-.• Pair ewes,
Wna. Cornish. John Delbridge; Geld- having raised lumbo in 1885, D. Har.
ing or filly 1 year old, Wm. Hooper, vey, Samuel Doupe; Pair ehearling
1 John McKay & Sona" Thos. Worry ; ewes, D. Harvey, tat and 2nd; Prlir
Exeter' U"to er Stop
rs caanxcrxCO ! Butcher & General Beale,
WOODSTOCIK,ONT,, _-rti tr•►~ 410104 or
The College has been «boron ltlyreorgeu.
, tI R ADLT Ii T I"i U N l Land plow) in the halide oo a «cess« elates
G stall at Teachers (including two who hive
Collage. lioraber Af bean Principals of similer anal succeleful
surgeons Out., ,tilt* Institutions). Course most thorough end
practical: k ear very moderato,
For toll lotorntetion address--
R.$.YNDMAN,--CQBf3N1 ItFOR N.�Y03��'E1tx01t,B.A Prtarcipal,
(� Woodstock collage.
..R.! tkeCouutyoi Huron. tUnoa, oppoette
tfr,I,Cs Unh'a atore.FsotOr -- - "
�T W. BROWNING M. D., 1l i. G' ,.
!� • P. i3,GrednetaYictoria rniveraits.041ce „ A V S
andiresidanee,rlon.pianit%boraterv, Exeter. ARM FOR SALE- IN STEPHEN, (r
Lat::e+',Io 4th Coticea.i0u, Igo acres.(
B. 3, A„ BOLL INS, 11i, Q. R. S Poxtaarticentr.app(} to 111
0, Oates, Main gt.Riaster.thnt. lies dee B. V. ELT -40T. e ° tl. occupied by P. AtoPblt p .t{ Sul(oitos, Vic.,C Jsocrv!egllUnee n Y _._ j 4ih Feh-. rAA::_ 1
Customerssupplied TUESDAYS, THURS.
DAYS Arin SATURDAYS at their residence
The nudorcignod will offer tor We or to 1
rent bk- Publte Auction, on Ott. Mot October .,�., e. _ 1 OICS
ate o clock v. re„ Lore s end 4, I4. it. 1;.,
st0phon, nar (n**.* dare. of laud
at.o so tit coins acrd heifers, 9, noires 4 and 4
Years eta it horses t and S years old„warranted Ras completed l►li static of Kinsman, Joint Crawford.
eouud. Tho land will be sold on time et a per Clocks
eat. itrequired, Watches, Clocks 14 Jewelery CARRIAGE Honsxe,—Brood mer
Agit; R ITl3. Proprietor.
Blake r.o. ,Ins. ;.1oir. A.Stewart 113x 'U.
320 .A.oros for Sale,
I;•7 sOrr•.FlERIIItI t';rIT0104.--„Tlae Garden r'"*v stork whether you purcnnae or not. lrenrs old, 7'iws. L+auKfetral, 1ynl. Me
or our Great fr'ortla-We$t. . 2
Emil« hat af ilactian 23, Township 8, Mange I1IltIEN8E BARGAINS FOB A ASH' "eon; Gelding or filly,years old,
A.. Stewart, Andrew idea°, S. limber.
▪ teary Surgeons, Grada,aWCollege,'Peron-
u ons
omd an aftlo s
Went o f all.
- els
Exeter. Cana
tante promtat'y
or Biome* Cattle,&c
fortis' trey
trona a die ...-
attended to:- aledioi.
*twills as hand:
Air orI0N E EItS,
EILB1R, Licensed Auo
tioiterr for Hay, Stephen, nail lanC,iiII
y vray;To ..Alai«,• t P o.t.oftlao.CreaitoIenOkluduattil at u aOutafa
T 'sneer for t
Tewnsh[pq of Stephen, Hex and ;raw- tis
and the Village of Exeter. All sales l
attendetl.mid satisfaction gnaranteea. solea
)arranged at ttaia nirlco.
tftl\1:71 T() r,U:1.N.
°AMMAN.la.----Cement for Brok-
Draught team, Chesney Bros., 1, i. ewe lambs, D. Harvey, Sash. Doupe;
Nethercott, Thole Bissett, er. Pair fat ewes, R. Davie.
AQ,RIeui. uu.L.- Brood mare, hew-' Floc—Lamm UR 11IFDIFSx -Aged
ieg raised colt in 1885, Thos.. May, bear John; Hordes Sone,. Jae. Snell;
Samuel Doule, Jno. McKay ti Sons ; Battr littered in 1885 John Hord &
Fan1,'Jioaea Simpson, Wm. Mc0loy, Sone, E. Itarpaxt; Aged sow and
Geo. Miller; Gelding or .illy 8 years pigs, littered in 1885, John Hord to
old, .tt. Monteith, Tho.. Bissett, sr., Sons, let and 2nd; Sow littered in
T. (trolley ; eleidins; or filly 2 1885,:John Hord & Sone, flan, West.
PAT/ old, Andereou Broe.,Thoe. Cud• uott,
more, The, $haptou; Gelding or SuernI,xs,_Aged boar, G. k'lawee,
filly 1 year erld, Jas; 'alurray, 1Y:tI, 1st and 2nd; Boar littered in 1886,
Hooper, Jewett Loadmsn; I grricu.ltur• Geo. I'lewes, R ehd. Delbridge ; Aged
aiI team, Wu . Cornish, Chesney Bros., sow and one or more pigs littered in
John Keefe. 1885, Thos. Haywood, Geo, remelt ;
Gxealter. PUReose.-Brood mere., Sow littered in 1885, Goo. Pleases,
having relied foot in 1885, Robert 1st and 2nd.
MoAllistar, Thomas May, Jae. Gould; }3auxestax.-Aged boar, Jae Fraser;
Foal, Piloid, hinter, Robert Brock, Aged sow and one or more of her page
Jaa. Mair ; Gelding or $try 8 year' littered in 1885,Wm. WA•tcott; Sow
old, Francis Coleman, Gavin Bros.;
Gelding or Filly 2 years old, D. G.
Smith, Ab. Geiger, 3i4t . Cooper ;
Gelding or fitly 1 year old, D. G.
Smith. Jas. Moir, D, G. Smith; Gear,
era« purpose team, Jaa. White, Win.
Pump, Geo Bon!ten.
Bxnus._Tbreb-seek top carriage,
Win Thompson ; Basket cutter, P
Braund ;`Sulky plow, W H Verity dC
Oon ; Straw cutter, W H Verity 6c
Gum asp Sztans.--Best ten bushels
fall wheat, Henry Lamport, he.
Snell, Leo. Hunter; Two bushels) frill
wheat, white, Wnl, Hanson, A.
Johnston, Henry Lamport; Two bush -
els red. fall 'wheat, Duncan Taylor.
D. MoQall; Two bushels Fife wheat,
or Lost Nation, Alex;, Ingram, Rohl.
lifoAliister, Wm. Hooper; Two boob -
els any other variety, Philip Ryck•
man, Jae. Troyer; Two bushels 6 row-
ed barley, D. Taylor, Jacob 1' oedder;
Two bushels large state, A. Joboston,
Win. Bell; Two buahala commOti
oats, A,. Johnston Alex, 1tfoEwen;
Two bushels bleak oats, A, Johnston,
T wo bushels largo pear, Bob,tMo-
Allister; Two bushels malt pose,
Itobt. McAllister, Jas Airth; ("no
ba her timothy seed, Alex. MoEwen,
A. Johnston; Halt buabet flax aesdr
A. Hooper; Barrel merchants Sour,.
Jas. Pickard, Hoskin Bros.; One
barbel beans, Philip Ryakmen, Alex.
D(Iol�, wen,
IIORTUCDrertnetr, P «cone e--API'x,U.
----Four verities winter applttt, five of
named, Wm. Ball, Ralph I£eddy
Four earities fall apples, five of each
nomad, John. Allison. Will. Bell; Best
oolteotion of apples, five: of each
variety, 17 varieties and no mors,
John Hannah, Jaw Diller; 5 Rhode
Island 0reepinge, Ralph Reddy, Jottil
Northcott; 5 Northern Spine, GQdflrey
l satuicer,
J. Airtb; 5. Sphzenbutga,
Tho.. Allio, Wm. Bell; 5 Baldwin',
Wm. Bell, Thos. Shute; 5 Westfield"s
Seek -no -further, Wm. Bell, Jobe
Atliean; 5 Snow apples, Theo. Atli°,
littered in 1835, 3. & G. Pea►b*le, 1.+t. Thos, Shute; 5 Oravenateiee, John
Sod and 8r(l, Hamlett; 5 Golverte, Ronal« Reddy;
Elora.- Suffolk boar and sow, Geo 5 ging of Tampkioe, Wm. 13a11; 6
Alexander!, Jrs. Airth, E, Joey;
5 Granada Red, G, W. Holman, Jas.
Hall; 5 Swear. Jae. Airth, Thos. Allis;
5 Iiibstou Pippins, John Ranuab,
t a eo
il l i s 9 L d. A
it elft � o
a Buff G n i
1? 1' Wagner, o'
, h A. A � a Thom. A ',
J. Wilson • Fair any other varlet i ar Alt 5 g , 1130,
S y i B. V. Elliott; 5 Sssayxie-Powlne Grit„
John Allison; 5 American Golden
Rtleeett, Thos. Etherington, John
Norihoott; 5 Golden Russett, Tho'.
k;theringtan, John Northcott; Plate
of winter Farueuse. Thea. ,Alin, Thos.
Pins, -5 Flemiab Beauty, Tilos.
Willie, Thos. Shute; 5 Duoheas
Angouiame, Thoe. Brook, John New.
combo; 5 Sheldon, Alex. 11IcEwau;
5 Louie Hoole) de Jersey, Thos. Apra,
in. Sweet.
Promo .—Plate of Lombard, Jas.
Gu. n e, &o.—Plate of Delaware,.
John Anderson, Thos. Parkiaeon;
Pirtle of Concord, Robt, Kellowiy,.
Dr. Lutz; Piste of Roger. No. 19, M.
Eaore►t; Plate of Regent No. 4, John
Anders n; Plato of Crabs, any var-
iety 'PIIoe. Allen, Chas. Christie;
Plato of late Crawford Peaches, A,.
Jobustan; Plato of any other variety,
3o4. Diller; Best collection Dawned
fruits, John Willis, Exeter, Wm.
Stsuea, Y. S.; Collection of honey,
JQA. Dinning; Honey in oomb, Joe.
Diller, S. Hogarth; Honey in jar,
Jos Diller, S. Hogarth; Collection of
home made wines, A. Johnston, Jas.
Y xntrAIILES.--HRIf bushel Early
F.oae Potatoes, Jae. Snell, D. McColl;
Half bushel Beauty of Hebron pots-
toes, Jas. Snell, John Newcombe;
Half bushel late Bose Potatoes, Jas.
Girth, Jas. Creech; Half bushel Snow-
fi.ke potatoea, Jas. Creech, Jas.
Snell; Half bushel any variety of po-
tatoee, A. Wolper, Jas. Snell; Fenr
heads winter oabbege, W. S. Baker;
Six blood beets, Will. Tolland, Jas.
Creech; Six long tnangolds, Rich.
Piokard, Jas. Pickard; Six globe man -
golds, John Pedlar, Jas. Creech; Six
Swede turnips, .Tis. Snell, Wm. Bag•
show; Sia early horn oarrots, t , Tory,
Wm. Follaud; Nantes carrots, Alf.
Allen, Jae. Down; Six white Belgian
carrots, Win. Balkwell, Jas. Snell;
'heti ears of sweet earn Alf. Allen; s.
PovL•raa.--•Pair Light Brehm e,
Jae, Dome, Fronk Beatty; Pair Lark
Brahman, A.. 3. Wilson, let and 2nd;
For the Fall Trade. Booth; Foal, A. $«atria, W. Dialtuire, Ooolhins, A. J. Wilson, 1V'rn. McLeod;
rybody invited to go in and inspect hie' O. U. Sprague; Gelding or filly, 9 Pair Langslaati4, A. J. Wilson; Pair
Plymouth Bnoke, '1�t ill. McLeod, Jno.
Hord Sr Seua; Pair Coloreal Dorkings,
Wm. mol.aaod, 1st ami !Anil ; Pair any
other variety Dat kings, Woe, Mc-
Leod. Friank 13.+atty; Pater .Black
13roaeted lied Gaines, Wm. Holteod,
Jthbsa Hord it; S'at►R; Pair any other
variety 1Vin, McLeod, Juo. Balkwili ;
Pair G. or S. Spangled Hamburg. S.
Kellaway, A. J4Witeon; Pair G, or S.
Pencilled [iarnburgri Pickard sit Spicer,
Samuel Kelltaway; Pair Blacx Ram
burg,(, A J Wilson, let and 2nd; Pair
Houdan:s, John Hord & Sons; Pair
W, C. Black 1,'olanda, A. 3. Wileoo ;
Pair Any °thee variety Polands, A J
Wilton, Jim. Beal; Pair 'White Lee -
horns \Vn Folland, A.3 Wilson; [«stir
grown Leghorns, Samuel Iielieway;
:1 J Wilson; Pair Black S,pauiab, F
Beatty, John Hord k :lane; Piiir
Wyaandottee, Pickard & Spicer; Pair
any (alter vtriety.forrla,Frauk Beatty,
John Hord & Sone; Pair nirkeys, Juo
Hord & Sons, 1st and 2n4; Pair geese,
Jno Elo'rd & SonA, Frank Beatty; Pair
what they Many are, there being n Pekin ducks, Win McLeod, Frank
.Babb, Mex. Foraytue; Bast .addle Beatty; Pair of Rouen Docks, Wm
very poor show of lathes'work, which, horse, L o:aaril Hunier, A. Scott, 1lcLalod, Frank Beatty; Pair Aylen•
perhaps, is atlributnble to the short Teras. Bisatett, jr.; Bea: lady ands bury dunks, Wm 1ioLeod; Pair any
Het of
o a naticeable falms ling Tfflhe} e wn as
gentleman rider and outfit, Mi -s Ilor• other variety ducks, Wm ',ticLe;ad, F
number of exhibitors in the root and ton, and R. McIntyre. Beatty; Pair B-intamq, Win McLeod,
DURHAM CATTLne--Cow must have Fra sig Beatty; Collection of Pitmans,
vegetnbie cissas, soil the quality of enticed since September 20th, 1884, Frank Beatty, Jas Page ; Collection
the products was not as good as one Thu.. Itueast!, 1st, 2nd and 3rd; Two singing birds, Wm Sweet, V 5; Sam.
would expect to ase. The show of year old heifet, Thos. Batmen, Leal. lielleway. •
Hunter, 2nd and 3rd; One year old Cum's.- Light .Brahman A J Wil -
heifer Thos. Roseau, let and 2nd; son; Dark Brahrnas, A J Wilson; Buff
Heifer calf, W. H. Gill, H. Snell 2nd Cochins, Wm 'McLeod. Airy other
and 3rd; Bull calf, John Nutley. W. variety Coollies, A J Wilson; Lang -
B. Gill, Appleton Elcoat; Herd con- shams. A J Wilsoo; Plymouth Rooks,
sienna of 4 females and a bull, Thos. Wm G Bissett; Colored Dorkiogs, W
Bussell. 11IcLeod; Any other variety, Frank
GRADE 0ATTLE.--Cow, having caly Beatty; Black breaated lied Game,
ed since last show, Jae..Pickard 1st, A J Wilson; G or & Spangled Ham -
2nd Iiobt. Ball; Tao year old heif,r, 'burgs, Piokard tit Spicer; G nr 8
Jas. Piokard. Wm. Hooper, Thos. Pencilled Hambnrgs, Piokard & Suio
Shapton; One year old heifer, Jae. er; Black Haambnroe, Wm iUoL•iod;
Pickard, John Essery, John Willi.; Houdans, Frank Beatty; Any variety
Heifer calf, John Alliso a, Ales. Ing.
ram, John Essery; Two year old steer,
John Willis, let, 2nd and 3rd:. One
year old steer, Jas. Piokard,, John
Willis, Jas. Piokard; Fat steer, John
Willis, 1st, 2nd and 3rd; Fiat cow,
Thos. Russell, Jas. Bissett, Thos.
Ballantyne; Fat heifer, Thos. Ballan.-
lyne, 1st and 2nd, R. Davis; Herd of 5
shipping steers, John Willis, 1st and
SPECIAL. PRIZES.—A_ plated cruet by
Barnwell & Pickard, Exeter„ for beet
Durham animal any age, Thos. Rus-
sell; One hundred pounds of Empire
Horse and Cattle Foote, by the Em-
pire Horne and Cattle Food, Com
t r-eta''C its; 411.1 on tl.e line of the Manitoba'
and Houthwesteru lay. ithe Ge',a• being; now nail. IU Geld Sliver SYaateltes,l tngton; t,ieidit►g or filly, 1 year old,
ra dinar «:ousting for, right of way through thisb ]E?la,tedtivare Jca�►*elerF, he J. Wilenn, Alex. Ingram; Pair ear.
section.) Triose desirous of securing a realty }
he Area.claas Homestead in an exceptionally good orialto 110' Res, 15} hand. high or over.
. +` GILL, Anota a, o conveuient to market, school, A largo variety to choose front. anti grttronblc ,
AIi. neighborhood, a,John Iiawkshaty; Single Oariittge
cliurobta,,tec., ,v0utd do WWI tc, at+plv without to show you ot►r stock.
tielay. litleperteet, nein a Patent neer( trout t Horse, 14 hands high or over, Tlinse
thth(rrown,ant without ,I�Irt3flTl11F, ALL ARE WELCOME.
Il3ieaott, jr., Wm. Babb, D. Mngu'ire.'
«loner; Arttaheli, Ont.
1 r Stnnd ollpoaito Sao. Piekertl's, .(fain- • ROADSTERS --Brood ware, H II
street, Exeter. tan, John Glenn, John 1IoVevin;
Gelding or.t filly, 8 years old, A. 0.
'raiment, A.. Stewart, Fred. Godbolt;
THS S. HURON PALL SHOW. Geidiug or filly, 2 years old, A. Stew-
- — ar.. A. Soetb, 2nd And 3rd; Gelding
Over 6,000 People tit Town. or hely, 1 year old, Rom. Bmok, Jtll),
McKay, & sons. Leouard Minter;
Team of roadsters, Tilos. 131s-ett, sr.,
Leonard Flouter, Jar). Avery; Single
roadster Thos. Bissett, tar;. Henry
Easory. Henry Dumart; Fool, Henry
Horton, Robt. Newel, Robt. Brock.
8P1;CxaL PRIZES. ---Best team, speed
and style considered, Thos, Blaaett,er..
Leonard Hunter, J. Avery; Besh
single buggy horse, speed and ~tyle
oensidered, Thos. Bissett, jr., Win.
1..s 'tato tor tbeIturcn : Fait roan•+' Say.
ingpsyael0ty. bow rates ofintere.i. Appiyto
•Tolan �paakrunn,T3iccter.
IV, t! ONES: TO 1.40:.N Al 0 AND 6
x po1•eeuteterrA1nA toternas. Private
FualR• f Apply ti4,.1:LLIOT.
Augustly, 89 Solicitor, 1 xetei,
T J. CLARK, Agent for the Us-
•bariteaalal(ribbert Mutual FiretUaur
Us -
ants Company, l esitlence-3rd Con., Osborne
Orders bvraailt(Exeter P. t7., prohuptiy at -
tondo to ,
OrrxcR I:t 1?A::9O:i's nLOCH,
Also agent for theLoudon rw. t11e tnlura ncaei00
Company ital af5C a
—Capita's :+,,00,on0.0o' 'Eland ofllce Waterloo;
Ont. 0100.040; feaidaOillen e,Montreal Insurance
: StCoy-an,i-
ital Ins
ard LiteLale Insurance Co., head Office, London.
England ; Guarantee Si Accident Co, Head
Office, Toronto.
R ,t en articles. Sold everywhere.
Holo Mtakere.--} .- Y 11R0$.. Stockport
England. --
SEED, 1), Aniseed., i orients, Squill Toln, &c
with Chlarodvn0.
' rAY'S CO11XPOUND, a demulcent
!! oxueotarant for Coughs and Colds.
- AY'S COMPOUND, for Coualts
-L and Cohrs, is equally servioabLO' for
Horses awl cattle,
FAY'S TI0 PILLS, a epecifio
Neuralgia). Paco -echo tn.
.1 r 'litho Court ofCommon Pleas -Deeds,
Wills, Mortgages, Leasos,antl all forms of ag-
reements drawn and execufed acoorling to
M0.rrsv TO LOA:Y D i0IEAL nazimi;. Parties
wishing to borrow money on account of re-
oentpucsltasea oflanci,or to pay off existing
mortgages will find a groat saving uv giving
1210 a call, Can tend money at and 63 per.
cent. accordfngtoterms. N J.CLARTi.
The annual fall show of the South
Huron Agri .ultnral Society in anion
with the Stepphen & Usberne l3ranall
Society, was held on Monday and
Tuesday last. The weather during
both days was delightful. It was
what might bo called "fair" weather.
The number of entries exceeded those
of former years. The exhibits in the
inside department were inferior to
fruit, grain and several other articles
MUTUAL ' ii IP, wa3 very fair. Bissau Bros. exhibit-
ed INSIIILANGF.GO. ed a lith of Tina etove9 and tinware,
as also did James Pickard. Weekes
Established initscs. ii
HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. Bros had a very creditable display of
SAY ALL THE LADIES WHO SEE marble work consisting of an elegant
This coral any has been over Eighteen and highly polished mantle piece,
years in successful operation in Western On- Z,.s.6. J, �DE�RIN'c'S to Mr. Geo. SRm piece,
to insure
ercgand se,Mun
aanlas° by riro,ztnilaerdo stone, &a, In furniture John Brawn
nfaatsties,andall atherdeaoriptianRaftinanr LANGTRY AND PARISIAN BAAS.
able property. Intending insurers have the Without a doubt they are the most beaaming +
option of insuring on the Premium Note or and Wm Drew bout made a good
Cash System .st leseverintrodunod. Ladies,lor something. display. Wm. Howard ilad a large
During the Past ton years this Company in ver fine style, such as the Langtry an
has issued 57,096 Policies, coveringniproperty
Puffs, Parisian Bangs, Saratoga Waves, Switches, and tarred exhibit of plaster Paris
to the amount of $40,872,083; pCutis, or Wigs, call onIke,J,Dearing, 05 a0itlptnre, Spade«viii not permit 1.8
es alone:700,732,00CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, EXETER. to make further comment on the con.
Assets, 14170,100.00, consisting of Cash
n dank, Governmentoepasit,Lin d the unman- Where he will, supply all your wants in the tents'of the "palace." In stock the
eased WJt.emiiimD. Prenhandandinforco. J• Flair Line,
W WALvrvrs 0. HUosideinsp 0101. TCHAS, - —_ .._. - -------- quantity and quaitty were fully np to,
Saar°tars. CENTRAL RAL '
SNELL,egontfor T:keterandvicinity. J r if not ahead of former years. Every
class was full, and the junges had e
IArPORT.ANTNOTICES . difficult task in many instances to
select "ticket" animals all were iso
meritorious. The cattle show was
h1-cinii1 Ra1 way
The 13ireet V'oate from the West for all
points in &iv Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton
and Newfoundland.
All tho ponular sea bathing, fishing and
pleasure r esorts 01 Canada are along this line
Pullman oars leaving Montreal o i Mon-
day, Wednesday, and Friday run through to
Halifax, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur-
day to St. John, N. B., without change.
Close connections made at Point o Levis with.
the Grand Trunk Railway and the Richelieu
and Ontario Navigation Company's Steamers
from Montreal, and at Levis with the North
Shorn it ailway,
Elegant first-classPullman, Buffet and
Smoking Cars nn all through trains.
First-cla so ItefreshmentRooms at conveni-
ent distances.
'will find it advantageous to use this route as
itis the quickest in point of time, and tho rates
are as low as by any other.
Through freight is forwarded by fast special
trains and experience has proved the Inter -
colonial route to be the quickest for liuropean
freight to and from all points in Canada and
the Western States,
Tickets may bo obtained and also informa-
tion about the route and about freitiht and
passenger rates from
Western Freight&Passenger Agent
03 Rossin House Bleak, York St, Toronto.
• Chief Superintendent,
B'ailway Office, Moncton, iN. B:,May 14,'85•ly:
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye -stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
the Central Drug Store Exeter
0. LlUTZ.
creditable, those bred and owned by
Thomas Russell, Riverside Farm,
being particularly worthy of special
mention. The herd is the finest we
have seen. In sheep and pigs the
classes were replete. J. & G. Pen•
hale carried off a number of prizes in
these classes.
The band competition was between
the Exeter and Crediton bands. The pany, Mitchell, for best Short Horned
former was awarded let prize and . Animal, fed on Empire Norse and
Crediton second. Both bands played Cattle Food, Thos. Russel; Jersey
very nicely. The playing of the Excl. cow, Geo. 13an1well; Jersey oalf, Geo.
ter Mouth Organ Band, considering Sarnwell.
this was their debut, was very good. LL well.
SHEEP --Asad ram, Wm.
There were only three entries ip Somers, H. Snell, J. & G. Penhale;
the bicycle race. The names of the Sboarling ram, J. & G. Peuhale; Ram
wheelers may be found at the con- lamb, Wm. Somers, let and 2nd, S.
elusion of the prize list. Harvey; 2 ewe's, having raised lambs
The gate receipts amounted- to in 1885, Wm. 'Somers, H. Snell, 3. 84
$870.15, against $700 last year. On G. e'en Tale; Pair of shearlings, Wm.
the whole the exhibition was a finan- Somers, tat and 2nd, EI. Snell; Pair
Dial sno009R. Following is the ewe iambs, Wm, isomers,
PRIZE LIST : Penhale.
Polande, A J Wilson; ‘yhibe Leghorns, Twelve ears Indian corn, W. S.
Wm Tolland; Brotvs Leghnrtls, F Baker, Wm. Balkwell; Three water
Beatty; Black Spanish, Frank Bsat melons, A. Johnston; Three musk
ty, Pickard & Spicer; Any variety melons, Jas. Loadiman, Chas. Christie;
Four heads cauliflowers, W. S. Baker;
Peck of red onions, Wm. Balkwill,
Wm. Folland; Peck of white or yel-
low ooione, Wm. Balkwill, E. Jory.
peck of tomatoes, A. Allen, W. S.
Baker; Six bunches of celery, Alf;
Allen, Wm. Felland. Three nitrons'
A. Johnston, Henry Horsey; Six
parsnips, Win. Tolland, Jas. Creech;
Best collection, of vegetables, A.
Extras. -English seediin potatoes
FVm Sanders;. Squash, Win Parsons;
turkeys, John Hord & 5in••; Any
variety geese, John Hord & Sous;
Pekin ducks, Jana. Loa leo Le; Rouen
docks. John Hord & Sons; Any other
variety, Wm ZsleLeod; Pair any vari-
ety Bantam+. Frank Beatty.
Extras.—Black Saves, aau,l Black
Java chicks, Piokard & Spicer.
ISOPLRMENTS.—Patent axle wagon,
Fred. Hess, Geo Stacey, D. Braund ;
Double top carriage, Fred. Hess, D
Braund, B J Roadhouse ; Top buggy, g potatoes,
Fred Hess, B J Roadhouse, D Braund
Open beagy, Jos Smith, Frral Hess, Mannon, Mrs Moore; Squash, Wm
D Braund ; Double pleasure sleigh, Hooper; Pumpkin, R�bt Kelleway,
D Brannd, Fred Heas ; Single piano DAIRY PRODUCE. -•5 lbs. batter, suffi-
box critter, Juo l)is;nan, Jet, Down 21 oiently salted, Win. Bell. Wm. San -
and 31 ; Portland cutter, Jno .'Dignan tiers, Alf. lIo'xaggart ; 5 lbs. butter,
1st and 2d, Jos Smith ; Heavy bob without salt, Win. Sander,, S. Ho -
sleighs, Jas Down, D Braund ; Light
Barth, Wut. Hooper; Creamery but -
bob -sleighs, D Braund ; Iron beam ter, John Hannah, 50 Ibs, salt butter
plow, W H Verity & Son lot and 2d ; in titb, private. E. Williams, Janes
Wooden plow, W H Verity & Son ; Cooper, Wm. Chapman ; 50 lbs. foo-
Horse ah es, I Handford 1st and 2d; tery mode cheese, Win. Bagshaw; 15
Fanning Mill, McMurahie & Co Self lbs. private 'rade cheese, Leonard
binder, Patterson Bros, McPherson & Hunter, Wm. Bagshaw, Juo. Burdge,.
J. & 0. Lindsey ; Single mower, No%o1. Bros; Extras,—Pork ham, A Hooper;
Gang plow, W 11 Verity &' Son ; Icon Home-made. soap, Miss' M Jamieson,
HEAVY DBAUGRT HORSE,.—•good SouTnn0wNs.-'—In this "lass G. E.
harrows, 1 Handford, A. Mt1l11eron ; MANUFACTURE9.�-10 yards all wool
mare, Thos. '(Jolrl uhoun, fat and 2nd, Cresswell took all the prizes, whioll Roller, W H Verity & Son Horse Runnel, A. ;7ohnstnu, 1st and 254 f
Francis Coleman; Foal, J. Skinner, were for the same as in the Leicesterhay rake, J O'Wismer & Son, G A , Pair all -wool blankets, A. Johnston.
Emilie & Sturgeon; Filly or Gelding andShropshire Down classes. Mason ; Turnip cutter, W II Verity D `Taylor ; 10 yards satineit, A.
1.year old, Francis Coleman, 3, Skin- Snnoesninn Downs.--- Aged ram. & Son; Horse hoe, W H Verity & `non; Johnetos, fat and 2o4; Woolen yarn,
ner ; Filly 8r gelding 2 years' old, J. S. Doupe, Jas. Cooper, Alex. McEw• Horse fork and tackle, Toxon Bros ; P. Ryolcmau, R. Kilpatrick 14 yd i,
gd, Soot & Co •• ED ea nag 4,
Skinner, Francis Coleman- Fill or en; Shearlin ram, H. Snell, Richd. Seed drill, Coultber oozlTtxv